Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, April 12, 1888, Image 7

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i '
I'Opf.v .
The Burlington strlkeres Ask th
Issue bo 8ttlod by Arbi
tration. Superintendent IStone Telle What
, He Cannot Consent What
He OfTerss to Do.
Chicago, 111.. April C General Man
ager Jeffreys, of tbe Illinois Cutrul road,
ia coropauy with Messrs. Burden', Mana
han, Hoge and Murphy, called at tho
Chicago, Burlington & Qincy flices today
Sargent acted us fcpokcsinau iu behalf of
the lata angineera and fireman of the "Q"
road, and urged that the whole mutter
ba left to arbitration. Tha railroad com
pany official said that such a proposition
waa inadmissable at the present time, and
the situation. of the new rnwn and the
terms on which they were engaged were
fully explained. General Manager Stone
urged Sargent t hare the strike called
off, promising to consider applications
from the eld men and give as many of
them as he could situations.
Grand Master Sargent, after the confer
ence concluded, left for hie home at Terre
Haute, leaving the local 6'ituation in the
bands ef Chairman Hoge, of the Burling
ton grievance committee. The latttr
aid tonight tne conference left the situa
tion practically unchanged. They could
not consent to having their . men taken
back in batches. lie denied that there
was any thing in the rumor prevalent to
night to the effect that the strike had
been called off.
The Texas Border Unprotected.
El Paso, Tex., April C Twenty-three
employs of the El Paso Custura House,
mostly mounted inspectors guarding the
Rio Grande border and international
boundary line between El Paso and
Yuma, Ariz., have been discharged on
account of the failure of Congress to
pass the necessary appropriation bills.
This leaves nearly a thousand miles of
frontier line practu;ally unprotected
gainst smugglers, and the Mexican
contrabandits who infest the line, not
only along the northern border of Chi
bauhau but also along the Sonora line,
are said to be perfectly aware of the fart
that no appropriation will be available
before the Irst of July, and that until
then they will have full swing. South
west of Nogalea, particularly, there are n
few hot-beds of smuggling;, which are
reported as full of activity at present.
They want to make hay while the sun
shines. The custom fHcials of tha dis
trict are aware of these facts, but in the
present crippled condition of the force
are unable to to do anything.
A Bloody Fracas at ICHrush, In
Which Many Are Injured.
Kilkttsu, April 9. Saturday night
soma policemen who were trying to pre
vent the erection of a platform for a
meeting announced to be held today
were pelted with stones by a mob and
were compelled to charge. Moy civil
ians were badly injured. About 6.000
persons belonging to various league
branches of KilruUi assembled at 2:30 p.
in. to-day. The police, led by Magis
trates Welch and Irwin, charged the
crowd, injuring maay. A number of tri
umphal arches were torn down. Father
Glynn, of Kilmihiil, was attacked by
two policemen with rifles, A farmer fell
id one policeman with a stick. A riot
being imminent, the Berkshire regiment,
with fixed bayonets, charged the crowd,
and ten persons were badly wounded.
Two policemen were seriously injured
Order was somewhat restored in the
crowd, who were appealed to by the
priest and Messrs. Redmond and O'Reil
ly, members of parliament. Redmond
then attempted to organize the meeting,
but was prevented by Magistrate Irwin.
Redmond protested that the govern
ment's action was illegal, and together
with the priests adyisd the multitude to
Mexican Tariffs.
Eagle Paiss, Tex., A ril 8. The ap
peal of the Piedras Xegras merchant! to
the legislature at Saltille against the 6
per cent municipal tariff on imports has
been without avail, and the 6 per cent is
collected on all goods imported into
Piedras Negras. Goods imported and
carried through Piedras Xegras into the
interior pay only 1 per cent municipal
tariff in addition to the regular duties,
but if these goods intended for the in
terior are stopped in Piedras Negras and
subsequently forwarded on out of the
zona libre, they have to pay first the 6
per cent duty and afterward the 1 J per
cent, besides the regular import duty.
Catarrh, w! en chronic, becomes very
offensive. It is imoossible to be other
wise healthy, and, at the sums tiui
afflicted wth catarrh. This disagreeable
disease, iu its niost obstinate and da
gerous forms, can be cured by the u?e of
Ajer'g Sars paril!a.
.f roi a jrd or tro Itl.'.
. ioie hr' luUmtd her ;
..a 1 her relatl-iih!p Ijt plain
Sue 1 his sinter. . .
And cldfte be hied the Couple we have k,
-Appears aunt her; -A
young man with a. venerable dame
Of cuurs his mother ; .
For lias with n pat ionizing a!r
Her t-ve fiilirted.
And t'll her tiiitiK which she w -
Meiure uo exwieu.-
Another pir. who, walking; f"
com conversitiou s
He eyeing everything biv
With udmiiatiiiii ;
She. with a weary air I
1111 (oojs lie snouto iiauu ...
Scciiih filled mltii cure ; al.-s ! tliM.Tv:. u .
These two are uuincil -
One couple more : tlieir hands slyly tin;.
They seem d-vot-d ; 1
Tne eliiit:t-n i't sal . Ionic pas.ra by
Are iitmnte'l
Her eyei the color of the radiant sky
Within iliei.i hovers
Look (omily into hii. ;-me, let us
'lheso twi are lovers 1
Lincoln Journal.
Sickness has decreased the attendance
Miss Livingston wielded the birch, to
good effect, in room No. 5 this week.
Last Monday there of our teachers were
unable to attend to their duties in the
school room. Substitutes were at a pre
mium. The following notice placed on the
bulletin board at thgIigh School Thurs
day morning explains itself: "Teachers
are reriuaBted to announce in their respect
ive rooms that Arbor day will be observ
ed by the schools in a manner to be here
after decided upon.
W. W. Drvmmond, Sup't."
The children are very much enthused
oyer the prospect of tree planting Arbor
day. If they do plant a true or sow some
grass, that tree or that grass will be pro
tected from harm by an ever watchful
guard of interested children. In order
to beautify pur school grounds and give
them a metropolitan air we must get the
children to take an interest in preserving
them, and Arbor day will not only do
this but it is the seed from which may
be propagated that love for the beautiful
which will cause each of the varied forms
in nature to rise above the commonplace
and become a thing of life, breathing
forth an inspiration of the infinite love
and fostering care of a divine creator.
Rock Bluffs.
Our annual school meeting passed off
very quietly and was a pleasant affair in
comparison to the li tie war that v had
last year. But that is very easily ac
counted for as the contentions and dis
turbing enemy of the district had moved
away. A tax of seven mills was voted
for a district fund and an affirmative vote
was given for a uniformity of textbooks.
Mr. D. V. Curtis was el -cted a delegate
to the school text-book convention.
Right here w? wish "to say that we are
glad to see the county superintendent
start the ball a rolling to establish a uni
formity of text books, for figuratively
peaking we have stood for a number of
years on one foot with the other raised
r-ady to help kick some of the abomina
ble text bpoks out of he schools, and
we sincerely hope that the timg is close
at hand that wo can let that foot ge.
The ni'dtiphcity of geographaries in
some districts and the difference obtain
ing in adjoining districts is a straight up
and down nuisance to scholars, teachers
and parents. And thsn the use of old
books that are thirty years behind the
times, like McGuffey's readers and spel
lers, ought to be done away with. We
hope some good will come of this move
to establish a uniformity of text books.
Then let the legislature devise some
practical method of enforcing the com
pulsory educational law that will net
make neighbors enemies and keep them
iu a quarrel. Nebraska will then have
taken a long stride in the right direction
towards improving her educational fa
cilities. Will Chandler and mother came iu
last week from Iycarney to visit, end to
buy and ship forest free sprout, so that
the sprout business is agxiu in full blast.
The old Odd pcliows ball that was
taken down last fail by Mr. Shera and
removed to Union and rebuilt again, is
nearly completed, and remodeled into a
drug store, for which Mr. Shera informs
us he is gettin.; foity dollars per month
for rent. "
Our school exhibition proyed quite a
success as an amusing entertainment, A
small admission fee was charged, the
proceeds of whiph arc to be used in pur
chasing a globe for the use of the school.
The lat few warm days has been the
cause of one grand rqsli at farming and
garden making,
Mr. Ben Rennard met with quite a
serious injury last week by being kicked
in the face by a horse so bad that he had
to go to the doctor to have the wound
sewed up. that was made on his chin.
Tim Siiavek.
The Des Moines River Doing Crept
Da maeo Worse Feared-
Des' Moines, la., April 9. The Des
Moines River at this point is higher now
than for seven years and is still rising.
It is thought before morning the entire
south part of the citv will be submerged.
The Diagonal railroad bridge was moved
frurn its foundation an4 is likely to go
down before morning. Hundreds cf men
, amt teams are at TrorK in raising tne
j levoc-a. Reports from up the river say
j bridges are gone cr.d !J3BrU disaster
I done.
j 1 .
eity d( l.rcniwni.l,
s e'vloca p. in , on the
.i Mtiil Bait" t be Cca
1 1 t lil of
- f" "'! s?ick of
h, boa's.,
i r x
tittii, et.t . . . . -At or
about tlie MOie-jooiii in (.rt-riiwo d. Nebraska,
being the rooms hitherto occupied by aid 1.
Friend and Sviii. h merchant.
Said prop.-rty ill bff o "f-red for sule at the
time and plac foresaid, because of a bread)
by the sal.l mortgagors of a cunditlou vtiiilcn
In s:ill inortKaRrs to ay tlifl indeLtrdueH se
cured thereby at maturity, all of sui.l indebted
tie being now and lott since paused due and
Witness our hauds this 2inl day of March,
1S88. ii os a 1.1 a Fbikno,
1.F.OX l EVr.
Notice to Creditors.
State of Nebraska, ) .
Cass Ccuuty. f
In tho matter of the estate of O riffaa Stevens
decenaed. Notice ia hereby given that tb
cUlnii and duiuands of all peon against
CirilTpn Mevena. deceased, late of said county
and state, will be received, c-Xiiinined and ad
justed by the county t i.urt, at the court home
in Plaftsmoutli.on the 24th day ot September
A. I). 1888. at lOo'clocW la tbe forenoon. And
that six in 11. t lis from aud afier the JUh day ef
March A. I. 1H88 i tils time limited for ci ed
itors of e;iid deceased to present taelr claima
for examina' ioii and allowance
(liven under my hand thla 2itti dar of March
A. i. 1888. 2-a C Kubbkll, County Judge,
Notice to Creditors.
State of Nebraska. 1
Oss County, J
In tho matter of the estate of Thomai Dun
ruk. Deceased.
No Ice is hereby give that the clalint and
demands of all persen acaiiKt Thomas Dun
cak. deceased, Ute of-aid county and atate,
will be received, examined" and a lasted by
the cidnty Court, at the oourt ho ise in 1'latts
mouth, en the 34th day of September, A. I)
ltt at 10 o'i'lock in tli" forenoon. And that
six months (rom ant after the 24 h day of
March, A. 1, 1M8. I the time limited for cred
itors of s-ild deceased to present their claima
for exHinlnation and allowance.
Given under my hand, this 24th day of March
A. l. 1888.
2-3 C. Krs .ell. County Judge.
Probate Notice.
In lie matter of the estate of Jacob F. Fox.
d ceased. In the county Court of Casa cotintv
Nebraska. Notice is hereby civen, that Wil
liam 1', fox, admml'trat r of the est.'.te ef said
Jacob K. Kox, deceased, ha made appli ailon
for fltial eitlemp:it, a! d tliit' Baid causa is set
tor h -ariuc'at my at i'lytt-nioaili. 011 the
13 day of April. A. 1) , 1888. at 10 o'clock a. in.
on said day ; at which tinie an1 place, all per
sons Interotred may lie piestnt and examine
eaid accounts.. C. RUSSE-.K,
2-3 County Judge.
I'lattsmouth, March 23, 1SS8.
Sheriff's Salo.
ry virtue of an Fxecution issued iby W.O.
Showalter, Clerk rf the District Court with'n
ind for Cubs county. Nebraska, and to me oi
rected, I will o the 7th day of May. A. D.
lass, at 11 o'clock A. M..ofa'dday at thasoiilh
door of the court iiome m the citr of 1'lHtts
tnouth. in said county, sell at public auction.
1 he following ieal estate to-vit : l.ot one (1) in
block i-'ixf y-tvo (pit in the city 0 l'l.-itlsmoiilh.
Cass county. Nebraska. The tame being levi d
upon and taken as the propeity of Fredrick M.
Ooi'iir.Ktnn, defendant ; to satisfv a judgment
of said Co' it recovered by Wiliiam S. Wise.
plaintHT. against said tii f nIa:it.
Flattsnioufh, eb.. March ."V. A. IV
3-5 J. C, Ei K un bab Y, sheriff, Cass Co., Neb.
Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Renewer
ia becoming a universal favorite for re
storing gray hair to its orjgif al color,
and making hair grow thick and strong.
An lll-Fatod Excursion Train-
Fokt Worrrir, Tex., April 8. The lasi
excursion train from Denver, consisting
of a sleepei- and baggage car, the sleeper
filled with Galvrston people, arrived
here tonight. At Alver Station, eighty
miles from here, the train attempted to
run past a siding at rapid speed. A flat
car on the siding tre Tuiq vhe baggage
car, killing Commercial Traveler A Floyd
and fatally injuring Fireman Herring.
Several Galvestonians wtro injured by
the Pullman being thrown from the
track. While tl;a train ras in New
Mexico the sleeper was robbed, and dia
monds, watches and money to the value
of $7,000 stolen
One might a? well try to stem the
rapids of Niagara, as to expect perfect
health while a Scrofulous taint existi in
the blood. Through its alterative and
purifyiug properties, Ayer's Sarsaparilla
removes every vestige of Scrofulous
poison from the blood.
h - Pressure
Living characterizes these modern days.
The result is a fearful increase of Brain
and Heart Diseases General Dej
bility, Insomnia, Paralysis, and In?
s.iuity. Chloral ami Morphia augment
the evil. The medicine best adapted
to t!o permanent good is Ayer'a Saj
sapnrilla. It " purifies, enriches, and,
vitalizes the blood, and thus strengthen
every function and faculty of the body.
" I have used Ayer's Sarsaparilla, ia
my family, for years, J hayo foun4 it
invaluable as,
A Cure
for Nervous Debility caused by an in
active liver and a low state of the blood."
Henry Bacon, Xenia, Phia;
"For some time I have been trouble4
with heart disease. I never found any?
thing to help iue until I began using
. Ayer'a Sarsaparilla, I have only used,
ti! :s sneilieins! six cionths, but it has re
lieved me from my trouble, and enabled
r::o to resume work." J. P. Carzanett,
Terry, IU.
"I Lave been a practicing physician
f-ir over half a century, and ddring that
tiiao I li.i'ie r.cvcr found so powerful
a-.-l reliable an alterative and blood
p:r'f;:'r Ayer's Sarsaparilla." Dr.
M. "axalarr, Louisville, Ky.
ilj bl O
: i: . O. Aycr & Co., Lowl, Mass.
j Fn-:-- J 1 ; six bottles, $5. V.'crva $ j a liotlle.
very liable to Cud out anythix.,, .1
to lie discovered. He has taken ontagivuu-r
nuinlier of pat:it9 in photography than any
body else iu this country. 8 peaking rtcently
of the practical applications of photography
la late years, he eaid to a rejiorter:
"Do you know that watch dinln are now
tnado by photography at a mere fraction of
their former cost? They all used to be painted
by hand. Now a hundred are made in tho
time formerly required to produce one, and
each of tho hundred is better than the 0110
would have been. The dial is of copper cov
ered with enamel. Upon that they lay a sen
sitized coating of albumen and bichromate
of jjotash. A largo drawing, ay twelve
inches in diameter, of the design, figures, mid
dots that it ia desired to put uion the dial in
photographed down to tho required size,
which makes it so very fine that whatever
inaccuracies may have been in the drawing
are almost licyond discovery by tho micro
scope. The negative thus made is exposed to
tho light in contact with the point i-" f-.n tod
watch dial for fio;u turuj to u'u na-iiivcu,
Electric light is just as good as sun light.
Vherp tbts light has acted tho gelatine is
made insoluble. The dial is now inked over
with common lithographic transfer ink.
Next, with a clean sponge moistened with a
little gum water, the ink and gelatine are
wiped off tho dial from. al parts except
where the light has acted, and to those it ad
heres, leaving the design in clear black upon
the enameled plate. Bat that design would
easily blur and rub off by wear. Another
process is necessary to make it permanent.
A metallic enamel powder of any color do
sired black, blue, red, green, vr" purple ja
dusted upon tho dial,' Is sticks to the inked
portions, but now hero elso. Then tho dial is
put in the muffle and fired. The enamel
powder melts into the white enamel base,
and the work 13 complete. Tho AValtham
Watch company paid $2,000 for that process.
By it they can turn out, for ten cents each,
dials that in tho old way of making tvould
have cost 11 apieco,
"Speaking of that necessity recalls to me
tho cifort now making for the production, for
purpose of magazine and book illustration,
printed with type, of phqtographa from
nature or paintings', by means of w hat are
now called tint glasses. About that I am
going to tell you a page o history that baa
not before been published; and that will make
no small stir Rmuug a number of persons who
are claiming to be the inventors of processes
in that direction at the present time. The
real inventor of tint glasses or, as ho called
them, ruled spectrums was Baron von Egloff
steiu, who patented his process; in the
United States and England as long ago as
1So5. He was a brilliant, highly educated
man, who did a great deal of flue engineering
work for our government, and who went
away to Europe several ye.irj nga Tha
was a rumor that h Ita died, but only re
cently i heard that he had retired to a
monastery somewhere and was still living.
"Vt"ell, a big company, mainly of United
States officials, was formed for tho develop
meut of Baron voii Egloffstcin'S diacovery ami
its utilization vr tho'printin'g of greenbacks
and other paper money in such wise as to def y
counterfeiting. Secretary Chase was in that
company, as were also Baron Perault, Copt
Eads, Governor Spraguo, of Hhxl Ti!a:- I,
Mr. Knapp, the Pit'shunf giu "fvunlWr 1 Mr.
Sehoonmak'or, the "A. T. Stewart of B.It.(
more; Representative Laflin, Mr. Clark, of
the bureau of printing; a Massachusetts sen
ator, whoso name I do not now recall, and
several other prominent men. Jay Cooke &
Co. were the company's bankers. Thy ba-i
0113" quantity of mr.ey. In 6r. year tin y
spent t,ver fciijojacu in working the process on
steel, and they use J to say that they had 5 .0,
000,000 ready to put in it as soon as it wr.s a
proved success. Every Saturday they ivcl
to have a meeting at the Fifth Aveniio hotel,
squaro up all tho bills, hr.Vo a big dinner, and
drink ohi;riiv.tgn& by tjip biw-ketfui.
"Bnt 'tneir "expectations ver-o not realized.
Baron von Ei;lol?stoin u?ed a fiue plate glass,
covered with a very opaiue etching ground,
which was cross hatched by the finest possi
ble line3, 5O0 to the inch, which was inter
posed between the lisrht thi object, or the
glass ngasi or poeftfve',' to be photographed.
You can see that tho effect would be that in
stead of producing a picture in smooth half
tones, like an ordinary photograph, one would
be made that was. all WuVsu up into fine
cross listened lines and uoti "From this re
sulting hegativo transfers could bo made to
6tone, steel, or copper, oc coitld be printed
directly by contact put a metal plate for
etching. Of course, for intaglio work, as f cr
printing from steel a positive picture would
bo used and a negative for type press print
ing. The principle of tha thittj weo all right,
lentitiful; bi iu practice It was found that
the closeness together of the fino lines pre
vented getting sufficient depth. If tho plates
were bitten down deep enough for printing,
there was no body to bear yper; ited and heavy
preesuie and a few impressions would break
them down. The few impressions obtained
were superb, but the plates would not last.
Moro practical Jesuits are now attained by a
coarser ruling of about 10Q linns to the ln"eh:
for the production of telief plates for typo
press "printing. Tho old patents have now
run out, and the process belongs to acybr-dy
who choses to employ it,
"One of the late and possibly rather sur
prising discoveries in photography, which
also is a patent of mine, is 1 he enlargement
of photographs to any required size without
the aid of a solar camera, nierely by tha lighs
of an ordinary pij lam, or-even "by a flash
pf gun cottoiu ' In the old way a costly solar
camera was necessary, a machine costing
f2.'j0 or f300; much time and clear sunlight,
and a very expensive prepared paper were
also all requisites to tho process. Now I, or
rather the firm to whom I have tr-ansfeiTeVl
wy rights, make a comparatively cheap paper,
ia a roll of any desired length and as mueli
as forty-two inches wide, coated by the gc-ia-tine-bromid.
of silver pracos, and, with the
aid of a liitlt apparatus like a magic lantern,
costing $20, and which can be operated day
or night, in a cellar or a bedroom, if neces
sary, can produce an enlargement of a pict
ure tc auy required size, say from, a tintype
as big as your thuir.H nail up to life dimen
sions.' Tlie development of the enlarged pict
ure is made in the usual manner, and then it
is ready for finishing in crayon, pastel or ia
any other way desired. Pi tores of actors
end actresses, full length, life size, havo, ir)
this way been enlargf.4 fn pardade visit
ind rlnUhed' up for photographing again, ia
reduction, for plates produced by process for
printing ou a type press, a method that is
very convenient for the artist, and cnabic-T
the making at small expetepf a yry flu
cud certainly accurate picture for practical
gso. New orfc. Buu XuVurview.
Ii my fnvi eoui 1 only prouuse t
fliM r."ii!iiu, V -
If nsy l cu't ,-ai-o only certain it W711M In 1 ;
li.riK-nt'H i ola,
I v.. .1 iwt you cud trouM fjreet ou lu tli" A 1
'. ii i .in r t'.-i..,
-la.'hl h'.i.iul.l ever sluw you tho'wrvug that
$ .ii doi.e.
' ,! li.t; l. i'i.l -were Bti Jy, it myiiiulli'i
' :.'l C 1,
: i. imt .. plainly of tho tears they
.1 j-i l would greet you at the old
'' !:'' y.-.iM ('.vuj 1110 happy if you met
If the nu !iiy of Kprinj; tiJ awoke no wild ro
fr;iiu. If tho a'.iumu'ii (;olleu burden awoke 110 livinjj
I would i;ir.i-t tl-., a:ul would Kri'et tlu., i:h years
ilO WO lllt't, "
Eefitre o;ir hemts were sliipwRvked.on thi.' ocean
of ie,;ret.
If my wo'iinii's n.i.l were stroiijTer, if n:y heart
wei n.t - ( n:
F110.1M I hi-- li.ivc r.-meMihering the love
1 li i.l ir y.ii. ;
Hut I !aie i:."et or wxt tlu'e, in thrt oM
fiimiiiiir way.
Until v e im:et i'i heaven, when tears havo passed
Teniple I.r.
Ceiltl'itl Aiiierio.iii Coast TralHe.
Most, of the coaslwise traffic, the carry
ing of .joodu of American or European
production, to the various trading posls
along the shore, ami the bringing back
fruits, rubber, Kar.iparilht, palm nuts,
skins, and other products as the 1 11-
"l; -- ::. .i 1 -',.. ; - ! ' '
lroi.i 'iilijulo, i.s 1 iic aioi ol tiorifs.
These are no more than canoes, hollowed
and hevn from Spanish cedar, mahogany
or other trees. Some of them are of good
tsize, six or seven feet bcim, forty or fifty
feet over all and four or live feet deep. Of
course they are buoyant, and under the
management of the Ciribs make good
weather of it even in rather rough water.
But on a wind they slide as fast to lee
ward as they forge ahead. I am not sure
that they do not, as n matter of fact, go
two miles to leeward for every one they
go ahead, with a head wind. Of course
the' are practically nselif-s. except when
the wind ia fair. E. W. Perry's Hon
duras Letter in Chicago Times.
The Cray Hair Puller.
Possibly the nio.t unique method of
earning a living known is that adopted
by a big, rosy, 20-year-old blonde, who
tlnds engagements with women just la
menting their first gray hair, to weed
out, so to speak, thor.0 obnoxious remind
ers of advancing years. The gray hair
puller is gentle in her methods of treat
ment, and makes periodic visits at inter
vals of a few weeks, upending from half
an hour to two or' threo hours, letting
down tho hair, combing it out rind ppyiug
for tell tale silver tii reads. She carries
an innocent looking little reticule, which
contains various glycerine and rose water
preparations for a healing implication
when the work pf tori tire has Im'cii done.
It is riot upclnlly disagreeable work, and
it is said to pay. Kansas City Journal.
A Sadly Overwoikc'.l M'r,l.
The word ' '.funny1' Js sadly overworked.
Just lision to the innumerable multitude
of men and women who use it on all pos
sible occasions. Relate to them the last
minstrel joke, the particulars of a great
ilood in China or sonic P,tti;iio story of
destitution and. C'raih, and their only re
n.avk im 'Well, isn't that funny?" The
other day a gentleman walking down
Broadway caught up with an acquaint
ance, to whom he related th.f- ti'jigie death
of a mother and daughter in two different
railroad accidents on tho same day and at
nearly the same hour. And all the reply
that the human parrot could make was:
''You don't say; wasn't that funny?"
Xew York Tribune.
Tho World's Great Infractors.
Of the world's refracting telescopes nine
have apertures exceeding twenty inches,
viz: Lick observatory, California, '.I'd
inches; Pulkova, Russia, !)0; Yale col
lege, 28; Lit trow, Vienna, 27; T'niversity
of Virginia, 2G; "U'asli'ngton Naval ob
servatory, 20; Gateshead, England, 20;
1'rincetoii, N. J., 2-i, and Buckingham,
London, England, 21. Six of these in-Mi-uments
are the work of the American
firm of Alvan Clark & Sons. Arkansas?
Traveler. Domestic Anxieties.
feel so tired every night, John," said
a farmer's wife, as she took up her darn
ing after the day's work was done. ,!AIy
bones ache, and I have tits of dizziness
and no pppetite; "and I'm worried, too,
bou the' heifer, John. "When J waa
feeding the stock to-night fcho acted very
fctrangely and refused to eat. I'm afraid
fch?-'s going to die."
"Yes," said John, "I'm worried about
that heifer myself." Xew York Sun.,
A HigWy Prize! Kelic.
One of Liszt's feminine pupils preserves
as a highly prized relic a handkerchief
which the great master wrapped about
his finger one day when it was bleeding.
A few7 dim bloodstains still remain on the
b.rVsdker:hier, and a correspondent who
saw it recently was told by the fair pian
ist with a sigh that "it has never been
and never will be laundered. " New York
Evening World,
Preservation of Millr.
One of cur cousins In Norway informs
the department cf state that there has
been discovered a new, simple and chenp
ingredient which neither changes the
taste of the milk nor i.s inimical of health,
for conserving milk in a fresh condition
for months without being hermetically
pealed. Mr. M E. Meyer, cf Christiania,
Is the inventor. Chicago Times.
Forgot the Title.
"Have you the er 'Wakor of Yiofcs
burg?' " a man asked in an Austin book
Btore the ether day. His wife had sent
him to bny the- '"Viar of Wakefield,"
and that was us near t'.s ha came to re
membering the title of the book. Texas
A Curious Tact.
It is a curious fac that just twenty
four inches on the table is allowed a man
tt a lavse ftiid crowded dinner. Of cour.-e,
more is given when there are few people.
New York Tribane.
iiliic of Hin-!::r).
kiml.lp a man ttsy.rdty m-hes for Lia '
tipcle. after bidding good-by to his ante.
Tid E;t.. j
Apatf'nfc for driving vehicles by dec- j
trifliv i- said to have beer, told in, Icudoa j
for .yj.A.
The thrones of earth are few, and there j
L room fobut one tiau upon each, J
1 -'f tli AmrrJoitii Iol
" ; - r ClBiir I llitln- Jn
Co hit Mn. r l'oli t.lit lu Sp:lil.
Kinoknm lu Lnlninl.
It is in small matti rn that national chumc
terihtica are l-.t k.-ii. Nothing, for in.-.t.i!)i.u,
could bet t.-r hho.v the irun ri' equal
ity of tin Ann l ii an pi'iipli than the net ioiit
of two siiiok'-rs meeting mi Dm street. Ti:
one is a we'd dre..e.i, well to docitizeii, carry
ing n.i li-nr. Toward him i
fanning looking indiviiliiid, fiocially
ami pei-ulinrly the very nut ipodes of the thai,
but he is pulling n '.vay contentedly at u wiod,
tin materials of whoso couijiosit ion would
puzzle the state analyst to discover. Tlio
first man nt..- . '('an you ohligo mi with
some fire;" he n-!;s. "Why, certainly,"
r'--;)o:i li the seedy one, and with tho coui l
ous n'-t-ioii of a r.i iiiiunel ho removes his cig:ir
from his lip.;, knoel.s oir tin c ,h and h.iiuli it
to tho well to il. citizen. Then ami tti"jo tho
"two for" ninl tin "btraight Havana-' meet
and mingle tlieir fires ntid aromas, and with
more polite Ixiws the two men pass on.
Iu tho Cuban islands there are special and
strict forms of etip:ctU relative to this uni
versal practice of sin: lving. HhouM a genthv
man slop another 0:1 tho street to ask a light
ho would construe a refusal to oblige him
into a direct and intentional in milt. Rut hav
ing on co held bet ween his lingers the partly
1 ::..vl cigar of whose fire In: hits been bor
rowing, tho owner thereof would bo as deeply
hurt and offended were hi to offer to ret urn
it. No, ho must, instead, o;'e;i his cigar t-usy
and proffer a fresh weed in return for tho
Tiin uuason' yon IT.
To connoisseurs in l ig.n-.s 1!:o reason for
this act is obvious. A cigar which has been
bruised against anoiher iu tho act of light ing
it loses a considerable poi-liou of tin doiii-ai-y
of its ilavor, and should that one. against
which it is thus rubbed lo of a:i inferior
flavor and aroma, tin-so ijuaHties in i'sclf
are, to a delicate ta.te, coiiijileti'lj' di'stroyed.
It must be
eireuiustauces to Lave to lose an cxiptisib)
"weed" for the rako of a strange etiipictto
which commands the acceptation of a cigar
of much inferior flavor and value. How
ever, a breach of this point is never made,
and a well bred Cuban would die sooner than
thow auy irritation.
In most Euroiiean count ries, with tho ex
ception, perhaps, of cigarette siiioking.Spain,
the street otirjuetu of smoking is much lest
severe. Tho majority of smokers in Eng
land, for instance, carry matches in their
pockets, and should a passing smoker, w ith
unlit piiK or cigar mpiest a light, it is a
match thilt i.s handed to him. Small boys
throng tins slrevt? of all big English tov.-n
selling boxes containing 'S0 vest;
matches for two cents; there is eonseque tly'
very litlle excuse for a smoker to be witnout
a light. Tho rainy and windy conditivns of
tho climate are cntaily we'l rovii!ed n gainst
for sinoUoi-- by "fusees," "vi saviaus,". -'flijiih-ei'is,1'
which aro varieties of matches having
largo heads compMs.- l of guujvvd.'r paste,
which will remain ignited until cotisunnsl in
any kind of weather. New York Press.
dwells Ai'iiKi the Atlantic
In goliig aliout E;:rop or.a l,tomes v-ry
soon convinced that 1 he Eresh gent icmau
is much the best ( nin on this side of
the water. I have nevr scon a Frenchman,,
an Italian or a German who pat ronized tho
tailors of his own country vLo even ap
proached remotely to !oi;ig welt dieted.
Home of the Italian swcllu that 1 noticed at
tlie stations as I passed Ibiough wore sienna
red overcoats, lined v. :tli light red and orna
mented with cbrjip muskrat :ollar and e-uii--.-.
Put under this a light check suit, striped
shirt, and on tho head a carcles-i r-cn or
brown soft hat, and you havo an idea of th.
style of a .swell of the yuaHer villag-es of
In tho larger towns it is not much bettor.
The men hat n tendency to flaming plaid
and. txM-aordiiiary checks, an 1 hac a ;.--feet
pas' ioa for wearing ov. r. .;,! !oj.le.l
down wich the cheapest and iusunct lexjkinfj
fur known to the trade. Their ciothes ni j
nejrly all ill fitting an t badly made. Tho
moi.-t pictui-eHipij arc thes.3 who still nc"ier
to the ch'tkM, which tiny wrap around t'leru
aftr-r-the fashion of tho consi'irators in tho
fcjJcra. You very rarely see a high silk lint
in Italy, and only occasionally a stiff Derby.
Tho hat is generally a soft felt, similar ia
shape to that worn in tho far west of the
United States. But it is generally more
flaming in color. Dark green &:id a terra,
cotta red are very common colors worn.
Home of tho spectators at the f.t&tins wort
the most extraordinary fur caps made out of
the fur ejf the cat or the rabbis. They were
shapeless and clumsy. T. C. Crawford in
New York World,
Mr. Arnold's Imprt-ssloim of Artserfrs.
Mr. Matthew Arnold recently gave soma
impressions of America to an au lienee at
Bradford, England. lie teld them that "in
America all luxuries were dear, except oys
ters and lew; that American women havo a
natural, free and happy manner, iu p'easing
contrast with that of middle; class womc-n ia
England, who look to one class as the only
example of 'the fight thiug;' that American
buildings ai commonplace; that the nomen
clature 'comes on the ear of a cultivatci
person like tho incessaut cutting of pins;
but that the Americans do not persist :-s we
do in making invidious distinctions bctweeu
persons by the use, for some, of the: affix 'es
quire,' a term which came from the great
frippery sheip of the middle ages."'
In tho end, how ever, Mr. At noi l deter
mines to conciliate, if possible, the people
among whom he lives. In the comparison of
America and England he, ia tbo end, per
mits the old country to kick the balance- Ha
Dnels the glejrification of the average man a
religion with American statesmen, the addic
tion to the funny man a national misfortune,
pud tho American newspaper aa object of
reprobation. Americans will not admit that
their civilization id lacking ia elevation end
interest. Tall talk ii their substitue. for that
elevation which humanity craves. Homo
The TJTsen rI Tar.
Professor Lunge draws attention to tha
many advantages to be derived from the u-o
of tar in treating building matcriul. Lh'uiu
pipes, roofing tiles, bulMing stunea, brick,
etc., when soaked in a bath of hot fir, bo
come absolutely water tight. The dead
black color thus iirjpiirted is by no means an
objection in many cxtss. The artif le should
b? well dried and allowed to reniain for fcomej
time in the tar, which bhould Ix; he-jtod at;
least to the boiling jxjiut of water, and
Ehould also be first free from water ard
volatile oils. After all, w fy shoul 1 wo ever
have leaky re-o's and d-'mip cellars.' It costs
lt.tlo if any mere to avoid them. By all
mean let the bricks that are ir-c 1 in. the
bameut wall be made imr rvi'is to
moisture by soaking in tar, and tiica m?l-a
the cellar floor tigLt with asphalt. V.'h-y
worry ourselvi with avoidable trouble J
riiiiaiieliihia Times.
; )