Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, April 12, 1888, Image 1

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t.;n Uurid Alive at
Rich Hilt, Mo.
,l:cu Hill, Mo., March 20. About
Vdock this alt-moon, there who a
inbJiug sound in in'me N i. C, nt this
lace, anel a moment aftcrwa-d a fearful
-explosion occurred, that entirely wrecked
" the mint? and buried in the- dhris over
ono hundred inimrs who were cut oil
from escape. Up to 7 r. M . forty hodhs
had been taken out b idly injured, but
will survive. In the terrible excitement
and confusion it is impossible to five
list f names or even estimate as to th
full extent of the disaster, but it is nw
thought over fifty men were killed. T I li
mine is situated six miles distant from
town. Rich Hill is located in listen
county, 100 miles south of Kansas City
on tha Missouri Pacific railroad.
Th moit horrible disaster that hi
ever occurred in the weft happened at
noon tday in Ksith & Perry's No. (i
mine, and as a result a large number of
men an entombed and thousands of dol
lars' worth of property destroyed. Just
at the dinner hour, when th? men wer
ascending eight at a time on the cage, a
terribl ga9 explosion occurred, filling
every entry with flames of fire which sht
out of the shaft. It cannot be ascertain
ed tonight just how many men are yet in
the mine, but at 1 o'clock one man had
baen taken out dead. The work of re
moving the debris and cleaning the shaft
lias been going on all the afternoon, but
it will be several hour, before much can
be don toward entering the mine proper.
A repoiter called at the residence of
the superintendent at 11 o'clock, found
him propped up in a chair with his face
and hands baneUg-el and scarcely able tv
talk, but be made the following state
ment: "At just seven minutes after noon, I
was telephoned that an explosion had
occurred at No. 6. I went cut as soon
as possible and found the south cage, on
which the men always ascend, stuck in
the shaft. I went down in a tub lowered
with ropes and found all badly burned
and in frenzy. In fact they were crazy,
some shoutin: and others singing. We
finally managed to be hoisted by means
of ropes and pulleys, in a fainting condi
tion, and it was then ascertained tint th
iiorth cage could be wAiked. I then
calUd for volunteers to go down witli
me to sec if any of the poor & Hows at
the-bottom could be gut out. Iiobeit
Urick, George Henry Chaihs Small m.-i d
and Nat Dulcband i-.-jpt.nd. d. Wlun
we re-ached the boUom 1 looked through
into the entry and saw a light,
and I asked who was thre and
a voice responded. "Gray," and I told
liim to put out hi light. 1 then asked
him to crawl to ni bi?t he was so ex
hausted he could not do so, and I reach
ed through the small aperture and dragged
him on to the cag Just as this was
done the wind rushed with the velocity
of a cyclone up the entry, putting out all
our lights but one. Tfh'S was followed
by two loud reportsjTid a seething flam
of fire, which ramith a deufning roar,
completely enveloping us and she. t ng
out the mouth of the shaft 240 feet above
our heads. We were all horribly burned,
and thought our time had come. Th.
rlames decreased as suddenly is they
came, and we hd to abend th.' attenij-jT
to save others. I y Ibd to the men on
top to hoist a wxy and alter what seemed
hours we were started up and taken out
in safety, though badly burned and great
ly hausted.
Probably all t h- we r i: the mlw- at
the time of the fiist explosion are dead
About eighty rive min-is are in ployed
in this mine. The' ar- mostly neyroe.
and came from Spiinfl Id. Id., win n the
mine wss op -ned b-s thnn one your ago.
Ths Rich H;d Fflm Disas-er
Kicii Il!L!.. M... 3Ic31 O.dy ti.nty
five nun were in ifcr fi;s ft ulen th s-
I ' : . ; '
th-ir .
li.X !
; -:k. n j
ShotThtough th Body
Faikbcrv, Nl . March 31. The dead
body of a lr boring tun -d Dan Da
vis wis foiiis--? t .: :.! jn-t ...afh "f
this .. - - : " i' !. v :
W. 1) -U--K.I .i-i'r t':s
aft-'ruo. ;i 1'. ' ' v.k i ii.-.- t t!i-at.
Davis ws killed by a b.jMet vWu-' rntur
ed his luck, p is-ing cl'ar through his
body and lodged n hi ?-.fio v,
cl- bus :::i'it-
tcd the en-.; . le;! t iyu tU- f i' t thit tv o
sacks j .x'-il. rill : ' 'os
-.eir, It wh : o-i :'-.t :. :-. -
p:';aOn ::', I- VATrx:
hvthj i,raiu.
. .. ..i. ..i 1. 1.
I'.tul company had lt
the."Q" company.
said Miller, "that th
h ive combined to ma'
ott against the "Q" Co.
sympathy with the niov
refuM-d to handle some
to us by tha Burlingtrr;
tory on tnrir lines V.'e
they did not handle enrs
handle anything. No of
be affected. We are vj..
the place of the striking
tl. y will stay there until we can g t l.
gi fes. Wo will continue to receive and
deliver freight at Chicago, but will re
quest ur terminal agents to easy up a
little ou us for a few days." There are
no fi eight trains moving on the Chicago
division of the St. Paul road this morn
ing. One stock train went out early, but
since then nothing in the freight line has
gone over the road. Everything is quiet
at the yards here.
Switchman Quirk, who was arrested
here last night charged with having
struck a Burlington engineer, was before
a justice this morning. The prisoner was
dismissed with a $5 fine and costs.
The Council of Women.
WAsniNorox, April 1. The afternoon
meeting of the international council of
women was occupied with addresses by
Matilda Joslyn Gage, Antoinetta Brown
Ulackwell, Elizabeth Boynton, Isabella
Bereher Hooker, Frances Willard and
others. The eveninir session was eriven
up principally to foreign delegates, who
xpn ssetl their pleasure at the reception
they had met, and their faith in the good
bccompli.-hed. Mrs. Elizabeth Cady
Stanton made the closing address. She
aid IIih couucil had been a success and
had proven that women t-re ready for
concerted action. She complimented the
speakers, and said she has always looked
forward to entering the kingdom of
heaven enfranchised, and introducing
herself to St. Peter at Ihe gate as a citi
zen of America. A letter was received
this morning from a Russian Nihilist
which completes the countiles sending
greetings to th council. Letters sent by
different countries show the universal
interest in the counril all over the world.
She contrasted the difference between the
manner in which the press received
the convention of forty years ago and
the reception of the present international
'I'lincil, The result of the latter must
h.- of lasting effect. She contrasted the
queen of England's jubilee with this
jubilee of women.
Mif. Stanton further said they aske!
tie- men to celebrate this woman's jubilee
!y placing in woman's hand the ballot.
When woman Ijas no care to take part in
government it proves that she has not a
ripened mind. Woman is hedged about
with old prejudices and sustained in
tin se prejudices by men of common
Tomorrow at 3 o'clock the final meet
ing of delegat' s will beheld at the Kiggs
Bruta'ly Outraged by Two Tramps.
Nkw YoitK. April 1. Miss Lizzie East
man, teaching school in one of the farm
ing districts of Cleaifie d county, was
found dead in the school house Friday
night. Her tongue had been cut from its
roots and was found beside the dead
body. The school had been dismissed as
usual at 4 o'clock and the pupils left the
teacher alone in the school house. In the
right hand of the dead woman was found
a lead pencil, and on the floor near her
lead body was the particulars of lnr
death. Two tramps entered the schoo:
house after the ppiU hai been dismiss
cd. overpowered and assaulted her, after
ward si-v-rt d lii-r tn-ju. with a knife,
and fl- ii leaving h- r for dead. She re
cov -i lii' U nt'y t,i ite on the school
fioo:. .'ni l r.u1 sul'Cji il.-.l in giving the
ab.vy ptifii u! :s, with a discretion id
h r ."sail'Ji.t-, v.i.i.i t,l;p eyitlently r-ew
too w .-.k to writ4 any more anl died be-
K i : y. Aj iii 1Th'-switch vn
. -wm rio-iii ii of all roads eiiterinsj
; i:e i: , i v . t th P-urlington h id a me t-i,-
i-i.: '.n.t ! u ' t at which thej resolv d
! ' : ! i lock noon Monday, they
handle any Biirliiigtun
:. lin". cx-.d.'t it be livestock or
pti i-hald fr ight, which has been started
previous to that hour. A committee call
ed on the sup. rintndints today and noti
fied them of the order. If road engineers
are ; nt in th- yards to do th switching.
of ie-iv m.-ii are I-jred irj their places then
th" itehin- n w 11 refine: lo work. The
m ag-Ts f the li'is h-ve not yet n:a ":e
knov.-n what they will do, but it is
sjiu.d tb.-y v. ill attempt to handle the
lrJ ;!it.
i;-gulite the Regulator with Warn si's
L i. r b'.:. apardla. M iiinfat fured
;:M'ir'itr at WurnT t Sifr .'u:?.
L : .r .-! ! r.fti--gists it.
All flru;-
. .r ii .Jest the
ii.n-jiia i'iarf Hiori-saU. b.; nt a breseli
py lh said hi tfem,r t condition written
in satu tti.rijfan l. t ay the indebtedness se
cured tlierev 4 m itm nv nil ,,f .1,1 ir,,i,.i.i
ness beltiK now aim loiij; since passed iiue and
" Ituesi our hand I ills 23rd day of March
l.EO.N 1 KVT.
Legal Notice.
Ia Dlstrlet Court of Uass cuntv. N'ebra-k i
(,eorne K. Iovey, Justus (. hieliey and MI-
luiu i. Wise. ilaiatics, vs. John H. i'owu-
hoau. fleieiidam.
jonn . xuwnsena win take rotlce that n
tie 2i I nay el telirnaty. 1S81 (:e. K. I'ovey,
vi. meiiey sum "iiuaiu r. ite unon
tins herein tiled their l eiilioii in the Ilis iirt
ourt or i hs county, Nebraska. L'alnst said
John S. Towntetid. Hie object slid prayer of
which re 10 quiei ine line n'ainiins to Hit
fellwiiig described real estate, lo-wit : Begin-
hidb at i tie nor. n east roiurr oi me nitli
wet iniaiTer of tim noil h-east quarter of see-
tUti thineen (13). in tonnsli'p twelve (II) rarge
iniricen (I J), ease in lass c -unty, eiiras
k, running tl.enee soutli jll.t (8) chain aud
sveniy-nve v3) linns. i:ienc.: wut ten (10)
chains and eighty-Ave (S.1) link ; thence north
elahtiHi ohai. n and eventy-flve (75) linkH
thence eat to the placv of bt-kiimintr aud t di
v si sai.iueiecaant oi anv aud all Interest. niMH
or title winch lie may have or claim to uave in
andt'tvaid real estate. You a e required loan
wrairt petition on or before Monday the 2ut
a ay oi a pin. ists.
I0K. K. DOVKV. )
Justus (J. Kichry. vPlff
By Byran Clark aad W. S. Wle, pllts fcttys
Notica to Creditors.
stata of Nebraska, I
Cass I'ouiity. (
In the matter of the estate of OrifTea Steven
deceased. Notice i hereby given that th
claims an.i demands of all pe ons against
iiiffen tven. deceased. Lite of said county
and slate, will be received, examined and ad-Ju-ted
by the ci.uuty curt, at the court li iie
in i iaiismoiitii. on iue lui aav 01 nimieiitDer
a. Ii 188S. at 10 o'clock io the forenoon, .nd
tliat six in Titlis from aud af'er i lie I'tii day of
Marcn a. i. lsss is til- tnne limited for cen
itoi of sjiid dec aced to present their ciaitn
tor rxamina ! n aud allowance
tiiveu uniler my hand tlit- 24t'.i dav of March
V. I. 1883. 2-3 C Kl'SMCLI.. L'OUn:v Judge,
iotlco to Creditors.
Btate or Nebraska.
Cb3 County, J
la the nutter of the estate of 1 h nnas D-m-Cak,
Deee :ed.
No ice is U'-reby i;iv.i that the cla'm-i ani
demand s of al! neieen- auaiii't I limnas Dan -
eak. .leceas 'd, l-A'.e of aid county and i:te,
wiii i reeeiv -d. x inu -ed a-ui a j istc j by
ne c n:iiy i m;r. at in- c iur- no ' in ruits
inoiitli, o i the 21th day of September. A l
18SS at io o'.-lock in th' f-Tenoiin. AnJ thrxr
i nivn.ln r "ii an-l nfrer t!i-- 2t h dav of
Ma-eli. A. I). ISsS. i- til timn limited for cred
i oi.s of s ii l deceased to present their claims
'or ex;.iiiiii:ttion nd iilhi-.Tr.nce.
Given under tnv hand, this 21th d.ivof Va;ch
-. ;. iss?.
2-5 C. Uus i - u.. County Judge.
SfierlrT's Sala.
By virlue of n order of sale, ifued by W. C.
-'howalier. clerk of tlie district entire, within
ami for Cass countv, '-braska. anil to me di
rected. 1 will on theU'.h dav of Anr:! A. 1). IkSS
.-it 1 o'clo-k p. in., of said day. at the smith
door o: the eourr hotis in l'i:iltiiioiith. Cass
i-oiiiity, Nebraska, in -said coii-.ty. ell at rub-
ic aiieMiin. tlie foliowinjr real estate, to wit:
!.ot No. I hi ee (3) : lot No. four H i in block 'o.
i h it -nine i3;) in Yohuk and II s' addi'i n
io the city . t la Imik uth, a--s county, e!..
! the same ar described on ihe recorded pl;;t
f s id ad-iiii :n to sid cltv teetlier with the
pririleue anp appurtenant: s 'thereunto b -
ni;i!ib or in any a p?-rlaiiiii. i'hesa e
leiu levied up-n ami taken as tlm prop- r!y ot
uine r. iteroi '. i nrisiinn u, ueroiu am:
Isaac Wed & Co . iiefetidants : to Se.tisfv
ju.lymetit of -uii will reeovorel by W S
1'e k e.n.s. & Co.. plaiiitins auainst said de-
fenda t.
Plattsiunuth, Neb.. Mareli W A. I). 18 8.
51-5 Sherifl f'nss eo'inty. Neb.
By David Miller. Deputy.
P.robate Notice.
I'i lie matter f the estate of Taeob F. P"ox,
' ceased. In the county Court of Casn countv
Nebr ska. Notief a lierebv Kirrn, that il-
11a n F. Kox, adiimd'tr it rofllieest teofsatd
Jic-!jK. fox, deee;ised. ha made appli ilon
f r final se: tlement. a d tha' said cause is set
t ii- h -al ius at my oluce at, Piatt -r.ioath. on the
It day of April. A U . 18SS. at 10 o'cl. c' a. in.
o . s day ; at which time an1 place, all per
sons interested may be present and examine
said accounts. c, l.u.-bh .I,,
2-3 County Judge,
ria'tsmouth, March 23. 1SSS.
Every Household
Should have Ayer's Cherry Pectoral.
Jt saves thousands of lives annually,
and is peculiarly etQcacious in Croup,
Whooping: Cough, and Sore Throat.
"After an extensive practice of nearly
one-third of a century, Ayei's Cherry
Pectoral is my cure for recent colds and
coughs. I prescribe it, and believe it
to be the very best expectorant now
offered to the people." Dr. John C.
Levis, Druggist, West Bridgewater, Pa.
U Some years agp Ayer's Cherry Pec
toral cured me of asthma after the beJ
medical skill had failed to rive 'me rer
lief. A few weeks since, being again a
little troubled with the disease, I waa
Relieved By
the same remedy. I gladly offer this
testimonv for the benefit of all similarly
afflicted."" F. H. Ilassler, Editor Argus,
Table Rock, Nebr.
' For children afflicted with colds,
coughs, sore throat, or croup, I do not
knotaf of uny remedy which will give
more speedy relief than Ayer's Cherry
Pectoral. I have found it, also, invalu
able in cases of whooping cough."
Ann Lovejoy, Washington street, -
Boston, Mass.
"Ayer's Cherry Pectoral has proved
remarkably effective in croup and is
invaluable as a family medicine."
p. M. Bryant, Chicopee Falls, Mass.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass.
Sold by all Druggists. Price $1 ; six bottles, i.
We tak"t jil"isnre l:i r f-iunm -n:l:njr the
r? - f Halls Ve-"talde Sicilian R - ;
Otwer as safe pud reliahla for restor
ing gray hair to its natural color. j
tho lino .
.out special effort, work, tu ...
the part of him to whom the
kI or evil, comes, why not believe in
ie people go through life bathed in
...... ...perpetually, others walk forever m
a vale of tears, and the shadow of the high
mountain, impa-ssulde, ungetoverable.
Some men, sunny nntured, easy tempered,
lazy, gol for nothing fellows, to whom a
thought would be a novelty, and an exercise
a curiosity, find every door open at their ap
proach, and banquets spread with every
imaginable and conceivable delicacy, with
nothing to interfere with the ongoing of their
pleasure from the rising of the sun to tho
going down thereof, while other men, care
ful, brooding, ever plodding earnestly, con
scientiously along first this road, then the
other, meet a continuity of disappointment
and disaster, which absolutely enshrouds
them in a gloom that is never I
a ray of hope; couii-outod evvr uy uiaupiuiub
ment until the closing scene wies them
from the face of the earth into the blackness
of darkness impenetrable.
It wilt not be gravely argued that birth
has nothing to do with man's chances in life.
I remember, when I began to work in lsoo,
thinking that of all the men in the world
whose chances I envied, there were but two
whose opportunities were seriously any better
than mine, T.hey were Albert Edward
Prince of Wales, whose progress through the
provinces and tho states I was then chron
icling for The New York Times, and young
Jim Bennett, whose father was then editor
and proprietor of the great journal with
which his name was synonymous. Do you
mean to tell me that young Bennett didn't
have a better opportunity for professional
renown than any other young man about to
embrace that noblest profession, journalism?
Did the Prince of "Wales have no ampler
scopo than the other young men born in the
British dominion? Of course, birth and soci.ti
post. ion and pecuniary status have much to
do with man's opportunities, but when we
discuss broad questions we must look w;t It
wide vision; we must not confine our illus
trations to extremes, but must take the aver
age. The averago man is poor, the great major
ity very poor. If it be a fact, and it unques
tionably is, that of every 100 young men
who go into mercantile life ninety-five fail
before they are 30 years of age, and of the
other five, three get on fairly well, one makes
a profound impression in his sphere and one
alone becomes phenomenal, standing head
and shoulders above his fellows in all the
world, where comes in the matter of luc k?
Where is the exception? Isn't it a fact that
the great multitude toil and suffer through
the blasts of winter and in tho torridities of
summer for barely enough to keep themselves
from starving arid to cover their nakedness
from the jibes and sncerings of the world?
I tell you temperament decides almost
everything. What would seem to one
luck, of the most growsome nature, appears
to another on a similar plane of life simply
an unhappy incident, temporary in its
nature, not lasting in. its effect, Somo men,
worth 1 100,000, groan over the luck of their
neighbor who is worth 51,000,000, while en-
other man who can honestly say "I um
worth today 100,000," is so overwhelmed
with recognition of his independence, of tl;t
power in his nana to do good among thi
suiTering and the sick and the tired and the
weary of earth, that he can find no words
sufiieiently rotund with which to express his
satisfaction, his content, his delight.
Some people say, "Whatever is to be will
bo. If I am fated to be rjcb, J will have
money, and if I am fated to be poor I won't
have any. A man who was born to bo
hanged will never be drowned, so whatever
comes I take it because I have got to. I didn't
ask to como here." Now that's silly. In the
first place I don't know whether you asked to
come here or not. Neither do you.
That two and two added together are fated
to make four, yes, but are you fated? Is
there any compulsion that forces you to put
ono two under anotner two? If you stub
your toe you fall. But why stub your toe?
If you hack your nnger wuh a knife, blol
will flow, but why hack your finger? You
may assume that you are fated to be rich.
What difference does your assumption makes
In order to be rich you must le industrious,
saving, seu-sacrincing, metnoaical, lnuiis
trious. Those factors enter largely into the
problem of success in life, and if those factors
are properly grouped in your case you will
bo rich. It is a yery rare combination, this
honesty of purpose, this continuity of in
dustry, this intelligent direction, but if you
have them the result is certain, and if you
have them and do not use them the rcs-ait
then is equally certain. You cannot raise
figs on a thistle tree or thistles on a fig tree,
and you cannot bring disgrace upon honor,
nor can you, trow'n dshcnety witu integrity.
I know a man who uas lost on eye, who n:u
broken an arm twice, who was shot through
his right lung, and whenever anything ha;
peas to him, he says: '-It is just my lu-'k."
My friend of the many accidents is apecu.-
iarly constituted individual. Had he loo .-m
ho wouldn't have fallen down the hatchw
That he was shot through the right lung wis
due to Lis presence upon the field of bar le.
That he lost his eye js attributable q the f !
that when he flashed his Uttle pile of pov.-k'r !
he didn't shield his face, and yet he says, :.s
accideat after accident occurs, "It i3 just raj
It ij just his stupidity.
And when you nay that it is Jay GouM's
luck, or it is Vanderbilt's luck, or it is tho
luck of this, that and the other, you uu-
tribute to some unseen potentiality results
which might much better be attributed to
the natural forcings of perfectly well unHer-
derstoqd. but rarely possessed, elements in
human nature. Joe Howard in Boston
A Desperate Case.
Physician Want treatment for yourself?
You look hearty enough I'm sure.
Caller This fatness which you notices is
not natural, doctor. It came vpry rapidly.
MYour flesh looks all right. Don't worry
over a little plumpness. Avoid rich food uud
highly seasoned dishes of all kings and"
"I board."
"Great Galena ! Dropsy." Omaha Wc rid.
Newspapers with a shibboleth, a cast i: oa i
mission, are like sailing ships which won Id !
cross the ocean without tacking. 'iGathp' '
There are certain things that virtue won't
mix with j ingratitude Js one of them, Vaol
..ihI nway,
v . it- i'.eix-e and wild,
k of a ionny day
: :;..cJiii.i.
' ,ivi were nilld,
A vviiii t.
David Graham A dee.
Friu I.lfo In Noitbern Iluly.
An Italian woman gives a sad account of
the state of farming in the northern jiortions
of her country. Almost all tho farmers nro
tenants. They furnish, the team and imple
ments, while the landlords make repair mid
pay the taxes. 1 lie crops are equally divided.
As a rule both classes have a hurd time. In
regard to the food and drink of tho laborers
she writes: The, light, pure wine, which be
fore tho vine disease cost next to nothinfr.
and acted as a corrective to all the defects of
diet, has been succeeded by wiuo which is
more heady and less wholesome, and of which
tho price places it out of the reach of tho
peasant as a daily lieverngo. On a feast day
he may driuK a glass or two nt tho osteria
but, being unaccustomed to it, it does him
more harm than good, ami violent quurrels
we tnt! consequence. Ihe lUiliun navvy is
s'iil u "ixii; -o.'s worker; nearly nil llio
are tuo work of his hand. But then, it must
bo remembered that ho eats aud drinks better
than the peasant. Tho rurul ioor can
not afford coffee, which is heavily taxed:
their drink is water, and not always pure
water, ana tneir staple lood is muize Hour.
either prepared as jxdenta or mude into a
very indigestible kind of bread. The former
is the usual and less objectionable way of
eating it.
"Maize matures to late that in wet seasons
it does not harden naturally: most of tho
rich proprietors have introduced stoves for
drying the grain; but the peasants are care
less and leave it out in tho lain till it be
comes moldy. Polenta forms the uuiailin"-
morning meal ; for dinner there is sometimes
a mincstra or soup made of rice or of the
coarser Italian pastes, with cabbage or tur
nips and a little lard. Ou last days linseed
ou is a substitute tor tho lard. Sausages, gen
erally of a home made kind, and raw vege
tables with or without oil und vinegar, nro
.idUtal when luey can Ijo got, and eggs, cheese
and dried flh aro luxuries. On dairy farms
the peusanu get a little milk or buttermilk.
and u"zzajuoJi who keep a cow reserve a
unaA portion cf the milk for tho chil
dren. Ihoso wUo keep chickens eat one
now and then, but butcher's meat is hardly
ever bought, except for a marriage or
for a sick person. If a horse has to be shot
the peasants are very glad to eat tho flesh.
and some are said to also eat that of animals
who die of disease. Hedgehogs, frotrs and
snails are esteemed as great delicacies."
Chicago Times.
Queer Dwelling Ileuses.
CThe Gilbert Islander does not generally
care to have any sides to his dwelling, lie
sets in four corner posts, about four feet'
high, made from the trunks of screw palms,
cut off and inverted so us to stand alone on
the stumps of the branches. Lashed from
one to the other of these are long, slender
trunks of cocoanut palms, and from these
again spring pairs of rafters, which, in their
turn, support tho neatly thatched roof. The
gable ends are then closed, aud the house is
complete. Not a nail or a pin of any kind is
used. All the beams, rafters und the thatch
are secured by ingenious lashings, made gen
erally from the palm leaf li!er, though some
times braided Irom tho owner's own hair.
The floor space is sm-jothed ol", '
covered with a thick bed of small, smooth
pebbles or coral. Ou this are spread plenty
of soi't, thick mats, made, of course, from
palm leaves, und then, with a supply of
young cocounuts at hund, with a sirni" of
shells filled with a good supply oi "ion!y"
hanging outsu-ie the house, and the hi:0o
fragment of shark, baked in a wide oven i.i
the sand, the islander is content lo eat ami
sleep until hungry again.
In tho middle oi every village ir; a "coii:;'. Jl
house." This is a larp-e hut. one that we
measured Leinpr 120 li-cl lonir. Go l'eefc u
uid 00 feet hih at the ridgepole, biiiJi. on
uie same plan i;s tue dwellings, but intenueu
as a place of meeting, especially for the "old
men," who rule each cniiMiumtv. Thcs-.
potent, aud reverend seignors" meet
daily, and hear and decide uli eom-iluiiit-i,
md i-isaa all ordiiamces for tho trveruine'-t
i the people. 11 their divisions uiai orui-
.l-nces hupp-en to '.nect wnh the approval of
a, ni.ijeiiiy oi those interested tl.ey a:e
auopicd. if lioii'i, another lo; are pr.
uiingatcd tho ujr.z day, un-l so on until the
matter is toiUed or dropped San Francisco
An eoo-Yeur Old ranu j-.
A family cf niummivs recently unearthed
in IJcxieo have ju.-t L-.-cn Lronght to San
Francisco and pir.ecd in the state mining
tireuu. They v. ire found in u ttratum 1 1'
i;i:o several fc t below the surface of the
ii-i.ii, i;oi far from the Arizona boiV.LT. Tke
,ruup. consisting- of a man, woman and two
jhi.drcn, were cio. together. 1 he two adult
iignres have on a scanty clothing of coarso
uniting competed of g: u.i und bark of trees,
uiie ono of the children, apjiears to have
been ckid i:i fur.
The r.ii have the knees drawn up to the
:'M::r., while the uai;!s clarr the Lead.;, as if
i-cy no 1 ll!
a.ipea: ;:l!'.-e
if the cast j
'a in great n:;o:iy.
, ia t is l-spL-ut, ij n;
of the l'o:;!'i.-ii:ai v
Tw feo.i.ral
nth limt
;ct;;-.;s. The i
1 .a laa Sony black l.air, and in the lobos j
r hereais are sinail tub-. 3 for ornament.
The man has but little L Hi.s features
ire dis'ioicd another evidesicj of pain but i
,resce:i very di-Liiicily, and Lis o;a mouth I
'-O' LLi tongue. Near tho bodies were also
found curiously formed Lcud. and the x.-r- !
feet fona of a cat, whic-Ii seenrj to Lave
shared their burial place. From the appear.
. . I. 1 ,..7 : . . l ii. . . . . . . . i
L- thought they must bav- fcaeudead at least
S00 j-eai-i New Vork SJun.
Annual Cost of Miaving.
An eastern statician has estimated that
3,000.000 men in this country get shaved at a
barber shop three times a week. He says, tha
this means an expenditure of thirty cents a
week, or fl.j.'JO a year for each man, or for
the:'.,0e0l(ji'o I5,iob,006 annually. To this
he should add a onsiderable sum to account
for the numerous fifteen cent shaves the
ruiir:g price in the west. Chicago Herald.
Wood Displaced by Iron.
la the manufacture of caska, carriage,
c.irts, j lacking cases, furniture, sheds, tele
graph poles, ar.d mauj- other things, manu
facturers of France and England are dis
placing wood ly steel and iron, and with
fat;ofactory rt-suits. Light doors and hol
low v. n elow frames are in use, aud, of course,
far linger thau wooden ones wouli- i
Vublic Opinion. I
l'aris, on i,
.o csciteuioat ;
Si -hool of Art of l!ir
tho greatest industrial
it iirogrcss in technical
i . .
The lx ll which was used at Anderson
ville prison during war times in now in
K)Kscssion ot ono of tin llcya brothers, of
Aincricus, (Ja., who values it highly as ;i
war relic.
It is n singular fact that in Nebraska
there arc no legal holidays established by
utalute, and in Minnesota Washington's;
birt'.ulay i.-i tho only general holiday
provided hy law.
Dr. Hammond is strongly opiiosed to
tho substitution of electricity for hang
ing, arguing that death by strangulation
with a silk or c-Uoii lopo is painless ami
ultogelhcr a rather agreeable sensation.
An artificial limb maker said recently
that ''after the war it was thought that
tho wooden arm and leg business was nt
nn end, but tho locomotive und labor
saving machinery have continued to
create augmented demands."
The attempts to employ dogs in tho
scntinc-i service have no well sticce (led
that It has been decided to extend tliein
to the whole army in the mountains of
Prfwnia and Ilelv.egovina. Consequently
the dogs are now In ing trained so as to
bo able to be employed in the great
maneuvers in the stinmn-r.
Senator Stanford's California ranch
contains id, 00(1 acres, mid is probably
the largest in the country. Some ;,80)
acres are planted in grapevines, mid ho
lias a wine cellar that holds 1,000,70(1
gallons. One Ixtnded warehouse now
contains 70,000 gallons of brandy made .
on the senator's ranch last year.
In Xchrusku, when! glandi red liorsc.s:
are exterminated b- order of the author
ities, the state pays the owner the value
of the animal. It i.s said quite u profitable
business is c arried on hv parties who tal.o
over the state line lots of diseased hor.sf !
from Dakota, Iowa ai d other localities
for the purjiose of receiving the bounty.
Seaweed is coming extensively into use
for decorative puriMises. It will be used
during the summer to ornament dresses
instead of flowers, and is already in twi
for decorating dinner tables. It can lie
had in the natural color or delicately
tinted, and the elFect is ehnrmiiig. It
has also the advantage' of never fading or
looking the worse for wear.
According to the latest nccoiiiit.s tho
IiO'.iisiana strawberry crop 'u the large:, t
ever grown. Use west I ennessee straw-
lierry crop will be far Ix-low the average,
and so will that of Kentucky, southe; a:, t
Missouri and Kouthem lilinoi.-!. The Ar
kansas crop will not 1 e much over half
the regular yield. Texas will not raise
more than enough for home use. Ala
bama will not ship many to northern
markets this season. The vegetable crop
in most ot the southern states will bo
large. Louisiana and Mississippi will
have fully double tho output of any for
mer year.
How India Absorbs Coin.
In the latest governmental report on
the precious metals the curious fact is
brought out that the gold and silver of
the world have a 6teadv tendency to
finally find their way to India, w hero
there exists a "gold passion" in all classes.
No other wealth is considered distiri- A
gtiished, and no other satisfies. The ex
port of silver to India throughout tho
Eighteenth century is estimated at 23,-
000.000 marks, and double that for tho
first half of this century. Gold and silver
thus absorljed are simplv hoarded as coin
or converted into ornaments. A native
judge says: "You can leave everything;
else unprotected; even the most valuable
things are never stolen. The only thing
that the Hindoos (esjK-cially the women)
value is gold, Geld coins are not in cir
culation, I icing used chiefly at weddings
and other festivals as presents." In civil- x
Izcd countries the secreting of coin has
nearly ceased, while the use of the pre
cious metals in the art a has greatly in
creased. Globe Democrat.
Trout Caught in Atda.
A trout caught with a f!y rod in a
stream in the Nuwara Illiya plain, in
Ceylon, Jan. 21, is said to be the first
angled, i:ot only in Ceylon, but in all
Asia. Some tine ago a public subscrip
tion was raised i.n the colony for the pur
pose of obtaining ova from England;
and, with a view to ascertaining whether
the fish were still alive, the Nurwan
Eliya plain was fished, with the result
here stated. The tly u.;e 1 was a Loch
Iieveu one, red body with teal" wing. Tho
trout was nine incheslong. It ir; pro
posed now to pass a bylaw forbidding;
fishing for another year, by which time,
it is hoped, the fish will liavc become ac-.
cliniatLzed in the new waters. Doston
pluck of Railroad J;iiiiiJoyof".
At the recent fire at the transfer house
of the Baltimore and Ohio Ilailroad cimi
pany in South Chicago nil aK'-mpt.s to re
move the cars from the transfer hcitso
had Leen abandoned, when Fiiddenly tho
ciy was raised that teveral cars ia tho
burning building contained gai;.ou-Ic-r
Tii? crews of three transfer engine? vol
unteered to attempt b remove- the cr3
from the Hazing building, and three lo
comotive; r.t once started toward it. Tha
engines eoitph-d on. and in a few second
all the cars had leen removed. One car
contained gunpowder, but was success
fully drawn out. it being itself in a blazo
at the time. New York Sun.
Kover IIa-1 a Speaker.
Illinois has never had a speaker cf the
house or a president of the senate, and no
speaker has ever lived west of the ML:s;.v
s.ppi. Rhode I.-land anel Delaware,
among the eastern states, have never been
honored with tho frpTakcrship, and
neither Louisiana Alabama ha3 ever
had a speaker. Boston Budget.
Coht i fa "rhe'.l" nal.
To 'shell" the shell road at St. Augus
tine, ria.. f . r one mile rnd a half will
take 50,000 barrels of oyster shells. A
tramway wiil 1h built to tranixrt tha
material from the sea to the rond. ar.d it
lA df ;eml for ten cents a Larrcl.