2 fLATTriMOrJTil WEEKLV IIEllALD, TIIOUSDAT, SEPTUM H Kit 2!, 187. &f(c fthiUsmouth UJeehin IjcrxUl ICKTOTTS I3rtOS, Publishers & Proprietors. TIIK J'LATTSMOUTIl HEE1LI) la published every 'I'll u rsil;iv moriiliiK. Office, i orner of Vine and filth street. WKKKLY, by mall, One copy oun year no Oiio copy o:ie year (In advance) 1 50 On! copy 1 x mom " 75 lCtwlHteruil at thi I'oit Officn, PlattHmouth, at second class m:ttlT. REPUBLICAN STATE CON VENT' N. Call for the Mooting at Lincoln in October. The Kcbulilif an electors of the state Jot Ne braska are requested to send delegates from the m vi'irtl counties, to meet in convention at the opt-ra house. In the city'of Lincoln, Wed- m-aday, October 5, 1H7, at m o'clock p. m., for the pin pone of placing in nomination candi date!) tor one associate justice of the supreme court, and for two members of the board of lcKenU of the ulalc university, and to transact Bueh other business as may be (resented to the con volition, THE APTOKTIOMKNT. The Heveral counties are entitled to repre sentation as follows, being based upon the vote cact for Hon. John M. Thayer, governer. lu lHMi, (jiving one delegate to each new county, one uclegate-at-law to each county. and one for each 150 voles anil the major frac tion thereof : COUNTI K.S. VOTKS, ColiNTIKS VOTK.S Adams l.'t .letl'erson :) ''H;ntiks .letl'erson .... , Johnson , Kearney Kevii Paha... Ivcil.li K mix Lancaster Lincoln l-oKaii Loup Madison M il'hcreon ... Merrick Nance Nemaha Nuckolls ... . Otoe l'awnee I'holps I'ierce Platte I'ollc Uichardnon.. , Kcd Willow... Sioux , Saline Sarpy Sauinlei s Seward , '"'heridan Sherman Stanton Thayer Thomas Valley Washington . Wayne Webster Wheeler Antelope 8 Arthur 1 Klauie Itooue 7 J'.rown a Buffalo 11 JUitler w Hurt k Chase 3 Cas . .. is - Cedar ;? Cheyenne f cheiry h Clay 11 Colfax , ; ('inning 7 Custer Ui Dakota 4 Jiawes " i; Imxoii t Jodj;e lo Dou.la :w I law sou 5 Jiuiidv .'! Filinore In Kuril am 7 Franklin n Frontier r ia'-re so Cosper :i r.int 1 Cre-'ley :t iarlield l JIall it Hamilton II aria ii 7 II ay en : Hitchcock fi Holt. i Howard 0 Total :i 4 r. 7 2 1 ; 4 1 7 1.1 7 r, i; 1 h: r U 5 4 !l York... ii I'liorgauized Ter'y 1 502 It Is recommended that, no proxies be admit ted to the conventii n except such as are held by persons residing in the counties from which proxies are given. Wai.tkr M. Skf.lv, Secretary. (iEORi'.E W. Bi'htov. Chairman. The result of the election of delegates to the county convention last Saturday is very satisfactory to the republicans of this city and county. The fact that they are not just tne delegates that our democ ratic friends, and their sympathisers desired, is nothing against them. They will nominate the winning ticket next Saturday. The railroads have had a squabble over the G. A. lis. The C. Ii. & Q. thought they had a sure thing in trans porting the department commander and liis staff from lcs Moines to St. Louis, but the Wabash "scooped" them and carried off the honors and the profits. Mr. Cleveland also had a little brush witn them, and now it is said, that since so many thousands of them have joined in the gathering, the democrats are get ting alarmed us they feel in the depths of their hearts that the T masses of these brave and loyal men are'sureto vote and work for the republican ticket. Accidknts on the C. II. & Q. system of railroads, are becoming so frequent as to be a cause for alarm to the traveling public; and espec ially to the engineers and firemen, who are the most exposed. The trouble with that S3'stcm, seems to be that they are trying to do too much business for the amount of their track. They should be compelled by law to put down a double track on all their lines in Iowa and Nebraska; this would not only save many valuable lives, but, give a sense of security to all who travel, and would distribute some of their enormous profits among the laboring classes; and in the end, would benefit the road. For every accident injures them, both in the loss of money and in their reputation. That which troubles the democratic mind just now as they try to look into the future is the laboymrty. They know that that portion of the laboring classes that belong to the democratic partv will naturally leave them and joiu the labor party. For whosoever takes the pains to watch the tide of public sentiment can not but see that it is the laboring people in the democratic party that are dissatis fied and are looking for new quarters almost any place to get away from the party they have helped so long but which has so badly deceived them. But the republicans have nothing to fear from the new party for the reason that while there are many more laboring men in the republican than there are in the democratic party, yet almost every re publican laboring roan is well pleased with the company he is in and with the principals of his party, hence, he is con tented and happy where he is. Of course it would be better if the dissatisfied cmocrals would como oyer nt once to their real friends, the republicans, rather than to come only half way, but then considering the training they have had they do well to come half way and then the result will be the 6!inie, the triumph ant success of the republicunTparty. The financial condition of the country has greatly changed in the last few days. September is generally a hard irVmth on those who deal extensively on the credit system and the millionarcs, bankers and great money sharks of the cast are always ready to take advantage of every ci-cums-tancc to make money dear and labor and produce low. Somehow they thought they had Secretary Fairch'dd with them and by taking advantage of the common clamor for the reduction of 1 he large surplus in the treasury thought they could make money very dear and and perhaps bring on a panic, but Presi dent Cleveland knowing that the dem ocrats had had plenty oftiincto regulate the tariff and to reduce the surplus in the treasury and had not moved a step or lifted a finger in a pract'cal way to do it saw that the people knew that if money was allowed to continue to increase in the treasury and a panic hap pen he and the democ ratic cong ress would have all the blame to bear. Hence he wisely took advantage of Mr. Fairchi'd's absence and ordered the purchase of enough bonds to avert the crisis. Some now laud him for having done this. AVe are glad he did it but cannot see why special credit should vbe given h:m for doing what he was compelled to do to pa ye his party from ruin, that is f they ..111 1 . r ... ... couui no savcu. t course it will go to ruin any way, but the business of the country is now safe. The people will generally prosper. The republican party wi'l soon come into power and w"!l reg ulate the tari if so as to help the nir.sses but will not giye the democrats free whiskey and tobacco which is what most of them mean when they clamor against the present tarT. O'Brien. he. conv'ction and sentence to impris onment of V;iiam O'l; ;cn under the Jaw ca'.led the coercion act h;is mpde a hero of h"m. He was charged w'fh hav ig used seditious Lu .ntage :i a public add -ess, but he claned that he on'y ad vised the poor people of MSfchellstown to manage to postpone settlemc wth the": landlord until s.ich time as the law would p occt them. i. secirs that there snot m cr. stence any coricct report of h's speech, and '-lift he was eonv'cted on the tesr'uony of w uesscs hard y compe ent to jud"e u! -e reai cna-acter or v s s.teec'i. It ?s ce"tp;:i !iat from an J W.i stand, oint he :s a 'rue 2)ariot, a friend to the jvoole, a 1.1.1 1 .1 11 1 .1 .. uu uuiwi, as eu as eloquent ta.Ker, and not an enemy to law. He is :n no serse an anarchist or disorderly person, aud yet there is but little doubt but that he ovci stepped the bounds of p.opnety and :i some sense lola'ed the law, in li s appeal to the people to do that which he no doubt thought wes to their best interest. Yet the court that found l'm gilly is not to lie condemned as it no doubt decided according to the law and testi mony. Hut his conv"ct;on and imprson ment will no doubt result ;n the opposite of what Irs prosecutors i iiended. In stead of d'sn-ranir n:Kl li u m M i at." no- " -J., h?jr. it w"l make him a hero amomg the Irish patriots, create a sympathy for lrm in all countries where f ec speech is i.wusiu;ti:i.i a uuou, auu w 1 1 result :n giving increased force to the popi'la m;ui iiii-ui nun, ueiniinas reuet lor poor, ". A. X 1 A. "1 I I " M suffer ng Ireland. Tiie hanging of the seven anarchists on the 11 th of November next w'fl mark an 7mpo;t;ant era "l the Ifstory of c:i.ne ?n or- country. It cannot be expected but that the immediate friends and asso ciates of the condemned men wiV de nounce the law and the state that makes it as well as the court that jndges it and the officers who execute it. But that there w'U be auy great upiisvig of public scut iueni in ineir iavor we are not pre pared to bel:eve. Of cour.e they will have the sympathy of all those who Ih'jk T x. i l r with them. Of that la-ge class of athc "ts and infidels who w"sh to do away w' h the divine order "In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread," and who, to accomplish that "uiposribie tlfng. st;nd ready to trpnsrrs the command "1 Iioh sha't not ki'" pro- ided that the k;l':ng sbVl all be on the side of those i hey would destroy. But they show the:r ?:n ousisiency and the?- cowp-d:ce, when n 7 er hav -ig taught rebe"":on ag.- ?st law and pter having appealed to the worst pas-;ops of the'r ignorant fo'lowei s and p o' ied Miem to e:d "n the de Suction of hum? n ee they rrM ag; "-t the sta'ethat re'.a':atrs and punches by tal "ng ' n eye for ?n eye, a tooth for a tooMi jnd !:fe for !rfe," but the s'e n crforr-emeut of ihelaww:1 no doubt teach tliem the foo'lmee of the'r attemps to over-turn it and the'- whole?ome fr;- of it will keep them qu'et. and the condemned cul- p s s be executed the same as o. her nals. Xoth'ng less !ipi their exe cution w:1! sat;fy the great masses of the law abiding people of or.- courat-y, and of foreign countries. Not thatthe blond of these men is wanted, nor auy resent- incnt or a feeling of a desire for revenge exists in their hearts or minds, but Im causo in their execution they feel asecur ity in their right to life and property which wou'.d surely be jeopardized if these criminals were allowed to go un pun'shed. Onk of the most pleasant candidates for uominai.ion for a county office at the hands of the coming republican conven tion is that of J. C. Eikenbary for sheriff Mr. Eikenbary has held this office for two terms and hav'ng been thoroughly tried, has been proven a most satisfactory official. The precedent of a third term for sheriff having already been establish ed in this county, the Hi-.kali thinks no reasonable unprejudiced man could urge any valid objection to Mr. Eikenbary be aommg his own successor. Living at the county seat and being familiar with every department of his work, which in some instances is difficult to pel form prooerly, and a failure to perform prop erly entails a great deal of delay and ex pense to anxious litigants, makes it more essential that the sheriff's office should be filled by pnr.ies qualified for the position. They Must be Exterminated. i nerc is no more occasion tor pu-i'ic sensation over the hang'ng of the seven murderers. The American people should not a''ow the little gang of awclr'st to create any excitement over the hang ingofthe seven Chicago murderers. Tiiey are murderers: they hr.ve been : : ied for the;r crime; they have been tried fairly and convicted, and it is on'.y ."ght that tiiey should be executed They demand justice aud spurn mercy tiiey cry for blood. Wny, then, shouid they object to fu nisli some of it themselves? That is justice to them. TVs justice, too, is forced upon them by the obstre perous and ?"nsuU:ug lebcllion of nuarch ists c :m'nals ;n the various large ciMes who are abusing the libe: y of tii:s country. T.ie work of exte.in'nation must be "n w.tn tno seven Uh'casro anarcu sts ond n.u cle'ers. C.AT. j.v hussi-iLt. one of the best co' nty judges ever elected in Cass county is a cancUda'e for reele ion aDd w'l doubt less be renominated by Mie republican county convention a.xlthus again become his ov. a successor. Judge russell . ;s je- cu;,ar.v we., n.teu tor the pos-biou nc oc cupies, having for years been Hie jus;:ce of the peace ai "Weep ng AVater imuiedi ately ;rcv"ous to his election as county judge. The Judge can no only boast of a most sue. essful Tour ye:,-s of work on the probate bench, bat it c;n be truth fu.l- ly sa.:a of lf:m that i all of his decisions which haye generally been correct no sus picion of b!as or undue influence has been cha-ged aga:rst h"m, a record indeed a man m:g it well feel proud of in this day of the ca.ele s we.' " ":ig of the judicial er in ae. The judge hav'og arrived at that age (be'ng a little past s'.xty) when a matu:e judgement :rjened by exper ience that no younger man coif d have, fits h"ui especi al'y for t ie ofiice of county judge. Democratic Cheek. 1 he democrats are still talk'ng about ";ifn,-r-.nrr IT T.. C... t t lunMiiiu int.- tuuji. ljy iciuillllllg the tariff, we suppose they mean the brnging of it to the basis of revenue cm' y, of eliminating all considerations of fa voi .ng or help'ng American interests, of constructing a tariff upon the model of the British revenue system. A demo crat by the name of Samuel J. Randall will not consent to any such programme, for he is a protectionist. That settles the matter. They stpnd in quaking terror before Randall. They will soon be kiss ing Randall's hand and begg'ng him to kick them all he pleases. If the revenue reformers are reformers, what should the? care for the mcrcinay incident of office or for politics con ditioned upon th subversion of their reform? The whole truth of the matter is that they are not reformors at all. They care more for office than for an idea more for temporary party success than they do for pretended principle. They have systematica and continuously stalt tied their a"Ieed convections of high political duty by cowardly ber- ga n ngs with Randal', or by ahieet capsulations to him, and they re do'n" the same tb'ng at the present moment The Journal's Burden. It is noticeable that the chief obstacle to the business of the country is found to oe tue accumulation of the surnlus "nthe treasury, resulting f-oui excessive tarff taxes a relic of the rule of the republi can party. If the tariff taxes were re duced to a revenue basis the cost; of livr ing to every citizen would be reduced 25 per cent, and there would be 110 panic threatened. Thus the evil that a uertv does lives after it soes out of power.- Journal. We wish to call special attention to the following clause in the above attempted reflection on the republican party "result ing from excessive tariff taxes a, rebc of the rule of the republican party." Now a relic means something old something that has come down from a fori oer per- lod. Now it is history through nil the ages that many things that were good at one time, were bad at another. Tin stage coach, was a great thing once; but a pulIiiKin or palace car is now generally preferred. The tallow candle was highly prized once, but now, gas or electricity is preferred. The democrats once thought slavery a good and a divine Miing, but now, even they, admit freedom is letter for all. inow tins "relic oi the rule ot the re publican party" was a good and a neces sary thing in its time. It was needed to secure the money to pay the expenses of savring the country. But now it is old, and no more useful in its ancient form. Every intelligent republican, knows it ought to be in some respects, materially modified and changed. And as soon as they get in power again, they will re model it, shape it up in a comely fashion and mnkc a thing of beauty and use for the changed condition of the country's affairs. But, alas! the Journal may sigh over th's "relic" until it breaks its heart, but as long as its antiquated party remains in power, this "relic," the ghost of seces sion, will arise uplike an ugly nightmare, to oppress and torment it. We S3 mpa- thie with the Journal, for we and the whole country, feel the need of a proper remodeling of this "relic." But we are glad that it is his party, and not ours that nurses and keeps this once useful. but now oppressive "relic". A Failing Fight. The democratic party in Iowa, in the matter of temperance policy, is bail ling aga;nst the tide th's year. The school- house on the It " 1 -s on top :s on top of the hiU yet. There is no reac tion of pub )'C sent:nient. The hope of the demo cratic party in Iowa h:s been for a reac tion, i-roiii vearto year it has set its sails and guided its rudder ith a view of catching the full force of the hoped for ebb tide of temperance sentiment. The ebb tide h;is never come. From the year following the amend ment election, wb'ch was the first pifched battle in the open field, there has been a steady concentration and augmentation of forces ;n support of the po'.icy nnd experiment of prohibition in this st'tc. Each succeed' ig election has demon strated that t;ie social aud moral forces whuh make for fennerance have conic together in greater satisfaction with re- sif's of the attempt to summarily b: iish the saloon by .aw. And if a'.' the out ward signs of tho political situation in Iowa are not fallacious this popular dis position and determination are more positive, more powerful and more dis Onetly preclom ueit to-clay than they were last year, or the year before that, or at euy previous time since the tem perance conflict assumed acue form. This is not so because the e has been absolute unanimity in the republican party on the subject of temperance leg islation. Men have been departing from the republican party by reason of d's- content in tlfs regard since 13S2 "shouldering the'r axes," as Theodore Guclich put it, "and going out in the woods." Oilier men not so numerous by any means as heretofore may yet go out from the party on this account. But wherever a republican has shouldered lfs ax and rone out, a democrat has shouldered his ax and come in. And the material part of the matter is that while the republican party has hitherto suffered its greatest losses in this regard, and while it has been able hitherto to more than recoup such losses, a point has now been reached where republican losses will dinf nish and its gains f .om the democracv will increase. This is the evident situation this year. The reactionary attitude of the demo cratic party with reference to temper ance adjustments evokes no symna.hetic popular response. The people of Iowa have their faces turned the other way- Underlying aH extraneous liounda-ies of party, and more powerful than any bond of party, the great and constantly grow ing majority of Iowa, in the fountains of their conscience and their judgment. have no affinity for the saloon and arc- in i reconcilable conllict w in the ele ments which are sfriv?ng to bring back lie saloon. They have no compromise to hold with the saloon. The effort of the democratic party to rehabilitate the saloon on the basis of lejjitiuiacv. to olf iterate the brand of outlaw :y which the people have put upon it, is therefore a hopeless one thi year; it is a foredoomed faUure. Pub lic sent'nient not only in Iowa, but also a-ound Iowa, is al! the other way, and in lMKota. JNeoraSia and .Missouri .it is now heating its brand'ng irons red hot to burn its condemnation upon the fore head of the saloon in those states. In stead of the salonn being brought back in triumph into Iowa as a legal institu tion, it is infinitely more likely that it will be scourged l'ke a criminal it is, out of neighboring states in the west. Sicnix City Journal. A Lincoln youn"; lady named Cojle drfx $80 in silver up ?n her father s Pic k yard ane dav this week. The coin had ihe appearance of beinn hniied Fome :;me and there i? no clue to who put the money there and prohably none is lesired. The Coroner's jury at Doncastcr, Eng., in the R. R. accident in which over 'J( were killed, lay the blame on the engin eer and fireman. AJuror Robbed. The pantaloon explorer got around to the Goose Hotel Wednesday and found li's way to tho room of R. S. Wilkinson, of Weeping Water, who is on the regular panel. At noon of the same day when Mr. Wilkinson returned to his room he found his pants taken from the hook and his pen-knife on tho stand and several thiugsout of their proper places, and up on examining lus pants found the pocket empty. From the pockets of the jeans had I iccn taken $1."0 in cash Hanging behind the door in his vest was Mr. W.'s watch but it had not been d tubed. Judicial Topics. (kkom Monday's pat. v. ) The past two weeks of distiict court in this county have been attended w'lh the trials and conviction of more hard ened criminals than Cass county has known for the past ten years. Contrary to the usual practice the criminal docket was taken ui) first, and the entire time and energies of the court devoted to "cleaning out the jail," as Judge Chap man termed it. Contrary to expectation and the usual c ourse of criminal affairs every one of the many accused claimed counsel and made defense, except the e.-ping water hardware burglars, who, at the close of the second week's work. plead guilty. Duringthetwo weeks there were ten protracted jury trials; in every case the regular panel was exhausted and more tune taken up than otherwise would have been the case to get a iurv The defense was abb- and persistent and tasked Mr. Allen Becson to the utmost as a prosecutor; but, we are informed that ho sustained himself ably, sending eight men 10 me penitentiary, besides convict ing a numberof in nor o (fences. Mr. J. ir Srode and M. A. Hai ti"an and E. H. Tvooley, who were counsel for the culprits in most cases proyed them selves able criminal lawyers, and on the whole it was an interesting ond cxcititi" term of court. rn,: . i n.. -i -, 1 , . , 1 inn wee me civil ciocKct is 10 he taken up with Judge Applcgatc, of Tecuniseh, 1st district, on the bench, inere oeing a nuinher ot civil cases to try which Judge Chapman cannot hear, owing to his connection with them prior to his taking his seat upon the bench. Spoken candidates for Judge: Pound's shoes: The following clij ping from the iNeoraska City 1 mus evidences the sen timents of Otoe county, as gleaned by mat paper s reporter, and we arc told speiks the sentiment of Otoe county so far as Judge Chapman is concerned "The Times has interviewed the attor neys of this city as to their choice for the district judghip. They are unanimoasly in favor of Hon. Samuel M. Chapman for one of the judges. They say he is an able lawyer and an upright, honest judge and has shown by his conduct during his short term on the bench that he is well fitted for the office. The lawyers concede the, fact that the other judge will come from Lancaster county and are divided as to the one to be chosen. Allen Field will, in all probability, be the man. Also, the Hkuam) is informed thai Judge Found will to-day hand to Gov ernor Thayer his resignation as judge of this district, which will verv materially enliven the judicial question in Lancas" ter count v. The court is occupied to day Judge Chapman presiding with a jury trying the question of the title to College square a block of ground supposed to be dedi cated to educational purposes in the vill age of Weeping Water This case has been tried once and remanded back by the Supreme Caurt of the state for errors occuring in the former trial. Judge Applcgatc is exoected on this evening's train and will take up the trial of civil cases to-morrow morning. I he IlKK.u.n is informed that for dis patch of business and promptness with their cases the Cass county br stand at tlie liead of tiie list, in the dish ict. and also, that for ability and learnin"- the Cass county lawyers rank with any local Par in the state. r he bar is composed of the following attorneys now in prac tise: Alien Beeson. G. W. Covcll A. N, Sullivan. Jesse B. Strode. M. A. Hartiiran Milton I). Polk, Baisil Rnniev. Byron Claik, S. P. Vannatfa. R. B Windham. Jno. A. Davi-s, and Will S. Wise and E. H. Woolev. J. H. Halderman. II, I). Travis and John Clark of Weepinir water. Absolutely Pure. This powder i.ver varies. A ir.aivel of i.nr- it V. trenirh nnd wtiolcsoiiicness. .Mure . r-o- noinical than the ordinary kinds .and cannot he Mi.'dln con.pefitiou with the inultiuide of low teft. short weight alum or plwisphate tiowdeis. So:d only in c n.s. Khvai, Bakino. I-owher If Tr OYAL FStl'oS ? j O Pi Will Co.,10CWall St. Sew York. j-jha VITIATED BLOOD Scrofulous, Inherited and Con tagious Humors Cured Iry Cuticura. riMHIOl'fSlI thfl medium of one of your bookn received tluoiih Mr. l'rank X. Wray. DniKfi'st, Alla, l'a., I hecaine a qualnleil with your CiTicnu JCk.m kim hk, ami Ijikc thl opuoitiinltv to leM ify pi you that I helruwe lias permanently cured mo of one ol the worst canei of hlood poisoning. In connection with eryHipo las, that 1 havo ever seen, and thin alter hav lug lieeu pronounced inc tirahlc hy Home of the host, physieiaiiH In imr country. I take treat pleas ure 111 forward in;.' to ymi this test iiimnial, 1111 Holleiled ai it. i ly you. In order that olliurs h n tli 11 11 k from similar 111:1 lad lis may be ciiciuir aed to i-'ivrt your Cum 1 iia 1;k.mkiiisuiiI;i!. V. H. VIMTl.lNii:K. l.eechliuiK fa. Keferciicc : Kjiauk T, Wkay, Ii iijrtilnt, Apulia l'a. H( IIOI l l.OI S I'M'KKM. .laineH K. I.'iili.inlsoii, Custom House, Kew Orleans, on until sayn : "In I HTo Scrofulous I I eers hroke out 011 my hody until I w.ia a niii-s of corrupt ion. I'.veryt liii'K Known to I he med I-t-;il fai-u'ly was ried in vuili. 1 ln-caii e a mero wrcek. At timei ! n lil not lift my limlx to my head . could not. I urn 111 lied; was in eon slant pain, and linked upon life as a curse. No relief or cure in ten years. In Isko 1 heard of the Chip itha Kkmi'I'Iks, used Uictn.aud was perfectly cured." Hworn to he lore 11. S, Com. J. I. Cha w ton i 0'K OK H II K H'OUST CAMI'.M. We have heen fellini; yoiirCcili'miA K KM K niKrt for years, an. I have tliejlri-t Complaint yet to receive from a jxircliaM'r. One ot the uoit cn.scs of Scrofula I ever saw was cured hy I lie, use of live In 1 1 les of Cl"l li'l.'K A li I-.koi.v K.KT Cirrioi'i: A. and Cirrx i ica Soap. The. Soap takes the "cake" here as a medicinal soap. TAYI.OK & TAYI.OK. J .'insists. Wankfuit, Man. Ht ltOl'l I.OI K, l!VII'ieiTt:i. And C011I anions Humors, with bons of Hair, and Ki upl ions of Hie skin, are positively cured hy lii-'ni'itA and Cm hiha SoAl-exiernallv, and Cl'Tlrii i:a KKr.ni.VKNT internallv, "lieu all other mcilifliies fail. M-nd for Pamphlet. iMtn;uihTH 1 ni: tiip.jt. We Jiave ohtamed nat isfaclory h-miUh from the use of the Cut ieiira h't-medies in our own family, aad recommend t hem heyond any oth er remedies for dini-acs of the skin and hlood. 'I iic demand lor them urows as their lueiks be come known, MACMILLAN ,tCO., Iru;,'l.sp, l.aliohe, 'i'Ti:i-itA m:n cimkm are sold everywhere. Price: Ci ri nitA, 1I;o CPeal kin (Jure, Ml cts. ; Cu-i iciilti Moat. 1:11 lixMuihile J:eaut ilier, 'JO i ts. : Ci;tici;i:a Ri- -.01,-vicnt, the New Plood 1'iirilicr, j-i on. Tori 1 i Pit I'll AM Cll K.M II' A I. Co.. Ho, I oil Pf M ll',:s- lunkheads'. Skin lilemishes. m:. I x liu. I!ah" lliimors. use C111111,' i:a Soa r. Ciiolsing; Catarrli. Have you awakened from adislinheil sleep with all the horrible NeiiH.-ii ions of an hh--;iwmU clutching your throat and proNHiu the pre breath from your lightened chest,-.' Have yen noticed the languor and debility that succeed the i-Miii t to clear ymir throat and head or Huh catarrhal matter? What a de.reHsin iii(uenci it exerts upon the mind, cloud lit; 1 lie me mm v and lillhm the head wilh pains and siraifn noises! How ilillicult. it in to I id t be iia.sii' p;-'"-sajii-s, throat and lunj:.-. of this poiHonous 1011 ciiHal. can testily who are aliliited with ealu ri h How ilillieull, to piotect. tiie system a"ainst 1,4 further rot: rcss tewaiiiK t liu Iiiiiks, liver and kidneys, ail pli j sicians will admit. It is a terri ble disease, and cries out 1'or relief and cure. The remaikahle curative powers, when p! other remedies u.terly fail, of Sankord'h 1 adicai. t ri'K are. rHesfed hy thousands who rmefully recommend it. to fellow-nu ier erp. jN'o stalenierit, is made reidii); It that cannot he subst. tiat-d by the mcst repecta bleand n-liahleivl'ereiiceH. Kach packet, contains one hot He of the Tf A ni- CAI.CL'ltK. One box Of C ATA If It II A I. SOLVENT and an Impuovkd Imiai.kii. with tieatino and directions, and Is sold hy all d ruKj,'ist., lar 5; J. Of). I'OiiKH H.'tlJO & OltHM'CALt'O., IJoSVOIf. IT STOPS THE PAIN 'HW . ...... ...j ip, nips, aim sices, 1 u . Kral ,lM" ,,L,!"1- l)aiiiM, weHkneHaiid vlnllauiatloil. I llcuin:. ie tw.iiI. ,i,ri. KCiat ic. Slldllcil t.r..1 Viiains and si rains relit veil in one, in 1 nit to pain and hiflaiuat'on. the utieu-n1i-l;iiii l-hmlcr. vr, cents ; r. for si tiriimHis or J'on ki: Iiju a.n ii Cii kjii- oyu ai. new. elegant and mfall bla ra Ant at all CAI. Co., Jhiston K.B. WfNDIfAM. riaintiir L.O, MfLLKK, Defendant, j v. 11(1 ' 11 si- 1 c':.!-,,!,r,"" tl1? ":1V of Ser.tember lssi. h. h. Wiiulham. the plaintiff, herein tiled his pet.111011 in the Ooui.:y Court of Cass Co iNeh.. against von. 1 lie ,A,i.... 1 .....1 .1 You wi'l -n1'!!;,1,' i"n l" '":Ti,v, r tli sum of Heven Mid iO-100 dollars. (.7.7(i) monev ad vanceii for -i liol cv of insui fendant s request May 4th. ixyf,. and InPrest k?uU?.U' s.!,-',r .Ja"!- V"" 'f"rlher tieti lieil that Plaint iff has kiici! out. an atrachment. and in aid of which ha bad ,r..ii.,.J . .... '.V. Issued Th; re is now due the sum of 7.7 and interest. 011 lle required to answer -aid i,o- til ion on or before the :th day of Uctober, 1SS7. U. '.. WIN" 1)1 1 A M 1 2-4t. JOHN A'. DAVfE.S, f 4tt'ys for P!h. Sheriff's Sale- I!v Virtue of an KveciiMon l..n,i 1.., .v Showa'ter. Clerk of lh nuiiii ...... .. ...;.'i..'' voiiiiiy. eiuavk.-i. and lo 11 e di rected. I will on t lie 1st iUv ef October A l 18S7. at II o'clock a. 111.. of said lay at Hie foutli iloorid t he Court. House (,, Count v Sell -.t Public Auction, tlie fol'o'.vMi-' Iteal' V-ta'.c- -.1 r e 1 . . . , . , -..liit n M II 111 j ui- r.a-i, nan ( r.'i) l tlie Nonhe.it 0 ir. r.. 1 I OI sccl 1011 elevi 11 lit 1 in lown--: .-r Hp I'll 1 in; rant;o i ieyen ill) 1 ast oj rhi I, y, in C",.- ouiiiy, enrn-Ka. wiiji tin; privile perrenance- thereiuito ln-i,o...ii.ir es ana a i- The same beusi; levied upon taken as the property of .lohn M.f imter. defendant, lo ai isfy a judgment of said Court ieei.ve-e. bv liarles lleiiiiin..s' Adminiator i f the Mj h of Mary Spin. res deceased M.1.11I ir. a-aiiist said deiciiilant " I'latt-montii. Neb., A uir. :;n. A. 1). is-y. oi -1 ,. J ' I'-fKI'.MlAMV. 21--t, S in irc..i: v..i. fihst phize i&Rzmz herd and cataltjuo J. s: iuwrs, Colony, AdJiikob Co., K.-tiu.ui or urirt Pick out (he piece of Heal Estate you want and then call for price and fenes upon Windham A; Daves Over Jiauk; IStf. of Cass Co. ForSalo- A farm containing !10 a ren of 1, win improved, hihIht aud water. :, 1 -11 : 1 . . stack farm in Cass emintv. Pr t,.rm. apply to Mtf Uf.k.on r& Suu.ivas. Notice of Desolution of Co-Partner snip. Notice is lirreliv I'ivnn ti n. . ... . ship here.., ore ;,u .. ...... ':;vrrr four and .1 W. r.n. i,,V.,ss eon ,v Nk kV in the- live stock i. .. - l.T1. .ska dlsolved l.y ,,ltH, cons'-nV ' Tlie b n-lnil will icreafPrl.o condueted by A ! her t I Mil our ,''-'" FSRTUNE 050 :X ?t.;. At the front Pt.Iml Fair. 1'". I.endod bv I,l-Tf-n l.7Mrl;i.hf,r12:i.l. S 1 1; I: VI'I.VV a ( v- -i U"vvuilh x" 0 o'T-.-d1 PLUl-IU.in 1!.-m! 1V.C7. by pf,l!cy, hulf br.jfcr t. Archital.i. Herd numtoscr.i,,,,,. t , : -r t'' , vj lor uril'PT lid I2wi