Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, September 29, 1887, Page 7, Image 7

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IMI ft
5T C5 Tl
jftesaaiieiiees wn
1 "be Constructed
ar 13S7o
BPlallMEaaEBtSa Is Mltarateal sat the mouth of the EPIatt 1EIvbb sat jmIsbJ sahoaat Instlf way laetweaa
Oafiesao arasi l$eaavci'5 eialy two hoiais hy aaa-M ffroaaa EiBBacoBaa the ap24.S5 aisad Bnismtos iaoaaa
Oaaaaahaa9 tEse Meta'opoBis 4 tli& Staate.
B5a oEae ofl tlae firattst yteaaa ofi Waiter Woritai asa tSae tsale ; Street are well BSfgEate?!! fey
si &treet SfialEway iaa proeess ot construction 5 Cwradcw off tBae street estafoSSwEaedL sassd
bonds voted for the purpose, of constructing; sewerage and tiie pavnag; o misssfb fcitreei. 5 a
laaae four story ESigBt 8chooi building: and six ward school Essse 5 Aaa pcra B5foGss3 wwling:
$J5094B0 lefessksi Preserve and Canning? ETactory, capital $:&;59 capacity SV
cans pea year and enapSoys bands 5 Uriels: and 3Ferra Cotta Wwk89 capital Jfj5S5 ca
pacity S. bricks'iiei day, employs tblrty bands'; JPiattsntoutb aBanEsag; IFsaetes'y eanSaB
esajseaty H5S5 estBB pea yeaaa sibbsS eaiaplys 1. iiasaaalHciSaas'sa oveaTiSS Eae yesnRw
liaaNSiae safeoaat ; reBasaeifesaelaer fesafJ sasact 'sssa Ssietory ; Feppes'fees i?Ig:OT
caa saaa as faaetoay9 eaaapBoy 1.S Easasael9 aaaacl. SaaageBy sspplle the tsaale off jsoaatliaweteR ETeB&aaaEfif n
Bae aeaat IB. d& aiaSa'Osail MaaeBalaae Sa5HJa. ISoaa aaclhoHae toteEaoaae9 ?z asBaatsaSaaed.
sat tlaa poisat fioi tBae aae off Its ;A?iy,eiaa wetofl tlae 'MIra a-g Igivea9 esaaployiBag; m my BaaaasdscH
off Efl5aaad5saBal dBri3 ?iw ployes asaosatialy lafeaat SJB9& aae off tlae Slee. 521: 15 ad BnSBg;cM
iaa the UsaltesB ltote .. MIoaaai Haves sat tlae satheao EiasaBt of tEae efsty 5 rria JPiaeaaea
I's'auSaa fleswe IPIsattaaaoaatla cBaiBy ffor aaoath9 aatla9 et saaaaS wet 5 vea fi2l?4 of &saSisosKl
eoaavey Sts fl aelIat isato saiasl tlaaoaaBa oaaa city.
The cheapness of land around Plattsinouth and its nearness to Omaha markers together with good
railroad facilities, make it not only a pleasant place to reside, but a desirahle place for the estahJishinent
of manufactories, and they arc coming. While real estate values are growing more firm each day yet
there is nothing speculative or fictitious ahout them, and good residesice lots can be bought at from $10
to $5855 land near the city can be purchased at from $1 to 25 per acre. Within the next twelve
months our city expects to welcome the Missouri Pacific and the mahaand Southern Slaiiways into its
corporate limits.
These are facts :inl our city i well prepared for a boom. Now is the time for you to invest in South Park Property. Many lots have alread been sold and a number of han.lsomc cottriM are now .ui- up m
this beautiful adlition. Prices of lots $150 each on monthly or yearly payments. No trouble to s.iow i;oods.v Call and see us.
Over Saals of Cass Comity
Weping Vaisr Notes.
From Ke;nill oaii.
Reno; li coma to thn o!,'ort Hint our
Union Nedraska. .., r: , .,, .
Ed. Harold. ale with himself a na-tiier of tlic female
dkak sir; ve sono a icw nturs tioiu i
our town aain ami we !e;4m to think j
we are roiiiir to have a town. Frans &
Co. have their store most compl'teil,
size tO. Tho-i. aktT has his hold
building almost completed. Mr. Lyman
i buildinc a larg(! butcher shop. G. U.
Rose has let the contract for the build
ing of n residence to Mr. Foster, size of
building 10x30. Win. Wolfe has com
menced to build a residence, size 21x20.
If r. Fowler has commenced to build a
residence. The stone work, is finished
for two elevators anil one car lof.d of
lumber on the ground for same, one be
ing built by Mr. .Mill of Nebraska City
and the other by siminke of tho same
place. Mr. Wol fe lias his black-smith
shop in full blast and Mr. CJ. N, Laure
has gone to work iu his new shop and
hey both appear U have plenty of work to
do. Franz IJowivs has a nice little store
room and shop finished to be used for a
Shoe store and sho;. There to be a
hardware store hern at d will commence
w ork next week to be run lys tinn f .-om
Plum Hollow Iowa. Mr Lynn is shell
ing his corn and delivering it on the J
track to llaitling & Oj. of Nebraska
City. Mart Harry is hero receiving it for
Mr. S. A. Weimer is h ?re now. He :
stopping in the store with ( A. Hose.
The real estate dealers are doing a good
business here.
Mr. (?re"rr of SL -Tosenh. if? h'TC pa t
- r-.-' i
of the time buying grain.
There is a good opening" here for a
livery stable.
Our Union P. O. bere ha been moved
to Factory viU but we w'll have a P. O.
herein good time.
Mr. George Young was in our town
setting up the cigars to t lie boys but I
guess he was in a now tow n.
Our obliging sts.tion a gent had the
misfortune to get h;s knee thrown out of
place and had to takip a. lay off for a
while. Respectfully, Jake.
The PlatlsmouMi 1). ,y Hk;mj, a
bright, newsy, six-column folio, pays us
uda'.y visit now. Success to t'.ie en-
evp; i-e :'iid wealth to its rounders, are
tlie wishes of t';e HejnbUctiii
To Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Shirley, Satur
day morning, a boy. Weight ten
To Mr. and M's. ('. F. Flower, an
eight pound daughter, Monday monrng.
Cha ':e sels out the b:-st cigars ;ti the
A thief entered Have Wooda ds
olliee Monday afier.ioon while lie was
ust.i''S un'oading a lord of oats, and
took from his vest his o e;i-faced s:lver
watch vabnVl at v20. Taey j'so took a
tobacco pouch from his cat. Have said
lie did not c: e so much for the watch
but he had to buy more tobacco.
It looks as if the pub'"c a e ready to
consider the ;Voposit"on of "r" ' ic"?ig
emigration." when n"ne. conventions
have been held du "ng die summer com
posed of bolh parlies and have tackled
die rcs'iiou. aad ag -ed f,iat the Uii" cd
States should no! be a dumping g ond
for toe old v.o:'d to un'oatl her cr'iiii
na's and pa:i,je:s on.
Mr. Thomas L" '1! W!" unforl'inate
enoagh on b'st Wednesday wh 'e ft the
slate fa'" to oe relieved of li"-
jbookeft "ed :n h'f vet poe'eet. The
Iook con;:' led a .. In 1 and r-eveii or
eight li nnd.rat clo'a.s n notvs. T'a's is
the feeoad "me father Hu'l has bven
lobbed i t the state fa'-
TJiigl;fs a' tempted to cner Dr. J. W.
Thomas" res-dence aga"n Srnday 'g5:t.
The family heard them working at Hie
w'ndow and we;e irepared .to cute. iain
them aTter they came in, but for vmately
for the buigl.fs. a small dog in the room
made a despe-nte effort to jirotect its
masters property and made so much
noise about it that the intruders were
ltightened away.
Last Wednesday at 5 p. m. Mr. Wm.
Carlyle, an old and respected citizen
aud G. A. 11. man, residing on the South
side was attacked with apoplexy while
sitting In his ..h.i'r eadnig. These spns-ns
continued at bite vals of about ?.0 minutes
until he had had four. Dr. Hu' ler was
cal'ed and the i-e was considered very
ci'tical. so much so that he doctor called
Dr. 11a1 to avsr.. At about midn:ght
the pa. 'eat became coi-cious p ul has
since been im i.ov'.ig mid ;s now in a
way to : ecover.
From t'e Ka'e.
Fev. W. H. Ysk e. closed h s labo s as
aslo- of "ne M. E. if -c'i of 's c'v
last b; ndav. llev' l be a.isfered To
o her tie'ds o. h'bor. for he h:" stvel
hec h"s a'l'.ed t:me. Mar- wf.n
.'' "enil- lips , ' be broken i 7 tiis move.
If as cn be ren'.h"l at a de ith of
1.00 fei, TMa'.tsino.Uh v"' indulge in a
l':M iiiev have engaged a m;n at a
co t of :;.."00. to fu n:s'a his own nsa
ci' je ' fsd get .here, 'i '.ic Enj'e hopes
to be al'e so :e ord a good "ml.
At.o iey T.av's nuist hrve got viy
lonesome at TVai-.snuv.iii cr ' g last
week, for he te'eg ;phed h"s fatn'lv to
e'a -e to move dov. a there, ne;: vr -elc.
Mondav rno "'"ag came, r.nd fonsul them
t'l' en-rout for a week's con-fug. II. D.
"1 -:obably wV, that C0i' t v" . la t
Rock Bluffs.
A. J. Graves "aas sold his residence, the
old Dr. Reed place, to D. W. C-rrfs,
wc hear, for the sum of $200.
J. A. Raiaev was in last wck from
Greenwood ta'k'ng trade w;.h LosOravrs
for his place. Ti;e pr. e was agreed up
on, but ps horses are to be tbc leg-.l
tender, Los is 'o go out th?s . week and
see the horjes before the trade is com
peted. At the republicpn jn'mary meet:ig
last Saturday. Use fo'low'og named uer
sns were e!eef,d delega es to the county
convention: Anderson Root, Wm. Laugu
iidse. G. E. Fiemning. J. W. Edmunds,
A. J. Graves, S. L. Fu-long, J. W. Eer
ger, Thomas He1 aie3 aud D. W. Cu tls.
Tne hog cholera has been pretty well
scattered in this precinct by some hogs
that were shipped in from Missouri.
We know of the different neighborhoods
that has the cholesa from that lot of hogs.
This, added to the few places where
ho:s were dying before, will make sad
work for the farmers of this precinct be
fore next spriug, and many a poor fellow
wil' be left in debt where lie expected to
get out, for in our opinion, the man that
can cc e hog cholera is yet unborn. If
there is such a person in this wide world,
we would like to have h:m come around
so we could be a student of h;s for a
f'.iarles Grave went down to Perceval
in Iowa last Satu day, to play ball. He
had the game of ba'l. and he also had
the index "nyer of -he rluht hand :o
badly mashed up bv the ha" teal it was
neecssas-v to have a do tor sew sip the
wound. Charley U: nks he is abou
done w'th ba" p'n 'ng for awhr,e. He
s:vs one other fe'."ow was knoe' '-d
seisel ss lv be:ng hit 5 i the xv w'th
the ba11. As such "iiciden-s a,-e a ve .v
mpo. .silt po. : of tae nnd. ru game of
bp -e ba1', tiie boys ouirht not to g've it
up, bi.t keep a4- it until a few of them
get I ;l'cd, and then sieihap.s they w"l
use a Ije'l that : not fr"te t-s hard f a
stone or a canon b; '1
T m n"AVT-'
Primaries Meet.
Last Saturday the republicans of the
c ounty met in their various precincts and
nominated delegates for the couuty con
vention to be held in Plattsnvuth next
Saturday, Oct. 1st. The nominations. foT
the precincts reported, are ns follows:
M. D. Polk, W. W. Drummond, J. IT.
Waterman. C. II. Smith. J. I. Unruh and
L. C Styles.
2X1) WARD.
.T."W. Johnson, R. B. Windham, James
Donnelly, L. E. Skinner, Wm. Weber and
Peter P.ates. For member of central
committee, L. E. Skinner.
3r.n wakd.
F. M. Richey, S. W. Dutton. W. II.
Pickens, W. MeCauley, A. N. Sullivan,
F. Steniker, B. Clark, Frank Carruth. M.
8. Murphy, D. Miller and W. II. Newell
For member of central committee, S. A.
4tii watjd.
Wash. Smith, Wm. Bal'ance, Erek Sfss-
ler, D. ii. Smith, James Sage, E. R.Greusel
iind T. C. Shepherd.
L. C. Eirkoff, D. E. Carruth. II. P..
Stout, J. L. TIatShorn, G. W. MaytM.l,
J. A. Satton, E. Parmer, E. Tuiss. Jani'-s
Robinson and Wm. Ihingniau.
MT. IT.) ".ASA NT.
J. Phipot, U. Miford. R. Young, Thos.
Wiles and tV. P. Critsficld.
Seof Hiiifirs, (). Jacobs, John Elington.
Peter Eavland, J. L. Barton, Dive Mc
Caig, H. Watton and W. McCce.
Ed Stopher, Cyrus Alton, Wm. Dalle?.
A. L. Ross, W. W. Wa'.tz. D nkle,
Ed Doom, Coon', Cr.ibtr e and M.
Cary, proxy.
Henry Wolfe, G. 11. Mir-.iy, L. Shel
don. (I. F. Manamce, T. G. Ba-nnm, John
Murpin, Stephen Hobson, A. N. Rose.
J. Cox, W. Bates. r. Ogde Rope, J.
Daw's, 4. Sheldon, A. Smith. Dock
HOCtH r.KNl).
T. T. Young. James Croff ord, Francis
Cou'i-mor, W. M. Wells, A. L. Tunb'in
this locality, and will, we arc confident,
represent in the convention the unani
mous sentiment of the constituent?.
Yours fcc.,
W. A., Secy.
Fnm the We: t
Gn'-siNWooi), Neb.. Sept. 2C-, 1RS7.-
EiiTOt: IIi:i;i.d. ir.e s s' ere a y
of lue meeting, to :ive you a bsief re
sume of the business transacted at the re
publican primary held in Salt Creek
precbut on Saturday Sept. 2A.
Geo. F. Finley, central committeeman
from tois precinct, acted as chai .n nand
AY A. Kkthloy secretary. The follow
ing dclegat' s were elected to repi-e-.ent
thepr'ciact at the county convention:
J. Y. Carnes. E. C. Coleman. M. New
man, Ira S uiudeis, Edwin .Icaiy, Geo.
Fin'ey, delegate at large, Wm. Coleman.
N. Shafer, W. A. Ke:thlcy and C. A.
The primary Wiis almost eni' "cly har
mousous, there being but one oppong
voice or vote. The delegation as pr as
wc hare been able to find out. gives
A Representative Ear.
Mr. J, II. Paden has laid on our desk
a sample ear of corn from a farm belong
ing to Mrs. Paden. adjoining Geneva.
The car. seven and on-ha!f inches around
and tb:"teen inches !oug, ;s a splendid,
o'ct fashioned repre entafive of what
NeV rslca can do. T.u- field w'1' y:eld
ove iiftv ijsishe's per ucre. IJc.'V'.'iQa
The above incnf ioji' d phe'-e Geneva
is -i J:".' -i:ore coi nty :.i the western cen
1 na t of '.he stale, and it is cpi''j cvl-fl-nt
. ha.t i' '' no:e coenty so!l is jdiout
ei(t'a" o ('ass cur ity soil, a'thoiiyh there
:s so ne f.-o -a on c;-:li;!Lion at the fair
I -at v' 1 lead the Geneva ea
T'oKve is a'sf a compctor w'th ('wa
on th f 'it ri'e-;ion although Cas' has
always bo: .ie the repiKal'on of berug tiie
b'-st county in the s : , and xva be'ieve
s!ie is. F'1 nior -took t' -t t'm at the
Oniaiia ."a on t ie best and la-g ;st col
1 ct'on of . . ill.
Nebraska as a co::i s'a'e ran- s fi'-st of
any :n the rnion. and M. Eigenbroadt,
of Ciia 't-nj:ia co 'n'y, N. Y., wh'e in
'invi':'-'i':oi w'th a IP'kat.d reporter tne
other day ic.ia i."d that su':h crops and
farms a-t a e co.n noa to Nebrakd fire
never seen in irs s'ate.
The ad ven
es a-e ra ig lii.-r Braina-J,
a s vsion at Grand
The P'ver S'c is .):h and is
damage at ''a. "o.
A fire at Dauby, Oiiebec. destroyed 22
King Leonol.l. of Belgium. rs go:ng
to v'it ' i London soon.
A tunnel on the D. & I. near
Wel'svi "e, O.. caveu in and ! Ted two
Bev. J. A. Cop -bind, of Rochester, N.
Y. h- s johied the H r -y Georgn
It is announced President ('level and
w"'1 leave Wush:ivrton ' n .bis wjsHtii
1 leave Washmgton ' n .hi
gener; 1 satisfaction to the republicans of tiip Sept. 30.