Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, October 20, 1887, Page 3, Image 3

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7 fttettsuwuth Igeckln Z)cr;iht
Publishers & Proprietors.
Samuel J. Randall and Protection-
The record of the United Static; dm in
the iust quarter of u fcr.tury, hits dt-mou-btiutcd
that tin; polif-y of rot ction to
donu'Mic industries is of vitul iiniort:inu
to tlic country'. And in tli'; iniiidi of
Well infoniK-d and unbisisril jicsmhh, t lie
country made i;re tt ml viuicuh in national
devil('ini('i;t under the t.-iiiil oflH'l.
Hut free trade theorists limy conti r.d,
with M ihapH Home' slight sliow of reason,
that the "good tiinm" of tliMO dnyn
would liave l; -n txpe; ieiici d if the op
posite jxilicy hiid prevailnl. These par
ticular iiik tnu nlH were in force for n
fJioit time only, !;i vin-i Imt mi in.ide'-juiite
opportunity for the devlnmeit of
their ii;llu lic: on the country 't; luii iness.
The pi thcnt tin ilf, liowever, t.ith Midi
moililieatioiiH as the eh ir.-i A industrial
conditions have i ccs-tiny, lm-thecn
ou the national blatue looi. for uln.ojl a
i'oiic-rulioii, while the material ::nl moral
progress which iius itcc oin' iinii i'i it lias
been without precedent in the country's
Hon. Hanni' l J. Kandall, in the follow
ing extract from his address ul the open
ing ot the ex;. option at Atlanta, thus re
fers to the co:iiph-ti-ii--:;.s and t !i.insii;rli-iu-Si
with v.!:ie!i the history of the coun
try since 1 Ml leu confounded tiii fills;
prophet of free trado:
It has been i rlap"! villi ilixna::e ceivy
nil prrsNteiicn : n f tenter 'ivtuin em: ;l : -riot
l in :r" 11 ii"' "it - tin- 'ie-es of f.iiu! ;iu-
cotliliii; We-.iWI In' wl.iie i In- u!
l.ili ir woilei In lo.vcr, I:. l;;n '' II l- hi n -rtra'til
that ni'lie e:c s s.n e
IS '.0 t !i:" reyr-e Ii is iiceu ;:c!i:a!y .loiu In
I" the l.'.cl. i'V u liat'MT ;,ml; nl Ic-tei!, :"id
1 lie pi ire of f ( :1 ;.ml i-l';h.i: li:ve lirrii ir
(i in'C.I, t x ft lillxi. i'.-i. :i ci, nlvi tlie
p'-'.lits or ca;!lal !i i . v.h.ln l - s i t e timse
w ! ( I lie .Mes-. i-u-'-.e ; ii :.i ! s-i !i'.:!i Intel
sis h iv ! e .lit !mij! it 1 III f ii.iir :u I l.s-cniOLiir-'
ef !:'. I'l iii b- uni'li e.vnv; ( Ii ii
xll initiv. la 1 i-i lie" ;, I l.e copl -. nAvei
tlif lcss, liav i-'M'ii.sii: eie: in .-. 11 ( 111
liuenci.s ami : it-veil ;t (mhi;i ami, I !hj- lasting viiteiy.
The prices of food and clot'.iir.g have
iiot ndvanced since INfJl, nor i: ive those
of labor iV dined. The predictions oi
the free tradtrs liave Ioi lofiplet. h
and conspieuoii -ly falsified by the f-icts.
A dollar '.vill buv C per cent nio.e of
the nect s-ities ol life than it would in
1330 or'lS ) ), in the old free trade- days,
while the werkingman obtains from 2"i
to "0 per cent more dollars for his la'eir
now than he did then. In the J u .nty 'i
years which have passed since the present
tariff first went :' operal mil lie- jxjin
lation of tiie country litis nearly doubled,
while the valu of the property held by
its citizens has almost i iiadrimU d.
Greatiy Excited.
Not a few of the citizens of Platts
inouth recently become greatly excited
over the astounding facts that several
of "their friends who had bc'n pro
nouncfd by their physiciaaf? ar- in-'turabl-niii".
cyond all hope Fiiffcnrg with
that dreaded monster. 'onsumption
have been compl .t .ly curi tl by D ". KingV
New Discovery for Consumption, the
only remedy that does positively cure all
throat and lung diseases, Coughs, Colds
Asthma and Unmchitis. Trial bottle
free at P. O. Pricke & Oil's Drug h'tore, J
large bottles $1. (1)
The E jropoanSstuation.
The news from Kurope, says the New
York World, is becoming more than
usually interest'ng. As it nlnt s to di
plomatic matters it is necessarily uncer
tain in some par". teal irs. H it, a-suming
it to be miinly c irreet, tho g eat power
seem to be grouping thems ! v-'.s into
more definite shapes than they h-tve oc
cupied for a long time past. Informa
tion from St. Pet- rs'mrg th-it lii;;sia and
1 urkev li-ivn .reed upjn a pi in to
jointly ndministi-rlr.g noon the
effects of '
Bulgaria and Koimiclia. wholly ignoring.
bo f)ir as appears, the of Prince
On the other hand, Sig. Crispi's visit
to the north is uad Tto d t signify
that Italy is now bound by very chs
ties to Germany and Audi hi. fo ciimr a
triple alliance of much s.olidity. The
principal o'je-t of t!u r cee.t neotia
tiom bjtwe mi th prj a'ers of t!ie three
nations, if Cripi is r-l'.duy reported, is
tlie maintainmeo fif tli ; Kurop '-iti equi
librium, and. particubirlv. o;;)is'tim to
Russian aggression. The itiilu -nce of j tf the island animals and develop heavier
England will be, wi'h-eg doubt, throw i j bone and general coarseness,
with Q -rminv and lies. The Pr n h ; A Jersey, to be desirable, should pos
svmpathirs will be on the oth r si.'e ! S3 a small head, slender and lengthy
Tli" brcakMi-T-o'T of the comm -rci i! u-- ! from ,he eye to thc ECSCi tho GJ"es should
gotiations th'it 1. -tv,- b en pemPng be. J full, but . not too prominent; the ears
i r ' , 1 lengthy and broad and fnnced with hair,
tw -n - - i : . a i 1 -1. vi , , ir s v.i , r is ; The tQ he lo, flat and nar.
genenil view o. th- s-fi-iti..n. And Tta- j rovv; tl,e chcst tleop rather than broad-
ly has something or th same l.n-rmg i The legs should bo slender with small, France has for , Hat feet. "A long, thin tail and soft,
Al tska and Lorr iine. i thick skin" are great points in breeding.
Therefore, is t!m r -ported agr etiier.t
tetw-een Kusi'-i an 1 Turk y with r.-:rard
to Iliil'.rari i. and iti th - apj ire-itly
avowed (dip-cr of the trip'.. ' dliau there
is all the m it -rial n "ss iry f.- t-ie pre-
dicti-m of a c 'llisi i. wr.u svr.u
roboratlng circumt-iuees to ;vire.
Droohets hav"t le.-t cotri I -t.x- o far
European war ij co:u--.-i ned.
W;-! Cures.
W. D. II )..t cj Co.. Wholesale and Re
tail Druggists of Home, Gu, ay: We
have been selling Dr. King's New Dis
coverv. Electric Hitters ivid limh'.tti's
Arnica Salvw for two years. Hive r.ov.-r j
handled remedies that sell as will, or;
give such univ. rsd sitlfa t:on. Tiu-re
have been some wi.-mlt rfttl cures eff- it --i
by these mc-di ia es in this it y. S.. vcrt.l
cases of pronounced Consumption have
heen en
uti-. lv cu-ed br me of a few bet-
. .
" Dr. King's Xevr Discovery, taken
ties of
cor- i
in connection with Electtic iiitt. rs. We
guarantee them always. Sold by
(1) F. G. Fiucke & Co.
I'ractloul liiformal Ion Itpcartlliig; Chun
net IkUikI .':iltli lliat i:xiIain Away
Konifi l.rroiicoiir) J 1 cli-v 1 1 1 n t on I'rult
Drying A (torn Crib Tliut Ilclitu ICatH.
Numbered w Hli old things tliat do not
Beem to liue been improved upon i.s the
rat J) roof corn crib illustrated in the Ac
companying cut. While familiar, no
doubt, to many older readers, there are
a Mifliciciit number of be;:im:ers whom it
may benefit to jLi.-tify iui de.strintiou liero.
i;at I'-iooF (.;r:7 rniB.
It miirt be elevated abouL three feet from
tlie ground, 011 prists mel tin pans, bottom
up, placed on t.; of the. pos ts. The crib
must not be eno".i;.:h to any tree,
r.'iico cr building i"or la's to jump to the
rib. As they cannot climb up the po;,t:
hiidier than the tin pan. the crib is sure'
to be rat and mice proof. The stepa lead
ing into the crib should be movable ones
that can bo fdl.ied or pulled up inside the
crib when not in use.
Orovitti of irorseK Ter-t.
Tt may be laid down as a rale rays tho
author in '"artistic horscs!:jein;," that
the horn grows more rapidly in warm,
dry climates than in coU, wet ones; in
healthy, energetic nnimah; than in those
which are soft and weakly; during exer
cise than in repose; in young than in old
animals. Food, labor and shoeing also
add their influence, while the seasons are
to some extent concerned in the growth
and shape cf the hoof. In winter
widens, becomes softer and grows 1 ..
little; in summer it is condensed, becomes
more ri ::1. c it" .--o end re-i'iug, ia ex
pofvu ' i .ore
v;pi(l!y; thi.. ....i.... . i of
nam re to cnalile the hoof to adapt ittclf to
the altered condition it has to meet hard
horn to hard ground, soft horn to softi
In this way is accounted for the in
lliicuce of locality upon the .shape of tho
foot. On hard, dry gronnd the hoof i3
dense, tenacious and small, with concave
sole, and a little but firm frog; in marshy
regions it is htre-e and spreading, the horn
soft and easily destroyed by wear, tho
sole thin and flat, and the fros an im
mense spongy mass which is badly fitted
to receive pressure from slightly hardened
i soil. In a ory climate, we have an
animal small, compact, wiry and vigor
ous, traveling on a surface which demands
a tenacious hoof, and not one adapted to
prevent sinking; in the marshy region wo
liavo a large, heavy, lymphatic creature,
f.ue of whose primary requirements Is a
foot designed to travel on a. soft yielding
surface. Change tho respective situations
of these two hordes, and nature im
veediatcly beghis to transform them and
their feet.
In the ordinary conditions of town work
..nil stable lr.amtgement, it has been ob
rerved that the v.all of a healthy foot
grows down from the coronet at the rate
of about one-quarter of an inch per month,
and that the entire wall of a medium
sized hoof has been regenerated la from
nine to twelve- months.
Cl-.minvl Island Cattle.
There exists considerable conftision in
tho niiuds cf many concerning the names
"Alaerney,1' "Jersey" and '"Guernsey,"
as applied to the Channel Island cattle
and their off pring. In ror.ny part3 of
Kr -eland, as in this country, the name
"Al-krney" is alike given to both Jerseys
and Guernseys. A correspondent in Mark
Lane Express suggests that perhaps the
fact that the lirr.t cattle from the Channel
Islands were imported from Alderney
tcntled to spread the erroneous idea that
all cattle coming from the islands were
Ai'.'. rncys. in reaury, tnere are two uis-
tiaet brceus tiie Jerseys anil ttic oucrn
scys. The Ahlerncy is a mixture of the
tv,o. Originally . tlie Aldcrneys were
smaller even than the Jerreys, but through
frequent crosiiigf with the Guernsey
btdls the size now equals that of the ani
mals of this latter breed. In Euskand, as
in this country, the Jersey is the more
popular breed, and is exported from the
islands in numbers far exceeding the
The Jerseys deteriorate after a while if
tv sufheient supply of imported blood is
not kept up in a herd; they lose the rich
color that characterizes the skin and ears
i It is important that the udder be free
from hair, liexible and soit, wita no
tendency to lic-ah. The bag ought to
extend well forward and high up between
the thighs. On no account should the
teats point away from the quarters.
In the Guernsey is a fine,
deep bodied cow, cf rich color and of av
erage size. Her quality is seen in the
marked yellowness of the skin, especially
on the inside of the ear, arortnd tr.e eye,
at the end cf the tail, etc. The soft, fine
hair varks iu color from a deep red to a
lii;ht orange and w liite. Lrike tha Jersev,
the distingnisidi ; property of the Guern-
yfjf- - -- rtrl-ijcdjr .
i 111
... f I Ce&-jT -r
!' j V , .4 Jf .. t.
as a I k'i ":.. -
i ii
tey is her butter product. The Guernsey
chesses beef makina preccrties wbica
oped several very good Incubators by tho
us of v.hich fairly patisfactory results
h.ivo been obtained. In careful hands the
Letter class of Incubators Ktvo g'.Hnl re
sul't'j but intc-IlK nt ntfention is an
li te i.eccs;:ity nt only In the management
of the incubators but iu tlie care of tho
chicks after they are hatched. The supply
of heat in incubators must be regular, and
umateiirs, a.s a rule, fail In keeping an
even temperature. Iteale, the well known
IhndiKh authority. Fays: "No part of an
ordinary dwelling is as good ns the cellar
to set tlio incubator in. Here the temper
ature varies but little between day mid
nie;ht, and one day when tho thermometer
may etand at Go degs. nud the next to
zero a chanpy which not unfrequcnt ly
occur. several times each winter in the
l.orl hern .states and ull parts of the houbC
feel more or less."
Numbered w ith the better class of aclf
regulating incubators is a machine con
si, ting of a small water heater which
warms tho water in a tank placed over
the c;:g chamber. The source of heat
may be either kerosene oil or gas.
The eegs, placed in trays, are warmed by
radiation on tho upper surface only. Un
der the trays are shallow pans of water,
six lo ti n degrees cooler than the ggs,
the aim beif.c to imitate the conditions
which arc observed v hen hens make thcit
nests on the ground, "'lie air in the -ig
chamber is alao nioi.-f cm l by water from
troughs suspended above the egg:'-. Ven
tilation is providtd through tubes which
introduce a constant Tow of frt.- h
ciose under tlie tank, thus vi.rmiLig it
before it comes in contact with the
-i;s. The impure air is ta !;.'! out
in, :n the bottom. All the i: s are
turned at one time by means of
an ingoti tor.." contrivance of tlio e-. g tray.
A set of thermos. ttic bars above the
eggs raise and lower the Heme of tlio lamp
or gas burner, and thus adapt the het-t
gi en out with changes of temperature in
the room, and hold the heat of the ma
chine e'.ose to the desired point by a con
stant ac lion. There is a chamber under
Ihe'egg trap w liicii is used as a nursery
for the chickens.
Another well known machine, made
similar to the above, that is, tho water
tank is. above the eggs, etc., etc., possesses
the peculiarity of doubling its capacity
after the iii.-t ten days, with a dosibio
layer of eggs. Experienced hatchers dif
it r in their opinions ns to the merits of
this feature.
A comparatively new incubator lias
no water tank, and no water is em
ployed except to supply moisture. Tho
desired warm! h to the eggs is imparted by
air warmed by coming in contact with
two metallic lamp Cues. Thru there is an
i;;'-vibator which is peculiar in having no
automatic regular -ng np;i.i -tus. i.h;:
: tichine consists o? two tn-dis, placed c-i.e
abevrt and one l ir enth tho egg drawer,
and co inected by t :'.Lcs in ruch a way as
to cause a very free circulation of tlie
water. The source of heat is a kerosene
lamp under the center cf the lower tank.
The 1'ame of thi.-i is regulated according to
the judgment of the attendant.
In careful hands machines such as have
been described give fair results. The ben,
however, remains the only certain incu
bator for inexperienced, busy or careless
folks, who will not give patient, persistent
attention to the artilicial ones.
Ilurjing Cnllage for Winter Une.
The usual mode of burying cabbage for
winter use is with the roots up and ex
posed, as seen in the cuts. This plan ap
plies to cabbage that is already fully
headed, the object in inverting thein be
ing to turn oiT the water.
" W "v
: v. ft ovv v v .
In the cut is given a perspective view ol
a trench of cabbage. A cross section of
this trench is also shown, giving a good
idea of the manner in which the cabbngo
is covered. A trench two feet wide and
six inches deep is made ia salf-drained
soil. In thi3 rye or wheat straw is scat
tered three inches in depth, and on this
the cabbages are placed, top downward,
two or three inches ap&ri until tho trench
is full, when straw is scattered around
tha head and part of tho stem. Thi3
don-", cover with earth from four to eight in depth, according to thc expos
ure. The boards at the sides prevent the
rain from washing away the dirt.
W hen it is desired that the heads uake
further growtii the roots may be placed in
the soil and the plants right side up.
Thincrs Farmers Tell Oue Another.
Mr. E. Williams, of Moutclair, X. J.,
says that the Triumph gooseberry, es
grown by him, has exceeded any other
variety in size, productiveness and frte
doni from disease.
Air. W. W. Itawscn, of Massachusetts,
names as the four earliest and safest kinds
of wrinkled peas McLean's Advancer,
Clipper, American Wonder and Champion
of England. IIo considers Maud S. the
best early smooth pea.
President Phillips, of the West Michi
gan Horticultural society, regards un
leached ashes as the best fertilizer known
for vineyards.
Eminent veterinarians testify that de
horning cattle, when properly performed,
causes little pain.
B. P. Ware, of Massachusetts, after a
large experience, says of tho Franconia
raspberry: "It is tender and the canes
must be protected. Eut the fruit is su
perb. If it were hardy I should prefer it
to any other. I have the Cuthbert; it
throws up an immense amount of canes."
An old farmer tells how he circumvcnt9
crows. As soon as crows appear he shoot3
ns many as he can, cr.d when his corn is
up hangs their dead bodies around the
Geld: the live crows, seeing their dead
companions, seek elsewhere their food and
leave the corn so uniquely guarded se
verely alone.
The value of hen manure from a single
bird for one year is estimated at fifteen
cents by a well known poultry grower.
Farmers generally -have come to the
conclusion that it is not safe to trust the
"gentle bull."
A Xew Jerseyman suggests, in addition
to the usual precautions observed in stor
ing garden seeds, that a piece or carcrhoi
gum le pill in each bg containing seed
and that the seed bo dusted with inset!
Drunkenncmt or thu Lliiuor M wlut Posi
tively Cuicl by Adrmiiiwtarinej
Dr. Hi ii ::' CoMc ii
S e.-i fit;
It can be given in a cup of cofk:9 or
tea without the kno.vledg" of tho person
taking it; id absolutely h irmhbS and will
effect a permanent and speedy cure,
whether the patient is a mod- rate drink
er or an alcoholic wrick. Thousand of
drunkards have been made temperate
men who have taken Jold-?ii Sp- eihe in
their cinTce without their know ledge,and
to-day believe they quit drinking of their
own free will. IT iNKVHU FAILS. Tlie
system once impregnated with the fipcoi
lic it becomes an utter impossibility for
the liquor appetite to exist. For full
particulars, address GOI.DKX SPECIFIC
CO., 1M Kace st., Cincinnati, O. CU-ly
It is only a qu stioii of time when the
government will lc compelled to tiilor
own or control the. t-h-graph tern of
the fotilitlV Jo s ie th" people from the
extortion.-: of th- wot - i n norm m-:ir -'y.
Fisblic scnlimt sit is fust dridjjig i! at
When vr Child. nh cried for f-'Mttiria
"When ho bcxmn Misa, him cl.inj to Cato:!a,
lFbu clis haJ Children, tho kto iho:a Chdlcvia,
Mr. Kude Daily, of L'tce, Iown,
who is pretty well known hi this sec
tion of the country, hits moved his fami
ly to a "' will Msidc at (re.l
ton. lie does not con.'- ! l!.i-i sitite on
account of t !: 1:1 ir:i!s of lov. a. but lx eau.-i
he believes in Xcbrasl-ta's future.
Tho Gtise D!i:il J::i'd
The preliminary h tring of l.--;ac
M iuaih Id, William Sit ", h and Thc!:ia
Eobitiso:;. ti:e tl:l('e li'-glois a':;i:-:d ol
having tired the E. it -M. bin!:;.-, was
liiiishe I be fore .I;ii'.-e ihov.n cteida.
evening. Tli i .--1 1 1 1 w-i-s a.s wt aiiticij ab-d
ill -bi UUlili)- r, an ;( q-llil::l.
Th.-s!" ':.::. :,s ihe t et in.oiiy eheily
sh iv. id. -, uli on the liiiin v. ldeh so
narrowly e-i-:;cd the laid jiliiic, and
vei e put i.'; 1 y tin; com 1 iu t or whil" t In
tra in . a s'.i-: ; ;-illg at the seine (d the
lire became they had not the means to
pay their fans. Cur l!:n.;y tie
was lighted by a coal of lire d'epptd by
tlie ( ngine ivhieli d;vw the eveaim; !r. i-1 t
seems the only jilate-ible oi ami ihe
t-- tliaony oi l!i v. it $!- s co: rulnir: -te ir
in this, thit th". fire b.-g-m iii ill" t oilde
of the bs;d.;-. It was at leas! how n that
these three man were n- t the gudty
lai ties. Liwuln IK naurc.i.
English Spavin Liniment removes all
Hard, fi-oft, or Ce.lloused Lumps and
blemishes from horses, Elood Spavin,
Curbs, h-p'.ints, Sweeney, Stilus, Sprains,
Sore and Swollen Throat, Coughs, etc.
Save $50 by use of one bottl. War
ranted by Frickc & Co. druggists, 1'latts-
m uttii. 81-lyr
Wholesale anil Kettl Ie;yr !
Sliinglcs, Lath, Sash,
Can si p ly i: cry demand of th trade
Cid i tsnd g'-t tirm.-i. Fourth strct-t
In Th -iii- of Opera Uoi;c.
JV Baw. tt A f"1e "fl " 1 J
Wq,gon, Buggy, Ilaohine ami Flom
pairing, and gbTierc'jobliti j
at now prepared to ilo k'n-.'.s of rr.'-lrii-
ot I arii i arid other n-seJsiiie.ry, !
ii a good latbe in !-:y.
The old Reliable Ysson Makcf
Ke Is '.v?:l
y.ii. i vv!:;.r:..
H-5- ;---; c.--t 1 it i ''izTe! r- rr
s ttk" a rT',.t,. ' : : t ' r -
fiit'P I'.l:n'i. Cut I:is oil
an-l retei!) to us etui v
t i!! Se:;.l vie) fife !,-;,f-
t'.ini: tif -rrt-at vuitio liii'l
i:r.:.ortaln-e te y.n. t!:;tt
wil t;i-rvii;i in brines
vh'ifh wil! le pe; yea mere
an :-.!iy! '!-e i: tliif
0.t tbe v.iik toel live ;
g-i? i U U u
iM-'iiy ri. I I :. ':iy
tvtir'i!. A iivi'i!.' i i
Kit aer ses
al! n :e Sei;u t ,-nrv vi- a .
treit vis! !)in n ii-v ;r a!I w-'i l-ir-i. w wul
;:.rt yoa : ii'itui r.i.r niv-de.'l. is (:! of
tie .! l' lie. in: J ci t::iit cb.-ie.ces of h lifetime,
i !ii.e !,, ;n; ;o"t;itiee- jii,i e i;t e r(r:s .air wit!
le t .i:-!av. i- a), ,uu.1f f;--c. Aedivbs T;?i:f
& Co., A Mti-t
WrpVjniT filqcopq ATTENTION
;ir'-'t o faiiT-i' n't f-bis.- w-itii eie.ti'eytiifa:
,'vi te,i,T-. Ibe v. 'i. If i.f I iie t' "r for tile'r
7.. arc iiiemt ets. !!ieii'p': new. li.'t.f 1I (1 J'H-f-it
iiic ! cis-.i.s r f eill-ei sex easily (e.ri! Irma
."-l! c, :rs te pet ( (,he. -iti-i a iropert ion -
al -h i: I.v '.iev ii a ! ' ! -ir i iivc to ti l'i-i-
r- s. t'o.s :'.e ! L:n- e.t".: tx-aitv as ti' ii-n
lea! al
. 1
1 1: Fee-l tlipn-
-' i es ; t --t ibe t- .. i'V ii:;:r'- ti '
-.- . Te ic-t a - .-ire i-t v. .-!! .-:i".r Ti -it w v'I
-. :i .; o ..'..u.e to i-hjt f nil' ti--'ii-e i wnt
ia-. ' all i 1 tieai.irs ;i;i(t ("11 f.t free, -irlris
Ch..i;ok bil.sao & Co Fortlaud.Maiue.
I 43 U.
i nynrp
1 I ii L
M) 5 a I d f-
f i i, i 'i.ii 'Wl'T'..'CtlTL ' J '. 1 r f i iM-Tyri-)irt
.:;. e...-- i- eAVl'-v,,- . --l -j., ."-- ':.;.? -i'. - ' f
i ' V ' f -" .'--v" . .'! 'I f He. jimcy,etJ.'.. rin ''- r"'j ' 'J '
I- -V " V - t. l
'Crjtorla it eo trell "ted to chU Jrea that I CatliBtrlik rr.m Cotta, Conri ntn
Iowa to in," U. A. Aacaiii, M. D.. ! KUi..3' t,vu" ul l'""-" U1'
III Co. OiXurd tfc, i-i-jotii-a, W. T. I TTiJ: ui u.j jrioua tnetUcatlon.
Tmn Ckxtxi Cotmr, ld Fulton ST"r-ct.Tfta
l';a : -- - . ifcinriYlrfiiii- in
HDfisn With Kish Prices!
Sold Direct to Contumergk. j
The "Liitlo idfctiiTP," S3.C0
I. D. Toatal pJvod Pucttig-o In CE2SI4
Platform Sccloa, SI I to $20.
Forges aMEMsiaillis'Tcoi
I'nrnif r" I'org.--, tJlO.
rnrm- mid nf Tnuli, B.-S.
Variiicrs Ci.n il.j mM 1..1v, Baying
au 1 iuom:y. Auvilo. V'Lej. Ac, So j.
(l!ll V T'lfllMlfiel i!M-ra In A Mu-rlr
T.pJn ; ti-.iiit!i-r l.ut : t (.cut ..f Kugll3t
bbO.l fwrl.yurln.'or n.i hciilii
2-Ton (fix I 2 SIP.
M :SV-n
fc.Vrtt"w'i r L. i"icni3Kiii5ou.
. 5 ! JV -. I'l , I!f m Ttrttr ami -rt e....i .-hi.
VV-.--H. i -!i.-h s-ae.:ii.i.til-r t; i.-itc. Alt-,
t:iX.ii '1 1 iickn, Wlii-i lb.irr.iv. . ( urn Sin-II-
.I'-V - - :i-h. Kccil li!l.. l-i.t.v li M..H-
ull Hardware jih:Ih;Hi;i!.
iej. 4. v.-i-tulit 1,1 "J l!n., .-.
Yifyzr-f rnoM n t ss.
Cj ;- --. A ln-nii'i. ill ?tarli!no.
!!,- - "cr, - jfri :y le,l. ii. -l. :-eliliiVe;Mi nt
if, ,;,-'"-i, . I I ,,,(. fi'i,'er .u 'in. HiuciC
fc. I VsAJj'ij' -i V,-:'ii;ut f jrirtiice. eKiuaiti
SsX f iyy.-yf-Ci M ' fii'l ( "' liitcot im-
: ''()'- .'-'I I" "'I '-""" v'-'r-
Ti.'.CJ-i.-'."Sti la. t .1 j.i-:-;'cc!. fc-ax c lrej'icy.
if . Se-nd i' i- CifiniltirH.
i--.- "" fi.' r-i. r
tjz s.j' jciz;.
Hrr f -'tcrt. Jtr-3?J jv
Kae-simito of Patent Cbes r.ii 1 Clieckorbnnrd. ftV
Vertitiintr the ci'lcerat"'! Srnx ita iilock Hcme'libS
and K lii:V"AiS! Ot' l,ufiO. It you fail t
find it on tiiis ti:.i;i board ctsi! n your druifsHt f"
fuil-HizG. iiitni$onoly Iith'f.TapUeJ board, 1'jU
OT BtUid C CLHL3 ior pi italic lo Ui.
rYom Mason IjOES. the Converted Gamblcn.
Tout Wavnt. Ind.. April 5, 1; 1. 1 bax given thf
Eynx-it:i C'j'ith l-:; .A it t bijren.ii trial. TheT cured
my Iit;!o pirl (3 5 crtiV i.lii) nf Cun. My wife and
tnotlipr-in-htxv v.ero t.-eul'lcd with emiehs of lona
tandir.K-. one paeknj'u of tlio Jilocks lias cur 0,4
tbem bu tliey can talk 'as only idipii do."
I.IMA, O., Jan. 25, 1 3,-7. The Pynvita Worm Blocks
acted like a rhnrm in oxpell.nH wurnij from my Jiu
tie clii'ul. 'i he child is nmxr well and Jearty, lu kieti4
of puny and bickly as before.
Jonx G. ri.oBBixsoJv 1
The Crrct Dirrlio-a and RyspTitery t'liekpr.
Pn.Piroy, O., July 7th. 'if'. Our sir-months old
Child had a severe attack of Summer Conipluirit,
Physicians coutil iH nnthintr. in despair we tried
fvnvita iilackberry UIuck-, r-comniended by a,
Iriend and a faw itoscs eifecmd a cuinpleto euro.
Accept our heartfelt indorsement of vuur BI:iolt
Lerry Blocks. M11. ami AlKd. J. IIamuxaa.
The Pvnvita Block Ilerneilips are
The neatest tiling out, l y lar.
pleasant, ( beap. Convenient, j!irt
Handy, I'.eliable, llaruilesb and fure.
Koboi; no teaspoon or rticky bottle. Put tp !
patent pacltaijes. i. JIOSKS i CtNTS. War?
ranted to cure or money refunded. Ask your (iruij If you fail to put them neud price to
THE SYNVITA CO., Delphos, Ohio,
. . r- . j
3 ii
YC'J ii-.i-'-6"s: ritc.l
r? " r. " " n r- r tc- ' i ; ,-
S W CD IS ri
,-VX r
W ir
u u :
1 . "TPi cnriT roT'TrrrTinuL R?ni)?.
S.-'"? J For- Te:i!TitT.,
. - B tVrt'R(.,a. 3 .-, i-ninr I mi.fiva
1 . r-.-?-T I crlit'! -xn ii V ;r sh ('it-.- (i 111-
f I i 4-lv
. r5Tr":ri'iiti, ieruuK
2 Ui" - - ". cryou.
I urn hi inc
r TV-fw S c r. lnefc,
irt, cld r eet.
-nolc ""A'ciili-
on-.l In f'r.ct all JIorler
j nfi.i'i: fro.u :l Low Male of
fiuritiua of the litjfeallvo
I Oi-tru n.
! lis tiljet n tho b.nman Bys'.erala
" ,,M S nr ox-'tina th!? itomach to perfect
J i i.-i--i:..:i t.f t- id. it enrieties a'.d
, siren -1 i---i; t!;e !l.oi. K'vir.t; t"na
iitrl vi.' r 1 1 tho wnuls 6ystem. th9
.';L-lnT(f n"-iitn. f-mstic tep. and
j '.u-.x-nnt M'trie-.pivins fttnpia rl
J C.-n. e .f ii s beneflcial Sects.
a h ... -. ; i r .-. r I n ,.?e. -r(i'
eliiC.r'MKiie 1 i.lood and Liver
i-. Thi-v c i -t no more t nan aher
Mix" pie", a id are ktc illy
,ir Ir-..:iNt f- r Hef-seiroth' Swpfl
i-riee ?i p-r , ' ti; lx bo' ies, Ji.
1S1.H..I nnd l iver Piiiit SiC. per
i r dircet to
h :p"-'N. !.u
0 a Ft e tT?i
Bay ELS 9
a i
r : . . . . V 51 B H 3 y
'XW ? l -V- ' '.:l
pujierier. A-s y
ls'.l Wvef lrer
an4 J ' !i i -:
box: laYfc Lee-
l p r w m
in . rtktO
irijii Stti - -'- - A JAIt
gJlK f."ponoriLy oi ooriiiino over "3o,
1 or wiialobon ha3 now beeu
on3tr;itcd by over elx years orpeA
Ir I -. . T f la mftrn finrnVilrt. TrrxT0
pliatlu. more comfortublo. Wld HEYE
Tlio immenao fialo cf . -- CoificXS Jj?
now over 7O0O daily.
B97rare of worthies." ' on3 fcOZidJ
with various klndj of
Nona aro cenuino ua' ' Jr. Want
ner's Coralino"i3pr aiu4tJoCj
tUo eteel cover-
S" f" ,
2. - sa ai
Ix . ( i.s a 1- nil bin 1) of
f'jrc&n & Domestic Goods.
ur I:ii'Ti'iI ii;. Hiving V.y a Cal
T ).-i !.'--i.ii'nti. - TT r"!--
.-j... --r rna ms i-y -ax
?H" --v . & Wi? c:-?v ? r,-3
iKUiVJe. r '- n il. f;u-.:t
. f '-l it lf'V.-stli-el.MCl: ,x
s fY-'-r' I ! ttslil "1 .y;t
".&" Jl.'i-'J fiiv tr kk4 iVnih, tV4
i-J r2 tfi-a.-suti. q
L " 1- !'' ''"'
. ' iii-i v. n hi. , v,rvjki.-. AM,
ftVCRiCAW FL'3. C3.. 17 tc-ih ?tr."i Itrtl. FlilUi, iA
m Tritii i i s
p-i c.-vrw. Sti-U'l fiiT
TIm B.ttn?ncfl n ftAri-larrl cf ciccllenco iilch
ud;iiif4 no fctijj'jricr.
J t co n tai n -i e v- ry i m r r o vftm c n 1 1 h at lqvCAt
gcuiu.3, tiili and ruotiey can prcxiucc.
Tbcic rx-ciir-it jr, ai'S are ccVorated for voir
time, ::y t r.". c . ck recponte, arscty of cotoy
bii:tu:i. c cc?.l"i, l. iuiy in tinik, prfec
coii.-tr u i.'i::i, :i. ; u;;;n tbc r.iOFt attractive, ornar
ciei.ta! a:. 1 .!.-.-. r-bls oreans for L,usrf, fj;Uoois,
cliurcue? Sou1??,, etc.
CitCiLVii.! !" FACI3.ITirJ5,
IcGtr-j:l!-:n Eco'.-i &.-,d Placa Sloala.
C'-e:c-r;c ruii rric Llcl-'i.oa Eri-licit! on,
-te'-? tihrnirn nnnct r
-A T7XT ; -. v- --; 7 "4
V: ; V-eV' 1 roa