Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, September 22, 1887, Image 1

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.$2.00 1'KR ANNUM.
. is Life
Worth Living?
That l"'i';inl3 upon the Livi-r,
for if the Liver is inactive the
whole system is out of order
the hreath U had, digestion
joor, head dull or aching, m
fctgy and hopefulness pmc,
the spirits are depressed, a
licavy weight exists after eat
ing, with general despondency
and tho blues. The liver is the
housekeeper of the health; and
a harmless, simple remedy that
acts like Nature, does not con
stipate afterwards or require
constant taking, does not inter
fere with business or pleasure
during its us", makes Simmons
Liver Regulator a medical per
fection. I have tested its virtues personally
and know that for Dyspepsia, llillious,
ncss and Throbbing Headache, it isth
best medicine the world ever saw.
Have tried forty other remedies before
Simmons Liver'ltegulator, and none of
them gave more than temporary relief,
but tlie Regulator not only relieved but
cured. H. II. JONES,
Macon, Oa.
l'olice .luilc,
Couiieilmen, 1st ward,
2uil "
3rd "
: H Smith
liVUo.V t'l.AlMv
A Maihii.k
J S Math
VV II Maliok
I J V W f.ckiiacii
"t a V Wll I I K
S 1 M .Tonks
'( Wm Wi.i'.i j:
i M il MUKl'llV
"( 1 M Callkx. Tkks
W Johns n,Ciiaihmax
Hoard Tub. Works
JVputy Tieasuier, -
iJeputy Clerk,
Clerk ot District, Co irt,
Deputy SheiUI.
H'.irvryor. -Attorney.
Stipt. or I'tib School.'",
County J mlite.
1). a. cami'iskll
Tikis. I'dlliick
J. M. It o 16 1 N.SOX
C, t '. .MC.PlIK.llSOX
J. ('.. ElKK.NHASn
li. C. Ykomans
A, Maiiolk
U. KufcSJfLi.
Louis, Cll'l!!.,
Weeping Water
givig soGirriKS.
rilKIO LOIMIK NO. 81. A. O. U. W. Meets
A everv al;enr.ti - Friday vvenhiji at K. of 1.
hall. Tr;u-.siiit brother are respecttully in
vited to at tend. 1". K. V liite, Master Workman ;
1C. A, ' aile. forei-.iaii ; F. J. Morgan, Ovtieer ;
J. K. Morris, lteeor-'.; r.
ot Amerie i Meets second ami f.iurMi Mon
d ay eveliiu,' at K. of 1 hall. All transient
brother are reitir-.tcd to meet with us. L. A.
Newco Ve: er:il le Consul ; W.C, Willelts,
W.rtiiy ilviser ; 1', Merges, Kx-l'.anker ; J. K.
Morris Clerk.
1L.vTis.Moi; r it i.oi)(;e no. 8, a. o. v. w.
Meets every al: -rnat.; Friday evening at
Kookwood hall at s V1;ick. All transient broth
ers are respectfully invited to attend. A.
iutsciie, M. W. ; J. O, tirer'u. Foreman : S. C.
Wilde. Unorder; S. A. .'ewei:i:er. i .ivetsrer.
McCOTillE POST 45 G,
A. R.
C. S. Twiss
John W. Wooos....
AuorsT T.Mtrsv it..
l'.KX.I. IlKMl'LK
John' CoHi:iiA.v,...
S. P. HOLtJitVAY,...
K. K. MviNosrox,..
AI-IMIA Wltldl'.T,
Kejxular tneet iairs,
each "'month at l'os
wood UlocK.
Senior Vice
...Junior "
Uf.icerof the Kay.
Ser;-t 'Major.
Fost Surgeon
. 'ot Chaplain
Jnd and 4th Thursday t
i Headquarters in Fock-
HKKSaN & SULLLi' AN. Attorneys at Law
A Will i?ivv fro;:n attention to ail business
Intrusted to them. Oliice in L'niou Block, Last
side, Flattsmouti., :.-b.
tas. MATHERS. Attorney st Law. Ofliee
W ver M. 13. M-trphy Co's store, rourti side of
M.Ua bet we ;a Sti and 6tn stree.s. sm
yjorekt B. WINDilAM. Notary 1'uMie and
IV Att.irnev at L;;. orioe over k ot
Cass County, ri:it:-.!ioiith. Neb. Uilice tele
phone No. 7 ; re.iaeiiee. .mv C.
kyitv A. ii VIES. Attora-v at Law. Ofdce
' with It. F. Vi:idii ini. over Fattk of Cass Co.
PL.uTj.M'.a'rri, i.i m ..y i a-bomia.
Ju oific" tit Fistier'3 lru;; Store, llatts-
rn w cliiOIv. M. !.. I liviciftu ana ourireMi
m out li. Neora-.K:'..
T"i L SICC.INS, M. P.. FliyMet in a-d Mir
Tj. .rmi. One ! ve-t d l'enneti's s'ore.
Dtlte.' liour from 10 to 2 . and f rum :S to 5
r..f t tri i-v m. ::esidene. e-.n Ninth and
Flm street Mis. l.evings' house. Telephone
at office ami h.;.is:.
Estray Notice.
Taken up as es riys. rod cow. five to
poven vears old. vviih bull ealf : a white cow
fmir to live vears o'd vita a roan, heifer
f ,M Taken en tv .T. F. Kell wot of Flatts-
mouth. Cas eotiu'.y. Neb, Owii?r ea" have
by paying expcLse. J. P.Keii
Hf.uu Most wants an "uprising." So
do the people of the United States an
"uprising"" of Ilerr Most at the cud of a
uood strong cord of hemp. Siouj; City
It is hoped by all good people that the
"uprising" will soon bj had.
Latest by Telegraph.
Four Persons Fatally Injured In
Another Railroad Catastrophe.
Siocx City, Li., Sept. 20. About 3
o'clock this morning a bad collision hap
pened on the Milwaukee main line cast
of Canton. The grade just east of the
Big Sioux is steep, and in going up this
jradc a long freight train broke in two
and the rear part ran backward down
the hill. A mixed train that was fol
lowing the freight collided with the
runaway cars. According to all accounts
the conductor and two breakmen of the
freight who were in the caboose and the
ngineer and fireman of the mixed train
were badly hurt. One account says that
four of the party will not recover.
Canton, Dak., Sept. 21. Ancastbound
)assenger train on the Chicago, Milwau
kee & Ht. Paul road ran into the rear
of a freight train this morning three
miles cast of here. The freight was
switching at Inwood, la., and the rear
part broke loose and tore down the
grade, and finally collided with the
passenger train. The following persons
were killed: Andrew Parreth, Ilock Val
ley, la., line repairer; W. A. Ploog, Mc
Gregor, engineer passenger train; Charles
Dunbar, Mason City, la., fireman; two
bodies arc still in the wreck and wre -
ng trains are now at work. The acci
dent occurred r.t the edge of the bridge
and u a ... ;'...; ' uld
have thrown both trains into tho river
from the high embankment and thirty or
forty lives would have been lost.
Twenty members of the Canton band got
our of the smoker at Canton ten minutes
before that car was smashed up, The
freight conductor is blamed for the. ac
cident Maine's Big Meteor.
New Youk, Sept. 20. Pros. J. S. Har
vey, of the agricultural and mechanical
college, Orono, Me., ha3 made a special
investigation conceruing the meteor
which passed over Maine September 15.
He writes as follows: "It was seen by a
great many persons widely separated and
must have illuminated a belt of country
several hundred miles in width. It was
distinctly seen at Bangor, Me., at the
Maine state college, by a party of astron
cmcrs, by many persons of Yanceboro,
Calais and other towus in Maine and by
citizens of St. Johns, Mc Adams Halifax
and other points in the provinces. The
meteor probably entered our atmosphere
near the boundary of the states and prov
inces and moved in a southeasterly
course, crossed the Bay of Fundy and
peninsula of Xova Scotia and landed inthe
Atlantic ocean. The time was estimated
by various observers as from two to three
seconds and the size that of a full moon
or small wash tub. Several believe they
heard a hissing or rushing sound. Most
of the observers say it was a round body
of a deep red color like the sun. It had
x smoky atmosphere and from this the
central position extended. Purplish,
star-like scintiltations were continually
given off. Some competent observers
regard the body as oblong and one be
lieved the oblong mass was divided into
two portions, separated by a space of
greater brilliancy. The light given to the
atmosphere was considered purplish in
color. Many were badly frightened.
Yesterday's Base Ball.
Western League Hastings vs. Omaha,
at Omaha; Hastings S. Omaha 7. Lin
coln vs. Topeka, at Topeka; Lincoln 7,
Topeka 11, first game; Lincoln 0, Topeka
22, second game. Denver vs. Kansas
City, at Kansas City; Denver 17, Kansas
City 3.
Pittsburg vs. New York, at Pittsburg;
New York 7, Pittsburg 5.
Detroit vs. Philadelphia, at Detroit;
Philadelphia 3, Detroit 2.
Chicago vs. Washington, at Chicago;
Washington 0, Chicago 5.
Indianapolis vs. Boston, at Indianapo
lis; Boston 7, Indianapolis G.
Cincinnati vs. Louisville, at Cincinnati;
Louisville 2, Cincinnati 3.
Metropolitans vs. Athletics, at New
York; Athletics 5, Metropolitans 11.
Baltimore vs. Brooklyn, at Baltimore;
Brooklyn 3, Baltimore C.
Des Moines vs. Duluth, at Des Moines;
Duluth 0, Des Moines 4.
Milwauke3 vs. St. Paul, at Milwaukee;
St. Paul 3, Milwaukee S.
Rioting Artillerymen.
London, Sept. 20. The artillerymen
at Ililsa, India, being ordered to prepare
to move abroad, went on a riot, and dur
ing the melee many soldiers and citizens
were injure J. Twenty artillerymen have
been arrested.
What Can Be Done With the West
inghouse Brake.
Bciu.iwroN, la., Sept. 20. The fifth
series of tests of the automatic air brakes
of freight cars was concluded here to
day. The tests demonstrated that on a
fifty car train 1,1)00 feet long, equipped
with the Westinghouso brake, and run
ning at the speed of forty miles an hour,
can be brought to a stand in a distance
of G59 feet without a shock, and at
twenty miles, in ICS feet without any
shock, which is without precedent.
Captain Black's Motion Overruled.
Attawa. 111., Sept. 20. Captain Black
counsel for the anarchists, asked the su
preme court to-day for leave to withdraw
the original record in the anarchist case
for thirty days, wishing to submit it to
his associate counsel in New York and
then, if so advised, to submit the record
to the United States supreme court upon
application for a writ of error. After
consultation the court overruled the
motion. Chief Justice Sheldon said
similar motions had always been denied,
and cited a case where an ex-judge of the
court had asked and had been denied
leave to take the record to a hotel to look
it over during the night. Captain Black
appeared very much discouraged and
after court adjourned remarked that "he
would not have the responsibility of
delaying that motion on his head for
I'i'j world," That the court had only
given them sixty days of life to work on
au.l this decision would give the impres
sion that the court did not desire to aid
the seven men in getting justice. One
of the judges, being told of this, said
that no matter what impression went
abroad, they proposed to do what was
in accordance with the rules
of the court. The record contains
2,000,000 words. Captain Black has
asked the clerk of the court to make an
estimate of what it would cost to make
a copy at once and advise him to-morrrw.
Texas Train Robbery.
Fort Worth, Tex., Sept. 20 Two
masked men with drawn revolvers
mounted the cab of the Texas & Pacific
east-bound express train to-night as it
mlled out of Benbrook, a small station
twelve miles west of here. The engineer
was ordered to run the train a few miles
from Benbrook. It was stopped just
over a high trestle. Here two other
masked men boarded the train. The
fireman and engineer were then placed
under guard. A dozen shots were fired
into the express car and the door was
finally opened by Pacific Express Messen
ger Maloney. One robber entered and
cleared out the safe and then went into
the mail car. Messenger Griffith offered
no resistance. Every registered letter in
the car was secured by the robbers. The
work was done in ten minutes and the
engineer was ordered to pull out. The
train was the through express from San
Francisco. The booty taken is valued
at 30,000. A train was robbed on the
same trestel last June. Guards were in
the passenger coaches, but they were
over the trestle. No attempt was made
to molest the passengers. There is no
trace of the robbers.
Anarchist Froth.
Cleveland, Sept. 20. An inflamma
tory circular signed by the federation of
trades unions, and dated New York,
September 18, was distributed about the
streets here last niaht. It calls on work-
ingmen to meet and denounce the action
of the supreme court of Illinois in af
firming the sentence of death in the an
archists case. Judge Gary and everybody
connected with the trial of the anarchists
is condemned in severe language. A
mass meeting of anarchists has been
called for Wednesday evening to express
opinion regarding the action of the II
linois courts.
Murdering Americans.
San Fkancisco. Sept., 20. Congress
man Morrow has forwarded to Secretary
Bayard a statement cf the murder of
Leon Baldwin, superentendent of Ameri
can mines in Durango. He asserts that
Baldwin was killed by Mexicans want
only, merely because he was an Ameri
can. Outrages upon American citizens
are, he says, increasing. He recomends
some protective action by our govern
Wreck of a Freight Train
Green Bay, Wis., Sept. 20. A freight
train on the Milwaukee & Northern roac
ran through an open switch at Dayton,
demolishing several cars which cook fire
and were consume:!. Conductor James
Donnelly of Milwaukee, is supposed to
be under the 1 urned debris. Brakeman
Fay is said to have been at fault and is
A Chip Off the Old Block.
Metz' Sept. 20. A son of M. Schroe
bele, the French commissioner who was
arrested at Pagney Kue Moselle last Ap
ril, has been arrested and imprisoned by
the German authorities for crossing the
frontier near Chtmont and affixing a
treasonable placard bearing the tri-color
of France upon a tree by the roadside.
Young Sehroebele is sixteen years old.
Dynamite in Cuba.
Key West, Fla., Sept. 20. A cart
oad of dynamite, enough to blow up
Havana, was discovered in the woods
near this city yesterday. The discovery
ia3 created intense, excitement, proving
that the plot against Cuba is much more
fouiridable than at first supposed.
Splondid Crops.
Maynk, Neb., Sept. 20. The crops in
this county surpass those of any previous
year, and fanners throughout the west
who are looking for a favorable location,
where crops never fail, should this fall
come up into northeast Nebraska and see
what soil and abundant rains can do for
Beecher School House Burned.
Dwight, Crossing, Mass,, Sept. 20
The old school house near here, in which
Henry Ward Beecher preached his first
sermon while attending Amherst college,
was burned to-day.
The Trafalgar Launched.
London, Sept., 10. The Trafalgar,
the largest ironclad ever constructed, was
successfully launched to-day at Ports
Sosialists Bar Out Reporters.
Buffalo, N. Y., Sept 20. The social
ist convention is in executive session, and
reporters are barred out.
A Donkey Ride to Abou Seer.
The donkey ride to Abou Seer is the
hardest on the tcur. It is through deep
Band, and often the tiny donkeys sink
until your feet so drag as to impede your
progress. You cannot walk. In mercy
to your donkey you wish you could.
Your 6tudy of the poor animal convinces
you that he has great patience. The
driver is a model of forbearance; there is
always, however, a perfect understanding
between donkey and driver. Although
the poor beast is continually goaded and
his tail tvisied to make him go, or else is
pushed bodily to right and left, and even
seized by the head and lifted to suit the
inclination of the master he bears it
blandly and seems to feel that he must
deserve it or he never would be so tort
ured. He is a fatalist, and believes
that, after sill, he is always a "good don
key" to his driver. For does he not hear
his driver tell the howadji so, a hundred
times each day?
There are nearly a thousand synonyms
in Arabic for donkey, all tender and en
dearing. And then do I not know that
when the noon muezzin sounds the don
key and driver retire to some quiet 6hade
and have their loving make ups? I have
watched tho human member of the firm
as he came with tho meal of chopped
straw for Ins pet. I never saw such
mutual coddling and love signaling and
tender understanding m all my experi
ence. It is inciting. The boy s face beams
with smiles while he calls his donkey pet
names in the softest tones; and the
homely animal so shakes Ins head, snaps
hi3 eyes, and oscillates his neck as to
brighten his humble physiognomy into a
new expression. Edward L. Wilson in
Scnbner s.
Persian Woien Oat of Doors.
The veil, which is habitually worn out
of doors even by the very poor in all
great towns in Persia, though its use is
unknown among the tribes who fornc at
least a third of the whole population, Is
clung to by the women as a privilege; it
is in fact a domino. The Persian woman
out of doors is unrecognizable even by
her husband. She see3 without being
seen, and in the veil it is impossible to
detect the age of the wearer. As the
Persian lady is nearly always married at
14, she begins to fade at 27 at latest, at
30 she appears 50, and there are only two
dentists in the whole of Persia.
Polygamy is tho luxury of the rich;
with the upper and middle classes bigamy
is the rule. A man's first alliance is a
mariage de convenance, the second
either a marriage for love or for the grati
fication of vanity. When your Persian
brings home a second wife there is usually
a scene which lasts for a week or two;
there is a struggle for supremacy, but it
is soon over. Both wive3 do their best
to please the master of the house, but
they do not attempt to poison each other,
unless in very exceptional circumstances.
But Persian ladies still believe in the
efficacy of love philters, and many an
abomination is secretly administered to
unfortunate husbands. Happily, the
love philter, though usually composed or
horrible ingredients, is quite harmless.
St. James Gazette.
t. aero tr on S JrXaxe.
To a young singer in London patron
age is as necessary as learning the scales,
There are but two ways of getting within
the charmed circle. The singer must
pay a large " price to some person who
will become her manager or she must get
the patronage of a great lady who will
make her her protegee, and push her for
ward at her own and her friends parties
and concerts. Lrppincott s Magazine.
Ill HI!
100 Dozen Fine Merino
rzj P
We Announce Without Further Notice a
MI! fit fP PF mfafam m
Commencing TO-DAY, JULY
September 1st.
without reserve, it will he to the
ot Cass County to
fSsioarafleietS larcaios Offered
Having in view the interests
multitude to share the benefits ot
consideration sell to other dealers
under this clearance sale.
"Ye go to New York soon to make our Fall Purchases,
antl Ave kindly request all of our friends indebted to us to
call as early as possible and adjust their accounts.
Yours Respectfully,
White Fnt
Main Streat, -
12th, and
7 n FP
individual interests of all citizens
take advantage of the
ot our customers, and to enable the
this great sale, we will under no
wholesale lots of goods cm braced
Dry Gd
Pltttt n ouat, Neb