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About Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 3, 1887)
4r4 $2.00 PKIl ANNUM. PLATTSMOUTH. NKIR ASK A. THURSDAY. NOY. VOLUMK XXIII. NUMURR S3 p ftfV 5 lm Al fa I I O I tA Faaltless Family fffliciiiG "I have used Simmons Liver Kcgula tor for many yours, having made it inj only Family Medicine. My moth er before me was Very partial to it. It is u 8.i. V, good uu'l reliable nuali cine for imy disorder of the system, and if used in time is a yre it pre Vt ututic of sickness. I often reeoin mend it lo my friends, and shall con tinue to do so. "Kev. James M. Kollius, "Pastor M. 12. Church So. Fairfield, Va TIME AND DOCITOE'S BILLS SAVED by always ketpiny Hlmmoits Licer Jieyulator n the house. "I have found Simmons Liver Regu lator the best family medicine I ever used for air, thing that may happen, have lined it in Indkjkstiox, Colic, Ufaiikh(KA, 1iI.iji:sni-;ss, antl found it to relievt! immediately. After eat iug a hearty supper, if, on going to bed, I take atiout a teaspoonful, I never feel the effects of the supper eaten. "OVID G. SPARKS, "Ex Mayor Macou, Ga." o x v ; i: x i' i n i: lias our 25 Stump in red on front of rapper J. H.Zci!in& Co.. Philadelphia. Pa, ftOI.K I'KOI'l.'i t-.TuliS. I ri' G. l . Mayor, Cierk, Treasurer, Attorney, Engineer, Police .Iiulno, Marshall, Cvunciluicu, 1st ward, " " sr.l " tlL .1 I Sivrsijf c li Smith J II W AT K.K.MAN liVIMX Cl.AKIi " A Maimii.k J S MATHKW.S V II Mali k ( .T V WtriiiiAcu i A V '.'t n I I K I) M .'XN KS M it Mi'KPti V '( S V Ut! I'T' ' ,. ( K S CiUKUSKL, f McCiAl.l.KN. FlIKs .1 W.lotlNS ',OllAIKMAN It I'll ;!'.1KU 1) 11 It AWKsWoirnr Board Tub. Works GOIjSTY OFLTIGFclS. Treasurer. liepv'y i'teasurer, - Clerk," leputy Clerk, Clrx of Di-triet Cojrr, Kheri'.T, Deputy Sheriff. Burveyor. Attorney. 8 tlOt,. of Vu'o School;", County Ju te. I. A. L'AMIT.KM. Tnni. l'oia.ix'K J. M. Uoiuxsit.v ('. !. Ml.YHKHSON w. c. J.c li Sl'.tHVAl.TKK ICl K K.N K A i C. Y KO.M AJi A. MaD')I,K Al.T.KN llKKS-i Mav.n aiih shink HOARD OF SUrKKVISOHS. Louis, Ch'm., Weepim Water A. 15. Ton I). - riattsmourlt A. 11. ln.'Kao.v, - Kmiv.ood GIVIG SOGIKl;IKS. CiASS LOOti.1- No. 148. I O. ). F. -Meets -'every Tur-d.iy ureuiiis; of eueli week. All traiiSieiit brothns ate respectfully invited to attend. rr.Kio Lonr.K no. si. a. o. v. v.-M 'et - everv a'Tei iKii. Friday evening at K. of V . liall. Transieiit livot eon are respcti u.!y In vited to at tend. 1". v.. Wliiiv, -Master Workman : li. A, ;nte, Fore;j:iT! ; !. J'. Aloryuu. Uert er ; J. E. Muiris, Ut-eorder. 1AS8 OAMJ N i ). ZM, MoUKItN WDODMKS of Amrie.i Meet ', second and fourlli Mon day evening :ii K. of 1'. hull. All iransieat lirotaers re leipifsteil to meet, wirli ue. I,. A. ivvei :'er. Venerable Consul ; li. t", Jvlle-1, Worlliy Adviser ; 1. ii. mitli, Kx U.'.uker ; W. C. WiU-tts, Clerk. it L VTTSMi M' T II I.ODGH NO s. A. O. V. V. Meet. every alteru:iti; Friday eveiiiin: a! Kockwood li.iilat s u'cIoch. All transient broth ers are repeetfuiiy iiivit'-d to attend. '. A. liut'he. M. W. ; C, Green. Foreman : S. C. Wll le, Uecorder ; S. A. Neeo;iier. (iver-tei-. McCONIHIE POST 45 C. A. R. J. W. JOHXSON ...Coininaiuler. c. s. rwis F. A. Batks,.. tiKO. Nlt.ES... .Senior Vice Junior " Adjutant. ). M. Cfticerof the Day " " Guani i'er-t Major. ..tiuaner Master Serjrt. Auousr Tarts-. h.. Malus Uixon. t.'HAKLKS F.Mtl Hen.j. Hfmi-lk JACIOB UOI'Bl.l'.MA.V. . Alpha Wk: ..t CliauUin Meatin; aturdy evening PKOFriSSIONAL CARDS. ATTOUNICYS AT I.AW. IKKSON & SVJLLIVAN. Attorneys at Law. - Wiil give proiiipt .ittentioTi to ad Initdnesh intrusted to then. Olliee, iu L'uiou lilock. Fa-si Side, l'lattsirjoutii. Neb. J AS. S. Mi.T!lEiS, ttorr:ey at Law. Office over 5!. li. Marphy Co's store, south side ol Kiln between :t!i aud 8th treet!'. 2ltf f IJOBEKT B, WINDHAM. Notarv Public and Attorney at La v. ofliee over Ra-k of Cass County, i'le.tlsinouth. Neb. Ofliee tele phone No. 1 ; residence. So. e. JOHN A. TAVIES. A ttornev at Law. ();Vice with K. 15. Windham, over liank of Cass Co. Platismoc rif , .lauTlyi Ncbraska. rnvsiciASs and sukoeons. , W. C'OUlv. M. I)., riiys'.ei in a id ?uraeon. Oftle" at Kisber's Druj Store, I'latts mouth. Nebraska. J." L. SIGGINS. M. !.. riivs'.elan avd Sur J' K'"n. ii"inor v.-j--t of Beat-.eti's store. Ofliee hours fro;u to to 1J a. in. and from a to 5 aodTtoilp. m. llesidenee. comer Ninth and Kim streets Mis. Levjtigs' house. Telep!ioae at oi"ce and Notice of Probato of Will. In the mailer of tli" LastWiU j In Comity Court and Testament of Heinric-i -Cass Comity Ne Krnst Wai-ier Deceased. S braska Notice is hereby given that on the 2SUi Ls-y of Oclobe-. A. l.. 1-ssT. at tti" eouaty j-:ilL-e's nftic;" in flatt-foiith, Cass t-ountv. ebrsKa, at 10 o'clock in t!K forenoon, tlie follv'winc master will be I e;nd and considered : The application of Itii Catherine Warner to admit to prola"e the l-.itt w;! ntitl teitaeiit of Heinrieh Ernest Wamier Sate of f'lattnonth iu said couiKv decea-d. and for lei tors Tcst;t meutaryto ld G. Walter, John Waterman and Uos Gamble. Dated Oetober ldth, 1SST. By order of the court, . C. RUS-ELL. 303 Cou.ity JiMttfe. FARM AND 0AIU)EX. FEEDING HOPPERS FOR FOWLS USED BY A SOUTHERN FARMER. AS Keep the IZutter u Golden Color Throughout the Winter by Jufllclous Feeding or the C'uws A Dcvlco for Killing lifer. Ileef killing in vSwitzerlnnd, it wonld appear from the United St;ites consular report on cattle mid dairy farmint,', has been reduced to a fine art. The accom panying euts illustrate n device ti.sed at a lurge jilaujjhterino; place built by the city bvv eminent just ociovv i Susie. flu. 1-11LEK KILLING GUN AND SKCLL. It consists of a mask or plate, which has a short steel gun Listened to it, as in the sectional view at A. This is fastened to the horns by straps and the cartridge in the end i lire-.l by t; pping the iron pin iu ilia etui or the gun and driving it against the cartridge. The bullet pierces the center of the brain' and is buried in the spinal marrow, caus ing instantaneous anu painless death. M. IE ICE FCt'.t KILLING I1EEVE3. ine ox is led to tliD sluimbles, a tap is piven to the fatal, pin and the, animal drops dead without a struggle or the slightest show of apprehension or pain. lhe bleeding is said to be perfect, and. according to the authority quoted, no ex cuse remains for ki lling cattle by tedious ana pamiui method s. How to Sc ecur e 1 e llow Butter. Guernsey Breeder affirms that the color fades out of the s r. in and ears of a cow before it does out t if the butter. Cows of all breeds p;Uc as t o their skin color when fc-epu upon nry ion uer, especially in win ter. There is reall j no cow feed or butter feed equal to grabs or grass and hay, aud for securing the required golden color in auu uiuier iu winter, adds the au thority quoted from, nothing is equal to quicK grown shad 5 cured ht'.v. Shade cured ha y is that vhich as soon as it is well wilted is raked into windrows. and rolled into good sized cocks while hot from the sun, after, perhaps, once or twice turning in the windrows. The cocks being watched to prsvent heat ing m dry weather may be shaken out, tossed well to the aa", but not spread about much, every rrreen lock, uowoer, oeing lound and shaken out light. In rainy weather or dump weather the cocks must be made solid an d pointed, and should be protected by caps. Such hay will bo fit to house nearly ;ts quickly as that which is dried out by the hot sun shine, so that nearly all the leaves and heads of the clover are cither broken oft and left in the field or ground to dust in handling and treading upon the hay on tue load and in tho mow. Oood shade cured hay is wry green and dry, but not Drittle. it may be twisted hare' and show- no moisture, while it will show a flexibil ity and toughness entirely foreia to dried out, sun cured hay. Other articles of food have -groat effect on butter and skin color. Lawn clippings are excellent; ensilage has some effect; carrots have a great effect; pumpkins are famous for yellowing butter; lon; red and yellow globe mangles are useful; yellow cornmeal is to be highly commended, and a system of extra good feeding always prolongs the period of high colored but ter. There are, however, certain articles wnicn euect a loss of color at once; green corn lodtler, dry corn fodder, sti:ned. any steamed fodder, and probably a good many otner inings. . A Novel Feeding Hopper. The novel feeding hopper for fowls. Buown in the following cut, cau bo readi ly constructed by any adult who possesses the slightest mechanical genius. Southern r armer eribes it so plainly that there Is no difficulty about understanding it. FEEDING HOPPEK FOK FOWLS. is an end view, S inches wide. 2 feet 6 inches high and 3 feet long; 15, the roof projecting over the perch on which the fowls stand while feeding; C, the lid of the receiving manger raised, exhibiting the grain; E, E, cords attached to the perch and lid of the manger or feeding trough; I, end bar of the perch with a weight attached to the end to balance the lid, otherwise it would not close when the fowls leave the perch; II, pulley; G, ful crum. The hinges on the top show that it is to be raised when the hopper is to be replenished. "When a fowl desires food it hops upon the bars of the perch, the veight of which raises the lid of the feed box, exposing the grain to view, and after satisfying its linntrer jumps off. and the lid closes. Of course the dimensions may be incrsaed tojmv.filz'a d&ifett. . 1 1 !JJ WT Wli A HUNDRED YEAR?. A hutiireJ years and it will bo the mme, Beloved one, Aa thoejjh you ne'er neroas my pathway came . Aud grew my sun. A Lundred years and It will matter not Wo met to purt. 'Twill al! be over then -this cr.rthly lot, O loving heart! But "then and there'' is e'en so distant, dear So dim uud While ''hero and now," with needs so urent,clear, Frets at each bar. O yc;un, roll swiftly in your onward flight Till woo shall eea-.e; Till, with eternity's uiichnuiiijc lii.t. Conies restful ijeuee! Eva Marshall in Chicago Inter-Ocean. AN APPLE THEE. Jacques wu-s not a bad fellow, only a little Lasty and resisting his first impulses with difliculty. A law student, working very dil igently and imbued with Schoiienhaucr's philosophy, lm lif j was a hard one. In need of money, ho gavo lessons; iu brief, ho ate of that cow that no inoculation had been abk to preserve from' To "eat of a mad cow" in French means to enduro hard ship. Slid he waa not nt heart a bad fel low. I!ut his burden had begun to feel very heavy, and now and then there were revolts which mijjlit, on occasion, as one could see, lead him a little too far. One Saturday in tho summer, with stomach and purso both empty, fuming over a little excursion pro jected for tho morrow in which he could tako no part, because he had no money, he set out to walk about Paris, and keeping on a straight road, passed through tho fau bourgs, and finally, at 8 o'clock in the evening, found himself on the plain of Au bervilliers. on a long and b;rreii highway. Then, us bad luck would have it, rain began to fall in big drops, ud at about the samo moment tho thunder rumbled. Jacques was not easily frightened; he had no prejudice:-:, and ho cared little for thunder bolts, but considerably for tho rain, which leaked through his clothing precious in aa economic sen.s, and lor his skin, which was a feeble defense against pneumo nia. No protection anywhere; to right and left tho plain, broad and naked. At last, bv good luck, a tree the only ai? appla tree, bending over slightly, a goo. I devil of an nipple tree, which resembled a tipsy fellow, with his hat pitched over his ear. J.ieouos made a little salute to the tree and sheltered himself under its brunches. The storm in creased in fpry. Evidently, however, Jacques, who was not a bad fellow, was conscious thut he was exasperated against fate. These thimrs only happened to him. Mature, even, was maliciously disposed toward him. He shook his fist at tho shadows which the rain strined with steel lines, as j ou have seen on the pn rrex li-r-r-r! "What infernal wenthcr! and an other man came, scolding, to fasten himself to the trnnk of tho apple tree, with his back turned to Jacques, who had not seen him. The newcomer had been feasting. He seemed to bo a horse dealer who had iust rnnr-lnd.xl business matter, as ho crrowled hi. teeth : "This is very amusing; yes, indeed! And these beats who made me drink and have taken my carriage and left mo to walk home in weather like this and with all this money ubout me !" Jacques was not a bad fellow. It is neces sary to say so once more, because from tisia ioint one might entertain some doubts as to his character. Hearing the jabber of his un known neighbor and convinced that, even on a polito demand, ho could obtain no loan from him, Jacques gently turned around the tree, seized the man by the throat and. being very strong, strangled him. This preliminary- cxv.i.i;ji..-iw,iicu, uo look me man's purse. emptied it into his own pocket, threw it down on the ground near the Loely of its former owner and, as it was growing late, set off in the direction of the city. ' 1 ho tree, winch had ntt moved during this incident, set out to follow Jomtiiw. It is not a common custom for a tr tr follow a man who has just strangled another man; so it would bo unjust to accuse Jaeonra of weakness under the pretext that he was' a L.tle surprised. Hearing behind him on the road the sliding of tho roots, he turned around and saw tho tree. "Good," said he, "it must lie that ut mind is upset, not being used- to theso deeds, doubt less." Ho set off again and the tree continue! t.n follow him. "Either I am a fool," reflected Jacques, or what in seen here is a manifestation that is still inexplicable on natural grounds T shall know all about it pretty soon, becauso it is net to be believed that the customs offi cers, w no are calm imnded men, will let a iJius wiLtiouc at least venturing mark." . 0 re- At tho barrier the employes were not dis composed. The apple tree did not seem to have any of their care, and Jacques and tho tree fourd themselves in sinsle file in th streets of Paris. Jacque3 then began to think it over, and said to himself : So, then, it is clearly proved that this apple tree is a visible form of remorse, like Banquo appearing to Macbeth, or the com mander to Don Juan. This case of ha-hirim- tion is all tho more absurd becauso I experi ence no remosoc. This apple tree, it seems to me, misunderstands all tho traditions. Never mind. I have some money now. I shall pas3 a comfortable night, and tho tree, to-morrow morning, will be back in its place. You have missed fire, my good fellow." lie had. 3-ou see, a placid mini t- now to aoapt mmseit to circumstances. He hastened his pace, not to escape from the an- ! nlohw. whifh onno.i u - - ' ! igable root, but iA oder toTet to W The sooner after having counted, to hi, WTrf-! tion, the money w Inch he was sifting through ins angers m nis pocket He reached his ' houss. Rue do Seine. Before the door, ha asked himself if the apple tree would go in ' with him, and ho had something like a feel- ' ing of interest for the tree, thinking of the i narrowness cf the hallways, in w hich the tree ! " uuia cenamiy onuse its branches. He rnncr tut- uwr 1 . 1 , 1 1 1 . . . . ... " loor opened and closed behind him The 3 tree remained outside. Jacques smiled. ' apple tree remained outside. Jacoups smJlpd Reaching his room he discovered, bv thu liVh of a candle, that what with gold pieces and crowns the operation had yielded him 800 and some odd francs. He was not left in tho lurch that time I Suddenly he rpnrnnrht himself for not having thought of his apple tree, which, in fact, had played its part of an avenger very discreetly, and raisin the cur- tain, no looked trnouxn trio wiunow. i ne ap plo tree was on the biUewalk, Avalkin? up and down very calmly. Jacques even notio,l that it turned asida politely to lot pass two fcci'genUi do villo. Jacipjcs went to Letl and slept until rnorn- in?r: Toward f o'clock he awoke. Somebody was pounding on the door. Ho iit up, his eyes still full of sleepiness. "Hollo, there!" They were Lig friends, who were seeking him for the excursion, for which Le had boen able to pnx-ure some resources. In the best of spirits he 0ienel the door, and a lively dis- . ussinn was raiset w hiio ho dressed himself, lie slipped a few louis in his pocket and went down sjr iu the best of hoa'ili ti,..i a. - n" tree, which rerpcctfmlv awaited him oti thn sidewalk, liegan at once to follow him, like u lackey of a well managed household. Jacques, who had no prejudices, throw it a little huiiio as to an old acquaintance. Some good na tured iady acquaintances av.uited the young men, taking, us was proper, their morning vermouth. Jacques paid the scot, show ing a louis, which was greeted with a cheer. "Waiter," said Jacquos, "pour out a glass for my apple tree." I ho waiter, not comprehending what he meant, seemed vexed. Jucqus laughed loudly. It seemed to him, besidos, that' tlw appie tree wita a branch, wuved u vest ure of refusal. Doubtless it was a iernixviito apple tree, or or.o at lea-st that took nothing in the morning. They diseased tin; prtZ gramme, lor tno day, and decided on Nogent-sur-Marne. Juequ.-s talked of hiring a coach for the Place dc la Da-tile. It was as if they were an unu r an enchantment. "Say, you must knit up your roots," soid Jacques to h:s apple tree, giving it a friendly uig wuu tus eioow. Impassive as ever, the cpplo treo held him- seir on the curbstone, while they bet off. i neu it i olio wed the hack nt a gentle trot Leaning out of the door Jacques looked at it. Once he cried out in a fl ight. His apj lo iree nan just mivstnl bruising itself severely. "What is the matter with you?" asked his iauy I r lends. "Don t trouble yourself," said ho. "I have my apple tree." "He has his apple trie! Ho has his aoplo tree!" they repeated with noisv laughter. At tho railway station the applo tree did not go astray. Jai.-q-us found that, after all, it was cruel on h;s part thus to overdrive la: tree, for which he began to have an at- taeamcnt. But ho was ooa reassured. Tho apple tree stepiJt-d down 0:1 the truck with out any ticket, tho rogue! and, always holding to good tradition, kept himself at the door of Jacque :;' (-o;;i:;artment, wheeling about in tho style of a l.ody cuard following the king's coach. Oidy, Jacquee, fie voted to his appJo tree, was a little too neglectful of tiic ladies m his companv. one of whom, hav- i:ig for him him gently. a kindly fioliug, reproached "Are you jealous of my apple tree?" asked he, lau-rhiir Apple tree! Apple treo! And thev betran to Eiiig one of those refrains which enjoy a noisy popularity. Iliey even improvised lines some -i winch wero a little too free. Jacques ittsieu imit iney would otiend his apple tree, liut the trow retained its impassibility, all in good taste and quite English. Arrived at the tation, there was u f righful racket. Jacques ueajjy ict nis apple tree. liut nothing is so convenient in a throng us a tall friend. Ho saw the treo d:sene;aje itself adroitly and tako its prt agiin the faithful lackey. De cidedly it was an applo tree wea thv of mnfl. deuce. They all went and settled themse lves m an alehouse on the bank of the Maine. This time Jacques felt hmj-vlf ill at ease. v a? it not uncivil of him thV.s to scat himself comfortably on the terrace selfishly, and leavo his applo tree oa the road, walking about nil alone with it.-; branches clasped behind its back? And yet he did not dare to riso from Lis eiair. vy... iwsii i.-iujisures 01 youtn! Oil, -rita v.,.;:t silvery laughs they were enjoved! The ch.utor acquired a certain cri' pnoss, th wines gurgiea nwiy. Jacetues experienced an exr.uisiio se-jse o co:nort, haviug re- ctki, ia-seei through a period ol privation, 110 was even a little over excited, but what would j-ou? One has not always choked a horse dealer the night before; one has not al ways an apple tree that waits standing be fore one's restaurant. So his somewhat ex cessive hilarity was excusable, all the more that Ins friends of both sczes did not fail to keep the pace with him. Being in a generous rnooa no tossea up a giass of champagne into tho branches of his upple tree. "A canoe, a canoe! Let's go to the "Wolves' Island." "No, no!" cried Jacques, who was growing tender hearted. "Perhaps ho dcs not know Low to swim." "Who?" "My app" "Apple treo! Apple tree! This is a bore, but it's funny. Bravo !" Jacques blushed slightly. These pecplo woidd never understand him. He looked at his apple treo aa though to advise with it, and it seemed to Lim that t.b fr- dread a little walk on tho water; a new way douLtless, of moistening its roots. The little boat cast off her moorings. Tha tree leaped from the bank gracefully and walked on the waves, without the least embarrassment. Jacques kept Ins eye on it, reudy to effer a pole in case of need. mguttall, Jacques was abominably urunK. He shouted to Lis friends " ".c, 01 you : 1 ou make me sick. I cast you off. I am going away, with my apple tree." They laughed all the more; they tried to hold him, but in vain. The erirlv vexed hi' 4iT their hps. He paid no attention to them, the. uugi u tei ui icnow. r igr-.t came on. He fol- j lowed the edge of the cask accompanied by PP k . experienced a genuine shame, bee"ause ho stagrered horriblv. nd S T f the xnch, having -dnmk nothing, held itself constantly erect, with a little affectation of gravity even. Jacques zigzagged along in a most eiepiorai-ie lasmon, a few inches from tho edge. Feeling the necessity of a support he stepped up to his apple tree and said, with clammy hps "You are my friend, hold me." Acel he leaned heavily against the tree. i P, , y - -mf tJonlT the emIjt" 8 ho tum" . ?r rouci dVm thc bank' feU to the water, had a congestion. And n-pa i-,,,i The apple tree, left to itself, went lu.eb- fr. the plain of Aubervilliers. Translated from the ' 1 rencu of Juiti Lerinin.i fnw Ilr-n-i,. r.script. Great eli-couut sale at Dc?- k and Iiirdsall's. Call and get a discount bill. Tl-JE D:YLlQlf l' STOl'lE Yiy ; r ',''V'?.- 3 W-H 4-f.w. l A full line at TIE? - JACKETS 1) FRO.I $2. TO $10. JOL V. VVECKBCK'S DAYLIGHT STORE. p 1 0 mmml TtlE DilYIcICrllT STORK. m n The citizens of Cass county will recognize count roosior crowing loud SoloiTjciq mm m imm MILINARY AND CARPETS exhibited oyer nil competitors. The award 6tyle, value and quantity and will command your hearty concurrent- v.'hen v,c assert that we have this season the grandest and most varieel line of Fine Dry Goofls, Millinory, Carpets, HoiiolS iiiiij Tl be found The ladies of Plattsoi f Plattsmoutli and vicinity are respectfully invited to call and inspect of the wonderful Manufactured Textile Fabriqucs of the aje. som special of Screws asul Slilliiicry This sale will continue this and all next v.-ec-k AVe are rather late in placing our great rusn ana receipt oi new g-. .1 JOl impossible, but irom this date watch t hereby. SOLOMON White Frent Dry Main street FROM f: To f.'.o. o SSI'S, FROM f-. T f I ?. o Sfifll' IN ALL STYLES. Ricli Astracfean and Fur TriBini?!?. FIIO.M IG. TO tU.. COlIPETITIOiT. at a glance that the abovo bird Is & Cm and over thevictory gaince by jcf(lqq display of dry goods. is significant in point cf supremarT to in the city, KHks Goods. threat bargains will b' offeml. rooster on the perch owing to th 1 5 making earlier announcement r advertisement and profit & NATHAN. Goods House. lattsi!ouh, Neb