Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, October 20, 1887, Image 1

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$2.00 IT It AXNITM.
IM.A'ITSMOU rir. NKliTJ ASK A. TirUUSnAY. OCT. 20, 1RS7.
o Uiis leed
"I have been suffering for
ovtr two jc:irs with e;sia.
Fur tin: l:i.t year I cnuld not
lake a drink of cold wat'-r nor
rat any meat without vomiting
it iii) .My life was a misery, i
had li .(I nconiiii: li-lc.l Sim
mons Liver K gulaior, of which
1 am now taking the second
bottle, and the f i( t is that
words cannot express the relief
I feel. -My appetite is very
gooel, and I dig-st everything
thoroughly. I le. p well now,
and I u.'d to ! cry restless
I am f. hing up fat; good,
strong food Mid Simmons Liv
er Ilegulitur h"ve done it all.
I writ -- this in hopes of benefit
ing si, ioe one who has suficred
tv I , "I 'l would take oath
to tlies- s'.a:e""tenN iC desired."
F S. 1J.vli.ol-,
Syracuse. Neb.
Latest by Telegraph.
Jioi:uowi;i and
A Conflagration In Progress
Daysox, ()., Oct. 18. At 1::J0 a. in. it
is learned that the immense paper mills
at Middletown, O. are burning and the
town is greatly alarmed.
M ara hall,
Councilmen, Is; war J,
" sra
c H Smith
A Maooi.k
J S Math icws
"l A YV Wll I K
I W'.m V'.-:i!' i:
S M H Mr Kin v
'i S W Mcrr. N
t K S i;ki:i si:i.
"i P MeU W.I.KN. Puns
Hard Coal Rates Reduced
Chicago, Oct. t. Tlie Rock Island
railroad reduced the rate to-day on hard
coal from Chicago to Council JJluffs and
Omaha from, to $: 00 per V n. A'l
competing lines mot the new rate.
A Frightful Wreck.
Omaha, Oct. l'J. Early this morning
report reached tlie iiuriiugton oc Missouri
dopot officials that n freigh; collissiou
had occurred on that line between 2 and
o o'clock this morning at Woodland, a
small Elation a few miles this side of
Two wild freights ran into each oilier.
The trains were completely wrecked
One of the engineers is reported as hav
ing been instantly killed and several of
the train men badly injured.
No names could be learned. A. wreck
ing train was at once ordered from Lin
Oayard Says That Either He or the
Attorney Coneral Must Co-
( ,1 Y .io-l.NS .CII.VI
r.oaul rul'.Vor!i-- :-kki ;.c:m;h
I I) U HawksWokth
Jiuty treasurer, -
CHS, -
lu-puiy Clerk,
Clerk of JM-tric-l'
l-aty tieriif.
isiu v -yur.'
AH aiiey.
Suet, of !i! School.-',
Cuuuty J a ue.
i;oai:ii r
Lons V t.t., CU'ia.,
A. i!. Toii,
a. ;. in 'usox.
I) A. ('AMIT.EI.I,
1 iios. 1'oia-oriv
.1. .M Koisinson
V,i'. Mcl'li KKSON
W. (.'. Showalttk
,1.1'. Kl IvKN IS.VKV
A. Madolk
Ai.i.i::.' Ukksh.v
:.Iav..U(I S;-ix iv
C Kl"sskl,l
YYeepiiii,' Water
rfllCK) I.OlHi K N(. St. A. O. V. V. .MeeTs
ev.-rv ;i!f f ra..'.. l-'rMay evenhm at iv. of 1.
lia'l. Tra.:.-iit-iit !ri;l lirr-i' ;ir.- resii-cttally in-vi-.L-il
to at ! t-ail. 1". K. vVliit., blaster Work maa ;
J. , :n'.f. l-avi:ia'i ; 1'. J .Moi.m, Overseer ;
J. ii. Mollis. !;.(: vii-r.
of Ahie: -i.-.i Mi-c'.s st-oi'il and fo'irtii Miin
d av fveiiiii nt K. of r. l::ul. All transient
brut r.i- r?ijafs:'i to niit't with ti". L. A.
'jv . er,' Consul ; W.C, WiM-tls,
VvHi iliy Vitvi.-er ; 1", .Merges, -.x-liaalifc-r ; J. li.
Morris, C'leriv .
ISL.vrrsMoi; m lodci: no. s. a. o. u.xv.
.M-'et- ev.-ry .-il;-nialo Kiii'ay eveniiis at
l'or-kwood ;-.t s , l-).;.;. All transient broth
ers are renee! fully i:i,t -.1 to at Lend. .1. A.
4in:-.e!i, M. YV. ; S". llreeu, : S. U.
Yihle. I-.tforuer ; A. Neweo'uer, tlverseer.
r:3cOO:itHIZ POST 45 C. A. R.
J. V.. .TitHXSON
C. S. Tfftx
K A.l". ATKS,
(ivo, Nii.ks
Ai'iiusT Takts
MauiN Pi X.OX
C'lAULKS Killtl)
r.K.V.I. Hh.Vl-LiK ... 1 iO.Ot .1)1 AX
Al.l'H V WliKiliT.
i-'eeti ij ."-atiirilay c-venuej
Senior Vice
Junior ' "
Q. M.
Oilieerof the Day.
" " Huard
Sergt Major.
.. ..(Quarter .Master Sergt.
..rodt Chaplain
attohxi;ys at law.
I5KI SON & SULLIVAN. Attorneys at Law.
- Will give promot .ttetuion to all business
intrusted to thei i. Oiiiee ia L'niou lilock. East
side, I'lifttsairtilti!, Neb.
7 A:-. S. MT!IES, Attorney f t Law. Oftice Marjihy C'-o's store, bouiIi side of
M via betwe i - Mil and etlv streets. 2ltf
XOB:iiT U, '.YIN DI1AM. Notary Tublic and
Att Ttioy at Law. Ofliee over ra. k of
Cass County, I'l itf-mouth, Neb. Olliee tele
phone No, 7 ; residt-nee. xo. ti.
JOHN A. l.Wr.:s. Attorney at Law. OfHce
with R. 15. VYiadliam. over bank of Cass Co.
PLArrs.uotTH, . .JiiuTlyi Ni-ukaska.
X? w1 COOK, M. !., Vhvleran and Surceon.
J O.Tte at Fisher's Drug Store, l'latts
nioutli. Nebraska.
J? L, SIOC.INS, M. i., lhyklan and Sur
Xj. g,.on. One door west of Bennett's store.
Office hours from :n to 12 a. m. and from 3 to 5
aad 1 to 0 r. in. i.esldenee. comer Ninth and
Kim streets Mrs. LeviDgs' house. Telephone
at otllee and house.
Fifty Dollars Worth cf Fun.
Sr. Louis. ?,1o Oct. 18. Mrs. Annie
Lachs, the woman who threw the pan
cake into the hu of Mrs. C.evelaml the
day the presiden'al party was at the fair
grounds in this citv. was lined !j0 in the
police court to-dtiy. Th ; women dis
claimed any disrespect for Mrs. ( -le veland,
and said she threw the cake in a spirit of
fun. The testimony was against her and
the court thought her fun worth $")0.
TI13 woman took an appeal.
London Laborers.
London, Oct. 18. The discuriiar.ce
created by u aeinployed persons who- fre
quent Trafalgar square still continues.
A number of unemployed, workmen met
in Hyde Park to-day for the purpose of
making a demonstration. A squad of
mounted police rode among the crowd
and a collisi m occurred. Tlu mob af-
ter a serious conlliet, drjve the
back. Several arrests v." ere made.
After some furtiier fighting the crowd
was dispersed, many being thr-iwn down
and trampled upon. Several arrests were
A VVrtolasala Siaushtar.
Grand Forks, D. T., Oct. 13. Late
last night the east-bound freight loaded
with cattle ran int an open switch at
Petersburg, tifty miles west of here, and
engineer John Streeter was killed. Eleven
cars were thrown from the track and si xty
head of cattle were killed. The parti cu
lars haye not been learned but certain, it
is that the company lately hal condder
a"ble trouble with some citizens there.
The probability is that it is careles
Troublo In thes Official Household-
Washington, Oct, 17. Either Mr.
Bayard or Mr. Garland will have t leave
the cabinet. So Mr. Bayard himself says
most emphatically. This is because the
new district attorney for Alaska in the
suit against the English seal fishing ves
sels takes up a line of argument which
controverts if not every point
brotu'ht out and relied upon by Bayard
in the fisheries despute with C ' .'la n
England. S.-cretary Bayard's friend
(and perhaps it would be just as prope
to say the secretary himself), think that
Garland is no good. They say he is not
a good lawyer, and they cyen intimate
that he is "on the make" and always has
been. They say he was "on the make
in the Pan-Electric business aud intimate
that he is now working into the hands of
the Alaska Fur eoniimnv and declare
there is no other explanation for the con
duct of his new attorney for Alaska,
They also say that if Garland had any
sense and the feeling and delicacy of
gentleman he would have resigned long
ago. When the Pan-Electric matt- r was
up and Garland made hi3 report to the
president the latter said it was satisfac
tory to him, although the press friendly
to him, as well as the opposition press,
took an entirely different view of it. But
Bayard's friends say Garland rested con
tcntcdly under the president's indorse
ment and did not resign. Later on the
Dfesident offered him the position of
member of the inter-state railway com
mission for two vcars. Thev s:ty that
Garland bragged of this as an indorse
ment, but if he had any feeling of delica
cy he would Lave understood it rightly,
namely, a- tin invitation to resign the at
torney generalship, but as he didn't and
has kept up his connection with parties
pursuing private objects, Secretary Bay
ard's friends say that the president must
choose between Garland and Bayard as
soon as he returns from his swing around
the circle. Garland has not many friends,
but those he has say that Bayard is puffed
up with his imagined self-importance to
a decree where he listened to no sense
and argument, that Bayard knows a great
deal less than a secretary of state ought
to know and that while his appointment
was down to Delaware's credit he is no
credit to Dekware at all. It seems to
disinterested parties that both Garland
and Bayard are right and that Cleveland
mi-'ht "-et along without both of them.
Time once gone can never be re
called." is the remark only too often
said by those who neglect themselves.
Dr. Warner's new Specific Cough Cure
Comes to the world's rescue
And denies death of its rightful due.
Please report your experience to your
druggist and neighbor, that the world
may have proof no cure, no p:iy re
quired Price 50c and $1. For sale by
Will J. Warrick.
Four Cases Cevoicpsd on Board the
Steamer Britannia
Xf.w Yoiik, Oct. IS. The French.
steamship Britannia, which arrived here
Oct. 13 from Marseilles and Naples, was
this morning sent down to the lower
quarantine, four casses of cholera having
been found aboard of her. Health Of
ficer Smith is very recitant regarding
the cases. He says the vessel, was sent to
the lower bav for better isolation from
persons who wished to communicate with
friends on board. The boatmen about
the upper quarantine say that four cases
of cholera have developed on the Britan
nia and hint that Dr. Smith is trying to
keep the facts from the public. Dr.
Smith, however, says there are no ca. s
of cholera on board th? Britannia, and
that it was sent below for observation
Motice of Probate of Will.
In the matter of tli" Last Will ) In County Court
and Te-ta'iient of lleiurtcli -Cass County .Ne
lrnet Waz'-'-er Deceased. bniskn
Notice is hereby jriveu t hat on the 2Sth day
Of O.-lobe-, A. 1).. 1 -ST, at the eounty judge's
ofiijf? in i'lattstiou'ti. Cass cotmtv, Nebraska,
at 10 o'elo'-k in the forenoon, the following
matter w ill be heard and considered :
the application of Ida Catherine Warmer to
admit to probate the lost will and tegra'nect of
Heirrich Krnest Wauner late of Platt-mouth,
in said countv. deceased, and for letters Testa
mentary to id C. Wagner, John Waterman
x and Ross Oamble.
' Dated October lnh, 1SST. -By
order of the court,
30-3 Couuty Judge.
For Sa e.
A firm on "Wee tnj Water bottom, the
B. W. i of Sec.' 23 Tp. 10, Range
li. Enquire of James Walston of
Eock Bluffs for farther particulars.
Sept. X-6mo.
A Cans; of Murderers Vipcci Out.
Charleston. Oct. 17. A
courier this morning brought in the news
t'aat a mob of citizens and officers who
are after the murderers of Bev. Thomas
P. Ryan, who was shot near Walton,
Roane county, this state last Thursday,
killed George M. Duff, jr., Friday, and
took Robert Ford, together with Jack
Coon, to the home of the Ryan family,
where they were identified. Coon was
lynched and Duff shot and his throat
cut from ear to car. William Drake, one
of the robbers, was caught, and confessed
that Dan Cunningham, a member of the
Eureka detectives of this city was insti
gator of he affair and the balance of the
gang carried out the scheme. Tire vigi
lantes started to Spencer, the county seat
of Roane, with Drake. There were over
three thousand persons present at the
funeral of the murdered minister yesterday.
The Mormons.
"Washington, Oct. 17 The annual re
port of Governor West, of Utah territory
estimates the population at nearly 00,-
000 and the assessed taxible property at
i?o J,5ij"),SCj. Commercial affairs are in
a prosperous condition, agricultural pro
ducts abundant and of excelent grade,
the stock interests flourishing and the
mining outlook promising. The govern
or recommends the repeal of that part of
the alien land law that relates to mines.
To the discussion of the subject of state
hood for Utah the governor devotes con
siderable space. He says tjjc movement
was inaugurated by the leaders of the
Mormon people and their representatives
alone took part in the convention. He
reviews past expressions and deeds up to
a very recent date in opposition to the
federal law and says: "Before clothing
them with sovereignty should not con
gress wait until their laudible professions
have had time to ripen into praiseworthy
works; until the conduct of the people
and the legislation of the territory in con
sonance with their profession, are
brought into harmony with tha general
a -
views or the country, and the territory
placed in the advanced position it would j
have attained but for the past attitude
of those who arc now asking the boon of
statehood? It is more than probable
that the question of L'tah as a practical
factor in national affairs will bs con- j
sidered in connection with her applica- j
tian fur admiss:on,but neither of the great j
political parties, so far as the past history j
of Che people is concerned, can lay claim, j
with any degree of certainty, to their j
support. j
Plattsmouth Markets.
October, 1!) 1h7
Wheat No.
2 IS.
2 :;.
:jo. r?,r.
.80 (n $1.00.
V'i ' "i .ft'
The tendency ot the market is downward.
FROM $:i TO $:0. '
New Deoarture-
We the utiFersitrncd druggists of
Plattsmouth do hereby announce to our
patrons and friends that wo can heartily
endorse and recommend the following
remedies of the Quaker Medicine Com
pany: Balyeat's Fig Tonic, Dr. Watson's
New Specilic Cough Cure-, and Heap's
Arnica Salve, for lite reasons that we
know what they contain, and arc the re
suits of science applied practically.
Will J. Waimmck.
Legal Notice.
In the ili.-tr' court of Cass ce'.n'v. !irli.
I-tt'ip laattcrof the estate ot Y.'il.iam O'Neill
llcei aseil.
Order to j-ho-.v option whv l(ci-i:-e fo real
esiato sl;.!ili not be r :ntt u. on rejiCi.; and
fili'-.S the petit-on of let J'. t-i.-e-r , t it.iuU
l rator of Hie estato of . liliui.i o' Mi l:cr.ts-e'l.reiirasi-n'ii:
;i;i.a-.r other tittups t ! ;.t .--id
i; ceased ete-l m ,.;ed i'l e-.--U--.ii. i ' 1 e-talt
t !ii T'-ia (K'M-Hi'vd :.ii'l ti.:t it .s !: -s-;:ry to
3: .1 t!ii! sa k- tt. t.-.-y I he dt-ht s of : d;-e: m
: mi pr.-j I-.;; t n-1 1 i.-i-- :-t; f --til tile c -i;!.- ; a::d :t
:i,.i-i'ai-ii.-.-; ti i !m-i--err I ,' -t n i; i-e-.-cA-aiy to
if. il Sit-d rit. es,-ile nil' thiit pin s- .
t i .1 tii-t. .-!! : - :s" i ei-d i:i
ill espitc bt- -i :i .-i.-.i.r-- r I'l i !ii! '"i-e t!. j
c. 1 1 l-c i the ; ' t i-, . i-i. :-i t wi a:-! i-r e'.i- - eiuii-
ly.onlhi ;i.!-v, !.". Ii ;: j !' '. m'.'.-r
A ! . li-.-r. 1 '-i--.':!e ji t.i. i f.-li :.: ! to
Si."w i: luiv, wbv Ii a : to .-el' lie; e;vst
ha!i of i seuilu-.-l ijai l ; i iueti-t-a
in towtishio twelve, lioiili of i-.n- . i'-'iir;eeii in citu.t , Nebr. sk:'. sh-.-tihi m t i sue to
said si'l ::inis;r:it-!i- nn-l e.-.rv of thin
M-rf!i;il! i'- ', ll-i ish-d in ti; ? l'la 1 1 --Oil -i; t !i
S' Ki.y H:-:i:ai.i. a n: pjipei- p'il'!;.-'aeil
'.I iii .-.t-i. i i-. I : i ; n'ai i;u in : aid '.'a s c a-.ttty
.T,e k.t, :uje-es ive v.'celiiy publ.e-a-
C. c.
ctoat-r 1,
nioti p
a'. P::.ttsti!t-Ulli,
h, IS-
:,T. itian.
: of i he eiiv. l let e ni t of
Cars .ty .ebiask
K?-d o:;e dollar in currei.ey. v.- th size of sin e
us ii iliy Woni. a. id try ;i i our Magnet ie
Itis.-.ies for i-li'-uii'ati'e.tL c-i! 1 i'e- 't and bad eir-
u! it itie . liii- a: e the mo t p'-u ei'l i.iiuit- ill
tiio world, me we;e ct- fec.s 1 w arintl. . lite r t i;;;'ii.: .lion ill thro- i-iiuuti-s after put-
tiu t ia-iii on. Sent my re i urn u p-a rece pt
oip' i-e. e:id yair address f r lu: - ev l)e-
1 artaie in i: etiieai I reat u-eti t v. :tl;t'i-t 'Iedl-
citie, Willi of t'-s.uu.ji-iiiis. Write
us :..;! p:.rtiei:!ai-.-i oi diiiieulti
ar ;.l..!ietii Ktdi.ey Ih-lts for jreiit'einsil
wn: posu iv ely em e t iu- lo.l' 'Win- di -ease s - t ii
out medicine : I'ai ia Iha baci;. b.'.id or
lierveoa ; debiiit , lamba-co, eeb.lsy,
rie-u:n-i.' i- -i. i','.i-.ilys- s, neural-i -, seiatifii. dis-
eas oi t lie Kit a jy .-. liirpel lr er, eiain.a- e:a;s
s:o;.s, i-iiuoleney, heart dise tl s-,eps:ii. i:;
di:;eti in. In i:ua tr i-a l.i:e. pics", e-c. e.'on
illation tree, l'licaof J'eit. v,i:: .I-:reecl ic
Insoles. i ..). St nl by txtnt-'s C O. l. or by le-
turn taau upon ree-tipt of uuea. send niei'sare
of waisi. and s.;; i f i-ii je worn, Seau for e-i:CU-
r. Oruer direct.
NorK.i'h.; above d-.'sc ib-tl T : e 1 1 with In
is v. ;ii r i:it e.l to ) ii ively Hire ciirontc
iscs ob s "i iual t'i' : i;d iin;otet.v er
laone j leluiiued. t elt idler lie j e: l s t; lal.
ia i: a :j kt ; c x r i a .n 1 1: ( o..
ly ?A Deaibaiu kt., . hicapo. III.
name on a package of COFFEE is a
guarantee of excellence.
COFFEE is kept in all first-class
stores from the Atlantio to the Paciiio.
is never good when exposed to the air.
Al-ways buy this brand in hermetically
FllO.M TO $12
Ricli Astrachau aui For Trimifofi.
FliOM $0. TO $33.
A full line ot
FB():. 02. TO xlO.
IM llfi a IHrl
W P J Li
W s
0 H 1 S
"Washington, O
Nebraska pensions
Original: Truni in E.
C anted.
-The following
have been issued:
Hart, lied Cloud;
Charles II. Bli-h, Royal; Daniel Desmond,
Norfolk; Willian Wilton, Beaver City;
Charles X. Lockwood, Stockville; Geo.
W. Mirsh, Clay Centre; William II. Web
ster, Central City; Fatrick Clancey (navy),
Yerdon; Madison Brown, Meraa. Re
issue: Thomas J. Yandusen, (navy),
The best and surest Eemedv for Core of!
all diseases caused by any derangement of
the Liver, Kidneys, Stomach and Bowels.
Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Constipation.
Bilious Complaints and Malaria of all kinds
yield readily to the beneficent iallaence of
D H H H ft
It is pleasant to the taste, tones up the
system, restores and preserves health. -3
It Is purely Vegetable, and 5aanot fail to
prove beneficial, both to eld and young.
Qs a Blood Purifier it is puperior to all
others. Sold everywhere at f 1.00 a bottlei
imi miutim n1 m..' - i ! iw lj f MK' '" I'm,
The citizens of Cass county will recopjiize at a lanna that the above bird is a Cass
county rooster crowing loud and over thevictory gained by
Soloixieiq jTqlcri
mm m mm mm of dry goods,
exhibited oyer all competitors. The award is significant in point of supremacy'
fctyle. value and quantity and will connnainl j-our hearty concurrence
when wo assert that we have this season, the grandest
and most varied lice of
GgdQs, Millinery
To be found in the city.
The ladies of Plattsmouth and vicinity are respectfully invited to call and inspect
some of the wonderful Manufactured. Textile Fabrifiues of the age.
Special r :ale oi Kress . Gooclsf Carpets, IVilUs
and SZlliinery Goods.
This tale will continue this and til next week. Great bargains will be offered.
We arc rnther Utte in jilacinsr our rooster on the porch owinr to the
great ruh and receipt of new goods i raking earlier announcemf n,
impossible, but lrom this date watch oi.r advertisement r.nd proli
iv b -is r - i
; White Frent Dry Good House.
Main street - Plattsmouh, Neb