Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, September 08, 1887, Page 2, Image 2

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Publishers &. Proprietors.
is published every Thursday morning. Office,
iwiuvt ui v mo anu r ma streets.
WEEKLY, by mall.
8na copy one year ?a ro
ne copy one year (In advance) 1 o
One copy bIx months " 75
itegistereu atine rostumce, riattemouth, ax
buuuuu 01 it. in mauer.
Call for the Meeting at Lincoln In
. The Itcbubllcan electors of the state of Ne
braska are requested to send delegates from
the several counties, to meet In convention at
the opera house, In the city of Lincoln, Wed
nesday, October 5, 1887, at 8 o'clock p. 111., for
the purpose of placing In nomination candi
dates for ono associate Justice of the supreme
court, and for two members of the board of
regents of the state university, and to transact
such other business as may be presented to the
The soveral counties are entitled to repre
sentation as follows, being based upon the
vote cast for Hon. John M. Thayer, governer,
In 18MJ, giving one delegate to each new
county, one delegate-at-large to each county,
and-one for each 150 votes and the major frac
tion thereof :
Adams 13
Antelope t)
Arthur 1
Blaine 2
Hoono 7
Brown 9
Buffalo 11
Butler 8
Kurt 8
JeiTersou 9
Johnson 9
Kearney 0
Keya Ban a 4
Keith 5
Knox 7
Lancaster 2
Lincoln 0
Logan 2
Louii 2
Madison 8
Mlfherson 1
Merrick C
Nance 4
Nemaha 10
Nuckolls 7
Otoe 1J
Pawneo 8
lMielps 7
Fierce 3
Matte 6
i'olk c
Uiehardson 12
KM Willow ... 7
81oux 1
Saline 13
Sarpy 5
Sa'jnlers 11
Howard 12
Sheridan 5
Sherman 4
Stanton 3
Thayer 9
Thomas 1
Valley 6
Washington 7
Wavne 5
Webster 9
Wheeler 2
"Vork 11
Unorganized Ter'y 1
Chase 3
Cass 15
Cedar 3
Cheyenne 5
Cherry 8
Clay 11
Colfax 0
Cuiniirg 7
Custer 16
Dakota 4
Dawes e
Dixon 0
Dodge 10
uruas 7
jfrankiin 6
Frontier b
Gage 20
Gosper 3
Grant 1
Greley 3
Garfield 2
Hall 11
Hamilton 9
Harlan 7
Hayes 3
Hitchcock e
Holt 11
Howard 6
Total 592
It is recommended that no proxies be admit
ted to the conventicn except such as are held
by persons residing in the counties from which
proxies are glfen.
Walter M. Seely, Secretary,
George W. Btjktn. Chairman.
Republican Primaries.
The republican county convention for
Cass county, will meet .at Plattsrnouth
Oct. 1st, 1887, for the purpose of select
ing 15 delegates to the state convention
to be held in Lincoln Oct. 6th, 1887, and
15 delegates to the judicial convention,
to be held at the same place and date;
also, to place in nomination, candidates
for the following county offices:
County Treasurer, County Clerk, Register of
Deeds, Sheriff, County Superintendent of In
struction, County Judge, Cleric of District
Court, Coroner, Surveyor and County Commis
sioner, 2nd Diitrict.
The primaries will be held at the re
spective places throughout the county
Saturday, September 24th, 1887, for the
purpose of selecting delegates to the
county convention. The representation
of the various precincts will be as follows:
riattsmouth ist Ward, c votes.
2nd " 6 "
3rd " 11 "
4th " 7
Precinct T "
Bock Bluffs 9 "
Liberty 8 "
Avoca 9 "
Mt. Pleasant 3
Eight Mile Grove 7 "
Louisville 10 "
Center 6 "
Weeping Water 20 "
Stove Creek 9 "
Elmwood 8
South Bend 8
Salt Creek 10
Greenwood 8 "
Tipton 7 "
- Ttal 158
IL C. Ritchie, 31. 31. Bctlek,
Remember the republican primaries
meet Saturday, Sept. 24th, and the coun
ty convention meets Saturday, Oct. 1st.
The people of Oregon will raise their
voico for or against a prohibition amend
ment to the state constitution Novem
ber 8.
They Lack Cents.
Some person, who hasn't much cents,
but who is certainly desirous of collect
ing a little of that faculty has ventured
to the borders of the far west and started
a cent paper at Dubuque, la. Jlay he
have success in all the failures he under
takes and may the red skinded Indian
whose countenance adorns the quoin he
worships seek hi3 scalp.
Copperhead Rabbles.'
"Chief" Seavey now 6ports a G. A. R.
badge as big as Jumbo's hind foot. In
searching around the country for casus
belli the Grand Army men need look no
further than this distressing circum
stance. Omaha Herald.
Of course he does and in doing so in
curs an additional squirt of the venon f
the G. A. R. maniac who edits'the Omaha
Herald. A "G. A. R." badge in the eyes
of tho present editor of the Herald musk1
bo the crowning evidence of "Chief Sea
vey V lack of character. The fact ib Jlr
llorrisey hates the badge more than he
does the man Seavey.
The Beatrice Express and another
state exchange came to us with the grat
ifying news that "Plattsmouth is soon
to have an electric light plant." Thanks
for the information.
Thk Cass county fair opens .Tuesday,
Sept. 20th, and holda for four days.
The prospects are yery promising and
special efforts are being made to have it
surpass any former fair held in the
Kansas Citv has a new temporary
daily paper known as the &un which is
run for the express purpose of express
ing to the pcoplo expressions of praise
and prophecy made by the press and the
people in regard to tho national agricul
tural exhibition whicli opens there Sept.
15th and closes Nov. igt 1887.
Spaik is making arrangement to cel
ebrate, in 1893 tho 400th anniversary of
the discovery of America. For this pur
pose she will invite all nations who people
the territory diacovdred by Columbus to
take part in the celebration. She also
signifies her willingness to take part in
any other celebration which may be un
dertaken on the American continent to
commemorate the great event.
Hastings is boomed with another
busy buzzing daily. It is the N't IrasTca
Daily News and the issue of Sunday
last comes to us full to overflowing,
with nineteen columns of reading matter
and not a solitary plate. The testes is a
morning paper, receiving telegraphic dis
patches and was started last "Wednesday.
So much more for Hastings and the news
paper corps of Nebraska.
If Jlr. Morrisey, of the Omaha Herald,
should hang Grover's picture on his
clothes-line during the reunion and Gro-
rcr should find it out, wo hope there will
be no unpleasantness over it; although,
they do say, Grovcr is particular as to
who, places his excellency on exhibition
nowadays and does not encourage com
mon plugs who seek to advertise them
selves in that way. If Jlr. Jlorrisey wish
es to show his colors this week at Omaha,
we guarantee no one will take olfese at
Tite Texas ex-confederates held a re
union at Dallas Texas last week, in which
one Gen. Stanley spoke of the siguificence
of "these re-unions" saying in that con
nection "The principals we establish we
hand down to our children." and then
the General proceeded to retail a very
cheap lie about Gen. Tuttle and his reg
iment calling the Department Commander
of Iewa a' cattle thief etc. The sentiments
these brigadiers hand down to their
children are about on a par with those
of Yancey, Lamar and Davis &Co hand
ed down in 1861.
The fact has come to light that dem
ocratic officials in the general land office
have certefied the accounts of certain
government surveyors, duplicating pay
ments ammounting to several thousands
of dollars. The 6um of $70,000 haying
been erroneously paid on California ac
counts alone. There appears to be con
siderable loosness in the manner in which
business is transacted in certain bureas of
the treasury department under the pres
ent administration, notwithstanding the
extravagant promises ot "reform" which
were made by the democrats in 1884, if
they were only placed in power. Dem
ocrats are unexcelled in the matter of
making promises, but when it comes to
performing them well, that is altogether
different, they don.t do it.
The republican county convention of
Lancaster county, meets the railroad rate
issue squarely and endorses the state com
missioners in their efforts to procuro rea
sonable rates from the R. R. Co's. of the
state for the producer and trader. It has
often occurred to ub, that certain railroad
magnates create great reputations for
themselves, as brainey fellows and mana
gers, in making their roads pay large net
earnings by straight out robbery of the
public. If this constitutes greatness as a
railroad official, we have about enough
great men of that class already. If any
one can meet and explain away the "cold
figures" contained in Judge Mason's last
open latter to 3Ianager LToldrege, we
would like to see it done. Judge Mason
and the commission haye opened up the
railroad controversey upon a basis and in
a manner tho common herd can under
stand and it is growing interesting. We
rejoice at the era of figures in this con
troversey. The anarchist circles of Chicago are
said to be considerably stirred up over
the prospect of an early decision from
the supreme court refusing their con
demned brethern a new trial. The pub
lic press is quite strung in its hope that
the court will find no ground on which
to grant a new trial, and if a new trial
shonld be granted, nine chances
out of ten they would never
travel the gibbet rout. Such an escape
would be considered a great victory by
the anarchists of America, even though
the condemned men bo imprisoned for
lifr, and the revolution workers woul
swarm irom ineir noies to organize ana
criate a national disturbance. But if the
leaders bo hung as per their sentence it
will bo a blow to anarchy in America
from which it will never recover. There
fore, since the future welfare of theJU. S.
so mnch depends on this one case let i
be made a powerful example in her
Our Candidates.
Politically speaking, the Republican
pot is beginning to boil in numerous
places. We hoar of a number of candi
dates for the various county offices. For
6ome of the offices there Bcems to be
dearth of candidates, while for others
thero seems to be nuito
scramble. For County Treasurer no one
as yet has been spoken of except D. A
Campbell, the present incumbent, and as
he is now only in his first term, and as it
it the unwritten law of politics to give
a good officer a second term, in all pro
bability he will be renominated.
For County Clerk we hear of only two
aspirants: Bird Critchfield and Bob
Wilkeson, both of Weeping Water. For
Registrar of Deeds, no one has been
named except Wm. II. Pool, who was
elected to the office two years ago, but
on account of a technicality in the lawf
did not hold the office. The feeling
seems to be pretty general in favor Jlr.
Pool's unanimous nomination. For
Sheriff there are quite a number who are
ready to lay themselves U)on the altar,
among whom, as we learn, are J. C.
Eikenbary, the present incumbent; B. C.
Yeomans and Dave Woodward, of
Weeping Water ; Wm. Dallas, of Stove
Creek ; Cooley, of Tipton, and possibly
some others. For County Superintend
ent of Instruction no one as yet has been
named except the present incumbent,
JIaynard Spink, who is now serving his
first term. Willett Pottenger and C. A.
Woosley will contest with Judge Russell
for the office of County Judge. For
County Commissioner we haye Walter
Cutforth's name presented, of Louis
ville, and Jlr. Young, we believe, of
centre precinct. For Clerk of Dist.
Court, Jlr. Win. Hays is before the
This list comprises some of the best
men in Cass County, and the republicans
can make judicious nominations and
place before the people of Cas3 jCounty,
a clean, clear ticket that will sweep the
Bishop Harris Dead.
The daily papers of last Saturday, an
nounced the sad intelligence that Bishop
William L. Harris D. D., L. L. D. of the
Methodist Episcopal church died at his
home in New York City on Friday even
ing, f heart disease.
Deceased was born near JIansfield, O.,
Nov. 14, 1887, and at his death was near
ing his seventieth birthday, lie was
converted and joined the church when in
hia seventeenth year, and in the service
of the same he spent his entire life, ne
became a preacher in 188G, and joined
the Michigan Conference in 1837. He
served in the pastorate until 1840 whem
he became connected with the education
al work of the church. In th is relation,
he spent four years as tutor in the Ohio
Wesleyan University. In 1848, by the
unanimous request of his conference he
became principal of Baldwin Institute,
now Baldwin University; from there he
returned in 1851 to the university atDel
eware and took charge of the Academical
department, and in 1852 was elected to
the chiar of chemistry and natural history
in the same institution, wich place he held
for eight years. From this position he
wa3 elected assistant corresponding secre
tary of the Jlissionary society where he
served, kaving been twice re-elected, un
til 1872, when he was elected bishop.
Whilo occupying this office he traveled
extensively, in this country, and also cir
cumnavigated the globe in the interests
of the missionary work of the church.
He wa3 a member of every general con
ference of his church from 1856 to 1872
and was elected secretary of every session
during that period without opposition
In 1874, ho was sent by his church as a
representative to the British Wesleyan
conference, and at the same time was
commissioned by the American Bible so
ciety as its representation at the session
of the British and Foreign Bible Society,
in London.
These facts indicate the honor injwhich
he was held, not only by his own. church
but by the christain church and the
christian warld.
He was a man of strong convictions,
strong will, and great determination.
He despised any thing like self seeking
and political trickery in the conferences
over which he presided, and many times
used his authority as a bishop to break
rings and destroy plans laid by scheming
men in official places. lie was a clear
and forcible preacher, nis sermons were
eminently bibical. The writer beard it
remarked of one of his conference ser
mons that "it contained more scripture to
the squre inch than was ever preached
at this conference." He had a peculiar
power in reading the scriptures before an
audience, of bringing out and impressing
the real meaning.
- In Bishop Harris' death the church has
lost a leader and the world a champion
of every good cause. Truly, "A Prince
has fallen."
Local option as a Moans. Not an
Toledo Blade.
oviarkeu as lias been the growth o
public sentiment in favor of prohibition
there is a very large portion of the fifty
odd millions of people in the United
States who have not had tho matter so
forcibly presented to their minds as to
make them the active, relentless, untire
ing ioe or the rum power. I hero arc
many thousand persons, in the aggregate.
interested directly or iudirectly in the
rum traffic, who fatten upon the spoils
it levies from the drinking element, or
cam their daily bread in some oecupa
tion connected with the manufacture and
salo of some one or other of tho numer
ous forms in which rum is presented to
its patrons. They are, of course, bitterly
opposed to any interference with the un
holy traffic. So also aro the additional
tens of thousands nay. hundreds of
thousands of weak and vicious men
around whom the infernal rum thirst has
woven a spell as potent and as ovil as
that of the fabled CincE, the enchantress
whose maeric turned her admirers into
grunting swine, wallowing in their own
filth. These two classes are, from the
very nature of things, tho uncompromis
ing enemies of those who are working to
destroy tho traffic, banish the saloon and
pulverize the rum power
To these are opposed those who have
carefully considered the creat drink
problem in all its bearings, and have ar-
ived at the conclusion that there is but
ono thinjr to be done to stop the swell
ing stream of poverty and degredation,
vice and crime, that is the result of rum
and that one thing is, to destroy the traf
fic by the prohibition of the manufacture
and sale of the infernal poison. They
see that there has grown up, through the
enormous profits ot this unholy minister
ing to the appetites of weak and depra ved
humanity, a formidable array of men
banded together by the strongest of pure-
ily human motives, self-interest, to not
only perpetuate the damnable traffic, but
to battle for its extension, until the great
mas of fallen humanity shall have bowed
beneath the sway of rum, in order that
their ill-gotten gains sua 11 be still farth
er increased. This phalanx of interested
manufacturers and dealers, both whole
sale and retail, is conveniently described
by the one phrase, "the rum power."
Besides these two classes of the com
munity the mends ot prohibition on
the one side, and the rum power en th e
other there remains a great mass of
people, who stand as regards tho matter
of prohibition, upon what may be called
neutral cround. JIany of them have
never considered tho matter sufficiently
to have an intelligent opinion upon the
suhiect one way or another, home, as
the result of an insufficient examination,
believe that temperance is a matter for
the individual, and so long as they each
ive temperately they have discharged
their duty to the state. Their attitude
is like that of Cain when he answered,
"Am I my brother's keeper?" Then
there are those who have a misty idea
that the making and selling of rum is
"business," and that business ia always a
benefit to the community; hence that to
put a stop to this damnable traffic is to
injure "business." and therefore are in
clined to look askause at the prohibition
movement. This class looks at it in a
hundred different ways; but none of
them have so studied the question in all
its bearings that they are able to discuss
it reasonably, or have any intelligent
opinion upon it.
This great neutral class of the com
munity should be the first objective point
of prohibition effort. It is a ead fact
that the friends of prohibition are divided
among themselves as to tho best method
of reaching the desired end. They all
agree that state and national prohibition
is the ultimate aim, but they cannot be
come united upon one line of effort.
Their strength is frittered away in di
vided work. There are those who are
laboriog earnestly to build up a separate
political party on this one issue; they
are working for a party first, to the end
that, when that party becomes a majority
in the state, prohibition can then be
reached through its means. We have
frequently discussed the practical objec
tions to this plan, and need not recapitu-
ate them here. There are also
those who are laboring to convert each
individual member of tho community
nto a total abstainer, so that the rum
traffic may die a natural death through
ack of patronage. And there are those
who, like the Blade, feel that any step
which harasses and injures the rum power
any law or statute which curbs its power,
any effort which increases the number of
those who believe in the extinction of
tho rum power, is to be commended and
supported, as a moye in the right direc
The real thing to do is to convince all
then, not already committed to one side I
or the other not slaves or adherents of
the rum power, nor prohibitionists
that prohibition is a wise, a just, and a
a proper thins. It is sometimes difficult
tr. rnmnl.nil thp trfm1nna inprfk r,f
the public. Men who have been roused
to a full comprehension of the magnitude
of this giant evil of rum become weary I
and impatient over the slow progress the '
great reform seems to make. They .fail
to remember that time is a vital clement
in any such mevoiuent. It is useless to
lorco it upon a state where the public is
not educated up to its support. The
recent campaign in Texas affords a lino
illustration of this. From a strategic
point of view, the forcing of the voto
upon constitutional prohibition at this
time was a mistake.
We believe that work upon the local
option plan is at present the most advis
able. Prohibition by this method be
comes effective in all parts of the 6tato
which are educated up to it. And each
town or village or county whicli votes
prohibition becomes a potent educator
to the people of all tho surrounding
country. The leaven spreads faster, and
the work is facilitated. The tiino comes
much sooner at which a majority of the
people of the entire state favor prohibit
tion, and will vote for its engrafting on
the state constitution. Local option is
not the end in itself, but a means to that
end. It is a most potent means where
by to
Pulverize the Rum Power.
They Extinguished the Post.
Kansas City Sun.
The fire department was called out ear
ly yesterday morning to extinguish a burn
ing lamp post on St. Louis avenue.
The Early Bird Catches the Worm
Kansas City Sun, of Ana. 31.
A thief entered Jlike Gilmour's saloon
on Grand avenue yesterday nioininr at
an early hour and stole $100 in sash.
ine Atlanta, ua., uonstitutton seems
determined to thrust the iron through
thesoul of Grovcr Cleveland. The
Constitution, now that tho president
is pledged to visit the exposition atjAtlanta
in October, demands that cx-Presi
dent Davis shall alsobe invited to attend
the exposition and that he shall be the
one to extend formal welcome to Presi
dent Cleveland. Sioux City Journal.
The Atlanta, Ga., Co7istitution claims
to be an organ of the "new south," and
it may oe presumed, therefore, that the
Constitution, in demanding that Jeff
Davis shall be present to welcome Pres
ident Cleveland upon his visit to Atlan
ta,regands old Jeff as the representative
of the "new south." Sioux Ciiy Journ
Must go to School.
The following is the law passed by
the last legislature:
Be it enacted by the legislature of
the state of Nebraska:
Section 1. That it shall be unlaw
ful for any parent or guardian, living in
the state of Nebraska, to neglect or re
fuse to cause or compel any one person
or persons, who are, or may be, under
their control! as childron or wards, to
attend and comply with the rules of
some one or , moro public or private
school, or schools, for a term of twelve
weeks or more, during each successive
year for the time the children or wards
are eight years old until they are four
teen years old inclusive, unless they be
prevented by illness, poyerty, inability,
or by reason of already being proficient,
from attending such public or private
school or schools; and provided that in
such cases they shall be excused by the
board of education cf the school district
n which said children or wards may
iye at the time of such failure to attend
such public or private school or schools.
aec. z. 1 nac any person or persons
violating this act shall be 9ubiect to a
fine of not less than $10 nor more than
!j)50 for each and every offense. Said
une 6liau be imposed by any court
01 justice naving jurisdiction or
sufficient evidence of the 6ame bein
furnished by two creditable witnesses,
and all fines so collected shall be placed
f n ,1 , . .
in ine general scnooi iund the same as
other fines and penalties;
Approved JIarch 31, 1S87.
13 f J
Absolutely Pure.
This nowder nevpr viripi A man-vi
ity, strength and wliolesoineness. More eco
nomical than the ordinary kinds. and cannot be
sold in competition ivith the multitude r.f low
te?t. short weight alum or phosphato powders.
Sold OIilv In e iiiq. Hnvr. I'.ii. ..-
Co.,106 Vull St. New York. 3C-t43
For Sale-
A farm containing G40 acres of land,
well improved, timber'nml water. Host
stack farm in Cass county. For terms
apply to lltf Bkesost & Svixiva
;f $jgg if
Scrofulous, Inherited and Con
tagious Humors Cured
rpiinoiTdIt the medium f one of your nooks
JL rvci.ivfl through Mr. Trunk. T. Wray.
DniKKist, AitAllii, l'a.. 1 hecamo avUaliilu4
wilti your Cltk ika It km ki i km, ana laKHtlils
opnoi t unitv to n-stlfy to you that their ue liaj
ix-rmaiie ntly cured me of oue of tiie worst eantis
of blood poisoning, i" connection wilh erysipe
las, that 1 have ever seen, and this after having
been pronounced incurable by some of the besi
physicians in our country. I take pleas
ure 111 lorwardini: to you tills testimonial, 1111-'
solicited as It in by you, in order that others
MitlcrliiK from similar maladies may be encour
aged to rive your Ci'Tici'itA K km kii kh a t rial.
T. S. WlllTl.l.NdKU. LecchbuiK l'a.
Kefcreuco : Vuau K X, Wkav, 1iukI-c.
Apulia, l a.
James K. Kiehardsoii, Custom House, New
Oi leaiif. on oath say : "in 1S7 Scrofulous I !
cers broke out on my body until I '.v a a maxs
of corruption, livery I liinj? known to the medi
cal faculty was tried In vain. I became a mernl
wreck. At times could not lift my hands to'
my head, couhl not lurn in tied ; was in con
stant pain, and looked upon life at a curse. Wo
relief or cure in ten years. In 1ho I heard of
thO CUTICLKA liE.MKlllKS, USfd tilCIU, Illld VifM
perfectly cured."
Sworn to before U.S. Com. J. D. CicAW KOKl.
We have been fclliiif? yourCuTicuitA Kkmh
iikh for yeais, and have the first complaint yet
to receive from a iiurchascr. tine ol the worst
cases of .Scrofula 1 ever saw was cured by tho
use of live b.'lUcs of t'l.'ili'i liA Jf knolvknt,
Cutici'ka. and ('ln ici'itA Soai. The Koap
takes the "cake" here as a medicinal soap,
1 laiikfoit, Kan.
And Contagious Humors, with Loss of Hair,
and Eruptions of the Man. are positively cured
by Cl'th i ha and Cui n'i. iiA Soap externally,
and Cl'ilcuiiA Hjosoi.vJ' .nt tntt rnallv, when
all other medicines fail. I end for i'amphlet.
We have obtained satisfactory results from
tht use of the Cutictira l.'emedies in our turn
family, ami recommend them beyond any oth
er remedies for diseases of the skin and blood.
The demand for them grows as their merits be
como known,
MAC Ml LEAN & CO., Druggists, Eatrobo, l'a.
are sold everywhere. ! Trice; CUTirrnA, Ihe
(Ireat !kin Cure, .r0 cts. ; Cut K UK SSoai an
Exquisite Beaut ilier, 2Dcts. ; Cx'TK'l HA Rl'.soi.
VKiST, the New Blood rurifier, $1 00. 1'oTTKit
DliU.-i AM) Cjifmk ai, Co., Boston.
Pf 1VT'1 Blackheads, Skin Blemishes, and
L Haby Humors, uie Ciinci; n a Soa p.
Ch.olsing Catarrh..
Have you awakened from a disturbed sleep
with all the horrible sensations of an assassin
clutching your throat and pressing the lile
breath from your tightened chest? Have you
noticed the languor and debility that succeed
the elTort to clear ymir throat and head of this
catarrhal matter? What a depresidiijj influence
it exerts upon the mind, clouding the memory
and lillimr the head uilh pains and strange
noises ! How dillicult it is to rid the nasal pas
sages, throat and Iudks, of this poisonous mu
cus all can testify who are'alilieled with catarrh.
How dillicult to protect I lie system against It
further gropress tewards t he iuns, liver and
kidneys, all physicians will admit. It, is a terri
ble disease, and cries out for relief and cure.
The remarkable curative powers, when all
other remedies utterly fail, of Safohi'h
Kadu'al, ('cue, are attested by thousands
who gratefully recommend it to fellow-mffer-ers.
No statement is made regarding it that
cannot be subst.u tiat- d by the most respecta
ble and reliable references.
Each packet contains one bottle of thellAiir-
CAI. Cl'ISK. one box of CATAI'ltKAI. Hoi.VE.NT,
and an I.mpkdvkii with tieatisM
and directions, and is sold by all druggists for
1'otte Dkuo & Chemical Co., Bostow.
Aching ba ks, hips, and sides, Hd
iiey and uterine paim, weakness and
inflamatioii. rheumatic, neulaltfic.,
sciatic. SMddeu. sham and nervous
V &tM Xopains and sUains relieved In one
n in life- by that new, elegant and inlall.lilu
antidote to pain and inflamat'on, the Cutiou-r.-i
Anti-I'ttin 8'lnsier. i'5 ccuts ; ."5 for t ;
at all driiKxists or l'oTTKii IJnuo and Chemi
cal Co., lioston.
Sheriffs Sale.
By virtue of an order of sale issued by W. C.
Showalter, Clerk of the District Court, within
and lor Casf county, Nebraska, and to mo di
rected. I will 011 the 21th day of September, A.
IK, iss7, at 1 o'clock p. m., of said day at tho
south door of the Court House in said county,
sell at public auction the following real estate
to-wit :
The northwest quarter of the southwest
quarter (n w l.i of s w 4) and the south haf(srs)
of of the southwest quarter of Section number
five (5) Township number ten (loj north of rano
No. fourteen (11) in 'as county, Nebraska,
with the privileges and sipperte.iianci-H there
unto belonging "or in any wise appertaining
The same hefnp: levied upon and taken as tho
property of .John C. Hakes, Defendant; to sat-l.-fy
a judgment of sa;d Court recovered by
A. K. Alexander, I'iaintiff. against said Defen
dant. Plattsmouth. Neb.. August 2!th A. I)., 1837,
J. C. Eikenbary,
23-5t Sheriff Cass County. Neb.
Notice to Creditors.
Cass County.
In the matter of the estate of Jacob P.
deceased :
I.otice. ia hereby civen that the claims am!
demands of sdl i-ersons a;?ain-t Jacob F. Fox,
deceased, late of said county and state, will bo
received, examined and adjusted bv the
county court, at the court house in IMatts
niouili on the 23rd dav of February, A. D, 1H3
at 10 o'clock in the forenoon. And that six
months from and after the 2tth day of August
A. D. IS5- is the time limited for creditors of
said deceased to prefer their claims for ex
amination and allowance.
(liven under my Land, this 2Cth dav of Au
gust A. D. 187.
c. nussKix.
23 3t. C'ountv Judtre.
Sheriff's Salo-
Bv virtue of an Execution l.w ,v
Showalter, Clerk of the: Di-tiict court withi't
ami for ;;)ss County, Xebra.ka. and to me di
rected, I will on the. 1st d,iy of October A. D.
I8s7. at 11 o'clock a. m., of said day at the nonti'i
door of the Court House in sail County, Sell at
i'ublic Ar.ction. the following ileal 1" state-
to-wit :
The Kaft half (K'i) of the NortlieiKt t,.
(N. E. U) of section eleven (11) in township ten
O0) rane eleven (U) l ast of the 0 1. . in Cass
County, ebrasKa. witn the privileges and ap
perteiiancei thereunto beloiiL'iri'.
I he fame being levied unon and tulrnnx ti,.
property of John M, Carter, defemlHiit . to 1
isfy a judgment of sail Court iM,ivfri i.u
Charles lienniiips' AdmiMrntor of the esta'B
of .Mary Snhores deceased plaint:!!, airainst
said defendant.
FUU.-mouiii, Neb., An r. 30. A, D. lf.?.
J. C. ElKK'-KAKr,
21-3: Sa.Miif County, Ne'
In the Matter of the Last 1 TV county
3 Last )
-nt ofy
Will and Testam
John McCarroll Dec
vss CO..
. L If A
Notice is liercbv iri
of September, A. I). 1st. at the Count y.J ude',
Oih :e 'n rijittsjnouth, Cass Count?. N,d.ra.,Ya.
at li oVlo. K in the f uer.oon.tiie foily" I
matter will be heard arid ,iki,l,.iv,l . e
The application of John K. w ..
mit to probate the I at. win itoau-
Johu McCarroll lata 0 Libertv -s!irS'i;t d
decease,!, and for iuitm . salu ' -"'. v.
John B. McCarroll nrid " . ' . ;l"'ei;iary 10
Dted Auuust vi - -"-aiioll.
By oid
-of the Cortt.
C, llVffF.l.T..
County J tula
Pick out the piece of Heal Estate you
want and then call for price and terms
upon Windham & Davies. Over Bank
of Ca&s Co. liftT.