Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, September 15, 1887, Image 1

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PI 11 $ 1
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$2.00 PKli ANNUM.
J 87.
voi.UMK xxiii. kitmrf.p. l8
re rt
Fanltlgss Family Ittine
"I havo u'-ctl Simmons Liver R'.gula
tr for many yc.-v.r-, having made it
my enly.-Family Medicine. .My moth
er before me was Tf-ry "partial to it.
It is a BJifr, good nd relinblo medi
cie for ftny disorder of the system,
nd if used in time, is a re it pre
ventative of aii''i7it .is. I recom
mend it to my friends, and shall con
tinue to do so.
"Rev. Jaiaea M. HollinH,
"Pastor M. E. Church So. Fairliuld, Va."
hy always kctpin, Uttnuions Liccr
J:gufater m the huse.
"I hare found Hinmions Liver Regu
lator tho host family medicine I ever
sed for anything tUut muy happen,
have used it in Indigcptiox, Colic,
J)iartiiiu!A, UiMOi'fiNKSS, and found
it to relieve immediately. After eat
ing a hearty supper, if, on going to
bed, I Uke about a t.wpoonful, I
iicTcr fuel the effects of ths buppcr
"IS -Mayor Macon, Ga."
O -T fi Y M El 3 N K
has our Lfc 5t:i'p ta r.'.l n Xrunt of wrapper
J. H.ZeilM&Cc.Piukdclphia. Pa,
HOLE t'Ui i-r; KT l.S.
lei)iity Trea-iurer, -
Deputy Cli-rk.
VinrK of JJl.-r.riel CoarS,
Deputy ShiTitf.
Hupt. of i'u reHno!-,
County Juiiie.
1). A. CUUT.KI.L
TllO-T. t''l.I."K
.). Ko!;lNX-
(',('. " !r !'H K.iS'- I
( V.II(.H U ',L.f '
It. C. Vi-i!i;.
A. M A I. oik
AS.I.K.N lil KS N
M. v.n ai.o Swxr
HOAUI OF .'Ui'i'UVI.-'JK''.
I.OUls Foi.TZ, C hia.,
A. It. l'oii.
A. 11. L)I KSON.
Wc' iiiiv; W-.ter
1 l.iltsniolltil
K. n:vooil
givic soGii:-i'irs.
riUHO !.()!; 2 N". ss. A. O. I1. V. M-efs
A overv -ilriTii;'r l i i-I.-.y i ver.iu.t at 1C. ot l'
hall. Tni! si.-:n t.ior't r-. :.- r!-.p.'etf!i:!y iu
vileil to ariev' i". )".. Wt.He, M.. ti r rk!iian ;
11. A, aite. Kd.-'.-.-r::-,:! ; r . J. Xrruw, Over.'eer ;
J. IS. Mo;rw, tee.)ru'r.
of Amsriea Veers ti-c.-'-ai Wi:! f : -1 1 1 i i .Mori -d
ay renin:; ni K. of I'. .Mi I ' ltusient
lrotlier? nr.- ro jM 'i -.1 f i.i- t w;r n-. A.
Newco-Tier, N't: er:M ' Co:.-.! : '. '..'Uh-tt.
Worray AilvLs.r ; I. M-ijre:-, Ex-iia-iXer ; J.
Wurris, C"er!i .
1LTrssioirnt i.ofM;r. :;o s, a. o. r. w.
Mee every :-.'.t-r!!Rtis V .-);.' ev-Miui:; at
Jiockv.-eed hsill i su-ltVR. A:! ir:.-. : ;it hroili
r ar respeetfaltv inv;:r- ! t. A.
iutsclie. M. W. ; t'. (irtfi. ! :r. nan : S. 0.
U'ikle. Hecorder ; M. A. .io" e;.::,-r. overseer.
Sam. M.('iurM.v..,
C. . Twins
F. A. l'.ATKS
John V. iN umis
Atoust Tarts., ii....
ItKN.l. Ur.MCl.lL
John Co'autua v,
S. 1. llol.J.OWAN
It. K. Livingston,...
Ai.riix VhI;:it,
Kepular ineetor. i.
e:ic!) innnlh M, I'ost
vrood Kloc'-i.
,'1 :
. M.
f tilt- lay.
'4 nard
-L't Miljl.T.
iirsdsy nt
in lioeli-
-A .i-:.'i -!. h 1!
licrixtqa ii-ie.?1
B2iior; ft SULLIVAN. Atiorneys at l.nw.
Will (rlT j.'-'-inp' tt"i.. n t all liaxinesn
Intruslwd to then. C.Tiwiu L'lii'in H-ok, East
Bide, ruusniouih, cti.
JAP. 8. !1TKE"R, Attorney Ht Law. ORiea
TerM.. Marptiv t'j's ht..-ro, lactU -die of
Mi tnrtww. ti jmi4 Mil staeett . tf
ROBCKT B. WlNUilAM. Notary rut.iie and
Attorney at La-. nf!w o. er S:i k of
Cas County, hlstnoutia. NeLi. U!"iieettle
phoue No. 7 ; resid'-uce, N' 6.
JOHN A. DAVISS?, Attorney Ht I. ! a. Oi'iee
with K. B. Wiudtiati. ortr Hnk of Cass Co.
Plattsmocth,;tyi NiKhaska.
OfCo at fisuer's liriiK More, l'latts
Dioutb, ?febr!Xa.
1 L. HIGfilNN. M. !., r' and Sr.r
ceon. One .io.'r wet ,vf p.-jaaet's efoie.
Ofltce hours fro:a lo ro 1J . ra. and fr:n a to 5
Rn17 toi p. m. ii'ii: nf". c -riu'i- Ninth aad
Kl;n street Mrs. I.i-vp.ijV 'e.y::sc. lelepiione
Bt Oiuce au'l iseu.iv.
CHARLES K. MKT TV Eli, j.l.iiatitr, 1
CLARA fllLLE J5i:Ti"EE:i, dei'e :: Ian',
Clara Hel! M ?' .taut w:i: take n-i-
ttc til at oa the -M'-' .! -v of Aiin-I. issT,
Ca lries K. Meft'"' '". ! i:a:i !. i'.c- p.'t'.ihm
In the Ui.-tri.-t .'.v: - o: Oi-s o:.;y N- '.;:-;..-! a.
a-.iiHt said d-f--:;.).i..:. ih-- i-.i-. . i :n A piay..-ut-.ii-h
are, to '.t .i:i ;i -v. i.l .!..;-. immh
tbt bouds of ir.: ri.:;'i: y ;lTi i ::. fe- T Iv l tho
tlir-e minor e'l lir i '-nil-! i.d oiairia-.
You are r p.-r -t to -.a-v. or s..i ! ctnam ou
r before the P h i iv ot ii-I. atr K-S7.
Dated Aug !'-'-
C ist.K- ii. risTrrr.n,
2J-4 by J. i- Srs-niK U'.s Aiforney.
BAUAii Kt.iz.vvi: i ii co;-::!.ani, )
Bv vcoidVE;:Vor i.anh
To Isaac O.C.'aid a r- --l -:.t a- f -ndaTit ;
Touare hereby t:o:i:ie. 1 U.a. ...i i:.'.- Ate.'. sth
lUsT.If.iedi.n p. ::r o- ia ; . .e d -i . '. e-art of
Ca-s CtMtt.ty Ne'Ta-k .. ia a -!'f t pend
ItiS. whereiu yoa ;.-e d !e "'-'et a-iU
praver of w':ie is ;.i am- i ; I .... . vtd tne
pretended tna-ri.i-.-e i v. k i.t-:- -i-d o-a !ant .
beejui of 'I'-fen la .a- a i,e Iiv-
lcz at the ttaie of s;i'd P' i ; :..!. tiiaf said
of plaiatiiT. aad !' ! ? fi- i.-s-ie of -aid vu-.rv., ,t
ed l.tarria-e !,.. adi'.-ir- d l-v:-ear,t-. .tad It
court find said i.-.-ffla r-'.U J .( I'l o.., .;u a o -voree
from wi oa t:;n 1 a . an" crus
ty and for th-r emt ly -d t.i . clu!-.
ClarelieC. Con -l a.- I. -a are .' a arc! So
answer fHid petili -'i ennr b ,e (;,' .Per lOtii
or your dflaeU will be t:ikH I herein.
BrR02f Clajik, Atfy. lor plfl. 2-4
Council Doin,!
monua v.
Tii'! city C'tmcil met la: t evening in
regular session, -.vith a full !o:ud. Min
utes t;f tho .n.vioii.-j meeting were read
and approved.
A petition Avas presented asl;ing
mission to tho petitioners to work out
tlieir poll tax on Vine fdrcct betweiii
1 Hh ami 15th. On motion of Mr. ?Jo-Calh-n
seconded by 31r. "SVcblcr the pe
tition was ordered granted.
A petition avu.s then presentee! asking
that Herman Smidt be appointed super
visor of tho Fewer work about to bo done.
Mr. (Jreuscl thought the city had enough
men employed to get tho work properly
done, and Mr. Murphy proposed to call
another bond election for the purpose of
paying the cdiieers. A motion granting
the prayer of the petition was lost.
The finance committee reported that
they hael agreed with the Jourwil com
pany to pay only oue half tlieir bills until
tlieir imlebtedness to Ihe city en account
of overpayment was settled. The fol
lowing bills were allowed. Journal
-?21.7.j, Id. N. Morgan $00, Lincoln Ren
son AO. 15, (J. Humphry 2 Co 5, Oscar
Hurd !?:J.75, Y. L. Rio veil 1.50, J. II.
Waterman $-4.25, Knotts Rros :?20.50,
Win. O-bouiii 10.75, J. If. Jones
E. II. I.ambsou J? 3 5, .Tono. ritzjiatrick
$10, rifittsimdith Cas-i Co. -77.50, P.
Merges $10, Daniel Uunis $1C.
The street comniis.v.otu-r's report
August lo-.vcd a i-uyment of $14 7.53
for la1
The io.i.e .'; r on
ly ten prisoners as before him .or Aug
ust. Oye veas dischargad, three were
returned to :ul for not being albe to pay
tlieir lines and six paid their anes raid
were elischarged. The lines collected
ammounted to $15. Tho report was re
ferred to the police committee.
The jndieiary committee presented a.i
ordinance extending the city limits to
take in the Ya'deiy 10, Walker 10, Rieh
ey -0 and other ground to tho iU.uuounl
of 1 SO acres. The ordinance was road
the sect lid and third times and pas.-,cd
under f-uspertshui of tlie n.les.
I". Huttoa said mrangr uv-nt
cugl.t to lie tuaile by which the street
eemmissioner could pay his men every
week, e.s seine of them were fiuitting him
l.-eeaue they had to wait so long for their
piy. It was stiggested that tiie street
commis: ioner pay his men with poll tax
money received by him and take their
warrants and draw the money and pay
the poll tax money to the treasurer at
one time but nothing definite was done.
It was also suggested that the treasurer
by instructed to honor the name of the
commissioner without ihst presenting
tlie bill to the council for their approval,
but the city attorney said the law would
probably not uphold them in such a
movement, and the question was dropped.
Mr. Greu.-cl moved that the committee
on fire ar.d water be instructed to buy
two water troughs to cost not over $50
each. Motion passed.
The city engineer gave the estimated
cot of graning Fail field hill. The cost
to bring tlie sidewalks and rood to grade
at iOctd per cubic yard wr.s $-2,240.
A lively discussion then took place as
to the acceptance of the South Park prop
erty and settled upon laying of the water
mains from Cid street up Rillings and
Lincoln Ave. to the park. Mr. Murphy
was strongly in favor of accepting
the park and making the required im
provements, lie said the laying of the
m litis would give fire protection to the
shops anel a l::rgo number of residences,
and best of all the city would have a
nice park in town, which, in a few years
could not be obtained at almost any price.
Mr. G rcusel saiel he was not interested in
the park but was interested in protection
for the shops, and moved the water com
pany be authorized to lay mains past the
shops 3200 feet. Altera long di-cus-:
sion it was decided to lay 2-100 feet and
have the committee on lire see if it
would pay to lay the extra b!;0 feet.
The board of public works reported
that pursuant te instructions they hael
opened the bids for -eweraje la.t Friday
and let the job to Chailes Harris of this
city, and that last eveniug Mr. Ilaaris
h id given a written statement to the ef
fect that he had miscalculated and could
not fulfill his contract. Oj motion of
Mr, Greu-el the report of the committee
was referred back anel they w ere request
to report on the next two best bids this
Mr. Button presented the following'
rtsalution which was adopted.
JleioIu?i.l, that the committee on streets,
alleys and bridges bo and they arehere'oy
instrtu ted to open bridges and grade the
right if way given by the Plattsmouth
Laud Improvement Co. for a street
west from Maiden Lane to the south east
corner of tin; fair ground.-: to coimoit
v i I ! i the road opened by the county and
that tlie same be put in condition for
travel by fair time.
Mr. Haws, representing an Omaha Sioux
Falls granite firm, had circulated a peti
tion vr.-terday which favored Sioux Falls
granite. Ho said his company would
give a good bond and lay the pavement
in thirty days fter the letting of tin?
contract. Cn motion of Mr. McCalhn
further consideration of the subject was
left till this evening.
The spec ial ciminitteo on printing re
ported tlie contract for the city ordi
nances awarded to M-srs Sherman A
Cutwiight of the Journal. The report
was accepted.
The committee appointed to find out
the pavement desired by the Main street
property owners reported in favor of
cedar block's. Rut the committee failed
to work in harmony and Mr. Murphy was
the one who made tlie re port. He also
hael a letl'T from John Fitzgerald of
Lincoln, stating that cedar block was
bciug used quite extensively in Lincoln
and recommended it for Plattsmouth.
As the report was given at the consent of
only one of the coinmittea it was dropped.
Mr. Jones complain 'd that the road to
hi-, house was bad and he had about
21 in poll tax to work out on it but it
wasn't enough. On motion of Air. Dut
tow $25 of the road fund was ordered
drawn to aiel the grading of the street
i.i n is ilth between Oak and Vine.
Council nvt last eveningin regular ad
journed i-ession, with a full board, for
the purptssc of considi ring a complete
report of tho board of public works on
the bids r the or. -true tion of a system
of sew;, l ege for Plal Ismouth, and also
ft of til
eial committee ap
point-d to can v.. s Main street propeily
owners to get their preference for paving.
Tiie bo.-rd of public works reported
that Ch
V. h:l had the lowest
bid had reported hims If unable to carry
the work :hrou:.h. Tie- bid of McMae
ken ee. Kivhlcr, of Plattsmouth, was next;
Thompson Cc Delaney, of Omaha, were
third; the other bids the board reported
as not acceptable on account of deficien
cies or t; .-er-e.-tiination. The board also
advi-ed the letting of the contract to the
lowest bidder, but not till satisfactory
arrang ments hael been made for the dis-po.-al
the bond-;, and that the bidder
file a good $15,000 bond.
Mr Weber moved the acceptance of the
report and the letting of the contract to
the lowest bideler provided he file a good
and sufficient bond. Mr. Jones seconded.
In their report the board also stated
that the bid of Thompson & I) elm-icy was
above the surveyor's estimate on the 5 tit
sewer, and Mr. Greuscl asked the city at
torney if that diel not kill the bid. Mr.
Clark replied that if the bkl was above
the estimate the work could not be let,
but if the part was immaterial it
would probably not injure the bid, but if
it was a principal part as it was in this
case it was important. After consider
able talk and making of motions, etc.,
Mr. Greusel asked if the retiring of a part
ner from a firm after the making of a
bid, destroyed the bid, anel was informed
that it did. (It appears that Krolder had something about withdrawing his
name, but did not do so.) Mr. Greusel
then moved that the board of public
works be instructed to reject any and all
bids and be authorized to re-ad vcrti-e
for uew bids for the construction of
storm water sewerage, all biels to be ac
companied by a certified check for $1,000.
The motion carried.
A very lively discussion then ensued
between Yfeber, Murphy, Wcckbach anel
Frank Carrutn about the petition asking
for cedar block pavement, and the ques
tion was finally dropped by tlie consieler-
ation of the report of the special commit
tee I.e. ing iiideiinately postponed, and
a motion from Mr. Greusel to pave the
1st paving district with Sioux Falls gran
ite carried, Murphy refusing to vote.
The treasurers report showed $T.y3G.1l
in money, and $400 in collectable bills
in his haiuls. The report was referred to
the nuance committee.
A g: n. ral paving talk wag theu in
dulged in by Mr. Riley, of Omaha and
the couneilmen.
Mr. Wetkbach then produced an oili
nance requiring the curbing of Main
street which was read a second and third
time and adopted.
t.uncil adiourneel.
r .
j Mrs R ande)ipn. tlie: lamocs fortune
i,,- I, i--t -ri ivcd !..-r Sh" tells
j tel.,!. il.S lllvill I-rv. .Ol..
! the to-esent. la.-t ar.d future. Her charges
i 1
j are low, be-in" o:dv from twenty-five uo
' .- . , ,,, .
J to titty cents. Kesnteitce on Ijim stieet
i . .. ... n ..... i T-i n. -v
.o io.-
uecweeu U'u.u auei iioveuiu. w. -
tunes, told Sundays.
i.o.Vj cf tho Day.
The funeral of the nationalist who w
.-mo. at .'i lieia. tisrown, irciaihi, was
largely attended.
Tim hoiHe of commons spent yesterday
in (iiseussmg tlie ln.-di troubles.
lb ayy storms on the coast of Nova
Seotia have caused much damage to ves
sels anel loss of life.
Three soldiers at Trapani, Italy, were
sent out to disinfect with carbolic acid.
A mob attacked them, compelling one
man to drink some of the acid, " from
which he died, and killed the other two.
The national prison congress is in ses
sion at Toronto, Out.
Stalfoielshire, Eng., lias 10,000 men on
a strike.
The Missouri is taking part of Sioux
City in.
A team belonging to Mr. C. Rooks, of
Lincoln ran away, throwing Rooks and
his wife out. Rrooks struch a stump and
was killed.
Sergeant Geo. Jalourg died at Rcllevue
yesterday mvniing.
Tho Reatrice K. of L. endorses Judge
Rroady for their next circuit judge.
Crocker's Iowa brigade will hold a re
union Sept. 21 and 22 at Davenport, Ia.
Sir Charles Youn:r, dramatic author,
died suddenly in England Monday.
A Newark, N. J., t -:k nient house burn
ed Monday, cremating one of the occu
pants. Chmles Lock has assumed the propric-tor-hio
t.d t he National Opra company
at Philadelphia.
The Illinois suprt me court h is not yet
taken any action in tho casts of the
Chicago anarchists.
Four thousand miners in the Shamokin
(Ta.) coal di-.tricti sit tick Monday for
higher wages.
The Lutheran conference Monday do
cided not to change the present form of
its evening" service.
Gov. L
ra ;i c am i
-taff left Rubuee
hie., to atte nd the
Monday for Phihidclpl
cent i; n ! al eel e bra'. i .n.
There is ; i ill gre-t excitement in Grass
Poitit over t!:e killing of Mrs. Seilo while
attending a l'r.;:eriak
The pending sale of the . R.;I;imore 5c
Ohio telegraph Ike s to the Wcr.tern 1'n-
n company still nam
Tlie Re rue o-ovcnnneut ha
il iC
te.' pro
bit ion ;
uien c:
Tho Wyandotte jury in tlie c:
ise ol
Georere II.
,-ith train
wrecKoig, .ioiuiay reuunea
iofc I'liiUv.
verdict of
Moonlighters Monday murdered Con
stable V.'ln.h
oi and
Ins posse ner
; sus
fcts nave
been arrested.
Thomas R. Tvnight, John A. Rrooks
and Henry Fatz, convicted of manslaugh
ter in the court of the Western di.-trietof
Arkansas, have been par ioneil by the
Three of the Roston furniture factories
have crrantcd the demand of 'their work
men for nine hours a day's work. The
balance have refused, and their employes
are out on a strike.
The experiments of making suar by
means of electricity at Ft. Scott. Kansas,
have been pronounced successful.
The president thinks the press criti
cisms on the treasury department's refus
al to accept the bonds, la-t Wednesday,
are inconsistent as it saves a great deal
of money.
The governor of Illinois has filed pa
pers at' Washington for the extraction
of McSariule.
Misses laced serge shoes 53 and
foxcel 50 cents only, at Merges. 14tf
For Sale.
A farm on Weeping Water bottom, the
S. W. i of Sec.
2S Tp. 10, Range
14. Enquire of James Walston of
Rock Rluffs for farther particulars.
Sept. 1-Gmo.
We have a larne quantity of brick
for sale, quality guaranteed. Give us a
call. 22-tf Kuktz Sc WrxKUAcrr.
Itch, Prairie Mange, and Scratches of
eycry kiod cured in 30 minutes, by "Wool-
ford's Sanitary Lotion. Use no other.
Tills never fails. Warranted by. F. G.
Fricke irc Co., druggists, Plattsmouth,
Nebraska. 34-lyr
A Bargain.
The N. E. i and W. N. W. i Sec. 34
T. 11 R. 12. This beautiful farm U pur-
chased soon, can be had for $00 per .acre.
Every convenience. Apply to
Plattsmouth, Neb.
TY. -kp.::a:5J-.a.
,i::nnik ef.ll.-' vcE'in, riaiuif?,
CKOECE Yv E:.i.svt)::Tn, infer. danf. I
To Oc-w:e W. r.i!.-v ( i th. non-resident de-
fi H.p.iit : vim will Tik- lie-tine the.; na ''epreta
l.-r Tiii. 17. . leu:. le E.Kll-w. rt a.oe.oitinMo-i via
! r.'.-d a mdioon u ii. eoslre-l court 'T Las
: ( (,uary n, br:ka. as :V:s; you ; t!.e object and
! prayi r vf whiL-U ate P -veure a !iv. ree en the
. ..r,,i;!.,ns of all .::i-)inae::t ;ii:d le--euioii for a
period of two years last p i-t. iui-l fauar
j n'. '.OOaia and u-.;.orf ; hI-w., a-kirir for
! e.a-o'iv ef dn? i-.iih-r et.od of laimiir and
fee. t.u.t. Nettie I.inota i:iiswe.r:h.
i You are re-iif-red t. aii'v.-er s-ud jiotit-o
; orbeiore t-o- I7t
v.. 15. V :.:::i.
I j-.
; or beiore t-o-iTta '.;y oi "e
otier. l'T.
i.V A. Oav
i v -.-.- -!..,., vv.leiiv v. Iln-ivs
Atty'a for plamtUl.
5?-. Tf
-WILT i.i. '..i..
many goody mid J3 hnuy he caa
noi wrilc azi ad. for a few days.
Ye Announce Without Further notice ei
CoianicnciE TO-DAY, JULY
ft? Jt
ti II Ifi i
-A 8 Til IB IS
without reserve, it ho to the
ol Oase- County to
5 3 fPk
Having in view tlie interests
nniititud-e to share the henefits d
coiisieh ration fell to otln.T dealerte
under this clearance rale.
b A fx d 64 4 t&
"Ve fro to Zscxv York soon to make our Fall Purchaser
:tiul we kiiully rcquont all ofour friend indebted to xm tj
call as early as possible and axljust their accounts.
Yours liesjieictfiilly,
Wliito Fi'fint Dry Gocd Hcase.
Main St-'3ct,, . - Platmotcib; Neb.
H -yr m
-rr-rs . -
12th, ar.d continuing
ber let. .
individual interests of fill aiUcsrrt
t;ike tKtV6utge of tLt
ol our enfetomers, and to enable tlv
this f.'reat ehIc, -we uder no
uliok-salo lots of govda iahr!te4.
0 1101 bi