Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, April 12, 1888, Image 2

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    Publishers A I
Only a Wa;
In our wftuderings do.-m ,.iin etrett,
yesterday, we passed a fccond-hand store,
outside of which was placed a wushboard,
on which was chalked: "10c."
If that washboard could he Bold at a
profit for ten cents it would havo ben
bought for about five.
And what a vista of misery and suffer
ing doe3 such and item fniijge-it.
"Washerwomen and laundry women, as
a rule, arc looked down upon with con
tempt by thosK who do nut follow
business. But there is no class that in
more deficrving of a good name than
those "who take in washing."
The business is not inherited, it comes
about by a natural progression of inevi
table laws, commonly termed poverty.
Tho woman may have held a high posi
tion in society, been wealthy and courted
for her intellect. The husband, in many
cases, may belong to a noble family, be
educated, and a smart man. But pover
ty gives Liui and his family a smack in
the face, and what is the alternitive ?
He can't procure work; the wife says.
"We'll take in washing." They do bo.
Their patrons "stand them off." Want
comes in at the door of their miserable
abode and they sell their furniture, in
cluding tho "washboard."
Oli! ye, who have never felt the pangs
of hunger, and adversity, do you ever
realize the sufferings of worthy poor.
In the depths of winter you throw off
your dirty, and in many cases, disgusting
linen, for the washerwoman. Articles
that you are ashamed to expose to the
view of your most intimate acquain
tances. The washerwoman leans her
weary shoulders over the w'ashtub, inhal
ing the fumes arising from the rags she
is washing.
She retires to rest about midnight
The work is finished, the child requeires
medicine the family want food.
Knock at the front door. "Go round
to the back, we've visitors to night."
She goes round to the back. They count
the pieces. Say there is one short and
complain generally about the appearance
of the articles at fifty ctnts a dozen, and
wind up by saying "call round Saturday
and I will pay you."
The woman returns home without per
haps a mite, and as it is late at night,
she is insulted once or twice by hood
lums. Her husband or child asks her if
she got any money, no, she answers.
"They told me to call, Saturday."
If there is any human being who pro
poses to be a christian, who expects that
they will enter the Kiag-lom of Heaven,
that beats th' ir washwoman with indiffer
ence or contempt or"stands them off, "then
such a person is a foul blot on the face
of human nature.
There are such people, and they will
exist in spite of newspaper articles and
biblical teachings, but our mission is to
Miinsn them if nossible. and we will
exert our best efforts to do so, for wh-n
a person can witness such an advertise
men in a "free country" and the "glorious
west" as "washboard 10c" it proves there
is something rotten in the state of Den
A Brays Engineer-
"Xone of the passengers killed? That's
good; lay me down; good-bye, boys."
Such were the lest words of Engineer
Robert Gardner, who died at his locomo
tire throttle on Sunday night last in the
rvilroad collision near Huntington. He
could have saved himself, but he was
charged with the safety of many passen
gers and he died at his post to save those
whose lives were entrusted to his care.
When he saw that a fearful collision
was inevitable, he thought only of the
responsible cfuty he had accepted, and
he stood to his throttle and gave his own
ife to lessen the peril to the strangers
who were in his care. He weakened ti e
cranh of the collision by standing heroic
al'y at the post of duty, and when he
was extricated from the wreck, mortally
crushed and mangled, he thought only
of the others committed to his care.
When told that none of the passengers
were killed, his last words were: "That's
good; lay me down; good by, boys."
We keep green the memories of those
who seek and wiu fame on the field of
battle, but where in all the bloody con
flict of armies is there exhibited tl e
grander courage that gives life to duty
and to the safety of others, when life
should be saved by peril to others ? In
nil the storrics of heroism there is none
more illustrious than the hero of tl o
throttle, who, having saved his pnsien
gers by sacrificing his own life, when
told of the safety of those intrusted to
his fidelity, sank to rest saying : "That's
good; lay me down; good by, boys."
PhhJelphia Times.
The jury at the coroner's inquest to
day arrived, at the conclusion that "Wes
ley Baker "died from some cause uuknown
to us." The cost of a chemical analysis
for posion is from $50 to $500. We will
give a full report in tomorrow's issue.
tl able Facta U
- Inp Homo Otlier Ma.
Found to lie of lute
The important is:.."
plowing has been r: .
its many phones by .
a bulletin glvinpr a report of result.' j. ..
observations gained and made on tho
Missouri state agricultural grounds. . Fol
lowing i.s a brief summary of these ob
servations: 0"
1. A deflection of the traces when un
der draught from a straight line from
shoulder to doubletree results In n decided
loss of power, and such loss is applied to
tho galling and worrying of the horse.
2. The use of a truck or a little wheel
under the end of the plough beam gained
It. 1 per cent, of the draft as an aver
age of the trials made, and in addition
gave a more uniform furrow and relieved
the plowman. This saving can be made
only when the line of draft is right.
3. The use of the coulter wa.s, without
exception, attended with a decided lo3S of
force or increased draft by whatever
form of coulter used, but was less with
the new stylo coulter than with the roll
ing and old fashioned coulter. The aver
ago gain of draft by dispensing with
the coulter was 15. 6" per cent. The coul
ter invariably disturbed the line of
draft, resulting in a furrow of different
dimensions from those formed without it.
4. The draft of a plow decreases as
depth of furrow increases until it reaches
the plow's normal capacity, and then in
creases as the depth is increased beyond
this capacity of the plow. This law is
modified by the fact that as a furrow in
creases in size the ratio of cutting face or
ed so of plow to the furrow turned de
creases. 5. The draft of a plow decreases aa
width of furrow increases until the nor
mal capacity of the plow is reached, after
which it increases again under the same
limitations as in previous case of depth,
yet it does not increase in as rapid a ratio
ns is seen in case of depth. The absolute
draft in a 15-inch furrow was less than
for a 10-inch furrow.
G. The discord of these results with
those previously found by others has
several possible explanations, one of which
may possibly be the influence of plow
7. The necessity of intelligently adjust
ing the furrow to the normal capacity of
the plow or using only plows that will be
normal to tho furrow turned was made
apparent. The loss in draft from a
furrow varying from the plow's normal
capacity by two points only was for an
average of all trials of varying widths and
depths 21 per cent. From the standpoint
of draft it is poor economy to turn a
small furrow. Three horses are better
than two in plowing.
no. 2 iMrr.oPER depth.
8. If one adds the saving from the three
factors discussed truck, coulters and
width and depth one gets 49.7 per cent.;
or a plow with truck on, coulter off, and
plow a good sized furrow, will give this
per cent, of gain when put ajrainst a plow
with coulter on, truck off and turning a
shallow, narrow furrow; or rather the
latter will draw 40.7 percent, harder than
the former, if the professor's data are cor
rect. 9. A seven by fourteen inch furrow re
quires about three horse power to turn it.
Tho.e who use two horses, either turn a
small, costly furrow or overdraw their
horses upon sod land of the kind in ques
tion a clay loam.
10. A furrow turned whose size is not
normal to the plow is usually, if not al
ways, a jerky or uneven one, poor and
hard on the workman. The accompany
ing cuts, which represent the actual
draft and its fluctuations at varying
depths and widths, show this. Attention
is called to the irregularity of the lines in
Figs. 1 (proper depth) and 2 (improper
depth) in comparison. The wrong depth
gives an uneven draft. The same was
found in cuts taken where a too narrow
furrow is compared with a furrow of
proper width. In both cases the more
irregular lines drew the harder of the two.
The Planting and Cultivating pf Corn.
The time for corn planting varies with
the latitude and also depends much upon
the weather. As soon as the days are
mild and the ground warm is a safe rule,
wherever that may be, in all localities.
Three conditions are essential to the pro
duction of paying crop of corn, namely
good seed, a rich friable soil and thorough
tillage. Progressive farmers have de
monstrated the economy of a thorough
preparation of the soil for the seed; in
deed not a few of our most successful
growers advocate and practice, as best
and easiest, the cultivation previous to
planting; that is to say, they do not use a
plow after planting, but let all the deep
culture of the soil precede it.
Where manure is required the better
way is to spread it broadcast and plow it
in, if coarse, or harrow it in, if well pul
verized and decomposed. When manure
is thoroughly incorporated in the soil, the
roots of the plants are certain to take it
up, and the development of ear and grain
will correspond with that of Etalk
and leaves, which is not tho case
when a limited amount of fertilizer
is placed in hill or drill only. To gain
the best results from the employment of
stimulating elements in hill " or
drill, available plant food must
bo near at hand and in suf
ficient quantity to carry the plant,
once started, on" to the perfection of
i.s formerly supp:
i . . .-j .i also a saving of labor ia
culture system... A plan of d!il
favored by some on light and r
dry upland, is what is known as f
row system of planting. Tl;
broken up ns muni and made i.?Ti 17""At
the time of phmtingone thorough harrow
ing is given and the furrows laid olf and
thrown up into live fret beds, the corn
being planted in the furrows brtweeii tho
bed--. The object of this plan is to insure
moisture to the crop. The fertilizers
are sown in tho bottom of the furrows
and mixed with the soil by running along
the furrows a sharp single shovel coulter
or dragging a chain through them. Then
the seed is dropped and covered.
The after cultivation in done with culti
vators, which gradually level down the
surface of the beds, returning the noil to
the corn and leaving the general surface
level when completed.
The system of "cheeking" corn, so that
the cultivation may be in two directions,
direct and across, is much practiced in
the northern anil western states. At the
east and in many of the middle states
planting in drills and cultivating shallow
and flat with cultivator and hoc prevails
among the more progressive farmers.
As to the matter of seed, farmers are
advised for their general crop's to plant
such varieties . as in former years have
proven successful in their own localities
and in soils similar to their own. Small
plots may be profitably employed in test
ing new and promising kinds introduced
by trustworthy seedsmen or other
An Improved Wax Uean.
The old German wax beau has long en
joyed an enviable reputation among wax
beans. It matures earl-, the flavor is
superior and its pods are tender, but it is
not so prolific as some other varieties.
And now is introduced for the first time
to the public the new prolific German wax
bean, an improved strain of the old fa
vorite German wax. This new strain,
which has been tested in many localities
with both field and garden culture, ap
pears to have given very general satisfac
tion. Vick, who has been testing it for
four years, has it catalogued this season
under the name of Xew Prolific German
Wax. His stock was started from a sin
gle seed of the old German wax, and
while the general appearance of the plant
of the new prolific resembles the old and
retains its good points, Vick claims for
the newcomer that it is a stronger and
more robust grower; its pods are strnight
er, longer, rounder, and that it is mora
than twice as productive in iact, com
bines all the good qualities of the old
with the improvements wrought by years
of careful selection and cultivation.
Wire n-int Stakes.
American Garden made an admirable
suggestion when it ad v Ned wire plant
stakes as worthy of adoption. In tiles-.,
days, when wire is so much used for
fences and .arbors, there are always short
lengths left over that can be utilized for
stakes. The authority referred to tells
just how to do this:
Take wire of sufficient strength to afford
some support (small wire will do for deli
cate little plants, but heavy ours require
stout); straignten
it and cut into
lengtns trom one
to three and a half
feet; then, with a
strong pair of
pliers or use of an
anvil swage, bend
one end into a
ring, as ia Fig. 2.
It is important to
put this curve on
the end, as it holds the tying material
in place without being so tight as
to choke the plant, and without it
the sharp wires are a constant source
of danger, being liable to catch in
tho clothing and seriously injure any one
thrown upon them. Groups of flower
stalks can be tied up by taking three of
the stakes and passing the string through
the wire loops. A better way when shap
ing the wires is to make some of them
into pairs, shaped as in Fig. 1, where the
tops catch together, forming a wire circle
to support the plants, allowing them to
develop their natural beauty of growth.
If these wires are dipped into thin paint or
black varnish they will last for years. An
easy way to do this is to stop up one end
of a piece of two inch gas pipe of the right
length, fill with the varnish and quickly
dip the stakes in and hang them up to
dry. Make these now -and you will be
glad of it when staking time comes.
Here and There.
Now is the time to study the catalogues
of trustworthy seedmen.
According to late accounts the Louisi
ana strawberry crop is the largest ever
Arkansas and Texas claim that the im
migration into those states during the
past year has been greater than in any
previous season.
Prof. De Muth is quoted as saying, that
hay fed to a cow between meals is worse
than wasted, as it interferes with the di
gestion of the regular ration.
In no way can a farmer with less
trouble enrich a poor field with scanty
herbage than by feeding sheep on it. So
affirms an English sheep farmer.
Readers interested in the production of
6ilk cocoons can obtain information cn
the subject .by applying to the commis
sioner of agriculture,-Washington, D. C,
who has on hand some silkworm eggs for
such tt . : . ;o n, .. . , ,
niont gloom,? io .;i.!g clothing..- " "
A bvtander-voutured the yrrnark that ho
didn't see anything particularly' b04iib-r about
tho average American attire.'-
"You don't J Have you ever Iwn up in the
Western Union tower? Well, you ought to
go up 1 here. 1 jr., .!' the ascent the other
(I 17, du'iieult as it is. The iew is en: :in-iirr.
lint when I looked dcvii into l'.roiuv.ay jt
Iliad' me shiver. Tl: ; harrying ci'o.'.-d.i on
the sl.ii -walks linked like (wo unending
funeral process;: ns moving in o; .posit o di
rections, iil-u-k, black everywhere. All the
red haired gins nius-t have been up t'.vn, for
(hero Wi'.Ka l, a wiiite hoi-M to bo seen. The
only relief to tho eye was hm occasional
! .roadway t'.urfuco ear. It was tho most
gloomy sjetae!e 1 ever looked down upon,
yet I knew that beneath the dark exterior
there were warm hearts, active, brains and
hands equally ready to light or work.'
"Well, what would you have us d i? Dress
in bright colors during thy winter?"' was
"Not et nil. Use common seire, that is all.
Europeans generally do nut seo tho necessity
for dark colors in winter. Ho long as the
clothing is heavy and warm tho color doesn't,
matter. You can wear black over there if
you like without exciting remark, lint here,
if a man wears a heavy plaid suit in winter
ho is contemptuously regarded by a native,
even though his critic may bo shivering in
his thin, black clothes. Take n New England
town, New Haven for instance, if you wa::t
to see this provincial spirit in ait exaggerated
form. A faultlessly dressed New Yorker is
an object of universal admiration. People
run out of stores to look at him. A shabbily
dressed man, even though his clot lias lit him
Letter than those of tho uverae New Haven
dude, is at once end on all sides regarded as
a sneak thief who ought to bo in the lockup.
But an Englishman or other foreigner in a
plaid suit is an object of horror. To see the
open mouths, and uplifted hands onu would
think Itanium's rhinoceros was looso in tho
street. I always put on a black suit when 1
go to New Haven, for I cannot do business
there in any other sort of clothing." Mew
York Kveniug .Sun.
. An liditor's 1'igeon Holes.
When, in the midst of my writing, pome
thing turns up that "must go'' in or before
the next paper, I shove it into a pigeon hole
marked "Immediate." This pigeon hole
claims first attention when I havo breathing
space. After this is cleared I turn to ono
marked "Advauce'' matters that need time
to develop, and want to bo started well in
ad vanee.
One marked "Current" is devoted to mat
ters that ought to be attended to regularly
with every issue, though not necessarily be
fore a given day. Things accumulate here
sometimes, but sooner or later they are
ground exceeding fine.
best of all i.s a pigeon hole labeled "Cou
ingent." It is practical, comprehensive,
and within human limits unerring; it is
parked with heads and tails for which 1 know
tho missing extremities will some dav l
crying: "lore is a curious contrivance; I
want a description of it; I saw one once;
then I shall ikal it here.'' I do. "Yo-i
promised. Oh, no. "On, yes! I Lai-.:
your letter here;' and I Lave. "What i.s li.v
tnua's Ko.-lress? If I ever had it it will bi;
here;"' it is. What da--o wa.-i it scut? There
was a receipt. Lo.ik here."' "Where i? that
circular; that price list : thai i'i:.n:y letter?
What was the siz of thai pagt? How i:.ruiv
did I count? Here!"' "CO. vou want v ia;-
Ode to a Violet?' I don't remember it; tan
it voa inclosed btaini'S we ::hall surelv had it
hero, without any name attacked.'
A business man would have ail these clari
fied, becau-e of a great quantity; but I have
oiilj- n.a "infinite varie:"' of "eoatin-
-.leies," with perhaps two or three of each
kind; and it is easy to subdivide when the
jaautity presses. Every memorandum or
piper which I want to forget until called
for, and th-n Cad handy, I put here; those?
which are likely nob to be called for soon I
put in a big drawer, which 1 label m ni3
umid "flemoto Contingent." It is thicii
with the dust of ages. Wolstan Dixey in
l'he Writer.
Cuba's Two ?lc;ils a IMr,
Only two meals a da; are served at Cuban
boteis. They live much as people uo in some
parts of Franco and Switzerland. You take
an orange or two with a cup of eofi'ee and a
roll in the early morning; a libera! breakfast,
in courses, is served at 11 o'clock, and a cere
monious dinner at 4 or 5 in the afternoon.
This mode of living is admirably suited to
the climate, and you fall in with the custom
:tnd liiie it at ono.
The breakfast opens with small olives and
fresh radishes served in tho same dish; the
next course is fish, then eggs, meats, etc.
You are not asked what 'ou prefer, but each
course is set before you and you partake of it
or not. Instead of beginning with fruit, the
Cuban breakfast ends with it pineapples
cut from the stalk the same morning, ba
nanas freshly picked, f-apodillas, a faint and
rather over "sweet morsel, with oranges ad
In Florida, and in many other parts of the
country, the orange i.s cut in halves and its
juice and pulp are passed to the mouth with
a teaspoon. In Havana the orange is served
whole on the table, peeled down to the juicy
"meat of the fruit, and you present- the gol
den ball to your lips on the prongs of a fork.
At any and every American hotel tho mo
ment you sit dowix the question is almost :
Cung at you, "lea or ccfiee? ' Cubans let
ter understand what is healthful. They fol- j
low nature's plan and take their mc-als more
as the lower animals do. Cubans do not
their stomachs with fluids during merds.
After brea. fast is over, then tea or coiToe is
served eolfee in Flench style, at least one
half the cup bein? filled with milk. Home
A Protest AjaJnst Ornramjir.
It is to be wished there was a law prohibit
ing the use of spelling books and gi ainmars.
studied grammar in tiio or.tiuary way
about three weeks, just long enough to
find out what a genius son- people can bhuw
in putting a under what God hath joined to
gether. It is a sp-enuid device for using up
a poor boy's time and souring his di.-2.usition;
but it wdi not koep hnn out of the grave, nor
help li;:n pay rt-i.t uud biitoiir's hiiLs, ilev.
C U. i'trni hurst. - j
,iilt j t urlmii l.sdel. it
tit Mankind Gm.Hmt-
' " reading newspapers for
, v i.i. h was steTod in tbi.scity
;.y not very long ego, is said to
;y to swamp itself by too rapid
concerns are nov devoted to
; i t.'K'li claims to have all it
; t keep pa eo vith its own
. ial clipper, Henry Uo
. , -! ina-nted with tho idea in
a went into tiio basiner-s in
.j.':'cr scale, has luado u utoek
s!s establishment th-re, and
yonOrjy to curry out his system
. i i., ho sayi;, is of something
j: i.;.ti)lio in tiio lino of scissor and paste pot
fuaaipulaf ion. tioven thousand papers were
read and i,x;l) notices clipped from them
1 o- t week for several hundred clients on his
A ?'.l.vnr at his books gi .es n curious in
sigV. into tho; of men and women
v. ,"o ii'iinc; aro familiar in widely different
i hvlc.i of hie. Tho name .of each client
hi ';; a pa::", and under it is a brief noto of
what particular news or information that
person wants from tho pa j tors. Fully half of
th" names have after them but the ono word,
"i'ers'uial." Whatever is said shout them
selves they want, it would be great satis
faction to scores of Miubbed rcitortcrs about
town to :;ee in t hese books the evidenceof the
anxiety of great lawyers who have nothing to
say t i reporicj-s, city otiioiuls who have no time
to bother with newspaper men, and society
women who wouldn't have their unities in the
pa I r for anything to seo whatever is printed
'b-out tin in. "Everything about tho Sharp
case u as an order that drew union money
from tho pockets of one lawyer last year.
'Everything ubout her reception" i.s under
tho name of a leading stx-irty woman.
"Everything learing on fraud at elections"
is tho curious order of a city oilieial. Artists
and literary men aro the worst. They nil want
to see everything that is printed about
their latest picture or their newest book.
About tho time tins picture is exhibited, or
tho book printed, they send iu an order for
ail tho paragraphs referring to the work, and
then probably quit work for a woek, in order
to revel in the evidence of the tide of popular
ity that they exioct will roll over them. Of
ten thero is not a solieitary clipping charged
to their account. Jinny times thero aro one
or two only. If the picture ia a daub or the
book bad, tho paragraphs may run up into
tho hundreds; but statistics on this point are
incomplete, as tho order is always canceled
after a week of this.
Political men, nnd egtoeially congressmen,
seeru to be tho steadiest patrons of tho insti
tution, but the' generally mean business and
not vanity. Through it they collect masses
of statistics r.s to some particular interest for
which they stand sponsor, or get evidence of
tho tendency of publie sentiment by which
the- can trim their sails. They ail add "Per
sonal" to their order, however. "Himself
and the Pacitlo Railroads" is ono order. A
senator wants "Himself and tbo Chinese
question." "Himself and Peru" is the order
of a well known ex -mayor, Mayor Francis of
St. Louis gets lots of coinplimcntry notices
now on the subject of the convention and St.
Louis, and ho wants them all. A common,
order limits the clippings to "paragraphs at
tacking him only." Lord Randaiph Chur
chill ouc3 gave an ordi-r of that sort to the
London institution, and his bill tho first
month was for a 1,000' clippings. "Great
Heavens ! I can't stand this," ho said. Send
mo the favorable ones
after this for a
a change, ana his hill
fell to nominal
Men with hobbies are steady patrons. All
that is printed about Volapuk goes to 01A.
college professor in this cit'. Paragraplu
ou tho Niearaguaa canal go to another man,
and a French oilieial here gets all tbo L'o
Lessons items. Ono engineers wants every
reference to the (J taker bridge dam, another
paragraphs of ti:o Harlem bridge, and sev- i
eral aro getting all there is printed about
Il.idsoii river tunnel and bridge schemes.
L' Veral leading fir.iu of architects and engi- !
uoers want the earliest mentions of tho pro
i.-ise.l erection of huge buildings, bridges,
d mis, or oih.-r structures. These, aro clipicd
from local papers ail over tho country, and
whenever tho linn sees a prospect of u job it !
Ecnd-i ia an application for tho work of 1I3--.irni'ig
or cousin;::; ::ig. Usually they aro
thus tho first applicants, and haye propor
tionately better chantv for tho work. Two
firework manufacturing companies keep
themselves posted in the same way as to the
coming celebrations all over tho country, tho
nature of tho exercises, amount to be ex
pended, and similar matters Contractors
and others with an eye out for new linos of
railroad to bo constructed, aro also patrons
of tho paper readers. Important events in
business aro apt to bring patrons around.
"Himself and his failure," is a common en
try. As a general thing the patrousare only
those who think they are likely to get com
plimentry press notices. People whoso no
toriety is of an unpleasant nature, do not care
to seo what the papers say about them. X
body involved in a scandal, a divorce suit or
a similar affair, has yet asked for clippings,
Tho growth of the business has necessitated
the introduction into it of a- complicated sys
tem and has developed it in several novel di
rections. The leading topics of newspaper
comment, such ns art, literate, the drama,
politics and similar subjects, aro made sepa
rate divisions of tho business, and everything;
pertaining to each is clipped by ho fii st read
ers. These clippings ur then gone over by tho
men in charge of feach department, and
those which may fit the orders of any patron
are sorted out at theclos of each day's work
and mailed to hint at once. He has paid ia
advance fo for 1U0 "ciips," or rt de
creaaiag rates up to -10 for 1,000, and
when ha has received the number paid for tho ,
service stops until a new payment is made, j
A man's account may run along for months
without his getting over forty or fifty or tha ;
1,X) paragraphs hsi Las paid for, and
then ho may till his mother-in-law, or do i
some other famous thing and get the bulorjCe !
of hi3 "ciips" in less thaa a week. j
Clippings ai-o ou speculation. If
a. weli-knor niaa dies, alibis obituaries are -eoliected
and afterward offered to soma sor- :
rowing relative for a certain amoiiLt of aisli.
27oVlces of weddings and other events are :
collected ami peddled in the samo way, py.-X !
it is said that the instances pro comparatively
rare in whjfh a eoJo is
not i-iTected. Nc
York Sao.
Japanfcc yfedles Orange.
The Japanese n.-odless orange is no'.v being;
introduced into California, and id attracting
Ktt-riition becuuso this dwarf variety ii more
hardy than ordinary kiudi The fruit, al
though small, is remoxkahly sweet. Should
it tlu-i vc oa this coast it will extend the rane
of citrus fruits, for it is claimed that it is
liardv enousli to resist coiiaiderabls frost. j
I'aciilc States TVreUy. -
ihoatumdi who huv i
e.ime way? It hm t .nr. . .
after physicians have pro;. ,
them incurable.
"Tho skill of fln phylrlnn eoulrl t
ear m of lllinimri-ui uliiuh tii tu-o :
in ( h liin. tiftk anl Hliiniltlun. Ho aa
win th" cain thufr tdfp vhh almnet Uui
fit-la. TUm tirt tl( cif Athloiiherii r
r-'liff. nil the I liirti cnnl!l m l
f. rfonr oikI a lifUf ixuira without "ikiut
OUOIIIKXI lt- "Ml. ftll'1 am now M'll."
4.KV. S. 1L TIUIYl.ll; finw AOjaiij. Inijj
O-Seml ii ecu's fur the lx-Hiittftil colored 'eA
tur, ".Moorish Mulden."
?- I VI tuLnt'ii, I.Niigraor, 1 mpsv.
erlheit tnl kluvilili Cl-raultta
lion ur i n iiioaxi, loaa or A
t-llt-, l)rruii(cniiBl of las
.Itrer, NanouinrH, falp
t Ion of the Hour!, Cold Faat,
M uinbnraa, Frmal Wnk.
nf, tul In fatcl nil rilaorrtara
nrlalna: Trunin Low utHt a
tho lilooil, and n 11 1 nrd r- J
Condition or tho llcoatlv
Ot-tr una.
Ita effect on the human sxitouia
Lea of fcjtpatMk
Dy Pxr1tln tho to much to aerft
iKKniic.ii ii iixmi. it aurit'liaa and
HlreMitlinK tho bliHKl, (iTlng tea
tin. i visor 10 ina nuia Hydra m, urn
(tlow u( liunlth, alantio impi, aot
Imoyaiit nlrltu, kItIiik am'iio arat
dfiiee of Ita iMtnefltiaJaffocta.
If c oiihilpuie.l una I a ana I roth
fJi'laLlMe-Onateil Wood ami hirer
I'llln Tlipy rout nomorf thaa oUiar
axntivt pilln. and ara roalli
iiirliir. Auk your I irnirnlft for Hatmolruth'a Hfrail
IhIi u ino! Iron (l'ru- fl )ti-r Mottle; MX tottl-s, 16),
mill Ht'BHflroth'n Hloort ami lAvur Filla U6o, p
box; Uvo boxen, 11), or buu'I dlroct to
UttRDCE IILSSLIuOTII. 107 Chicago ive..Ckicar.
f ROM Tft-
Growers Hands.
Will send upon aDDliQtion
FREE.theirnwiNusiraftd Catalogue
a . ak a-. a at k mm a-
or 80 rao torl58ot
f"A vierti
Bega's Cloccl Puriflor and Blood
No remedy in tin world lias gained
the popularity that this ni.-dicine has, as
r. hold on family medicine. No ono
fchould If v.'tiiout it. It has no calomel
i quinine in its cosnnoMlion, consequent
ly no h..d effects can arise from it. "Vo
keep a full M'pply at all times. O. p.
Smith Co. Druggist. j25-3mod&w
Di. Sciiiier.iar.n ha gone to Alexand
ria with Professor Virchew, and will
spend several mouths in Egypt making
Tho Delugo in tho South.
Bir.MiNtinAM, Ala., March 2fJ. Tha
fc-reat rain storm continues, and reports
from all parts of the state tell of tremen
dous llowds and great damage. Many
bridges have been swept an-ty and watk-
J outs are reported on all railroads leading
into the city. No trains are movingj.
Begs's Cherry Cougn Syrup.
Is th only medicine that acts directly
on the Lungs, Blood and Bowels, it re
lieves a cough instantly and in time
effects a permanent cure. Sold by O. P,
Smith & Co., druggists. j25y3m,d-w.
An obnervant metropolitan barber says
that he can tell one's plijfcical condition
by the ifte tf the hair!
Begg's Cherry Cough Syrup.
Is warranted for all that the label call
for, so If it does not relieve your cough
you can call at our fetore and the money
will be refunded to you. It acta .imul
taneously on all parts of the system,
thereby leaving ikj ltd results. O. P.
Smith fc Co., iiuggifcts.
iT-7i1 .; ruuiotca & iuxuj-iajit rrrt.h
Jvaluiavle for CtJitu, Xii, liiWard Ptdas, V.l.,
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.
When Baby was eicl:, we f aTe her Caatoria.
When she was a. Child, she cried for Caatoris,
When Bha bttcams Miss, she dun; to Castoris,
Whsa she hail Children, &h ;ave them CastorU.
a. a a i t-r
iiifn '
,-wAT 1 a"y-"
if (Icvdcndpij erotJddr)'r
fe crVi!IaQ?,5tiid to utfsr (fcltem