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(i 4Bsaaj?5fi.Ea 1 ri ?rv Over lafieaafs smd iesaves, Qsaly two Ellas as o the fsass systems of Waatea Wrks Saa 4Bae tsate 4aeete aaae well MEsted Toy S'5a ; A SSsett Msallwsay Isa saess of s5aas4aaat5oaa iraaale f tlae stae4 ' fiaalaSSae n'd&dl tooaadfiJ ajted foa 42a paafp of $5aa&taaae4Iaaf wcaajj faaat ftSa psavlai of Msalas feftaee 5 Sags fesaa 4ay wsacET 5 Metoi.8saEa jPaseav sane Caaaaiaaaag: JFsatQay9 eispaaaaS IS59 esasaSa-y S59& esasaw fi yesaa sisbqI employs Baaaaadls 5 lBalfe asisl 5Trsaa CJottsa Wa'&s5 saplfisal $S9&:, 92P9 eapaSty H9S59 lasa pa yaa aaaacl aaspSys SasaaaS,taaraas ova22ai:aey3aa,9 foBatsaes ifeoaai a? 5 SIa2aSfesaeIar fesagy saaacl wsag;Ba 3sa4ay ; IPcjapeafeag9 la isssaaaafsaettoayj aaaploy 1S lasaaacl-, snaad Ssaaiy saipplte line tsacl 1" aaiSawt5sEa Mfea9sa.442n ; 3?ia diaesat D IS USalla'sad 12saBaSaa "Iaops5 ISoaasaEaoaa 4f!aaa&e &. sar saasalssfeaSEaeaa. sat 4EaE& poaiaat & 4Sa aas ofite ' yslaaa wes4 4 4Bae Mfaaa,'l IStv! asaplylna nmnmy IsuaEsdreds off IasaEad"5aaaal diofesas'&laagj 4 iaapicyQ Baaaa4IaSy aa?jaa4 JfIB5 aa ff 41a Iaaa4 rsai Israel EDa5dg aa 4Se HJEal4l &iti.?& un !:. MaaaaS Hivea sat 4Sa aa4Iaa8aa IleaM i 4Sa S4y -E?aaf5sag;ar 2Taai32 Ssav lPlsa44saaaa41a alatJy fi aaa,4Ia9 saa4Ia5 sa4 saaael west va S5 aaaI fi aaMaDad The cheapness of land around railroad facilities, of manufactories, " there in nothing to SS5 land near the city can be purchased at from Slto to Sffi per acre. Within the next twelve months ourcity expects to welcome the Missouri Pacific and the Omaha and Southern ISaiiways into its corporate limits. These :ire facts and our city is well prepared for a boom. Xow is the time for you to invest in South Park Property. Many lots have alread been sold and a number of handsome cottages are now going up in this beautiful addition. Trices of lots $150 each on monthly or yearly payments. " No trouble to show goods." Call and see us. COUNTY LOCALS. Jlisscs Kuto aiul Caria Oliver spent Sunday svitli friends at Bellevue. L. C. Styles returned Saturday even ing from a trin to (m.di:i :uid Lincoln. Mrs. L. F. Kohrcll left Saturday eve ning for Nebraska City, to visit relatives for a few days. J. E. Morris left for Hastings Satur day evening ou business connected with the O. U. T. :,ierritt Kerr the ten year old Son of II. C. Kerr of this city, is quite sick with typhoid fever. Mr. Eids, Fred Murphy. and (Veo. Lchnhof and Misses Grace Anderson and Julia Oliver spent Sunday with Miss Craner in Omaha. Saturday evening the jury, in the case of Mr. Kennedy, charged with bur glary, retimed a verdict of not guilty after being out about an hour. Yy". J. I Tosser returned Saturday even ing from the Lincoln fair, where he had a large amount of goods on exhibition. He raked in a large number of premiums more than he had anticipated and sold met of his prize stock on thegroud and contracted to furnish a new Lincoln nurseryman a large amount or plants. This is one of th 1 greatest benefits of a fair it advertise the competitors, and our. merchants wlio have themselves rep resented at our fair will not lack their reward. Makuiep. On Sabbath nftcrnocn at at five o'clock at the residince of Mrs. E. J. Etler.in the western part of the city, Mr. Lewis M. Pennington and Miss Carrie G. Etler were united in wed lock by Rev. "VV. 1. Alexander. The cer emony was performed in the presence of a small company of intimate friends of the contracting parties. The bride and groom started west this morning to visit fnds and spnd a few days when they wil return to PI t'.Nmouth an 1 tae up ty -ir abod-:-. May theirs be a prosperous and happy journ"y through life. I L A flip IffiffW 111 AT 11 Ln I Is &Msisa4ecI at ON JEesi (fences MagfEa laol fesaaHaaaa aaaad muz wana &aai iiaoEas Jiaa pa n'iiM iai iUvw make it not only a pleasant place and thev are cominir. While real a speculative or fictitious about them, OUR CITY'S BRAVES. Fifty of Them Stand by and Look on While Three Villains try to Annihilate John Fitz patrick, Out the Plucky Officer Does Them up Unaided Last evening James Brown, James Murphy and Charley Kinzer were trying to raise a quarrel among themselves. Officer John Fitzpatrick being unable te hush them up attempted to arrest them. Irown is a great big stout ruffian, and Murphy thinks there is no man in the county to equal him in the ring and is a villain, and Kinzer is a hard man also, and they were all drunk enough to be full of fight. Fitzpatrick attempted to arrest Brown first who resisted; John struck the man with his billy over the right eye a couple of times and downed him, but Brown swore he would not be taken alive and seized Fitzpatrick by the throat and kicked Lini in the breast savagely. The call of the officer for help did not receive the least response from the cowardly crowd, and while he was overcoming Brown, Murphy slipped up and wrench ed his billy from him and with this cleared his (Murphy's) way through the crowd like a person would sweep feath ers on a im.rble flour. Mr. Fitzpatrick then left Brown and followed Murphy, and with his gun in Murphy's face order ed him to give up the billy. Murphy, told him to shoot and at the same time tripped him with his foot, but the orncer se:zed Murphy as he fell and the two came down together, with Fitzpatrick on top, and another desperate fight ensued, with Murphy with the billy making every effort to lay 3Ir. Fitzpatrick out. At this state of things, Bill Ellington came to the officer's assistance and took the billy from Murphy; but meanwhile Kinzer had seen Murphy with the billy and called out ''I'll stay with you boys" and had in a way lent l is influence for the murderous couple, and even made an effort to get Fitzpatrick off from ITS MOUTH WKKKLV HERALD, THURSDAY, SKITKM IJKIi tV-X.M il - '.'-f IV.". - U .1 - tbe month of tSa A AAA A til i o y.uuu anu i u boHrs fey rail. ffaom Eitsaclaa 4Ba saaaaoys fiaiay iPlattsmouth and C7 VV sua Murphy under the pretense of helping him. "When Ellington took the billy from Murphy, Murphy grabbed the bar rel of Fitzpatrick's revolver and pulled on it and came near shooting himself as the officer had a hold on the other end his finger on the trigger and in the scuf fle, the hammer was partially raised the weapon was a self-cocker but Fitzpat rick finally gained posession of the weapon. Up to this time Murphy had not re ceived a blow, but now enraged at his failure to overcome the officer and the loss of the billy, began to use all kinds of evil languege and would not give up. To overcoue him Fitzpatrick struck him once or twice in the face with his fist and proceeded to yank him along to jail. The trouble occured in front of Blake's saloon and when Mr. Fitzpatrick returned Kinzer had disappeared and Brown had made for the railroad; but mean while Marshal W. II. Malick, who had been at the other end of Main street came along and followed Brown up and caught him climbing into a box car be yond the beer store house along the rail road track. Mr. Malick there captured him and after a little convincing med icine and determined effort brough his man back. - Murphy and Brown are the same men who, a little over a week ngo, got in a scuttle with Marshal Malick by Blake's saloon, and in his effort to down Brown, Malick threw him into a plate gloss win dow and received a severe gash on his left arm. From that arrest they were just liberated yesterday. Brown is a young rough but Murphy is a paofession al villain and is worthy of the peniten tiary and would undoubtedly have killed Mr. Fitzpatrick had he obtained the revolver. John Fitzpatrick is a brave man to engage the three Murphy, Brown and Kinzer in such a combat, unaided and with a crowd of cowardly men standing around. At court this morning Murphy and Brown plead guilty to resisting an offic Kinzer having effectually escaped. They at j - ti 'i 'j inv ' J-i- - '.J.'.-' ,.':..,' . 'TlfrL' J ir will Toe ens ax 188?o SPiattfcc HSivci., sit a poSeiit afom&4 aasaaa s irasaTOEaaaattaa Qjaaaasaafiagr its nearness to Omaha markets tos;e liter with aoaul to reside, but a estate values are C v and good residence lots can be bought at froir i were a "done up" looking couple. Brown had two cuts across his forehead over the right eye and Murphy had both eyes more or less inflamed. Mr. Fitz patrick appeared in court but was pretty sore from the kicks he had received on the breast and head, and his neck bore scratches from Brown's fingers. The sentence was only ten days and costs, $7.80. Mr, Fitzpatrick showed pluck and good reasoningin not shooting the men, although he would have been justi fied in doing so. From the past experiences it is plain ly evident that Plattsmouth has the pluckiest and best police force of any town in the state and they are thorough ly reliable. The' men who stood round and refused, to help Mr. Fitzpatrick were cowards and do not deserve the name of citizens of the place the officer was risking his life to protect. Vomen Inventers. Patents have been granted to women during the week ending Aug. 30, 1S87, as follows: Kate W. Eubank, Rutherford, Cal., combined trunk and bureau. Clementina S. M. Hayna, St. Louis, Mo., furnace. Mary Jorp, Salem, Ore., pie-holder. Amelia II- Lindsey. Pittsburg, Pa., ro tary engine. Nannie M. Showman, Newark, O., combined hair-curler ami crimper.- Mary S. Snow, Sacsamento, Cal., um brella or porasol. TnE Kansas Equall Suffrage Societies of Lawrence, Fort Scott, Emporia and Topeka have decided to each furnish articles for the Woman Suffrage Bazar to be held at Boston Mass., that will sell for one hundred dollars; Lamed, Anthony Lincoln, Chetopa and other points fifty dollars' worth or gifts: Atchison, Adilene, Independence and other places promise to do all they can. "Will Clark is giving his tonsorial shop a thorough over-hauling preparato ry to the fall and winter trade. 21, 1SS7. 1)1 INCREASING. traeted caplfe35 and. 3 '.' desirable place for the establishment irrowinsr more firm each day. yet Ovsr Important. All persons attending the Methodist conference at Lincon, who have no com mutation of rates, should ask the It.' R. agent from whom they buy their tickets tor a receipt stating that they have paid full fare going; and when thej7 reach the seat of conference, call upon the secretary and get his endorsement, which will en title them to return for one third fare provided there are fifty persons with such receipts. The Plum Pudding a very funny com edy on the style of A Parlor Match, A. Rag Baby etc. appeared at the Opera House last night to a highly pleased au dience. Miss Sartello tlie principal Plum is voung ana prettv, a clever vocan and a finished actress The support i ootl. Dubuque limes. lite above play will be presented at the Opera House next Monday evening Sept. 20 Rev. "W. B. Alexander preached thelast sermon of this conference year yesterday and it may be his last sermon as pastor of this M. E. church. At the end of the morning sermon he gave the church sta tistics for the last two years, which showed rich prosperity the membership having almost doubled. He leaves Wed nesday for Lincoln to attend conference and to receive his appointment for the coming year, which his friends hope will again be Plattsmouth. The meetings will be held in St. Paul's M. E. church at Lincoln, Bishop Hurst presiding. The meetings are public and any who desires may attecd; they will continue over Sunday. Plattmouth Ciiculating Library at Warrick's Drug Store f 1 per year, 25 per month. d & w Gt. Mr. J. Rivitt, of Lincoln visited over Sunday with' hi3 son Dick. Miss Josephine Morrisey has return ed from Milford, Neb. Try "Plantation" Punch Cigar3 at Warrick's "America's finest oc. Cigar." dGt-w4t as A 1U tnsn rim llpl (0L11 Saalff way between sniismti; '.ffcc. 1 J S iaacEerv a 1131 1L Sauls of Castr, Co-u.-o.ty From Wednesday's Dally. Capt. II. E. Pabmer left this morn ing for Pawnee City to be gone the greater part of the week. Mr. F. Ii. S?elemire and wif.j left last evening tor the lakes and other points east to begone two or three weeks. Mrs. Bake who has been viMting with Mrs. J. C. Eikenbary the last few days, went to Red Oak this morning on a visit. Mr. F. D. Palmer, a cousin of tin; Dovey Bros, returned to Indianapolis last evening after his family, to bring them to Plattsmouth. Mrs. BilLbv of Fremont. Neb. and Mrs. Chauncy Demming of Brush Creek, Iowa, arrived this morning to visit .the family of C. E. Wtscott. S. W. Duttou received a telegram tin's morning announcing the death of his brother at Richland, Iowa, he leaves this evening to attend the funeral. Mrs. D. A. Campbell returned last evening from York Neb. where i-lie lias been visiting her parents, her si.-.ter Miss Maud Barnes came home with her for a short visit. Val Burk el returned last evenin'' from St. Joe, Mo., where he met his sister, from Porthsmouth, Ohio, who came home with him and will remain some tim vis iting her uncle, J. P. Young. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Wed, left this morning for Vermont, New York and other points in the east Mr. Weed is uperintendant of the store department of the B. & M. shops. This is his rst vacation for nearly six years; he expects to be gone about a month. 3Irs. Weed will be gone longer. Pick out the piece of Real Estate you want and then call for price and terms upon Windham & Davies. Over n.inlr of Casi Co. istf For Sale. A farm containing C40 acres of land well improved, timber and. water. Best stack farm in Cass county. For terms apply to . 14tf Beesos & Sullivas.