TLATTiSMOUTIl WEEKLY IlEItALl), TIIUUSUAV OGTOJilSU 13, 1SS7. C email Dy XL niDEU ITAOOAliD. fcraoa o kiko 8olomoh,b kikes," "una,' ona nomj anu nioanuremontB. uooa was much flattorol nt tho tinio, not sweeting that ho hud to doal -w ith tho six leading tail ors of Milosi.4. A fortnight afterwards, how ever, when on uttondinx court us usual ho had the pleasure of eevin Bomosovi-n or eight Zu-Vondl'iiiashers" array ed 5u all tho glory of a vory fuir Imitation of his full dress uni form, ho changed hU niiiuL I shall never forgot law fuco of astonishment und disgust. It was after this, chicly in order to avoid ro nmrlf, and also becauso our cloths were woarinjj out and had to bo saved up, wo ro Bolvod to adopt tho native dross; and a very comfortable ouo wo found It, though I am bound to say that I looked sufficiently ludi crous In it, and as for Alphonsol Only Um slopogoas would havo nono of theso things; when his moocha was worn out the fierce old Zulu inado him a uevr on, and went about unconcorifed as grim and naked as lib own battlo ax. Meanwhile w pursued our study of tho language steadily and mado very good prog ress. On tho morning following our adven ture in tho toniplo three gravo and reverend seigniors presented themselves nrmod with manuscript books, ink horns and feather pens and Indicated tliatthoy had leen sent to teach us, and, with tho exception of Umr;lopogaas, we all bucklod to with a will, doing four Lours a day. As for Umslopognas ho would havo nono of that eithor. lie did not wish to learn that "woman's talk," not ho, and when ono of tho teachers advanced on him with a book and an Ink Lorn and waved them before him In a mild, persuasive way, much as a church wardon Invitingly shakes tho offertory bag under tho noso of a rich but niggardly parishioner, ho sprang up with a fierce oath and Inkosi-kaas beforo tho eyes of our learned friend, and there was an end of tho attempt to teach him Zu-Vendi. Thus we 6pent our mornings in useful occu pation, which grew more and nioro interest ing as wo proceeded, and tho af tornoons were given up to recreation. Sometimes wo mado trips, notably one to tho gold mines and an other to the marblo quarries, both of which I wish I had space aud timo to desciiho, and sometimes wo wtmt out hunting buck with uogs trained for that purpose, and a vory ex citing sport it is, as tho country is full of agricultural inelosures, and our horses were magnificent This 13 not to be wondered at, seeing that tho royal stables were at our com mand, in addition to which we Lad four splendid saddle horses given to us by Ny leptha. In tho evenings It was customary for Sir Ilenry, Good and mj'self to dine, or rather sup, with thoir majesties not every nit;ht, indeed, but about three or four times a week. whenever they had not much company or tho affairs of state would allow of it And I am bound to say that those little suppers were quite tho most charming things of their sort that I ever had to do with. How true is tho Ea3-ing that the very highest in rank are always tho most simple and kindly. It is from your half and half sort of people that you got pomposity and vulgarity, tho differ ence between the two being very much what one sees overy day in England between tho old, out at elbows, broken down county fam ily and tho overbearing, purse proud people who come and "take tho place." I really think that Nyloptha's greatest charm is her sweet simplicity, and her kindly, genuino in terest even in little things. Sho is the sim plest woman I ever knew, aud where her pas Eions are not involved one of tho sweetest; but sho can look queenly enough when sho likos and bo as fierce as any savago, too. For instance, never shall I forget that scene whan I for the first time was sure that she was really in love with Curtis. It came about in this way all through Good's weakness for ladies' society. Vv"hen we had been employed for some throe months in learning Zu-Vendi it struck Master Good that ho was getting rather tired of the old gentlemen who did us the honor to lead us in the way that we should go, so he proceeded, without saying a word to anybody elso, to inform them that it was a peculiar fact,but that we could not mako any real progress in tho Sloeper intricacies of a foreign language unless wo were taught by ladies young ladies, he was careful to ex plain. In his own country, he pointed out, it was habitual to choose the very best looking and most charming girls who could bo found to instruct any strangers who happened to come that way, etc. All of this tho old gentlemen swallowed open mouthed. Thero was, they admitted, reason in what he vxid, since tho contempla tion of the beautiful, as their philosophy taught, induced a certain porosity of mind similar to that produced upon the physical body by tho healthful influences of suu and air ; consequently it was probable that wo might absorb the Zu-Vendi tongue a little faster if suitable teachers could bo found. Another thing was that as the female sex was naturally loquacious, good practice would be gained in tho viva voce department of our studies. To all of this Good gravely assented, and the learned gentlemen departed, assuring him that their orders were to fall in with our wishes in every way, and that, if possible, our views should be met. Imagine, therefore, the surprise and dis gust of myself, aud I trust and believe Sir Henry, when, on entering the room where wo were accustomed to carry 011 our studies, tho following morning, wo found, instead of our usual venerable tutors, three of the best look ing young women whom Milosis could pro duce and that is saying a good deal who blushed and smiled and courtesied, aud gavo us to understand that they were there to carry on our instruction. Then Good, as wo gazed at ono another in bewilderment, thought fit to'oxplain, saying that it had slipped his mem ory bofore but the old gentlemen had told turn, on tho previous evening, that it was ab solutely necessary that our further education hould be carried on by the other sex. I was overwhelmed, and appealed to Bir Henry for advice in such a crisis. "Well," he said, "you see the ladies are here, ain't they? If we sent them away, don't you trunK IE migni uurt ineir ieeungs, euf Ono doesn't like to be rough, you see; and they look regular blues, don't they, eh3" By this time Good had already begun Lis lessons with the handsomest of the three, aud o with a sigh I yielded. That day every thing went very well; tho young ladies were certainly very clever, and they only smiled when we blundered. I never saw Good so attentive to his book3 before, and even Sir Henry appeared to tacklo Zu-Vendi with a renewed zest "Ah," thought I, "will it al ways be thus?" Next day we were much more lively; our work was pleasingly interspersed with ques tions about our native country, what the la dies were like there, etc., all of which we an swered as best we could In Zu-Vendi, and I heard Good assuring his teacher that her love liness was to tho beauties of Europe as the sun to the moon ; to which she replied with a littlo toss of the head that she was a plain teaching wnmnn and nothinz else, and that it was not kind "to deceive a poor girl so." Then we had a little sinking that was really charrnlnjr, so natural and unaffected. Th Zu-Vendi love songs are most tow hing. On tho third day wo were all qtiito intimate. Good nar rated sonic of his previous lov affair to his fair teacher, and bo moved wan uh that her silm mingled with Lis own. I dis coursed with mine, a merry, Lluo eyed girl, upon Zu- Vendian art, and never saw that tho was waiting for an opportunity to drop a fipcoiinen of the cockroach tribe down my back, while in tho corner Sir Henry and Lis governess appeared, 60 far as I could judgo, to bo going through a lesson framed on tho great educational principles laid down by Waekford Hquetra, Esq., though in a very modified or rather spiritualized form. Th lady softly repeated tho Zu-Vendi word for "hand," ami hu look hers; "eyes," and he gazed deep into her brown orbs; ''lips," and but just at that moment my young lady dropped tho cockroach down my buck and ran atv-ay laughing. Now, if there is ono thing I loath moro than another it is cockroaches, and moved quite beyond myself, and yet laugh ing at her impudence, I took up tho cushion sho had been sitting on and threw it after her. Imagine then my shame, my horror and my distress, when tho door opened, and. attended by two guards only, in walked Ny leptha. Tho cushion could not be recalled (it mLssod the girl and Lit one of tho guards on tho head), but I instantly and ineffectually tried to look as though I had not thrown it Good ceased his sighing, and began to mur der Zu-Vendi at tho top of Lis voico, and Bir Henry whistled and looked sillj As for tho poor girls, they were utterly dum founded. Ami Nyleptha! Fho drw herself up till her frame seemed to tower oven above that of the tall guards, and her face wont first rod and then palo as death. "Guards," she said, in a quiet, chokod voice, and pointing at tho fair but uncon scious disciple of Waekford Bquoers, :slay me that woman." Tho men hesitated, as well they might "Will yo do my bidding!' sho said, again In tho same voico, '"or will yo not?" Then they advanced upon the girl with uplifted spears. By this timo Sir Ilenry had recovered himself, and saw that tho comedy was likely to turn into a tragedy. "Stand backl" ho said, in a voico of thun der, at tho same tinio getting in front of tho tei rifled girl. "Shamo on thee, Nyleptha shame! lhou shalt not kill her." "Doubtless thou hast good reason to try to protect her. Thou couldst hardly do less in honor," answered tho infuriated queen; "but sho shall die she shall die! and she stamped her little foot. "It is well," ho auswerod; "then I will die with her. I am thy servant, O queen; do with mo even as thou wilt," and ho bowed to ward her, and fixed his clear eyes contemptu ously on her face. "I could wish to slay thee, too," ehe an swered; "for thou dost make a mock of mo;" and then feeling that she was mastered, and I suppose not knowing what elso to do, she burst into such a storm of tears, and looked so royally lovely in her passionate distress that, old as I am, I must say I envied Curtis his task of supporting her. It was rather odd to see hini holding her in his arms considering what had jii?t passed; a thought that seemed to occur to herself, for presently she wrenched herself free and went, leaving us all much disturbed. Presently, however, ono of the guards re turned with a message to the girls that they were, on 1 a in of death, to leave the city and return to their homes in tho country, and that no further harm would come to them; and accordingly they went, one of them remark- ins philosophically lhat it could not bo helped, and that it was a satisfaction to know that they had taught us a little serviceable Zu-Vendi. Mine was an exceedingly nice girl, and, overlooking tho cockroach, I made her a present of my favorite lucky sixpence with a hole in it when sho went away. After that our former masters resumed their course of instruction, needless to say to my great relief. That lugut, when 111 lear ana trembling we attended tho royal supper table, we found that Nyleptlia was laid up with a bad Lead- ache. That headache lasted for three whole days; but on tho fourth sha was present at supper as usual, and with the most gracious and sweet smile gave Sir Heury her hand to lead her to tho table. No allusion was made to tho little affair described above beyond her saying, with a charming air of innocence, that when tho came to see us at cur studies the other day she had been seized with agiddi- nes3 from which sho had only now recovered. Sho supposed, she added, with tho touch of the humor that was common to her, that it was the sight of people working so hard which had affected her. In reply Sir Ilenry said, dryly, that he had thought she did not lock quite hersolf on that day, whereat sho flushed one of those quick glances of hers at him, which, if ho had tho feelings of a man, must havo gone through him like a knife, and the siject dropped en tirely. Indeed, after supper was over Nylep tha condescended to put us through an ex amination to seo what wo had learned, and to express herself well satisfied with tho results. Indeed, sho proceeded to give us, especially Sir Ilenry, n lesson on her own account, and very interesting wo found it And all tho whilo that wo talked, or rather tried to talk, and laughed, Sorais would sit there in her carven ivory chair, and look at us and read us all liko a book, only from timo to timo saying a few words, and smiling that quick ominou3 smile of hers which was moro liko a flash of summer lightning on a dark cloud than anything else. And as near to her as he dared would sit Good, worshiping through his eye glass, for he really was get ting seriously devoted to this somber beauty, of whom, speaking personally, I felt terribly afraid. I watched her keenly, and soon I found out that for all her apparent impassi bility she was at heart bitterly jealous of Nyleptha. Another thing I found out, and tho discovery filled mo with dismay; and that was, that sho also was growing devoted to Sir Henry Curtis. Of course I could not be sure; It is not easy to read so cold and haughty a woman, but I noticed one or two littlo things, and, as elephant hunters know, dried grass shows which way the wind has set And so another three months passed over us, by which timo we had all attained to a very considerable mastery of tho Zu-Vendi language, which is an easy one to learn. And as tho time went on wo became great favor ites with the people, and even with the cour tiers, gaining an enormous reputation for cleverness, because, as I think I have said, Sir Henry was able to show them how to make glass, which was a national want; and also, by the help of a twenty year almanac that we had with us, to predict vari ous heavenly combinations which were quite unsuspected by the native as tronomers. We even succeeded in de monstrating the principle of tho steam engine to a gathering of tho learned men, who were filled with amazement; and several other things of the same sort wo did. And so it came about that tho people mado up their minds that wo must on no account be allowed to go out of tho country (which indeed was an apparent impossibility even if wo had wished it), and we were advanced to great honor aud mado officers of tho body guards of tho si ;tr queens, whilo permanent quarters were as- signed to us hi the pnlace, and our opinion was asked upon questions of national policy. But blue as tho sky seemed, there was a cloud, and a big ono, on th horizon. We hail, indeed, heard 'no moro of those oon fouuded LipiopoUimi; but it U not on that uccount to bo s:ippo!wd that our sacrilege was forgotten, or thu enmity of tho great and powerful priesthood headed by Agon up--tbxd. On the contrary, 11 was burning the more fiercely becuuk is vrui necessarily sup pressed, and what L1 perhaps begun in bigotry was ending in downright direct hatred born of jealousy. Hitherto tho priests had been the wlso men of the land, and were on this account, as well as from supar 6titioua causes, looked on with peculiar ven eration. But our arrival, with our outland ish wisdom and our range inventions and hint of unlmugined things, dualt a serious blow to this stale of (Tnir, and, among the educated Zu-Vendi, wnt far toward destroy ing tho pi lastly prtntJgo. A. still worn affront to them, however, was tho favor with which we wore regarded, and tho trust thtt was reposed In us. All theea things tended to make us excessively obnoxious to tho great sncordotal clan, the most poworful because tho most united faction in the kingdom. Another source of i nminent danger to us was lh rising envy of some of tho great lords, headed Ly Nastn, whoso antagonism to ua bed at test boen but thinly veiled, and which now threatened to break out into open flame. Nasta had for romo years boen a candidate for NylepthVs hand in marriage; and when we nppoair l 011 the fcoao, I fnncy, from nil I could gatr.r, that though there were still many obstacles in h's path, succe-s was by no nioau3 out cf his rsach. But now all tLis had changed; tho coy Nyleptha smiled no moro in hH direction, and he was not slow to guess tho cause. Infuriated and alarmed, h-s turned hie attention to Sorais, only to find that ho might 113 well try to woo a mountain side. With a bitter jest or two about his fickleness, that door was closed on him for ever, bo Naita bethought him of the 0,000 wild swordsmen who would pour down at his bidding through the northern mountain passes, and no doubt vowed to adorn the gates of Milosis with cur heads. But first he determined, as we learned, to mako ono more attempt, and to demand the hand of Nyleptha in tho open court after the formal annual ceromony of tho signing of the laws that had been proclaimed by tho queens during tho year. Of this astounding fact Nyleptha heard with simulated nonchalanco, and with a little trembling of tho voice hersolf informed us of i. as wo sat at supper on the night precodina the great ceromony of tho law signing. Sir Henry bit his lip, and, do what ho could to prevent it, pluinly showed his agitation. "And what answer will tho queen be ploasod to give to the great lord?" asked I, ia a jesting manner. "Answer, Mnmniazahn" (for we had elected to pass by our Zulu names in Zu-Vendis), she said, with a pretty shrug of her ivory shoul der. "Nay, I know not; what is a poor woman to do when the wooer has SJ.000 swords wherewith to urge his lovo!"and from under her long lashes she glanced at Curtis. Just then we roso from tho table to adjourn into another room. "Quatermain, a word, qui'-kpsaid Sir Henry to mo. "Listen; I havo never spoken about it, but surely you have guessed I love Nyleptha. What am I to do,'" Fortunately, I had moro or les3 already taken tho queslion into consideration, and was therefore able to give such answer as seemed tho wisest to me. "You must tpeak to Nyleptha to-night," I Faid. "Now is your time now or never. Listen; in tho sitting room get near to her. and whisper to her to meet ycu at midnight by the Rademas statuo at the end of tho great halL I will keep watch for you there. Now or never, Curtis." We passed on into the other room. Nylep tha was sitting, her hands before her, and a sad, anxious look upon her Jovely face. A littlo way off was Sorais talking to Good in her slow, measured tones. The time went on; in another quarter of au hour I knew that, aocordmg to their habit, the queens would retire. As yet Sir Henry nau uau no oiiauce or saying a word in pri vate; indeed, though we saw much of the royal sifters it was by no means easy to see them alone. I racked my brains, and at last an idea earns to mo. "Will the queeu be pleased," I said, bowing low before Sorais-, "to sing unto her servants J Our hearts are heavy this night. Sing to ns, O Lady of the Night" (Sorais' favorite name among tho people). "My song3, Liacumazahn, are not such as to lighten the h.-avy heart, yet will I sing if it pleases thee," she answored, and sho roso and went a few paces to a table, whereon lay an instrument not unlike a zither, and struck a few wandering chords. Then suddenly, like the notes of some deep throated bird, her rounded voice rang out iu song so wildly sweet, and yet with so eerie and sad a refrain, that it made the very blood stand still. Up, up soared the golden notee, that seemed to molt far away, and then to grow again and travel on, laden with all the sor row of tho world and all tho despair of the lost. It was a marvelous song, but I had not time to li.tcn to ic properly. However, I got tho wcrdd of it afterward, and here is a trans lation of its burden, so far as it admits of be ing translated at all: SORAIS' SOXO. As a dosolate bird that through darkness Its lost way is wincrin, As a Liuid that is helplessly raised when Death's sickle id swinging, So is life: aye. the life that lends passion and breath to my singing. As the nishtinRale's song that is full of a sweet ness unspoken. As a spirit unbarring the gates of tho skies for a token, So is love I aye, the love that shall fall when Lis pinion is broken. As the tramp of the legions when trttnpets their challenge are sending. As the shout of the storm god when lightnings tao blsclr B.;y are rending, So is power: nye, the power that shall lie in the dust at its ending. So short Is our life; yet with epaeo for all things to forsake us. A bitter delusion, a dream from which naught can avrate us. Till Death's doinp: footsteps at mora or at eve shall oertako us. REFRAIN. Oh, tha world Is fair at tho dawning dawning dawning, But the red sun sinks in blood, tho red sun sinks iu blood. I only wish that I could write down the rnuMo too. "Now, Curtis, now," I whispered, when she began the second verso, and turned my back. "Nyleptha, ho said for my nerves were so much on the stretch that I could hear every word, low as it was spoken, even through Sorais' divine notes "Nyleptha, I must speak with thee this night; upon my life I must Say mo not nay, oh, say me not nay!" "How can I speak with thee?" she answered looking fixedly before her; "queens are not like other people. I am surrounded and watched." "Listen, Nyleptha, thus: I will be before the statue of Rademas in the great hall at midnight I have the countersign and can pass m. Macumnznii will De tuero to Keep j guard, aud with him the Zulu. Oh, come, i my queen; den; mo not" "It is not seemly," she murmured; "and to morrow" Just then the music began to die in the last wall of tho refrain, and Porah sli.wly turned her round. "I will bo there." snM Nvlei.thn. hurrledlv: "on thy life seo thut thou f;:il mo not." CnAl'TElt XVI. SEFOKE THE STATUS. It was nlarht dead niIil and tho silence ! lay on tho Frowning City liko u cloud. I Secretly, as evil doers, Sir nonry Curtis, ! Umslopogaas and myself threaded our way through the passage towards a by entrance I to tho great throno chamber. Onco wo wcro I met by the fiorco, rattling challenge of tho I sentrv. I eavo tlio countersign and the man groundod his cpar and Jot us pos. Also, wo were officers of tha queen's body guard, and in tbet capacity had a right to coino and go unquestioned. We gained tho hall in safety. So empty aud so still was It that oven when we had pasjiod, tho sound of our f(Xtstepa yet echoed up tho lofty walls, vibrating faintly and still moro faintly ugainsi tho cavorn roof, l;ko ghosts of tho foots; ;:s of dead men haunting tho place that onco troth It was nn eerio spot, and it oppressed ma Tho moon was full, and throw great pencils and patches of light through the hi,zh, win dowless openings in the vrulis, that lay pure and beautiful upon tho blackness of the nmr Llo floor, liko whito holers on a coffin. Ono of theso silver arrows fell upon tho status of the sleeping Hadomas, and of the niigd form bent over him, illumining it, and a small cir- clo round it, with a s-ift, clear light, remind ing mo of that which Catholics illumine tho altars of thoir cathedrals. Hero by the statuo wo took our stand rnd waited Sir Ilenry r.nd I closo together, Uju clopogaas Eomo paces off in tho darknes", no that 1 could only just, mako cut hi ? towering outlino leaning on tho outline of an ax. So long did wo ait that I alino?t fell asleep resting agnlTjrt tin cold marble, but was suddenly aroused by hearing Curti:; give a quick, catching brc-aLb. Then from fnr, far far away there cairn ft h:;.!o sound, r.s thou;,-h tho ctatucs thc.t lined tho walb were whisper ing to each other so:nj mossae c" tho ntes. 16 was tho faint sweep of a lady's dress. Nearer it grew, and noarcr yot. Wo could loo a Gsro steal from patch to patch of moonlight, and oven hear tho soft fs.ll of Fan dalcd foot Another second and I caw tho black silhouetto of tho old Zulu raba iw arm In muto salute, and Nyleptha was beforo us. Oh, how beautiful the looked as sbo paused a moment just within tho circlo of tho moon light I Her hand was pressed upon her heart, and her whito boiom heaved beneath it. Round her head a bi oidered scF.rf was loosely thrown, partially chrulowing the perfect f nco, and thus rendering it even more lovely ; for beauty, dependent as it is to a certain extc::t upon the imagination, is never so leaulii'ul as when it b half hid. There sho stood, radi ant but half doubting, stately and yet so sweet It was but a moment; but I thru and there fell in love with bar myself, and have remained so to this hour; for indeed sho looked moro liko an angel out of heaven than a loving, passionate, mortal woman. Low wo bowed beforo her, and then sho spoke. "I havo come," sho whispejod, ''but it was nfc great risk. Ye know not how I am watched. Tho priests watch me. f-Jorab watches mo with those great eyes of hers. My very gunrds are spies upon me. Nasta watches mo too. Ob, let hiin bo care full" and sho stamped her foot "Let him bo careful; lama woman, and therefore hard to drive. Ay, and I am a quean, too. raid can still avenge. Let him bo careful, 1 sny, lest in place cf giving him my hand I tako Lis head;" and sho ended tho outburst with a littlo sab and then smiled up at us bewitch in gly and laughed. "Thou didst bid mo come hither, my Lord Incubu" (Curtb had taught her to call him CO). "Doubtless it is about business of tho Etr.t?, for I know that thou art ever full of great ideas end plar.3 for my welfare and my pcct)lo"s. So, even t;s a or.een should I have coino, though I greatly fe?r the dark alone;" and again sho laughed and give Lim a glauco i"orn her gray eyes. At this poiui I thr-ughft it vrlse to move a littlo, since secrets "of th? state" should net be mado publio prcc.-rty, but sho would not let mo go far, peremptorily sapping ma within fivo yards or so, saying that she feared surprbo. So It ca:n3to pass that, however unwillingly, I heard ell that pasred. "Thoukuowest, Nyleptha,"ffiid fr'ir Henry, 'that it was for nen3 cf thcao thiugs that I asked thee to mo at this lonely place. Nylep tha, wasto net tho timo in pleasantry, but Ibten to mc, for I lor 3 thee." As ho said tho word.; I saw Ler face break tip, as it were, and chmgo. The coquetry went out of it, end in itr, p'.aco thero ehoue a must havo been a touch of prophetic instinct which made the long dead Rademas limn in tho features of the tucl of his inspiring vis ion so strcngo a likeness of his own descend ant Sir Ilenry also must have observed and been struck by the likeness, for, catching tho look upon Nyleptha's face, ho glanced quickly from It to the moonlit statue, aud then back again at hi3 beloved. "Thou sayest thou c'.csfc lova rac," she said, in a low voice, "and thy voice rings true; but how am I to know that thou dest speak tho truth? Though," she went on, with proud hu mility, and in tho stately third person which is so largely used by the Zu-Vendi, "I bo svj nothing in tho eyes of my lord1' and sho courtesied towards him "who comes from among a wonderful people, to whom my peo plo are but children, yet here am I a queen and a leader of men, and if I would go to .1 battlo a hundred thousaud spears shall spcrldo In my train like stars glimmering down tho path of the bent moon. And although my beauty bo a littlo thing in the eyes of my lord"' and she lifted her broidered skirt and cour tesied again "yet hero among my own peo ple am I held right fair; and ever since I was a woman tho great lords of my kingdom have mado quarrel concerning me, as though, for sooth," sho added, with a Cash of passion, "I were a deer to bo pulled down by the hungriest wolf, or a horso to bo sold to tho highest bidder. Let my lord pardon me if I weary my lord, but it hath pleased my lord to say that ho loves me, Nyleptha, a queen of the Zu-Vendi ; and therefore would I say, that though my love and my hand bo not much to my lord, yet to me are they alL" "Oh 1" she cried, with a sudden and thrill!.-g change of voice, and modifying her dignified mode of address "oh, hew can I know that thou lovest but me? How can I know that thou wilt not weary of me and seek thine own placo again, leaving me desolate? IVhj is there to tell me but that thou lovest sexno other woman, some fair woman unknown to me, but who yet draws breath benoath this same moon that shiue3 on meto-niut? Tell me how am I to know?"' And she clasped her hands and stretched them out towards him, and looked anpealincly into his face. "Nyleptha," answered Sir Kenry, adopting tho Zu-Vendi way of speech, "I have told thee that I lovo thee; how am I to tell thee how much I love thee? Is there, then, a measure for love? Yet will I try. I say not that I have never looked upon another woman with favor, but this I say, that I love thee with nil my life and with all $:iy strength; that I love theessow, and shall love thco till I grow cold in death, aye, and as I believe, beyond my death, ar.d on and on forever; I say that thy voice b music to my ear, and thy touch as j great light of love, which eccuied to giorny it, and mako it liko that tf tho marble ar.gcl overhead. I could not help thinking that it ' water to a thirsty land; that when thou art '.1 ... - 1. T there the world is beaultf ul, and when I seo ; thee not it Is as though tho light was dead Ob, Nyleptha, I will never leave theol Here and now, for thy dear sake, 1 wia 1 orgec my people and my father's house; yea, I renounce them alL By thy sido will I live, Nyleptha, and at thy sldo will I die." He pausod and gazed nt her earnestly, but she hung her head like a lily, aud suid uevcr a A Novel Cold Oir.covory. Tho fivnn where Mrs. Fnink Scaroy rc buIcs is near tho river and about two miles from Mattcron' s mill. Oil lirr farm the well was cleaned out n few l:iys ago and one or two bushels of dirt ami jjravel were thrown out. Around this pile of gravel Mrs. Scneoy's Hock of chickens congregated and j-icked it over, jiim! with it filled up their hungry crops. Tin; day after, one of theso chickens was killed for dinner. In its crop whs fonnd a good-sized gold nugget worth not less than a dollar. This nugget she brought to town on Tuesday and left it nt this o-lice for inspection. Mr. lb Sninln-r, tin jeweler, examined and tested the niiug-l with acid, and nays it is gold, and Squire Hewitt, who was a miner in California, agrees with Mr. DcSombcr. This nugget can be seen at this oH'uv. Mis. Scacoy i a lady whoso word as to the manner of finding it, is worthy of implicit confi dence. Von :a Jon mal. Oil Monday tin Atchi.-on man w;:s caught at Fometliing or other ly Lis wife, th j paper don't vny what. lie found out Tuesday that a man had given his wife a pointer, lie swore i ix a loud voice that ho wa3 g"ing to t"ll on every n::ui in Atchison. Within two dnys inure than hundred of thu wives of his .'icjuam dances were surprised by being invitcd'by their husbands to go and spend a few weeks with their folks in the cast, wliih no less than nine men (-tatted their entire families off to California for tho winter. Such funny things do happen down in Atchison. Lincoln Democrat. Olivia IXluplaine, in Mr. Fawcett'.s story in the Amcrimn May-uine, is at lust fairly launched oa the tea of New York society, and begins to t-Iiow some of the qualifications of a leader. "Wheeling Stogies 3 for 5 p. tli- bctt in the city at Warrick's. dCt-w-lt lean live at homo su;d in;ile inori TiHUM-y at work for us Ili;;n ;it. anv tliiujr els:; in ihis world. Caj -ir'al not, l eedeil : vcm :.n wtartc.i 8 15"tli sexes : all .-ces. ,n on cm do tin work.'e ('.-ri:ii!--' sun" I mm first start. 'ust !-. i.mi v. is terms free. Better nor. io!av Ch-'kmim ir-K ro semi iim your adiWess and find on: ami I 11 you are wise you will do so at once. Address ? UALLETT & CO.. 1'oi tland. Maine. ;; 1 (T H 71 T E 8 Hi WK CAN NOW Ol'-FEn. SOME F!ti:sir AM) filPEItlOJt GOOD.S IX in P- f 3 fcii -; ill il Croatly 2R.Qd-a.03a ZPrlocx. Ladies' Kid lutton Shoes, formerly S3. 00, v.ow 2.00 Ladies' Kid .Button Shoes, formerly now $1.2r Ladies' Tel). Goat Shoes, foriiicry$2.7i, now ft 1.75. Ladies' A Calf Shoes, former v 82.25. now ,S- tin' Ladies' Kid Opera Slippers, formeriv ' QUMi now Men's Working Shoes, formerly 1.75, now 1.10. Choice Box of few old Goods left at less lhan half Cost factoring and Promptly done. OXX. th:e 5 Hr P fe-ta & K t.r-f OMMER II vc anythin von r:i'ih from n two ivseiiger CARRIAGES E i 1 ! SHORT are always kc pi ready. Csihs or ti-ht c.:rnagcs. pall-hearer waoiu and everything for funeral- tin-nithed on ;.hort notice. Terms cash. Bank Cass County Collier Mhiu i.: tft.-.tli tilt'-eisi. Xi at 'X: A o u y: 2.-1. 2-1 jr ,V. il. l'AIIMl'I.K, fi-sirViit, I JJ i.l. i'A'l'i -l. : . Cashier. ( Transacts a General Eatfirg Business highest caoii rnici;; Paid or County and City War ants vot'i. va Tin n y ia 1; and prou-ptly remitted tor. C. II. I'anr.ele, Fred order, IC. 15. VVluilli iui. JaiiiCS J. !. ratteijif.u, .. . I. Finiili. M. Morrisey, it tenon. Jr. THE CITIZENS 3 IKT 'JEZL 2 I'LATTSMOUTH. - M I'lCA.-IvA. CAPITAL STOCK PAID IM, - $50,000 Authorized Capita!, 5ICO.OOO. UH ll'KUH HASH ('AKllV. l II. J.S. 1'ivsldcnt. . (')?. NO! Yie- President, it. ci sii !;;;. o.i-iiier. I: Kl'.CYOKS Krank Carrut!!, J. A. (.'on:. or, 1". l. Cut liinr.rn, J. V. .foil i son. Ken ry !., .Jolni O "lie i I e, V. 1). M riiam, Win. V, ideiicainp, W. H. Cu; l.;n;. rrnns-jipt'. a Com. in! i'.o.-iness. All v ho li.iv any liisim ss to transact are united to -!l. ."o ma'tir lnw laiire r tlx- 1 1 p. i, s.i:-; ion , il will receive nor ar.-inl a I tention, and we i"n:iso always cour b'.itis 1 n-atm.i nt. Irenes Ccrtil'.ciites of Deposits bearing interest liuys and se!U Koi. -i: !-cli;.nee, County and Cit.v .sceuritiee." John FixzoKiiAidJ, wau.ji: President. Cafl,;-i FlfiST KATiOiiAL Bi 3 OF riAT-ra :.'.) irm , n km ka s i; a. Offers tio very resr fiteiiift.s fortius prompt tram' act Son of ii.iato BANKING LUBINICES. Itoeks, I'.onds. C.oM, Covc'emcr? ;u rt I era Securities P.otielit ami S..-lrl, I;oi r-eci-i . ed and i'itei'";! al towed or, ;'!- t itifi eaten, K-raf It- iii-;.-. i..ava:!alde in ,H.-,y part of t!ie. I'nitcd si.-.ic- and all the .-lim-ii-al towns of K.iroof. Mlcp.tions made d- lr7.ftly rviuittwl it;h.-?8t market ;.rict -j vmk! for CYemty Vnr Sii'.tc. ai.d ;ici,f y- I'.oi:,:. DlHECTOilS J f-!:n i'"It7' er.ifd Jo .i; Si. CinrK, -S. Ua-i-ili. 1. T!r(k!warth. F. V.'h-.t. fi 1 -, V"V"l ' Vk r if fi vi W J LJl k3 5 Repairino KeaUy and old '-lXD OP rp?i i, r- 4 -- STABLES - wheeled go cart to a twenty -four wagon. PLEASUR AND DRIVES, 1 ''!;.; 5. i.l 'r i i - if I ? f - i u t !