Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, September 08, 1887, Page 7, Image 7
A J- PT.ATTHfnTTTlI WPFirT.V TfPnAT,f. TTITTftSnA V. filVPTEMllfcli. 8. 1R87. t mutt rri m mi wnir rum iinnigm 7 What' The Matter With Ptetemoii POPULATION ABOUT 9,000 AND RAPIDLY 6 NCREASING. O tlie will Y lie Ooiistrncte W r iK " -. .T....',-i..'A Jf!..-. -'-C'-L.-.j IPIatteiiioutla Is sittmiedl ait ttSae istmitBa f 41ae EIatte Silver, at a Boluat safeoBitBaaalf wny l&etweexa Oiicago iubicI SSeiaver., oialy 4wo hours fey rail from ILisaeto tine csaj&Sftsiii, c&ssel latlcaiate Aroma malan9 tlae Metropolis f tEae toe Mas one of tlae finest systems Water Works Ssa tSae State ; Streets are well li&Batccl Iby gas 5 A. Street SSallway in process t construction (Braeles of tSae streets establlslied9 sk! bonds oteel for tlae pair pose of constricting scwernge asact tlae paving fi Main Street 5 Mas a flsa foaar story Ifflg-la School foialldlsai aaad lx ward sclaool Saoaases 5 A.n pera SSoaase costing v5vif S JeRPaTasai4Bi iL BeeiQ3 daea. visaBaaaMBM mviwji-jj p&itia jti.cLt3W9 vaftas;y jenay5pu' casns per year aaad employs laaaads 5 Hric aaad fferra Cetta wror!ss5 capital 59009 ca pacity JL5 brlclss jer lay9 employs tlairty Eiaaads $ SIattsmoaatBa CJaBaEalaagf factory 9 capliail $S9. capacity aS,S9 cans per year aiad employs JLfSS SaaBads.9taaaaas overiia one year's foaasiaaess about 19 2 Scltnelbachcr miggy aaaca wagoaa factory ? lafepper bead's cigar naaaaaa factory, employs 2L5 laassds9 smd largely 'supplies tlae trade ff soaitia. western T&eforawjkn TTIae Crreat C JS. Q.-lSailroad Maclaine Siiops9loaaiadiaonsesStoreSaonses9&c arc maiaatalaaed at tlais point for tlie use of its system west of the Misoaaa'i MIver5 employfiEBg1 massy haaaadreds of iiaaadis.aiid dishairsins to cmr .cycs monthly aboaat S9 aae ( tLEne fiaaest risliracl bailses Isa the Unites! states spans tlae JSissoiaa'iB&ivcr at tlae soaatlaeraa llanit of 4Eae city ; Tei& Wittmenigw conveys its freight into and throasgla our city . The cheapness of land around Plattsmouth and its nearness to Omaha markets togclher with good railroad facilities, make it not only a pleasant place to reside, but a desirable place for the establishment of manufactories, and they are coming. While real estate values are growing more firm each day;, yet there is nothing speculative or fictitious about them, and good residence lots can be bought at from $lSO to 25; land near the city can be purchased at from $1W to 2S per acre. Within the next twelve mdnths our city expects to welcome the Missouri Pacific and the Omaha and Southern Maiiways into its corporate limits. These are tacts and our city is well prepared tor a boom. JSow is the time lor you to invest m ooutu i-aric I'roperty. ALany jots nave aireau oeen soiu ana a nuiaoer 01 xiauudome uuLtuea are now yonig up m is beautiful addition. Prices of lots 125 and $150 each on monthly or yearly payments. " No trouble to show goods." Call and see us. . WSHSHAM r JOHT A. DAVSS, ' Over Sauls of Caso County. th COUNTY LOCALS. We want a number of additional Correspondent the County. Can't yoc write us tJie news from your neiyliborhoodi WABASH. From the Item. George Morris has sold his corn cro' to Jas. Furguson for $5.35 per acre. S. Ilulfish has papered his drug eti ire which adds much to its appearance. G. E. Vanderburg has become the owner of another fine span of mules. Will Lewis left Saturday forKearnt y where ho will visit relations for a shoi t time. Mrs. Ritchie went to Lincoln yester-. day to visit a brother who is at the state encampment. Geo. Hay is the happiest man in town just now. It's a girl, came Sunday morning, and weighs eleven-pour.ds. quite sore, and some fears are entertained least the dog wr. 8 affected with rabbies EI.MWOOD. From the Ech. Ellis Greeuslatc and Georf ;e Mayfield are visiting in Omaha this week. M. B. Williams came near cutting one of his for.fiiirrers off Monday with an ax. Mueller, our worthy blacksmith, is lr .ying himself a commodious dwell ing house built north of the Methodist church. Miss Clara Wtlton left this week for Lincoln, to remain three months, during which time she will receive instructions in the millinery profession. J. C. Faught will move his family to Plattsmoutli next week, where ho accepts the position of inward recorder in the B. & M. lumber department at that place, Mrs. Rowin of Columbus this state, mother of Mrs. C. M. Ilolenbeck, who came here three months ago nearly blind, has recovered her eyesight nearly as good as ever. Rev. J. W. Stribling and Mrs. S. Price of Dexter, Iowa, and W. S. Stribling of Plattsmoutli, are visiting the family of Jcmes Sumner at this place this week. In attempting to preform a surgical peration on a poodle Tuesday, Jim Green received several bites on the hand from the canine. Immediate preparations were applied on the bites, however the hand is WEEPIXO WATER. Froi a the Kepubllcan. M rs. Kate Smith (nee) Ralston, of Iowa ia vistiug relatives here. Wni. Edgar, who lives north of town lias been very sick, but is reported as improving. Miss Ollie Fisher commenced school on Monday last in the Mike Kennedy district north of town. Councilman T. M. Howard and little son returned home Sunday, after a pleas ant visit of several weeks duration in the east, looking hale and hearty. Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Lrvtliaru returned Friday from darks, Nebraska, where they had been to see Mrs. Day, a sister I of Mrs. Latham who was very sick. M. B. McBcrth of Cleveland. Ohio, has .been visitins his daughter. Mrs. F. II. 33aldwin fom week. He leaves for Ohio L to-day, and will probably move to Ne- DrasKa suuu. Robert Daves of Neosho Mo., arrived h "?re Friday, he has grown so much that his friends hardly knew him. He has lea.rBed the printers trade since he lived her;, and is helping us through this wee.'v, By the way, Rob took his first lesso a ia this office five years ago when he us ed to roll. Frem 1 -lie Eagle. J. M. Camp and wife of Lincoln were the gue. srs of Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Gibber son over Stnday. Mr. Rood A cousfa of Mrs. Charles Thorngate, was her gCcst bere Sunday and Monday of this week. Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Skinner ! ena Dakota, a brcther-in-law of Dan Tel Jon son, arrived here on a visit last Sa turtlav evening. County judge, Calvin Russell, doc not seem to have any opposition for re election to the office he has so honorably filled for nearly four years. From all parts of the county we hear him spoken of as his own successor. A son of Mr. Shearer got a severe kick on the head from a vicious horse. Dr. Hall was called to attetd to the little fel low, and found one side of his head laid bare to the skulh he will be laid up from the effect of it for some time. While a party of workmen were un loading railroad iron in the &rds here on Monday two of them got hurt by the rebounding of one of the rails, crushing the toe of one, and breaking the small none of the leg of another. Doctors Hall and Thomas fixed them up and sent them to the M. P. hospital at Sedalia. GREENWOOD. Frnn the Leader. A litt'Je son of Geo. Walker's has "been quite sick for a few days. A. Lackey, from the central part of the county, was ou our streets yester day. A brother of Mr. Burt Welton, from Illinois, has been here for a few days. J. W. Bouk gives us an order for 1,000 business cards advertising his seed farm. Mrs. Sam Standley left yesterday for a month's visit with friends at Galesburg, 111. lr; Mincrnm of Council Bluffs, camo in ou Monday, and is the guest of Mes dames Shaw and Lytic. J. E. Iloham returned Wednesday evening from an extended visit to his old home in Plymouth, Indiana. The apparatus for boring the town well has been put in place, and opera tions we understand are to commence at once. Miss Ida Swanback left Wednesday for Hoag, Neb., where she goes to teach drawing and painting. May success at tend her in her new home. Mr. John Quackenbush, who returned last week from a trip east, is now con fined to his bed by an attack of malaria. We hope however, to see him out again in a few days. Mrs. James Rivett, of Lincoln, came in Wednesday on a visit to Mrs. Edwin Jcarv. Mrs. R. has a number of acquain tances in Greenwood, who are always pleased to see her. j xu Wethcr8 leayes Saturday for T. 'fn -tmty. Kansas. Ills wife will Lim cm c The begt wj5Ues of follov' " ' ; estimable couple will the fri ?nds of th. nW homGi go with: them to thei reader office, S. L. Carlyle, of The yesterday went down to Weeping Water . - Chas. to attend the wedding of Mr. " Joyce and Miss Grace Clizbe, which curred at the home of the bride's pa-. rents near Weeping Water at 8 o'clock p. m. Died At her homo in Greenwood, at 10 o'cloc k a. m., Thursday, Sept. 1, 18S7, Miss Jane Coleman, iu her 61st year. The deceased was born in Coshocton county, Ohio, Dec. G, 1826, and as a child moved with her parents to Knox county, Ohio, where she resided until 1830, when she removed to Henry coun ty, Iowa. Twelve years later, in 18G2, she agaiu moved westward, settling on Salt creek, in the then territory of Neb raska. She had been a church member for over thirty years, and was one of six to organize the Greenwood Congrega tional church, iu 1864. She had been in poor health for over thirty years, but was confined to her bed for only ten days prior to her death. The funeral occurred at the Congrega tional church at 2 p. m. to-day, the in terment being made at Loders' grave yard, near Ashland. The deceased leaves a number of rela tives, most of whom arc residents of Greenwood and vicinity. The Leader in common with the entire community extends its sympathy. "Socialism" in Free America. Since the "socialists" of New York have been kicked out of the Labor party by Henry George and his associates, they have become impudent and noisy in their threats of incendiarism, rapine and murder. They are as furious against the leaders of the Labor party as they used to be against their old-time ene mies, Prince Bismarch and Emperor William. They threaten to make short work of the people of America. They professed to be firm friends of the work ingmcn as long as they had hopes of be ing treated to free beer and appointed or elected to fat offices; but after the Labor party was formed and they had been de nied admission to it, they began to breathe fire and slaughter against the very pe rsons with whom they were eo eager to associate. The "American socialist" is very much given to beer and' bluster. He is com paratively harmless except in times of great public disturbances. Then he is likely to become dangerous. The Ilay market massacre in Chicago a year ago last May shows how willingly the social- ' and his fellow, the anarchist, will m- l" t the work of death and destruc-augm. tion. The assurance and the iguoranca of these pests are equally monumental. They are lazy, worthless wretches, who only come to the country because they were driven from their own countries In theory they are professional cutthroats, but in practice they are cowards of the lowest type. They dare not stand up for what they call their theories on their native soi4, because the iron heel of Bis marck would crush them out of exis tence, the czar of Russia would order them to be knouted or set t work in Siberia, and the republic of France would send them to the galleys or into exile. But taking advantage of our widely-proclaimed free institution the dirty horde comes here thinking that it can do as it pleases. It is useless to deny the fact that these incindiaries are dangerous. Al though they arc too cowardly to strike in open warfare against society, they still can resort to the torch and the dyn amite bomb. Their meetings should be dispersed and their newspapers sur pressed. Free speech is one thing and license another. Perhaps the hanging of the condemned anarchists in Chicago may have a salutory effect upon the ruffians, " and that interesting event should be postponed no longer than i3 absolutory necessary. Hastings Gazette Journal. NEBRASKA HEWS. The fair at Fairmont opened last Wed nesday. The Rulo bridge will be completed by Oct. 15 th. Oakland is having a boom over the prospects of a new railroad. The proprietors of the Times of Grand Island have a libel suit ou hands. narry Chambers of Niobrara, while out hunting last Friday shot himself in the left arm. The prohibition county convention at Auburn last Friday, nominated a full county ticket. The Gage county republican conven tion met last Friday and nominated a full county ticket. Norfolk has carried an election for is suing bonds for sewerage, grading, city hall aud fire aparatus. The house of J. W. Cushman, a farmer liveng near Lincoln, was burglarized Sunday morning. D. J. Foley, of Long Pino, is under ar rest charged with assaulting a young lady near that city, Baldwin's livery barn at Fairmont, burned last week and Harry Ilockafellow perished in the flames. J. D. Wright, who has been confined in jail at Rapid City, dug his way out through the walls Monday night. Sarah J. Overton of Broken Bow, has been found guilty of murder in the second degree. She killed her husband. Thursday night rain fell in great quan tities in the region of Columbus. The swollen fctreams did a great deal of dam age. Judge Powers, in the trial of the Knox county seat dispute, sustainfd the cast ing out of 100 fraudulent votes cast at Creighton. A farmer named A. T. Gulick, living near Lincoln found a tcven-weeks-old babe in his yard one night last week. He gave it into the hands of the county com missioners. An atred minister named W. II. Wor- ley, of Waverly, wander d away from home about the middle of last week and was not found till Hatuiday when he was nearly dead and died a short time after being found, on account of expos ure. John B:gras, a Lincoln carpenter want ed a well that wouldn't go dry. He had one dug twenty-four feet and there struck a vein which for a while flowed over the surface threatening to do considerable damage, but the water finally settled at a depth of seven feet from the surface. An Ohio man sold his wife for $900 the other day, while a New York woman sold her husband for 810,00,000. The number of divorces that nre being grant ed over the country everywhere seems to indicate that in about one-third of the marriages the93 lays both parties are sold in the start. Hastings Gazette Journal. School Books. School Books and School Supplies at Warrick's Drug Store. 23-Ct