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About Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 8, 1887)
--.::, . ... V Mi PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY. SEPT. 8, 1887. VOLUMK XXIII. NUM HKIi 25 $2.00 PKll ANNUM. lii I h u ! i!o One Neet j Remain ft Dyspeptic. "I have been suffering for over two years with Dyspepsia. For the last year I could not take a drink of cold water nor cat any meat without vomiting - it up. My life was a misery. I had had recommended Sim mons I,iver Ilegulator. of which I am now taking the second bottle, and the fact is that words cannot express the relief I feel. My appetite is very good, and I digest everything thoroughly. I sleep well now, and I used to be very restless. I am fleshing up fast; good, btrong food and Simmons Liv- ."'rxmlator have done it all. I write t'1'3 m l'Pes f benefit-in"- some one wno ias suffered as"l did, an.'l would take oath to these'statements if desired." E S. Baixou, Syracuse, Neb. I i. Treasurer. Depmy Treasurer, - Clerk. - .1 -Vuty Clerk, Clerk of District Court, Sheriff, Deputy Sheriff. Surveyor, Attorney, Kupt. of Schools, County J uje. D. A. CAMPBELL Thos. POLLOCK J. M. KOBINSON C, C. MfPHBKSON W. C. SHOWALTF.R J. C. ElKENUAHV li. C. Y ROMANS A. MAUOLK allen bees n Maynahd Spink C. liUSSBLL BOARD OF SCrEHVISOKS. I.OUIS FOLTZ, Cll'lll., YVeephiff Water A. It. Todd. l'lattsmoutli U. Dieiisox, JSiinwoou GIVJG SOCIETIES. mumTonilE' NO.8. A. O. V. W. Meets I every alterna Friday eveuint' at K. of 1. hall Trafislent brcth" are resietfully in vited to lU-ia V K White, Master Workman ; It. A, TafiWreman ; 1- Morgan, Overseer ; J. i. Morris. Kecorder. I ASS CAMP SO. 332. MOD EKN WOODMEN C of America -Meets second nnd four tU Mun d aj evenius; at K. of V. hall. V"?16? bothers are requested to meet t Hewcoaier. Venerable Consul ; V. C, w Hfu Worthy Adviser; 1 Merges, Ex Banker , J. E. Morris, Clerk. P LATTSMOUTII LODGE XO. 8. a. o. u. w. Meets every alternate Friday evening at Kockwood hall at 8 o'clock. All transient broth ers are respectfully incited io attend. .. a Oiitsche, M. W. ; S. C. Green. Eoreman : b. C Wilde, Recorder ; i. A. Newcomer. Overseer. McCONIHIE POST 45 C. A. R- KOSTEIt. SAM, M.CiiArsiAN ......Commander. C. S. Ti Stmor ,ce .. Ste:::: AUunt. 9TiPM-"::"::6erofthffe i0$ifl:::::::"::: b.mSS?. i,p,.TJ?. '-.. V Vot Chaplain KeLula 'SXi and 41 h Thursday of MbSnouK rosV Headquarters in Kock wood liiock. PROFESSIONAL ATTORNEYS AT LAW. lEKSON & SULLIVAN, Attorney -l Will give prompt attention to all . side, riattsmouth, Keb. T A3 S. MATHEWS. Attorney at Law. Offic tw nvtr M It Murnhv M iln between 6th and 6th streets OVet Jl. u. iuurpny lusswn;, tvuiuuovi 1IOBEKT B. WINDHAM. Notary Public and Attorney at Law. Office over Bai'k of Cass County. I'lattsmouth, Neb. Office tele phone No. 7 ; residence. No. 6. JOHN A. DA VIES. A ttorney at Law. Office with K. B. VViudham. over Bank of Cass Co. Plattsmouth, Jau71y Nebraska. PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. 1 W. COOK, M. D., Physician and Surgeon. Ofllc at Fisher's Drug Store, Platts mouth. Nebraska. T'L.. SIGGINS, M. D., Physician and Sur geoti. One door west of Bennett's etore. Office hours from 10 to 12 a. m. and from 3 to 6 and 7 to 9 p. m. Residence, cotner Ninth and Elm streets Mrs. Leviugs' house. Telephone at office and house. LEGAL. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF CASSCOUN TY. NEBRASKA : CHA-RLEli. METJTEER. plaintiff, 1 CLA11A BELLE METTEER, defendant, f Clara Belle Metteer, defendant will take no tice that on the 20th day of AuKu?t. 1SS. Mr.r..,- x, ,.l..intifT fi!.d lllS DetltlOB in the DU trict court of Cass County Nebraska. aiiHinst said aeienaar.i. iue ooji-ci. i" j vliieh are, to obtain a decree of divorce from the bonds of matrimony and the custody of the three niiuorch Idren.tlie issue of said marriage. You are required to answer said vetitiou on or before the lih day ol October 18S7. Dated Aug 22ud. lsl. Chahi.ks R. Metteer, 24-4 by J. B. Strode his Attorney. TV THE DISTRICT COUKT OFCASS COUN- SARAH ELIZABETH COFELAND, ISAAC OLIVEB COFELAND. TnTsaaeO Copeland non residnt defendant ; YoSafe hereby Notified that on thU Aug. Ml; fuSwh"r" l5 yo'udefendant the object and nra'ver of which is to declare null and void the Extended marriaite of plaii:tifUnd defendant. l. i-e of cleft-ndiuitsliitvlnjtalettal wife l.y- i marriage be hjuuk u ''r TV i a R-t?ceC 1 tVeTand? Yon are "required to nwer SaVd petafoa on or before October lOtH Rnwer M.r';..,i .m .o tnicpw therein. vai, or yr ur.-. Elizabeth cofelad. BJEos Clakk, Atfy. tor plfl. 21- Proceeblngs of Commissioners. Sept. Cth, 1887. 15onrd met pursvnnt to adjournment. Members all present. Mines read and approved. The following claims were allowed. W. II. Maliek. board. $2G8 00 boarding city prison's Parsal & Bpcnccr, F. S. Wliitc, Sam. Oai)pen;guarding prisoners, Knotts Bios, printing. ' A. Clark, goods for jail. Eli Sampson, boarding paupers, Alen Cuson office rent, H. IJoeck, chai's &c, National Lumber Co., lumber, 18 5.M 00 50 00 00 CO C7 50 00 28 95 10 00 20 00 25 50 40 40 10 5 20 05 30 70 00 50 00 50 20 40 50 00 20 25 75 0 a 20 CO 13 8 75 27 81 21 11 12 10 12 10 2 12 2 o 2 42 4 13 S3 10 12 2 14 3 34 13 2 8 3 25 101 J. It. Cox, hardwaie, Reed Bros , goods to paupe s, W. T. Morrison, " T. E. Williams, gasobne, State Journal Co., blanks, If. Better, M. B. Murphy & Co., F. T. Everett, James Johnson, ' " - G. B. Cnppen, Dovey fc Son, W. J. Waiick goods for jail, J. S. Duke, hardware, J. V. Wcckbach, Graham and Wilk'son, Heed Bros., W. T. Short, II. A. Wate .man & Son, W. Momon, Plattsmouth Water Co., Neb. Telephone Co., Plattsmouth Gas Co., W. W. Dustor, T. Pearloan, J. M. Schmuiback, Plattsmouth Journal Co., Mavnard S?)ink, Time extended to John Jakson on wj s-e 16-10-11 to 1800 and F. F. Rnford n-e n-w i 30-11-11. Geo. Tuv.l. Richev Bros., 00 70 00 50 50 50 Allen Slutz, W. D. Jones. A. V. Robinson, 43 1G 47 47 J. M. Robinson, Board adjourned to meet to-day at 9 o'clock. J. If. Robinson, Clerk. Weather Report. AUGUST 1887. Mean temperature, 70,8. Highest temperature on the I0th,103. Lowest temperature on the 24d: 45. Other high temperature, on the 4th, 102; 9th, 101; 2nd and 3rd, 99. Over 90, 14 times; over 85, 15 times. Rainfall, 4 J and a fell since the 20th, excepting one stru m of i on the 4 th. The drouth ceased on the 20th, which was over ten weeks duration, commenc ing July 11th. There were other li.'ht rains and sprinkles etc., during the dry weather, but were light. The ground got so exceedingly dry that dirt could be dug up at a depth of eight or ten in ches after different rainfalls of over four inches since the ?0th. AUGUST 18SG. Mean temperature, 73.9. -Highest temperature, 99. T?;iinf fills. 3. Tf wnnld be advlsible to wait until cooler weather controverting on this rid"e qnestion; temperature tohish now days, and is very exciteable waatner. Wlioplino- Stories 3 for 5 c. the best ( I 3 C in the city at Warrick's. d6t-w4t Nebraska a Dry State. T, ii nrlv d&vfl. and even vet in iomcofthe eastern states, Nebraska was thought to be ft dry state, and al most a a . 1 1 m . A a -crt, on account ot tne iacK oi -waiei. Facll xflar she is Jprving herself one of the best -jvaterea ana proaucrwe &iaie in the v.nV, and the following article published itr a ist week's lAncocn va- zette-Joumal, (biwjwi - ingly dry summer) is fl excellent prooi oflier inexausiible water supply: "John Bigras, a carpenter living on E'ght and South Park street?, recently contracted to have a well dug upon his lot. Alter going down about sixteen feet there was eeven feet of water in the we", but that did not cat.sfy him, a-.d he di-g about eight feet deeper to strike the second vein. He certainly struck it as there was a regular geyser in the wel which for some time oversowed and threatened to flood eut the whole com munity. There i9 now seventee n feet ot water in the well." A Disease. From p.ivale adv:ces we learn that a disease, thought by some to be Teias feve--, is causing mime oas deaths among cattle' in Platismonth. The disease seems to baffle the sk ll of local veterina rians and generally causes death m a'xnn three Lotus after its appea'ance. Green woofZ Leader. Itia t uo that the month of August several cattle did die with a pe culiar disease, but their malady seems to liave beei caused by something they had eaten and not by Te-as fever. As to 4i,. "nnmornns deaths." wo think the lUl -V------ "piivate advice" was a little in advance. The cattle of th-s neighborhood are m exceneat health and the princ-p1 mis- fr. tUnt has befallen them, is their Vl v &- v - hein' pounded by the pound master. In this case it is the o ner of the cow that rets feverkU and not the cow. The cow Mv released after an attack of about three hours, bntnot by death. t ?a nUn true the local veterinarians - have no power over tbi3 disease. TELEGR&PHICflNDEMSATIONS. TIIUHSDAY. A coal firm of Boston has failed. Powderly is planning a trip to Ireland. The Penn. democrats held their con vention yesterday. Secre tary Bayard hopes to soon settle the fishery question. A Chicago Chinaman while resisting arrest nhot and killed the officer. The Iowa greenback and labor parties held a union meeting at Des Moines. The county treasurer of Auglaize coun ty, Ohio, has skipped and is $31,000 short. A meteor fell at Spokane Falls, W. T, striking an electric light wire and burst ing. A wounded outlaw was carried forci bly from the hospital in St. Joseph by his friends. The U. S. Express Co. has bought the P & O. Express Co.'s rights etc. for a period of thirty years. Indian commissit jer Atkins has ordered all persons liable to proveke trouble re moved from the Ute reservation. It is estimated at the treasury depart ment that. the decrease in the public debt for August will ammount to $5,000,000. Suits for damages to the ammount of $127,500 have been brought against the Toledo, Peoria & Western on account of the Chatsworth disaster. O'Grady, a landlord of Limerick coun ty, Ireland, evicted a larije number of tenants on account of back rent. William O'Brien was present and made a speech fh" people, promising them aid from hngland soon. The Chinese government has appointed seven t! legates to come to Amer-ca to thoroughly investigate the U. S. bank ing system, also the manner of coining, etc., preparatory to the establishing of the great Chinese bank. The feeling between the negroes and whites at Petersburg, Va., has become so great over the arrest and different treat ment of a white and a black man for the same crime that three companies of ma- litia have been ordered in readiness. A petition to the land office at Wash ington from the settlers of White Pine county, Nevada, states that English sheep ra'sers are over running thecountrythere and destroying the grass and contaminat ing the water, and asks that the settlers be protected an investigation will be made. FKH1AY. Cairo, iigypt, lost a IjIock ot uuiurngs by fire. The W. S. treasurer's account shows $H5S),y01,729 in the treasury. A pc:my paiier, the Independent has been started at Dubuque, Ja. Parts of Arizona and Texas have been visited by earthquake shocks. A Canadian steamer was seicd at N. Y. city for violation of navigation laws. The pope savs he will do all in his power for the future prosperity of Ire laud. Lord Salsbury is preparing a statement in reference to the Auier can question. fish'ug General Caranoff, of JIo-cow, has or dend the authorities of Novgorod to protect the Jews. A band calling themselves "White Caps are comurtmg depredations m Harrison Co., Iudiana. An Aeronaut at Princeton, Mo., fell five hundred feet, lightirg on his feet and driving the thigh bones into his body. The Commercial Cable Co. of to New York have reduced their rate3 Enj land. Ireland and France to 12 cts, word and to Germany to 15 cts. per A keeper recently discharged from the insane asylum at N. i ., has petitioned the Supreme court for the release of oOO inmates, claiming them to be sane. The Iowa Democratic state conven tion .nominated Major Anderson, or Knoxville. for Gov., and James M. El der, of Hancock county for Lieut. Gov. At Leslie station, 111., an attempt was made to wreck a Bloomington fc Wes tern passenger by placing a large stone on the track. Luckily a passenger was on board for ihat station .and the tra"n had slowed up before striking the ob struction. Robcry is the only meory o-iven for the attempted wri'ek. SATXTRDAT. Sam Jone? is niving a scries of lec- tures at Plattsburg, Mo. Scarlet fever has become an epidemic in parts of Great Britain. Another U. S. fishing schooner been captured in Canad'an waters. Chamberlain conies to America in has Oc- tober to settle the fishery troubles. The finest Jewish temple in the U. was ded'eated at Cleveland, Ohio. A Small village, Lockport, Penn., is aSieted -with black diptheria as an epi demic. Two brothers at Wabash, Ind., named Darrough, were suffocated by damp while digging a well. "Emneror William, of Germany, stub bed his toe nnd fell, bruising his left hip and elbow, but not seriously. The G. A. R. post at Cleveland, Ohio, adopted resolutions condemning any ac tion of the G. A. R.t of disrespet toward President Cleveland. A conference between Gen. Cook and Gen. Adams, of Colorada, resulted in Look s agreeing to station two compan ies of government troops between the Ute reservation and Colorada. The Utes are also to have their horses back. BO DAY. The Indians of Bolivia are in rebel lion. Natural gas been struck near Harrison vlllc, Mich. At a wrestling match at Marlbora, Mass. II. M, Dufer won the championship of the world. The French mobilization scheme is pronounced a success The Russian troop have been skirmish ing with those of Herat. China appears to be desirous of increas ing her commercial relations with the United States. The steamer Eclipse struck a snag and sunk about 15 miles south of Sioux City. No lives were lost. Russia is planing the building of a military railway from the Caspian sea to Vladivosok, on the Pacific. Reports from Valparaiso, S. A., eay that ast week that place was visited by a number of earthquake shocks. A move is on foot to have congress ap propriate : unds toward making a canal connection v ith the great lakes and the Mississippi. Captain Geo. Mitchell has filed a claim for moic pay for volunteer service, whic h if allowed will open the door for $1,000 000 of claims. Dr. Whitmore, of Waterloo, 111., while on his way to the international medical congress at Washington, fell from the platform of the sleeper and was badly bruised. MONDAY. Mrs. Vincent, the noted actress is dead. Bishop Harris, of New York city is dead. The brakemen on the L. & N. are on a strike. Parts of Italy have been shaken by an earthquake. Gov. Bartlett, of California, is dan gerously ill. Creston, Iowa, has just dedicated a M. E. church costing $15,000 Two negroes supposed to be fugitive slaves have been captured on an island off the coast of Georgia. Queen Victoria has knighted Dr. Morell Mckenzie for his professional services to the crown prince, Frederick William. COO German war veterans parade the streets of Chicago, in memory of their tiyluinr in the old world, especially in 1871. A ship on the way from Hamburg, England, to Calcutta, foundered at sea, and out or a crew ot M'J, 21 were drowned. A bunco "land agent" married a Mon treal widow and secured about $100,000 of her v and valuables and then d'sappeared. A misplaced switch at Lawrence, Kan., threw an engine and several cars over an embankment, killiug the engineer, fire man aud brakeman. At a large nationalist me3ting at Enuis, England, troops d'spe sed the first meeting but they reasembled nnd were not again molested, ibe.'e was no bloodshed. TUESDAY. The Iowa State fair is in progress at Des Momes. The Colorado beetle has been destroyed in Germany. The last of the Cook county, III., bood lers has re&'ned. The;onal Medical congress opened at Wssh'ngion. Sioux City was vis" ted by a heavy rain doing considerable damage. The trades Jabor dav was observed in all the large eastern cities. Secretary Fa'rcluld has ended his va cation and returned to Washington. Charleston's ea thquake revew shows f AAA r A v 1 1 T an exnendiiuie oi j.uuu,uuu on uuua- ings in the past year. Austiia is said to be taking a hand in the attempt to remove Ferd'nand from the Bulgarian throne. A theater at Exeter, England, burned and 1C0 lives are known to have been lost in the panic that followed. Another large demonstrat:on in favor of the Irish national league was held un disturbed at London. Several Omaha saloon keepers were ar 8. rested for selling liquor at the G. A. K. camp witnout i;cense. People and f ocieties of Hlinois are rais- inc funds for the benefit of the victims of the Chatsworth disaster. Prince Alexander is keeping the polit ical news of the powers from his subjects till after the election of the sobranje. The best only 8c. a lb. Kalsomine at Warrick's, d6t-wlt i reuxD For a short time ICIAL : I SPE l .. X3XT i-lnf ill i; L in J Slip ;! ImliM Utinens, Piques, l Fancy N&im&QQkM i. J TJ ZD 0! ALZf THE LATEST NOVELTIES. Swiss and Hamburg Embroideries and Flouncing. Oo2nrloto Xiino of 3.o"bos, in Whito o.2id Colors, of th. -I-OUR GOODS ARE ALL NEW-:-And yon are invited to call. il &2 a We Announce Without Further Notice a Comuicncinrr TO-DAY, JULY 12th, September 1st. Great -AS THIS IS without reserve, it ot Cass County to Having in view the interests . . 1 - tl. 1 multitude LO bliaie Llie UCJICiua ji consideration sell to other dealers under this clearance sale. MOT PS IPIISPE yiCSlllflSiliL will Le to the indivi I I Ek Sb F1 i o to fiw York soon to make onr Fall Purchases, AYe and we kindlv request all of our friends indebted to us to call as early as possible and adjust their accounts. Yours Respectfully, OLOMON & NATHAN. White Front Main Street, - - this i only avo Avill oll'v.r BARGAINS 4 t 11 continuing untH 6 A POSITIVE- f dual interests of all WfeOICBMliui DEDUCT ON and DM. wi I V citizens take advantage of the ot our customers tl.1! irWiof Clio , and to enable wc will of goods eel Bargains Offered under no embraced lino g'v-ui wholesale lots BELAY ! Dry Gocds House. Plattsmouth, Neb. it ti the