Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, September 01, 1887, Page 5, Image 5

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biliilll Hit liKJ.Tti1'
ThMonroo Doctrine.
The. Monroe doctrino is coming to the
front again on account of tli: t-eizun: Iy
(Jrcat J'.ritiiin of a portion of thctciritory
of Vein 7.h:i. Tin; pn-:.iclentof Voue.ul.i,
who i-i now in 'U'W York, expresses his
astonishment at the 'lerte" tl I.y the
ihilish guvci iiriicnt ordering llu: local
authorities to take possession of u large
slice of the domain claimed ly Vcm zula
and chiiracteri.-s it as tlie lirst of a series
of grabs by which the Engli-h govern-nr-tit
proposes to take all of that portion
oC Venezuela lying south of the Orinoco,
known a 4 "Venezuela (Juiana" ami cm-
bracing alout one Iialf of the entire Ven
t.u -Ian territory.
If this is the g line of i.; it Ilritiun it
is an attempt to carry on in S (Utii Ameri
( ca the same g;unu of conquest and ubsorb
tioii thai, has b-jcn ho suecessfuly played
in India ami it behooves tin: severd
South American governments to prepare
for business right away. If England can
capture the south half of Venezuela,
which is a vast extent of territory, there
is nothing to prevent her going on until
she owns the whole continent.
The question is therefore a serious one
and involves the famous "Monroe doc
trine," which is that the United States,
while it does not attempt to interfere in
European complications, has a lively in
terest in the affairs of the western world
and will not permit Europe to divide
South or Central America as its prey, or
nuy nation in Europe to m iko it the scene
of its conquests, but prop:,es to guaran
tec th;? people, and especially her sister
repulics down there, their independence
an, I tlu right of self government. Had
.Mr. Iilaine been elected president there
little doubt that Eni-land would have
indefmitly postponed her sdieme of
ugramliy.emebt at the expense of Vene
zuela. Mr. Elaine -.v.ti not elected because the
prohib.tionists thought the republican
party could be mure ea.-ily converted to
prohibition by b-jing b -aten a few times,
and there is no probability that the im
becile administration et'C rover Cleveland
will show any more spirit in defending
tin? interests of tln country against the
jiggrcssiou of powerful foreign nations in
iho future than ir h is in the piist. Mr.
Eavard, the secret:: ry of state, woojd
stretch a point to involve r.s in a siliy
qu-ir:vi with Mexico, but lie is as humble
as Uriah when talking with a rep
resentative vf Gnat Ihiinin.
Of course th.: democratic papers find
the claim that Wii uela is making for
the as-Uanee of the UnU'-d St:iea in pro
tecting his territory very flimsy fecb
le and sneer at the. "Monroe doctrine'' :
an effete and farcical thing, and pretend
that with such u. navy as we have now,
thanks to the obstruct ion of the- democrat
ic house for the past ten years to every
measure to build ships and fortify our
coast it would b? worse than flly to say
anything to England about it.
Hut it will not be very much to tho cre
dit of the party and we venture the pre
diction that if the administration lies
down and refu-es to give Venezuela any
moral support in this crisis of her affairs,
the people will realize the cowardice and
imbecility of the democratic leaders and
elect a man president next lime that has
some blood in him. The Pennsylvania
republican convention sounded the key
note of the coming campaign when it de
clared the administration of Mr. Cleve
land an imbecile one. That was an ac
curate description. Lincoln Journal.
Hard on Tho Counsel.
The following experience of a Missis
sippi lawyer was re! ated by himself to
the writer many years ago. He said:
"I was defending a prisoner for horse
stealing, and seeing no other means of
defending him, under the circumstances,
I set up the plea of insanity. I argued it
at length, read many extracts from works
on medical jurisprudence, and had the
patient attention of the court. The pros
ecuting attorney-did not attempt to reply
to my argument or controvert my author
ities; I seemed to have things my own
way, and whispered to the prisoner that
he needn't be uneasy. Then came the
Judge's charge, in which he reminded
the jury that theru was no dispute be
tween counsel as to tho facts of the case.
Indeed, thpre ceuld not hayc been, for
several witnesses had sworn positively
that they saw my client steul the horse.
'But,' concluded the court, 'the plea of
i.w,mitr his been set up, and I charge
" .r.i..: ; ci,nl.l
Jou' o1'1 J . ,
receive vour very p-ive and serious
liberation; but I must b - all owed to say,
centlemen. that for myself, upon a rc-
Tiew of the whole case, I can discover no ;
evidence of insanity on the part of the ;
prisoner, except, perhaps, in the selection i
of his counsel. " KniTon's Diiawkii, in .
llarptr' Jroyasiu e for S l-t mUr. j
It now transpir.s that the Indiana:
t TWnrvis today because the ;
democrat. c muc '
of this year's interest money to meet cle -
m-ads on an exhausted general fund he-
, " . f ...-.I ti, navment of
lore fj01,a - - x 1
interest that should "nave been made last '
IK- carried over to '
the present fiscal year, and paid in De
cember. Tkafs a fair sample of Indiana
democratic financiering. Globe Dem.
i:-nn-, Intelligent Women, They Suo
ceiihrully l.nik After, Tlielr Own In-t-r-t-
A iivit Kuportcr'a CUat wlUi
a l'rmi:iciit "attloinun.
"Aro yu personally acquuintwd with many
women taiiid in tho husinehtf of cattle rais
in;; asked tliu reportor.
Tho cattleman pave a loii whistlo.
"Well. 1 should think no" Lo Bal.L
htudiud them for years. You want to know
what kind of women tbey aref I'll till you
what tort they aro, young uian; they're
ladies, that's what they aro. Xovr, I don't
mean by tlmt that they would as afraid of
soiling their haniin if oecaftion rpjircd; no,
indeed; nor of doin a charltaLlu action
which would necessitate eomo r-ersonal !
posure on their part, for thoy aro generous to
a fault. Whiit I mean to suy is, that thy
are as u ruio i t-fined and Intelligent women,
who read and think and aro capable of mak
ing a n't appoaranco in socikty. I don't
know as I have ever Keen one of them who la
phenomenally intellectual, outbido of th
jiiilgment thoy i.sercLsa in tho stock business,
which is phenomenal Most of thorn have a
gunius for business, and nine-tenths of then
know how to appoar in a drawing room.
"In most instances they are rich and know
well how to use their rr.oucy to advantage so
as to g"t tho most good out of life. Many of
thorn are wives and luothwrs, and whea they
aro Buch I assure yon they aro both wise and
kind. You will find that they rule tholr
households with firm bands, and that tholr
husbands and children, to use the biblical esr
prestion, 'rise up and call them blessed.' 1
"Stock women are much like others, gave
that they have wider judgment on practical
subjects. They aro thoroughly businesslike,
because they uppreciate tL vast interests
which they have ut htako, and tho quick con
ception with -which all women are giftod
enables them to sea clearly what the inevi
tablo results would Lo of one falso move.
They know that their decisions must be well
weighod; that they mubt act only under tho
most caroful consideration, and that once
Laving acted they must abide by their dt
cision with a calm, unswerving spirit. It is
a gcod training school for a woman. It
InUtv-i s-.ll the.t i.iiotic nonsense about nerves
ontcf her and gives her brain a coo, com
mon senso pols j which many a man might
"I know of no position in life which I had
rather my daughters would HI1. It is one
burdened with f,rent responsibilities, of
course, but what mode of lifa ia not where
t'.ero is anything to be gained I assure you
I should not consider that a clear understand
ing of tho cattla business interfered in any
v.aTwith the refinement of thoso whom I
hold most tlosiv'
"Dut you hav? doubtless met stock vromou
cf a "iii tc-tly opposite class, have you notl;l
"Oh, vcr.; tuero aro necessarily exceptions
to fc'.l rule.T. Tho uncouth woman of the
ranch, wh.-, rounds u; her own herds and who
&lcci :sia the y: Idle, itf r.ot altogether u creature
ef tii-3 iniagiuatioii. Uncouth iind ignorant
tho mr.y be, but sh is always a good woman,
r.'.ul otn whom r.U the cov.-'ooys re?pect. I
fcnoTv several i;; -.u:ces wLcre lua women cr.u
8wir. a lariat lii:e a n:ar., and know quite
ve'il bairto i:m:i;i;a a herd. A very few of
them pericn.'-.Uy supervise their own animals,
however, and the.M?, in most instances, are
thou who havo not as yet accumulated much
wcahh although thero are some very rich
catilj wwuei ia .Colorado who ride af Ur their
own herds. A woman usually manages her
cattle through a foreman, whom ,she pftea
supplies with brain power. She does not
usually live on the ranch, but rather in a
handsome house in some ueishboriugj town.
But, all tho same, sho is the bone and einew
of the business. Her clear head manages it
pll, and it is through her directions that her
foreman always proceeds. She often spends
the suuiiaer on the ranoh, where a comfort
able dwelling is fitted up for her, much on the
order of an Knglish shooting box,
"You want to know something about the
unmarried women who are great stock raise ra.
Well, the main thing that can be said for
them is, that men of position and prominence
Vry where waut to marry thom, not purely
out of money considerations cither, for gome
of theso unmarried 6tcck women have a fund
of cood 6enso and useful intelligence which
cannot be eclipsed, and beside this, many of
then; re quito accomplished and good look
ing Cat few of thorn are past their youth,
and they have a e!rewd way of looking at
things, which augurs 111 for the eferanger who
looks with longing eyes upo.n heir flocks and
"Colorado women generally have gone into
the stock business," concluded the cattleman,
"through a direct line of iuheritane -that ia,
they have inherited either small herds, vast
ones, or a taste and inclination for the life. I
know of numerous instances where a father
has died leaving his daughter a very small
herd, and sho has gone steadily on with it,
making thousands where her father before
her inpde hundreds of dollars. Again, there
are widows who have come iito possession of
vast stock interests through tho death of theiy
husbands, and who havo managed the busi
ness left to them until tho receipta run away
up in the millions.
"I know resoiuto women too, who began
without a dollar, and who have gmined wealth
.nid standinz in the stock business. The most
highly novel sight I ever saw was a 14-year-
old Eirl herding cattle away up in Montana,
with only her little brother to assi.t her. The
father of thes.3 two children had died, leaving
tfcHta a small herd of cattle, and I would be
willing to wager my last dollar that that little
brown skinned girl away np there in that
wilderness will yet count her dollars by
thousands. Of the 800 stock women now
doiuz business in Colorado, all aro well and
favorably known among cattle and sheep
men, any one of whom would gladly befriend
them in case of an emergency, but whom, on
the other hand, they are quite capable of ad-
! vising- in manv practicable matters relating
to stack raiinsr." Denver Republican.
It Always Fours,
The discovery of rare elements bids fair to
becomo as persistent a fanaticism among
chemists as the finding of asteroids whose
iiumber has increased from none to nearly
277 during the present century la among as
tronomers. During tho decade ending with
lsSo over forty discoveries of new elementary
substances were announced, while the entire
number previously known was less than
seventy. Iho less than nine wero detected by
Crookes last year. The list is likely to be
lengthened quite as materially In the current
twelve months, as A. Pringle already claims
found Kix new elements In some
! siurian rocks hl Scotland. Five of these are
j gajj to Ixs metals and the other is a substance
' resembling selenium, which the discoverer
calls besperisium. One metal is like iron, but
does not give some of its reactions; another
resembles JeaJ, is quite fusible and volatile
and forms yellow and greeo salts; another,
nuuieU ereboUium, is black : the fourth ia a
light gray powder, and tho last is dark in
color. Arkauaaw Traveler. ,
An OlBclal't Kron Itellnh fur Forbidden
Fruit Irinklng "Arrack."
Although Mohammedans, and particularly
Bhihite .Mohammedans, are forbidden by
their religion to indulge in alcoholic lever
age, tho average high official in lVntiu is any
thing but a sanctimonious individual, and
partakes with keeu relish of the forbidden
fruit in an open secret manner. The thin,
transparent veil of abstemiousness that the
Persian noble wears in def orenco to the sancti
monious pretentions of tho mollahs and seyudi
and tho public eye at large, is cast asido al
together in tho presence of intimate friends,
and particularly if that intimate friend is a
The Bartiep, soon after his arrival, inti
mates with a humorous twinkle of the ye
that ho feels the need of a little medicine.
Mr. Gray, as becomes a good physician who
knows well tho constitutional requirement
of his patient, and who knows what to pre
scribe without even clriR through the pre
liminary act of feeling the pulse, produces a
palo green bottle and a tumbler and pours
out a full doso of its contents for an adult.
The patient swallows it at a gulp, nibbles a
piece of sweetmeat, and btrokes his stomach
in token of approval.
"AY hat was tho medicine you proscribed,
"High wines," says the physician, "05 degs.
alcohol ; a bottle that tho entomologist of tho
boundary commission happened to leave hero
a year ago; it was the only thing in tho house
except wine. Tho patient pronounced it the
best arrack' he ever tasted ; tho fierier these
fellows can get it the better they like it"
"Why, it didn't even make him gasp!"
"Gasp nonsense; you haven't been in Per
sia as long as I havo yet, or you wouldn't say
'gasp' even at 05 degs. alcohoL"
Tho sartlep strokr3 his beard and stomach,
casts a lingering glanco at tho above men
tioned green glass bottlo, smiles and replies:
"Having accomplished so wonderful a jour
ney, you aro now prettier with your rough,
unshaven face than you ever wore before;
you enn now survey yourself hi the looking
glass of fame instead of in a common mirror
that reflects all tho imperfections of ordinary
mortals." Having delivered himself of this
compliment tho sartiep's eye wanders in the
direction of tho C5 dogs, alcohol again and the
next minute is eg? in smacking his lips and
complacently stroking his stomach. Thomas
Stevens in Uutin;j.
Sou tli American Kallroads.
Railroads are gradually being extonded
toward Bolivia from the eastern siopo of the
Andes, although for years past tho lino built
at such vast cost by 1'erti from tho Pacific to
Tuno has not passed that lake town toward
tho Bolivian frontier. Tho fault that it has
not been extended lie entirely with Bolivia.
Tern used every exertion and incurred an
enormous debt to build onfl of the most diffi
cult roads yet constructed in the world, and
although the engines still climb the steep
pradieuts and pass through ' the wilds of
Cahuiantala on their way to Puno, no effort
is made by Bolivia to extend tho road toward
the Desaguadero, and tbe::co on to tho re
gions where tho Avmara Indians pass e'aeir
lives ia that happy sUto which can only bo
understood by those who, like them, believe
that where ignorance is bliss 'tis folly to bo
wise. Peru, through necessity it is true, and
not by any nmans f rein choice, not being able
to assist b'er neighbor with money to carry a
railroad into her territory, the Argentine
remibKc appears to be about to take an in
terest in the matter, and to make an effort to
join the Transandine lines with tho central
part of Bolivia, whero agricultural and
mineral riches abound wuicn wouia wi re
pay transportation to the coast.
Referring to the 6teps which have been
taken for this purpose, Buenos Ayres papers
now report tba after nineteen months of
severe labor the "engineers have sent in he
preliminary plans for a road to Quiaca, on
the Bolivian frontier. These plans have been
made from the junction at Salta, through the
Toro ravine, and up to Quiaca. Thence the
Ilumauahuaca ravine is followed to JuljuL
The distance surveyed amounts to 700 kilo
meters, of which number 225 are situated in
tho Juijui lino. After careful study a selec
tion will be made between the two roads
mentioned, and work will then bo commenced
on the line which will carry Argantina pas
sengers to tho Bolivian frontier.- Chicago
Shiftless anil Degraded Poor.
Washington market is the cause for the ex
istence of the most singular of tho slums of
Jfew York. Tbero has grown up near the
great food baaar a population of as shiftless
and degraded poor as wo shelterpeople who
expect to procure most of what they eat by
picking it up out of wasto barrels and bas
kets of the butchoi-s.fishmongers and fruiterers
of the market. They send their children to
collect this innutritious and often unwhole
some waste, and seldom buy anything except
bread, sugar, tea or coffee, which they re
gard as luxuries,' to bo dispensed, with when-,
ever their idleness, drunkenness and shift
lessness prevent their buying them. They
live inoro cheaply, but nothing like as well
as the thrifty Germans of Cannon street on
the far east side, who cluster ia crowds oppo
site the shabby basement of a Teuton, who
contracts with tho principal hotels to take
their table and kitchen leavings as well as
swill for noxt to nothing, and who, bringing
his load home in a wagon, sorts cut the cake,
pudding, poultry, meat, cereals and fruit:
often already separated In cracked dishes.
paper parcels and tins and doles them out
so generously that for five cents a family can
have a meal, and for twenty-five cents
enough of everything to keep a household a
day. New York Letter.
Fierce Greetings In the Soudan.
As we approach the town, and when least
expected, a party of horsemen in fierce Bed
ouin like array will spring from behind som
cliff or out of an unseen hollow aod, with
marrow piercing war cries and unearthly
screams, spears leveled or swords uplifted.
bear down upon us like a whirlwind, amid
clouds of dust, apparently bent on annihilat
ing or sending to Gehenna such infidels as
ourselves. But even though you feel a de
cided want of backbone, a dozen spears, cs it
were, already quivering in your bodies, and
your heads not worth the purchase, pray do
not run away nor even blench for one mo
ment. Assume an indifferent expression, as
if being chopped up or spitted on spears was
a daily experience. If you can smile in the
emergency all the better, for just as we seem
to feel the hot breath of their horse on our
cheeks, and in a bewildered sort of way real
ize the disagreeable proximity of several
spears, another shout will fill the air, the gal
loping horses as it by magic wui stana stocs
still, enveloping us in a cloud of dust, and by
the cordial shouts, of welcome and hearty
salams we shall find a most pleasant assure
ance that all this fiendish display is intended
as an honorable welcome to their town. Har
per's Magazine.
The "Nelsborlnj Darner." .
A new trade for women hi Albany is that
of "neiirhbormz darner." The-womau -who
follows it has for her customers a dozen or
twenty households, each of which sho. vuiU
weekly, and spends a few hours in doing cp
the family darning and meading.
Killed a Rattler-A Snake Hunter.
Lake (ieuee Cuire;ou(Kiice Albany Arcus.
We had a lively sensation here the oth
er day when the captain of ouo of the
lake steamers came into the wharf with a
live rattlesnake onbetrd. His himk'-.-hip
hud been taking a morning ruviin, when
tho captain hit him a Miarp blew with a
t-tick, aud then scooped him up on the
end of it and lauded him on deck. .Next,
he coolly proceeded te pull out the
snake's fans, bo that the reptile was
harmless. All tho belles and beaux went
down to the wharf to seo the monster,
tho former prepared to ?crcnm on the
slightest provocation. Rut the poorsnak e
was too deeply ocoupi -d witli kis own
tribulations to pay an' attention to curi
osity seekers, and soon yielded up the
ghost, when those who had just bni so
timid came valiantly forward tin: belles
to turn hi:n with tho tips of their pretty
slippers and the dudes to test his rattles
with their cunes.
They tell a good imany snnks and bear
stories up in t It is rcgien, which you can
believe or not, as you feel in the humor;
what would seem quite likely to hupp j
to the countrymen who live near the
mountains appears like the height of im
probability to the city hleods, wao wonld
no sooner think of tackling a bear
than they would f taking a rattle-mako
for a chnni. Not far from thy Fort Wil
liam Henry Hotei there is a cosy little
cettage at the fot of the mountain,
where liycs a mighty hunter, th; history
of whose adventures wouldriake a vol
ume as tin ill ing as uny of Ilnggnrd'a
weird romances this man elniiasto have
killed more rattlesnakes than any ether
man who ever lived in this region, lb)
has a fence around his cottage made out
of the rattles of his victims, itrung on
wire. At night, when old lloreus enmes
down from llie mountains to roar through
the valley, the rattles make a tremendous
racket which keps all the nrighbor
heod awake. Tile hunterjlms a r.iu.-ioal
ear, and tl:-.-lirst night after the fiT.ce
was in place, he could notklesp for the
discord the rattles made. After tht, h
devoted much time to setting tiirm in
harmonious fashion, until now thy re
semble a chain of melodious bells, and
lull the old hunter to seep, no untter
how hard the wind blows. Th diied
skins of the dead rattlers lis iw-s fir wall
paper, mid for sundry other dceoixtive
pu rposes which might niako yi.-ur thsh
creel) t( behold, provided vou r.r not
used to such
tilings. it tep:Tli!s :uto-
r upon tht
w-ty people are brought
the way th-y r-.-gard matters and
things. I 'A". itOMian ladies :t o: l won; snakes upon their fair anus for
brae Jets, and allowed then Xn twine
around their lovely necks tdUteving
necklaces. Perhaps our m-tdern belles
would think that lo be a dreadful f ell
ion. If you an; inclined to ih.-ubt our
snake story jou c.-mi ak the c;1-i! of
the steamer. lie knows all about it. and
will declare every word of it to b-j "gos
pel truth." The rattlesnake hunter is a
friend of hi :.
Cairiingori the City
"Perhaps you'd like to know what time
it is," remarked a pedestrian wh stopped
before a gau- of street-cleaners the other
"Well, no, soir," replied one of the old
mcu as he slowly and solemnly removed
the pipe from, his mouth,
"But you used to want to know."
"That's so, soir,"
"And what's the matter now?"
"Well, soir, the mutter is this. How
loDg does it take for one of us to foind
out the time o' day from you!"
"About ten seconds."
"Exactly, soir. Now, hov long will it
take me to lay dawn me hoe, put up ma
pipe, get out me watch and look at the
toime for meself ("
"From four to five minutes."
"Certainly it will, and that's where we
gain on the city, and why we all carry
watches." Detroit Free Press,
Saved his Life.
Mr. D. I. "Wilcoxon, of Horse Cave,
Ky., says he was, for many years, badly
afilcted with Phthisic, also Diabetes; the
pains were almost unendurable and
would sometimes almost throw him into
convulsions. He tried Electric bitters
and tot relief from first bottle and after
taking six bottles, was entirely cured,
and has gained in flesh eighteen pounds.
Says he positively believes he would
have died, had it not been for the relief
afforded by Electric Bitters. Sold at
fifty cents a bottle by F. Q. Frtcke & Co,
The Iowa papers ore calling attention
to that state as a popular lynching resort
-with a great deal of humiliation, claim
ing that the reputation will injure her.
Nebraska lias a well established reputa
tion as a hanging emporium and she
seems to go along swimmingly. While
a rcuown of this kind is nothing to boast
of it would not deter immigration. Par
ties who con; here ami boliaye tiioniaclves,
arid gojto church and Sunday school reg
ularly are in no danger of hangitg. Most
of the gentlemen who have been hanged
in Nebraska were wasting away for
amusement of that kind, and society was
benefitted by their removal. Lincoln
Don't Experiment.
You cannot afford to waste time in ex
perimenting when your lungs are in dan
ger. Consumption always scems, at first,
only a cold. Do not permit any dealer
to impose upon you with some cheap imi
tation t f Dr. King's New Discovery for
Consumption, Coughs and Cold, but bo
suro you get the genuine. Because he
can make more profit be may tell you he
has something just a? good, or just the
same. Djn't oe deceived, but insist
upon getting Dr. King's New Discovery,
which is guaranteed to give relief in all
rpi,-i. :i;n,r RnA fhest affections. Tri
I x ,jottleg f at F. G. Fricke & Co.'
I , fll
drug store,
.V .society f r the promotion of the
higher cdueati n of women has been
founded in .Japan under tho prcsidciitihih
of tin- 1'iiiue '.linihUr.
Some man who ie vcr told a lie
should take a trip throughout the coun
try and see what the corn looks like. At
prese:.t there is satisfactory evidence that
the crop will be overwhelming. Also,
that tlure will be no crop. J'.r.
In Crlof And To Tho Point.
Dyspepsia is dreadful. Disordered
liver is misery. Indigc- is a foe to
good nature.
The human digi stive apparatur is one
of the most complicated and wonderful
things in existence, it is easily put out
of order.
reasy food, tou-j-h food, sloppy food,
bail cookery, v.v ntn! win ry, lab; hours,
irregular habit--, y oi!e r t!di.g
which ought r. -t to be. b.ive made the
American p-.o; e- a n.tiio:' of dvspepth s.
But (iieen's A uv,t:st Flower has done
a wonderful work in reforming this sad
business and making the American people
so healthy thoy can enjoy their
meals and be happy.
Hemcnibcr: No happiness without
health. But Ore-en's August Flower
brings health and happiness to the dys
peptic. Ask your druggist for a bottle.
Seventy-five cents. (2)
"What has become of Hugh Conway?
lie has written but two novels since death.
Sheriff's Salo.
IV of nil order cf s-.Ie It- 1 l.y W (;
S!nv;iltfi-. Cl i! of He- l;stl i-t Coii'l, will'iiii
aiwi ff'i l'as county. Neliraska, and to lac di
rected.! will ..a the :M dav oT Hcnt, A. It.
1sS7. atll o'clock A. M., of raid (lav at tr
South door ()f Court lloi:se in f-aid r e.ntv
Sell at I'uboi.-V. action, the follow in-' real Ma!e
to-wit :
Lets oi-f (1), "two CO. three Ci) j,i,d ten la
oli'vr, 1 1 J and twelve (12 in Illock ! :i"l-,J eon
(IS) in lnii es addi'ion t., 1 1. city of 11;.!!--tiioull!,-
ass eoui:tv. Nel r.i-l:a. wii'i Hie ppv
i e-.s :oi; api-ert-iiaaees ;l;en.,iiiio helon.
i Ik- or in ;i;iy it-c a ' ; ; :-.: n ;.
'1 5n- vut.f :.iot' : v !.-! i.iiin ai:d ta'-pci a
tl.e .-..iw-rfy of Kva!. l:r!:hot- ai.d I. l-;.i--lioT
Herrii.i;tits ; .i sa-i'.lv a judgment of i-aid
Coirt re.-ove:cd l, ly, : .i.h.jti :n
riaietSf. mid del'.-tei nil-;.
I lalt aiioute, .el.. Anj. ;.. A I. I -ST.
.1. ('. KlKKNIK KV,
2j-5 Mienil Ca-s Coi: .!, Neb.
Will, l'AID FOB
1 Premium,
2 Premiums,
6 Premiums,
25 Premiums,
100 Premiums,
200 Premiums,
1,000 Premiums,
- S1,000.00
8500.00 each
- JTcr full particulars and directions seo Circu
lar ia every poua'i of Auucckles' CJotvui
Have any tiling you want from a
passenger wagon.
are always kept ready
and everything lor" funerals lurnilied on i hort notice. Terms cath.
ft n'
1 J l -5
U d
W tl eJ
r '-d mm. T "t
Ladies' Kid Button Shoe?, formerly 53.00, now xlOO.
Ladies' Kid Button Shoes, iormoriy 82.25, now 1.2.".
Ladies' Teh. Goat Shoes, formerly 82.75, now si. 15.
Ladies' A Calf Shoes, formerly 82-25, now 82.00.
Ladies' Kid Opera Slipper.-, formerly 81. oO, now "5c.
Men's "Working Shoes, lormerly 81.75, now si. 10.
Choice Box of few old Goods left at less than half Cost
Manufacturing and Repairing Neatly and
Promptly done.
yS5 yfM
i.. 1 1.. - .. ir., 1. 1 :,.,(. . ......
her I he M cond and cm hiding )ntl t of
Howard Pyle's literati vi' of tho frccboot
ing ad venturers who ruled tho Spanish
M iiu in the last century is devoted tothu
iiiarooiicrs, of whom Captain A vary,
Captain Kidd, Captain "Black beard,"
and Captain bow were conspicuous ex
amples. The authentic history of then
pirates, whose very iiamcM made mer
chantmen in their shoes, is sketch
ed with graphic interest, and .Mr. Pyl
illustrates the romantic scenes of tint evil
epoch w th four drawing.
BtLff Joints,
Hoof Ail.
Saddle Galls,
accomplishes for ever body exactly what ia olalmod
for It. Ouo of tbo reasons fur the groat popularity oS
tho Mustanpr Liniment Is found In Its universal
applicability Evorybody needs such amciltclna.
Tbo Iuuibcrniiin needs it lu rnso of accident.
Tho Housewife needs It for general family uso.
Tbc C'nnnlcr needs It for bis toamsoad LU moo.
The iUccliunlo notnla it alwajg oa bis Vark
Tli 31'nernpcdsttincafiocr omrrRency.
Tbc I'loneor needs It can't get along without rk
TTbn Farmer nuciU U In bid Jiouso, hts atabl
end bis stock yard.
Tho Steamboat man or tho IJntmnjl nwdd
It In liberal supply ufloatainl nahoro.
Tho IIorHO-fanclrr nocd3 It It id Ma beet
j friend and 6afest rt-IIunco.
"1 ho Btocu-arrower neein it 1 win rovo iuut
thouniids of dollars and a world cf troublo.
Ths Railroad innn needs It and will need It so
long as bis life is a round of accidents and dangers.
The IJackwoodmiiaii nccbslt. Thero Is noth
ing Uko It as an autldoto for the dangers to life,
llrnb and comfort which, surround tho pioneer.
Tho Merchant needs It about bis store among;
his employees. Accidents will happen, and whoa
these come tho Mustang Liniment is wanted atonee.
Keep a Bottlo In tlio II o use, Tlfl the best of.
Keep a Bottlo In tho 1'nctory. Its Immediate
Use In case of accident saves pala and loss of wages.
Keep a Bottle AIwujulu tho fcstablp foe
a so wbea wanted.
" -iAV - ------":-i53
two vla-ekcl go cart to a twenty -four
tiirlit carriarrr.
pall -bearer wagons
7 . f.'
worn iiooc
M ' 1 I'M
M mm rS mJ
ILsu a