Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, April 26, 1888, Image 8

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itLdiiSDAY, APU1L 20, ISSS.
Get the Most for
-"We liavc purchased our-
During the two 7nontli3 stay of our Mr. Charlie Mayer in N. Y.,
and buying tor our Plattsmouth, Lincoln and Iloldrcge, stoics we
have the precedence over comj)editor.s for the following reasons:
Wc buy irom N. 1. manufacturers direct; we buy our Underwear,
Hosiery, etc., direct from the Mills; we pay cash and ask no favors;
our good were shipped on cut rates at ono fourth the usual cost,
,hepe are the reasons why we
Undersell Our Gompeditors
because we own our goods lor less money than they do. Should you
Mant anything in a first class
for yourself and children, or a
or anything apptrtaing to
Call on us, we give you what you pay lor
No Misrepresentations.
S &c G. IMI.A-Z"
r .
lUf EI
Extend a cordial invitation to all to come and look through their
For the spring and summer trade. We t ike pride in showing a handsome line of
Dress Good hife Goods,
Hamburg and Swiss Embroideries,
Buttons, Dress Trimming, Shawls Jerseys
Arc you aware that wc carry a complete line of
We carry as large a stock as i.i carried in the city to which we
It will pay you to look through our line of
Glass and Queensware,
Dinner and Chamber Sots.
We have a large and well selected stock of
Plain - and - Decorated - "Ware,
Of the best French and English makes.
Your ioney.
Publishers & Proprietors.
From Tuesday' Dally.
Peter Merges is in Omaha today.
Rob. Bachler has returned from Canada
E. B. Lewis'was a passenger to Omaha,
thin ruortiog.
Joseph Arnold, of Ashland, is attend
ing court today.
Jerry Farthing was a passenger to Oma
ha this morning.
J. II. "Watermati and J. II. Young went
to Lincoln today.
Miss Wiggenhorn, of Ashland, is the
guest of Miss Tilla Lenhoff, of this city.
Under the law, real estate taxes will
be delinquent May 1. Personal property
taxes have been delinquent since Feb. 1.
The friends of Dr. John Mack will
be pleased to learn that he has so far re
covered from his sickness, that he is able
to sit up.
One of the popular young clerks who
works for a clothing house has been vis
iting South Park lately. Wonder what's
the matter '.
Judge Appicgate, of Tecuinseh, arriyed
this morning and is holding court in
place of Judge Chapman, who went to
Tecuinseh to officiate in his place.
Two prominent Omaha capitalists,
Dr. E. M. Parks and M. J. Knnard arc
in the city today looking over our real
estate bargains. The IIkhali) hopes
their good judgment may prompt them
to make some investments before they
By request of several of our citizens
who are residents of Chicago avenue, we
will just state that a certain young gen
tleman who frequently wends hi way in
that direction will be asked either to
"pull down the blinds" or buy another
whole box of cigars, if the people should
be compelled to sse what they did once
Misses Maude and Mammie McCoy
gave quite a large party last evening in
honor of their friend, Miss Blanche
Feight, of Omaha, who is at present
their gu:st. About twenty-five of their
young friends were present and a very
enjoyable eyening was spent in the usual
amusements. The lawn presented a very
handsome appearance, being well lighted
by Chinese lanterns.
The Ladies' Aid Society of the M.
E. church give a concert and bazaar next
Tuesday afternoon and evening in the
M. E. church. The ladies are endeavor
ing to make this May festival a success,
both financially and otherwise, and we
trust they will not be unsuccessful in
their undertaking. Refreshments will
also be served in the evening. Further
particulars will be given later.
Dr. Siggins has purchased the fine
property on the corner of Granite and
Sixth streets, of Herman Ilerold and is
making improvements on his new pro
perty. The work on this house is said
to be the very finest, especially on the
wood-work inside, and as the location is
an admirable one, the doctor was very
fortunate to secure the place. We noticed
lie recognized Arbor day, as a few small
trees adorn his lot since yesterday.
"Job" Stevens, a man who has no
particular occupation, imbibed a little
too much "fire-water" this afternoon, and
became furiated He found a man nam
ed "Scotty." at McVey's saloon, who, it
seems, was not a particular friend of his,
and began insulting him, and was about
to law violent hands upon him, when
"Scotty," in order to defend himself,
struck the man. Stevens was arrested
and locked up. The two men appear
for trial at 4 o'clock this afternoon.
-April 24th the C. B. & Q. will run
another of their popular land excursions
at one fare for round trip to all points in
the west, northwest, south and southwest.
Parties in search of cheap lv mes will
find this an excellent opportunity. Emi
gration to the southwest has been unsur
passed in the history of the country for
the past two mouths and if you want to
go you will never find a more favorable
time than the present. Abingdon, Hi.,
Argus. This excursion train will arrive
in this city tomorrow, and will take pass
engers all along the line. A large crowd
is expected as they carry passengers from
all eastern C. B. & Q. points.
Last evening witnessed a very mjoy
able event in which quite a number of
the young people of this ci'y were par
ticipants. The event was that of a party
given in honor of Miss Engalls, of
Hastings, who is the guest of the Misses
Weckbach. The usual amusements were
indulged in, after which refreshments in
abundance were served until all were
sure their satisfaction was complete.
The Misses Weckbach deserve great
credit for the manner in which
they furnished 60 much enjoyment
to their guests, and the event will eyer
be remembered as a delightful one.
Those present were Misses Engalls, Wig-gi.-nhorn,
Ashland; Tilla Lenhoff, Maggie
Campbell, Maggie 0Rourk, May Lath-
rop, Myrtle Lathrop, Julia Oliver, Laura
HJiinackle, Kate- Hemplc, Kato and Amel
ia Vallery; and Messrs. Fred Lenhoff,
Peter Keeler, Chas. Eades, A. B. Knotts,
Dave McEntee, George Lenhoff, W. A.
Derrick and Will Streight.
The Perkins House is undergoing a
thorough renovation, and Mr. Kiddle,
the congenial proprietor, is sparing no
time and expense to make this house one
of the foremost in this part of the State.
A good hotel is an accommodation that
is something this city is 6adly in need of,
and Mr. Kiddle will do our city proud if
he fulfills his plans, and we feel quite
confident he will. A good deal of com
plaint has been made iu this city by the
traveling public, for want of proper ac
commodation, but if this gentleman will
only do as we feel quite certain he will,
it would throw out inducements t" out
siders who steer clear of this city today
just on that account. Such an enterprise
would certainly be bighty beneficial to
all, especially tlie proprietor, who would
reap a lich harvest if ho will only work
his card right. A city the si." of Pl-ifts-mouth,
an 1 with as much business, would
never let a good, energetic business man
leave to go to other fields for want of
patronage, if the man will only do what
is right.
l'rom Wednesday's Daily.
J. K. Cox and wife were in Omaha to
il ay.
Rev. II. B. Hurges went to Omaha to
day. A. N. Sullivan was a passenger to
Omaha this morning.
Mis Kuth Beetorson, of Ashland, is
visiting her siitur Mrs. Chas. Ilempel.
Mrs. Chas. Martin and Mrs. C. kaheppard
were passengers to the metropolis today.
George Mann left this morning for
Fremont, Neb., to take a position in a
job office.
J. B. Strode, who has been attending
court here returned to his horne in Liu
col n this morning.
Big sunflowers, little sunflowers and
middle sized sunflowers will bloom at the
Opera house Friday evening.
Regular meeting of the W. C. T. U.
Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock, at the
home of Mrs. S. A. Darin on Pearl street.
Judge Russell issued a marriage, li
cense today to Mr Andrew Campbell and
Miss Lewellen Wood, both of Rock
The sunflowers that bloom in the
spring tra la, has something to do with
tho cae. Sec these flowers at the opera
House Friday eyeniug April 27.
Governor Thayer and wife left yester
day afternoon on the 4:20 train for the
east where they intend to visit for some
time. The Governor will remain in
Chicago while his wife goes on to Boston.
A good deal of fun is being had to
day among the lawyers, at the expense
of one of their number, who it is claimed,
fainted this morning when Maud Emery
plead guilty to keeping a house of ill-
The two men who were disturbing
the peace yesterday in front of McVey's
saloon were brought up in the police
court at four o'clock. Stevens was fined
$5. and costs, amounting to $15 in all,
aad the other man discharged.
Mat Gering, C. W. Sherman, F. E
White, J. L. Manor, J. M. Patterson, M.
W. Morgan, Con O'Connor, Johnny
Blake and P. E. Ruffner, went to Louis
ville in a wagon this morning to attend
a democratic convention held there to
The ladies of the Presbyterian church
are preparing to give a Sunflower carni
val at the opera house Friday evening,
April z i. Among other attractions a
a tine musical programme is being pre
pared. Every body is cordially invited
to be present. Admission free.
Mat. Gering returned last evening from
a pleasure trip cast. The trip undoubt
edly was beneficial, as Sir. Gering ape
pears quite refreshed after a rest from
the worry of every day professional life
He took another trip west this morning
We suppose it was for his Shealth also.
The ba1! given by the switchmen
last night in Fitzgerald's hall was a suc
cess. The hall was filled with merry
waltzers, and the dancing continued till
the femall hours this morning. About
12 o'clock they all took supper at II. P.
Whiider's restaurant, which was gotten
up and served in a way that speaks well
bath for Mr. Whisler and the switchman.
The cass of Maud Emery was
brought up before the district court this
morniDg. This case proved to be more
brief than a large number had expected
to hear. She plead guilty and no further
examination was made in the case except
ing that the judge required the prosccu
tiug attorney to bring up a number of
witnesses in order to prove how much
nuisance and annoyance her house had
afforded the community, in order that
he might properly ascess her fine.
The case which held the court all
day yesterday was that of the Gale Sul-key-llarrow
Co. vs. E. G. McLaughlin.
It appears that an agent for the company
had - misrepresented some agricultural
implements to this man McLaughlin, who
is a farmer living near Greenwood, and
bad talked him into signing a note. Me-
Laughlin had several witnesses who ha 1
heard this agent say that if the machine
did not prove as satisfactory as it had for
the few minutes' test ha had given it to
illustrate it good qualities, be would
not be obliged to keep it. However, af
ter McLaughlin had taken the machine
and had worked it only a short time, he
found that he had been badly sold on the
article, which he refused to pay for when
the note became due. The company then
brought it into court, and after tho wit
nesses had been examined the jury only
went out for a short time, when they
brought in a verdict in faror of defen
dant. Tommie Beverage, a boy about
twelve years of age, had his right leg
serioukly fractured immediately above
the knee yesterday afternoon about 3:150
o'clock. Bert Holmes drove a lig up to
Captain Palmer's residence to take Gov
ernor Thayer and wife to the depot to
meet the ' flyer," going tlirough here at
4:20. A he was about an hour too soon
the Governor and wife did not return, so
a large number of school children, as is
the case nearly every d:iy, when any ve
hicle chances to pas at the time school
is dismissed, jumped on the bujgy anil
commenced making so much noise that
the boy's cries could not be heard, lie
had caught his leg in the wheel, and was
thrown around as the wheel turned for
neatly half a block. When the- hors-s
were stopped it was discovered that the
boy's leg was broken above the knee, ami
just below it was badly cut. This should
certainly be a warning to those children
who are incessantly jumping on and off
of vehicles as they move along the street.
The iujured boy was carried to Dr. Liv
ingston's office, where his limb was set
and the other injuries attended to as soon
as possible.
E'ght rVtilo Crove.
We are badly in need of rain as the
ground is very dry.
Mr. aud Mrs. Tewalt Vallery have
auother daughter, over a week old.
William Mart is the happy father of a
charming little girl only a few days old.
George Hull has given up farming and
gone to Pla tsniouth to try railroading.
Dee Shrader gave the youth and beauty
a dance at his residenco on Saturday
Our school begun last Tuesday a week
ago. Miss Gapen has charge of it for tho
summer term.
George Draper, of Ashland, wss visit
ing the family of his uncle, D. 3. Draper,
a few days ago.
Miss Lee Perry begun a summer term
of school in the Cottonwood school house
on the ninth iust.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. W. Jenkins have a
big daughter, which took up her abode
at their home on the eighth inst.
Edward McCornb moved oh Charles
Matecr's farm last Monday. It was just
recently vacated by Haryey Carper.
We have got our small grain sowed,
early potatoes planted, early garden made,
and making ready for planting corn.
Miss Fanny Price returned from Winter-
set, Iowa, and is teaching the summer
term of a school in a district near Center
Dr. S. Miller, we are glad to state, is
to be out again. He is very feeble yet,
but time and pleasant weather will
strengthen him.
Charles Jeffcrs and family have gone
to Lincoln county, where Mr. Jeffers in
tends breaking up two hundred acres of
prairie land tins season.
Will Lewis, a rustling young fanner,
formerly of Scioto county, Ohio, and Miss
Bertie Troop, of this place, were married
at Plattsmouth st Thursda'.
Our people are well pleased to learn
that after the first of May, we will have
daily mail, as it is much more pleasant
and convenient in many respects.
Colonel Jenkins sold his young mule
team laet Monday for three hundred and
fifty dollars. They are "Daises" and Mr.
Jenson can well bosst of owning the best
mule team in all this part of the county.
Oxk of Many.
Loulsvi le.
Miss Chevront is again tble to ac-sume
her place in school.
R. P. Loucks caught a f.tb last night,
(Tuesday) which weighed 15 pounds.
John 0i?nkop is repairing his dwell
ing and building an addition thereon.
Dr. G. W. Meredith pissed through
town Monday enroute for Hiawatha, Kan.
Dr. Hasemier is having his residence
greatly improved bath externally and in
ternally. It is reported that Dr. Robinsion, of
this place, is to become a partner of Dr.
Meredith, ofAshland.
Supt. Spink. Prof. Sutton ond O. Guth
raann, were visitors to Plattsmouth last
Saturday from this place.
Measel are still raging. Mrs. J. A.
Sutton and tbe Vanscoyoe family are the
worst off at the present writing.
Our school board is considering the
cost of furnaces for heating the school
houses. Prospects for their use here next
year are good.
Took the Bounty.
From Monday' Daily,
Mr. R. Kirkpatrick and Mr. James Pitt
man, of Mt. Pleasant, brought in fourteen
wolves today, six dead and eight alive
for which they received three dollars a
scalp. A few more such braves as that
would help rid the county of this nuis
ance. It seems the coyote is getting more
out of the clerk's office this year than the
democratic wolf, gaant and hungry.
- .4 ' - "
Jc-irtcll Chambers
La?faiClt ci'uucil met in adjourned
meeting, nnd transacted tho following
A communication from E. E. Hilton
was read, asking for tbo position, of city
engineer, but as he is not a citizen of
Plattsmouth or Cass county, Le could
not be elected under the law.
1 he clerk was then ordered to issue a
license to each of tho following men for
tho purpose of keeping a saloon: Win.
Weber, J. J. McVey, John Blake, Gieve
A; tfpecky, Fred Goos and W. F. Kreklow,
aud a permit was granted to Will J.
Warrick to sell spirituous liquors for me
chanical, sacrimental and medical pur-
po ts.
The following bills were then allowed:
John O'Neill, speciul police.... 14 00
T. Fry, " " 11 00
J. F. Cain, " 10 00
E. C.Thrickheld " " 11 00
II. W. Sage " 44
S. Buyell " "
C. A. Wri-ht " 44
M. II. Packard 44 4 4
Jocob Kcppd "
Frank Williamson, killing dogs
W. II. Jlslick killing dogs
A. L. Strong fc Co., two drinking
'. 81 f,6
Byran Clark, salary 02 50
Gibson, Miller & Richardson,
printing 10
Knotts Bros., printing 0 00
Kkhev Bros., lumber
O. II. Smith, salary
M. B. Murphy & Co., freight
J. Miller, labor
80 85
59 1(5
1 C5
4 50
M. W. Morgan, labor 23 00
G. II. Poisall, labor 00
Geo. Huuijhy, labor 11 5
A. Johnson, labor 0 25
J. M. Wise, signal flags 0 515
Gas Co., Gas for March 100 00
The watering fountains were then lo
cated, one' to be at the northeast corner
of Pearl and Sixth streets, and the other
one on the east sida of Thirdt Between
Pearl and Main streets.
A number of lots in the cemetery were
given to the G. A. R. Post ef this city,
to be used for burial purposes by that
Post, and the mayor and clerk were or
dered to give a deed for the same.
On motion of Mr. Murphy the clerk
was authorized to receive bids for the
sewer bonds up to the 15th of May, pro
vided no bids be received for less thr.a
100 cents on the dollar.
A committee was appointed to select a
place for and to build a pound, so as to
be able to enforce the ordinance in re
gard to live stock running at large.
The Mayor then appointed W. II. New
ell member of Board of Public Works,
to fill vacancy, and John Simpson mem
ber of Board of Health.
M. D. Polk then addressed the council
on behalf of the Board of Trade, asking
the city to submit to a proposition to tto
citizens of Plattsmouth, to vote $10,000
for the pontoon bridge, to be paid year
ly, $2,000 eah year. After considera
ble discussion pro and con it was referred
to the Judiciary committee, to report at
the next regular meeting. Council then
--Any one sending us thirty subscrib
ers to the Weekly Herald, wo will give
them an Elgin silver watch.
Now is your chance if you wish a
good watch send us thirty subscribers to
the Herald.
Th3 venerable CILIA FLINT, Life
Senator cf the Dominion Parliament,
Canada, suffered for a long time with
neuralgic faceache, caused by a defec
tive tooth, nnd writes over his auto
graph herewith as follows:
"I found St. Jacobs Oil to
act like a
Sold1y Druggists and Dealers Fveryyclitre.
' .53 W
Dr. E. C. West's Nerve and Urain Treatment
a guarantee specific tor IJvsterin Dizziness.
CouvulKions. Kits. Nervous Neuralgia. Head
ache. Nerveous Prostration cauxed hv the ue
f of alcohol or tobacco. Wakefulness. Mental De
j predion. Softer, ii.r of the Urain resulting in in
j sacity am! leading t misery, decay and 'ieath,
rremature old Ate, Harrennes, Loss of 1'ow
: er in either sri. InvoliiLtary I.ces and fper
i mat rrhrea caused ly over-exertion of the
j brain, eelfabusc or over-lridriltfeiice Fach box
contains one rnontn treatment, SI 00 a bcx
or six boxes for 85.00, sent by mail prepaid on
receipt of price
To cure any cace. With each order received
by us for six boxe, accompanied with fo.OO,
we will send the purchaser tur written guaran
tee to return the money If tbe treatment does
not effect a cure. Guarantees Issued only by
W ill J. Warrick sole agent, Plattsmouth, cU,
- y