Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, April 12, 1888, Image 10

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Titer I No Excuse for -It X.- in AV
'Have 8ucH as Magnificent Languuza.
It Comes from Infirmity of Teiojitr
and tbe I'rofuse Vo of llyworda.
BROOKLYy. April 8. One of tlie
Lymns aung at the Tabernacle this worn
iiig begins with the words:
Bo let our lips and Uvea express
The Holy Oospcl wo profesa.
After reading appropriate passages of
. Keripture, the Kev. T. Do Witt Talmage,
D.I)., preached on the habit of cursing
and swearing. Ilia text waa from the
Book of Job ii, 7, 8 and 9: "So
wont Satan forth from the presence
of tho Lord, and emote Job with 6oro
boild from tho cole of his foot unto hia
crown. And ho took him a potsherd to
6crapo himself withal ; and he sat down
amonir the ashes. Then paid his wife
unto him, Doat thou still retain thin in
tcrritv? Curse God, and die."
A Btory oriental and marvelous. . Job
waa tho richest man in all tho East. lie
had camels and oxen and asses and eheep,
and, what would have made him rich
without anything else, seven sons and
three daughters. It was the habit of
these children to gather together for fam
ily reunion. One day, Job is thinking of
his children as gathered together at a
banquet at the elder brother's house.
While tho old man is Bcated at his tent
door, he pees come one running, evident
ly from his manner bringing bad news.
What is the matter now? "Oh," says
the messenger, "a foraging party of
Sabeans ha3 fallen upon tho oxen and
tho asses, and destroyed them, and butch
cred all the servants except myself."
Stand aside. Another messenger run
ning. What is the matter now? "Oh,"
Bays the man, "the lightning has struck
tho sheep and the shepherds, and all the
shepherds are destroyed except myself.
Stand aside. Another messenger run
nine:. What is the matter now? 4;Oh,'
ho says, "the Chaldeans have captured
tho camels, and slam all tlie camel cinv
ers except myself." Stand aside. An
other messenger running. What is the
matter now? "Oh," he says, "a hurri
cane struck the four corners of tho tent
where your cliildren were assembled at
the banquet, and thev are all dead.
But the chapter of calamity has not
ended. Job was smitten with elephanti
asis, or black leprosj-. Tumors from to foot forehead ridded with
tubercles eyelashes fall out nostrils ex
coriated voice destroyed intolerable
exhalations from tho entiro body, until
with none to dress his sores, he sit3 down
in the ashes with nothing but pieces of
broken ppttery to use in the surgery of
lus woutlus.v At tlus moment, wiien ne
needed all encouragement, and all con
solation, his wife comes in, in a fret and
a rage, and says: "This is intolerable.
Our property gone, our children slain,
and now you covered up with this loath
some and disgusting disease. Why don't
you swear? Curse God, and die!"
Ah. Job knew right well that swearing
would not cure one of the tumors of his
agonized body, would not bring back one
of his destroyed camels, would not re
store one of his dead children. He knew
that profanity would only make the pain
more unbearable and the poverty inoro
distressing and tho bereavement more
excruciating. But judging from the
profanity abroad in our day, you might
come to tlie conclusion that there was
some great advantage to be reaped from
Blasphemy is all abroad. You hear it
in every direction. The drayman swear
ing at his cart, the sewing girl imprecat
ing the tangled skein, the accountant
cursing the long line of troublesome fig
ures. Swearing at the 6tore, swearing in
the loft, Bwearing in the cellar, swearing
on the 6treet, swearing in tho factory.
Children swear. Men swear. Women
swear. Swearing from the rough calling
on the Almighty in the low restaurant
elear up to the reckless "Oh, Lord!" of a
glittering drawing room ; and the one is
&a much blasphemy as tlie other.
There are times when we must cry out
to the Lord by reason of our physical
agony or our mental distress, and that is
onlythrowing out our weak hand toward
the strong arm of a father. It was no
profanity when Jame3 A. Garfield, shot
in the Washington depot, cried out:
'JIy God, what does this mean?" Tliero
Js no profanity in calling out upon God
ia the day of trouble, in the day of dark
ness, in the day of physical anguish, in
the day of bereavement; but I am speak
ing now of the triviality and of the reck
lessness with which tlie namo of God Lj
sometimes managed. The whole land ia
cursed with it.
A gentleman coming from the far west
gat in the car day after day behind two
persons who were indulging in profanity,
and lie made up his mind that ha would
make a record of their profanities, and ei
the end of two days several sheets of
paper were covered with these impreca
tions, and at the close of the journey ho
handed the manuscript to one of the per
sons ia front of him. "Ia it possible."
said tho man, "that we have uttered so
many profanities the last few days?" "It
is," replied the gentleman. "Then,"
said the man who had taken the manu
script, "I will never 6wear again."
. - But it is a comparatively unimportant
thing if a man makes record of our im
proprieties of speech. Tho more memor
able consideration is that every improper
word, every oath uttered, has a record in
tjie book of God's remembrance, and
that the day will come when all oui
crimes of speech, if unrepented of, will
be our condemnation. I shall not today
deal in abstractions. I hate abstractions,
I am going to have a plain talk with you,
my brother, about a habit that you admit
to be wrong.
The habit grows in the community in
the fact that young people think it manly
to swear. Little children, hardly able to
walk straight on the street, yet have
enough distinctness of utterance to let
you know that they are damning their
own souls, or damning the souls of others.
It is an awful thing the first time tho
little feet are lifted to have them set
down on the burning pavement of hell !
Between 16 and 20 years of age there
is apt to come a time when a young man
is as much asliamed of not being able to
swear gracefully as he u of the dizziness
ot his- first cigar. lie has hia hat. hia
coat of the right pattern,
, he can only swear without
, and as well as his com
a, lu-lieves he ia in tho fashion.
i iitjre are young men who walk in an at
mosphere of imprecation oaths on their
lips, under their tongues, nesting in their
shock of liair; They abstain from it in
the elegant drawing room, but the street
and the club house ring with their pro
fanities. -They have no regard for Go',
although they have great respect for t!
ladies l ily young brother, taero n i
manliness in that. The meet ungentl
manly thing a man can do is to swear.
Fathers foster this great crime. There
are parents who are very cautious not to
swear in tho presence of their children :
in a moment of sudden anger they look
around to see if the children are present
when they indulge m this habit. Do you
not know, oil father, that your child is
aware of tho fact that you swear? He
overheard vou in tho next room, or
6ome one lias informed him of your habit,
He is practicing now. In ten years he
will swear a well as you do. Do not, oh
father, be under the delusion that you
may swear and your son not know it. It
is an awful thing to start the habit in
a family the father to be profane, and
then to have the echo of his example
come back from other generations; "so
that generations after generations curse
the Lord.
Tho crime ia also fostered by master
mechanics, boss carpenters, those who
are at the head of men in hat factories.
and in dock yards, and at the head of
great business establishments. WThen
you go down to look at tho work of tho
scaffolding, and you find it is not done
right, what do you say? It is not pray
ing, is it? The employer swears his em
ploye is tempted to swear. The man says
"I don't know why my employer, worth
$50,000 or $100,000, "should have any
luxury I should be denied simply because
I am poor. Because I am poor and de
pendent on a day's wages, haven't I aa
much right to swear as he has with his
large income?" Employers swear, and
that makes so many employes swear.
The habit also comes from infirmity of
temper. There are a good many peopl
who, when they are at peace, have
righteousness of speech, but when an
gered they blaze with imprecation. Per
haps all the rest of the year they talk in
right language, but now they pour out
the fury of a whole year in one red hot
paragraph of five minutes. I knew of a
man who excused himself for the habit,
saying: "I only swear once in a great
while. I must do that just to clear my
self out."
Ihe nabit comes also from the pro
fuse use of bywords. The transition
from a byword which may bo perfectly
harmless to imprecation and profanity, is
not a very large transition. It is "my
stars!" and "mercy on me I and "good
gracious!" and "by George!" and "by
Jove!" and you go on with that a little
while, and then you swear. These
vrord3, perfectly harmless in themselves,
are next door to imprecation and blas
phemy. A profuse use of bywords
always ends in profanity. Tho habit is
creeping up into tho highest styles of
society. Women have no patience with
fiat and unvarnished profanity. They
will order a man out of the parlor indulg
ing in blasphemy, and yet you will some
times find them with fairy fan to the hp,
ami under chandeliers which bring no
blush to their cheek, taking on their hps
the holiest of names in utter triviality.
Why, my friends, the English language
is comprehensive and capable of express
ing all shapes of feeling and every de
gree of energy. Are you happy, Noah
Webster will give you ten thousand words
with which to express your exhilaration.
Are you righteously indignant, here are
whole armies in tho vocabulary, righte
ous vocabulary whole armies of de
nunciation and scorn, and sarcasm and
irony, and caricature and wrath. You
express yourself against some meanness,
or hypocrisy, in all the oaths that ever
smoked up from the pit, and I will come
right on after you and give a thousand
fold more emphasis of denunciation to
the same meanness and the same hypoc
risy in worda across which no slimo has
ever trailed and into which the fires of
hell have never 6hot their forked tongues
the pure, the innocent, God honored
Anglo-Saxon Li which Milton sang, and
John Bunyan dreamed, and Shakspeare
There is no excuse for profanity when
wo have such a magnificent language
6uch a flow of good words, potent words,
mighty words, words just to suit every
crisis and every case. Whatever bo tho
cause of it, profanity is on the increase,
and if you do not know it, it is because
your ears have been hardened by the din
of imprecations 60 that you are not
stirred and moved as you ought to be by
profanities in these citie3 which are
enough to bring a hurricane of fire liko
that which consumed Sodom.
Do you know that this trivial use of
God's name results in perjury? Do you
know that )eoplo who take the name of
God on their lips in recklessness and
thoughtlessness are fostering the crime
of perjury? Slake the name of God a
foot ball in the community, and. it has no
power when ia court room and in legis
lative assembly it is employed in solemn
adjuration! See the way sometimes they
administer the path: "S'help you God
kiss tho book!" Smuggling, which is
always a violation of the oath, beeomea
in some circles a grand joke. You say
to a man: "How is it possible for you to
sell these goods so very cheap? I can't
understand it." "Ah J" he replies, with
a twinkle of the eye, "the custom housa
tariff of these goods isn't as much as it
might be. " An oath does not mean as
much a3 it would were the name of God
used in reverence and in solemnity.
Why is it that so often jurors render un
accountable verdicts, and judges give un
accountable charges, and useless railroad
schemes pass in our state capitols, and
there aro most unjust changes mado in
the tariffs tariff lifted from oao Jhing
and put upon another?
What is an oath? Anything solemn?
Anything that calls upon the Almighty?
Anything that marka pn event in a man's
history? Oh, no! It 13 kissing the book!
There is no habit, I tell 3-ou plainly and
I talk to hundreds and thousands of men
to-day who will thank me for my utter
ance I tell you, my brother I talk to
vou not professionally but just as on
brother talks to another on some very
important theme I tell you there is no
habit that so depletes a man's nature as :
the habit of profanity. Yoil uiigbt as
on tho'siJea c
raise anything t
which there poius
fanity. You may t
you cannot iwc.r ;
the lIohaminelai
j s; r La' cl.... 1
it " " '' ' r
ti.: ,
was ia L tiiam of a fever. He had
for many years lived a most upright life
and was honored in all the community :
but when . he came into the delirium of
this fever he was full of imprecation and
profanity, . and they could not under
stand it. After he came to his right
reason he explained it. He said: '-'When
I was a young man I was very profane.
I conquered the habit, but I had to strug
gle all through life. You haven't for
forty years heard me eay an improper
word, but it has been an awful struggle,
The tiger is chained, but he is alive yet."
If you would get rid of this habit,
want you, my friends, to dwell upon the
uscledsness of it. Did a volley of oaths
ever start a heavy load? Did they ever
extirpate meanness from a customer?
Did they ever collect a bad debt?
Did thev ever cure a toothache? Did
they ever stop the twinge of the rheu
matism? Did they ever help you for
ward one step in the right direction?
Come now, tell me, ye who have had the
most experience in tlus habit, how much
have , vou made out of it? ; Five
thousand dollars in all your life? No,
One thousand? No. One hundred?
No. One dollar? No. Ono cent? No.
If the habit be so utterly useless,
away with it.
But you say: "I have struggled to
overcomo the habit a long while, and I
have"not been successful." You strug
gled in your own strength, my brother.
it ever a man wants uod, it 13 in such a
crisis of his history. God alone by his
grace can emancipate you from that
trouble. Call upon him day and night
that you may bo delivered from this
crime. Remember also in the cure of
this habit that it arouses God's indigna
tion. The Bible reiterates, from chapter
to chapter, and verse after verse, the fact
that it is accursed for this life and that
it makes a man miserable for eternity.
There is not a Bin in all the catalogue that
is 60 often peremptorily and sud
denly punished in this world as
the sin of profanity. There is not a city
or a village but can give an illustration
of a man struok down at tho moment of
imprecation. A couple of years ago,
briefly referring to this in a sermon, I
gave some instances in which God had
struck swearers dead at the moment of
their profanity. That 6ermon brought to
me from many parts of this land and
other lands statements of Bimilar cases of
instantaneous visitation from God upon
blasphemers. My opinion is that such
cases occur somewhere every day, but
for various reasons they are not reported.
In Scotland a club assembled every
week for purposes of wickedness, and
there was a competition as to which
could use the most horrid oath, and the
man who succeeded was to be president of
the club. The competition went pn. A
man uttered an oath which confounded
all his comrades, and he was mado presi
dent of tho club. His tongue legan to
swell, and it protruded from the mouth,
and ho could not draw it in, and he died,
and the physicians said: f'This is the
strangest thing we ever saw; wo never
saw any account in the books like unto
it; we can't understand it. " I under
stand it. He cursed God and died.
At Oatskil, N, Y., a group of men
stood in a blacksmith's shop during a
violent thunder storm. There came a
crash of thunder and some of the men
trembled. One man 6aid: "Why, I
don't see what you are afraid of. I am
not afraid to go out in front of the shop
and defy the Almighty, I am not afraid
of lightning. " And he laid a wager on
the subject, and he went out, and he
shook his fist at tho heavens, cryinor:
"Strike, if you dare!" and instantly, he
fell under a bolt. What destroyed him?
Any mystery about it? Oh, no. He
cursed God and died.
Oh, my brother, God will not allow
this sin to go unpunished. There aro
styles of writing with manifold sheets,
so that a man writing pn one leaf writes
clear through ten, fifteen or twenty
sheets, and so every profanity we utter
goes right down through the leaves of
tho book of God's remembrance. It is
no exceptional sin.. Do you suppose you
could count the profanities, pf last week
tho profanities of office, store, shop,
factory? They cursed God, they cursed
his word, they cursed hi only begotten
One morning, on Fulton street, as I
was passing along, I heard a man swear
by the name pf Jesus. My hair lifted.
My blood ran cold. My breath paught.
My foot halted. Do you not suppose that
God is aggravated? Do you not suppose
that God knows about it? Dionysius used
to havo a cave in which hi3 culprits were
incarcerated, and he listened at the top
of that cave, and he could hear every
groan, he could hear every sigh, and he
could hear every whisper of thoso who
wera imprisoned. He was a tyrant. Gcd
in not a tyrant ; but he bends over this
world and he hears everything every
voice 01 praise every voice 01 impre
cation. He hears it all. I he oaths seem
to die on the air, but they have eternal
echo. They come back from the ages to
Listen! Listen! ?'A11 blasphemers
shall have their place in the lake which
burneth with fire and brimstone, which
is the second death, " And if, according
to the theory of some, a man commits in
the next world the sins which he com
mitted in this world if unpardoned, un
regenerated think of a man's going on
cursing in the name of God to all eter
nity! The habit grows. You start with a
small oath, you will come to the large
oath. I saw a man die with an oath be
tween his teeth. Voltaire only gradually
came to his tremendous imprecation; but
the habit grew on him until in the last
moment, supposing Christ stood at the
bed. he exclaimed: "Crush that wretch!
Crush tliat wretch!" Oh, my brother,
you begin to swear and there is nothing
impossible for you in tho wrong direction.
t-ii j
u, frozen , ...
II 0 has
J, lie j
-.i tou last ir', '
' jiiht. Ho w;.:
j to lrelp- you, k.'
tr. comfort you.
God and your r..
d them from t!
' f Iter you. V.
1 y an imprecati.
. . -u t him back by an
Who is this Jems whose 1
in the imprecation? -Has ho;
all your life long? "What vC ;
ho done to you . that-you sho
honor his name? WTiy, he was t
whose blood 6immered in the .
sacrifice for you. He La the brother tii j.t
took off hia crown that you might put it
on. . He ha3 pursued you all your .life
long with mercy. He wants you to love
him, wants you to serve him. Ho come3
with streaming eyes and broken heart
and blistered feet to save you. On the
craft of our doomed humanity he pushed
out into the sea to take you off the
Where is the hand that will ever be
lifted in imprecation again? Let that
hand, now blood tipped, be lifted that I
may see it. Not one. Where is Che
voice that will ever be uttered in dis
honoring the name of that Christ? Let
it speak now. Not one. Not one. Oh,
I am glad to know that all these vices of
the community, and the6o crimes of our
city will bo gone. Society is going to lie
bettered. Tlie world by the power of
Christ's gospel is going to be saved, and
this crime, this iniquity, and all the
other iniquities will vanish before tho ris
ing of tho buu of righteousness upon the
Thero was one day in New England
memorable for storm and darkness. I
hardly ever saw such an . evening. Tlie
clouds which had been gathering all day
unlimbered their batteries. The Housa
tonic. which flows quietly, save as the
paddles of pleasure parties rattle the oar
locks, was lashed into foam, and the
waves hardly knew where to lay them
selves. ,Oh, what a time it was! The hills
jarred under the rumbling of God's
chariots. Blinding sheets of rain drove
the cattle to the bars, or beat against the
window pane as though to dash it in.
The grain fields threw their crowns of
gold at tho feet of the storm king. When
night came in it was a double night. Its
mantle was torn with tho lightnings, and
into its locks were twisted the leaves of
uprooted oaks and the shreds of canvas
torn from the ruasts of the beached ship
ping. It was 6uch a night as makes you
thank God for shelter, and open the door
to let in tho spaniel howling outside with
Wo went to 6leep under the full blast
of heaven's great orchestra, the forests
with uplifted voices, in chorus that filled
tho mountains, praising the Lord. We
woke not until the fingers of the sunny
morn touched our eyelids. We looked
out the window, and the Ilousatonic
slept as quiet as an infant's dream. Pil
lars of clouds set against the sky looked
like the castles of the blessed, built for
heavenly hierarchs on the beach of the
azure sea. All the trees sparkled
as though there had been some great
grief in heaven, and each leaf had
been God appointed to catch an angel's
tear. It seemed as if our Father had
looked upon the earth, his wayward
child, and stooped to her tear wet cheek
and kissed it. So will the darkness of
sin and crime, leave our world before the
dawn of the morning. Tlie light shall
gild the city spire and strike the forests
of Maine and the masts of Mobile and
all between. And one end resting on
the Atlantic coast and the other resting
on the Pacific beach, Oo4 w"ll spring a
great rainbow arch of peace, in token of
everlasting covenant that the world shall
never more see a deluge of crime.
"But," 6ays some one, "preaching
against the evils of Bociety will accom
plish nothing. Do you not see that the
evils go right on?" J. answer, we are not
at all discouraged.
It seemed insignificant for Moses to
stretch his hand over the Red sea. Wha'.
power could that have over the waters?
But the east wind blew all night; the
sades on either side. The billows reared
as God's hand pulled back upon their
crystal bits. Wheel into line, oh Israel!
March! March! Pearls crash under the
feet. The shout of hosts mounting the
beach answers the shout of hosts mid sea :
until, as the last line of the Israelites
have gained the beach, th shields clang,
and tho cymbals clap; and aa the
watei-3 whelm the pursuing foe, tlie
swift fingered winds on the white keys
of the foam play the grand march of
Israel delivered, and the awful dirge of
Egvptian overthrow. So we eo forth;
and stretch out the hand of nraver and
Christian effort over these darkboiling
waters of crime' and sin. "Aha! Aha!"
.says the deriding world. But wait.-
The winds pf divino help will begin to
blow; the way will clear for the great
army 01 Christian philanthropists; tho
glittering treasures of the world's benefi
cence will line the path of our feet;
and tQ the other shore we will bo
greeted with the clash of all heaven's
cymbals; while those who resist and de
ride and pursue us will fall under the
sea, and there will bo nothing left of
them but here and there, cast high and
dry upon the beach, the splintered wheel
of a chariot, and, thrust out from tbe
6urf, the breathless nostril of a riderless
Swellest Mourning Paper.
It may interest fastidious letter writers
to know that the very swellest mourning
paper used by the elite of France
measures eight by five inches, and lias a
black border half an inch wide. The en
velopes measure four and a quarter by
five and three-quarter inches. New
York Tribune.
Teeth by Subscription.
A woman at Albany, Ga., wanted a
new set of fake teeth and liadn't money
to pay for it. She went around among
the business men of the place with a sub
scription paper and succeeded in raising
the required sum.
While the bee keepers convention was
in session at Waterville recently, not
one of the fifty men who attended waa
seen to use tobacco ia any form.
n - t
loice Lois
21 lots in Thompson's addition; 40
;t 0 block 1U4: lot 1 block G: lot
Young and Hays' addition; lots
vBienrv,?(' propeiiy f desci lptions and in all parts of the city on emy
tV n'l deniable residence in South Pik, cau b bought on monthly pay
V ore purchasing else when, call and see if we cannot unit you better.
?'ies of improved trround north
ing: South Park; 2 acres of ground adjoining South Park; 1$ acre f ground ad
joining J3outh Park; 20 acres near South Puik: we sec. 14, T. 10, It. 12, Cava Co.
price $1,800, if sold on; nw sec. 8, T. 12, It. 10, Cass C., price;$t,t00; a valua
bla improved stock farm in Merrick Co., Neb., 1C0 acres find on reasonable ttrms.
Consult your beat interest by insuring in the Phoenix, Hartford or JEtiia com
panies, about which there is no question n to the hign standing and fair dealing.
Tohnado roi.iciKs The present year" bids fair to be a disaNtrous one from torna
does and wind storms. This is fore-shadowed by the number of storms we ha?e al
ready had the n.ost destructive one so far this year having occurred at Mt. Ver
non, 111., where a large number of buildings were destroyed or damaged. The ex
emption from tornadoes last year renders their occurrence more probable in 1883.
Call at our office and get a Tornado Policy.Uniinpruved lands for 6ale or exchange.
Wincih am & Da vies,
I have just received Neufchated Cha,
Edam Cheese.
Bosuia Prunes, Macedoni a Prunes , Cal i for
nia and Turkish Prunes-
Celery Relish; Clam Chowder; Beef Tea--very
fine .
Fresh .Dates and Figs; Or anges , . Banana ,
cheap .
Li. D.
Have anything you want from a two v.Leekd go c&rt to a twentjfor
passenger wagon.
always kept ready. Cabs or tight carriages, pull-barer wagon
and everything tor funerrtlslurni6hed on short notice. Term cat
frVi,-'- in. 1 .. .... 1.
Holbs. PlniiLa.mad VmUatlt
6oribes lim e KctcIUm ui TKdBTA
Jf m at rral vaJ He.
WJon a poet&i tr th-
Broush Back to Life
Nebraska. Citt, Nc-1.. April 7. A lit
tle daughter of Mr. and Jlrs. O. A. Swift
sufftring for some t'ims with tj;ho;d-
neuraonia, sank rapidly yesterday and
I.tst night was pronounced des d hj tlie
attending physician, and thii position
kvas concurred iu by 'all prrsrnt. tlxrel.o-
inj all the appearance of death. The
9 c. . -3 c. - 04 r m M
lots iu'Townnnd's addition;
Lot 10 V.oik
block ut 11 block 111
lot 8 block CI:
in Palmer's addition: Itits ia Duke's ad-
of the titr liniita: 5 arrea of around adioin.
WCl tva mt PH FV to nil kambWk
nuwM ! at ivi pp., wttft
wUch emanot ba obtained
aaaat complete a.Uilcfraa nbllaa.aaU ka
Celery and Coca, tb" prominent in
credienw, nrc thj heart nod aafert
Is'erve Tonics. It strengthens ami
quiets tho nervous system, curing
Nervous Weakccis, Hysteria, fcleeu
leesieaa, &c.
, It drives out the poisonous humorsif
the blocxl purifying nrl enriching it,
and so overcoming thc&e diseases
resulting from kepuxe or Impover
ished bloixl.
Actinjrmndlybut snrelyon theboweld
it cures habitual constipation, and
promotes a rotrular habit. ItstrenirUi
ena the ttomach. and aids digestion.
In Its composition tho t-t and moet
active diureticsof the Materia Medic
are combined scientifically with other
effective remedies for clscases of the
kidneys. It can be relied on to give
jiu, icuu iuju tpceuy cure
Haadredsof testimonials hare baan nosirad
from pKTurms who Ut used thia rsmadr witl
re-njj-kaM beueto. bend fur circuixjm. firmx
full particulars.
Trie (1.00. Sold by DracgUU.
grief of the family and heart-rending
cries of "the mother as ahe clasped th
body of the child seemed t awake it aa
from a deep sleep, for the opancd hT
eyes, breathed and ha been porting rap
idly better since. She is novr pronounced
out of dangrr. The case ia a remarkable
one and the physicians do not prateni to
be able to explain it.