J r jMTin'rMirtiiT KNOTTS BROS, Publishers & Proprietors. Why Foroienors Succeed. A correspondent writes The Herald asking: "Wliy i it Unit younr, foreigners coming to this country can filivuy get plaecHimd keep tliem, and go right a1u::il, unl in a few years bo in busineha for themselves with money ahead, eyen be fore they have learned to speak the Eng lish language?" The question is an important one and opens up a vast field for inquiry and in terest, but to the business man its solution is very plain. The fault does not lie with prejudice or preference of employ ers, but as humiliating as is the confess ion, in the superiority of the foreign youth. Not from a point of intelligence or piicku!:ss,but from the point of fideli ty, faithfulness, obedience, and applica tion, the indispensable requirements to eucecs in a much larger degree than education, brilliancy, good looks, or fine clothes. It is one of the wise dispensations of the Creator that those who succeed in life should first learn the drudgery, the toil, and the minor and menial de tails of the business they choose before they can erect the superstructure and command the rewards and the comforts of that business. Without this prelimi nary knowledge success is impossible as the permanence of a building without a foundation. Nature teaches these lessons in everything, the blade of grass or the car of corn cannot be produced without the seed is first planted; the worm can never become a buiterfly with out undergoing the toil and drudgery of first gathering the material and weaving the cocoon. The child can never become the upright, stalwart being of power, force and locomotion without first learning to crawl. It is the mistaken idea'of Amer ican parents which leads them in their affection and pride to recognize the su perior natural endowments of their off spring, and endeavor to rear their chil dren to enjoy its blessings w ithout under going the dreary drudgery of its develop ment which makes so many wrecks along life's path. The youth who enters life's arena and the business world with the idea that he is too good to clean a spit toon, sweep out an office or perspire over the locomotion necessary to deliver a message with promptness or haste, who is afraid to soil the blacking on his shoe by wading in the mud or to get wet In going out into the rain, is not likely to become a very brilliant star in the world's arena. Who would win must fight, and life's struggle is after all, a long and arudous battle whose success is not to be found iu the theater, the circus, the ball room, the saloon, or the billiard hall; brilliancy nnd popularity do not consist in flourish ing a cane, smoking cigarettes, drinking wine, attending horse races and fairs, wearing line clothes and learning to ogl the opposite sex before the clout clothes nre fairly off. This fact is unfortunately better realized by the people of the older countries than it is by Americans. As a consequence when a foreign youth is em ployed, no matter how dull his wits Ik manages to get along simply because Ik oncentratcs what wit and power lm Ins to the performance of the duty assigned him. Neither his dignity, his case, his fine clothes, his ability for belter things or his aristocratic origin are allowed to divert his thoughts or his mind from that duty, or to offend his senses because of his menial nature. 'hen he is sent on an errand he neither forgets it nor tarries on the way. When his labor is over he is hungry enough to crave whole some food and tired enough to go to bed anil rest, consequently he does not expend his money for bonbons, or upon wine, or beer, or women. The result is that he gets a reputation for reliability and efficiency, which soon elevates him. He lias quickly mastered the menial prelimi naries, and rises by force in the scale, nnd os time passes he not only acquires a knowledge of his business in all its de tails, but before h -. knows it, almost, he lias sufficient capital, reputation and friends to enable him to beirin business for himself. If American boys would su reed they should take these tilings to heart and not be aboye imitating their huniMtr aud less brilliant forciuu neighbor. Omaha Herald. Cowardly Independence. There are individuals iu charge of 3ews-papers, nnd more of them than are .-required for the healthful press, who feel that in order to assert and maintain their independence they must print -whatever they see and hear, particular ly scandal. This view lnis more justi fication from the standpoint of the re porter than from tlie standpoint of the editor. The editor is expected to exer cise his judgment, to discriminate in the choice of matter, to cut out and add to in fact, to edit the paper. He should perform his work in t he interest of his nnner. and then fore in the interest of the paper's readers. The man who uu- dcrtakes to edit a newspawcr nnd at the same time keep himself free of ull mis trust and misrepresentation will make a signal failure of it. He must be capable of fixing his own standards, and of making his own judgments promptly as the case- arises. A good paper cannot be made under a set of rules, for nny good rule in tint have its exceptions and the good editor mu-t be equipped to appre ciate the exception and govern himself according as occasion may Wo presented. Independence in the occupation of put ting together a newspaper is a highly desira'ole quality, bnt in the family of independence is a species that is vulgar, woefully coarse, unkind and of eyil tendencies altogether. If one cannot suppress this variety and keep company with discriminating independence, then, for one thing, it is better to give over being independent, and, for another thi ng, to give ovcrtrying to be an editor. Tho intelligent editor will suppress many items "on account of the family" that otherwise he would print. The culprit in the case may not be entitled to consid eration, but there nny be women and children involved who are. And there is great difference in families. Some are made of coarse material, and others are of fine material, and where' no hardship would bo done in one case there would be savage cruelty in another. Of course the editor will be charged with discrimi nation. It will be tauntingly Haid that in the one case there was wealth or social influence, while in the ether there was only poverty and the lack of social in fluence. But he cannot help that. He ought not to try to help it except as he shall exercise his best judgment as to what is right, what is mainly, what is in dependent from the standpoint of his own conscience. The newspaper that gives the more pain than joy is .a poor newspaper from any point of view. Such a newspaper, you may be sure, will have its strength where vice is strong, and it will have its friendships where hearts are trodden under foot. T' good editor should try first to place maintain himself in the i elation of a gent!e:n-in. Tf- n-:,t fhon -k. r" Train from speaking, or t,a.tl- iiij spv-i, iioiii that standard. It is highly creditable to insist upon the independance of a gent leman. It is quite as discreditable to insist upon the independence of a curb stone loafer or the police-court lounger. The reaping tastes of people have wide range. The newspaper must necessarily be of wide range; but when it comes to an issue between what is for good and what is for evil, the editor ought to be equipped w ith that kind of independence that will lead him to prefer that which is for good, He may be often mistaken in his judgment. But his own confidence in his purpose should be kept above re proach. Sham indnpendence is thejbane of many newspapers, and under its in spiration much journalistic villany is wrought. Siitnx Cltji Journal. The custom which prevails in this country of celebrating all the great steps toward freedom and the establishing of our government, made by our fore-fathers, on their various anniversaries, is a most beautiful oue. Yesterday hundreds of thousands of people from all over the United States met at Philadelphia to give strength to their patriotism by join ing in the centennial of the completion of the federal constitution. The occasion called out the first men of the land who joined their rejoicings in the progress which has been made by our nation in one-hundred years. The celebration of these anniversaries is food to the Ameri can's pat riotism, and as the memory of the vents is the mother of the brotherly and national love which is so strong in the hearts of the Americana. Tliey are oc casions when all partisan feeling gives way to common rejoicing and are indis pensable to thr progress of a nation The process of calming waves by means of oil is being pushed very rapid ly to effective results; but there is noth ing to show which are that the troubling tariff dissent ious the Democratic waters can be composed in that manner. On the contrary, the indication is very clear that Mr. Randall is the sort of man upon whom oil may be poured in any conceivable quantity without mod erating his views or changing his inten tions. Globe D'.movra. The Democrats of IJichmond, Va., have decided to permit colored citizens to vote at the primary election this year, "Provided thev pledge themselves to support the nominees. This is a very encouraging out-look as hitherto the right of the colored man to votu has been stoutly resisted by the dominant party in Virginia, even if he were will ing to cast a Democratic vote. A company of wealthy Chicago men have bought GOO acres of land near that city, and have fitted it up and deeded it to the government, and an army post will bo established there. This is an in stitution which Chicago lias long been in need of and will give protection to tin city in case ot smuun danger or an at tack from Canada. PLATTSM0OTI1 WEEKLY" HEPwALP, LIKE A FLOCK OF SHEEP. THE TRICK BY WHICH A CROWD WERE GATHERED TOGETHER. A. Knot of Gazers at f Show Window. "Just for Fun" Looking Intently Into a Sewer llldlc-ulous llesults Unmau Weakncai, Queer it Is that human being, 1'ke sheep, often bear out the saying of "Fol low the ealer." This thought came to mo a few days since while watching a test maile by u friend of mine. Happening to meet a young man whom I had not Keen in a long while, I stopped to greet him and indulge in a short conversation. While we were talking a man walked up to a show window near by, and in a mo ment was joined by several others. In a short time the entire window was sur rounded by anxious gazers, and as there was nothing out of common on exhibition, toth myself aud my friend were amused at the action of the crowd. Turning to inc my friend said: "It docs seem odd that people can be attracted bo easily, but I assure you that I can givo you even a better illustration than tho one we have just witnessed. There is nothing ut all the matter with tho sewer inlet over at the corner, yet if I go over and look into it intently it will bo only a little while before I attract a crowd. Now, just for the fun of tho thing I'm going over and look into it, ami I want you to stand hero and watch the people." Ac cordingly ho walked over to the opposite corner, and standing In the street bent down and looked into tho sewer. Scarcely had he fixed his gaze on the inside when n small boy who was passing stopped and looked around and then stepped out into the street and also looked into the inlefi A street car stopped at the corner to let off several passengers, and two of them walked up to tho inlet to look in. In less than one minute by actual count ten per sons were looking. into tho place, and in two minutes the crowd had increased to twenty-five people. In three minutes tho crowd was doubled, and after five min utes' actual time the entire corner was crowded with a pushing mas3 of human ity, all eager to look down the sewer and all asking questions. During this time my friend had not ut tered a word, but had continued to gazo steadily into the inlet as though ho had dropped something down into its dark in terior. Then I walked across the street to mingle with the crowd and catch any observations that might be made. A tall, sad looking man tapped me on tho shoul der and asked me what the trouble was l i.bout. I replied that I didn't know, but scarcely had I uttered the words hen a short, fussy individual, who had ju.-i. jouiea the crowd, Kindly spoke up and informed my sad locking inquirer that tl re was a child in the sewer. Thi3 information quickly spread and many ex clamations of pity and sympathy were heard on all sides. Then some one con tradicted the rumor and said it was a val uable dog that had fallen into the sewer. This was promptly denied by a heavily built man, in his shirt sleeves, who was suro ho had heard the baby's voice, but that it must be drowned by this time, because it was so quiet. Right here some one else tooK up the conversation and went on to describe how careless the mother of a child must be to allow it to get away from her and run tho risk of meeting with such a horrible death. In the meantime a reserve officer made his appearance and r.sked the cause of all the trouble. A very knowing young man took the policeman aside and explained to him that the crowd was all wrong. Then he wnt on to tell the officer that the man at the sewer had been counting a roll of bills and had accidentally dropped a bill of large denomination into the sewer and was now looking down to see if he could get a glimpso of it. iou can readily imagine how ridiculous this i ll sounded to me, and what an ef-' fort is required on my part to keep from laughing aloud. I managed to restrain myself, however, and worked my way out of the crowd and took up a position on the doorstep of a store near by. Tho crowd meanwhile had grown to an im mense size, and several cars were blocked by tho people standing in the street across the track. In vain the drivers tried to get tho crowd to separate and allow the cars to pass, but, as is generally the case, the crowd only laughed at them, aud some of the more venturesome boys tried to climb onto the dasher of the car to obtain a good view over tho heads of the persons in front of them. Then came a regular stream of questions from the crowd, such as, ""What's the matter?" "How did it happen?" "Who's hurt?" "What's lost?" '-eomebody got a fit?" "How did he get run over?" "What is it, a man or h woman?" "Why don't the crowd keep back and give him some air?" to which the following were tome of the answers: "Don't know," "Give it up," "Can't get near to find out," "I don't know, do you think I'm a diction ary?" and many other answers that I have now forgotten. The policeman did his best to disperse the crowd, or at least keep them back, but he was powerless. He threatened a few of them with arrest, but Lc didn't look very stern, so they risked his anger. Finding that he could make no impression upon them, he wisely withdrew and allowed them to use their own pleasure about going. He succeeded, however, in clearing tho car track, and the several cars that had been blocked were soon skimming up the street at a genuine rapid transit speed. My friend finally worked his way out of the crowd, and I, having attracted his at tention, he joined me, and we laughed to our heart's content. I imagined that after seeing my friend withdraw the crowd would disperse, but nothing of the kind. The place that he left was eagerly sought after by twenty people, and a dozen heads pressed forward to peer into the sewer. Some old fellow with an iron bar had succeeded in lifting back the heavy iron lid that fitted into the top of tho in let, and he was lying fiat on the pave ment, face downward, anxiously scanning tho interior of the sewer. We stood aside for a little while commenting on the weakness of human nature, and presently withdrew into the inviting splendor of a neighboring restaurant, where we discussed the inci dent with much laughter over a good din ner and a bottle of water. Strange as my article of today may Beem, it is en tirely true, and in every point the story is correct. I stopped today, and, seeing tho same reserve officer on duty at the corner, I recalled tho experience to him, and ha recollected the occurrence with a smile. When I explained to him that the whole affair was a trick of my friend, he laughed heartily, and said he would repeat it at headquarters. You see now how, like sheep, we are often tempted to do some thing simply because some one else does it, when with a little thouaht many a foolish or an uncalled for action might lx; prevented. "Observer" in Phila. CalL TIIUKSDAY, SEPTEMDER 22, A STRANGE AFFECTION. The Stery Told by m TrstvsteiwJEffectS of Imagination. Tho modern town of Taranto, In Italy, occupiea tho cite of tho famous Tarcntum of old. Tho tarantismo, an Insect ven omous in hot weather, la to bo found there, and Tarious startling accounts nro given of tho peculiar effects of its bites. A Tarentino gentleman, who has seen many cases of persons affected by tho tarantismo, thus describes it in tho "Ital ian Sketches" of Janet Ross: "There are various species of tho infect, and two kinds of tarantismo, the wet and tho dry. A violent fover attacks tho per son bitten, who sits moaning and sway ing backward and forward. Musicians aro called and Ix-gin playing; if tho air does not strike tho fancy of tho tarantula, as tho pationt is called, die moans moro loudly and says: 'No, no, not that!' "Tho fiddler instantly changeH, and tho taml)Ourino beats fast and furious, to in dicate the difTerenco of the time. When at last tho tarantola gets an air to her liking sho springs up and begins to danco frantically. "If sho has the dry tarantismo her friends try to find out tho color of tho tarantola that has bitten her, and adorn her dress and her fingers with ribbons that recall the lints of tho insect. If no ono can indicato tho color sho is decked with streamers of every hue, which ilut ter wildly about as sho dances and tosses her arms in tho air. Tho ceremony gen erally begins in the house, but what with tho heat and tho concourse of peoplo it often ends in tho street. "If it is a wet tarantismo the musi cians choose a spot near a well, and tho dancer is incessantly deluged with water by relays of friends, who go backward and forward to the well with their brow earthenware jars. "When tho tarantola is quito worn out she is undressed and put to bed. "The fever lasts soventy-two hours, and the state of nervous excitement must bo intense to sustain a woman under such fatigue as dancing for threo wholo days. If tho musicians are not called in, and tho person bitten is not induced to dance, the fever continues indefinitely, and is in some cases followed by death." It is hardly necessary to say that in this method of treatment the imagination plaj's a great part; nevertheless it Li a real euro. Youth's Companion. Indian Kullcit In Georgia. The whole field for acres around the bridge over Little river, in Wilkes county, Ga., is literally covered with Hint mrow mid sjear heads, stone tomahawks, maces, battle axes, and almost every instrument of crude Indian warfare. Besides these are found many domestic articles, as mortars and pestles for mashing corn, xLs hewn out of solid stone, and broken vases carved in rare and curious designs. These relics were washed down from a neigh boring hill by the late freshet and scat tered over the field. On the top of this hill, where the villago w as supposed to have been, was found a large pile of broken and defective arrow heads which seemed to mark the siot w here some old arrow maker had his shop, making arrows for his tribo and receiving in return deer, bear, and other such game as thu forest afforded. Chicago News. Another Liberty Statue. A statua of lilerty is to be erected on a peak in San Francisco by Adolph Sutro, the million aire. The figure and pedestal will be forty feet high, and the torch, which will be lighted by electricity, will be 1,000 feet above the level of the sen. Ihe pedestal will rest upon the solid rock of the peak, and will be over twenty feet high, eleven feet square at the base, and sefen feet square at the top. The prin cipal figure will that of a woman holding aloft in the right hand the torch of liberty, and in the outstretched left hand the sword of justice. At her feet will bo a figure emblematical of despotism, nnd will be that of a man lying on his side and clutching at the sword held out of liis roach. Chicago Times. The Bones of Columbus. The bones of the discoverer of America are to be once more removed, as if they had not yet earned rest. When Colum bus died he first found a resting placo at ValladoliJ. But it waa not for long. In seven years his remains were taken to Seville, and in 1530 across the ocean to Hayti, where they were deposited in the cathedral of San Domingo. In 1TS5 it was thought to be high time that the bone3 of Columbus were disturbed again, and they were taken to Havana, La Cuba. Now, after a further rest of 100 years, a fresh transfer let us hope the last is to bo made, and Genoa, tho navigator's birthplace, will finally claim its own. Chicago Times. An Author's Old Kililonl Home. Mr. Aldrich's house at Ponkapog, Mass., is a plain, old fashioned mansion, just like so many others that one pecs scattered everywhere throughout New England. It is two story, puinted brown, with a portico in fror.fc, and concealed from the street by a belt of trees. Inside is the large, old fashioned hall belonging to old colonial days, with two rooms opening on either side, and the din ing room in the rear. The poet's study is on the second floor, and a pleas ant room it is large, airy, with books lining the four walls, and stuiled into every uook and corner. Choice art treas ures and bric-a-brac appear scattered about in a charming way. Chicago Times. Industrial Fishing School. Lady Burdett-Coutts expresses a will ingness to expend $123. 00t on an indus trial fisliing school at Baltimore in West Cork, accessible to all Irish youth. She thinks such a school would benefit all Ire land. New York Graphic. The late Gen. McKee Dunn left all his fortune to his wife. His was the ton, and shortest ever filed in Waskin consisted of four lines. It is a somewhat singular fact that of all the Christian nations the United State-i of America are alone represented by Protestant Christian missions in Persia. The Prince of Wales is described at Ilambuir as wearing a rr.of;t unbecoming common looking, snuff colored suit, wiUi a. red comforter round his tliroat. 1887. ' A Miniature Republic. ( Between French Guiana and Brazil ha region of 400,000 squaro miles, contain ing 00,000 inhabitants, whoso jKxwKsion has lx-en contested for 200 years. Franco claims it on ono hand, Brazil on tho other, nnd all Ixjcauso of an iucompro hensiblo clause in tho treaty of Utrecht. Neither 1 Vance nor Brazil has ever dreamed of taking jossessiou of this ter ritory, either by foreo or by arbitration of a friendly nation. Tho principal center of jwipulatii n in this country is Coun:.:.i, which h:i 4.1. i.i 350 inhabitants and w ill soon bo tho vapital of u new re public. A short time ago tho Counani ans proclaimed the indt pendenco of their country and chose for president M. Jules (iron, a venerable Frenchman, who has explored tho banks of tho Amazon. M. Gros lives at Yauves, not far from Paris, and there he received the nows of his appointment. Unfortunately, ho is not in Counani, for his new subjects have forgotten to make out a "civil li.-;t," und tho voyngo is expensive. However, bo is serious, and tho legation of the new republic has already lieen ir.it. ;!lel. No. 18 Kum!u Louvre, Paris. M. Gros docs not in::!:o us very entliu. iatic over his position, from the fact tlf;t his first ofiicial r.ci was to .create u dec: ration, called tho "S(ar of tVimr.r.i," nnd to ntpoint tin: hieli dignitaries in his republic, especi ally tl.c- intendnnt g neral of tho presi dent's palace at Comcm Counani has not more than thirty-live houses a proof that ho who made t!:o success of Lo Petit Journal by his w ritings Is in his dotage. New York Mail and express. Cll mute H Trll! Tto Olorlous. Tho increased railroad facilities and tho marvelous stories of country and climate, havo brought thousands to the Pacific coast, and they tell us that 00,000 excur sionists ill make their appearance here within tho next four mouths. New hotels aro building along the southern coast ami oxtensive preparations making for their entertainment. Tho infusion of such a quantity of now blood as this must of necessity change the wholo character of tho country. There is little this state needs besides its natural advantages but New England thrift and energy. If tho same money and labor wore spent U-Kn tho ranches in California that are spent Uoii tho stony hillside farms of New York or New Lngland thu owners would be repaid a thousand fold. "Thrift, thrift, Horatio," is what they need. Haste and energy seem to havo gono out of this world if ever they were here and nothing is left butlhcdolcefarniente of tho old Spanish settlers. Tho people own too much land and cultivate too little. They say tho climate is such they cannot work like eastern people. Be that as it may, the trail of the old lazy Span iard is over them all, and they have little desire to get away from it. San Fran cisco Cor. Cleveland Leader. lllttcn by a Centipede. A well known lady of Albuquerque was picking blackberries in her garden when she felt something bito her on the right side ( f her neck just below the ear. Sho quickly put her right hand tip to the place, when a centipede curled itself around her forefinger. She immediately brushed it o'u with her other hand, and, strange to relate, did not faint, nor scream, nor frighten her husband, nor daughter, nor any one else by calling to them, but ran into the house, and finding tho ammonia bottle empty, took a big knife and stu.k the blade into the fire in ths stove until it got hot, when she applied it to the wound. Next sho took some soda and applied that, fastening it by wrap ping a cloth around her neck. By this time her neck began to swell, and she says sho felt as though the top of her head was about to secede, and closed her teeth tightly to make sure that her head was not gone. In a short tune she felt greatly relieved and then informed her daughter. She did not even call for a doctor, but she has procured another sup ply of ammonia. Though it occurred several days ago, the wound now looks as if an ant had bitten her. That lady would keep her presence of mind in a fire or in a railroad accident. Albuquerque Citizen. Mr. Tllden's Fancy. A pretty and distingue looking lady at the Murray Hill hotel recalls one of the provisions of Mr. Tilden's will. She is Miss Celeste StaulTer, the New Orleans belle to whom the gallant old statesman bequeathed the neat little sum of 100, 000, and about which provision of the will no question seems to Lave been raised by any of the contesting heirs. Whether there was a romance about the matter or not, tho fact is that the lady, wdio is both beautiful and accomplished, as well as blessed with aa abundance of this world's goods, has for the last few years quietly but pertistently dropped away from the suitors that have sought her, and given her women friends a chance to ponder and consult over her evident preference for a life of single blessedness. She is scarcely 23 years of age, one of the best horsewomen of her day, dresses with exquisite taste, is a charming conversationalist, and ono of the brightest young women in New Or leans. New York Graphic. The Clay Family. The recent death of John Clay removes the last member of the immediate family of tho illustrious statesman, whose name ho bore. The eldest con died in the lunatic asylum near Lexington, where he had been confined for many years. The next oldest. Henry Clay, Jr., a blight and promising young man, was killed in battle in the Mexican war. He was a comrade and friend of tho sprightly and gallant Lieut. OTIara, whose poem, "The Bivouac of the Dead," is so familiar to American readers. Another son, J arnes B. Clay, at one timo owned a large stock farm on the Bcilt fontaino road near St. Louis, but removed back to Lexington cn the death c.f his father and was sent to congress from the Ashland district. St. Louis republican. The rrcmler'i Feet. The late Agcstir.o Deprctis was always cart-less r f his dress and personal appear ance ur til hcljc-camc premier, and even then l.e v no dandy. His feet were el most ::b:; rially large, and ui-on this fact he rather congratulated himself: "because." he said, "no one can expect a man with such feet to dance at a btate ball."- CLicac;c Hc-raiJ. Mu. Ci.kviu.and is said to bo anxious to have Gent rnl Black on flic ticket with him next year, in order to nf( h (ho ol. di-r vote. It will take more tletn Gener al Black, to umlo the effect of that rebel flag order. Draco Up. You arta feeling depressed, your appe tite is pooi, you aro bothered with Head ache, you arc fidgety, nervous ami gen erally out of corts, and want lo brace up. limed up, but not with stimulants, ipring nietlii incs, or bitters, uhich hfire for their basis very cheap bad whl ky, nnd whii h stimulate for an hour, nnd fheu leave you in v. oi -e condition than hefwrc. What you want is an nltii ttive that will purify your blwd, stnit healthy action of Liver and Kidneys, restore your vitality, and give ri-iiev. -d health and t-trcngth Such a medicine you will lind in Electric Hitters, nnd only .00 tents n bottle nt F. G. Fricke k ("o.'s drug stoic. ('.I) m - Tin: Haddock murder case at Sioux City is being v.;. It led with interest all over the I'lotcd it t s a.: i tin.- result ot the trial is awaited with interest amount ing to inij.ati'n.c from th.ii'aitof lim plot and cause of the murder. Their Euanossl Booming Probably no one thing has caused such a general revival of trade .it i (J. Fricku ivdi.'s drr.tr stoic as their giving away of so many free trial ho!llc.of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. Their trade is simply enormous in this very valuable article fr.-m the fact V.i if it al ways (uns and ne ver di: points. Coughs, Cohls Asthiiia, iironcli'.ti-. Croup and all throat and lung t'.is- ases quickly cured. You can lest it before buying by getting a trial hut lb: fiee, l.irc si.'- 1 Hvcry bottle warranted. ('') Lib: is bind' iisoiue, alike to the suffer er and all around hint, whi dysj ej ria and its (tending evils hold sva. f.'otn idainis of (his liiitmo can be f-pcedily cured by taking Prickly Ash Bittf is lrg illaily. Thoii-.imis onec llin-. i.lilictt l now bear cheerful testimony us o its merits. 2 I i.t ! Mi:. Lirein.!;, of Mi.--;mi, Anwri.-m con-ad at llio hamle U- ! ill, whose w mov.ii i.; asked by Brazil, is described as "an accomplished gentleman v hen so ber." Mr. Letcher shows th.: pres.-big in ds of this administration of a variety of consuls who can la; democrat and nut b 1'ensive p:irlis:ins.: ARBUCKLES' name on a package of COFFEE is a guaraate of excellence. Aril 03 A COFFEE is kept in all first-class stores from tho Atlantic to the Pacific. COFFEE is novor good when exposed to tho air. Always buy this brand in hermetically sealed ONE POUND PACKAGES, i iexican Austen .inimenf Sciatica, Lumbago, kheamatimi. Burns, Scalds, Btings, Bites, Bruises, Bunion Coras, Scratches Sprains, Strains, Stitches, Stiff Joints, Backache, Galls, Boresj Spavin Cracks. Contracted Eruptions, Hoof Ail. ' Screw Worms, Sirinney, Saddlaga". files. 4 THIS GOOD OLD STAND-BY' accomplishes for everybody exactly what la clalmeA for It. One of the reasons for tho great popularity of the Mustang Liniment Is found in Its universal applicability. Everybody needs such a medicine The Lumberman needs It In case of accident The Housewife needs It for general family tuok The Cannier needs It for his teams and his men. The Mechanic needs U always cm Jj Vqzk bench. .The Miner needs it In cose of emergency The Pi oneer needs it can't get along without tt The Farmer needs it la his .house, bis stable and bis stock yard. The Steamboat man or the Boatman needs It In liberal supply afloat and ashore. The Horse-fancier needs UU is bis tes friend and safest reliance. The StocU-srower needs It it wtn sara bin thousands of dollars and a world of trouble. The Railroad man needs it and will need it so long as his life is a round of accidents and dangers. The Backwoodsman needs it. There is noth ing like it as an antldoto for the dangers to VtB, limb and comfort which surround the pioneer. The Merchant needs It about bis store among bis employees. Accidents will happen, and when these come the II as tang Liniment is wanted at once Keep a Bottle in the House. TU tfca best ot economy. Keep a Bottle In the Factory Its immediate ose in case of accident sares pain and loss of wages Keep Bottle Always la the Stable for: