Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, September 01, 1887, Page 3, Image 3

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I'K'-.l'AV'M.. oi:n land kou wincvr.
Wlnr; a hysli in of rt;it with wltt-al
torn, :it-"., oraiu r clover is follow
oil, it will soiin tiincH In.: found ;i gooi
A,u to liiivi; wheat follow corn. If tli
corn lia.-i I - j : i roi-erly culti vuted iunl
Ic jiL dean and Iho soil mellow, corn linn
can In; very easily prepared in 11 jootl
condition lor full nceil'iiir to wheat. I
inn fut'.ii'fd thai in a majority of season
it pays to cultivate: corn reasonably late
at lr' I! ti t 1 as far ns po.s.silile th croj
is asiiired, and (Specially should tliia le
doir; whe i we ll''e i t'-ni!'!!' to follow
th : corn wltht wluat. If this pl.ri hi.
Ime.i "ol'owed the coin ou'it to le cleun
of weeds and the soil reasonably mellow
I always ma'.e it u rule lo cut the corn
close to the "round. 1 l".s jn a trrcut
iiieasp-e does away with the inte! fereon
)il prejiaiili tin land by the stubs of the
Coin-stall.!'. J ' only it small ncrea-c o
f-oi ii Ian i s to lie s" did to wheat, I
should certain' v ad ' e cv..' lir nnd huul-
iiiLf 'dT. 'I'i i ' ni' j and one team will
fi't. I lie com oft' vr ' li.pioly, and '.h
;;i und is then in a much ln i t( r condition
to seed to wheat. L"nl s you n'e better
j;.'pa d t'iai tin- aveiae Tn .i:e.-a laroe
ui-re.t'ie would be l'' iitt to clean up in
this so that llic n e..t lust plan must
be a'ii led end that s to cut and set up
th.; -o. .1 in food s'.cd shocj.jt. inak'ii
thy row's st ;ti t,i:t so Hmt as much of the
1 ii , i f I as possible can be seeded. An
Acme or one of the d'c l ;orows can
nearly always be u-eel to rood udnn-nc
in iiicpn 'n,r liin.l .'or wheat. If these
can rot be had ror.v, nknt1 v, then die
O)tv)t,.ion i':. in h.i; ovv can he used. I
-pre'er to ha row the way the co n was
j, lowed or 'b-v:ited 1 In l.'st t'n-e, as the
Jr-st liarum'i'jj J.-' .' s tl' c 'iiM. and
E.xwer.s 11) 111" s. Til" C oSV li nr-
rouin ! eV the s and it Up
jmich im e v t i- -i 'f hi - .oweil
ic.-osi t.'.e ows I -i ui !i',i-t tl'tt '8 ray
t. t'lic. jM "'' depcuds upon the
p,, i how nv.nw h- v may be necta
;:ii v i'i o'd- to su,.)- i-.'v I'-ie t-ie sit
fat e tor -( 1 ' whe.-f. b't sii!lie;cir
vt.-U s .j be d;,1(J U le t,H pw' f a
EiKl'e '-..t o to fi ":'-li :l in-,,,f-w bed
for iie both to a c .n' -.";"H j
and cove r'. I veie- alwin-s 10 us;- the
L'o' fo'- m -.iI iir; the seed ;s sowm so
riiiu-i mo e e.e-i'v :"id rtamo c im;'o;'ni
d.-pth tin- i e;t i ,(. w i v la- dene Uf ljiiml,
that 1 co d t i: '" - tn! d. !1.
He iic. d ..'- -..iv-s 'bi' and in the
fa'' viieu wo ' :-s Pen '' a vvu less;
Ibis ;n so i;cih; '' e " atl ob ' i"t.
I like lo I'iuc !;oid tjiv'ed to wheat
lon-v,i""'i' c t ::n : tid tho ..'. i-y p 'pared
5m a ;d eoad'. itud the pe-'se of
one more i'-' 104 Aoi'ld be a
sm;'" '-en if is nec. -. : y to a popcr
j)'Par:n ...n of t'i so':. -Co .'spondeuce
Ka iJH" Farm i.
fa; m .(iti,3.
T5e ms's'w t h sm, ! ' che- -. do not fallen
read-iy nnd are ve y iu--jel "'a to d" -cas-.
'1 he t:olor v pu C re n catileis red,
a-:.i'4 i 0111 a j ih da k to a pale
Clll's. 111''.
Caie i,r? "hand ji'ck"the a den sieds
;you saved lust season., sav ng only the
J)C. "tct Ol'C'-. of ; ne mo't pioftable ways of ap
ply: n- asl'es is sow n tneni liroadcast
over new'y M..:ded jinnl.
It -s a lv'ia'.c to suppo-e that sour,
fe.ireiiri'd s'op "or lio1- is beilc- than a
fresh ni':. lava that ;-; sweet nud clean.
Suedower setd is o ci fed to poultry,
1 ut if !oo much be "pcu it wiU carse
th e feathe.s to fall oL", as it promotes
ca; mo'i'ug.
1 'he latest mode of w .tcwasVng oul
birb js to have the wb:t.ewash th;n
in co. isVt-:-c- nnd force it on the waUs
with a f'i umi)
Alth oi"..h it is suppo-ed that the hog
cats an- db'. yet it ejects many rasf.03
and wee ds that are n .' 7 v ca'cn by sheep
and cit: e.
Al1 ani.'nals f-honld have an allowance
of linseed meal at lerst twice a wee'., as
jt w:U lege lite th; bowels and prevent
"1 -deboiMid."
A free sp aklig of finely sifted wood
as- Vs on tn-'ips wdl assist iu preventing
jic ittacks of the fl .-, and w 'il ao serve
asVn ercccnt ferf-iv,-.
cant;ooupe9 will ea.-i'T become
t . , from the v'is, wh 'ft g ecu
, oulied of. Taev can not
ones must -
, , , .vn to be ripe bv the ai
alw.n's be bii i . 1
m tj prevent toads icet-
There is no wav 1
.- - . ., -tcvt to cement over
ting into the wi 11 e
theca' th around the .
-e-n or a c.rcumter-
'.'rt or tei of
ence of G ffct, and the well should be close a
it ;rir.'t.
t ''.ce Jkilling
The plow wi'l do bei'crsi
weeds, if they be of heavy g.o
h Aj ,4.11)
Hlvfdor. Tf the v
turned under th y w -H afTord C ''
green mrurri', cspcc'allj if ihcy he V(,-T.v
Goodcloi-cr hay is always cons'dcred
a3 equal to any othc.'. It is the standard
by which a'l eide g a . compared,
and no fa m s con'dcred "ally soppl't'd
for the winter t.iat has not had a crop of
clver crown upon it.
A strong argument againfct dishorning
is that cattle, dtp i veil of their natura
weapons of defense, would be at the
mercy of dogs even as sheep are at pres
cnt. It is easy to answer, "destroy the
dogs," but not f easy to destroy them
It has been observed that potatoe
which ae most subject to rot grow neii
the surfnc, whil" those like the White
St a:-, IJurbaulc and St. Patrick, which an
less so, trrow deeper in the- soil. It fol
lows that bi'l'ng up potatoes is some
thing of a protect ion against rot.
Tomato vines will rndcre r-ute an
amount of culling and trimtnirg, and of
ten renew themselves when nearly dead
If the branches be too thick, it will be of
advantage lo cut some of them out from
a few y:'ic whe'e a l'n-Ued amount of
eady fM't shall be desired
Sheep rniiau'e conti-ns f.otn 00 to 05
per cent, of the pb.nt food coii,a;nil 'n
tle i:d'otm'id bv thefhiep. Itis
the rfo:r n, Vi.'-'V l'.etl "e- ''iz'T. 3 CXpei-
i( r,. lnis sl"v, n. It ;s c sj;"c;ii)l sr i ich in
ogen in nil iivir'abb: fo-in, and for
th-t r eason e.-e ''it riv ue n j a st'o-? r
n the l'i'l foi- corn and potatoe.-.
t,-.i. rv-., -i o-jiti-H iifiip.r 1ms blrck seed
mirrlv. The in'et-i bne yellow seed.
IIi"gar ai oras-3 has le--! head and more
stalk and ) :iF, aid is lf-ss liable to rust,
and hence is n b",.i"- ln-y co,) anil not so
j"od a g a" or crop. In s"Vct'ng
sed r n- a li!' c op buy of a "eliable
se dsinnn, and tal-e that which has the
iii' -t pc-j.di'.c ).opofliou of b'nek seed.
Tne d " the prcpa-atmn of the soil
the d ' ' , w-'l tho roots penet-ate, thus
aiivfM lg cl"?T to uio'sl.'re. us well as
p- iir. g of the g owth of a larre pro-
i' t'1) of those ok lets that collect food,
the so l be s'e'ow and the snbso'l
b.r d t 0" 1 00 s w
filr?, t 'i s reill'
spread n".i'-er ! lie sur-
tneni not oo'v more
al'le t" l'(".ir w" iter k''l''d, but a'so to
lami-'e . om vbouth Globe Dviioci'at.
The past d'-y years have enabled the
fa-ine -3 to do much in the way of clean
ing their land of weeds. Never were the
ornfields cleaner. There has been no
ong period ot wet weather wlun the
low nnd ha' row could not be used
ven the sloughs are clear to the vcrv
Ige. The advantage of the dry seasons,
in the way of weed destruction, will be
lirgely neutralized if farmers by neglect
or carelessness allow the weeds along the
highways or fences, or other waste places
to go to et, There has been little
time to attend to this zci far, but now
that the harvest is secure the fanner will
that it will pay him double, first in the
looks of the farm, and, second, in the
safety of future crops, to clean up all
these waste places ; nd afterwards sowing
them to grass. Nothiug sp effectually
advertises a good f irmer as a clean farm
:n the fall. Ioira Harvester.
nid for Consumption, loss of Appetite
Diicziue- an- all symptoms of Dyspepsia
Pr.'CC 10 to 75 cea pt"r bottle. Sold by
frmith ifc itilac-k Bros.
The exact figprcs of tho late Ken
tec' t state election can now be stat-d.
The plurality for tha democratic candi
date for governor is 17,015 o-rer the vote
for the republican candidate. The ma
joiity tor the democratic candidate over
all is only 4,138. The total vote is the
largest ever cast in the state. The vote
cast for Bradley, the republican candidate
for governor, is 8.000 more than eTer
before cast for a republican in the 6tate.
The democratic majority is the smallest
which has been cast since the war.
The republicans will have thirty-four
senators and representatives in the next
legislature, just double their strength in
the last le--slat pre. The republicans
have ca i"ed f ve of thft eleven congiess
ional d'st :cts in the stale, three Jhem
by majoities rnng'ng from 1,500 to
2,500. Ex.
m c
A disordeiej cond'tion of the stomach,
or malaria in the system will produce sick
head ache, you can remove thu trouble
by taking Dr. J. II. McLean's Little Liver
and Kidney Pellets. 25 cents per vial
20 m3.
Sharp-Pointed Questions.
New Yo k Worid. dem; Why is it
that the el-ctons of last year and cf this
ysar have ,oue aga"nst the democratic
parly? Why did it lose Iadiana and Vi"
g ". and pustaiQ ssr'ous losses ia North
( a-o'-na and West V'.'ginia? Why was
'lie party utte-ly demoral'i'd and nearly
wiped oat iu C'ntiouai'. Chicago, Jld and other weste-n cHies? Why
has i"; majoii'y been cut down one half
iu Kentucky on the la' gest vote, it now
anpea-'s eve cast the-e?
We e al! the5e states and commpni
i'ei nTeeted by "personal dislike" of the
p.f.-'deat? The voteis have e.piesscd at
;'.ie ballot box what "TJieWoild" has
e.:pi es e:l in columns, a sense of deep
d:-.'ppoiutmeut and dissatisfaction at li?e
jack of actual achievements by the ad
ministration of the;r choice.
We do not consider that P-es:dent
leeland is so much responsible for this
f-ilure and the consequent disaffection
as the editor-; o! the party journals
and i leaders They have been silent
when $ uCJ 6"ult have spoken. They
have flattered him liypocritically when
they should have told the truth. How
could it possibly be expected that oven
a well-meaning and honest man, inexper
ienced in national affuirs nnd unacfjuaint
ed with the country and its public men
should correct his mistakes and act wise
ly when both the mugwumps, on whon
he has leaned, and his own party friends
have persisted in representing tohiinthat
his errors were marvelous exhibitions o
discretion and that his blunders were
most sagacious strokes of statesmanship
Such is not our idea of the editorial
function. Such is not our notion of per
sonal kindness or party fealty.
Drunkenness or th Liquor Habit Posi
tively Cured by Adminitriny
. Dr. Haines' Golden
It can bo given in a cup of coffee or
tea without the knowledge of the person
taking it; is absolutely harmlen and will
eifect a perinaneut and spcrdy cure,
whether die patient is a moderate drink
er or an alcoholic wreck. Thousand of
drunkards have been made temperate
men who have taken Golden Specific in
their coffee without their know
to-day believe they quit drinking of their
own free will. IT NEVER FAILS. The
system once impregnated with the Speci
fic it becomes an utter impossibilit v for
the liquor appetite to exist. For full
particular--:, address GOLDEN SPECIFIC
CO., 185 Race st., Cincinnati. O. 33-ly
"Our New Navy" w'll be described
and i'lusi rated in the September number
of The Amci 'nan Magazine by Lieut.
W. S. Ilugheo, U. S. N. From the accu
rate de tails given of th capacity and
power of tiie new ships, the reader will
e ennblul to ii'die for himself how far
they may se ve iu solving the problem of
ival defence.
Knglish Spavin Liniment removes all
Hard, Soft, or Calloused Lumps and
blemishes from horses, Blood Spavin,
Curbs, Splints, Sweeney, Stifles, Sprains,
Sore and Swollen Throat, Coughs, etc.
Save $.) by use of one bottle. War-.
ranted by Fiicke & Co. druggists, Platts
mouth. ol-lvr
He had too Much ffloney.
A young man from the country, a farm
hand, came to the city yesterday bring
ing with h'ui jest money enough to buy
a pair of shoes and have ten cents left,
lie purchased the shoes and spent the ex
tra (en cents for a drink of whisl.y. Soon
after taking the dr:nk he wanted another
and in order to get it sold his new shoes
for considerably less than he paid for
them and was soon happy as a lurk. In
the afternoon he was quite drunk and a
friend took him to a shady spot where
he spent the night. This morn'ng, not
having a cent of money, he was comjel!
cd to walk home, some twelve mrlcs,
feeling very sore. This is the result of
the "extra ten cents." Nebraska City
"VThen Bbr wm sick, we gmre her Ctwt-ori,
fhco th wm s Child, she cried for Gas tori
"When she boo-uns Misa, aha clung to Caatoria,
When ahe had CUildren, aha gave tkom Cuetoria,
Mr. Gladstone is to cruise for a
month in Lord Wolverton's yacht, the
Pelentine. Sailing does the Grand Old
Man good.
For lame back, side or chest, use
Shiloli'a Porous Plaster. Price 25 cents
Sold by Smith & Black Bros.
The Marquis of Salisbury has been
heard to declare that he would his fairest
earldom give to have Col. Lamont in the
tory cabinet.
In the present depression in . spcul"
tion, silver seems to be about the only
thing dealt in on the exchanges which
holds ils own. Within the past ten. dayi
it has advanced about a cent, the latest
quotation being 9Gf. As ex-Secretary
Manning's scheme of dealing in this com
modity on the New York SiocTi-Ex-change
went into operation about a
month ago, the price be-ng maintained
steadily eyer since, there is some tempta
tion to assume that the latter circum
stance is the effect of the former. Un
fortuna'icly for the hypothesis, however,
the idea o such a relation is hardly
plausible, as the speculative dealings in
sdver thus far in New York have been
i"ew and unimportant. St. Louis Globe
Bronchitis immediately relieved by Shil
loh's cure. Sold by Smith & Black Bros
It is a fact that Qneeu Victoria fa
vors, simple dishe3 of which she partakes
moderately, and likes tea vey much bet
ter than wine.
Tf the stomach pel its function
actively and regularly the food of which
it is receptical, is transformed into blood
of a nourishing quality, which furnishes
vigor and warmth to the whole body, the
remedy best known to give tone to the
stomach is Dr. J. II. McLean's Strengthen
ing Cordial and Blood Purifier. 20-m3
Tin: danger of ;i imdaivd at moj .here
may be avi.t led if j-'iii will occasionally
take a dose of Dr. J. !. Mi Lean's ( hills
and Fever Cur.1. :c ;ii3.
The young man v, ho knows in.w to
lay off coin and potato rows, nnd lo ivr-
lllate the tiiin e )!' the siilee so cs ti
get tueeiep-', s v.oith 11 cow-pen fall of
nice, Kid-:: loyed. I'uney ovi u oaU tl f 1 1
1 1.1 1 . 1 . ,- . .
IOs WHO i-.HOV, 1i 10 lean a i.islilon
wait.. S"Uiug tic plo.v jnst light and
adjusting the geurs so that the baeks anil
sliouldei's of tin- horses wi'l nevi r hint.
are woith a t l.ou-aiui I oli! i,:o.e to (he
country 1 hi'.n I.hom ing how to pi 4se in a
parlor. Yes. and a g i l t!i tt can b d;e H
1 ...... e 1 1.1.1 . 11
"mi wi iiiui ami iu:i.e a s.i-. t loll ;
butter is worth a whol- si in;:';,;v o!
those soft-hand angels who sit in the
"pariah" and let their "in--" do the
kitchen work. f'ttntl Vnlij'oi ni 11.
WiRSE OF mom.
3 x;;r ia:n r f nvsTiTi v.'A'.i r.rnt:Dy.
g ..'''" I.l.l!lv. 1yt'-liM
V U i :lktll , l.lll L'IK'I', lll.r.,v-
I t--ih-l ui..i -.lniriclli ( It- uin..
''"I ' IH'Mlll. 1KH ' ,.
Hit1. VI --. "rn
(MI .II4-HS. lltltklf..
-! 1 UK. IJU!l-l,.0!tj I' V'-t.,
Sullllrni.t, I'i:i.tU- IVraL
!:.. .-onl Jn l;t-l fill -llaot'ilt-i-.
Ulirtoln 'r.m a Mini,- f
Lew crAiTt2&V! lo.:, ni:l : IlLorii.-r-,..-
il.i uirui'ton tho bnn;:m svstemls
): evfitii!' the stenaicli to perfo-t
1 !i'i 1 1 !i of it. i-iiriclii's 111 tl
.ueliHtlii'i. 1 the 1.1. mil, ixivn,- t..ia
Hn.1 viirnr Ui'.' wl.i.l,. Hiti in. the
!!..wi.f lien Itli. .l: :.tic i-ii'i.m. mul
I ui. y 11 1 MiairiLH. (iviinr inpplo evl-il'-ne.'
if IK liem lii lul r If ts.
It renrti.:itei! iwi I ii'snelrritirs
(Jelatme-r.iHli'cl nindil mul l.iver
I -ills. 'I lieyct 1:0 iiKitii tlian mlier
hl.vnlivi! mils, ami urn l-ii.-.tlw
FtipiTiiil-. Ask yn-.ll- I )rl,L'Tist f.,r I li-s i-ln.tli's Swi-.t-Ish
w 1 iu- nl ln.:i ( Trice l .er lint I !e; v liotilr, f.i,
Binl 1 iesbelretli f lUuiul mul I.ivrr t-i.ia Jm. uor
tiex; five bujtuH, nr buuil 'Jiroet to
UlYREKE IlI'.SEL!i01Ll. 10T Chicago Avc.,Cliicago.
Fac-simile of Pntont Chess and Checkerboard, art
Vprtisiiitr the eviehrato'l isynvita Uloi-k Ucinoriiea
and h iCEIV.'kKSli P .-$1,.O0. Jf yim tail t
tJinl it mi this small bnarit call on your ilriiuirist for
full-t-ie. Handsomely Jjitliouraplicil buurU, i'lUii;:
vt dujud ti cunts lor postaKe to us.
Trora Slaeon Lontr, tho Converted Uamblcr.
FoitT WAYNE. Ind., April 5. 14.-1 liavfl Riven tha
Bynvita Conjili Hlocksa thuroukiti trial. Tliey cured
luy little -.'irl (3 ypur' old) of Croup. My wife and
mother-in-law vero troubled with coutihs of lonif
Handing, ono packaj-o of tho Ulocks has cured
tliuiu bo they can talk "us only women do."
Mason Loxa.
LIMA. O., Jan. ;5, 1SS7. The f-ynvita Worm Blocks
Beted liken chnrni in expelling worms from my liu
tie child. The child is now welt and liearty, inatead.
of puny and hickly an before.
John G. Robbinsoji. .jt
OLACKOlRHY blocks.
The Great Uiarrhaa and Dysentery Checker.
PKl.pnos, O.. July 7th. 'Sn. Our six-months old
child had a severe attack of Summer Complaint.
Physicians cou!d do notliintr. In despair wo tried,
fynvita Blackberry Blocks recommended by a.
friend and a few doses effected a complete euro.
Accept our heartfelt Indorsement of your Hlackv
berry Blocks. Mu. AND Mltd. J. baxziuk.
The Synvita Block Hemedies aro
Tho neatest thine out, by far.
Pleasant, Cheap, Convenient, Sure.
Handy, Reliable, ilarmless and Intro.
No box; no teaspoon or sticky hottle. Put on tn
ratent packages. 4. JWiSES 2. Cevts. War.
ranted to cure or money refunded. Ask your drug
pibt. If you fait to get them nend price to
THE SYNVITA CO., Delphos, Ohio,
t JU A VJ tt SiTJL 1 L i 4
Wagon, Buggy, JHao7unc and Plow ; 3
pairing, and general jobbing
ai now prepared to do all kimis of ropatrtns
ol farrn and oiiic-r inacliiiiery, as tlit-re
la a good lathe iu my shop.
The old Reliable Waon Maker
hastalten charge ct the w-aRon ?riop
lie Is well know n as a
NO. 1 V.'OUX.-.IAN.
Ketf "SVna-eji? cji1 Iinj;ii?H mo. if
Sen l o:;e il'i;i" 1,1 e;aieuey, v i!li size f s' in;
tiu.-illy won1, s-tei i 1 y u. : ; of mu- '.' ariicl !:
Indole-; for r'li 1: 1.1:1 'ism. -ohl IVet !il!ii Ii;nl ::f
Ciil;itio:i. II. y :irv (lie in..-; 11 . i!'ul n :il in
the wnr !. 1 !i" 11 r i'1-1 I- t'.:e v. li. life
anil ri-vii:i;.it !!! "in l!:ie- i-lier ;ni-
t!:i Ilieni on. Set:! hy r. t:in; livii! I!;hoi rcceil't
of l- ',.! lress fe-r : i;e "New Ife-
jvilttlie ill Moti'i'Vil Tiralllli'lit wiiiiont M. l''-
cin" " with tli'iti;i:(Is of t"-'in'oir;;;;i. V.'rite
US lull -:U llenhiis of ilinidillies.
din- M:e'ii,-t ii- Kidney i.e!j; for -reii lleiiien
will iiisiii y cnri? liu- i'oltov. ii liie.ises with
out iii.-iiicine : i'lim in tin !i:iek, he:l or iiiishs,
nervous tlehiliiy. luniln'o. i-neiul deliiiity.
rheiiniHl iiii. -:tfrt!ys!s, l-ennOuSa, M-::itir ;t,
eases of 1 he kidney.-, torrid !i ; r.M ii' t-iuis-sloiis.
in. jMiterry. heart ili t:!M-. iiy--i'j:a. i 1 1
liietion, heri.";-. or n:;'t lire. Jiiies. etc. Cer
suliation free. Tliee of i 'e!t. witji Maiieiie
Insfiles, Sin. Si nt hy exine-.- t.'. O. t). or l. re -turn
mail noon iei-eiirol i-i ii'e. Send ie ensure
of 'iitH!i.l fio i f c'uOt v crii . ScrnJ fori roil -lar".
onl.-r liiii c.
Notk. Iho aiiovc ile-i.riLed 7'elt wiMi Tn-
soie is V. ai ITtiiteit fn l.ositive'y cine clil(:. ic
canes of seiii::;l eiui-siers ami in.! oteiiev or
mouey refuiieil. even utter one yeai'f tii;i!.
17 lr iH L'earhorn St., C'hJeago, III.
R Rf9'n ?!" fu niailo. Ctit t!
h 13 1 3 8 It wi?! return to V
!. Oil
ml we
Si 13 E I S'tS L w '." "'' '!1 ft'1 foilie-
!i t a i B 8 '"i;:n (.real value and
WiislHC i"'T"dtam.-p tn you. that
S 5 I II ! i will ptart vni in lmsii:es
w hii'li will hi ii: you niort
money rirht away than anytliinir el-e in thin
world. Anyoi:" can tio tt: work aril live :ii
home. Either S'-'X ; all sires Sotiielhii:-i new.
that j'l-ct eoins it n:icy for all workers. We will
stint vou : capita! imt nepiieil. Tiii our of
the rennitif". iinriortaiit i-liar.ces nfi lifetiire.,'
1 iiej-e who are a limit 10; an it enterpr'sui' w iW
ni, delay. Jrand tuittit free. Addre.-s Tm; i
I taTcinFwr'i-i-fc. 1
j oin"o3
& Co,, Augusta, Maine. aoiy T
1, 1S87.
--'-yi-j 'kfc.rj.
'-I e: ' r ,V :
Tor infants nnd Children,
C-Mto:Iiis8owcllaJ.-,ptMtocLildrtnUiftt I Castorl.-. rttres Collf. Con-tttp'tft'-.n,
I it&j tuj,erior toauy jiriicriution I Pour S'Uimiw.h, lii;in li'ra, liriiet-uion,
tajKU tJ Hie." If. A. Auchzr, 51. D., I -ila '"rnia, ;ive4 tduun, uud. juuuiotoa dl-
111 Bo. OrTori Erookij'n, N. Y. Wf-iout illjurioua modlcation.
Tu CjWTXua Cou-asx, 1G2 I-Hilton Btrcpt. II. TC
.-.i-..' - r .'-rv-!.-E: v ri"j
Wi!!! High Prices!
toia Direct 10 Consumers.
Th "liftl uniwr Wb
u. T). 'cut il riv-juPostncoin CEKT
VVfiKhn Trvlll ' OZ. tuSjlbs.
r AMILY ;0ALES, 240 lbs., $5.'
Platform Scales, Si I to $20.
Fcrcs aui Bl"acSsinitlis' Tools.
1 ni-merf. Jorire, ISIO.
Vrir 11 tid Kit ,,r T.M.1-, ista.1.
- ... .... , n ..1, . i . 1 11:1
T tin. luoiiey, Auvilf",
1. :. te.-1'i.if.-.e,
r :iriHCIM Cill i..o:. J.ihH. HIV ill tilll-1
3 '":!f '" h l.eKt of Kusllatt
rr? ' ' ""'"'"-W'-f ail Scale,
(,U(l 2-Ton (H I o 1 ri n
tl7rfra in A mepl-w
3 V&'JVn 3-Ton 7x 13)853.
' - . 4-Ten (8xl4)80O.
X- Ll -'"'" ' " - loin iTann iieiitn wltti
-T- ' fv.'l .'.r'".-'''' UirrviirletleH. Also.
Hi - -- ' '
utrriiv. H. :.irn ki,..h.
. 1 -, 1 .m 1111. 1 i,ny rresHi-n, Mun-
V li.-.iui rs, . ,ilnrt Wrln-jcr-t uud
al! ii.iniu-uic i-i'i-i-lnlilei.
I'.o. 4, '.ve!..-! t, l.M) l!,s., -f50.
1 11 11 1 n iirhlni', per
XT -vlrr:' it , it.i,m.i-iih-ih,
Viii.lwVvy.'iid '"K ' '"'I of lute-it Im-
r-'fijln'''! 1 - " ti'ii h,f-,u4. Wiif
n tlJt$$iiii 1 M.'.U:d ; rlccL. fa;u e money.
, l'njiriiveini'iit
Kisaju Seals C3
i l.t
":'; '-
- - i--e --?:: mi
e.V ! : ; ;j-':. " i
" r -
b: '
' - ''rsr.TchS 2033 -
FsnsT pann k?.ford mm
At the ereut f 1-.-.-..,fv:.ded brTOICTCXC
SCC0. tT Mr!:-ir l 'Jed. LV"LYX 9 ::0, Y.j Lo.-1
Wilton. (;i:ivt: J-U l:,-.:;, ly Tlio Grove :;rd.
VIZ W33UKV 2:i. 1 !.y Uo'.lor, half brother to
Archibald. Herd nui:iM.-rs 2:; !i-.aJ. Send f r pntcr
and cut-ilo-rac. .T.,
C-uiui-.y, J.u-Jira.u Co., lia.s..ei.
Has attained a Etan larJ cf czccllcnco which
admits of no s.ipr-rior.
Iteoiitiiina c vr-ry irn-pr&vomrntthR.tinvo"Qtivo
-renins, tikiil ami moaey caji produce.
rsr :.-i.T?i )
V;.'r-'- T::'r fc.-'ef-i
These oxrci:e::t c;r;;aT'.-i are co.ibratod for vol
nme, qualiiy of t jn. f.iack re.-po:.ti-, vtrinty cf com
binaii.ju. ariirtic wj.ii, bai.:y in iinii-b, perfect
Con.tnscUou, n.aluri' lae.n tut' most attractive, orna-ment-il
and tiftir! or-tor hoiaes, bchoolfl,
cUurcii;.s, 1ih!;:';S, ic:'.-.!euec, etc.
j:TAELTSEI iinrrTATioi.
fJ5EQlTAI.i:r FA CI 7.2 T I Esi,
Instruct; cn Dcka
nd Firjso Stcol3.
Catalogues end Pr:c:
nMlnrt.-l n -
ii;, tppHcatlc-n, r&u,
pared to furni-i nil c':i; with employment
at horiH, tiie -vli.i!i- ui ln-j t:M, or for their
spare moment H -j-ik new, lizlit and jrof
ilahle. I'ciso: of fc;t!:er sex easily Parii from
50 cent t i.'i ev-:iir,ir. mul a proportion
al sum bv itevoViint til tHeir iiiue to t!ie bui
ti ess. p.vr. ai.l z.'A earn I ar!y as much as
men. all i n't- X'.r-' may peud their
lAil.iri s- !-t t:- loi-ii! -i. we make 1 1 i -
rffer. T i .;;! .t -.veil s lU-fiert we Will
eelid :e r.oi'ur . o p.iv I r he mm ijli; of wri. -iitijr.
K". -' i .... ' ' -l-rit free. Aiidig
u ,.a.uni, Maine.
; 'r-S);,--'!-.'-
v s.nv.-x v:-:- v vv-
Jj. , - . 7 tJd. , ... .1, . ....,
VIE euportorlty cf Corallno over honq
or vrnaicDono lias now Doen uom
onstratod by over Blx years expert
ience. It ia moro durablo. mora
pllalilo. more comfortablo, and NEVEI1
Tho immonse ealo of tho3Q Corsota 3
no7 over 7000 daily.
Eowaro of worthless Imitations boned
with variou3 kinda of cord.
Mono aro gerulno unless "Dr. War
noi-'o Coralino" is printed on inidoojC
tho Bteel cover.
257 & 259 Stat Street),
MAN1I A( '1 l lil.K or AM)
ii!-:.i.i;n in 'i iii;
rt ) jii i f r
vviiuicesi brands ri biirais.
iiicltidiny our
Tier do Pcpporbergo'C and
Ft I.T. I. IMC iK
always in j-tock. Nov. 20.1885.
The 5th St. Merchant Tailor
Keeps a Full Line of
foreign & Domestic Goods.
Consult Your Interest by Giving Ilira a Cal
-.t-vW'frr.-"l 11 Ei "-. telIIGC!A4
fc.1 1. r - 1 Tr- .i Ji..A
A '-yiyV I Flowl?.- a art Shrob,
lr Qr 'Ti Xandkerchiel rl Fa. li
fV- A? mT E i tin-most compitle w
fZa i-rwo-T-t bi-' t li-In-d. Kt:w fifteen
I or th"; km. I in - I
iLj 9 S?i"s (ntH h, Man-iTs tor
5 U Mill1 pie i:''Vt
j priie to ai;i'iii-.
aiiso oixr
.T. wauled cvErvvHerc. AA
0MCRICAN PCS. C3.. 17 KoT.b Veolk Street, Pkilad'a. Pa.
iYC 't A lull Set of
r- vs Oi T. oaro. SeuU ror
Af 5 Circular. ft
A.1 E. C. IIO'.VE & CO.r
"iSZ Xm". 6tii St., I'll 11 it.. 9
Loiioer lari
t;-;- old reliadlh.
Wholcrale and Ketall Dealer In
Sliingle?, Latli, Satb,
Can supl3T every demand of the trado
Call and got ti-rms. Ftmrtli tj tet
In Iiear of Opera Iiou&c.
1 m Kft
h In
If, 4Zf