Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, September 22, 1887, Page 6, Image 6

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    Allan Qnatermain
"jHsa," "tot wrrcu sead," eto.
consented eo tnia precautionary measure, me
moKt amusinp part of the affair, however,
was to seo old UiiLsloixjgaas' astonishment and
Alpuonso's dlichk n-. rirva
o - wwu o uuuoiuimuuuu,
vvnen at last be stood up in all his glory,
even down to the medals on his Lreast, and
contemplated himu.if n n ,
the lake, after the fashion of the youne
fc-"1"-"' " oncions History, whose name I
can't remember, but who fell in love with his
wu buauow, the old Zulu could no longer re
strain his feelings.
"Oh, Bougwanlhosaid. "Ob, Bougwan!
- wjuugus mee an ugly little man,
and fat fat as the m f ....
now thou art liko a blue jay when ho spreads
1.1a foil yi C3 i ...
- uu. oureiy, ijugwan, it hurts my
eyes to look at thiw J
Good did not much like this allusion to his
wmcu, to ten the truth, was not very
well deserved, for hard exercise had brought
...IUU1 mines; duc on the whole he
was pleased at Umslopogaas' admiration. As
a P n80' Lo was quit0 delighted.
Ahl but monsieur has the beautiful air
the air of the warrior. It is the ladies who
will say so when we come to get ashore.
Monsieur is complete; he puts me In mind of
my heroic grand"
Here we stopped Alphonse.
As we gazed upon the beauties thus revealed
ty Good a spirit of emulation filled our
breasts, and we set to work to get ourselves
up as well as we coul. The most, however,
that we were able to do was to array our
selves in our spare suits of shooting clothes,
of which we each hod one, keeping on our
mail shirts underneath. As for my appear
ance, all the fine clothes in the world could
never make it otherwise than scrubby and in
Bigniflcant; but Sir Henry looked what ho is
a maffiiiilcont man in his nearly new tweed
suit, gaiters and boots. Alphonse also eot
himself up to kill, giving an extra turn to his
enormous mustaches. Even old Umslopo
gaas, who was not in a general way given to
the vain adorning of his body, took some oil
out of the lantern nnA a
.. WW ui 11X1(1
polished up his head ring with it till it shone
like Good's patent leather boots. Then he
put on the mail shirt Sir Henry had given
him and his "moocha," and having cleaned
UP iw.0?13 a little stood forth complete.
All this while, having hoisted the sail a-ain
as soon as wo had finished bathing, we had
been progressing steadily for the land, or
rather, for the mouth of a great river Pre
sently in all about an hour and a half after
the little boat had left us-we saw emerging
from the river or harbor a large number of
boats, ranging up to ten or twelve tons burden.
One of these was propelled by twenty-four
oars, and most of the rest sailed. Looking
through the glass we soon made out that the
row boat was an official vessel, her crew being
all dressed in a sort of uniform, while on the
half deck forward stood an old man of ven
erable appearance and with a flowing white
beard and a sword strapped to his side, who
was evidently the commander of the craft.
The other boats
people brought out by curiosity, and were
rowing or sailing toward us as quickly as they
could. J
"Now for it," said I. "Whatis the betting?
Are they going to be friendly or to put an
end to us J"
Nobody could answer this question, and
not liking the warlike appearance of the old
gentleman and his sword, we felt a little
Just then Good spied a school of hippopotami
on the water about 200 yards off us, and sug
gested that it would not be a bad plan to im
press the natives with a sense of our power
by shooting some of them if possible. This
unluckily enough, struck us as a good idea'
and accordingly we at once got out our eight
bore rifles, for which wo still had a few
cartridges left, and prepared for action.
There were four of the animals a big bull, a
cow, and two young ones, one three parts
grown. We got up to them without diffi
culty, the great animals contenting them
selves with sinking down into the water and
rising again a few vards frtv, i
then- excessive tameness struck me as being
peculiar. When the advancing boats were
about 500 yards away Sir Henry opened the
ball by firing at the three parts grown youn
one. The heavy bullet struck it fair between
the eyes and crashing through the skull,
killed it, and it sank, leaving a long train of
blood behind it At the same moment I
fired at the cow and Good at the old bull
My shot took effect, but not fatally, and
down went the hippopotamus with a pro-
digious splashing, only to rise again pres
ently blowing and grunting furiously, dye
ing all the water round her crimson when I
killed her -with the left barrel. Good, who
is an execrable shot, missed the head of the
bull altogether, the bullet merely cutting
the side of his face as it passed. On glanc
ing up. after I had fired
perceived that the peoplo we had fallen
among were evidently ignorant of the nature
of fire arms, for the consternation caused by
our shots, and their effect upon the animals,
was prodigious. Some of the parties in the
boats began to cry out with. fear: others
turned and made off as hard as they could;
and even the old gentleman with the sword
looked puzzled and alarmed, and halted his
big rowboat We had, however, but little
time for observation, for just then the old
bull, rendered furious by the wound ho had
received, rose fair within forty yards of us
glaring savagely. We all fired and hit him
in various places, and down he went, badly
wounded. Curiosity now began to overcome
the fear of the onlookers, and some of them
sailed on up close to us, among these being
the man and woman whom we had first seen
a couple of hours or so before, who drew up
almost alongside. Just then thn
rose again within ten yards of their boat and
instantly with a roar of fury made at it open
mouthed. The woman shrieked and the man
tried to give the boat way, but without suc
cess. In another second I saw the huge red
jawsjand gleaming ivories close with a crunch
on the frail craft, taking an enormous mouth
ful oiit of its side and capsizing it. Down
went the boat, leaving its occupants strug
gling in the water. Next moment, before we
could do anything toward saving them, the
huge and furious creature was up again and
making open mouthed at the poor girl, who
was struggling - in the water. Lifting my
rifle just as the grinding jaws were about to
close on her, I fired over head right down the
hippopotamus' throat Over he went and
commenced turning roivid and round, snort
in tr nnrl blowinff red streams of llwl thrnn-rli
his nostrils. Before he could recover himself,
however, I let him have the other barrel in
the side of the throat, and that finished him.
He never moved or struggled again, but in
stantly sank. Our next effort was directed
toward saving the girl, the man having swum
off toward another boat; and in this we
were fortunately successful, pulling her into
the canoe (amid the shouts of the spectators)
considerably exhausted and frightened, but
otherwise unhurt
Meanwhile the boats Lad gathered together
at a distance, and w roiiM
cupantsj who were evidently much f rigbtei.ed,
were consulting what to do. Without giving
them time for further consideration, which
we thought might result unfavorably to rur
Bclves, we instantly took our paddles and ad
vanced towards them, Goal standing in the
bow and taking off his cocked hat politely in
every direction, his amiable features suffused
by a bland but intelligent 6milo. Most of t he
craft retreated as we advanced, but a ;w
held their ground, while tho big row! oat
came on to meet us. Presently we vcro
alongside, and I could see that our appear
ance and esjieeially Good's and Umsh.uo
gaas's filled tho venerable looking com-
wiui usLonisomenc, not unmixed v ith
awe. He was dressed after the same fasl.-ou
as the man we first met, except that his shirt
was not made of brown cloth, but of j ure
white linen hemmed with purple. The kilt,
however, was identical, and so were the
thick rings of gold around the arm and be
neath the left knee. The rowers wore only a
kilt, their bodies being naked tothewcist
Good took off his hat to the old gentleman
with an extra flourish, and inquired after his
health in tho purest English, to which ho re
plied by laying tho first two fingers of liia
right hand horizontally across his lips und
holding them there for a moment, which we
took as his method of salutation. Then he
also addressed some remarks to us in he
same soft accents that had distinguished ;ur
first interviewer, which we wero forced to
indicate we did not understand by shaking
our heads and shrugging our shoulders. This
last Alphonse, being to the manner born, .lid
to perfection, and in so polite a way that i.o
body could take an v offense. Then u.o..;.
to a standstill, till I, being exceedingly
hungry, thought I might as well call atten
tion to tho fact, and did so first liTnumn,.
my mouth and poiuting down it, and t.icn
ruuuing my stomacn. These signals the old
gentleman clearlv understood, for h
his head vigorously, and pointed toward the
harbor; and at tho tamo time one of the men
on his boat threw us a line and motioned to
us to make it fast, which wo did. The row
boat then took US ill tow. and nrnwciWl ,,.,-f k
great rapidity toward the mouth of the river,
accompanied bv all the othnr liWo t
about twenty minutes more we reached tne
entrance to the harbor, which was crowsled
witn ooats lull or people who had come -.nt
to see us. We observed that fill thA rw--T,
pants were more or less of the same tvpe,
though some wero fairer than others. n
deed. we noticed certain n
was of a most dazzling whiteness; and ho
darkest shado of color which wo saw was
about that of a rather swarthy Spam'.; id.
Presently the wide river gave a sweep,
when it did so an exclamation of astonish
ment and delight burst from our lips as we
caught our first view of the place that we
afterward knew as Milosis, or the Frowning
City (from mi, which means city, and los's, a
At a distance of some 500 yards from ' he
river's bank rose a sheer precipice of gran; to,
200 feet or so In height, which had no doubt
onco formed the bank itself the intermediate
space of land now utilized as docks and road
ways having been gained by draining ::id
deepening and embanking the stream.
On tho brow of this precipice stood a great
buildincr of tho same eranito fm
cliff, built on three sides of a square, the
fourth side being open, save for a kind of
battlement pierced at its base by a little door.
Thi3 imposing place we afterwards disco v-
touched Ms fore!:
vHon of tli: cr
through th mav
tonne.-! cd wiiii
Lith. rto bfiPW )
some. Then hu
aienced tho in,:
and behold! he r.
ilny cf tho live
bride, up tho hta.
in duo cuuio Lo i
wife and fMiml. J
!iost3-, which is
of tli Stairwiv
how energy anl
ping fetGne3 to t
orato his triurr?i
himself dreaming
touched him on i
tho great ball -.
stands to thii da;.
ad, and of a sudden he sair
.pleted work, and saw, too,
ry, and how tho difficulties
ho flying arch that had
s genius were to be over-
voke and once more corn
. , but on a different plan,
lioved it, and on tho last
:'ars ho led tho princess, his
v and into the palace. And
.came king by right of hia
tho present Zu-Vendl dy
this day called tho "House
,"' thus proving onco more
-lent are the natural 6tep
andeur. And to commem
'i he fashioned a statue of
and of the fair woman who'
o forehead, and placed it in
i the palace, and there it
V. T
. I. -
! JF- - - - - 1" -. Jl
JV . - - - - -: ti.---t. . J -r -'
Such was tli"
such tho city be-;
it tho "Frownii;-;
mighty works '
frown down n.
sorattr spiemi"-:
sunshine, but v.!.'
ci her imptii.".
like a super na:
inaogining of a. -is
a mortal '
genius of gf-iiL-j
rf the neurit.-;::'
reat staircase.
;,-reat stair of Milosis, nnd
nd. No wonder they caJled
City," for certainly those
solid granite did seem to
n our littleness in their
This was so even in tho
i tho storm clouds e-athe rpil
brow, Milosis looked more
ai dwelling place, or some
;ot's brain, than what she
, carven by the patient
jns out of the red silence
boat glided on up the cut-'
3C to tne foot of tho vnt.
l halted at a flight of steps
.lln!r TlInYV Horn
j m j vm
gentleman disem; arked. and inviterf n n
likewise, which, : aving no alternative, and
nf;aj iy sen e(i, we am hesita
tion taking our ;ues with us. however
each of ut inn" 1. our truido ncnn la,v
s in salutation und bowed
3 time ordering back the
-sembled to gaze on us. Tho
canoe was the cirl we had
water, for whom her com-
t n k a..
Tho big row:i:c.
ting that ra:i air
Rtairiray, and tf"
Lading to tli3 lr
fingers on his ';
deeply, at the ca:
crowds who lma
last to leave t!r
picked out cf th
I . .... 1 V. 1 A
pnnion was wait;:. ;. Before she went away she
kissed niy haml
tude for having '
the hippopotami!
had by this tin1. ;
may have had of
anxious to retnrr
ful owners. At
kiss Good's hi:
the young
off. As soou
number of the
big boat took L
and chattels, u:
the splendid etai:
us by nieuiis of i
perfectly safe. "
right and led th z
was, as I at terwr."
ing into a good
wooden table v
suppose as a tok jn of c-rnti-
ved her from, the fury of
ana it seemeci to me that she
Jite got over anv fear she
:s, and was by xio means
ai sucn a nurrv to her law-
ay rate, she was going to
as well as mine, when
Interfered and led her
we were on shore a
nen who had ro wed the
ssession of our fi rw goods
I started with t hem up
ase, our guide indi sating to
uons tnat the thi ncrs wpr
lis done, he turne a to the
vay to a small hou so, which
l discovered, an mi 1. Enter-
ized room, we sa w that a
Approaching Milosis.
ered was the palace of tho queen, or rather of
the queens. At tho back of the palace tne
town sloped gently upward to a flashi.ig
building of white marble, crowned by the
golden dome which we had already observod.
The city was, with tho exception of this one
building, entirely built of rod granito ;.:id
laid out in regular blocks with splendid road
ways between. So far as wo could see also
tho houses wero all one-storied and detached,
with gardens round them, which gave some
relief to the eye wearied with the vista of red
granite. At the bacK of the palace a road of
extraordinary width stretched away up ihe
hill for the distance of a mile and a half or
so, and appeared to terminate at an o;eu
space surrounding the gleaming building that
crowned the hill. But right in front of us
was the wonder and glory of Milosis the
great staircase of the palace, the magnificence
Of which fairlv took our brrsth nwnv Txi ; !,
reader imagine, if he can, a splendid st::irwny,
sixty-five feet from balustrade to balustrade,
consisting of two vast flights, each of i5
steps of eight inches in height by three fret
broad, connected by a flat resting place s::fy
feet in length and running from the
wall on the edge of the precipice down to
meet a water way or canal, cut to its feat
from the river. This marvelous staircase
was supported upon a single enormous gran 'te
arch, of which tho resting place between the
two flights formed the crown; that is, the
connecting open space lay upon it Fivni
this archway sprang a subsidiary flying arch,
or rather something that resembled a flying
arch in shape, such as nono of us had seen in
any other country, and of which the beauty
and wonder surpassed all that we have ever
imagined. Three hundred feet from point to
point, and no less than 550 round the curve
that half arc soared touching the bridge it
supported for a space of fifty feet only, one
end resting on and bflt into the parent arch
way, and the other imbedded in the solid
granite of the side of the precipice.
The staircase, with its supports, was, in
deed, a work of which any living man might
have been proud, both on account of its mag
nitude and its surpassing beauty. Four times,
as we afterward learned, did tho work, which
was commenced in remote antiquity, fail ami
was then abandoned for three centuries,
when half finished, till at last there ros-s a
youthful engineer named Rademas, who said
that he would comr!ete it successfully, nr.d
staked his life upon it If he failed, ho vras
to be hurled from the nreciniee ha had nmlr.
taken to scale; if he succeeded, he was to Lo
rewarded by the hand of the king's daughter.
Five years was given to him to complete the
work, and an unlimited supply of labor .i .i'l
material. Throe times did his arch fail,' liil
at last, seeing failure to be inevitable, he il -termined
to commit suicide on the morro v of
the third collapse. That night, however, a
beautiful woman came to him io q dream uud
alrendv fnrnic' -iivl cv?f1-
iuuu, presumably n preparation for us. Hero
our guide motion ' 1 us to be seated 01 1 a bench
tnat ran tho leng ; 1 of the table. W e did not
require a second ivitation, but at once fell
100 ravenously o. tne viands before us, which
were served on v . oden platters, and consisted
of cold goat's flc-: , wrapped up in s omo kind
01 ieai wai gave s a delicious fla- ror, green
vegetables resell;'., ing lettuces, bro tvn bread
and red wine r. jred from a skin into born
mugs. 11ns Hi:v.- was peculiarly soft and
good, having soir. thing of the fla' ror of Bur-
gundy. Twar.ty ; ainutes after w e sat down
at that hospitucl board we rose f roui it feel
ing hko new 11. After all thnftwohnl
gone through r.e : eeded two thin-s, f0ld and
rest, cnu me 100 i or itself was a great bless-
:11s or tne same chan.nn
o first whom -we had s ?en
ile we ate. and vorv n.v. Iv
were also drrssed in t e
ely, in a whito linen petti-
le unee, ana with the toga
own cloth, leaving bare the
ist l afterword found out
. nationa) i7rAce an,i
lated by an L-j.i c istom, though, of course,
subject to varLuk us. Thns, if the petticoat
signified that the wearer
wmte, with a straght pur
e eage, tnat she was mar
legal wife; if with a waw
she was a second or other
lack stripe, that she was a
ne way the toga, or "kaff,"
as of different shades of
. bite to the deeuest brown.
ink of the -wearer, and em-
ld in various xenva TVn'o
also applies to tt -, "shirts." or tunics, worn bv
tho men. jvhic!: ried in material and color:
uut, u.e i-iics v. o; always the same except as
regards o.uaL'1 - One thin-r. li
man nnd wwiau ' i the country wore 'as the
"""UUJ1 iiit..,;. anu tuat was the thick
Uiliu Of gold rc.i ; the richt arm nhn-ca tha
ft leg beneath the knee,
ik also wore a torque of
k, and I observed that our
Cnghf ares of the city, aii'l wrr'? used by t-.j
Inhabitants passing ; ;iiid down from (I ;
docks. These were I :"'."d by gn i f.
bronze, and also, ns v n I i t rv.-. -J Icurued, '
was possible to let - 'a it jkiiUuii ..ftl .j
roadways themselve. ' a irhdniwiiig cr; uiiu
bolts, and thus rendi r it f)iiit impracticrblM
for an enemy to n-the third iritrnti. e
consisted of a flig!. i f t.-n ;urvel black
marblo steps leading ... i doorway cut in ih-
palace wall. Tliis w !i was in itself n wor':
of art, being built of I ie l.!.-kscf giuniu- '
tho height of forty f, , tnd m fnshio'ifil ths
its face was concave. 'u-reby ii was ivndon.-1
practically impoKsib: i it to bo scaled. 'I
this doorway our us. The d K ,
whicb was very mas , and made of .",'.
protected by an oi " . :ute uf bronze.
closeil; but on approach it 'v;.s
thrown wide, and were met bv tl i
challenge of a sentr , v.-ho artr.ed wit-.
a neavy, triangular . '.;-.n.-d :;jear, mot. u,.
like a bayonet in sha . J a cuttina !A-nv.
nud protected by br. . '. .;iid Lack ( -
carefully prepared 1:: . ;jtnnm hide. 'id
small round shield ,.,'ned of the f-vi.
tough material. T' - v. . rd instantly ; -traded
our attenti .'. -t was practic'i.
identical with the on :' 'Jx-nossos-siim of y :
Mackenzie which he -i ; fbtninedfrom tli
starred wanderer. rJ '".:v vus no mistaL ii..,
fthe gold lined fretw rut in the thickiK-
of the blade. So tin --"ii had t!d the 1 1 u
after alL Our guid ::: tani ly gnvo a ; :l-. -
word, which tho s- ' ' r acknowledged
letting the iron shaft Ins spear full with )
ringing sound upon paveiuont. and w
passed on thi-oua;h th' ?:i'.f sive wall into li.
courtyard of the pv-'n-e. Ihls was al.-oi.t
fortv vards souare. . -'ii V'.id out in f!ri i-
beds full of lovely si. ubs and jilants, i.-iai.v
of which wero quitt : -w to m. TIiruu;.'a
the center of this en- m r.m n ill-
formed of powdered ' . lis brought from 11"
lake in tho place of ::i vtl. P'ollowing t':;.:
wo came to another -.r.vnv with n. rcinv'
heavy arch, which i. i.nng with thick de
tains, for there are r.': i'mi-s in (ho ;alnc ir-
self. Then came ai r short , ge, a;: I
we were in tho cxeai ':. ; cf thj ualucc. r.-. 1
once more stood osto ii !"?,! a the simplo ui;-.l
yet overpowering gr;:1;.". in- of thu ilace.
Ine hall is, as wo : i -.v.ini.s learned. 1."
feet long by 80 wide. .:.! has a ',
arched roof of carve.' vjod. Down tho en
tire length of tho bui. ' '.r. t.'icre are on eilin-.-side,
and at a distal:-" of lirtiitv ti-i-t fi-, ,,-
tho wall, slender tLr.Ji.s of black marl.,.!
springing sheer to th" f, beautifully fluted
and with carved c; ir.'s. At one r.f
this great place whirl' tL.-.w pillars support i ;
tho group of which I . .- alreadv snnt n-
executed by tho kin ! l 1-n-. is tocommem r
ato his building of tl -...urease; mid recilv,
when we had time to - ji o it. its lovpii:-,,
almost struck us dure Tho group, of wh i-, i ;
the figures are in whi and tho rest in black
marble, is about half ? Jai-iro niraiii n i;r..
and represents a y ::';; man of 'noble fvui:
tenance and form tl-- heavily upon
couch. One arm is i vlcsslv thrown . .-
the side of this cou. :, fiid his head rerxw.-,
upon toe other, its cui j ?!.-s partially Lil-
i t 1 : . .
on his forehead, is .. 'i:iped female fort.- vi
such whito loveliness iual.e the lx?hoid
breath stand still. . '. as f- r the r.-ilm -
that shines upon her . .c. t facrwell. 1
never hope to descrii . But tliere it. i -,.
like the shadow of ; .". iii.gc-V' smile; nt!
power, love and di'-' all have their iar'
in it Her eves are ' --.1 ur'-.n thw .lin; -.-
youth, and perhaps : ; ivo--t. xtj-aopliisa
thing about this beat.. .. :1 w.jvfc is the sue- e-
with which the artist . - i;c'ved'l in di.'t..
ing on the sleeper's vv .-;i i weary faco ti.
sudden rising of a ne" spiritual though.'
as the snell becins to '. : 1. within hiw n.; , :
You can see that a:: idmHon is breakin.--ii
upon the darkness i tiio man's soul, as th-.-dawn
breaks in upo:. dart ne-s of tl: -night.
It is a glorior ; -c of statuary, an,!
none but a cenius cc:'..i have coiiciM'vpi i
Between each of the .- narLle colunms i-:
some such group of tli-vos, some allegorical,
and some representii .- t' e nprsons nml ivivt,
of deceased monarchs : jrreat men : )ut non.
of them, in our opin: .. . r-on;es up to the '):o
I have described, aV . -!'h several are from
the hand of the great. : :' -itor and eugiuecr,
King Rademas.
In the exact center ;' o hall was a. s.ii;.;
mass of black marbl.: !Kt the sizn ,r .,
baby's arm chair, wh -li it rather resem1, . I
rr- -
in appearance. in
two fingers across tho lips In salutation. Then
oft footed attendants advanced from between
the pillars, bearing seats which were placed
in a line in front of tho thrones. We three
sat down, Alphonse and Umslopogaas land
ing behind us. Scarcely had we done so
when there came a blare of trumpets from
some passage to tho right, and a similar
blare from the left Next a man with a long
white wand of ivory appeared just in front
t tha risrht band throne, nnd cried out
(Z'o be continued.)
A Remarkable Growth-
Tho many friends of Messrs. Mont
gomery Ward fc Co., formerly at 227 and
229 Wabash Av., Chicago, will bo plud
to know that the rapid growth of tlicir
business has forced them to remove from
Wabash Ave. to 111, 112, 11;) and 114
Michigan Ave., where tlicy have pur
chased a magnificent building, the seven
floors of which they will occupy exclu
sively. These seven floors are each 100
by 103 feet, aggregating nearly 120,000
square feet (about 3 acres) or floor surface.
The new quarters will enable tliem to
handle their large business to the br ttcr
advantage of their thousands of custom
ers. Fifteen years ago Messrs. Montgom
ery Ward & Co. occupied but one room
and that only 23 by 40 feet. The enor
mous growth of their business during
hfteen years can onlv be explained by
the fact that they sell direct to consuin
ers, supplying all their wants, and never
misrepresent any article. The success of
this house proves the old saying, that
Honesty is the best policy," and from
from this policy they never deviate
The Fall catalogue issued by Messrs.
Montgomery Ward &, Co, ought to be
in every famil3
Wheeling Stogies 3 for 3 c. the best
in the city at Warrick's. d0t-w4t
Bank Cass County
Cottier Mciu hi id Klxth Htreets.
. O. H. l'AKM FbK. l'resl.leiit,
J JVl. rAriUlIMtiN. Cashier. I
Transacts a General BaLiinn Easiness
Paid or County and City Warrant.
and promptly remitted for.
C. II. I'arn ele, J. M. I'atb'ison,
Fred (lenler, A. H. Smith.
it. U. Windluun. J.t. Morrisey,
James Patterson. Jr.
33 1ST S
CAPITAL ST00K PAID IN, - $50,000
Authorized Capital, $IOO,COO.
-- orricKits
Dr. C. A- Marshall
li . Si V .'ins '-.i
Preservation of natural teeth a specialty.
Teeth extracted without iain l,y imc of Lautjliimj
All work warranted. Prices reasonable.
Fitzgerald IU.ock. PiTThMouTir,NKn.
we afterwai'. -.
e of this ren;"'"i.
r 'tlr rr-onaichs ip;
niony of coronati...:;.
.-".ieu.nrd the intci -t
i 'i.iiijitaiu its
a dais spread vvi-!i
'." o t urones aiv ; .
-ii.s ore li,.-.
.i! solid prold. 'i"v-
. hv.t tho back.-?
inj; to us. Two
! cast of face as t.:
waited on us wv
they did it. Th:;
samo fashion, nr.:
coat coming tc .
liko garment of 1
right arm and bi
that this was t"
was pure whit.'. ,.
was uuinarneii ; '
pie btripe round 1:
ried and a first cr
purple stripe, th.
wife; if with a .
widow. In the
as they call it,
color, from puj
according to th-
broidercd at the
elbow and th?
People of hiVb
gold round t'.;7- .
guide had ono cu
So soon as v. c
veneraLlo condu
u. urusuea our meal our
or, who had been standing
all the while, n varding. us with inquiring
eyes, and our g.. .s with something as like
fear us his pride - ould allow him to show,
bowed towards i ood, whom he evidently
took for the ler.u ; ot the party on account of
the splendor of i. ; apparel, and onco more
led the wa tht c : ;h tho door and tnthafnnt.
of tho great stair ;se. Hero we caused for a
two colossal lions, each
le block of pure black
ug rampant on the termi
s balustrades of the stair-
moment to adra:
hewn from n
I marble, and sla.ii,.
Dations of the v.i
On he went up .'je first flight of 120 steps,
across th-s broad platform joining it to the
second flight, ix 0 we paused to admire the
glorious view o: ne of the most beautiful
stretches of ci.-; y that the -world can show,
edged by Uic V. waters of the lake. Then
we passed on up t lis till at last we reached
tho top, w here ve found a Jarge standing
space to w hich ti : e were three entrances, aS
cf small siao. i of these opened on to
rather narrow t,- .cries or roadways cut in
the laco of the p-x-ipice that ran round the
palace walLs tui.i led to thj prioripal thor-
learned, was the sacr
able people, and on .
their hand after the c
and swore by tho sun
ests of the empire, ar.
toms, traditions and
At the end of the I::
rich carpets, on whi.
side by side. Theso
great chairs, and m:
seats are richlv cushii
left bare, and oneai .: ai-ved the embleni
or ine sun, suooung ,ns nory rays m
directions. The foe- ;-;.is are golden lions
couchant, with yellow '.:.;.a.".i's set in them
eye3. There are no )..:-.: gems about tLcui.
The place is lighted Ly numerous but nar
row windows, places Di eh up, cut on the
principle of the loop!: u s to br seen in ui;
cient castles, but inno v.-.i of class, which was
evidently unknown h i.
Such is a brief description of this snlfTi'ii-I
hall in which we now "und ourselves, com
piled, of coui-se, from car subsequent kno-.v;-edge
of it. On this oi ,' i?;i'ri wo had but lit. ;.;
time for observation, v. when we entered v. j
I verceived that a lar - i.'imber of men were
g -athered together in i t f the two throne?,
w hich were unoccupi.-:. Tlie jirincipal aiiiop
th 5m were seated or. curved wooden chair.-,
raL'ged to the righl the left of V"
thrt-'nes, but not in fr: f them, and v--v
dres;id in white tun. s, with various cic
broid erios and differeii colored edgings, n?id
armed w.'th the usual ciercu-d and geld -iniii
swords. To judge fr,: the dignity of thc-i.-appearaneo,
they seen: 1 o:.? and all to Lv i-i-dividuals
oi very gre::; importance. C.iiii l
each of thesi great m. -i w as a small knot of
followers and attendants.
Seated by themselves, in a little group tj
the left of the throne, --ro six meii of a dif
ferent stamp. Inst l of wearing the
ordinary kilt they w i e clothed in long robes
of pure white linen, w.i.:i the same symbol of
the sun that is to be s-v.i on the back of the
chairs, emblazoned in ;-od thread upon th
breast. This garment was girt up at thr?
waist with simple ' v'J-i curb like cliaiii,
from which- bung Ion;: eiiiptic plates of th-?
same metal, fashiout-.i ia shiny scales lik?
those of a fls b, that, a - : ht"r w-.'?rcr3 moved,
jincledand i -efleeted 'uht. The3' ..vv.
all men of ma tare ag- . : i:d of a seve" z.: x
impressive cas,1; of ft;t:-i: es, hich wa i ' ii-
dered still more impu. : 1 y tho Iom bep-.i-;
they wore.
The nersonalitv" of j UiC.-r laai ano;.r
them, however, im."-.' u it once. II.
seemed to stand out rnv. ;i felloua
refuse to be overloo':. li was ve. - ..; I
60 at least and ext.- -eiy it1, with a in-;
snow white beard tlvx; 1-r.iijf nearly to hi
waist. His features v. -- n.'iuii'ni? and d .y
cut. and his eves wer- i" iv aud cold l'ol:i:!".
The heads of the ot!' . 'vore bare, but t. ';
man wore a round ca i . .it irelv covered with
gold embroidei-y, fro r. v. hich -n-e judg, 1 ; ' .-it-he
was a pei"son of j-'-'-'- imiiirtain'e: au.i,
isdei3d. I afterward C -'rvci-ed that, he -v VJ
Agon, the high priest - c.'uiiirj'. As w;
HJ'J'l UUVUCU, . I I ii - ..- ., ... ......... . - J -
priests, rose and bowcj to us with the great
est courtesy, at the x;n;e time placing the
- - - w - -
can live at home make more
money at work for un than at :mv
thingelse in this world. Capital
not reeded ; you are started free.
Hoth sexes : all ajies. Anv one cun
dn thp w'orl: l.'ir.m ..ii.i,i,i,.u l.......
from first start. Costly out lits and
terms free. Better not delay. Costs you nut h
ing to send us your address and Und out ; and
if you are wise you will do so at once. Address
Ii. Hallktt & i.o.. Portland. Maine. 3(ilv
mxasl u ,V, Iflt'j I J1JKIT vhtoj iCTTm.Mj j m.onwrjd
l'resldeiit. Vine-President.
W. II. CC.SIlt;,ci. Canliier.
Frank ('arruth, J. A. Conr.or, 1'. K. Cuthinacii,
J. W. Jolnifon, Henry i'.o-ck, John O'Keefe,
W. I. MfiTiatn, Win. V.'eteuciilup, W.
II. Cushmg.
Transacts a fJen.-ral Hanklnir Uiinlness. All
who have any Jiankintc business to tiai.sact
are invitc.i to cull. No mattT liow
laii;e or unall t'ie truiiactlon, It
will receive our careful attention,
and we inmiH- always cour
teous treatment..
Issues CertlOcates of le: osits hearing Inteie.s:
lluys and sells Foreign K.;fiange, County
and Citv .steui it ien.
CafhU r
IB jl. jst
Offers tho very best facilities for the prompt
transaction of legitimate
Stocks. Bonds. Cold, (government and l,oc
oocurmes i-.ouicni tiiui ;so!d, Deposits receiv
ed arid Interest allowed on time Certifi
catec Draft drawn. available hi any
part of the I'nited Statee j,nd All
the principal towun of
Collections made & promptly rtu.ittcd
UlRhest market price paid for County War-
btate ai.d County Iiondn.
.Trrhn Fit7rrer.i.ld
John It. Clark, 1. IlawkswortL
. wauun. s. K. white.
jr-rMw--.MM-T-TTrr-Y-T-B -if LH w
'Uy t--
Have any thin- you want from a two wlieeku! go curt to a twenty -four
are always kept ready. Caks or tight carrlarres, pall -hearer wa-,;I(S
flllfl fVfl-l-t ll i 1 1 If i . i. -I'll iinr.-,l ii 1 . ...1 ,1 t' n, C
- j iuii.iai;Uiuiir,u;uoii tnui i nynee. j e rm s casi i .
Old, ahop worn Goods,
vx Aj h ti " t
A rn It li tt-3
iiil l?i mmm
Greatly Puoducod
Ladies' Kid Button Shoes. forinei-K- t'tD nr.- o r n
Ladies' Ivid Ihitton Shoes, tonnerly 2.25, now Sl.U.").
. Ladies' Teh. Goat Shoes, formerly $2.75, now sl.75.
Ladies' A Calf Shoes, formerly $2.25, now $2.t0.
Ladies' Kid Opera Slippers, formerly $1.00. now 75c.
Men's "Working Shoes, tonnerly $1.75, now $1.10.
Choice Box offoiv old Goods left at less than half Cui
Manufacturing and Repairing Neatly and
Promptly done.