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About Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 6, 1887)
. it P lit 3) w jft i V o 0 ? $2.0!) I'Kli ANNUM. PLATTSMOUTIT. NEBRASKA. THURSDAY. OCT. 0, 1887. VOLUME XXIII. NUAIHKIl 20 r Hows Latest by Telegraph. Your Liver? Ii tlio Oriental salutation, knowing that good lieulth cuiinot exist without n healthy Liver. When tho Liver is torpid the towels are sluggish and constipated, the food lies iu the stomach undigested, poisoning the blood; frequent headaeho ensues; a feeling of lassi tude, despondency and ner vousness i nd irate how tho whole system is deranged. Simmons Liver Regulator lias been the means of restor ing more people to health and happiness by giving them a healthy Liver than any agency known on earth. It acts with extraordinary power and cflicaey. NEVER BEEN DISAPPOINTED. It general family lemedy for Dysnppsla, Trid l.ivrr. Cnnsiiputioii, etc , I I'.ardly ever ast a!.j thin;.' -Iso, have nfiver licon ilisap Tioiulcd in h ellct proiturt-d ; it m-chih to be lmot -A pprffct euro for oil diseases of the W. OIrlTIGKliS. Slayor, 'U-ik, Treasurer, Attorney, J'liuim'fr. l'uliee .IiuIa, Marshall, Counciluieu, 1st ward, " 2ml " 3rd 4th. " Board roi). Works t ,T V , -( I UK! J I) II J I) Simpson ell SMITH J II W'ATKll.MAN liVH'J.V Cl-AltK A Mahoi.k J S Mathkws W-ll Ma lick V Wki kbacu V Will IK I I) M .IINKS I W.n Wki'.kii ( M 15 Ml'lll'MY 1 S W DUTTON i K S Ci: ki'skl - - (1 itll UAIXIlS, I KKS lOflNS N,UHAIUMA K! IIOHllKU llAWlvSWoKTIC Treasurer, Penuty Treasurer, - Clerk. Deo U y CM'-rk, le'rk of UiUiet Co art, ttheiitf, J)eputy Slieriff. Hurveyor. Attorney. fcupt. of Pub Schools, County Judce. v- HO.YllO OF HUPEUVISOK3. Louis Foltz, C'h'm., WeIn;; Water A. It. Toil. .-- l'laltsinouth A. 1. Dl KSO.v, - Kin wood J). A. CAM 1'BKI.I. 'i'lios. I'OLLDCK J. M, Kohinson C, ( '. Me P.iKitsoN V. ('. SHOWA1.TKK J. II. lilKKNIAK 15 J. Ykomaks A. Madolk ALLF.y I'.KKS .M MAV.VAKM SI'IXK C. ltUSSKLL, GIVIG SOGI15rJ?I15S. en mo i.oimiic si. a. o. u. V. Meets every alternate l-rniay evening u 01 r. liall. Transient lirot'n-rs ar respectfully in cited to attend. 1 H. White, Master Workman ; A, t aite. F.nei.-iai ; V. J. Morgan, Overseer ; J. 12. Morris. koc.T.l.-r. ASS CAMP NO. 3.T2. v of America Meets?; MODKKX WOODMEN reonl and fourth Mon day evening at IC. of P. hall. All transient orothers arc reiierea to meet, wiin n. i,. a. Js'eweoiner, Vener.-.Ule Consul ; W. C. WiSli-tt, Worthy Adviser ; i, Merges, llx-Iianker ; J. E. Morris, Clerk. ULATTSMOUTII i.ODfJF. NO S. A. () Meets eviTV ali.'rnate Friday evenii U. V. at ltnpku-Dori hall at S o'l locn. All transient broth ers are respectfully itivitetl to attend. '. A. tJutselie, M. W. ; S. O, tlicen. Eoreinau : S. C. 'Wiltle, Keeorder ; A. Newcouier, Overseer. McCONIHIE POST 45 C. A. R- IIO ST Kit. f. W. Jon x sox O. S. Twiss i". A. 15 A TICS ;o, nii.f.s AUtSUST TAUTSi.lI... Malon Dixon CBAULF.s Ford HKXJ. llKMri.K Jacob Goiiki.i man. Alvii a W moirr. Jfceetiui: .Saturday eveniie.'. ?o:niiiaiider. ..Senior Vice .Junior " Adjutant. Q.M. -.nicer of the Day. ;uard Sert Mjr. ..tjuarrer Master Serjit. . ..rovi unapiain PROFESSIONAL CARDS. JlOllltOWKlJ AND KTOI.EX. OMAHA BAOUET. Brilliant Climax to tho Chamber of Commorco Opening. Ban quet and Toasts. Omaha, Oct. 5. Special to the Tlatts month IIkj:li). Tlio most important and eminently (successful banquet that was ever invent was iven by tlio board of trade last niirht at tho board of trade rooms. And the whole massive structure as completed was lighted from the bot tom to the top, six F.torrics in all and thrown open for the first time to Omaha's distinguished guests from all portion of the United States. The stars and stripes were beautifully displayed over the whole building in all parts of the room, and beautiful trop ical plants were displaj-cd so ns to pro duce an almost tropical scene. Four long tables were loaded down with the most luxurious menu that ever tickled the palate of a connoissuro of the '"Gate City" There were about 200 covers laid the banquet and about 220 participated amongst the most prominent and wealthy mcu, of the metropolis. All the large cities of the west like Denver, Salt Lake, San Francisco and Portland, sent distinguished men to the opening and banquet; from the north, St. Paul, Minneapolis, Deluth, and Sio:: City furnished their quoto; from the south, Kansas City, St. Joe, St. Louis Meuip.i.o .... '. .; ' s ' 1 icir prominent citizens to tlio '"G.n.o Oity banquet, r.ud the east representatives from New York, Chicago, Philadelphia, Bos ton, Milwaukee, Cincinnati, and other prominent cities furnish their quoto of prominent men. Sam Allerton and Phil Armour the two millionairs of Chicogo, sat at anc enioved "the feast of reason and flow of soul" at the first board of trade banquet Mr. C. C. Ilogers and Vfm. P, McLaren the president of the board of trade of that city and her moat wcathy citizens were present. The president or vice president of the board of trade of the afore mentioned cities were present. The leading state officers of Nebraska sena tors and congressmen were present, aud about 220 of Omaha's most prominent business men belonging to the board of trade. The guests were assigned to their seats at S p. iu., filling up four large tables, running the full kngth of the room. The president, secretary and directors were seated about a table running at the sides and rear of the platform, while irom the hollow square so iormetl, arose a great pyramid of fruits rnd flowers. hue beautiful etrains or music came from the gallery, where the musicians sat amid the minaturc forest of palms and ferns. The guests were served in five courses ns follows: OYSTKUS. Ulue Poiuison theSIiell. sour. Clam C'iiowdera'la Iludson. iisif. Sauterue Callfornit Haltuou. S iuce Chutney, Pniniue de Terre llolLuidn'so. ATTOKNKYS AT LAW. BEESON & SULLIVAN, Attorneys at Law. Will give proaiT't attentiou to all business Entrusted t them. Odico in L'uioa Block, East iBtde. l'lattsmoutli. Neb. T A3. S. M.vrmcvS. Attorney at Uiv.-. Office " over SI. i. Murphy Co's store, eouth side of Jvliln between rth aud Gth streets. 21tl "OBEKT U. WIN Dil AM. Notary Public and Attorney at La-v. OIUcn over k of Cass County. ri.ittsiiio:ith. Neb. Office tele phone No, 7 ; revi leace. o. 6.' JOHN A with K DA V IKS. Attorney at Law. Office 15. Windham, over ltank of Cass Co. Platts.mout!:, L-Jau 71j- Nkmkaska. PUVSICtANS AS1) SUltGIiOXS. 1 ff. COOK.M D., Piiyieia mud Sursroon. OiUcx at Fis'.:er"9 iru,? Stcre, l'latts moutli. Nebraska. l L, lU'il. M. l.. riiytcian ami Mir- ireon. One door weet ol Bi-nni-t s slore. Office hours from 10 to 1-J a. :e. and from :; to n jtud7to9p. ill. Kesiilence. comer Ninth and Kim streets Mrs. Lcviugs' lioure. Telephone lat office and house. E. LEGAL NOTICE STATE OF NE15UASKA. In County Ca.-s County, (ss Court. To all persons interested In the estate of John Nash, deceased : Notice 1 hereby piveD that on th 14th day of October, A. 1., l" the hour of n o'clock a in..t the city judce' oiiic in Piatts said county, th petition, akiiur for the appointment o; Elijah Luff as administra tor of said estate. will be heard and consideied at which time and place all persons may uppear aud show cause, if any they have., why he khould not beat-painted .s fik-Ii administrator. Dated this 22d day of September A. I . 1SS7 C. KU.SELL. 28 3 County Judge. Notice of Dtisoiution of Co-Partner- shlp. Notice N hereby riven tht the co-partner Uip here?o;ore existin.; between Alhert Iu finir and J. W. Kiud. in Cass county Nebraska. In .lin li'.. nL- 1... .. I I. . . - ... ... .iwv -s, nil-, i.iisj u:iy in'tu tisidved by mutu.I consent. Ttie businrss w ill hereaft-r b con luated by Albert luifour. whom all bills aro pay ilde. O.iled Sept. 26, 137. Aliskut lJL rocn. Maliwl Fillets of Gro-i-se a'laCiiambord. Bordeaux. Olives, A-spar 'L'us C-'lery, Kor-iAs reven. Curarel les. Lobster Sal;:d V'r.y. nniU'1. Charlotte Uussv. Coffeo, lioque.ort, Water Civ.ckcr. Fiii'rr. Nuts and Itaisins. CIgirs. Champagne. As soon ns aH lmd satisfied the inner man Hon. W. V. ilorse arose and respond ed to the toast "Masters Greeting." Sir. ilor.-e gave a sketch of Omaha's financial history, said some very interesting odds and ends relative to her growth, and wrs continuously applauded. Ho said that in the absence of .Mayor lh oatch, the toast "The city of Omaha" would be re sponded to by Mr. Fred YV. Gray, who said that he considered the city of Omaha a very large one and referred briefly 'to her growth and prosperity. "Welcome to our Guests" was respond ed to by that prince of humorests Judge Savage, in his original and quaiut man ner and wasuproarously applauded. He said "I read about the first post master of Cleveland Ohio cariying around the mail in his hat." lie said that A. D. Jones was the first postmaster of Omaha and carried the mail iu his hat that he had made to order for the service (this was over thiry years ago) and that the said Jones had worn the same hat contin uously since that time and that sometimes the hat would get the hotter of the post master and the post office would go rolling over the prairies where the streets of Douglass, Farnam and Harney are now located, much to the tlisgu-t of the proud and haughty handler of Uncle Sammie's P. O. bags. "The State of Nebraska" was responded to in a most clonuent and ablo inaiine x by Senator Chas. F. Mandcrson. He re yiewed the past and spoke in glowing language of the present and pictured as only a cultured gentleman can that has sncnt the best nart of his life in the "great west". He spoke of her live stock, hoi, cattle, horses and sheep and how Nebraska was rapielly becoming first in rank in these animals. He paiel trib ute to our state in the growth of wheat, corn.barley and oats. The Senator showed how he had introduced a bill in congress and seeing that it was passed making Omaha a port of -ntry but that under a democratic president it was vetoed. The Senator further stated that he was going to introduce a bill in the next con gress asking for an appropriation for a U. S. court house of one and one half million elc-llars and also for an approprl ation to buy a cite. In closing the senator said that he had a scntamcnt which he wish eel to proposo. It was this: To the Gate city, the Young Giant of the West: Mav the census of 1U00 mvc you C00,000 happy, coutenteel, prosperous people within your borelcrs. As the senrtor took his seat tno np- plauso was tremendous, The Hon. James W. Savage then read Mr. Thomas L. Kimball.s response to the sentiment, " Railroads," that gentleman having bei n unavoidably detained at home. Mr. Kimball's response was of greatest interest, anel received louel cheers, .kit 1 I . V. 1 V.' 1 . -" j - - - "Trade Manufacturers and Industries of Oanha" with a short thou-rh interesting oration. "Banks and Bankers" was clorpiently rcspondcel to bv the Pres. of the Neb. National Bank, Hon. II. AV. Yates. He gave a brief history of the banking in terests of Omaha, ami treated lm subject in a masterly manner. It will be remem bered that Mr. Yates is a national author ity and author on banking. "The Clergy." The deacon of Trinity Ca'hednal resuondeel to tins toast in a manner that reflected great honor on him self anel the church. The subsequent toasts were: "Public Improvements in Omaha," W. J. Connell; "The Press," G. M. Hitchcock: "The Bar," General J. C. Cowin; "The Ladies," Mr. John Evans. It Wf.s a late hour before tho lights went out. Another Fatal Casoline Explosion. Lincoln, Neb,, Oct. 4. Mrs. Belle Faulk, living in the Patvin block'in this city, while lighting a gasoline stove to day had her clothing set on fire by es caping; tras anel before help reached her her boely was horribly burncel. Physi cians at once put her under the influ ancc of opiates to relieve her sufferings. After lingering several hours she elieel this afternoon. Mrs. Faulk was the wife of a carpenter living in the city, anel her death is the second one in the last thirty days from elefective gasoline stoves. Shaking Creece- Athens, Oct. 4. A shock of earth quake was felt throughout Greece this morning. The disturbance was the strongest on the northern anel southern shores of the gulf of Corinth. Vlcos of Our Homo and School Ed ucatlon. Bishop Hcxtinuton, in the Forum lor October: Tho Prussians havo a Mying, that whatever you wih to have aj.ja ar in the life of a nation, you must put in to its schools. "Will tho republic be en noblcd, then, by the citizenship of a gen eration taught iu childhood to believe that as soon as chilelren can bo taught to go alone on their feet they should bo permittee! to go alone in their juelgo- meut, their manners, anel their principles! A pleasant aphorism of a German po. t, that a wise age reverences tho dreams of its youth, appears to frighten parents from setting up a rule in their own houses. 1 he children arc consulteeled ns to what they like, which is well enough; with the important limitation that a large part of the divinely appointed business of their fathers and mothers is to teaeli them w hat they ought to like. It is reckoned despotic to ceerce nature, as if we did not onng into tno worm our nature, a grca teleal of which, unless someboelv eioes ceerce it, riiiua us. i.ariitr mid earlier the reins are tossed on the neck of juvenile inclinations, till that crioel of beautiful and blessed Hiibjeetioii which Saxon homes once knew ns boyhood and girlhood is eaten away by a premature anel offensive self-assertion, and instead of boys anel girls, we have only little men anel little women. Sumo futile attempts are made, too late, to hire or bribe the virtues which might have been healthily grown under a sturdier nature. Indulgence ends in mi-icry. Sharper cruelty can hardly be done to a child than to leave him to himself in those flings in which Goil ordains the parent to act over him and for him. "When ever we come tw be a lawb ss urn . as we certainly shall after four or live i l . . lawless nations nave grow up in it, this "great country" will be a great grave of true freeelom of manly virtue, anel a pure peace. Where the young are brought up to obey, not coaxeel or supplicated to obey, in ex plicit allegiance to a domiuion in the family, the foundation is laid for a social fabric. From home legislation the first transfer was to school. The same firm hanel of law, strict anel merciful, and merciful because it is strict, is meant to take him up there too, holding him and guiding him, The whole apparatus of education, from top to bottom, fails un less it chastens and moulels the mind to orderly methods. Not more self-reliance but more intellectual humility, is now our national want. Orators forget that the reactian from mental tyranny finally achieves its object, and that it is small gain if we escape from the terrors of the single tyrant only to encounter the terrors of the mob. To create in the scholar a patient, modest and obedient action of the whole intellectual nature is a benefit that lasts en in the personal ex perience and makes an abiding element in character, opening the semi to all the ' light of truth. Of two graduates from .11 i . t.i couegc, one carries out a store or tilings lcarneel, the luggage of his mind. An other carries the secret how to learn, w hich is the better part of wiselom, anel faculties pet in the order of the Maker's plan. "Which will be the master of his place nnel the master of other men iu the fight of after years, whq can doubt t T1E IDiiYLlQl-IT STOE. Cloaks, FJIOM : 3 TO $D. sses Cloaks, I'KOJI A3 TO $12. Short C35 W raps, In All Styles. Rich Astriean and Fur Trimming FROM ,'3 TO . j7. u lTtjll Lint; of Sti'ee Jqcl 1 ( : : S FJIOM $2 TO $10. fifi.ii 1-E DHYLIQl-JT STO(E. mix We Announce Without Further Notiee a CON IS KING. And SiouxCity Has Buildod It a Pal ace Th9 Jubilee. Nebraska and Iowa Pensions. Washikgtox, Oct. 3. The following Nebraska and Iowa pensions were issued to-day: Nebraska "Wright Long, Brai nay. Increase: James "West, Cams; J. B. Curtis, Simpson. Restoration: it. B. McDowell, Dorchester. Iowa Original: J. J. Vallcnweieler, Williams; J. S.Elliott, Shenandoah; I. F. West, Brazil. Increase: G. C. Dewitt, Dcs Moines; A. A. Hamlin, Manchester; TV. Fesscnden, Lime Springs; D. Murphy, Keosauqua; Frank McCreerv "We have a large quantity of brick for sale, quality guaranteed. Give us a call. 22-tf Kcktz & WECKnAcrr. m- for Attacked With Vertigo. St. JosEm, Mo., Oct. 3. Colonel F. M. Tuffs, city auditor, and one of the best known of St. Joseph's citizens, is at the point of death, having been attacked with vertigo in its worst form yesterday. Hon. H. W. Crady. The Statesman, Scholar and True American, set an example worthy of re flection for all True Americans. Ilealinf wounds that no methods except those used by Heaps' Camphorated Arnica Salye which is sold on its merits for any use that a salve can be used. No cure, no pay. For sale by the following drug gist. Price 2oc per box. "W. J. Warrick. "Wall Paper New stock just recived at Warrick's. d(Jt-w4t Balycat's Fig Tonic. Balyeat'a Fig Tonic Cures chronic digestion. Balyeat's Fig Tonic is especially weak and delicate women. Balycat's Fig Tuic, not only relieves, but cures Balycat's Fig Tonic removes all impur ities of the blood. Balyeat's Fig Tonic is a mild anel gen tle laxative; with its use, strength anel ambition will return and a healthy glow will brighten the complexion. Price 50c anel $1. Money cheerfully refunded if the above is not substantiated by trial. For sale bv AT. J. Warrick. to f--i . i r , m M 1 9k . i lis 11 t i i. 3 ' .5 m& mm mmm AVI 1 REODOTION SALE OX ALL Commencing TO-DAY, JULY 12th. and September 1st. continniiif' si 1 Oil AS THIS IS A POSITIVE- h p. M without reserve, it will be to the individual interests ot Cass County to take advantage of the of all Clt!iSO8 The Quaker Medicine Company Respectfully a.k some very plain ques tions: Can Consumption be cured or even be benefitted? Can a Cold be cured or even stopped ? Can you expect to be eveu relieved by any medicine or physic ian? No you cannot, if you simply change the temperature of your body three or four times a day for every chang you aeld to your cold Mothers, your children's health and your future happiness demands of you consistent love. Shall vanity make your life mis erable, ending only in death. Dr. Wat son's New Specific Cough Cure is the re sult of science. Price 50c and $1. It is warranteel by the following druggist. W. J. Warrick. S?e what R. B. Windham offers you on the 7th j agc. " Those Wheeling Stogies art Warrick's are fine, 3 for 5 cts. d-4t Having in view the interests ot our customers, and to enable ti multitude to share the benelits of this great consideration sell to other dealers wholesale under this clearance sale. ale, lots we of will goedi nudtr k tin braced B ff IT DELAY ! and We so to Xew York soon to make our Fall Puvckatoii, ive kindly request all of our friends indebted to to call as early na possible and adjust their account s. Yours Ilespeetfully, n White Ff'-ntj Dry G-ood? b'h ttsixouh, Neb