Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, April 12, 1888, Image 4

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f I J
' 5
-Wo have purchased
During the two uioiitln stny of our Mr. Charlie Mayer in N. Y.,
and buying for our Plattsmouth, Lincoln and Holdrep;, stores we
have the precedence ovr compeditora for the " following reasons:
"We buy ironi N.'.V. manufacturers direct; we buy our Underwear,
Hosiery, etc., direct from tha Mills; we pay cash and a.k no favors;
our goods were shipped on cut rates at one fourth the usual cost,
,hese arc the reasons why we
ndersell Our
because we own our goods for less
"u ant anvthiii": in a first class.
for vourself and
or anything appertain to
Call on ns, we give you what you pay for
No Misrepresentations.
sl as O- zMZJk.5r:E:EL?
ghc glxttsmottth gech1u irah
. Pabliahers 3fc Proprietors.
From Thursday's Daily.
Oh! Dau? We'll miss you! It's the
wish of all the bachelors in town that you
will acquire prosperity and happiness.
The event occurs next week in Ottumwa,
Iowa. Miss O'Neill the IIekamd wishes
you a bright ami prosperous future.
Don't forget to makeyour husband's Cof
fee strong and sweet.
The brother of Mr. Pickens, the en
gineer on the Central Pacific is dead, lie
died before Mr. Pickens of this city arriv
ed at Saeremento, Cal. Mr. Pickens has
started from Ogdcn with his brother's
body, which will be burio 1 in Chicago.
We feel the deepest sympathy for Mr.
Pickens in his sad afflictions.
W e met a gentleman yesterday who
had formerly been in the lumber business,
lie had tried to work out the telegraph
pole problem that we published in Tues
day's issue. He said that he had meas
ured wood in almost eyery shape but
that problem puzzled him. He made the
answer 74s feet We should like to hear
from someone else that is not a profes
sional teacher.
A minister and ft lawyer, both resi
dents of this city, wore joking the othir
day. Said the minister, addressing the
lawyer: "If everyone were to se! tie their
differences among themselves, what
would become of all the lawyers ?" "We
would act like St. Paul, arise and fight
in the cause of the Lord," was the law
yer's witty reply. To understand the
point of this joke, it was intended to
convey the meaning that the ministerial
ranks would be oyer crowded, then what
would becomo of the ministers. St. Paul,
before he became an apostle, is credited
by historians with having been a very
able lawyer. -
From Fridav' Daily.
A gentleman offered $10,000 far the
Perkins House the other day. The offer
was refused by the owners who want
$13,000 for the property.
. Yesterday afternoon the case of
Cha. Metteer vs. Ilaryey Carper for
forcible entry, was concluded before
Judge Russell. The defendant was ael
judged guilty.
Dr. Schildknecht came in thia today
from a medical visit to the home of Olan
Cole, who lives about four tuilcs south
mo'ncy than they do. Should "OU
eiitia IKS? 2zsr ea
children, or a
west of town. Mr. Cole's son, aged
about four years is suffering from typhoid
and pneumonia fever. Ilis case is con
sidered very serious.
"What is a hog?" was askeel of a
little boy lately. "Why, when a little
pig grows up to be a man, then he's a
hog." There's t.vo or three such hogs in
this city who are continually shaking
hand anil vowing eternal friendship to
the whole human race, and at the same
time poking their snouts iuto everybody's
business and using every effort to raise
scaiulal and injure someone's reputation.
We would like to publish their names,
although it is not necessary, ai two of
tusin have the merited scorn of the
Brotherhood and that of every honctt
There is a society in this city com
posed of laelies who meet at their respec
tive residences in rotation twice a month
for social improvement. The name of
tho organization is "Koffce Klatsch,"
which translated by our Yohipuk editor,
means, "For gooelness sake, elon't say I
told yeu Their last meeting waat the
homo of Mrs. W. W. Drummond yester
day afternoon. Tho members present
were Mrs. H. E. Palmer, president; Mrs.
Sam Atwood. Mrs. C. M. Wead, Mrs. F.
E. White, Mr. Sam Waugh," Mrs. D. A.
Campbell and Mrs. 11. B. Windham.
Visiting laelies were; Mrs. II. A. Sturgess
of Omaha, Miss Paul, and Misses Kate
and Amelia Vallery
From Saturday's Dai'.
Frank Zinn one of the delegates to
Chicago last Monday en behalf of the
brotherhood returned today.
Mr. A. Black, Robert and O. Idn,
of Marysville, Mo., arrived this- morn
ing to visit Dr. John Black, who is still
very low.
Honest old Morris O'Rourke, who is
now in 'charge of his branch tailor shop
Missouri Valley will drive in the city
next Monday on purpose to attend the'
J. W. Love of Fremont, is about to
erect a $30,000 opera house in that city.
Mr. Bove will be rememberee! by some of
our rjaelers as having been formerly prin
cipal of our high .school.
W. J. Ilesser left cfc our oiiice this
morning, a fine lot of lettuce ami rcdili
es which were grown in his green house.
It filled our soul with elelight to behold
them. Call again Mr. Ilesser. -
.A dispatch was received by coroner
Boeck this afternoon from chief constab!e
McNurlin, of Weeping Water, stating
that a suicide had been committed then
today. No further particulars were
. j i.uio b Low e.
j there goes an celitor!"
hush," said the father, "don't i
of. the "poor man, God ouj
what you may come to yet "
Medical men are allowed, by.nv from
ten to fifty dollars for holding a post
mortem by order of a coroner. Wesley
Baker's examination cost $3;, juror's
fees, $12; coroner's fees, $10; Sheriff's
fees, $13.40, cost of analysing tho stom
ueh, $155, or a total cost to the county
of $220.40.
The lamp-poit problem: The post
is round anel tapering equally from bot
tom to top. It is eight (8) feet high, sjx
() inches in diameter at bottom, two (2)
inches in diameter at top. Calling twelve
inches a week, how long woulel the B. &
M. strike last if it encircled that post
eight (8) times from bottom to top.
The telegraph problem as published
in these columns last Tuesday was given
to the senior class at the liTili school the
following day. They quickly f'ouuil the
correct answer, :7-l feet." We have an
illustration in our office of how the prob-
plem was workeel out which n libels great
credit on the scholars anil their teachers,
although the array of figures, X, , and
geometrical design", mikes one imagine
that he wen; looking at a novel design
for a crazy quilt.
W. II. Pickens of this citr, arrived
in Sacramento, Cal., last Sunday morn
ing. The 'brotherhooel and masonic
orders of that city did all they could to
give him a hospitable welcome. He left
Monelay morning with the dead body of
his brother, was in Omaha yesterday
morning and arrived in Chicago at 7 a.
m. this morning. His brother's corpse
will be buried in that city tomorrow and
the masonic loelgcs and brotherhood of
locomotive engineers will attend the
Mr. G. A. Tuft, the agent for the ex
press company in this city, moveel over
his family yesterday from Pacific Junc
tion. Mr. Tuft has lnul considerable ex
perience in the express business, having
followeel that vocation in most of the
principal cities of the United State3. Ib
is thoroughly versed in business methods
rerjuiring vigilance and responsibility,
and his pleasant manners gain him the
respect of those with whom he his inter
course, as well as increases the patrons of
the company he represents.
From Monday's Daily.
Frank Robinson has a very bael hand
caused by acndtntly injuring it with a
pocket knife.
Miss Edith Irlanel of Omaha enme
elown Saturday evening and is visiting
Miss Maggie Oliver.
Miss Minnia Guthmnnn, who is attend
ing school at Sacred Heart convent, in
Omaha, spent Easter at here.
The stock of tho C. B. & Q. was
quoted in the market before the strike at
l."i. Tho last report is 115.
Judge Russell issued a marriage li
cense today to Mr. John McKay and Mivs
Ellen J. Johuson, both of Avoca.
Some one has pinuoel up an envelope
in the postofhee about a yard square, on
which is inscribeel, "Hon C. W. Sherman.
Plattsmouth, Xeb."
Dr. Hall received a book yesterday
that may interest some of our readers,
it is entitled "proceedings of gj-iicd lodge
of Missouri, A. O. U. W., session of
The dialogue occurred Saturday:
"Mr. I forget vouf name allow ma
to introelue vou to Mr. Steel.
Mr. Steel, you've a very hard name, but
nine's Harder.
About twenty gentlemen from O ma
la came elown Saturday and atteneled en
campment No. S, I. O. O. F. A number
of canelidates were put through aiid a
good time was had.
Tha following are the names of the
Pinkerton men ai rested Sunday: M. F.
Danneha, W. II. Burt, Jacob Liner, L N.
Ttiehardson, Fred Avjtry, George Ray,
W. Elliot, Oscar Hannig.
The first indication of spring oc
curred last night in the form of a Pine
blossom weighing ten pounds. The
yardmaster feunel it, nnd fels to proud
to stoop, only to conquer.
''Enough to make a saint swear," is
an old proverb, r.;i;l the way the Rev.
Alexander has suffered from a complica
tion of "ills the flesh is heir too" lor the
past month, is enough to make a Metho
dist swear. Although boiling ever with
just indignation he ttanels the test very
cheerfully. We wish his speedy recovery
The assault of the Pinkerton men
yestertlay took plack off the B. & M.
l'V;t i. . . j-t.i a.
perburg, Rena Cole,
nor, Maud
Messersniith, Hayden
obr-rt Muu-
zy, Conrad Thrasher, Ci:
Rega Kcngel, James Stewart, Arthur Cris
mnn, Mary Heun, Gracie Armstrong, Mary
It is well known that the Brother
hood of locomotive engineers i a strong
organization. In regard to their re
source? Chairman Carroll says the-v have
a contingent fund of $;J0O.CQ0 anel :;
building fund of "0O,0Q0 which can be
used to pay the expenses oi the ttrike if
nece'baiy. Then there are 27,-00 mm
btrs in good standing, any of whom can
put up $100, making $:5,G1 0,000 for
"lighting capital."
From Tucseiay's liiy.
The liyer is slightly on the lise and
is entirely free from ice.
S. P. Iloiljway today moved his
family from Union Block to a houe on
VVinterbte-in hill.
10. II. Woolev of Wfcfping Water,
has been coUiiiiisfcicned a notary public
by Guv. Thayer.
Sir. Ed. Kennedy a;;d family have
become, residents ot Platumouth, having
moved over from Pacific Junction yes
terday. Win. Carroll, a largo railroad contrac
tor, from Madison, Wisconsin, the broth
er of Mrs. J. A. Conner, is stopping in
the city for a few days.
Charles Drewcock, the old man who
cut his throat at Weeping Water Satur
day at noon, died that night after several
hours of suffering. He was burieel by
the count'.
J. F. Clements came in from Cheyenne
hut evening. lie is now train dispatch
er on the new line of the B. it M. .fron
lloldrege to Cheyenne, with headquar
ters at Holyoke.
Mrs. 0. W. Green snd Mrs. M. Prentiss,
mother and sister of Sig Green, have
liteii visiting the latter here for the past
few days and left foe their home in Om
aha this morning.
G. Dal Jones, a former Plattsmoulh
hoy, but now a '.elcgrnph operator at
Der.ver, came in from the west last Sat
urelay morn ing, and was a pas-'ciiger to
Omaha this morning.
The weather signals for the past two
days have been in favor of rain or snow,
with lowr temperature. They now say
fair weather with lower temperature, so
the people may look out for a blizzard
accompanied by four feet of snow.
There are three smart, physical young
men in this city who wish to open up an
entertainment m Fitzgerald's hall for a
three days-go-as-you-plcasc. They will
shortly announce their intentions when
we will ba at liberty to publish their
Judge Chapnnn cams up from
Plattsmouth yesterday on district court
matters, lie found court here adjourned
over until Wednesday, anel Judge Field
will finish the term here, Judge Chapman
having just closed the spring term in
Otoe count-. Lincoln Be?.
Weeping Water ha been made r.
city of the stcond class and elivided into
three wards. The following ticket has
been placed in nomination anel voted on
today: Mayor, G. W. Norton, treasurer,
J. M. Roberts; clerk, I. F. Travis; police
judge. C. II. King: city engineer, G. W.
XoLIc; couneilmen, First ward, J M.
Beardsley and B. A. Gibson; Second
ward, P. S. Barnes and T. M. Howard:
Third ward, E. L. Reed .nd
From V.'eanesu ii 's Dai y.
Two boilvr makers indulged in a
little- iLtie encounter on lower Maintrfct
la t night.
J. P. Ar.till. A. W. White, F. G. Fricke
and W. D. Jones went over into Iowa
to shoot ducks toelny.
Chas. W. Weckbath, who has been
home attending the Catholic fair, returns
this evening to Lincoln.
M. E. Bushnell, a former employe of
The Herald job rooms, is in the city
visiting his brother A. II. Bushnell.
The "Y's" give a social at Mrs. Whis
ler's next Frielay evening. An invita
tion is extended to all to be present.
Jujius Peppcrburg left thh morning
for Lincoln and other points to visit his
patrons of the Bud cigar who have gone
up salt creek.
The ladies of the Catholic church
closed their fair last night. It was a
grand success, everything bein j disposed
of each day, and the I tall crowdeel.
l--:iirrow a';crnoji i ,
h ;.t 1 o'clock. -All iiii'inbi ;
! to be present, also all per.-oi
t become members. ;
s lYpperburg received last Sutur
: oi' leaf, tobacco, which is the
' la ment ever received in f'latts-
Hv1 will now be able to gnaraii-
i. turners with hL- uniform Bud
Buz7.cU, manager of the
telephone exohnge, und H.
i'C in the city last night.
( bey are fixing the telephone wire be
tween this city anel Plattsmouth. Ne
braska City JVctrs:
There will bo a meeting of the
Young Men's Christian Association to
morrow (Thursday) evening at the Pres
byterian church. All men interested in
the success of this organization and the
work it is doing, are trarucsjly requested
to be present.
Last night in counting out the tick
ets in the Third ward it was found that
some one had made a mistake anel voted
a bill he had received from ono of our
merch:int3 for $'.70, and the judges say
thoy won't tell who it was if he will ju?t
call around and set the apples up.
The old story of the-. British tar's ac
count of liH experience at a cathedra!
service on ;-horc is worth re-teiling. - He
was particularly enthusiastic in his "des
cripiioii (if an anthem. '"What's u han
tliMin .'"' asked a lisfener. "What, do you
matin to say you don't know what a han
tham is " "Not me " " Weil, then, I'll
tell yer. If I -was r-r say ter yer, ''Ere.
'.Jill, give me that ';;ndj ike,' thai
wouldn't be a hantln in. But was I tuo
ay, 'Bill Bill Bill givgivgi v--giv
me, h'iv me that Bill giv me, give
:r.e that hanel, giv me that, hand, hand
spike, spike spike Bill, giv--giv hk
that that hanel handspike, lcmd
handspike, spike Jjiiko, spike, ah men,
all men; Bill, givenihathnjulspiko,
spike, oh men !' why, that would be a
One Bouquet a Day.
Somebody once saiel "he elidn't mind
a plain dinner if there -were roses on the
tab'.-." He was right. A Calla in bloom
will make the barest room beautiful.
Flowers, help U3 over many rough daces
in life. There should be plants in every
sunny window; there shoulel be flowers,
or, at least, something fresh anel green
on the table three times a day every day
in the year. Leave out the cake, but
have some flowers. Better a rose-bud
before the guest's plate than a Welsh
rarebit or the richest gravy better for
dl concerned. ' Diel you ever take some
flowers to a sick room or hospital ? It's
the greatest pleasure ever invented. Try
it. anel see. Here, a bov rciding this Buys,
"Oh. that's for girls !'' Wait a little, my
man, and we shall see you spending a'J
your spare change for button-hole bou
quets and sending roses to your fiiend
on her birthday. Then you'll wish you
knew all about it. Then you'll wbh you
k w what in the world she inlit when
she said she preferred Cathrriue Jfcnnet
to JwJis. You may wish you were not
such a Jack yourself not to know the
Of all the flowers in the worbl those
wc raise ourselves are the most beautiful.
A spray of mignonette from your own
garclen, or a truss of geranium from the
old raisiu-box in the kitchen window are
worth more than the finest Mtrmtts at a
dollar a bud. Any friend you give them
to will tell vou so. Charh-s Barnard
ia Car Youth.
Vick's Floral Guide, published by
James Vick, S.'eelsman, Rochester, X. Y.,
tells what is wanted, and how to plant
and CHre for it. It contains three colored
plates, w ith names and prices of every
thing required fur window or garden.
Price only tm cents including a due bill
for 10 cents worth of seed.
Way 3a ck
rt ' t i l a . ... . T t c 1
etui a lauv to our icporicr louav, u
they run st-.-'imboats up the lisiotiii pat
here" "No, they do nut," but PUtts
mouth was in th t line once, as the fol
lowing notice r!b ;c-d from a Hkiiai.d
elated August 7, l'GT, proves. It is also
appropriate and . musing at proscnt w hen
we take into ccni deration the way re
volvers are flying around lately. "Also
a nice hearse : "
Shannon's feed, sale and livc-ry stable.
Main street, Plattsmouth. I am prepar
ed to accomodate the public with horses,
carriages and buggies, also a nice hea;se
on short notice and reasonable terms. A
hack will run to steamboat landing anel
to all parts of the city when desired.
The T. A. M. will meet at Mayer's
store t!ii evening to m;;ke Jirrr.ngc-rnents
for the dance next Frielay evening. All
members requested to meet promptly at
7:30 o'clock. Geo. R. Cuatbckx,
Mr. Latham received a telegram just
as we go to press stating that the boycott
was raised and all roads in Chicago were
doing business with the '"Q.' ,
v vi l y ly w as on;, . i .
their best. Everything ( a- ;
althouth the fight was exciting ..
carried on with spirit by tho partL
both parties. -A -great dal of ncJ
was done ou both Hides. Tho FirbL,
which has always been democratic, did
nobly and elected A. Salisbury, republi
can, over Freel (birder, democrat, 81
majority ; and tho Second ward was a
happy surprise to everyone by electing
Dr. Sliipinan, the independent candidate,
by a handsome majority. M. B. Murphy
the republican candidate, was re-i-Ucted
in the Third ward, anel Con. O'Connor,
democratic, was elected by a good ma
jority in the Fourth ward.
The republicans elected F. M. Richoy
mayor, L. E. Skinner clerk, and the
councilmeix in the Firt.t and Third wards,
while the democrats elected James Pat
terson, jr., treasurer, Stephen Clifford
police judge, Con, O'Connor councilman
in Fourth ward, and the republicans
have elected Win. Hayes and I). B.
Smith members of the school board.
The following is a list of the votes
cast as near as they can be bael :
roil MAYOil.
1st 2d 3d 4 th
F. M. Richey, Il l 178 207 17S)
J. V. Weckbach, ... 107 118 TO 100
FOIl TliliASLKlCIt. .
L-t 2d 3d 4 th
James rattcrson, . . .131 1?3 120 15)2
J. H. Waterman, . . . M) 121 20'J 140
ron ci.i.kk.
1st 2d 3d 4 th
L. E. Skinner, . . . . . . lO.'j 142 202 140
W. K. Fox 114 1C2 130 11)3
1st 2d 3d 4 th
L. C. Stiles, 3 111 l&l) 123
Stephen Clifford,. . .122 l." 108 1!)0
For councilman in the Fiist ward A.
Salisbury received 1 2" votes anel Fred
Goreler 04. We could not get the exact
vote in the Second ward but Dr. Ship
man was elected bjr about 50 votes, and
in the Third ward M. B. Murphy lias
about 1)2 plurality over both the other,
canelidates. We were unable to get tho
vote or anywhere near the vote in the
Fourth ward on councilman, but Con.
O'Connor, the democratic candidate, was
elected by a big majority, and everybody
seems happy. As these men who are
elected are all in for improvements it is
hoped and expected that the city will
now have a regular boom in improve
ments, and that the paving anel sewering
will now be pushed to completion.
Wee pins Water.
Weei'INo Watkh, Neb.. April 2. 1868.
The Hon. Orlando Tefft anel George
Ilarshman and several others are in town
today from Avoca. They are attending
a law suit between Harshman and a man
named Smith. The case is for assault
with intent to kill.
We notice Michael Kennedy in sowing
grain. The fanners shoubl follow suit.
S. W. Orton's store was infested by
burglars last night. S. W. says the fools
took nothing, but they blowed his safe
to pieces in good shape, the jar breaking
the glass in the front windows.
At this writing a Mrs. Hoover ilying
dauf rouslr ill in the cast part of town.
She is afiiictcd with inflammatory rheu
matism. County Commissioner Dixon is in town
on hisway to the hub.
Weerintr Water nlf-m-m-vc cr.W.i f oil
fhave plenty of business, especially
oolley and Travis.
Our meat market is undergoing im
prove men ts in the npe of a coat' of
Miss Mary DeWitt, of Ohio, is visiting
her sister, Mrs. J. A. Sutton. She w ill
remain all summer.
Mr. W. II. Truslove, of Greenwood,
was in town Monday and Tuesda on
business. He- was the guest of ProfVsor
Rev. H. H. Dunnaway, cf Ashland,
preached to a large and attentive audi
ence in the Baptist chTiich last Sab
bath morning. JIo will remain until
Easter ciatertainnr nts were very good
and largely attended. The Bsptb-t church
was- not large enough to hold the people
who w ished to !ltti nd. The church was
hand-'oni'ly decorated with natural and
artificial (ftwer, evergreens and mottos..
The ladies' aid society was postponed on
account of the meet in".
W. B. Shryock was rr--f Iected treasurer
of school district No. 32. Quite nn ex
citement prevailed during election.
There were two candidates, Mr?. M. Pet
erson and W. B. Shryock. In all 103
votes were cast. Four votes were fast by
women. Shrvoek's plurality w&a 31; tha
vote stood G7 to So. Mation to add
another teacher to the list for the ensuing
year prevailed. A new room w ill be
added to be useel as a grammar depart
ment. SherifTs Sale.
Ry virtue t ?.n Fxecution Issued by P C.
!jr "waiter. Clerk rixb". district Court within
for Ca county. brafka. and to me di
rected, I will o - the TTli y ci Mav. A. J.
IMS. at H o'clock a. f.. of faul dv at"tli south
door of tli e oonrt iicusft'i) tlie citr of rUtH
mouth. in said county, sil at public aiiPHOii,
Hi ollf-vi-iBR real itjt to-wit ; lt one 1) ia
block sixty-two f,l in tl: eitv of Plnttsmnuth.
Cass county. Nebraska. The sam being Wid
ui.on ana iaen as tue property of Fredrick M.
l)oirinston. defendant : to sjit'ifv a (irmnt
of iai'l Co irt recovered by William S. Wie,
plaintiff, acainst .aid defetiilatit.
Plattsmouth. Xeb.. March an A. IV laKrf-.
3-5 J. C.Eikexbabv, iheriff, Cass Co., Neb