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About Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 15, 1887)
." H , ver 1 C gas 5 jSl 4ree4 MsnIIray fiss pscei 4 eiafid:rsitB!r?2a 5 ffirad 2" Else eNfatoM?lafll, nnnd foBasls fea .Hae p32EBpi503 of coe'ifsalSEajf sewerage sssacS tJae pnvissg of SHalna toect 5 BSa? s flaEae feaar tosy 32SEi fJclacol toualMSsa aussel ix wari cSaS sQunser--i Jsa pesa Meise 18Ba S9 s Melsa'aEa IPseMeve aissd "CJasaisaSisgi' B?a5tS)ii9y9 cap2tel 1IS59 capacMy S9 aaa pes yeas8 asasl eisapBy Baass iBiriea: anacl rireijsaa pacli-T !. SDiPleE iea day- employs 4SaSty EaagsalB 5 iPSaatmaaiEa CJi 0Jg9 eapDacMy a.S. ca& pap yeas asad esaapSys SS5 Ssaiiad?9 maEaaaSa4py9 153 3LVaSssg leave FlaMsMaoa viiIISy fiW 22sSa9 eaavev i4s frel'lat Ssato aaad viSar-asigIa mi3 citLy. The cheapness of land around JPlattsmouih and its nearness to CDmaha markets together wiili good raik oail laciiitics. make it not only a pieasans: place to reside, out a ucsir&Dic place lor ine esianiLsnmeni of manufactories, there i$ nothing speculative or MCfitious aapour. rnem, iFVH.' J ji' TI n JL months ?niv city expects to welcome the Missouri Pacific and the Omaha and pouth wr corporate iiiuts. Tlieso iiro facts and our city hi well rcp:irc.I for a boom. Now is the time for yon to invest in South Park Property. Many lots have til read this beautiful addition, inces of jots $150 each on monthly or yearly payments. u No trouble to show goods." Call and see us. COUNTY LOCAL Ure number of ad 'I it tonal Correspondents throuyhout the O urJj- Can't you write the news from yo:xr liei'jhborhoodi AVEKPIXO WATER. Fro:n the Kepubllcan. Sirs. Parkins.of Germautown, Kanans, is visiting her soa Joe and family here. A cousin of Joe and Cy Parkins, Mrs. Gray, of Baldwin City, Kansas, is hero for a few weeks. Mr. S. Hutchinson, of Mt. Pleas ant, Pa., is visiting his daughter, Mrs. A. II. Thompson. The display of corn at the fair was never surpassed at our fairs, and dosen't 6how any s-igus of drouth. Mrs. J. M. Cogswell, of "Western, Sa line county, Nebraska, is here visiting her daughter, Mrs. C. M. Gardner. Jas. A, Leach's grandfather, Mr. A. L. Bromley, froni Powlct, Vermont, is visit ing here. lie arrived last Friday. A. "W. and wife left Thurs day for a visit of two or three weeks with relatives in Hall and Furmiss county. Harry Nethaway and Mr. Hamilton have taken their horses to Sac City, Iowa, where they inter for the races at the fair this week. The population of Weeping "Water was increased Monday mo;ninj, by the arrival of a tinn daughter at the residence of II. II. Rusell. Geo. Close had $10 in cu-h t iken from his pockets la-t Saturday night. His pants containing the money were removed from under his pillow. Oto "Wilson and family left on the 4 o, clock p. ni. train Tuesday, for their new home in the west. The best wishes of their many friends go with them. Miss Ketta S.iyies left this morning for Sioux City, Iowa. Miss Sayks is vin accomplished young lady and shi has made miny warm friends here, who will miss her very much. Deputy sheriff Yeoruans and Tl. A. Gibson, left Sunday for Clarks, to. over haul one of the Kuhn boys who h.nd tak en a team of mules mortgngod to Gibfon. and gone. It was supposed tlia c he Lad gone to Clarks where his fathtr lives. ..-v," 'f V 1" '"I r".l t? i; :J n pnpni AT ow i Ur ULfl I BUN A HA I a f i: L '.1. -'- ' yfK fl and they are coming. While real Inml w.Mv the :i tv t.n.n h purchased at from to ner acre. a. T. "W. Ilalston, O. D. Smith, and K. W. Phipa arrived hue Monday from cen tral Iowa. Mr. Smith is the husband of who was formerly Miss Kate Ralston. Mrs. Smith has been visiting lure for a j short time. Her husband has closed out I his business in Iowa and they will re- i nnn here and Mr. Smith will engage in som kind of business. Court Jottings. (CASES as set.) State of i Nebraska ys- George F. Flem ing on trial tc charged with assaul with intent to k Edward Darlii."?' Frank Frost and Wm. Darling chargd with burglarly, were discharged. State of Nebraska vs. 'llos- Shelby and William Packard, arranged charged with grand larceny, both plead uot Sdty. S. P. Vanatta assigned as coi.luscl untl trial set for Saturday, Sept. 17. State of Nebraska vs. James Hall, Ed ward Knight and Frank "Williams,ch rf? cd with burglary and larceny; all entei a plea of not gr.ilty, J. P. Strode assign ed to defend, trial set for Sept. 1-1. State of Nebraska v ?. Win. I. Forman, cliargcd with assault w ith irwtent to com mit murder, entered pi ?a of not guilty. J. B. Strode appointed a s counsel io de feud, trial set for Sept. 1 4. State of Nebraska vs. J ohn P.urns' and M. Kennedy, charged with robbing Ked Bros, store entered plea of not guilty, trial set: for Sopt. 15. State of Nebraska vs. Henry Sehrader, with horse stealing, plea not t'uilty, trial set for t ept. 19. State f Nebraska vs. John T. ayis and Jos. "Wil. ion charged with burg lary and larceny, i sr.tercd plea of not guL'ty. J. B. Strode as signed to defend, tria 1 set for Sept. 17. State of Nebraska vs. Tom. Cay -anaugh John II. P. rady, George Hamiltc n and Henrv.Smi th charged with grand 1 arccny entered ph w of not guilty. J. B. .Strode assigned ta defenl, trial set for Sep t. 19 State of Xebrasfva vs. Henry Sn dth "Win. Hutnon, Frank "Wei tz, Vm. RL ley, I'LATTSMOUTIl WEEKLY" liEKALD. 'sjn evil fi j ''?'M-iy'v.yiT'y'y;va!r 5 u fc-a Jr.! George Hamilton, J. II. Broady, John Connors and brother and Tom Cavcn augh charged with burglary and larceny, entered plea of not guilty. J. B. Strode to defend, trial set for Sept. 14. State of Nebraska vs. Edward Knight anl "Win. Foreman charged with assault with intent to commit murder, plea of not guilty, trial set for Sept. 1G. State of Nebraska vs. Albert Pine charged with assault with intent to com mit minder plead not guilty, trial set for Sept. 10. CIVIL CASES. Wm. Gilmore vs. Tlattsmouth Canning ' Company, motion to strike petition from files sustained, leave given plf. to file pe tition instanter. Frank Carruth vs. Thomas "Wiles set tlcel and dismissed. Lessie Hunt vs. Herbert Hunt for divorce, granted. G. F. llobbs vs. Jaucway & Co., fori hearing Sept. 22. Elsie Epperson vs. J. B. Morton settled i. s per stipulation on file. Lewis Cole ct al vs. James Call, judg ment as per stipulation on file. Bank of Cass County vs. J. N. Black and P. E. Ruffuer, judgment for $1,872. 50. Mary ITains vs. John "W. Huins, for divorce; granted. Elizabeth Bacheldcr vs. Robert Bach- elder, dismissed at plfs. cost. Jason G. Miller vs. Jacob Luft and Philip 7lorn. settled as per stipulation on file. This case is remarKa'ue tor me laet that it has ben pending in the courts for over fifteen year?. Jacob Stiner vs. G?.o. II. Dimmitt and Chnstia Dimmitt, cause dismissed. Saml. A. Ripley vs. Western Horse & Cattle Ins. Co., settled as per stipulation on file. John F. Polk vs. Fred W. Molcher and E. D. Van Court, set for trial Sept. 22. "Wm. Cagill vs. G. B. Crippen, et al settled. 1 THURSDAY, RKITKMI'KIL 15, J. 3 ET All U f n h -a?sS asad veH; , n II 1 a tA LIL estate values are growing more firm each day, yet an gooa resMiece 101s can no sjougiii as irom v.Rr Jacob Stiner vs E. N. "Wangner and .Mary E. Wagner, foreclosure judgment as pray eel for. Henry M. Lloyd vs. J. T. Reynolds, set for trial Sept. 21. D. A. Fulmcr vs. Elizabeth Moon and Thomas O. Moon, foreclosure decree as playeel for. News of trie Day. The funeral of the nationalist who was shot at Mitchellstown, Ireland, was largely attended . Thfi house of commons spent yesterday in discussing the Irish troubles. IL'ayy storms on the coast of Nova Scotia have caused much elamage to ves sels and loss of life. Three soldiers at Trapani, Italy, were sent out to disinfect with carbolic acid. A mob attacked them, compelling one man to drink some of the acid, from which he died and killed the other two. The national prison congress is in ses sion at Toronto, Ont. Staffordshire, E.ig., has 19,000 men on a strike. The Missouri is taking part of Sioux City in. A team belonging to Mr. C. Rooks, of Lincoln ran away, throwing Rooks and his wife out. lirooks strueh a stump and was killed. Sergeant Geo. .Taloug died at BePevue yesterday morning. The Beatrice K. of L. endorses Judge Broady for their next circuit judge. Crock, r's Iowa brirad will hold a re union Sept. 21 and 22 at Davenport, la. Sir diaries You nor. dramatic author, died suddenly in England Monday. A Newark. N. J.. tenement house burn ed Monday, cremating one of the occu pants. Charles Lock has assumed the proprie torship of the National Opera company at Philadelphia. The Illinois supreme court has not yet taken any action in the cases of the Chicago anarchists. Four thousand miners in the Shamokin (Pa.) coal districts struck Monday for higher wages. ; The Lutheran conference Monday de 1SS7. rem UJ UJ W J v w t ' l j -J h r-" r .1 v ri BP EASING 5viiiaBa2Bflg Factory 05555 Si l3 5 ven S5) iiaSSc i&fi raSlrol withm icrn . been sold and a number of handsome cottages fire now tf.ung up in cide 1 not to change the present form of its evening service. Gov. Larabee and staff left Dubuqe Monday for Philadelphia, to attend the centennial celebration. There is still grest excitement in Grass Point over the killing of Mrs. Seile while attending a fuuerial. The pending sale of the Baltimore & Ohio telegraph lines to tiio Western Un ion company still hangs fire. The Berne government lias demanded the promulgation of the Mormon prohi bition propaganda by Switzerland. The Wyandotte jury in the case of George Hamilton, charged with train wrecking, Monday returned a verdict of not guilt-. Moonlighters Monday murdered Con stable Wliolepam and wounded one of his posse ner Eunis. Eight suspects have been arrested. Thomas R. Knight, John A. Brooks and Henry Patz, convicted of manslaugh ter in the "court of the Western district of Arkansas, have been pardoned by the president. Three of the Boston furniture factories have granted the demand of their work men for nine; hours a day's work. The balance have refused, and their employes are out on a strike. The experiments of making suo-ar by means of electricity at Ft. Scott. Kansas, have been pronounced successful. The president thinks the press criti cisms on the treasury deprirtnv-nfs r fns al to accept the bonds, la-t Wednesday, are ir.eor.sistant as it saves a great deal of money. The governor of Illinois has filed pa pers at Washington for the extradition of McSarigle. " THCKSDAT. ThoQ. fast mail cra-h -1 into the rear a nLnrrnr trahi near Afton Iowa. killing an infant child and wounding eight pc sons. A cvclone formed in southern Mich igan and passed down into Ohio in the region of Toledo, doing considerable damage. Patterson, N. J-, had a $150,000 fire. Th-3 firt assistant secretary of state Gov. Jame3 E. Porter, of Tennessee, lias the next twelve iaiiways into its Over Sank of Cans CovixitT resigned. Powdcrly objects to the German Ro man Catholics denouncing the K. of L. Revolution is in progress in San Sal vador. It is feared the same uisturdanc will break out in some of the Ceiitnd American provinces. Tlio switchman strike on the Wiscon sin Central has ended. Ex Governor William Aitken, of 8. C, is deael. A large Catholic university is to be erected ut Washington. Murray, Iowa, lost eight business houses by fire. 1,200 sheep were drowned near Sun river, Mont., by a water spout. An anarchist dynamite plot has been discovered in Spain. Low Prices. Warrick sells Glauber Salts at 2c a Tt. Warrick sells Epsom Salts at 10c a lb. Warrick s'Us Warner's Safe Cure at $1.00 a bottle. Warrick sells Hood's Sarsaparilla at 75c a bottle. "Warrick sells King's New Discovery at 75c a bottle. Warrick sells Liver Pills (all kinds) nt 20c a box. "Warrick sells all Patent Medicines 10 to 20 per cent, below marked prices. Warrick sells the best Kalsomifce at 8c a lb. Warrick sells Black Lubricating Oil .t 20c a gallon. Warrick sells Mixed Paint, Lead, Oil, Varnish tec. as cheap as the cheapest. You are always sure of getting the very lowest prices and the best qualities by trading with Warrick. 20-0 Stat' Fair Notice. To enjoy the sights fit Lincoln, cn leaving Plattsmouth you will please sup ply yourself w ith Pepperborg's fine Bud's 5c. cigars. By so doing you will paying high prices for common eastern cigars such as are usually sold at etato fairs. Iludd's cigars for Fale only by first class cigar deal ere at Platt.-tuouth and Cas3 oounty towns also throughout this state. 1-5 Subscribe for the IIduald.