Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, August 25, 1887, Image 1
:Tf.:j . $2.00 TKli ANNUM. PLATTSMOUTIT. NEBRASKA. TTTURSDAT' AUG. 25, 1887. VOTAJMK XXIII. NUMIMOU 23 ,JH ft! ft flow's YourLiver? Is tho Orirntiil Habitation, knowing that good health canimt exist without a healthy Liver. "When tho Liver i torpid tho ISowcl arc sluggish and constipated, the fouil lies in the stomach undigested, poisoning tha blood; frequent headache ensues; a feeling of lassi tude, despondency nnd ner vousness indicate how the whole system 13 deranged. Simmons Liver liegulator has hern the means of restor ing more peoplo to health and happiness by giving them a healthy Liver than nny agency known on earth. It acts with extraordinary power and t ilieaey. NEVER EEEN DISAPPOINTED. At a general family remedy for Dyspepsia, Tr,ifl T.iver. Const ip ii ion, etc , I hardly rrer any thim else. :md have never been disap pointed 111 I lie ellrrt pioiiuecd ; it seeinc to te aliuuit a perfeet curs for all diseases of the Momsch and Uoueis. V. J. McULKOY. Maeoa. Oa. golTjtji;y oiaTiGKrvs. Treasurer, Deputy Treasurer, - Clerk. leputy Clerk. ClerK of Litiiet Court, fcheriiT, -Deputy Sheriff, Hurveyor. -AUornoy. tupt. of Tut) School, County Judi;i;. ito.wti) ok buri: I.onis, Ch'iu., A. Jl. i ODD. A. 1J. 1)1 KSOX, 1. A. CAMI'IIELL TlIO-1, 1'Ol.L.OCK .1. M, KolUNSON C, C Mci'liEiisox W. '. Nhowaltkh J. ;. KlIiK.VBAKV 15. C. Ykomans A. Madulk Al.l.F.N ISEKS.'N MAV.NAJii) SfINK C. It USSR LI, UVIS'lKS. Teepins Water l'lattsmoiitli KimwooU GIVIG SOGIIVPIIIS. rjUtIO I.OImIK NO. 81. A. ). U. W. M"eets " eTfry alreruai I'rirlay evening at K. of 1. hall. Transit! r hmiiwr. ar? respectfully in- Tiled toattend. I1'. K. White, Master Workman ; It. A, 'I'r.ite, l'oremau ; 1". J. Morgan, Overseer ; J. E. MurrU. iteeorder. (i ASS CAM 1 NO. :v,2. MODICllN WOODMKN of America Meets Second and fourth Slim d ay evhi.inir at K. of I", hall All transient brothers are renust. -d to meet with lis. 1. A. ieweonier, VeneiMld'' Consul : VV.C, W'lll-tt, Worthy Adtiser ; 1', M ji0''s, lix.-15;mker ; J. E. Morris, Cler . TJI.ATTS.MOUTil I.ODCU NO. 8, A. O. U. W. 6- Meet every lUiernaie Friday evening at Uoekwood hall .t s oVlocu, All transient broth ers are respeetfuily invited o attend. J. A. Gutsche, M. W. ; H. (', Given, Foreman : i. C. VllUo, Ueeorder ; M. A. Newcomer. over.-eer. McCONIHlE POST 43 G, A. R. Bam. M. .Co:umander. C. rt. Twihs V. A. IIatiw Jonx W. Vl OOPS AUOUST TAKTS., lt liKJf.1. HlOIl'l.F. JOHJf ('OHKlllAX, fl. I. IIDI.UIW AV, li. It. LIVINGSTON,... .Senior Vice Junior ' Adjutant. : Q. M. Oilicerof the Day. " " uard Ser-t Major. Fost Mirj:ecn ALPHA WltltJHT, ro-t t ha plain Kenular meetiriLTS. 2nd and -1th Thursday of each month a.t l'ost lleadiiuarters In ltock VooU lilock. PROrCSSlOfJAL CAPOS. ATTOHSKTS AT LAW. BEKSON & SULLIVAN, Attorneys at Law. Will give pro:n'it, attention to -.ll business Intrusted to them. ()tiie; iu Union Block, Uast Bide, l'lattsmouth. Neb. J AS. S. MTIlEwS, Attorney t Law. Ofllce over M. B. Murp'.v I'o's s'ore, eouth side of Main betwBOT: fith and ctli streets. 21tf TJOBEHT B, WINDHAM. Notary 1'ubllc and Attorney at La. Ollice over Mai k of Cass County, l'lattsinouth. Neb. Oflica tele phone No, I ; residence. No. 6. JOHN A. DAVIKS. A ttorney at Law. Office with It. 15. Windham, over bank of Cass Co. FLATTSMOUTU, .IdUTIyi NkliKASKA. PHYSICIANS AND SUKQKONS. W. COOK, M. l.. FhvHleiaii and Surireon. Offie at Fistier's Drus Store, Fltt- E yiouth. Nebraska. 1 L, SI(;(iINS. M. D., ri.ysteiau and Sur geon. One door -.vect of Bennett's store. Office hours from 10 to i a. m. and from 3 to 8 Md7to9p. in. Mesidenc. eoruer Ninth and Elm streets Mrs. livings' house. Telephone at office and house. LEGAL. Notice to Creditors. STATE OF NEI5KASKA, . . Cass Couuty. f 5S' In tbe matter of the estate of Jacob F. Fox. ijeeeased : . Notice is hereby piven that the elan and demaBds of all persnr.' again-t Jacob F. Fox, deea i,late of uid county ard state, will be receive, examined and adjusted y th county court, at the court house In liatti aiou'b on the 23rd 'lay of February, A. D, 19 at ! o'clock la the forenoon. Aad that six months from and after the 2Ctli lay of August A. I). 18si is tbe time limited for creditors of aid decease to preent thir claims for ex amination and all .wanee Giten under my haiid, this 20tb day of Au gust A. I. 16S7. 8 C. RUSSELL. 23 3t. Couutv Jadg. Legal Notice. THE STATE OF N EI5KASKA, ) Cass County. ( ss. In the District Conrt of the Second Judicial District of Nebraska, In snd for Cass County. CHARLOTTE I. NOF.TON.riainiitl. Notice to vs. Vtake de- WILLIAM A.NOKTOX.Defendant ) positions. The above earned Defendant will take notice, that on Thursday the first clay of September, 1j7 theaid Plaint itl will tak the depositions of Mis Klleu Hu ;hson oefore Hullis C.ltobet soo. Notary at 21G Eat Water street, Elmira, New V rk ; aVo 1 i. D. Lead better lefore Kufu K Harte. a Justice of Peace, at Marietta. Vashini;ioii 'o., Ohio, sundry wit nesses, to boused as evidence on the trial of the abov- entit ed cause, at the ofti?e of said pflicers aforesaid, in the nlaees alxve named, ietween the hours of 8 o'cL-ck a. in., and 6 o'clock p. m.. of -aid day. and tlietakiugof said clepoeitions will be ailjniinied from day to day, tetweea tbe same hours, until they are com pleted. ItOBT B."WlNT)nAJI AND JOHV A. DAVJIf!. 21-3 Attorneys tor Plaintiff. TELEGRAPHIC CuUDEMATIONS. TnrnDAT. I'nncc renlinand tins ftesanawi om- ninnd of the Bulgaria amy. The . .t M. hndjo at RuU, Xeb., ave r tho Missouri, is alm?l complefced. Itn.ssia objects to Priac Ferdind's occupancy f the Uularian thraao. The sixth annual cflcaatpmeat of tha H. of V. ie in progress at De Meine, la. VA Gilmore kas sacd Mr. Laigtry for $1(5,000 for Beryicen us ker foriuar mana ger. i nomas iean, wna recently die m Texan, leaves $10,000. 00 t ttiroo Boston relatives. llcports from Africa say Btaaley, th explorer, is dead, bo they art bcliarad to be false. Heavy showers prevail over England 6Ufliciently o to fload tha underground railways iu London. On account of John T. Irnanar'e elec tion to parliament, Gladotoae predicts better times for Ireland. The strike of the 300 operative' at the Lockwood mills, of Wakcrvilla Mo., has ended iu favor f the propriatora. At the United Labor atate eanvenlion held at Syracuse, IT. T. the aocialifctic delegates were refused adaiitlac. Timothy Keating, a labcrer ia JT. -T. City has fallen heir ta XA,0O aad his sihter ts 10,000 by the deatk af aa aaclc. Jake Pettibone, who raa ec-nteacedt be hung iu Gumming, Ga., in 1860, but escaped, has recently been arretted in the Indian territory. Capt. Renard, a Frenckraaa, claim to be the inventor of a machine that will travel against the wind blowinr 10 metres per second. A bTidgo under coastrnctlon an the Ohio Valley road, near Marion, Ky., col lapsed, killing one, fatally injaring tiro and wounding tiro other. The evidence pertainiag to Ik cause of the wreck at (Jhateworth wai heard by the coroner's jury but ihuy aastpaned their verdict till the next day. Tho republican state coaveatloa at llarrisbug, Penn., adopted aa tktrir wv- enth plank, and favoring JameaG. Blaine for the coming presidential campaiga. The lady arrested ia London last iraek on suspicion of having dyaamita in her posession is going to sue for daaaagea if the matter is not peaceably aettled- Gov. Richardson, of 8. C, is about to sign a resolution awarding a prize from the state to the rebel Gen. K". O. Evans, for his gallantry at Leaebarg, Va. j A boy mischievously opsaed a bridsro 1 on the West Divisioa car liae, Chicago. 1 The driver of an approacinr ear naticed it just in time to Rave tho oar. Tha boy escaped. , At Dodge City, Kans.. the Caanen Ball train on the U. P. ran iato tke rar of a freight train, demolishing the caboose and three cars and fatally iaiaring the freight conductor. Another wreck occured at tko Tkree Bridges (X. J.) station. A. freight train collided with an ore trsia. Both, trains were badyl wrecked aad tke angiaeer and fireman of tho freight ware injarod. Chief Colorow is thought to be settling with his followers in the aaouataiaB where game, etc. are plentiful aad where it will be difficult to get at them, aad then he will continue depredations until hia fol lowers are exterminated. A dispatch from St. Louis saya an at tempt was made to wreck the eveaiug cut-going passenger traia on the Ohio & Mississippi road by driviag coupling pins in the fri gs. The pins were noticed and removed in time to save the traim from being thrown over a higa embankment. The Rev. Dr. B. K. Pierce, editor of Zion's Herald, Boston, has resigned to take effect Jan. 1. lie will bo sueoeeded by the Rev. Dr. D. A. Goodell of New Haven. Dr. Goodsell has for eoaao year been the literary editor of the Christian Advocate of New York. An express train on tke Cincinnati & St. Louis railroad going 45 miles an hear, jumped the track in passiag over a Y" as it entered "Washington, D. C, and crashed into some adjoiaing buildings; killing the engineer and fireman aad se riously injuring about twenty passengers. A portion of the train scd beddings was smashed into an unrecognizable aaasa. ntnAT. Jacob Sharp, is said to ba in a danger ous condition. Macoupin county, BL held an old tat tlers' re-union. It is stated that the cholera kaa baen overcome in Naples. "White and Hamilton counties, HI., held an old soldiers' reuniom. State troops arc on their way to the scene of the Ute outbreak. McLean county, 111., held a grand old settlers re-union at Ellsworth. The reunion of the soldiers of the northwest terminated at Sioux City, Ia. "Warren Quattlebauai was crushed, by the falling of a derrick at Dallas, Tax. Seven fourth class post masters were appointed to Missouri, and five to Kan sas. Henry, Leo, Vaa Buren and Jefferson counties, Iowa, held sn eld. union at Salem, wettlenT Tho Americans in Mexico CSty TUoel ; ebrate Mexico's Indepandeaeo VJ, fcep- ; tembor f. The coroner's jury in the Ckafcworth disaster lay tho blame entirely a the Mo tion boss. It is reported that Chief Corolow is an neal in r to all the neighborim? tribev tor The Iowa dairymen eomplaia that tho Chicago grocers acll oleomaxajaxiM with out license. Tho American florists aro ia ooaveation at Chicago. Their next nieeeina will t at New York. The U. 8. Revenue, cntter Ba, which went in search of Arctic whale, fa sup posed to be lost. The French consuls In Bulcorfa have been notified to not even ho!4 basiaoss relations with Bulgaria. At the ex-confederate soldiers aeaaion at Dallas, Tex., five speeches wre mad by ex-confederato officers of that state. Tho engineers of the souther, f ortion of the Mexican Central, aro oa a strike but passenger trains still run regilarly. A 30-foot grindstone in Bttchcr & GibVs' Plow-works, at Cantoa, Okio, burst, killing Henry Pahsea, an employe. Advice from Khaeh, in Afgkanistan, report tho explosion of iftaen tans of dynamite, by which two natir were killed. The United Ireland urges ladlrda to publicly confess home rule ia iaevita ble aud hasten the sottlemenfe of ttie qaes- tion. Three of eleven roustabout from Cincinnati were drowned whila crossing the Ohio in a skiff. The boat waa swamp ed by a steamer. An elevator in N. Y. City loaded with shop girls, and women, fell from the 3rd floor, killing an old lady and wouading several others. Two live-stock trains on the Gl. &Q. collided near Chicago, killing a large amount of Btock and severely injuring one engineer. The report of manager of tke river and harbor improvements. Amen SUckney, shows $34,863 of last years' appropriation act expended. Gen. Miles is concentrating troops at the San Carlos Agency, N. M., for fear of trouble at tho time of the exeoatioa of the fourteen renegades. Secretary and Mrs. Lamar left Waakington this morning for tho White Hotntaiaa, in New Hampshire, whera tkej expect to remain for several weeks. While James Drake, aged 83, ff as d- justing a belt ia a planing mill, s4 JSanea- nlle, Ohio, ho was thrown apa saw and mstuatly killed. Jackson "Wakeley. a 17-year-old boy residing in Walnut Townshio. TS.:. aoci- i - dently shot and killed himself tai morn ing while handling a revolver. Charlie McEroy, aged 10, wailo prac ticing shooting with a revoiT near Haywood, 111., with a playmate, wac ao eidently shot and instaatly killed. Two little boys aged 6 aad 8 were plavinir with a small revolver ft Vent- phis, Tenn., when the elder boy shot and instantly killed his little playmate. The Moscow Gazette urges tke Cbt to act with vigor in regard to tke Balgarlaa question, and hold Turkey jspsible for the violation of the Bedim treaty. An attempt is beino: made to have the U. 8. land offce at WaKeeney. Kan., moved to some other point ia ilk district, j The Flat Head council, of Arlec, Mont., have rejecteda prayer from sixty families ef half-bred Crces, who have be in re bellion with Kiel, for homes among ' them. Secretary Fairchild today appoiafced John II. Kcatley, of Iowa, to bo hief of tho Miscellaneous Division of tke Beeoad Comptroller's office, vice Oscar J. Haryey, dismissed. Applications were receiyod at the Treasury Department to-day for tke pre payment of interest on bonds acaeanting to $2,828,300, making the total to da to $G5,610,450. The English socialist, Headingly, who recently made a speech in Brassels which got the authorities after him, says ho did not urge a political social revolatios but an economic revolution. The Comptroller of the Curreayskaa de clared a first dividend of 75 per cent in fayor of the creditors of the Trst Ration al Bank of Livingston, M. T., on claims proved, amounting to $28,350. The President made the followiag ap pointments to-day: John Madigan, to be Collector of CustomB for tho District of Dunkirk, N. Y.; Wm. P. Boyd, of Missouri, to be a United States consilar clerk. The Comptroller of the Carrcacy to day authorized the First Natieaal Bank: of Rnssell Springs, Kan., and the First National Bank of "Wakeeney," Kail., to begin business with a capital oi $50,000 each. ' President Ziman Blanco, of Vcaezue la, complains that the British are en croaching upon the Yeneauela territory at the mouth of and along tho Orinoca. He has raised an army of several thous and to drive the British out aad desire the United States to arbitrate the natter. An M. E. church minister, south, is un der arrest in "Williams county, Tenn., for eelliag whisky without a liceoae aad a colored preacher of Ilernufaga crStrtct near Nashville, of the sajne tate is nnder arrest for strsliag a eow to obtain money to aold a revival. CATCTdDAT. The cholera in north Iadia i abating, Emperor Williafc, of Germany, is quite ill. A conaterfeiter has boon arrcoted at Helena, Ark. The eclipse at Berlia was obscured by heavy clouds. The Baak of London, of Londoa, On tario, lias suspended. There is a band of horse thieves in Clinton Coanty, Mo. Tho Arizona train robbwrs aro being followed very closely. George Brinske, Cleveland substitute in the late war, is dead. Silver has been discoveredtat Lebanon, Mo., at a depth of 875 tmtU The bone of a mastodon have been unearthed at Stocktoa, ill. Chas. Sweeney waa drowned while eeiaing ia Crab Wr Hirer, Ky. "Walter Hopkins, a general clothier of Peoria, I1L, has made an aeeigiirncait. A rock salt vcr wta struck at King man, Kaa., at tko depth f 77 foot. The Aaaaneaa Bar Association closed their aauual meeting at Saratoga, R. Y. iL M.TouBgaad wif, vt Tort Scot, Kaa,, evUbrated tUeiir gold wedding. All the bodiea of the victims of tho ChttiTorh disaster kave b id.utifled. A riot occurred at Keamare, coanty Kerry, Ireland, whiefc wa eudd by the police. The epecckes at tho ci-confederate re union at Dailaa, Ttxft, ar fair and un- sensationaL An explesioa ia a mine at Slack Hawk, Oolo., kitled two aca and in jured a third. The Bullish jzoverament has proclaim ed the Irish Jauoaal League as a danger ous institution. Reports from Afghaaista ktafee tho Ameer broke- the strength af theGUiLmo's ia a battle oa the Situ of July. Matt. H. Johnson and wife, while iafc temptiug to cross Pike Creek, near Mia neapolis, Kaa., were drowaod- Preparatioa are being taadc for a ex confederato re-unioa at Bentoaville, Ark., in honor of tho battle ef Pea Ridge. Michael Sauk aad Terdioand Linde man, two anere bU4ozer of tha Chicago treuaarr, wera 6afled to tho Penn. The anaaal raeaesag ml flue editorial as sociativa kaa bvea poetooaed. It waa to have beem kold at Davrt fcVpt. f. Thre Mexican boyc ara under arrest at El Paso, Texae, for plaeiag abstractions on the Texas i 2"aeia track Ofcar that city. Rumor of explorer tcanley's death still come fYoni Africa, but they are doabted by tho who understand the situation. "William Carson, Kit. Carson's bob, who was shot wkilo trjing to arrest a despera do in & M., is aot dead and may re cover. During the eh am battle at the re-vaion at Enfield, U1-. the canaon of the fort were prematurely discharged, iajaring seven veterans. The inspector appointed by tke czar of Russia, reports tke troops and fortifi cations along gonth and southeast Raia in excellent conditio. An Ohio compoay ia about to build a system of drainage for Mexico City Val ley. Th water will be led away tUrougn a tunnel ia the moaafeaice. A young lad ogvd 14 went to Detroit, Mich-on pretense 'of going to college, and set up kls siga aa a real estate dealer. but he weat over the want eclamna of the paper and oCered to supply the wants if tke waster would pay a small sum in advance The money exacted, the wantor kept oa wanting. The latest report frara Gleawood Spring and Meeker go te shew that Chief Colorow doo not desire war, and if Sheriff Kendall bad exercised half as much judgment a he did cranea and courage, taere would have Ixoa no trouble. But tko India are combining into one body, and if pressed muck kard er, will be forced, to Ight. Colorow's force is estimated at 350. while tke wkites have 250 troops oa the way to Meeker, while the skeriC and his men and a com pany of SO infantrymen under Capt Gorslino are at Meeker. A ship, the City of Montreal, oa her way from New York to Liverpool, took flre and. barned the fifth aitrht of her irmrnpT. beias? 40 miles from land New f oundland. The rew and all passengers were safely transferred to the boats and were rescued by a German barque, Tri bant, ia a few hours, except the passen gers of boat No. 8, containing 11, which either sunk or anad for lane aad was lost from th other boats. Tbe steamer York Chtv canto mn ahortlv after the barque Tribant, aad ia the taoraiag tho nassenirers were transferred to her, on which vesaei they w takea. to London. SUXDAX, -Emperor William is reported better. "Jako Sharp's condition is still very periou. ttontiriwul oH 6t7i pa&e. z,:mjL.'iD For a short time SPECIAL : llflliT rz2 r s. J India, Mmem, Piques Fancy N&lmsmka ALT, THE rATEBQD NO TEL TIES o Swiss and Hamburg Embroideries and FloiiDcing. "Wiiit cund Colorfl, of tho Xi4tost ISosins. -:-OUR GOODS ARE ALL NEW-:-And you arc lnvltcl to call. SEPH V. 4 i 3 11 We Announce Without Further Notice a i ita,uyy i iwm -Oil ComraenciDg TO-DAY, JULY rCl p,m . y mm mm m beptember let. Cl'fiil Ml AS TUI3 IS iiDLLiifafuiivi without reserve, it will be to tho ot Cass Count j to Unparalleled Bargains Having in view the interests multitude to share the benefits of consideration sell to other dealers tinder this clearance sale. DO HOT DELAY! We go to New York soon to make our Fall Purchases, and we kindly request all of our friend indebted to us to call as early as possible and adjunt their account. Yours Kespect fully, SOLOMON & NATHAN. White Fnnt Dry d-softs House. Main, Street, - Plattsmouth, Nob. - this i only wo will oflVr BARGAINS WECK ha AIX 12th, and continuing until A POSITIVE PI 1 individual interests of all citizen take advantage of the ot our customers, and to enable th this great ale, we will under no wholesale lota of goods embraced SALE Olit Offered