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About Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 15, 1887)
8 i'LATTSMOUTll WEEKLY JiEJiAJ.L, X11UJKJDAV, fiUitf&tt: Li, I887v ghc Qhtllzttwuth gfechbt gftraW KNOTTS BROS., Publishers A Proprietors. CITY BRIEFS. The "Secret of Success." WHITTEN FOlt THIS IIEUALD BT OL'Il "ei'ECIAL.") If in business I should go, And the times were hard and blow, I'd take a plan almighty aviso, And in the IIkuai.d advertise. Into business I will go, And if the times are hard and sIoav, I'll take a plan almighty aviso, And in the IIijuai.i) advertise. Into business 1 have gone, And my trade begins with dawn. All this because I Avas so Aviso And in the IIeiiald advertise. -Tho river is Btill high and the divid- Sail Patterson left for BelloTua this ing lino ia plainly visible, the waters of morning where he will aUud collogu. 41... If! I . II t M a f I Missouri oemgyeuow wnuo uiosaoi Mr. Will J. Warrick expects his A . a 1 " trie natte aro uarif. f-tw r v If every republican or one half of tke week to viait him 11 . . . Y"fcl a A 13 1 . 1 41 mem in riaiismouui, avouui take tnc Mr T. D. Stevenm and little son Daily Hkhalb for themselvcB, and the iiCrol,1, left evening fr Ei ia, P weekly iiEKAi.D to send back to the east, they would aid the party at home, and advertise the town abroad; and thus bring more capital and more republicans to Plattsmouth, Cass county and the state. Last Saturday evenidg Mrashall Ma- lick and officer Fitxpatrick attempted to arrest three drunks by Blake.s saloon.the men resisted and in the scuflie that en sued Mr. Malick Avas thrown against the plate glass Avindowof the adjoining shoe store Avith such violence that he crashed for a two week visit Avith his father, Francis I). Stevenson. --Warrick is giving aAvay rulers, sponges, cards etc., Avith eyery sale of school books. dCtw-lt. Mr. Geo. F. MeXamo is ing the erection or a hotel at Lruon, Avhicli is about half Avay between here and Nebraska Ci'y. lie says the M. P. road coming through there "boomed things" and he thinks it is a good loca tion. S. P. Hallow, y and Avife and dnuglit- II 1 nnl wc aro roiiu to put ti.e knife riirht in them. Our Children's Suits :uv m-rlcct iitttii atm well mada; rni f fsfh. . .1 Slint li.ivo ih.oMo t.-itt-d lntiilnniu .inil d.Mil.I.- 1.-1 n (-. n 1 1 l';iinitl(f. Olll- M ' ' 1 1 M V n I' I'lCIm through it. A frightful gash Avas cut in the left arm, the bone beiijg laid linre sprat Sunday in I'nciflc Junction. I for the distance ot an inch or two. Mr. Philo Drivev, Avho has been connret- Malick says the pain was terrible for ed Avith the PI ift?mouth water works an hour or so but the Avound Avas comnanv as book-keener since suriin'. properly cared for and Mr. Malick is left last owning for Bacine, Wis., per able to be about, but his arm is very sore, manently severing his connection with Tho men were finally lodged in jail. I Plattsmouth i Preparing to Bore. Mrs. Ada C. Bitenbcnder the lady The board of directors of the Platts- lawyer of Lincoln, is in the city attend- mouth Ga3 Prospecting Company met at ing court, she is looking after her case tho office of W. Wise under the Bank of of Christiana E. Ilendrirkson vs. Allen Cass Co., in company with a Mr. Patter- Beeson and Albert N. Sulli-an. son, of Indiana. Avho is connected with a Trv "Plantation" Punch Obrqrs at ine UCtrOlt 2 ree J'rei8 ailU HERALD .itrnrtinrr nnrl Lnrinrr rnmiwnT. Tilt- XVn,.V " A .,...:..., ..,- : ":,. , d5t-Av4t Day by day my Avallet grows, Year by year my cup o'erfloAVs; All this ia duo in every Aviso To the placo where I advertise. Now I'm old, and rich, and gray, And take delight as I say The secret of my success lies In tho fact that I advertise. So to you young man, I say, If your business does dot pay. Fly to the Herald with an ad And you will soon bo rich and glad .i .a j iour moiuns ior 4U cents. result of the mating Avas the appoint J. V. Weckbach returned Sunday I ment of a committee consisting of A. 11 morning from his trip to St Louis. The best Kalsomino at Warrick's only 8c. a lb. dGt-Av4t ijou JJaiiance is erecting a nice re sidence on the corner of Gtli and Marble streets. Mr. J. C. Fisher arrived in tho city last Saturday and Avill spend a week Avith fricnda. Todd, J. W. Johnson and Mr. Whisler to confer with Mr. Patterson to-day and get his price for boring at this place. The board will meet at the same place again this 'evening and the outcome of the mcetinir is awaited Avith interest, and it hoped an agreement Avill be made Avith Mr. Patterson, such that Avork Avill begin at once. Val Burkel left on the Kansas City train this morning for St. Joe Avherc he will meet a brother and sister on their Avay from Ohio. They Avill probably arrive tomorrow eAcuing. The indications for a cas or mineral or 40 cents will pay for the AVeeklt - d certainlv as cood as those et ana octrois tree rress ior iour t j , rich jlows of A 1 . I monuis. i i 1 kd ,,,1 Warrick's is the place to buy School an,i the strikin!? of anv such material liook-s ana School supplies. Largest stock i, , ;inl.l linn tn nnrriiv. I 4-lkn ufAin.f t bnnlJ ImU'i fli fr. I tllt.l tllU bUU UUJtLH OUU Uiu uta v v a.jv- v. -Mrs. May Kennedy and daughter couragement of every citizen, Nellie returned from Omaha Saturday evening, where they had been on a ten days' visit. TUESDAY Charles L. Coalcs, of Dodge City, Kansas, is stopping in the city looking for a location. IT Smith & Black have decorated their walla back of the bottles with beautiful paper. Miss Lou Richey left for Council Bluffs this morning to visit with her friend, Miss Nellie Smith. Too Cood to Compete. Our Neville hose team left for lied Oak Monday c-A't-ning to participate in the hose team races which took place there yesterday. ine ooys too.-' tneir suits and running harness and Aveut prepared to ilo credit to themselves ;:nd Plattsmouth, but when they appealed on the grounds in their running shoes, suits, badges and harness, the vcr.- sirht of them scared their opponents : ut and they were ruled from the game :-; being "profionnls," which, though ing a mistake, speaks well for our tire f ompany. After the Bed Oak and the Iowa boys had run and niao tlie astonishing speed of 200 yards in seconds, without lay- Johnson iug hose, the Neville team gave an exhi bition of their g -od qualities and mad Reunion Notes. McConihie Post took the prize banner tor having the largest number of men in line" Tho Nebraska Soldiers association elected R. R. Livingston president, II. C, McMaken secretary and J. W treasurer. They also appointed a commttee to the run in G seconds. make all the necessary arrangements as 1 hough tho ooys were not permitted to the time, and place, for a reunion of to take part in tho race proper, they Avcre the Nebraska soldiers. j hospitably entertained and all their cx The committee is as follows: John penses were paid by their entertainers, M. Thayer, Lincoln; R. R. LiA'ingston, Oar "protessional" team Avhich done A littlo boy put in an appearance at Plymouth: Jos. E. Hill, Clarinda, all its practice after working hours in the home of Sam. Waugh's Sunday night Iowa. jamcs Callihon, Lyans; Fred Behm the evening is mads up of the following ana too up his aboae to stay. Omaha: James I. Shaw. Adams: John G. citizens: Foreni in, Charley Miller, ttl I 7 I Daye Campbell is making some very Hess, North Platte: John M. Brockman, egraph operator; Stephen Buzzell, tele- noticeable improvcmenta on his property I Humboldt; John L. Goss, Bellevue. phone manager; ireel Murphy, grocery on the corner of 5th and Locust streets. There Avas 139 men enrolled; thi3 is clerk; Tom PaUerson, bank clerk; Ed Preaching still continues every night more than double the number that has Johnson, book-keeper; Charley Swnrtz. at tho Christian Church by Rov. J. Carol ever come out before. ieiegrapn opciacor; mariey urassman Stork, who was at one time a school and In the case of State of Nebraska vs. machinist, Will Chambers, fireman; Scy t. -d-,.; I TViTOrtni r.nnlev th dnfnndimt was more, oartenaer; I oc wnceier, carrincre IVUUl'UiatiC J L l iniutui viraixi&u. , I ' " " J ' I . k j , j t charircd with assault with intent to kill, maker EillLldncx, carriage maker; L E. f: wit't'DUVUU Ulna nuftTiiaus iui a i - i nl , i.t- . ladv corresooadeat wko is neither an old 111 uiaue P4 "l B"" Ui aasuuii. u,, , .I .1 tt battery, which Avas accepted. He was xu&iu. or a uress-iuaa.t;i i ne titu iuu I fined $10 and costs, which Avere paid. State of Nebraska vs. Jackson Piersoll Plead not cuilty, J. B. Strode was es signed as his counsel. Frank McCann who assaulted marshall Malick the 13th of June, plead guilty to assault and battery and Avas fined $10 and costs. Being unable to pay lie was re ad till dooms day and then never get an answer. Dr. E. L. Siggina haa sold his drug Etore, he will be foand ia the Sherwood block hereafter where he has opened up an office, he will give his time entirely to liis practice. A good substancial farm wagon For Sale. with strong double harness, a good coA'ered buggy with new double harness and one fine young hors. Enquire of E. B, Sampson or J. C. Eikcnbary. lv. l Last Saturday the fire hydrant in tumed to jail Iront ot the Uoase hotel broke ana a Jom Burns? of "Weeping Water, and new one was placea yesteraay. who tried to jump bail last Saturday, and Warrick has a Tery large stock of wa3 arrested on his way to Lincoln, was echool books, slates, pencils etc., and I charged with burglary in company with will make it to your interest to compare j ir Kennedy. Their case was submitted his prices with others before you buy. J Albert Pine plead guilty to feloneous dGwt4t. j assault and his trial was set for Friday We are under obligations to W. E. j moruing. Dorrington, secretary f tho Nemaha Valley District Fair association for a complimentary ticket to the fair at Falls City, opening Sept. G and closing Sept SO, Warrick Avili take good secondhand books in exchange for anvthing in his line. d'Jtw4t. Plattsmouth Markets. FUKXIS1IED ISY AV. II. KEAVELI. & CO. Tuesday, September 14, 1SST Wheat No. 2, 40. " " 3 41. Corn, 27. AA'EDXESDAY. Sealing Wax at Warrick's Drug Store. dGt-w4t M. D. Polk Avas a passenger for Lin- Oats, Rye. Barley, No. Hogs, Cattle, 18. 30. 2 40. 3 30. !?4.(;04.80. ?3.004.00. A birthday surprise was given Miss coln thi3 corning. .Wririnrr r.nd drawincr books onlv in the city at V dGtw4t Mamie McCrotbey on last Saturday eve ning, it being her 16th birthday. There 10c, at Warrick's. were about twenty of her friends, and j (j. -yy, Sherman, of the Journal, is when they went away they left a few J at Lincoln to-day atteading the fair. very nice presents in token of their es Wheeling Stogies 3 for 5 c. the be: rick's, dGt-w4t teem. Mr. Cu3hing, an engineer on the B. & M., while crossing the bridge late Saturday night last with a freight train, itj Ktmck orcr his left cva with a piece f iron thrown from the outside, inflict- for Omaha, and expects to go thence to inc an ugly gash. It is thought the Lincoln, piece was thrown by some person C. A. Woosley. of OrecnAVOod, who who was standing on the bridge as it has been attending court, left last eve came with considerable force. ning for his home. W. J. Ilesser returned from tho Orna- makried At the ffice of J udge Vo far S-itnrrlav eveninrr. He raked in Russell this morninu; Mr. Christian his usual number of first premiums, on Chrumph and Miss Annie Dyer, of Weep plants, ducks, leghorn chickens, fruits, ing Water, etc. He was accompanied by a friend The directors of the Plattsmouth, Mr. Younger, of Geneva, Fillmore county Mining and Prospecting Co., held ameet yho was also an exhibitor at Omaha, ing last evening in the office of Wise & Fair Holidays Plattsmouth, X'eu., Sept 13, "S7 We, the undersigned business men of Wall Paper New stock justrecived plattsmouth for the purpose of advanc at Warrick's. dGt-Av4t ;ntT tlie interest hi. and increasing the at .W.Jones was among the number tendance at our Cass county fair agree who left for Lincoln this moruing. to close our respective places ot inismes M5ca ir mi; Wf ! mornin on Thursday and Friday nftcrnoons.Scpt. lyereit is surprl4 aad ixclKims "where arc you scoing to put all tlio Ucousr' nc are crowded ror roiu, uki p.. I. a m Sliort AVai.-ts liijilcu cvury mother sinilr, ;uid you caniiot. o;ive tlu iii any other Jii:il;- at atiy price I wi-"v--uri mam i are made jcrlV'ct i!ttiii, u.? avoII ai any iiiv-t cla.-s taiku- can make- tlieni, in iact it is a by-Avurd: 5 fur a lirst-chuss lit, make and f-quare deal. Vr: do iHt Avant your tiitaelioi. nn.)ii'V "T if 11 s. "5 - -r iviaver, tne upera Mouse ULALKJtS IN- Avitlioiit. fJ;!vii:j yai perfect Clothiers, ittrmsiiios: uooas, isoots &: S- A Warrick gu-.n-! to tio more avoi-k, n , his Mixed Pauit he'.ter and longer than Lc:'.d an I Oil, try it. Tlie Dam. lb l.jcts. a AVcek, h. r.i delivered for it. dOt-Av-i; for liool Book? an.l Hehool Supplies at Warrick's and oioncv". t't S. and C. May- clothiers, as ill le el" the lfth and al- Sth, these days b,- i- tiie opera hone .1 !i iiet Monday on " (biesday (lie ho!5 lavs. Candldn'.e for County Judri ih : ( !:' i'-1 ca T Jvrf'l" vim for t lit (;, (if ( , t sal'jot'l to lae Krpu'.,i! ; i.i i : v 1 Vi 1 f o i '.ir-:ty v.-im r,. Lust Thursday was the lsth antversn- ry of thii marriage of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Eikenbiiry, and a few f their frier.ds called nml soent a very enj'ivaMo even ing Avith them. The finest Varnck3 Dru ft A' 3 U 6 5 AT p S:"e-, f" ,m; T A B f p y H.s ?i ! a SOLD NiVVapn I hnilQPPn Ho ill lis Worth o: Last year, and li low pin-es b. m n A71I this AVU ItitOiid li s('iJ more :e:ir. LOOIv AT THE GREAT CUTS IX JMMCKS WE ARE OFFERING YOIT. lir.o of r.irtli.-.la7 r-nrds at r olor il-;t-w;t Ladies flood !ra"n But' on !0; s' I.Oit, ars fenaeiiy s.-ld for Sl.T.'i: Ladiea Tfeavy (Jrain Buttcn Hiioe, the bf-t .c:ir s 1 .;.". fornc-! !y for $'i.2s; Ladies Jet ?'Iilv,-.;akee (b-ai'i Button Sho-., ?-.. Of), fonr.-rly - old for 3 .,(),. We are ffering all our :?2."0 line f shots for ;'.' :0; bailies' Pin ('laz- Dor.gola Button and Tampego Coat for :s-2.'iO, I'onneriy s ?.,.n If-avy Boots for on'.y !?!..". formerly 7.(H)- M'-n's Best Wiiolo Stoek Kip Boots f.r !?-.'.., fomK-rly so'.d for :i.L'"; Men's Fins Whole Stock Ki Boot for only .-J.0fi, fotnierly :?i.0(); Men's Calf Bot, good and Solid, for only 2..""J. forintllv ''): M( it's Fine l)r i,tto;i M,o. t.,r nnW -51 ftK av.-ay AvLddng l;im 40 moro birthdays as formerly :1J,Q. plesailt as the pas'" MaaisaiiaTucctuLi-wr' tafzKftJx: y -aetTOa j Wc also have a groat many ether "cash" bargains in Children's, Misses and boys j that it Avill pay you to call and : :n,ine oar goodd and be coininco-I Ovit Ave aro ; selling cheaper than any other dealer. famous fortune ! i;"-r mv ST"-- vrzrr-yi r mr (rnr-jv .i . . . V B-y. W. B. Ale-i.nd-r av;s 40 y; oblla-t Fiidav so about. of his fri-mb plotted a surprise ngaiast l-'.ni. Avhieh hi took ia tlr: best of r.ature, nnd alt cane Liquid Blackboard Slating at Wa rick's. dGt-Av4t a r t ... .1 . ii. . toller, Avill remain in the city till (Vt.j Q Hjj lliose wlio Avisti to have ilic-ir lorumc told must call this ire .nth. Residence on j Kim street !;etveen T,;:th and Elvenh. ! Xo fortunes told on Last Fridry ves be.iHtays. dug Ui.' Y. L. their ibdightful i A. gave another one of t ..i - PTT II' soeiais at tne resit i nea or.;, v. io-ca- bach. The entertairu.-fiit was i;ui-ical 'ocal and insti'U,;': Weckbach, Young. . Mr. Di irick taking fair attendance and themselves. After Avho choose engaged Wc haA'o this d of lead Cbe-t br.Mua lbs., li us d oil he, paint 10c, per gal , our lare pure a s - ntal. I-.iL'aw, P :t. j li..' --f.s.-eS OliA'er :u Ti:ere Avas a :1 ser r.-.eil to enjoy t :. hop. mi ii nieasa ,y reduced th" pri ocr iiu; cf i are a ! io to m;i tk fM aceour. reduced rati s v.e charges. Allow A p ? 1 it . - fMtWv..'X -2 ----- 1 -.v, -v . TO DOLLAHS A DAY. i lO!!S Agents r,I:.! aro kdw v.i: ititi i' db i l::jv!,i j)i-:TJ.'ji i' : u: nu'i its sji f mi o'ror ?r i'fjl it i')'-.!-'-, o:t CKMS, e'.c makbur ' i; ii( ;.j . t.;.s per uay avBIi very Btiio n. i i, Vv'c va;.t ;ie;i- la rot, j ( sent i;, at l M. 4 ?; i is-t i It Fairs, i iu cv , i,.v, .t iu Lie I .'it 0.1 Si. -Bo,. Nemi fee "m "; ; i :U ; n;! J"X;-.lis ou'iiii ;;i . Vt!V lit;' . t.t 's i-io- ao.l ea-i piiz 's f.r !a: -j (i.:.. Cf, :-.'!' f';B;(.bi' th.-t any tw ;) K - I HV, sV i; ! ?v LV I dliB Villi; vi-ut to their akii s -s Vcur .Mouths (!i tri,5 l .rrJ.'i Cr;its. A.'(i'-e .s 'i i : n e:T T . r-i I ri T-il k JO U !0 r.l Purify us to mak? you pric s Avhen in need of any kind ot paint. W. J. Wahh'ck. Plattsmouth, Jsi-b. Sept. 12-37. (ICtwlt. I'lattmouth Warrick's Dni per month. C veu luting Li'.iary et Here $1 p. r year, d w Ot. Military for Oitaw-i, Ou'.. Si pt Kanltoba. , i;) t is reported M-i'dto!)'! over the interference of th Dominion govern ment Avith tho j)rovir.f5al rights in dis allowing the charter of th - Red Biver Valley railroad granted by the local government are daily assuming a mere serious aspect and the Dominion govern ment has ordered militia stationed at Winnipeg to hold ti: iu readi ness to suppress any trouble. THE CITIZENS V- - jt,- ";' " '-" rr.AT'i&uoirrn .:.i.i.i. it-. .:. '.;h .'.j. r aJZx rj tUta very 1- . , . i MIAMI -r- Villmore county's fruit took first prises end Mr. Younger's share amounted to bout $10Q. They left yesterday morn ing for Lincoln where they will again be Competitors. . - Johnson. They made a contract with a Mr. Patterson, of Pennsylvania, to bore for gass; the contract was signed and work is to begin just as soon as the mon ey is paid into the treasury, j 22nd and 23rd from 1 to 5 o'clock, p. m F.McCourt,Pct. i son Bros., Hall & Craig, Henry Bieck, E. (b DoA'cy & Son, Julius Pepperbcrg. M. B. Muiphy fc Co, John sou Bros., Frank C'arruth, Citizens Bank, Oliver & liamge, C. E. Wescott, F. Herr mann & Co , Peter Mumm, Beeck & Bird sail, L. D. Btnneir, S. & C. Mayer, M. O'Rourk & Son, Jos. V. Weckbach, Ben jamin Elson, Hermann Spies, John Blake, Poisall & Spencer. L. Golding, Greor & Speck, A. Bach, Perkins Parlor, Seotten & Ziun, Solomon & Nathan, Chris Wahl farth, A. Clark, B. A. McEhvain, U. V. Mathews. J. Schlater, Fickkr & H. urich, J. S. Duke, J. B. Cox. Bank of Cass County, Robert Slierweod, McVcy & Weidraan, Wm. Herold, J. P. Young. Lead, Oil, Yarni -kes. Brushes tke. at Warrick's good goods and low prices. d'Jt-AVft Warrick a.-ks you to compare his prices and stock of school bocks with others. Second hand school bocks at very low prices. dOtwlt. CAPITAL STOCK ?AI"D Iff, - SrO.OOO Authcrizcc: Capital, CI0O,0OO. OFFICKI'.S 3 HA KK OARKUTH, JOS. A. nj.o;;, President. Viee-i'J't--.i:J-nt. V. H. Cl'SHOTG. C ";er. I) A M7J . '.-la.'s. a. 'KA, 7 C r' curiult-ii f : i c :-i : . pa 1 il Si , J: e t.:e ri PIRECTCUS Frank Carrut-., J. A. C ?n:ior. F. J:. f.x. I vr: , W. D. Alerriam, AVi j. t. H. .'i:.-l;ja-. art" ar,n, aii.;., V. We expected th ; Daily IIr::i.u.D to ! succeed, but Ave were hardly prepared for Transact? a G'ierat Bar-king F.::-!ni"s. a'.! wto Uav any iakiuK B::s t't ii sacc are iuvilfd t N -r i;o.v larsif r ttaJl ne it wilt rtc?iv rir sun'ui sttv-ntlo.', ,.id e v-r-'H".- ej w'4fs eour K-oas i-rsa'.ateiit. lH8ues Crrt'2carns i( Iiefosirs be:ir;n.r 'ntrriPf Kuye ar.d s-'.i" r"vin EvCi!".:.;:?, bounty l C'.tV V.'arriek v. ill take crood second hand for anything dCt-.vlt. TtiCst marl-.ct u'ir: .t '--i ritoi l I .) - iT V - ' nki- :- ..- :.ry ' tiA j . et '?7 rc7K7ttd r My War- : 4 ?:-o '. --.vortl school books ia cxcliangj i in his lice. ! JULIUS -: S"tV so heartv a reci pti n as Ave hive received. , Our subseri)tio:i list iuciv.s .-s c-A-ery h.our in the dav: vorkin'j-mcn and businc-s men, professional m-.-u. farm rs and tradesmen, all give us wordi of cher, s,n.AT 0 . , p ,,;;-,. MAVUFACTUnKR OK AND and many of them leave us their nan T.i. But DEALER IX THE and the uioucv for the we are happy to, that Ave have room not onlv for "one more" but fi many as will come; so come on with your j names and bring in tho ni'uo of your j neighbor. The more cneourag. ment j h-.-b Ave receiA-e, the better our will t b?, the more good it will accomplish and , TOBACCO AND SMOKERS' ABTICLES the happier we will be. always In stock. Nov. 20, ISSo. i Choicest Brands of Ci including our Flor de Pepperb ergo; and FCI-l. LISK OK gars, Low Pricos. V.'arriek veils CJ! r Warrick seiis V.. uiu Salt Warrick s lis Warna's h $1.00 a bottle. . arru k s. i s irr,.,i1 Toe a bottle V.'arriek i i ) a uottic. Warrick e.-l!s Liver Pills f.-dl kind.) at 20c a box. V.'arriek s. lis to 20 )tr c .,r. 1 Warrick s. Ik is 1 II) ; t :;c; a lf. t Mc a lh. e (.'ure at ;u s h.irsa'.-aruia at New J )-ciivcrv fit 10 X Ill ifl 1 I'MKri e..' inarKi ii :! iCi s. : best irai-oi)ili;i at 8c V.'arriek sells Black Ltd. netting Oil at 2!a- a n!!on. , Warrick scll-i Mixed Paint. Lead, O'.t, Ya'nish &c. as cheap as the eke-.;,, -t. You are always .-;ire of r the Vd v lowe-t prie s r;n I t'te best fualiti -s l y trading with Warrick. 2(-J Ask your n; ighbors to take th-; Dai ly Hekalu.