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About Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 25, 1887)
T a y H. UIDEK JIAGGAKD. rrnon or KINO OUMON'B M1NE9," "BflE," qui to young. nen no Cc oppowto to us no liulU'd, put down the basket ami Htruclc tho Fpiko of liia p:ar Into the ground, bo that it stood upright. "Let us talk," licsaiiL "The first meRSPngcr wo sent to you could not talk and he pointed to the head which lay upon the paving of tho fitoep a ghastly night in tho moonlight; "but I have words to Bprak if yo havo ears to hoar. Also I lring presents," and he pointed to the basket and laughed with on air of swaggering insolence that is perfectly indescribable, and yet which one could not but admire, seoiug that ho was uurroundod by enemies. "Say on," said Mr. Mackenzie. "I am the 'Lygonuni' " (war captain) "of a part of tho Masai of the Ouasa Ambonl. I and my men followed these three whito men," and ho pointed to Sir Henry, Good, and my self, "but they were too clover for us, and escaped hithor. Wo havo a quarrel with them, an .l aro going to kill thorn." "Aro you, my friend f said I to myself. "In following theso men wo this morning caught two bluck men, 0110 black woman, n whito donkey, and u whito girl. Ono of the bluck mon we killed there la his head upon tho pavement; tho other ran away. Tho black woman, the littlo whito girl, and tho whito ass wo took and brought with us. In proof thereof have I brought this basket that Bhe carried. Is it not thy daughter's basket i" Mr. Mackenzie nodded, and tho warrior went on. "Good I With theo and thy daughter wo havo no quarrel, nor do wo wish to harm thco, save as to thy cattle, which wo havo ulroady gathered, 340 hoad a beast for every man's father." Hero Mr. Mackcnzio gavo a groan, aa ho greatly valued this herd of cattlo, which he bred with much caro and trouble. "So, save for tho cattlo, thou mayst go free; moro esjiecially," ho added, frankly, glancing at the wall, "as this place would bo a diflloult ono to tako. But as to theso men It is otherwise; wo have followed them for eight days, and must kill them. Wcro wo to return to our kraal without having done so, all tho girls would mako a mock of us. So, however troublesome it may bo, they must die. "Now, I havo a proposition for thine ear. Wo would not harm tho little girl; she is too ' fair to harm, and has besides, a bravo spirit. Give us ono of theso three men a lifo for a life and wo will let her go and throw in tho black woman with her also. This is a fair offer, whito man. Wo ask but for ono, not for tho throe; wo must tako another oppor tunity to kill the other two. I do not even pick my man, though I should prefer tho big ono," pointing to Sir Henry; "ho looks strong, and would die moro slowly." "And if I say I will not yield tho manf Eaid Mr. Mackenzie. "Nay, say not so, whito man," answered the Masai, "for then thy daughter dies at dawn, and the woman with her says thou hast no other child. Wero sho older I would take her for a servant; but as sho is so young I will slay her with my own hand ay, with this very spear. Thou canst como and see an' thou wilt. I givo theo a safo conduct," and tho fiend laughed aloud at hid brutal jest. Meanwhile I had been thinking rapidly, as one does in emergencies, and had como to the conclusion that I would exchange myself against Flossie. I scarcely like to mention the matter for fear it should bo milfn dor Stood. Pray do not let any one be rallied Into thinking that there was anything heroic about this, or any such nonsense. It was merely a matter of common seas and common justice. My lifo was an old and worth loss ono, hers was young and valuable. Her death would pretty well kill her father and mother also, whilo nobody would bo much the worso for mine; indeed, several charitable Institutions would have cause to rejoice there at It was indirectly through mo that the dear littlo girl was in her present position. Lastly, a man was better fitted to meet death in such a peculiarly awful form than a- sweet young girL Not, however, that I meant to let theso gentry torture mo to death I am far too much of a coward to allow that, being naturally a timid man; my plan was to seo tho girl safely exchanged, and then to shoot myself, trusting that tho Almighty would take the peculiar circumstances of tho case into consideration and pardon the act. All this and moro went through my mind in very few seconds. "All right, Mackenzio," I said, "you can tell the man that I will exchango myself against Flossie, only I stipulate that sho shall be safely in this house before they kill mo." "Eh?" said Sir Henry and Good, simultane ously. "That you don't." "No, no," 6aid Mr. Mackenzie, "I will have no man's blood upon my hands. If it pleaso God that my daughter dio this awful death, his will be done. You ore a brave man" (which I am not by any means) "and a noble man, Quatermara, but you shall not go." "If nothing elso turns up I shall go," I said, decidedly. 'This i3 an important matter," said Mac kenzie, addressing tho Lygonani, "and wo must think it over. You shall have our an swer at dawn." 'Very well, whito man," answered the sav age, indifferently; "only remember, if thy answer is late thy little white bud will never grow into a flower, that is all, for I shall cut it with this," and he touched the spear. "I should have thought that thou wouldst play a trick and attack us at night, but I know from the woman with the girl that your men are down at the coast, and that thou hast but twenty men here. It is not wise, whito man," be added with a laugh, "to keep so small a garrison for your 'boraa'" (kraal). "Well, good night, and good night to you also, other white men, whose eyelids I shall soon close once and for alL At dawn thou wilt bring me word. If not, remember it shall bo as I have said." Then turning to Umslopogaas, who had all the while been standing behind him, and shepherding him, as it were, "Open the door for me, fellow, quick now." This was too much for the old chiefs patience. For the last ten minuses bis lips Lad been, figuratively speaking, positively watering over the Masai Lygonani, and this he could not stand. Placing his long hand on the Elmoran's shoulder, he griped him and gave him such a twist as brought him face to face with himself. Then, thrusting his fierce countenance to within a few inches of the Masai's evil, feather framed features, he said, in a low, growling voice: "Seest thou me?" "Ay, fellow, I see thee." "And seest thou this?" and ho held Inkosi kaas before bis eyes. "Ay, fellow, I see the toy; what of it?" "Thou Masai dog, thou boasting windbag, thou capturer of little girls, with this 'toy will I hew thee limb from limb. Weil for thee that thou art a herald, or even now would I Btrew thy members about the grass." The Masai shook his great spear and laughed long and loud as he answered, "I would that thou stoodst against me man to man, and wo would we," and again ho turned to go, still luughing. "Thou shalt stand against mo man to man,' bo not afraid," replied Umslopogaas, ftliil in tho sumo ominous voice. "Thou nhult stand face to faco with Uiiislojiocaaa, of the blood of Chaka, of tho jxjoplo of tho Amazulu, a captain in tho regiment of tho Nkoiuabakosi, as many havo done Ix.'foro, and bow thyself to Inkosi kaas, as many havo dono before. Ay, laugh on, laugh onl to-morrow niht shall tho jackals laugh as they crunch thy ribs." J "To-morrow nirht shall tho jackals laugh as they crunch your ribs." When tho Lygonani had gone, ono of us thought of opening tho basket he had brought as a proof that Flossie was really their pris- oner. On lifting the lid, it was found to contain a most lovely specimen of both bulb and flower of the Goya lily,. which I have already described, in full blooni and quite uninjured, and what was moro, a note in Flossio'a childish liaiui, written in pencil upon a greasy piece of paper that had been used to wrap up some food in. Dearest Fattier and Mother," ran tho note "Tho Masai caught us when wo wero coming home with the luy. I tried to escape, but could not. They tailed Tom; the other man ran away, They have BOt Lurt nurso and me, but say that they mean t aKchango ua against one of Mr. Quatcrmnin's party. I will have nothing of the sort. Do not lut anybody give his life for mo Try and attack them at night; they are going to feast on three bullocks they buvo stolen and killed. I havo my pistol, and if no help comes by dawn I will shoot myself. They shall not kill mo. If so, remoialier mo always, dearest father and mother. I am very frightened, but I trust iu God. I dare not write any more, as they are be ginning to notice. Goodby. Flossie." Scrawled across tho outside of this was, "Lovo to Mr. Qautermain. They ore going to take up tho basket, so ho will get tho lily." When I read theso words, written by that bravo littlo girl in an hour of danger sufil cienHy near and horriblo to havo turned tho brain of a strong man, I own I wept, and onco moro in my heart I vowed that sho should not dio whllo my lifo could bo given to save her. Then eagerly, qufcjkly, ahnost fiercely, wo foil to discussing the situation. Again I said that I would go, and again Mackenzio nega tived it, and Curtis and Good, like the true men that they are, vowed that, if I did, they would go with mo, and die back to back with me. "It is," I said at last, "absolutely necessary that an effort of some sort should bo made beforo tho morning." "Then let us attack them with what f orco we can muster, and take our chance," said Sir Henry. "Ay ay," growled Umslopogaas, in Zulu; 'spoken liko a man, Incubu. What Is there to bo afraid of? Two hundred and fifty Masai, forsooth 1 How many are we? The chief there" (Mr. Mackenzie) "has twenty men, and thou,' Macumazahn, hast five men, and there are also five white men that is, thirty men in all enough, enough. Listen now, Macumazahn, thou who art very clever and old in war. What says the maid? These men eat and make merry; let it be their fu neral feast. What said the dog whom I hope to how down at daybreak t That he feared no attack because we were so few. Knowest thou the old kraal where the men have- camped? I saw it this morning; it is thus," and he drew an oval on the floor; "here is the big entrance, filled up with" thorn bushes, and opening on to a steep rise. Why, Incubu, thou and I with axes will hold it against an hundred men striving to break out ! Look, now, thus shall the battle go. Just as the light begins to glint upon the oxen's horns not before, or it will be too dark, and not later, or they will be awakening and perceive us let Bougwan creep round with ten men to the top tnd of the kraal, where the narrow entrance is. Let them silently slay the sentry there, so that he makes no sound, and stand ready. Then, Incubu, let thee and me and ono of tho Askari tho one with the broad chest he is a brave mau creep to the wide entranco that is filled with thorn bushes, and there also slay the sentry, and armed with battle axes, take our stand also ono on each side of tho pathway, and one a few paces be yond, to deal with such as pass tho twain at tho gate. It is there that the rush will come. That will leave sixteen men. Let theso men bo divided into two parties, with one of which shalt thou go, Macumazahn, and with ono tho 'praying man' " (Mr. Mackenzie), "and, all armed with rifles, let them make their way one to the right side of the kraal and one to the left; and when thou, Macuma zahn, lowest like an ox, all shall open firo with the guns upon the sleeping men, being very careful cot to hit the little maid. Then shall Bougwan at the far end and his ten men raiso their war cry, and, springing over the wall, put the Masai there to the sword. And it 6hall happen that, being yet heavy with food and sleep, and bewildered by the firing of the guns, tho falling of men and tho spears of Bougwan, tho soldiers shall rise and rush like wilil gamo toward the thorn stopped entrance, and there tho bullets from either side shall plow through them, and there shall Incubu and tho Askari and I wait for those who break though. Such is my plan, Macuma zahn; if thou host a better, name it." When ho had done, I explained to the others such portions of this scheme m they had failed to nnuerstand, and they all joined with me in expressing the greatest admira tion of the acute and skillful programme de vised by the old Zulu, who was, indeed, in his own savage fashion, tho finest general I ever knew. After somo discussion wo determined to accept the scheme as it stood, it being the only ono possible under tho circumstances, and giving the best chanco of success that such a forlorn hope would admit of which, however, considering the enormous odds and the character of our f oo, was not very great. "Ah, old lion I" I said to Umslopogaas, "thou knowest how to he in wait as well as how to bite, where to seize as well as where to hang on." "Ay, ay, Macumazahn," ho answered. "For thirty years have I been a warrior, and have seen many things. It will be a good fight I smell blood I tell thee, I smell blood." CHAPTER VL THE NIGHT WEABS OS. As may be imagined, at the very first sign Of a Masai the entire population of the mis sion station had sought refuge inside the stout stono wall, and were now to b sen men, women and countless children huddled up together in little groups, and all talking at onco in awi-d tones of the a wf illness of Masai manners and customs, and of tho fate that they hud to expoct if those bloodthirsty sav age succoodod in getting over the stono wall, Immediately after wo had settled upon the outline of our plan of action as suggested L y Umslopogaas, Mr. Mackenzie sent for four sharp boys of from 12 to 15 years of age, and dispatched thei to various points whence they could keep an outlook upon the Masai camp, with orders to report from time to time what was going on. Other lads, and even women, wero stationed at intervals alojig the wall, in order to guard against tho Ios.sibility of surprise. After this tho -twenty men who formed his whole available fighting force wero sum moned by our host into tho square formed by the house, and there, standing by tho bolo of the great conifer, ho earnestly addressed them and our four Askari. "Men," said Mr. Mackenzie, after he hod put all the circumstances of the case fully and clearly before them, and explained to them tho proposed plan of our forlorn hope "men, for years I have been a good friend to you, protecting you, teaching you, guarding you und yours from harm, and ye havo prospered with mo. Yo havo seen my child the Waterlily, as ye call her grow year by year, from tenderost infancy to tender childhood, and from childhood on toward maidenhood. Sho has been your children's playmate, sho has helped to tend you when sick, and ye have loved her." "Wo have," said a deep voice, "and we will dio to savo her." "I thank you from my heart I thank you. Sure am I that now, in this hour of darkest trouble, now that her young life is liko to tx cut off by cruel and savago men who of a truth 'know not what they do' yo will strive yojir best to save her, and to save mo and her mother from broken hearts. Think, too, of your own wives and children. If she dies. her death will be followed by an attack upon us here, acid at tho best, evon if wo hold oui own, your houses and gardens will bo do- stroyed and your goods and cattlo swept ' away. I am, as ye well know, a man of peace. Never in all theso years havo I lifted my hand to shed man's blood; but now I say strike, strike, in tho namo of God, who bade us protect our lives and homes. Swear tc me," he went on, with added fervor "sweat to mo that wbilo a man of you remains alive yo will strive your uttermost with mo and with theso brave white men to save the child from a bloody and a cruel death." "Say no more, my father," said the same deep voice, that belonged to a stalwart elder of the mission ; "we swear it. May wo and ours die the death of dogs, and our bones be thrown to the jackals and the kites, if we break the oath 1 It is a fearful thing to do, my father, so few to strike at so many, yet will we do it or die in tho doing. We swear r "Ay, thus say we all," chimed in the others. "Thus say wo all," said L "It ia well," went on Mr. Mackenzie. "Ye are true men and not broken reeds to lean on. And now wo will begin our preparations in good earnest." The men who were to form each little party were carefully selected, and still more carefully and minutely instructed as to what was to be dona After mucn con sideration it was agreed that the ten men led by Good, whose duty it was to stampede the camp, wore not to carry firearms; that is, with the exception of Good himself, who had a revolver as well as a short sword the Masai "sime" which I had taken from the body of our poor servant who was murdered in the canoo. We roared that if they had fire arms the result of three cross fires carried on at onco would bo that some of our own people would be shot; besides, it appeared to all of us that tho work they had to do would best be carried out with cold steel es pecially to Umslopogaas, who was, indeed, a great advocate of cold steel. Wo had with us four Winchester repeating rifles, besides half a dozen Martinis. I armed myself with ono of the repeaters my own; an excellent weapon for this kind of work, where great rapidity of fire is desirable, and fitted with ordinary flap sights, instead of the usual cumbersome sliding mechanism which they generally have. Mr. Mackenzie took another, and tho two remaining ones were given to two of his men, who understood the uso of them and were noted shots. The Martinis and some rifles of Mr. Mackenzie's wero served out, together with a plentiful supply of am munition, to the other natives who were to form tho two parties whose duty it was to be to open firo from separate sides of the kraal on the sleeping Masai, and who were fortunately all mere or less accustomed to the use of a gun. As for Umslopogaas, we know how he was armed with an ax. It may bo remembered that he, Sir Henry, and the strongest of the Askari were to hold tho thorn stopped en trance to tho kraal against the anticipated rush of men striving to escape. Of course, for such a purpose as this guns wero useless. Therefore Sir Henry and the Askari pro ceeded to arm themselves in like fashion. It so happened that Mr. Mackenzie had in his little store a selection of tho very best steel English made hammer backed ax heads. Sir Henry selected one of these, weighing about two and a half pounds and very broad in the blade, and tho Askari took another a size smaller. After Umslopogaas had put an extra edge on these two ax heads, wo fixed them to three feet six helves, of which Mr. Mackenzie fortunately had some in stock, mado of a light but exceedingly tough native wood, something like English ash, only more springy. V hen two suitable helves had been selected with great care, and the end of the haft notched to prevent tho hand from slip ping, tho ax heads were fixed on them as firmly as possible, and the weapons immersed in a bucket of water for half an hour. The result of this was to swell the wood in the socket in such a fashion that nothing short of burning would get it out again. When this important matter had been attended to by Umslopogaas, I went into my room and pro ceeded to open a little tin lined deal case, which had not been undone since we left England, and which contained what do you think? nothing more or less than four mail shirts. It seems almost laughable to talk of steel shirts in these days of bullets, against which they aro, of course, quite useless; but where one has to do with savages, armed with cutting weapons such as assegais or battle axes, they afford tho most valuable protec tion, being, if well made, quiet invulnerable to them. I havo often thought that if only the English government had in our savage wars, and more especially in the Zulu war, thought fit to servo out light steel shirts, there would be many a man alive today who, as it Is, is dead and forgotten. To return: on the present occasion wo blessed our foresight in bringing theso shirts, and also our good luck in that they had not been stolen by our rascally bearers when they ran away with our goods. As Curtis had two, and, after considerable deliberation, had made up his mhid to wear his combination one himself the extra three or four pounds1 weight being a matter of no account to so strong a man, and the protection afforded to the thighs being a very important matter to an individual not armed with a shield of any kind I suggested that ho should -lend the other to Umslopogaas, who was to share the danger and tho glory of his post. He readilj J consented, and called the Znlu, who came iM-uring Sir Henry's ax, which ho had now fixed up to his satisfaction, with him. When wo showed him the Bteol shirt, and explainod to him that wo wanted him to wenr it, ho at first disclinnd, Haying that ho hud fought in his own skin for thirty years, and that ho was not going to begin now to light in an iron ono. Thereupon I took a heavy FjK'ar, and spreading the shirt upon tho floor, drovo the spear down upon it with all my strength, the weapon rebounding without louving a mark upon tho tempered steel. This exhibition half converted him ; and when I pointed out to him how necessary it was that he should not let any old fashioned prejudices he might possess stand in tho way of a precaution which might preserve a valuable lifo at a time when men wero scarce, and also that if ho woro this blurt ho might dispense with a shield, and so have both hands free, hoyiuldod at once, and proceeded to invest his great frame with tho "iron skin." And indeed, although mado for Sir Henry, it fitted tho great Zulu like a skin. The two men were almost of u height; and though Curtis looked tho bigger man, I am inclined to think that tho difference was more imaginary than real. the fact lioingthat, although ho was plumper and rounder, ho was not really bigger, except in tho arm. Umslopogaas had, comparatively speaking, thin arm, but they wero us strong as wire ropes. At any rate, when they both stood, ax in hand, invested in tho brown mail, which clung to their mighty forms liko a web garment, showing tho swell of every muscle and tho curve of every line, they formed a pair that any ten men might shrink from meeting. It was now nearly 1 o'clock in the morning, and tho spies reported that, after having drunk tho blood of tho oxen and eaten enor mous quantities of meat, tho Masai wero go ing to sleep round their watch fires, but that sentries had lioon posted at each opening of tho kraal. Flossie, they added, was hitting not far from tho wall in tho center of the western sido of tho kraal, and by her wero the nurso and tho white donkey, which was teth ercd to n peg. ncr feet were bound with a ropo, and warriors wero lying about all round her. As there was absolutely nothing further that could bo dono then wo all took some supper and went to lio down for a couplo of hours. Tho bed whereon I lay wa3 near an open window that looked on to tho veranda, through which came an extraordinary sound of groaning and weeping. For a timo I could not mako out what it was, but nt last I got up, and putting my head out of tho window 6tared about. Presently I saw a dim figure kneeling on tho end of tho veranda and beat ing his breast in which 1 recognized Al- phonse. lot being able to understand his French talk, or what on earth ho was at, I called to him and asked him wliat he was doing. "Ah, monsieur," ho sighed, "I do make prayer for the souls of those whom I shall slay to-night." "Indeed," I said; "then I wish that you would do it a littlo more quietly." Alphonso retreated, and I heard no more of his groans. And so tho timo passed, till at length Mr. Mackenzio called mo in a whisper through tho window, for of course everything had now to bo dono in tho most nbsoluto silence. "Three o'clock," ho said; "we must begin to movo at half past." I told him to como in, and presently he entered, and I am bound to say that if it had not been that just then I had not got a laugh anywhera about me, I should havo exploded at tho sight he presented armed for battle. To begin with, he had on a clergyman's black swallow tail and a kind of broad rimmed black felt hat, both of which ho had donned on account, he said, of their dark color. In his hand was the Winchester repeating rifle wo had lent him; and stuck in an elastic cricketing belt, like thoso worn by English boys, wero, first, a huge buckhorn handled carving knifo with a guard to it, and next a long barreled Colt's revolver. "Ah, my friend." ho said, seeing me staring at his belt, "you are looking at my 'carver.' I thought it might como in handy if wo camo to closo quarters; it is excellent steel, and many is tho pig I havo killed with it." By this time everybody was up and dress ing. I put on a light Norfolk jacket over my mail shirt, in order to havo a pocket handy to hold my cartridges, and buckled on my revolver. Good did the same; but Sir Henry put on nothing except his mail shirt, 6teel lined cap and a pair of "veldtschoons" or soft hido shoas, his legs being baro from tho knees down. His revolver ho strapped on round his middle outside the armored shirt. Meanwhile Umslopogaas was mustering tho men in tho square under tho big tree, and going tho rounds to see that each was properly armed, etc. At the last moment we rsade ono change. Finding that tv& of the men who were to havo gono with tho firing parties knew littlo or nothing of guns, but were good spearsmen, wo took away their rifles, supplied them with shields and long spears of tho Masai pattern, ami told them ' if . J "1 i 1 T"T 1 1 .1 Oil to join vuri,is, uuisiuoUas uuu ine Askari in holding the wide opening it hav ing become clear to U3 that three men, how ever brave and strong, wero too few for the work. CHAPTER VII. A ELACGIITER GRIM AND CHEAT. Then camo a pause.and we stood there in tho chilly, silent darkness waiting till tho moment camo to start. It was, perhaps, the most trying time of all that slow, slow quarter of an hour. Tho minutes seemed to drag along with leaden feet, and tho quiet, tho solemn hush, that brooded over nil big, as it were, with a coming fate was most oppressivo to tho spirits. Tho moon went down; for a long whiio the had been getting nearer and nearer to tho horizon, now she finally 6ank, and left the world in darkness savo for a faint gray tinge in tho eastern sky that palely heralded tho coming dawn. Mr. Mackenzie stood, watch in band, kis wifo clingiug to his arm and striving to L-ti3e her sobs. "Twenty minutes to f cur," he said ; "it ought to b? light enough to attack at twenty min utes past four. Capt. Good had better bo moving; ho will want three or four minutes' start." Good gave one final polish to his eveglass, nodded to us in a jocular sort of way which I could not help feeling it must havo cost him something to muster up and, ever polite, took off his steel lined cap to Mrs. Mackenzio and started for his position at the head of tho kraal, to reach which ho had to make a de tour by some paths known to tho natives. Just then one of the boys camo ia and re ported that everybody in the Masai camp, with tho exception of the two sentries who were' walking up and down in front of the re spective entrances, appeared to bo fast asleep. Then tho rest of us took the road. First came tho guide, then Sif Henry, Umslopo gaas, the Wakwafl Askari and Mr. Macken zie's two mission natives, armed with long spears and shields. I followed immediately after with Alphonso and fivo natives, all armed with guns, and Mr. Mackenzie brought up the rear with the six remaining natives. The cattle kraal where the Masai were camped lay at the foot of the hill on which the house stood, or, roughly speaking, about 800 yards from tho mission buildings. The first 000 yards of this distance we traversed quietly Indeed, but at a good pace; after that wo crept forward as silently as a lit pard on his prey, gliding liko ghost from bush to bush and stone to stono. Whn I hod gono a littlo way I chanced to look lhind mo, and saw tho redoubtable Alphonso staggering along with white face and trombling knoex, nnd his rifle, which was nt full cock, jointed directly at tho small of my back. Huving halted, and carefully put tho riflo at "wifoty," wo startud again, and all went well till we wero within 100 vards or so of tho kraal, when his tooth b ,'an to chatter hi the most n"T(.SHjvl. way. (To be. eoHliuUt if.) Unsuspected disorders of the kidneys uio responsible for many of llm ordinary ailments of humanity which if neglected, develop into a serious and perhaps fatal malady. Experience would surest the use of Dr. J. II. McLean's Liver and Kid ney Ilallll. o() ,; PURE : BRED Plymouth Rocks, Silver Penciled Hamburgs. B, B. Red Gamo Bantum, S. C. Brown Leghorns Houdans, Langshaws, and Pekin Ducks. EGGS FOR HATCHING. 3," Write for Prices. M001T & ROBERT?, gukkn vooi, : : kkiiiiakka. Dr C. A - Marshall. l'roforvatloii of natural teeth a cproialty. Talh uli aetul without itiii itsc of lnujliinu ll. All "work warranted. I Vices reasonable. FlTZliKRAM '.I.OCK, lI,ATTKMOITTIl,NKIl. can livo Rt lwm and mako more money at work for 11s Mian at, any thing else in this world. Capilitl not reeded ; you aro started free. Both sexes : all aijes. Any one can do the work. Larue earniiiir sure from lirst start. ( outfits and terms free. Better not delay. ( 'osts you uoth- lng 10 Heiid us your address anil Hint out ; anil if yon are wise you will do so at once. Address II. HAI.L.KTT &, CO., l'ortlauil, Maine. yclv MJiTi- ,fti2Mfl 1,1) 1 k 1! i! liaBda OF ALL After Diligent Search has at last been L' cated, and the Public will not be greatly surprised to know that it was found FUBw TU OTP Where courteous treatment, cent Stock oi Goods responsible IT WILL BE MONEY IN YOUR POCKET To Consult me before Buying. UNDERTAKING AND EMBALMING A SPECIALTY. CORNER MAIN AND SIXTH, S B (St'OCESSOi; TO J. M. KOBKUTS.) Will keep constantly on hand a full and complete Hock of pij.-o Drugs and Medicines, Paints, Oils, "Wall Paper and a Full Line, of IDIEUGr-G-ZEST'S STJ2sTXDIE3 PURE LIQUORS. THE CITIZENS JB. Jl 1ST 2BL 2 I'bAT riMOUTII. - NKItlCAMvA. CAPITAL ST00K PAID IN, - $50,000 Authorized Capital, $IOOtOOO. - (IKKII KKH JUANK CAKICirilt. JOS. A. CONNOK, President. VUe-J're.sljeut. V. H. C'UHMINU. Canir. IHKIH'TOKX Frank (Ijirrutli, J. A. Connor, K. It. (iuthinaiui, J. V. JohiiHon, J I y Ko'i'k, .IiiIiii O'Keofc, W. J. A1-. rriuiii, Win. Wcteiicaiiip, W. 1(. CiiMiuig. Transact a General Hank 1 111 Uimlncud. All Wlio liavo :n 1 y li. inking Imsinesi to tlKii-iu't are m v i 1 to call. No mailer low laive or ronall Mm tuiiiKicunn. tl v il! receive our cure f n I .it ten I Ion, aiiti v. i' p: ,il v ;i emir tt .huh I reatnienl. lHiie- Certificates of JMj-usitM hearing Irifen-Kt 1'iiyHiitiil Hell I-'orelfii KxcliaiiK, t'ouety ami C'il v Mccuritlex. Bank Cass County Cotnor Main and Sixth Htrrctn. LATT3 11 0 X J 'irt-X. 3T KB .C. H. IWItMKI.K. I rcsl.lciit, 1 J M. i'AT'1 KKSON. Ca.slii. i. f Transacts a General Banting Business III3IIEST CASH x'KICIii Paid for Count; and City WarfanU and uroniiitly remitted for. iOlRKWI'OKH 1 0. II. fan. He, J. M. r.HtfTon, Krert linnier, A. H. .Hn.ltli. i:. H. Wiinlliam. M. Moirlsey, Jmnes 1'allcrsoii. Jr. John Fri .ikha li, rresilmt. . WAUftlt: Cai'Mer FIWST NATIONAL OK n.AT TSMOUTII. NKKICASKA. Oilers the very best facilities forthu prompt traiiHactlon of leijitimato BANKING BUSINESS.. Stocks, r.oiuls. Cold, Ooveriiincnt anti foe SccuriticM I'.oucht and Sold, I (enosits receiv ed ami interest allowed on t ime erlitl oatex. Draft draw 11, a vat laid In any liai t of the United States aud all the pi incijial lowiirt of Eurone. Collections made tt promptly rctr.itUd IJIlicst market price raid for County War Htate ar.d County 15ond. DIRKCTOns 1 J'lhn FlfzeerMd Jo'ui St. Clark, Ji. TlawknwortL . S. Wa:iL'h. P. K. White. FORHirDBE! BOOMS at the Larire v j 3 square dealing and a Magnifi to select from are for my ins axle. PLATTSMOUTIJ, XEMIASKA FOBi U W 0j IUlL-(& 0 ) r) t