Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, April 12, 1888, Image 6
oLi( 111 . TMTl J- la Cass County fov Superior Makes and Styles, Lovest Possible Prices X2XT YOU THS, Boys etjd G-ic-o--ii-i-jSr-Q Tl-IE - MTEST o HATS, CAPS, SHIRTS SUSPENDERS, Ties, Collars, Etc., TRUNKS & VALISES. CAXiL j&.t73D SEE 1E. ELSON. ti Plattsmouth, Ueb, ghttsmouth Igcthhj $eruld KNOTTS BROS, Publishers & Proprietors. THE PLA.TTSMOUTII HERALD It published every evening except Sunday aad Weekly every Thursday morning. Regis tered mt the postofflce, Plattsmouth. Nebr..-s Mcnud-elast matter. Office corner of Vine and firth streets. TUMI FOR DAILY. Oae opy one year in advance, by mail.. ..$3 00 Oae copy per month, by anier 50 Oae eopy per week, y carrier, 15 TtlMS FOR WEEKLY. SB9 copy one year, in advance $1 59 ne eopy eix months, in advance 75 REPUBLICAN CONVENTION. The Republican electors of the State of Nebraska are requested to send delegates from the several counties, to meet in con vention, at the city of Omaha, Tuesday, May 15, 1888, at 8 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of electing four delegate to the National Republican Convention, which meets in Chicago June 19, 1888. THE APPORTIONMENT. The several counties are entitled to re presentation as follows, being based upon the vote cast for Hon. Samuel Maxwell, supreme Judge, in 1SS7. giving one de'-egate-at-large to each county, and one for each 150 votes and major fraction thereof! : COUNTIES. VOTES. M'OUSTIKS. VOTE. Adams 14 Antelope 9 JtfTerson . . ; Johnson f- Keiirney 8 KeyaPaha f Ken h Knox 7 Lancaster -" Lincoln 8 I.ocan i! L'.mp 3 Madison 8 Mcpherson i Merrick 7 Arthur i l.laine 2: ISooue 8 P.ox fcutte 4: Jiwn 9 liuftVO H Hutler 9; Hurt 9 Cas lt; Cedar 5; Chase Ci Cherry & Cheyenne HI Clay "I Colfax.... 71 Cuming 7; Custe' it; Dakota 5 I-iwe9 7; Dawson 8, Dixon c: Dodge 12j Douglas ...37: Dundy 4 .Fillmore 10; Franklin " Nanca ft Nemaha 0 Nuckolls 0 Otoe 12 Pawnee 8 Perkins Pierce 4 Polk f. Platte .10 Phelps i -ich:inlson - Red Willow Saline 13 5 farpy ajnders Frontier , .10 . 6 Seward ... Furnas.... Gajre Garfield .. Gosper.-.. Grant Greeley .. Hall Hamilton Sheridan lf! Sherman 7 . 3 . 5 . 1 . 4 .11 Sioux 2 Stanton 4 Thayer..... 7 Thomas 2 Valley 6 Vashington 0 Wayne a Webster 9 Wheeler 3 York 11 I'norsr. territory... . 1 .10 Harlan 8 Hayes 4 Hitchcick 6 Holt 14 Howard 7 It is recommended that no proxies be admitted to the convention, except such ns are held by persons residing ia the counties from the proxies are given. Geokge D. Meiklejohn. Walt. M. Seeley, Chairman. Secretary. TTTT V - jSTOVEIiTIES xjt p 1 Ul J Election ia over and everything is quiet. The citizens of the Second ward done nobly. They have redemad themselves and downed the saloon. Thb recent election goeB to show tkat the republicans are still a power and democracy finds that as a foretaste of what is coming next fall a very unpalat able dish is set before them. Philadelphia has reduced her saloons sixty per rent this spring and on lat Monday the judges comprising the license court refused three hundred and fourteen applications. This Jis a good showing for so large a city and we hope the good work will go on. The government has made its annual payment of interest. It has paid out this week nearly $7,500,000 interest to bond holders. The money will now be dis tributed through the money circles all over the United States, and it is hop 3d it will relieve the stringency in the money market. Henry "Waterman was defeated by several elements that happened to be working against him. In the estimation of the people, however, Henry stands personally very high and The Herald is sorry to see outside influences defeat him, although his succefsor, Mr. Patter son, will make a first-class official. The Omaha Zera ?c7says "the princi ples of democracy are such that a minis-t-r can preach the gospel Sundays and democracy the balance of the week." We suggest, the fact that they don't do it noes to prove the above statement in correct. "Where you find one democratic minister of the gospel you will find one hundred others who don't see things that way. Our friend, of the Herald, should discuss a topic with which he is more familiar. We were asked yesterday wtiy we did not say more about the strike, and take the offensive against the strikers. All we have to say is we wrote our opinion at the beginning of the strike, and have nothing new to say. We have consider ed the strike ended for the past two weeks, and the raising of the boycott yesterday in Chicago convices us more than eyer that the Brotherhood is left out in the cold. And to keep pounding away on the same subject every day "and nothing new to say about it becomes mo notonous, and just keeps things agitated where as if let alone it soon dies out of its own free will. rp11 P ir Qne-Price CI . ....1-rate power, OYtr ia ,-ortant advmturer, and was in the wrong in his gibblefrom first to last. In the fishery controversy he was as weak as an irresponsible Indian agent, withe u". policy or backbone, and now in the Mo rocco dispute he comes out . a bluffer against a little friendly state of insigni ficant standing, and has allowed the na tion to be involved in a controversy over a Mohammedan Moor, to whom one Lewis, American Consul, had granted "a patent of protection," which the Sul tan of Morocco failed to respect. It ap pears Mr. Bayard has ordered three men of war of our little American navy to threaten the Sultan and intimidate his government into respecting Consul Lew is's "patent of protection." The insult complained of is merely fanciful, the cre ation of the one-horse representative Lewis, and the naval demonstration is a veutable burlesque. It has never been the policy of this nation to send one horse politicians abroad to grant letters of protection to greasers and Arab trad ers. The diplomatic practice of guaran teeing the safety of natives in semi-civi-lized countries is as absurd as it is impo litic and mischievious; but such is about the size of this Cleveland administration. First-class powers abroad arc laughing at ti-, and well they may. The Pinkerton trial and Senator Van Wyck's meeting seem to have opened up the bottled spirit of anarchy which has been smoldering in the breast of our Journal man. Labor is his hobby. Ilerr Most and Ilerr Sherman are kindred spirits on this subject and can speak of those who hold views differing with theirs only with blasphemy and black guardism. "Once a railroad lawyer always a railroad lawyer" is the screed of the Journal man. If a lawyer ac cepts a fee from a railroad he is forever lost and will always be looked upon with Suspicion by the Ilerr Most of the Jour nal. Dishonesty is a thing the Journal cannot stand? A lawyer who consents to serve a corporation as its counsel and legal adviser bears the mark of Cain on his brow and may consider himself so cilly and politically ostracised and damned by the Journal man. A man may be a dead beat in a community, re fuse to pay his debts, run his business at the expense of his creditors, and tupport himself and family by such questionable methods, and howl for the laboring man and be all right; yet, if he pays his debts honestly supports himself, and practices his honorable profession as the legal adviser of a corporation be is a scoundrel and a thief. We add to the quotation from Senator VanWyck another truism, "once a dead beat always a dead beat." There are some of our free trade friends who feel confident that if the tariff was taken off, it would result in the breakinir up of trusts or combina- f tions. We are unable to see wherein this would have any influence whatever in controlling them. Take for instance the sugar trust; there is a duty on this article to protect our eugar industries. Take it off and the trust would simply take in the sugar refiners of Europe snd would make still more money. The manufacturers in Europe, it must be remembered, are not pure sanctified angels, they will enter these trusts and make them more difficult to mauage. It is also a well known fact that some of the most grinding and cruel trusts or combinations in this country are on articles that are on the free list as in the the case of Anthracite coal. A trust is an infernal thing that must be dealt with as men would deal with ferocious beasts, kill them, and do it as quick as possible. Already legislatures of states and con gress are fighting these thousand headed monsters and will continue to do so un til they succeed in completely abolishing them root and branch. Indianola Her ald. The threatened strike of switchmen on the lines connecting with the Burlington road indicates that t may yet become necessary for the railway companies of the west in generd to make a fight in defenge of their right to do business ac cording to law, notwithstanding the de mands of their employes that they shall haul only such cars as arc painted in given colors or received from certain sources. Of course the ultimate result of such a contest must be La favor of the railroads ; and it is lamentable that a class of laborers who have every reason to be satisfied 'with their condition seem to think that they can better it by throw ing themselves out of employment on pretexts which an intelligent public can not possibly indorse. Globe-Democrati tirn c- liU.., iw..u a. required to pay the highest domestic rate. This implies not only a ruinous form of for eign competition as to seeds and bulbs uf pvery kind, but it also meaus the turning over of from $2,000,000 to $3,- 000,000 perai.inum of postal revenue to the Canadian government. Already. American seedsmen have begun to trans fer their business to Canada in order to escape this inviduous distinction; and our post office department claims the right to prevent them from thus evading the effect of the treaty by searching the mails for packages which they may send from Canada and charging up the Amer ican rate of postage thereon. It is impossible to understand why such an advantage should haye been given to the Canadians. If it was done purposely it was contrary to nil souiul notions of public duty and discretion; and if it was done inadvertently it was a piece of unpardonable ignorance and carelessness. And yet it has been prac tically indorsed and commended by ti e democratic majority of the house of rep resentatives. A resolution calling upon the postmaster general for information concerning the operation of the treaty, with a view to bringing about a change where a change is so clearly de sirable, was voted down in that body on Thursday, after having been adversely reported by the post office com mitteo. Tho chairman of said committee, Mr. Blount, declared the treaty to be a just and proper one, and maintained that the postmaster general had a perfect right of espionage over the mails from Canada for the purpose of defeating the use of such mails by American seedsmen, and of collecting 10c postage where Canada charges only 4c. He added that ho had no objection to the house receiving the in formation asked for in tlie pending reso lution, but that the request was made in disrespectful language. Thereupon, Mr. Peters asked leave to amend the resolu tion by striking out so much of it as was said to be offensive, but he was refused permission to do so, and the resolution was tabled by a vote of 125 to 122. As the matter now stands, therefore, the democratic majority of the house may be said to have ratified and confirmed the proposition that American citizens may fairly be prohibited from using the Unit ed States mailg on the same terms as Ca nadian citizens who are competing with them in business. Such action is not to bo wondered at, however, when the fact is considered that the whole economic policy of the democratic party is so adjust ed as to favor foreign interests and dis courage home labor and enterprise. Qlobe Democrat. THE BOYCOTT. The boycott is off and the employes of the different roads at Chicago have signified their intention and desire to re sume work. It is said, by some, to be a stratigical move on the part of the Broth hood of Engineers; if so, this carries with it the convincing truth that these switch men and yard men who have entered the lists against the railroad are acting under the advice and control of the engineers, and also, the further fact, that the broth erhood management is impotent for the accomplishment of any benefits to the la boring men of these roads. Such mis takes as this boycott business very soon disgusts reasonable men of the brother hood, as w;eli as those of other classes-. No one who has any regard for the law can approve of the boycott in any shape or under any guise; it is born of lawless ness and carries with it its own defeat wherever it is attempted. Labor may combine for its own protection and no one will object, but when the boundary line is crossed and the hand of force is placed upon the business of any one, be it private citizen or coporation the spirit qr toleration should no longer be indulg ed. This country is too free and nifn have too great regard for right and law to tol erate the boycott. Mr. Cleveland Is again working for public plaudits by using his veto power. The president seems to think veto with & big V is a great card, and he is going to play it for all it is worth. We think, however, he will find the American peo ple are not chumps, (notwithstanding the personal reflection caused by his own election,) and that they will sec this veto matter in all its puerile duplicity. Call at Ths Herald office and get your lttter heads printed. .sirs now has to decide u 't of .the strike but the fate of 1 c nler.. By ten years of careful observance c.f the law, since the strike upon the C rami. Trunk and the Boston and Lowel ' 1 the troublous times of 1877, this ' -r Jiaa held an enviable position. It c known as intelligent, couserva abiding. It lias secured the UJ' .Khe respect of the public time, by yirtue of this j rejYur4?n, had greater influence .t !l'i railroad officials and beau cnahlc to secure peaceably a greater share of its demands than it possibly rould by any other course. And its reputation euliutet upon its side the tremendous power of public sympathy. It is now in danger of forfeiting the benefits of this slow and painful work of years. Its safety depends upon cutting loose from the lawless elements whose co operation it has invited by the continuance of a hope less strike. If it shall continue to inrite the perpetration cf such acts as these they will be charged to its account. It can not avoid the responsibility for oc currences which come as a sequence of its own course. If its strike against the Burlington were upon the eve of success it would be none the less ruinous to pay the price of direct or indireet complicity in violence which raises indignation 1 the breast of every free man. The strike is doomed. Let the brotherhood take heed that it do not carry down with it the prestige and tho future of an order which has been and yet may be an in strumentality for good. VICTORY! The party comes out of the recent con test triumphant, but it is not so much on account of toe party triumph as the vie tory for city improvements that Tuk Herald rejoices. Every councilman who yoted agRifc extension of the water mains a year ago when tho people by petition said they wanted theni, has been defeated. The new members are for city improvements and will net ignore the wishes of thelax-payers. The new councilmen are Dr. Salisbury from the First ward, Dr. Shipman from the Sec ond, M. B. Murphy re-elected from the Third ward and Con. O'Connor succeeds Ed. Greusel from the Fourth. Now that the eletion ia over The Herald hopes no time may bo lost in pushing all city im provements since it has been very em piratically shown what the desires of the people are. And now comes Mr. Carlisle and exer cises his jaw bone unnecessarlally by pledging his word that some kind of a revenue measure will be exacted dur- img the present session of congress. "Some kind"(?) of a measure eh! Well that is ju6t about the size of it It will be name kind of a bastard offspring from a dishonest, imbecil, impotent source. First comes Mr. Cleveland's double-back-action, single barreled, free trade message which was all ears; next, a vomiting boast from every democratic newspaper and politician that the mes sage was a special revelation of full in spiration; next, the appointment of a Ways and Means committee with a Texas free trade ranger as its chairman to en act the message into a full fledged free trade act of congress. Then comes the vigorous kick from tho business end of the country; democrats and republicans alike which paralyzed the committee, turned the executive liver over and otherwise set the democratic charger on his haunches and now we have after four months of the session is over a dilapidated bill in which tho protection interests of every democratic state are pondered to and modified by concessions and compromises (for votes only) unt'l the old bill, for it is old already, looks like the remains of Joseph Coat. So, we conclude Mr. Carlisle is fully warranted in assuring the country that we are go ing to have some kind of a tariff reduc tion measure; but such a kind! the mon key and the parrot promised the audience a kind of an entertainment and they furnished it; so we have heard. If the democratic party should be successful in nominating and electing Mr. Cleveland with his pronounced free trade ideas, we want to predict right here, that should his policy on the tariff obtain, the hard times of 1857 will not compare with those in store for the peo ple of this nation. His message, and present tinkering with the tariff by its enemies are now having a very serious financial effect upon business. Mark our words, as the pernicious doctrine of free trade is talked and advocated by its friends, the tightening, closir.g-in pro cess is gradually and surely going on. If business is so affected by the fear of what may be, what would be the result when the avalanche would actually begin to move. Fire will destroy but not more effectually than free trade. In dianola Herald. farmers are getting in their work. 1., 1 4 1 1 7,00,1,0 w states and territories cannot l . an unimportant measure. This t collected under the act of Cpngrc August 0th, 1801, which authorize direct tax of $20,000,000 to be levied annually upon the real estate of ths cun- , try. This was one of tho early exped- ients to raise money for the war, and wat." discarded after one year. Under the constitution, the tax was, of course, aj v portioned according to popalation, and seceding states had their quota marked against them as loyal states. -The. " loyal states generally assumed their iharoy 11 and paid it directly to the government,; being allowed a deduction of 15 percent' for doing so. Where this was not done, as in the case of Souther States, tho United States government proceeded against individuals, when it was able to do so, sold property, and applied tho proceeds towards the state's quota. This was notably tho case in South Carolina. Where states that did not pay their aharo of the tax have since preferred claims against tho United States, the federal government has claimed the amount due from the state under this tax as an offset. The matter has rested in this shape ever since the war, to the perplexity of a generation of treasury officials. Hera was a tax which only a portion of tho people had paid. No one proposed to enforce the collection of the balance still due, and yet it must remain on the treaa urybooks as a debt. What was more to the point was that the states and territor ies which paid the tax were in the posi tion of having cheerfully assumed their share of a public burden which ether statrs had shirked. These latter states were Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Geor- L'ia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Caro lina, Scfuth Carolina, Tennessee, Texas and Virginia. Colorado, then a terrritor ity, the justice of whoso assessment is stoutly disputed, is put down a few hun dred dollars' in the government's debt, with Utah and Washington for larger amounts. The total sum still duo the government, without interest, is $2,640, 314. The sum collected, and which it is proposed shall be returned to the states, also without interest, is $17,859,085, of wieh New York State was credited, in cluding the 15 per coat allowed for col lection, with $2,603,018. Tho bill .pro poses to cancel the debt of states whieh have not paid up, and to refund to states which have done so, endeavoring as near as possible to restore the condition of af fairs as it was before the tax. This seems a most equitable arrange ment. Such opposition aa there was ia the Senate came from three classes : a few Southern Senators, who did not want to bee so large an appropriation from which the Southern States were to derive little benefit; Western Senators, represent ing states that were territories at the time, the tax was collected, and wlfose share as recipients is smaller than their proportion as lax-payers; and others who thought that where the tax was collected from in dividuals, the federal government should undertake to find the proper claimants instead of turning that duty over to tho state governments, who might not per form it properly. Still there were only six negative votes in the Scaate. In tho House it is understood to be supported by a majority of both parties. But tho number of filibusters is sufficiently large, led by Mr. Breckenridge, of Arkansas, to prolong the struggle to disgraceful length. Mr. Breckinridge's excuse is that it is a Republican scheme to reduce the surplus so that it will not be safe to pass the Mills bill. Many of his followers are willing to pas it, however, if the cot ton tax shall be refunded at the same time. This amounted to $68,000,000. Consistency is not a Democratic jewel. . New York Tribune. The Anthropometrical method of identifying criminals, originating from Paris, has ben adopted in the prison at Joliet, 111. In addition to the photograph of the prisoner, accurate measurements of his height, the length and width of his head, the length of the left middle and little fiDger of the foot, the fore-arm, tho ear, the stretch of the arms, description of scars, color of the eyes, and so on, sro recorded; and it is thus possible to iden tify prisoiers assuming false names with far greater ease than was before possible. It is asserted, that, in the two years that the system has been in operation in Paris, 826 habitual criminals arrested under assumed names have been identified. Bo- sides the practical utility of the system. it amasses very valuable statistical data contributing towards the natural hastory of the criminal classes. Science. According to reports, the surplus in the treasury, grows at the rate of $500,- uuu a aay. Ana yet tho administration refuses to spend this surplus to lnv nn. the government bonds, and thus relieve the country of the financial crises which is now pending, and is suro to come if the hoarding: no of the monev in vanlta at Washington is not stcjpxeti. 1 r Y