Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, September 29, 1887, Image 1

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    111 ftfWiifllfOT
) r
I r 1 P T
$2.00 PKIl ANNUM.
Latest by Telegraph:
l!0::itOWKI) A N I HTlM.KN.
Diet! of Apoploxy.
Ki:i Oak, la., S' l- 12r,.Mi-f. Chirk,
wife of Judge Clark, one of Iowa's old
est settlers, died to-day of apoplexy.
This Year's Corn Crop.
' Chicago, Sept., 27. The Farmers Pu
viev) will publish in this week's issue an
mie oreoveieo ilu .-iov.1. , .. ....... ...v. -
back, fides, or joints often mnnakeufor Khcu- estimate of the corn crop .1 li winco it
tn illMni- Klllir HLl) II ICO I IOSM ill a I priiir
Mailing Specific for Liver Disease
rrtriirTTTAllfT Hitter or bad taste In
lb 1 mi 1 Unit) . mouth ; toiiKuo coated
white or covered with a brown fur ; pain m the imPH nmiHi'.-i :m.l waterhrash. or indiges
tion ; flatulency and acid eructations howe.s
alternately costive and lux ; headache ; loss of
ineinoiv. with fi painful sensation of having
failed to do something which ought to have
been done ; debility : low spirits ; a thick, ycl
low aftpearaii' e of the skin ami eyes : a dry
cough : fever ; ret-tlcssness ; the urine is
ty and high colored, and. allowed to stand,
deposits a sediment.
Is generally used In the Kouth to arouce the
Torpid Liver to a healthy action.
It acts with extraordinary efficacy on tho
places at about thirteen hundred million
Proceedings of Cigarmakers.
IiiNO Hampton, N. Y., Sept. 27. The
Cigarmakers International union in con
vention here to-day adopted a resolution
protesting against any interference with
the internal revenue on cigars.
pLj and bowels.
aiKlni'la, IJowel Complaint,
l.Vpeppli, Kirli Headache,
Constipation, imouneKs,
Kldm'y Affection. Jaundice,
Mental lepr'Mlon, 'cllc.
Endorsed by the use of 7 Millions of Bottles,
as the
Dynamite In Cuba.
Key, Fla., Sept. 20. A cart
load of dynamite, enough to blow up
Havana, was discovered in the woods
near this city yesterday. The discovery
has created intense excitement, proving
hat the plot against Cuba is much more
foinridable than at first supposed.
No FurtherTroublo is Expected.
(Jalvkston, Sept. 27. A M-ws special
from Columbia says the latest reports
inclemency of the weather it was agreed
to-night that in case of a light rain or
drizzle the parade should take place as
per programme, but in ease it "'as impos
sible to form, or the ranks were broken
by heavy rain, the parade should be post
poned until Wednesday morning at 10
o'clock. In event of a postponement the
annual encampment session proper will
not begin till Wednesday noon. Gener
al Fairchild, staff and party arrived this
fr Children. lor Adult, and for the Aged- from tl( yccnf! of tie Matagorda country
' ""- : trouble say that in Sunday night's tight
1'olice Judge,
Mali" hall,
Couneilineu, 1st ward,
2nd "
3rd "
J I Simpson
V. 11 Smith
J II watkkman
J S Math icws
W H Maliok
i j V Wfcshach
1 V V Win i n
1 m .ion K.S
M It Mlhi-hy
S W Uui rnN
1 l McCai.lkn,
four negroes were killed. It is rot
known ho. v many were injured. rJ"
militia are now on hand to assist i..c
sheriff, and no further trouble is antici
pated. A Chip Off the Olci Block.
Metz' Sept. 20. A son of M. Scliroe
bele, the French commissioner who was
arrested at Pagney lUie Ioselle last Ap
ril, has been arrested and imprisoned by
Wall Paper New stock justrecived
at Warrick's. d(it-wlt
Natural Cas Produces a Bis Boom.
IIersijox, la., Sopt. 20. It is doubtful
if any town in Iowa ever had sucii a
boom as llerdon is now having. It is
all on account of the natural gas found
here. Ten wells have been bored and
in every ease the gas was found at a
depth of from 115 t130 feet. The pres
sure is variously estimated at from 20 to
70 pounds to the square inch. The
llerdon Natural (las and Land company
have necured 320 acres for a town site.
They are men of wealth and experience
and are using every effort to boom the
new town. Quite a number of business
firms have been induced to locate here
and at least three manufacturing estab
lishments have been secured, viz.: A
large foundry and machine shop that
will run entirely by natural xns for heat
and power; a planing mill and a broom
factory. NeLtotiations are now going
un with several others. It is thought
the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul corn
pair: will build repair shops here.
i J W Johns in.Chaikman ,i ncrman authorities for crossing the
Board Pub.Work KKiji. - ... ir.mrinf mi.l nllixinff a
If Jl IlAniV'T"'""1" I II U 11 LI l. 1 iv ' '
treasonable placard bearing the tri-color
of France upon a tree by the roadside.
Young Schroebele is sixteen years old.
Tlios. Pollock
C. MoPhkkson
Deputy Treasurer, -
Deputy Clerk, -Clerk
of DUuict Court,
Deputy SUerift,
Supt. of Tub. School-,
Couuty Judge.
LniTm Foi.rz. Ch'm.. - Weeping Water
A. B. Tom.
A. B. Di KSON,
mKIOLOmTir NO. 81. A. O. U. W Meets
A every alternate l-'riday evening at K. of 1 .
hall. Trausient brothers are in
vited toattend. F.E. White, Master Workman ;
K. A, aite. Foreman ; F. J. Morgan. Overseer ;
J. E. Morris. Keconler.
J of America Meets second and fourth Mon
a av -venin- at K. of 1. hall. AH transient
The Hew Leaguo-
Chicago, Sept. 27. The western asso-
.J-c!vSa Uiation of professional base ball clubs
a - kI-s.Vv was organized here to-day with Cliicago,
Milwaukee, Ues Glomes, .Minneapolis,
Omaha, Lincoln and Kansas City on the
list of members. A committee was ap
pointed to draw up the constitution and
by-laws. The first regular meeting will
be held October 23 in Chicago. Minne
apolis, Milwaukee and Des Moines will
complete the schedule in the Northwest
ern league and then resign from that
Mays a h o S ei x k
brothers are requested to meet. w,tli u- . L. A.
Keweo.ner, Venerable Consul ; v.O. Hletts,
Worthy Adviser ; I. Merges, Kx-Banker ; d. it.
Morris, Clerk.
A Meet every alternate Friday evening at
KockwoodhallatSo elocK. All transient broth
ers are respectfully invited to at lend. .1. A.
(iutsche.M. W.; 8. C. iireen, fcomiian : h. C
Wilde. Kecorder ; S. A. Newcomer. Overseer.
.Senior Vice
Junior "
Ollicerof the Day
Sam. M. Chapman.
C. s. Twiss
F. A. Batbs
John W. Woods....
AuiirsT Tak rsi 11,. .
Bknj. Hemplk
John ookiuoan,...
8. 1. uolloway....
k. k.1.1vixoston,..
Alpha WhIght.
iWflltlliU iiiteiior.: -' " " 1
each tnontU at Post Headquarters in Keck
wood Block.
. . . Post Surgeon
.Post Cliaulaili
iid and 4th Thiirfdy et
Thousands of Veterans Housed Un
derCanvasat St- Lcuis-
sT T.nris. Sent. 20. The national
salute from Camp Washington heralded
the dawning of the day and aroused the
army of veterans and committees whose
duties called them to early trains. A
fine mist dampened the atmosphere this
morning and gradually resolved into a
steady rain. The first train this morning
brought in great crowds of veterans and
visitors. The Pacific slope had hardly
ouard I .4.4.1 j ,1.,-,.,, l.nfvr. thf nearer west
Sergt Major. s"utu
poured in with Uoloraao, .arKausas, o.c
Mexico and Texas. The Iowa and Mis
souri contingents reported many men
and announced the coming of many
thousands more. Several hundred have
reported from Pennsylvania. Early in
the morning the Kentucky posts escorted
their department commander to his head
Quarters and then moved to their tents.
Ohio, Indiana and Illinois quietly passed
through the street, seeking shelter and
greeting comtades. By noon the rail
roads had brought iu 10,000 citizens,
soldiers and many more.
The feature of the encampment is the
filtering of largo numbers of old yetcrans
in tents. Tried at each encampment
before in small numbers the plan gave
-. -. -k..iA.n .ns wurnn 1 Mil 1 r.L 1 ijiiv. iivu ut -
EW. COOK, M. u., ruy-mt" ......y; ,
omc at Fisher's Drug More, 1 latts- t-ouse vast numbers, and the execu-
TnE subject of natural gas for manu
f iftnroi-r find other nurnoses is now at
tracting the attention of well informed
and progressive people in many parts of
the country. The suecess of the I Icrndon
Natural Gas & Land company at Hern
don, la., has created a great excitement
in all central Iowa. There they are now
usin" cas for cooking, lighting and heat-
iu" their houses, and it is believed that
they have there gas iu sufficient quauti
ties for 'manufacturing purposes. They
have also recently discovered natural gas
within three miles of Des Moinc3. To
tho credit of Plattsinouth it can be said
that before there was any excitement at
either I Icrndon or Des Moines, the Platts
mouth Coal and Gas company was form
ed, and about two weeks ago, a contract
i,irni(f for fas was let. It
1 w 1 1 w j - ,
is to be hoped that our citizens will hur
ry up Lhe funds to enable the contractors
tr nn -.-,nv with their agreement. And if
fortune should favor us with a lucky
strike of gas, Plattsmouth will soon be
rivaled, as a city, only by Omaha, in the
whole state.
The session of the nf-i-; nee ju.-t
closed was nu important one as deb gates
to the gem-lid assembly were eh-cti d,ho'h
clerical and lay. The progressive spirit
of the church is shown by the elccti. -v..
to this highest body it the church. The
delegates are 1 1 new men, and compara
tively young men. He v. C F, Creightoii
I). D., leads the delegation and is ably
supported by lie v. J. W. Stewart and I lev.
A.C. Crosthwait. Progress is noted ulso
by the reports from all the charges, and in
better salaries paid the preachers, church
debts paid, new churches built, increase
in membership and in all the benevolent
collections, the missionary collections be
ing nearly $2,000 above last year. Per
haps nothing marks more surely the pro
gressive character of Methodism in
west than the (lection of a
..,,.,., ;.
woman as a 1. p-
from the lay conference to the general
conference. Mrs. Angle .-.ewssian is uu-
first woman ever elected by the M. K.
church to this important position, and
the Nebraska conference lias the honor of
inaugurating this new movement in
ecclesiastical history. The lay conference
did no less wisely in electing with Mrs.
Newman. Judge Keece, or anoo, as un-
other delegate.
Time and space forbid any further de
tails of the conference, hut one euiei
event in connection with the conference
a. o i,i-i(.f r.iiiiitliiM. however, that
is, tin- laying of the corner stone of the
Nebraska Weslyan University. The
building is to be a magnificent one and
will stand about a half mile to the souih
of Ilaveloek. The campass coii'i.-ts ol
fortY acres and is surrounded by a plat of
240 acres donated by the friend of the
enterprise. The ceremonies were conduct
ed by Bishop Hurst in the presence of
more than a thousand people. Dr. Moore
chancellor of the Denver Univ. rsity. made
an addrcssjwhich the Lincoln State Jour
nal pronounced one of the most eloquent
ever delivered in Lincoln. The building
will be built of pressed brick with Colo
rado sandstone trimmings, and when
finished will have cost not less than SSO,
000. It is the design of the Methodist
church to concentaate its educational
work here, and crtablish a school that
will be equal to anything in the country,
an honor to the church mid worthy the
patranage of all desiring an education.
The enterprise seems fairly launched and
it is hoped the-school will be open to
receive students one year hence.
C . & :'!
1 'i
B EPSON & SULLIVAN. Attorneys at Law.
Will give iro:ii-t Attention to ail business
Intrusted to them. Oltice iu Union Block, k.ast
side, Piattsniouth. Neb.
5. S. MATH E .VS. Attorney nt Law. ()f!iee
nrwM.K. I.l.llPUy V. o s Ml'l e, ruui... ?.vv
Mln between 6th and Cth streets. 2tti
KOBEKT B. WINDHAM. Notary Public and
Attorney at Law. Oflice over Rat k of
Cass County. Plattstaouth, eb. OfUce tele
phone No. 7 ; residence. No. 6.
JOflN A. OA VIES. Attorney at Lar Office
with It. B. Windham, over Bank of Cass Co.
mouth. Nebraska.
L. SIGOINS. M. D., 1;J'
ireon. one aoor t-v "-" ',' .. ,,.
Oince hours from. 10 to 12 a. m. and from a to s
and7to9P. ill. uesuience. e-on.ri
Ehn VtreetJi-Mrs. Levings' house. 1 elepbuue
at office and house.
.stray Notice.
Taken up as estravs. A red cow five to
.even year old. with ball calf ; -a white cow
four to five years old with a roan heifer
calf Taken up bv J. P. Kell west of Platts
mouth. Cas county, Neb. Owner can have
by paying expenses. J. 1 0ll'j
A Bargain.
The N. E. i and W. i N. W. i Sec. 34
T. 11 R. 12. This beautiful farm if pur
chased soon, can be ha:l for $30 per acre.
Every convenience. Apply to
' R. B. Windiiax,
tf.-22 Piattsniouth, Neb.
tive committees arranged to care for a
greater concourse of people in the field
than has ever before been attempted in
any land, except in times of war. Per
haps no canvas city of such proportions
has ever been built in so short a time.
Within two mouths 3,5 0 tsnts with am
ple room for 23.000 soldiers have been
put together aud pitched in the ten parks
of the city all wthin a radius of two
miles. The doubt whether the boys
would take to the tents has been dis
pelled, for more applications for such
shelter have been made thau tents are
maelc ready for. All the afternoon
and evening the arrivals of the
veterans and their famine's have been
incessant. This evening visitors were
entertained by receptions at the various
f nn1 hpAdouarters. OwijQ2 to the
Nebraska Conference feotes.
The Nebraska Conference of the Meth
odist Episcopal Church closed its twenty-
seventh session on Monday. It was held
in the beautiful St. Pauls of Lincoln
aud was presided over by Bishop J. F.
Hurst whose presidency gave great satis
faction. He also spoke to the conference
on several occasions to the delight of all
who heard him His sermons on Sunday
T,-oa n mnstorlv effort and showed
j - - - w j
his ability to handle the word of
God in the light of history, science and
philosophy. He is a man of profound
learning and thoroughly at home in
his chosen work.
Among those present whose fame has
extended beyond the M. E. church, were
Rev. J. M. Thoburn, D. D.; Rev.
G. W. Gray, D. D., and lie v. W. A.
r T). tho former is the leader
iiv'w y -'1
of the Methodist missionary forces in In
dia, and is now traveling through this
country in the interest of the missionary
cause, and to regain his failing health.
He spoke, to the delight of large and
appreciative audiences.
The Nedraska conference is composed
largely of young men who are enthus
iastic and progressive, aud thoroughly
v...r rm iMihino- thinirs. The business
of the conference was transacted with
intelligent dispatch, and at the close of
the session all went home with the de
termination to make a good record for
the coming year.
llerndon is located in the northeast
corner of Guthrie couuty, 110 miles from
Council Bluffs and fifty-two miles from
Des Moines, at the junction of the Wabash
Western and the Chicago, Milwaukee &
St. Paul railroads, on a perfectly level
prairie in a rich farming country, and
there is no town within fifteen" miles in
either direction except Panoe, twelve
miles southeast. Three weeks ago the
population of Ilerudon was less than
fifty, while now it must be 200. Two
families are already using the gas for
li.rl.tino- and heating their
houses. The laud company display the
gas in their office in a grand shape.
Warrick asks you to compare his
prices and stock of school books with
others. Second hand school books at
very low prices. dOtwlt.
-Tr V J. T lesser, the lloiest and
gardiner, called at The Hkual.) ofiice
yesterday and left a most beautiful and
sweet-cented boquet of roses, fur which
we return our hearty thauks.
8 L m n V
1 n y 1
'" ''"' ' vc. .-t im
N f$ V- ft
W W d b
833 3 il
We Announce Without Further Notice a
i': ' f ; r, v.4 '. -i m s n t ; k t- f; k b U
tjf'i tarn 2
If, after the democrats have been in
power three years and having had
plans forehanging the tariff well matured
before coming into power they have now
got so far as in spots all over the country
to say they think the present tariff too
hi;h and that it ought to be some how
modified, wc would like to have t.iem
nn?wer how Ion-' thev think it will take
them to change it.
Tools and Children (Sometimes)
Speak tho Truth.
There can be no doubt but if the rc-..nhl'if-ans
had elected a solid state legis
lature last Year, Nebraska would to-day
have a prohibitory statute. Journal.
We reproduce this item for our prohi
bition friends, who sometimes inadver
t...,tlv nnntribntft to democratic success
in Nebraska.- It contains food for rcilec-
and Attu iniite for an honest prohibi-
UVii ui-ei ej
tionist conscience.
v r.
m. W lip WP Pfrl
rr-. TV i -- T T T T "" lOlli POTltlT.Tiill."- UMtU
C r,,,..i,lT I . 1 . (J U Ji A O. 111. - r,
evui.i ii i w j iv,i i - i
JULY 12 tli.
September 1st.
a 1 ' Ti T
y umUfcJ
AS THIS IS A rosrnvE-
v W ft
r.V; ti
without reserve, it will lc to tlio individual interests
ot Cuss County to take tilvant:i-o of th
OI ftll ":tl.:TlS
.5 W$
ILivin- in view tlie interests ot our customers, and to ennbUi tic
C. A. R.
The probabilities are that there will be
some emphatic expression of opinions on
the pension question from the representa
tive men of the G, A. R-, who are now
frrnof i ti cr nnp fr ntlur at St. Louis. Of
i-1 -
. . 1 1 .1 1 4
course, this v-iit ue tne raiiKesune.oi! Voi v , - ..t tb-.- r,-c-"'
' ... 4: .i. innltit'idc to share tue benents ot tin
tlie eves or tne average-eieuioeiatu, rnv-v - , ,
- " .. -i ... : it sen eOOiliei' aCUiClo
ana partisan pontics, aim an iuun. 1
nf these T'nited States: vet, under this Clearance s;ue.
it is hard to keep the old fellows from
speaking out in "meetin." borne how
the bovs fell into that habit along in lbhl
and it is hard "to learn an old dog new-
trick s."
er.le, we win i.o
leulers wholesale lots of goods embraced
Tn WOT TW;T , A W 1
Ca-s County, fS3 Court.
To all persons interested in the estate of John
ush. deceasea :
Xntiee is herehv civen that on the Hth d;
of i Ictober. A. D.. isT. at th hour of 11 o'clock
.. in a.t. the countv iud 'c ofiice m rlatts-
mouth. in said countv. tiie !.etHi-n, a-ikinv; for
the :ipiM:ntnif tit ot i-.nj-.iii nu as :iuuiiiiili.v
lf.r tf est:i;e.wi:i he heard and co;j?ideied
.,t l.ieli tone and ij'.aco all oer:;s niav A!l'e;!!
and s!:ow cause, f any they have, why he
!, ..!:!.! not l;e ai.t)Oillte1 -s iu;h u.llituistrat"!
'Dated this 2Jvl day of Seuienib-r. A. l.. li7'
28-3 County Jude.
Wp fv0 to "New York soon to inak our Fall lur-Iisisoje,
inl wo kincllv request au 01 oui in -a l-. muemt..
call as early as possible ana aujusi umu
Yours Respectfully,
White F--t Dry Goods House.
Main Street, - I-ttsmoulh, : .'cb
j-rv-frk x