Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, September 15, 1887, Page 3, Image 3
riJVlTSAIOUTH WEEKLY HERALD, Til MRS I) A V, SEPTEMBER 15, l':S7. 6 f3 i ni ircn tt"b"t i .a' i nil fiim iinimm mi ,t 1 1 . i lo BROS i'l'b'.Cj'.uir-j f Proprietors." FA KM CO lu rarf. i;i rc.i at tji.: i:i;iir ti.mi:. Much is oil' 'i lu.t by fun. icrs not le. hi:' t' cut tlr. ir cro;s nl tu: riyjil time, ami -i 1 1 y -with v.Imt wo niiiy term fwv.i'j c.vj,', li'-.c hay or. corn i'oti- tlt -Oi'tiii :rr.:-.s is allowed to stair I U ii t i 1 it :s t).) ami in t M.l cf ft jooil untr'l -uih foo.1 we M-cun: cii.'re'v too juncli woody ii'x.r thai is iinr.oe: l:' 'c aii'l r'Ci.t.iirs :;t l.c.-t lut a st.i.i' I ii'mnourt of nutriment, t'oinu-' 1 1 c i i " 1 1 1 1 orrl.- nn i r:i : U in I IS UMliW V Ills il!-l CTOti of "iM. i to ri!)' ii. then ct to t nc cor n Hint is ut for 1(mUI.-;-; :-o f;:r :is o. -.-ii.le c:ir: shoui l C t.'i.t 11 to I jI ill tli's vvorl ulna I ;o t'mt t;:is vo.k ol t-uttiii,';- ntitl ;; :nv; av.uv vu-i lu iloi.e el or n--:ir til-- t v. Ite-i tin: .1 am- lil'MU.t (if V.' the t. I.i: !:,:.(',. is ju-r a i'i. the S' , ! i. liU'r.i.'H l;l il c.. that hi t :!".': )!iiiiion!' cil 'i(! lit .'-i -ta;.e to ( l . is In'.i :n d v. h'1 'i l l ii ;' ;i ticu ' ; t.i cut ' -i 11. to Ii: 11. to. I ' !! ri!'': fi;-; ii-; of i.u i.'m-;,-. f. (iu:i!:t:! i - e " ,.. il J i : : fur ii:;v u;.ci He.-t v. i." ;.rv:"-s cut c.icl, !l to V. inter tl:i i toi l., :.r.5 h I : c ne s ;:i: impn. t. -it i. m fi) cut ii . 1: i 1 H V. iii Ii'.mKc I V' (li ' 1 c 11 al ii of :;. Ill M 11 :.':: tin: V. 'l k CiT. I,.. ,;,:i:r v. 1 ! i.t cm- 1' ik- i s r.-ioilr r, lu.t. i;i ot'ii-rs .v min it will n . ni c vein" i .Mi'i').! ulifj.d in to ! to do tl..- -.v- ' ::1 !i,t' '"' (:!,4( r ,! 'o i ( c.'l' woe:) i " liii'cr i'i::. oi tit! Ill U ( - 1' ' J V." i I . If is 1' t iii-rc oo 1!',!U ( " tit!!'. i .. ! !l lo ...i .l :ft: r thi: rid 1 cut r.t any t!,-; 11:111- !i:'.- f i; "fi 1 t i '-.' ' i:!-"T'- : d (( Cl'u 1 d:i lid :v v:' ricni. rr... ... o" " ' c':i "- ! 1 r l-I; ;"!t t' !. Mi. ii li.-.i J.: ';;: too ; iv- ;',: 1 1' c:n::-c tlic i:i: . i." d V i - tia c : i t ! V.'.'A ( en i' .'lit c't I'.i'.t'.i- v '. : y ' ,.'..-u t :. t". -d ' ; r.i'.ioum :iii i' of n t lit at tlic cni la';' a t r t! , i ."il :n s.iyi corn : finv rs: d a iVcd tbv-o. I 1 -. It ta'us rr i id ::r, it :;c this ri;,-' t to (-.'.' v toe wo; k and c:..,. t II!'!!'!' til l" tO V lit A i::c it dw i, ;t nhi r-- jvojhl I: ravcu ; o that fal '.in-,' nt t'u; jrotr time in." v ' coi;s. ('i?;'.m T .- :i .Tirct. 1;,C it to liand'.' in stor 1 iii I'", iliii oi't. W i! at c;i a fond?:- fo-t i of ca;t:.i'.'-. shoci- 'n up i f ca at tlio ;'"ot' r lo.d. :d so as t ki'vp :n usuall '," con ii.-, o; tin- and fci-d'r-tinn; and iw a o.i ca.i ' 1 '.-t i O'l'i '.l ." o i ds. it tr. '. s o.u or the con d 'inz t..e co t, Ki c.iu it :s chc: p tint w: r : i is no i'l i ;:i:.r CCtths.jr ii.ld s. - e f ,() hi 1 e c;...cU s in J. hnu: nzin . :. :. r. . A :)'!'''' are. f :i Knuli.-li puHc;i..ou iayM: "ibi' : ii;e b aU:i- ' 1 i . b-e 'mm-.i-.t 33 ilh:'v won iy o.l iinp. '-inrn 1! a farmer in a sma'l v:v of .n-".of3 u-fortion-t .; en.m;d to be the r-er tf i.i tJiieent i.npkti'.citlj he is in nine cese? out of tea u b.':U: .i man." Ti i-e enoc-h. he labo s vm;e.- tvci a reat:-.- dis advantage as ccmp i ed with oi'ur f:i'n-c-rsif he lias hi fe rr I've, stoc1 . nd i "belii-.v.I thi ti'i'c.s" in mniU-.s .e.t i;n: y to its f. e Vng ami manaenient. Every farmer is co v.iel!ed t; te'l at prices fixed by competition, and h- is h-aton if he cannot turn out r.s i::v:d p.oduct. as ids lieiuhbo's r.r.d rt rs llitle cos.. Good tools, hnprove-1 11 v i sr.) and the 1m .d metho Is 11 1! v to succc-ssfu1. fa -. Euiter snd Gl?amr.rg9rin9. Tlie U'1 'o'.vini; is quoied from 1'rof -fs-cr At water's adde on "Tiie I)i;rcstil" i ty of Food," in the September Century-. "Much h.ii been slid ami written about theiela.ive tl:;.;e: tlb:::v" of binter and oleu.:)3.:nn.-. T.-e only actual cornj'.ir- ntive tc ts on r; . i ii are a ieiie.s made vntii a m.iii p. . o ov "10 in Holland. I : t'..tse from 'J7.7 to )$. jicr cent, of the it of the buUerand from liii.l end p r c-rt. of the fat cf the oieo-.iiJ- '-Kri i w ! re di-.; .-tt d. The aver ' u'.fii - iiej 1. ' r ; ot. in farc-r of the but CVrtaia - .s-stble icourevs f tror i.i t-neh p,-; lui 'r.t- mnke it qm on m- 't !'.- i'r?-" uilitni r.i:t .n fact mor? r." r? v can; e,.el'.!;in f Ten fh'irjj tnshc ir An ;7.t t : r: f series of erp :i imei.t s fa , lfieMl dig -t;on coa duci 'i by Dr. K D. (. 'a k. in bi-h-df of the X w Yu k 1). :: 7'-"om.:d:ri'.r Jio'jh of couv-e r.ot idl-ig ,? i'r l ; m-visui't? of t'u J pr s ii ' ludd r jtofS ou in the liody. v ; J 1 with t' e; cti -ul su' -pv't! jn tl it, ia :id pei Imps hi rom plet ;ae-f of d: '!iou. ok : n-girln .ouli rnk I .'twvi butte- ud the ft f e; Ji-jary ui?if. "Iu chc a" ' coojp.itija oiemarga rlee ""cds I Iwcro un t-ft and butt -v. It wi" 1-? r? 1 ;tj1 t ' lht o"inur ;r.-ri- itlyisl 1 leif-fnt 1-J by -jiviaj frf -u th-u prt of tLe teariu -? v -h ni-iti h.; kj.t Jeatiblj iu-! rr' '-r.t. n'.d dJ:ni little lut:--v u-i.J i otaet;uies oil, u-i j-'itoa-sa-.-d oil. fiae ' JZ 1ST O TTS bulk of all tlusa fatty Kilo-lances, mci;t fat, butter, and oil, c-oii-ts of the fcani. or m arly the s um- kinds of fut, the meat- fat having the nuire stearin. The butter, howryc-r. contains small (piantitii-s, sovci per cent, or thereabouts, of peculiar fats, butyrin, caproin, etc., ;!iich ;;ive it iif tl.tvor anit v.hic h are thought by some t. make it more easily diqe.sdbl?, csp'-t iullv bv persons whose; d''4e.lioii is enfeebled by lack of di.-. stive juices or otlierv.i-;:-. "In the c.v't'.'.nent over o! -oni'ira: oie l'iri-iiition, tin; dis( 'Us-: n of the' relative dv -.-1 i ! : t v of butif r and butter uubsii t ntes ha.s b'Tii m ide very r.ctive by the iinpoi tance of its b -:i f' - upon Hieirco;rt- i.irati ve valu n for iiuiriineut, nud many siuteun-nt ha-, e bee made as to the t-Tec-t of tie- cempoj-ition of the pceul i.i- but t f.-tts and the eon-eU'-nt chemi (id changes in the ircw;ess of d'est'on and .e-.siMi'd.'ttioii in the bod v. It is inter esting to com;, ire tlie very positive ir.f r ciir; s which soiii'' writ. -r. upon the suh-j'.-i 1. draw 1 oiii i ;n. i :nu it:d. investiira t'olr.. i.itli the V(IV ;.,l:-il..l ( X pri S: i : ; !' i .' o iuioii liii.ih- by tin- authors of the same in ve.- -, dat :o. s in tli-ir wi it!,;;.s ami p ! filial coc el it ion. 'i li- fact s :; t ham ! and the 14 -1 1 ' 1 : i 1 impiv.' sjon of t-pccial 1 ir ! nt-, of lh'-:c Mibjcet.-, so far as I h .Vi" ob.-i rvi d, are to the ef-'.c t tin.t prob ably, for h'-.dthv p is !!-; the di"ierenee be wei n butter and ol'-oni'ii v; 1; ine in ease and in completem-.-- of d"t,..t:on would be i.t t'.e most ve",' .-b;:.'t but that for 'oj.l.!'n l a'ceb! d diu"tion and for in I'.-.." bu',.er tn-iy. pe'habs, at t'nics h-ive the advance ." Cc-mpocing: FJooen Humor. lit:!!) 1'ot'I: S!cr: Vv"i:il'-a well known fofeiinin of a New "j'ork conrm in.n iooni lid Mt'.h" ity the'r tome twenty v-;;r.s ai.'o, i.e w,-: ii-ua-'ii v. nil rcenuiir i ue: oinee Willi a snorter aliowaia-e 01 type ii:a:i any other man would have thought .os-i.!.!e. He wes Cor-l.i'Ul v leiei;ed for "," a id ids policy was the occasion of much a it upei it'on. One day a "sub" in the odice w:'.s, towerd the end o. eo;:i .o.-itio!! hours, crawling ribout ' floor pk'kinsr up type. He was asked J I'm t.Aiie, tv. .i. ij, .u..a . - ..uisli lake,' that's what I'm doin," taid in ;i raih.-r diseutcd tone. tl.':. 1.', "Well, wh it sorts do you want? What ire yen out of?" "1 want some h's." "(Jo over there under No. 10's frani. lie's an E luiishman. lie drops them," was the comforting repl. I'im same, foreman was somewhat par ticular as to the care displayed in setting type, and wa.4 -very much peiple:;ed at any time if a bad divi;;on was made, im offense in any cilice us a matter of fact. .V "cuiiip" n w to the office had on his Hist day's work divided the word tongue ton gue. The proof on which it occurred came under the "oid man's" eye, i:nd. as ti.e "slug" gave the perpetrator away, he went for him thus: "What have you got in your mouth?" tldu'.-.lng lo gain a point on the "comp" by Ids answering and pronouncing the offer. d'ng word correctly. "Ilih?" "What have you in ycur mouth, sir?" "T crbacky, sor," was the paralyzing answer, aid the forennm, although "knocked ont." trth-cd toa comer to him self to indulge in the general laugh that e.isu'?d. A well-known foreman of a large" New York newspaper composing loom al t.iouuh aus4e;-e inside the office and fa voring robody, and a decidedly good fel'ow outside was very fond of a good joke, which natural1 partook of a rather practical nature. Some years ago a "chapel" meeting was held on "die ques tion of having too mnj- compositors on he paper, and a committee of six was ap pointed to wait u-ion the foreman and try to get him to consent to reduce the force. A gentleman who is still known among New York printers was chosen chahman of the coirndtfee i.nd spokes man, and he and ls associates waited upon the "old man" and stated the care, sai-'ug that i f the fo- ee w;:s reduced those remalu'.ig could make a decent living, when the fol'ov. 'ng colloquy took place: "How nie-iv too ni.-.nv men do tou think are on the paper?" "We have considered ihe matter aud think six is about the number." The foreman glanced, with a twinkle in his eye, from one end of the committee lir.e ti) t.'c other, and said, with a wave of the hand across: "ell, vou six can go," and they were discharged. For lame back, or chest, use S I'loh's Porous FIa.-cer. Price 23 cents .dd bj S-iith fc Black Bros. The oper'ug s"telfh in the Septem I Oul','j is a diseription of rumbles in aid b ut t"ie cl?'dc sur.oundint;9 of G. je.-a The ticeouut is prettily told by C'harlod z ITe'tve Cror?, und the illus tral.or" ; by Gcuter udd effect to the nar rativc. Sketches on Ship-Board in Septem ber OtUinj, bv Alb'-rt H. Muall. will be mi"-U sppre;tut"i of thoe v.h love fetyl- i cr'su and interesting, and the iijj4 tily. Only a Brief Interruption. It whs in one of tlie lately mansions of Deacon street, Boston, that our htory op'-ns. lie Wiis declairing his love in language that only a Boston youth can use, and even he must be nobrr. "Dear est Penelope," he said, "if I had lovo you h 's I could have told you that I loved vou loin; atro. If " But he suddenly stopped. A fa. -away, whithcr- a;a-I-dr:ftiii'' look had come over the girl's face, and his heart .sank within him "If my words are displeasing to you, Miss Penelope," he went on in broken tones, "if I have said what I ouirht not to say, or you ought not to hear; if I ' "Not at all," interrupted Penelope look ing wildly about her, "but I have certain ly lose my- spactacles. Oh, there they are. Thanks. As you were saying,'Mr. Wal do. " Jla.s tou Co u rier. Dru uken ncs or the Liquor Mjhil Pos; lively Cured by A d m i :ti i-stsri nej L)r. H.iine-i' CJol.ton Sj.oe i !i c . It can be given in a cup of cof-j or tc.ii without the knowhdgc of the ytrson taking it: is abscd utel y harRiIei."S a.nd vriil effect a. permanent and Kprdy cure wie.t!i"r the patient ia u moderate drick er or an tdcoliolic wrt ( k. ThoiKSHndi of d.rnnkards have been made temyi'rate men who have taken Golden Specific in their coffee without their knowledge. aud to-day believe they quit drinking of thtir own free will. IT NEVE 3 1 FAILS. The system once impregnated with the Speci fic it becomes an utter impossibility for the liquor apprtite to exist. For full particulars, add-esa GOLDEN SPECIFIC CO., 1." liaee st, Cincinnati, O. 33 -ly No Money In It. Banker Your references are all that could be desired; what i!ary do you ex ect i ('oiichma.i S-yeuty-tive do'lars a month, i'. -T!:.-.t is fpiite satisfactory to me, ami you can enter upon your dul'es as soon as su uisire. L. I.y tlie way, I forgot to e iquire win. tlu-r you h:id eny mai riage.ibh' daevdncs? B. I have, h"t what is th; mee.n'-'g of such a pre posterous qiust'on? C. Because your v'ng such mekes it pos-ible for me to e:ig w.tli ymi. l"e.:K-i-s, i cannot take tlie r'sk of d"gener;.l5ug .' lto a lioits car conductor or a hotel v. aiter. Theru's no mom v in ma ryhig c 11 doves' daugh ters nowadays, JJ'.tslon Htnt'jt. CIIOUP, WIIOOl'iNG COUGH and Bronchitis immediately relieved by Shil- loh's cure. Sold bv Smith & Black Bros Admiral George Thomas Gordon died quite recently in Englr.nd. aged 80 yeais. He is supposed to have bete the only siM vivor of Capt. W. F. Owdeu's (::i)b)riug and surveving expedition of t Vie African coast. and other islands:. He commanded the ;-team re serve at Portsmouth from 153 to 18G1. English Liniment removes all Hard, Soft, or Calloused Lumps and blemishes from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splints, Sweeney, Stifles, Sprains, Sore r.nd Swollen Throat, Coughs, etc. Save f0 by use of one bottl.?. War ranted by Fiicka & Co. druggists, Platts- mouth. 34-1 yr ilrs. Catne. ine Gal way, of Manches ter, N. II., died on Thursday, Aug. 11, at 101. She was hern in Couuty Cork, Ireland, and came to this country in 1830. The deceased left five children, twentv-four grandchildren and a large number of great-grandchlldrcD. "When sis ra a CkiU, aha oriod for Caatorla When alia beciuio 3-iiaa, she clung to Caatoria, TTluai aba had Ciuldjon, ahs gave Hiata Caatoria, Betpy Sargeant of Canterbury., N. IT., has enjoyed 103 years of single bltcs edness. and is not yet ready to marry. Her mind is vigorous, and she stdl at tends to her household duties. SniLOII'S VITALIZED is what you need for Consumption, loss of Appetite Dizziness and all symptoms of Dyspepsia Price 10 to 73 cents per bottle. Sold by Smith &, Bi&ck fiO- Uncle Billy Whitney of Norwood, X. C, is 112 years old. He has cut a third set of teeth. He merried at 03 and when his wife died she was 101 yeors old. SLEEPLESS NIGHTS, made misera ble by that terrible cough. Shiloh's Cure is the remedy for you. Sold by Smith & Black Bros. Th"jg:5,tly Polito. Peabody Jamison ?3 one of the most courieons gentlemen on the read, aud he can be pol't3 under rery tryiDg circum stances. The other day vrbile he was riding in a slreet car a lady burdened rith much more than her share of avoir dupois entered. Pcabudj wps on his feet in an instsot, but the space he left was, coTspetlWTely spit'ng, wfully uall. "I am Trj Eiiich otl'gad to you," ea;d th2 1a1j, s tthe belaaced her se' on the eip;e of Ihe scat. "Don't UK'itiou it," replied Ptatody gallantly: "I'm on1 orrv there isn't more of i;." Jfrcsl Traveler. . The Foreign Mission Floid. "Im very glad to se thit the gi. em inent is taking an inieient in mi.-.-aonary work," ob'erved Mr. Fungi-?. "I hud not maid of it," pp'ijd her hw-band. "Yes, thM United Statin lias begun to send out mi- aonai ies. I saw in m paper that v. ni'u": i!-r hid been s: nt t o Liberia. That' in Africa, you know. But. I.i ine! What's one mhii-t r to that great dark continent." Ti I-Hi is. Ed.vard Iarchn.::t. a noted portrait painter of Philadelphia, is dead, aged SI. lie painted a number of the por traits of preiii'.U uts oft!'.'- Ih.ifi d Stales which hang on tie; walls of the white house. SWEDISH Tnrt.p.EjrrcTrriTCTiPtii, Rrtrny. Fnr frllllr. nj-p-.j,n1rt, Trkn. l.riii"ir, Itev rt-llitl l!id flu:(h 4 In ..! lion f lh lllanil. Inn of A 1 prtlt., OrrHiirrirrnt r ilio l.lffr, Srrnrrcm, l'rltu llon of th Hnrt, 'oll Irt, NiimliiKM, 1 mnlf Wriik Hfil. nmt In r. nil dtiii-lti-ft nrlllnf frnrn ft Low Atittt or. Hie Ivlooii, mid n lnoritrol I nnillllna of the IMicillvo Oriinni. lin ellari on tlio humor, ejul-eni Is MARVCLOUS. . -j i :i y Idrnoi -.vr r 3 1 r imoynrit nneii. ifivi.i? Riui!a evl. cence r u 1 '.rrnriai on,: CtK. ni"(i.-f!t.l !i"K Hnfi'" fin Ai ilir-f if T.r 1 l.loi..i nn.l l.ivr Pll!. TlioTOi -r 1 110 morel ha 11 r.tln-r f iii.o.-iur. Ak Tuiir in !i;-(tirt fur I r Swr l Iflb Winet.f Iron (h'rirc fl per riettlp; iT hottlni-. J.'l. and Mi-sjwli-. )th' BU....1 anrt FUIb (Jic ijur box; tire b.i--3, l), r rend direct to U b a u u w a rao-dlmlld of Ptfnt Ctaeei and Checkerboard. Tertisinir h celt.ratd SynTitii Ulo.-fc Kuiiic..Iiw4 fad Itttfilia V If you fail w ml It om tin siuml board mil on your drui,-(rist fof ruii-siif, iihi..uii i.uuoKraUMa OCMkru. M '- " ' A tit auiul ct:nta lor puatuu to ua. COUGH BLOCKS. Prom Mason Lortf, tha Converted Carubloev Fokt Watxb. Ind.. Arril &. ISPi. I hare clven tha pynvita Couuh Uloc-ki a tliuroiiKli triaJ. Tbey c-uroj my little Klri io year' old) of Crouo. JJy wife anj mother-iu-iaw were troubled wita coughs of lona ttfinuiiiK. uno pnciiage or trie mocks nas curtitl Ueiu av they can ttiit "u only women do." ' WORM BLOCKS. IjTMA. O.. Jan. 2o. lScff. The Hrnyita Worm Blocks acted like a charm in expelling worms from my llu tie child. The child it nnr well aud hxurty, UmtttttJ Qt puny anil blcaly aa before. ULkClZm't ELCOZS. The Creat Dtarrkuva aa SyseaUry CWa Delt-hos, O., July Tth, "SI. Our ilx-nionths ol4) hild had a eyer attack of Sduamer ComplainlL 'hyslciani could do rmiliinif. la despair w triJ rynvita Ulackberry lllock recomuiended by a. r'.end and a few dose slluctttd a complete cur Accept 01 r hea IfttU lndoriemant of your BlacJ Ltrry Bloc a. Ilk. Au Mm. L Ik.. Tne Synyita Block Remedies ar The neatest thing oat, by far. XMeasant. Chaap, Coayanient, Sr, Uaady, Kwliabla, Uariulus aud Pu Ko box; do teaspoon or sticky bottle. Pu VJJ XO latent packages. iX8t.j i L'knts. Vvhj anted to cure or money refunded. Ask tout driii (1st. If you fail to gut lata aeud prion to THE SYWVITA CO., Delphoa, OhlOj AXD KKCEIVB THEM POSXPAHX. ZVJt 'Al? 4 iJ Will Li LsaW I s 81; 7?nou, wj;i't ZlatfMne an2 I'lovj tr Ziirir.j, end Qeiu'.-zljo'chi-. pi, rtrnv prcp-ir-:0 lo cto ?.U ktds of rr-.r.i; 1. oi :.ic:n aij:'. ot ",or tnner-tsrr, t.t taeiv ii a j;ofa lAfeo ti' ray jioy. PJZTEJ.I R A U 52? , The old Reilaclo Waun M-airsr h.3.3 tiiieu eler.r?.'? r-! w.v;Pi2 7lc; He 13 n e'.l ka iwa r- a ::cf. 1 woH.'-ciiir:. Kcv7 Vtoi cti.-l vrf;rdr iit Or-i!- Si".. one cioilar tu currerrr. v. ill; of s-o usiir.l'y v...rii, r.i il Try a pair f-f hit ' apnet ie In.(Icv for i-i-.i".ir.:ar'i-f. t-otil f.'.-t d ban -eiiia:i.n. Tiiey '.he :.. pov-rfTil Hi:-.'!.- in the vorl'l. v :'.r--r v.;iriiili, me nl r-vir;tiizatiif( in mrw ntniute" iitt-r pt: them e.. -:-.t ) r 'Ti;r:i mail mn reciia of i i--!' ;-'j::' veer -"i!i'r' "-i fo;-tii "Ni-w J. -Jiarfiire in Te.i-:iS Tu r.'ruer t v.i;li."tL Vt-iJi-eine " wi'.h :h'e,::i.::i . of t'-.-t ! 1110:1 h:.. ri'.v us fa!t i-ii tiea'..'.. s rf isi::f::i?. Our ;-..ur!.et;i; Ki.'!!i.y i'.r-!!s for pern ten i-n will Mitit'.-Iy i-iire t!:e "'!.' in w ith- out liiv.lieii-p ": I' in t'w" k, lu aii or lim'ot, nrrvein it iuiiry. I'eeivei. e--:it,r.:I iel'i!iiy, rhetiiii:ii--ia. v; rr.l y : , u ' a r m I ia, s'aaOcn, Uh Wise cf tliH ki-Sr.evH, forfit; !.v.-r. seniii a! tl'iis-s!oii:-. i""ieie.!cy. !ie:,rt 'iiea-1!-. :stii TKi;i. in tlijiostion", horiii'v or ru; t;'i'-. iili". ete. Coa S'.ii.'Ktlen ;ce. I'riej? of f.ctt. v.;t!i T;?;:?tic Insole". S:i. Sent t-y er:-;-..- C. . I?. by re turn i'.j-oii rp?ii't oi i'-e. Sen 1 ri casure of v.;.. 1 anil '.. ef liot; v.oru. fe-!!l forcircu -lar. (irth r thi' er. Notk. T'nt a'.'eve e-eril1".! Be't viMi In so'.os Is v.-j.iTiiP fo it to l-ositively rur ebrouic Oi-.-s of oniiii '-t 'n:i.-sfef.s nil inieotnry or raonej-!. even a!'t?r one year's ivi;t:. THE rAF.TIC APPLIANCE 0., 47 ly 13-1 Dearborn St., Cliieajo, HI. iiness which r. i" tir:ii7 vim more money riirbt awayth;-.n anyt.itny el-e i.-i thiw world. AuTotio USD ri'i tilt wrk n?.il live hi bun?. Kit her sx ; at'l : Some'.hin new, iiiiir just coins tmciey fer all worki-M. We will myrl you ;! nfc.led. 'ihi- i5 ono of tise ir-uniue. if.uort;oil rhar.ces 0 a lif.-iit:if. I'Uos to ;.r" ambition and eutftrrisimr will j uct delivy. Oi-ii!"' nutlit (r. A4rm'fHi;il & Co,, Augusta, Alatne. 3Cly 1 c Ar linn I r iTi-i-i" 1 f'T 'fttlnit tfiv ti to pnrfoet . I (l!i-n!l..n of fiiml, it lii s a;,d 'tXTTr-'xrnwt''. iron(tthn the l.ui'.l, liC'liis" tne - &')i-jv?r- i nrt '"' i" O.e trtio.' (irntPia. ihe a-T 11 1 . 1 1 ' j irlow ol hrnUri, clnftic i'-"i'. Mi.l ?eTr! 6i!-!i tZZS -tsr F?rSrl'2 1 et. S B 51 f"l f to tie ma.le. Cut this ou 3 f j I I 1 3 3 j and return to 11 and wp f i im M "iii send vou free some fti 3 S i S 1 I Rreat v?.!uc and nl i I'll 9 ! to you. that 5'''rTTr'n',Tr V J t' W ::. V J ti. J.. km ,i a Cor Infnntt? tCaitOTla.'3novna,1aptrdtochndmthat IrccommciiJitaacuperiorloauytinwcriutioa fcaora to jac." H. A. Aacnit.U. D.. HI So. Or!.fkl EnMfcla, K. T. ;""";re' n SO TO 70 PEI1 CEHT. 0TI CHE THOUSAND CITFEREHT IBTICIO old Direct to Oontumsra X 3. loatal frlvea Poataaa In CXIT W cLkL- from ' 01. to 3Q il TAMILT S0ALEB, 240 It., gi' Platform Sceioe, $11 to 928s T Forces anflBIactemitlis'Toolt Farm-ri' l one Tors; mi il Kit or Tooli, B'Jct j- aruici-a can iloodd Join, savin uiuuvj. iiuriia, ism. cfc - WACOFi SCALES. Onlr n.n..r....... - pn!i)i nntlilr.K hut, tho I. est of iuuJ KvO -1 furbaariiiicsuf ll Cvilis. C-Ton flxl2)80. S-Ton'7)L.I3)0e. "Ttn llt.llli'A. 111 f34J:- .0 A T..-li Scal-.3..i..'a;-rvarl.;jn... Ais-w in:nm ji.ix Pinl in-sps 1 i-TO ....... , ..... . -hi.,. v,..rii aiivit- Kb-eSi---: ''ih. ' MU!..C.;,v ITi'ssca, Uon. " 'T I'l'nwfTf, 'l iih- s Wrlccura aiij nil llai Jwaio K;iec!alilee. SAFES OF ALL SIZES. I"o. 4. weight 1.100 lls., Kid. SEWES 1ACHIHE3, ft - - e i.-i i . '- PRICES REDUCED r;:oK -mss to i. A li.'F.nilful If aclt.'nu, par '.v-rrf. on '!! t'iipir j.aiiifrii. liiuek . j V.IllMH 1 tr. -I-... r..f y ieii. ::.-j., ..r.t :TK C'.:':3 1 i:-ir l fill! l.-l'df illll.Hl. llM- r. V.----'-i- . ' ' - TRi" CHr-.v,-.-:-" era jtAcrrns v ran vftirii -V- ;-' .v.'1' - : ': . '. 'v-t-;V . k-' '?v:;-V--:.; :,-,;' ; -; ,', ' ''m-i. ,,. s'j'.r. i.ivi i i-t At iho great ?t.T.:nf'. Fair, 7"Vi.!.o.idc-j b- F. 'L""lT" '), !:y Eir J;:ch:ir.l :ij. f-1 :t i:vi;i.V'i; CO, liv LV- 1 W::ton. (;it(.vi-3 4t:-i I ty ii;o r;.-or'(. DKWUUrRV 2::J I-,: .T, l.y lAdicy. half brother lo ArcUrialJ. Ilord uuia'K:r-j 2.j hi.:t'.. Bend ii.r j.rite? aud ciitalos-dG. J. K. KAWre, Colony, Aadcreur. (u., lsiiu;3. r2 iOTTA tie I 'c, Cag nttafned a Btandird cf eiceUeaco -which admits of no superior. ItcoutaiiiH every- iruprovercmttbatlnventlv genius, akilX ucd uioaoy eta p.roducc CCTi ate: TO f l i-Tf, jiav-::'-. OHQAN FOB nva rW V :.'-'.. :'.r.-r ?. '".-;--j"t These exrellcr.t Orjians are ci:!sU .itI for voW sunt, quality of tocc. 'iiti respooie, variety of coo kiEa'.iun. ai'U'iic dc-fsn, b'suvy iu laifcb. perfect onttrnc'jie.i, n.akir. tnem tho most a Uracil ve, orna. mental smi dL-eirMe organs for liOiiics, ecbool, iiUItLti, lodges, socicUtb, lie. ESTAELrSKED KKPTTTATIOX. yxEtltfcALi: i'Acir.iri5j, fci i.a Avoiiuirrif, COK5IJIE, TKiB THH POPULAR QBQ1H Instrcciics Cck3 tnJ FIcbo Siocls. Caaaalncaca etJ Pric It, ca ti.Tlirc, " CHICAGO C0TTA2E CP.CAH CO, 21 CLUE ISLAND AV CHICAGO, ILL. II Uihlili UiUOU'jQ. V. are u,-.v pr pured to furnish all clashes w'tli" i-iuptoyi.-j -u at Uoiiie, the wito! of thf tin , or l 'r ilji-if apare laoiiients. Uusinesj n-j.v, il"'.ti:!J pr.if itable. i-erso:is r f eitiit; r sex p:.aiiy irn truiu l) nvat t ) 45. (XI per ai l a j-roportiou-al suiu by devoting all their tl-:e to ti'j.f Les. IJ.i.'s and --ris e.trn n" iriy ;s wci- a uipu. Tisat all t'.i. tay feud ths:r address :-.nd iet t-ie leiNiiiv-.s, i:; iko tli: oSer. 'IH ".'toti a are not we!! s.-.ti-fled e will fi'ud out .ii'..-ir lo j.iy f irt'it.? i rouble of wnt ut. full i)'iriii;ila and our fit fre. Ai-lress Geobge Siinso & Co., roitlaud, Malue. AT kit 'Pli.,4!' rtniv-a p-'i.Vct. base mo Lie. V&ga Eai-sso Scia Co., v.-,l :-vV v. . j. . . 1 ! X a - re XK. .: le . a' .Uil3H umWi. V.'.v..-k. U:n....,.mJ " "" "'"" V" ' " ' y i-f-tys,t I .A I .1? f V- -1 3 f It rmd Children. T Ct.-Ioi crrnai Colt, CtfWTfwtTT-a, I '':rnr ffmaoi, I.l.fl.rrhT, Ut.U.ii ! "" vt'wucui iiiwcoaa Vaai i'3bj-tac Ouatrajrr, IW rjfc fltaivJiT r . .a trnv"7 ' - - I' n turn , -s" a T2LS uptirKwi.y f Ccsrallca rrur kui T or wlii.lniua) Uau tiOW tM uistraUvU ty ovk ix yarai t)xp4l iimcM. Li mcrs xnox) 1bL). raoie axiaXui-UUo. fcisU tibVA BUCAX.S. Svar of voi tL.Ua Ltc1U44oM toom!i wi'Ja varioiia kind cf cord. au eouuuo voib MDr Vn"w cralln' U piltiuxl wja lA-tij rC E1XE Bf ALL LEALHG atCaC21TI31k ILL. M A t 1 A( t l. i.i 1. , AS.J v i L i. ; a L I. o-. tu.i isiii kk in 'inn Choicest I!r;us(!s (T Cigars, including ocr Fior is PepporbcryoTartJ ' 3uita fi;;.t. i.i.n'c o AN!) SMOKKUS" AJ1TICLZ3 klways in f-tec-k. Nov. 25. nnrori rn Ui liiLLUuLLSij The 5thSt.IerclintTailco Keeps a Full Lliie oi -Foreign & Donjc-stic Gocls. OoustiH Your Infereet by Glvicg Ilim a OA SHERWOOD BLOCK T3!? ttf-maouth. - KTrTr ft' . ' Iii ... .-.v. .... i... I... . to I'M I . a . . . VftS W.1L:. .. rBl4k. t jsi.s. t'cl f ta- 3 - -s.. ir k.1 n.n.a w 4 iiw ai. v.r ftSt L'r,..l. h.Ii4 '& icata I. nii-ls rJ a u.n:a . , xi. aw rie 1J aMVS Xmx$ ul.ltnM, Ji jW4tte fa. ts .IT Kvis FiJ;;.'2J V IvilW ai-Ci fc fM )A ? i'Vi'J -ic CO.. IF ? a LUiiiSi8r mill. TKC CLD RLI.25.. 17 . a. rasiii & m isi PISE Mil, a ore anndt Can supply every d -inand of t'.e tvatlo Call an I gi t.torm.s. Fourth Srrrt la Rear of Opera House. f:-4M mmmmm ... . - in'' v - ii 1 r? ii utvmtn