Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, August 11, 1887, Page 5, Image 5

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Tho Late John Taylor.
It litis come down to us from ancient
times that we should speak no evil of Di'i
dead. It h u j.jood maxim, too; lut win n
the liappiiifs of thousands is involved,
the truth niu.ut lo told, even down to the
(sepulchre. John Taylor, lata 1'resideiit
and acknowledged prophet and neer of
the Mormon church, has cased to live
When he succeeded to the place held hy
liriham Youni, under the theory of the
creeil to which he belonged, he was, to
his followers, the direct vicegerent on
i-arth of the infinite iot. By that same
theory, if he lacked wisdom before. th
ordinaton and promotion to the Chief
Priesthood placed him wln-re it would
not be he that spoke, but the Creator
speaking through him. When any sin
stained man assumes, before trusting
thousands, to fill suc h a role, it is but
justice that his acts should be fail ly re
viewed, for the grave even can give no
sanctity to public .vrongs. John Taylor,
in his youth, was given a liberal educa
tion; being foreign born he was able, to
compare the government of this country
with that of other countries, and to un
derstand that no other land compared
with this in the mercies extended to its
people. Yet, while the protection of this
country was over him like u benediction
for half a century, no word that fell from
his lips in all that time revealed the
slightest affection for this government.
On the other hand, there are abundant
evidences of the hate which he steadily
felt for it. The best energies of his life
were devoted to the establishment of a
hostile kingdom in the midst of a free
Republic, a kingdom in which the tyran
ny of the ancient Asiatic world was to be
reproduced, and where the many were to
e but the unquestioning slaves of the
few. In the face of the law he married
many women, and though he saw the ef
fects of polygamy in the family of the
founder of the creed in Xauvoo, and the
effects of it in his own family in this city,
he clung to it, and when there was at last
a law framed that struck a direct blow
at the crime, with a kind of fury he drove
his people into the commission of that
crime; offered rewards to such as would
commit it; treated with liU displeasure
those who refused, and withdrew his con
fidencc and approval from such as hav
ing committed it, in good faith tried to
make amends before the outraged laws.
He not only exerted his influence as a
man, but urged his commands upon a
confiding people in God's own sovereign
name. Hence, above his grave, it js but
fair to record what he did, and to add
the manifest fact that his life-work was
grievous failure, lie left his people
harassed and troubled and tossed about,
even as a dismasted ship is tossed when
left to the buffetings of pittiless storms
and confused seas. We are saying noth
ing of the sincerity of his convictions,
except that, assuming him to be entirely
sincere and devout, his teachings were all
sinister and his life work was a dreary
failure. We say this through no ill will
who could hold ill will above an open
grave? but as a duty, because it is the
manifest duty of. the men who now have
the control of the Mormon church, not to
imitate or repeat his errors. The founda
tion of all real religion is laid in mercy
and in justice. This creed, as it has so
far been carried on. lacks these two es
sential elements. It is merciless and un
just to women; it is unjust and merciless
to men. It perverts the steadiest brain;
It freezes the noblest attributes of the hu
man heart; it places a clamp upon human f
intellect and benumbs it; it is a direct
and perpetual menace to free government
and to the sacred American home. If,
over the grave of John Taylor, to the
hearts of those who are to succeed his
rule, the light would come, to cause them
to make their creed conform to the de
mands of mercy, of justice and of civili
zation, the result would be a transfigur
ation of Utah equal to that w hich comes
through that upheaval known as a geo
logical period. Salt Lake Tribune.
Persian Jewelers.
The goldsmiths' and jewelers' shops in
Persia present little attraction to the eye.
Perhaps there is a small glass case con
taining a few of the less costly objects;
but the owners are not wealthy men, and
keep little or no stock, merely working to
order. Tiie artificer, with hisoue or two
grimy journeymen, and perhaps a couple
of apprentices, may be seen hard at work
in the open air from morning till night.
There they sit in the little brick archway,
with the furnace of live charcoal, at
which the youugest apprentice is seen
blowing with a primitive bellows made
of a goat skin. The tools are few and
rough, but their work is invariably orig
inal. With the silversmith it is another
affair. So common is the use of silver
that it is hardly looked upon as a precious
metal. Electro-plating is not unknown;
but it finds no favor in Persian eyes,
coming under thi head of badel or sham.
The silversmiths' bazaar in all the great
Persian cities is a sight to see. In the
East every trade has its own special quar
ter. There is the shoemakers' bazaar, the
coppersmiths' and the silversmiths'. There
the rival artisans work side by side, and
the result is a sort of perpetual competi
tive exhibition. Pipe heads in endless
variety, coffee pots, trays, bowls, banins,
ewers and bottles here stand in glittering
array and bewildering variety. There is
no middleman; the maker is tho Tender,
and stands or falls by his own work,
Woe be to tho wretched silversmith who
adulterates or alloys. There is no need
of hull marks when the Pnrogah, or po
lice-master, is ever on the alert to apply
the bastinado to the feet of the swindler.
The Persians are particular clever in
both incised and chased work, and In re
nousso work of the highest class. The
incised work resembles the best of the
Scinde work with w hich the recent Indian
exhibition has mado most all familiar.
As for chased work, tho Persian is inim
itable. Every artisan it, prepared to pro
duce scroll work and tracery strikingly
original. Many a rngged workman can
turn out representations of men and ani
mals in motion, wonderful little groups,
hattlo scenes, limiting fcenes and repre
sentations of birds, fruits, foliage and
ilowers. Engraving upon metal, in fact,
is carried in Persia to its highest perfec
tion. Pipe heads, water bottles, basins,
ewers, and even spittoons, are often made
of silver, and sometimes of gold; horse
furniture and stirrups, trays, dishes, sword
hilt and scabbards, dagger and knife
handles, boxes and mirror frames, drink
ing cups and goblets, as well as tea urns
and services, are ordinarily made of the
precious metals. Erery villager has his
silver-mounted pistol; tho stock of his
gun is often ornamented with silver
plates. No lady, however por, would
think of wearing aught but rnamcnts
of the purest gold. Silver ornaments are
only worn by the poor, the women of the
wandering tribes, and by the negresses.
Coral, too, being out of fashion, is rele
gated to slaves. Ex.
Death Rites In India.
From Casscll's Illustrated History of India.
It is but a few years ago that certain
officials in Calcutta erected a laro oven,
in which the bodies of the Hindoos might
be rapidly cremated; but this wholesome
mode of consuming was rejected as het
erodox; yet still, on dark nights, and at
the stated places on the holy river, from
Calcutta up to Benares, may be seen the
solemn flames that reduce the dead to
ashes, and may be heard, on the still air
of the Indian sky, the wailings that tell
of sorrow and seperation. Tho Moham
medan in India, as elsewhere, buries his
dead; but the Hindoo commits their ashes
to Father Gunga, amid the waters of
which they are supposed to be restored
to participate in happier scenesjthan earth
can present a portion of mythology too
vast to be entered on here. To be with
out a son to close one's eyes is to insure
another period oi probation and per
haps a degrading one in this world;
hence the law of adoption, to which we
have had so often to refer. To die in Be
nare3 is to secure immortality; and to die
on the banks of the Ganges the highway
to heaven is essential to everlasting joy.
Hence, on the Burning Ghaut at Calcutta
may be seen at times six or seven bodies,
each on its pile of wood often of the
most costly description, if the people be
wealthy surrounded by officiating Brah-
mans and mourning friends. The Par-
seer dispose otherwise of their dead. On
a hill in the Island of Bombay (called by
the Europeans Malabar nill) stand, all
within a short distance of each ether, the
church-yard of the Christians, the ceme
tery of the Mussulman, the place where
the Hindoos cremate their dead, and the
Tower of Silence, where the Parsees leave
their uneofiined, to be devoured by the
birds of the air. It is a lofty square in
closure, without roof or covering of any
kind. Huge bloated vultures and kites,
gorged with human flesh, throng lazily
the summit of the lofty wall surrounding
the stone pavement, which is divided int
three compartments, wherein the corpses
of men, of women, and of children are
laid apart, and all nude as they came in
to the world. Some relative or friend
anxiously watches, at a short distance,
to ascertain which eye is first plucked out
by the birds; and from thence it is in
ferred whether the soul of the departed
is happy or miserable. The Parsees re
gard with horror the Hindoo method f
disposing of the dead, by throwing the
bodies or ashes into rivers; yet their
own custom is even more repugnant to
the feelings of Europeans in India.
A Famous Chinese Fisherman.
From the Youth's Companion.
In China the hook-and-line fisherman
is an object of general consideration, and
is regarded, from the very fact that ho is
an angler, as a person of unusual discrim
ination, as a philosopher and wise man.
Many Chinamen become professors, lit
erary men, diplomatists, even, after a pre
liminary period spent in nothing but ang
ling. Moreover, whereas in this part of
the world public men, after a career hon
orably spent in the service of the state,
often choose to retire to the country and
become farmers, the great Chinese man
darins who have made their reputation
and fortune take up their hook and line
and go' angling for the rest of their lives.
The most famous fisherman of China
was the illustrious Yen-Tsen-Ling. He
loved his fishing-rod so detrly that he
declined all the honors that the Emperor
Kwang-Yoo sought to heap upon him. 1
Tne Emperor, in order to tempt him from
his fishing-grounds, on the River-Foo
Thoon, where he had attained a great re
putation for wisdom, continued to offer
him greater and greater offices and richer
and richer prizes.
But Yen-Tsen-Linj stuck to his fishing
rod. He was drested in a simple sheep
skin garment, lived upon the fish he him
self caught, frying them over a firo of dry
bamboo sticks, and eating them with
little rice, served on the green leaves of
the nenuphar tree.
After his death a magnificent temple
was reared to hini on tho bank of tho
Foo-Thoon. His portrait, life-size, and
framed in a beautiful ode to him, which
is one of the most brilliant of the Chinese
classics, in still preserved in this temple,
A Long Tramway.
The longest tramway in the world will
be that which is to connect a number of
towns near Buenos Ayres, S. A, and
which will have a total length or 200
miles. Tho road will also be exceptional
in that sleeping cars will bo run upon it
for the accomodation of passengers. Hor
ses will be employed as a motive power
instead of steam becausehorses are cheap,
fuel is dear,and the people are slow. The
price of two tons of coal will buy a horse
with its harness. Tho sleeping cars and
cars and all other equipments of tho line
are being supplied by a Philadelphia
company, anil these cars are stated to be
curiosities. They are four in number, 18
feet in length, and are furnished with
four berths each, which are made to roll
up when not in use. The cars are fur
nished with lavatories, water coolers, lin
en presses, and other conveniences, and
are finished throughout with mahogany.
The other rolling stock comprises four
double decked open cars, twenty plat
form cars, twenty gondola cars, six re
frigerator cars, four poultry cars, fur
nished with coops, eight cattle cars, tw o
flerrick cars for lifting heavy material,
and 200 box cars. Industrial Gazette.
A lawyer driving along a country
road asked a woman who was walking in
the same direction which way he had to
turn to reach B . The woman gave
him directions and then added that she
was going in that direction and would
point out the way. "All right, good
woman," said the lawyer, "jump up; bet
ter bad company than none." After jog
ging some miles further tho woman de
scended and thanked him for tho drive.
"Have I much further to go ero I reach
the B road?" asked the limb of the
law. "Oh, you passed it some two or
three miles back," was the answer, "but
as I thought bad company better than
none I brought you on." Unidentified.
Brace Up.
You are feeling depressed, your appe
tite ia pool, you are bothered with Head
ache, you are fidgety, nervous and gen
erally ut of sorts, and want to brace up.
Brace up, but not with stimulants, spring
medicines, or bitters, which have for
their basis yery cheap, bad whisky, and
which stimulate for an hour, and then
leave you in worse condition than before.
What you want is an alterative that will
purify your bleod, 6tart healthy action of
Liver and Kidneys, restore your vitality.
and give renewed health and strength
Such a medicine you will find in Electric
Bitters, and only 50 cents a bottle at F.
G. Fricke & Co.'s drug store. (2)
Increase of Circulation.
Washington, D. C, Aug. 2. It is re
ported to Secretary Fairchild that the
money circulation of the country was in
creased by $4,047,122 during July. The
only decrease was $3,543,031 in national
notes, offset-by $7,590,164 in increase in
other forms of money.
A Gift for All.
In order to give all a chance to test it,
and thus be convinced of its wonderful
wonderful curative powers, Dr. King's
New Discovery for Consumption. Coughs
and Colds will be, for a limited time,
given away. This offer is not only lib
eral, but 6hows unbounded faith in the
merits of this great remedy. All who
suffer from Coughs, Colds, Consumption,
Asthma, Bronchitis, or any affection of
Throat, Chest or Lungs are especially re
quested to call at F. G. Fricke & Co.'s
drug atore and get a trial bottle free,
large bottles $1. (4)
A Proud Position.
From Life.
Fond Father. Talk of college not fit
ting a young man for earning a living.
Just as soon as Johnny graduated he ob
tained a splendid position.
Friend. What was it?
Fend Father. First base.
We would be pleased to know of a
man or weman who has never had head
ache or been subject to constipation. As
these seem to be universal troubles a little
advice may be in order. Why should
persons cram 'their stomachs with nau
seating purgative pills etc. which sicken
and debilitate when such a pleasant and
sterling remedy as Prickly Ash Bitters
will act mildly and effectively on the liv
er, kidney, stomach and bowels, and at
the same time tone up and strengthen the
whole system, causing headache, consti
pation and all such distressing evils to
quickly disappear.- 20-ml
Misses laced serge nhoee 81 and
foxed 60 cents only, at Merges. 14tf
If us
Scratches, Contracted
Sprain, Muscles,
Strains, Eruption,
Stitches, Hoof Ail,
EtiffJoints, Screw
Backacaa, Worms,
Galla, Bwinney,
Boras, Saddle GaUa,
Spavin Files
Seal da,
upcoinpllahos for everybody exactly what la claimed,
for It. One of tho reasons for the great popularity of
tho Mustang Liniment ia fouadlnlts nnlversal
applicability. Everybody needs such a medicine.
The Lumberman needs tt In caeo of accident,
Tho Floaaetvlfe needs It for general family uta.
The Cannier needs It for his teams and his men.
Tho Mcchania needs It always 00 his work
The ftliner needs It In ease of emergen?.
The Pioneer necdsit can't girt, along without ft.
Tho Farmer needs It ta his house, his atabto.
and his stocfe yard.
The Steamboat maa er the Boataana need
It In liberal supply afloat and ashore.
Tho norsc-fnneler needs It tt to bis beat
friend and safest reliance.
The Slock-irower needs It It win saw bin
thousands of dollars and a world of trouble.
The Railroad man needs It and wni need tt at
long as his Ufa Is a round of aeeldenta and daacers.
Tho Backwoodsman needs it. There le nca-
lng like it as an antidote for the danger to Him.
limb and comfort which surround the pioneer.
The Merchant needs It about his store aaaon
his employees. Accidents wUl happen, and when
these come the Mustang liniment Is wanted at omerv
Keep a Bottle in the Ilense. Tla bbe best ef
Keep a Bottle In tneFaetary. iesbnmedtBba
nse In ease of aeoident saves pain and loss of was?.
Keen n Battle Always la thm sHnkla far
tee whea wanted.
1 Pramlum, - 1,000.O
2 Prtmlums, 50.O
6 Premiums, . S268.0 ?
25 Premiums, SI0w.
100 Pramlums,
200 Premiums, "
I.OOO Premiums, VZ?-
. v
Tor full parttoulajs and chroatfona WW
lar in every pound of AiuirCKxa' Cosva.
Legal Notice
TO JOHN II A INS. ntn renNent
defendant. You are hereby notified that
On the XSth day of July, 187, Mary fains Cled
a petition tKuinst you in the district t'eurt fca"
Cass County, Nebraska, the object aud prayer
of which are to obt:tln a divorce from you ea
the ground that yon have v.iifully abandoned
the piatntitt without fjood eaupe for the terns
of more than two years last pat ; alo to obtsia
a decree of court decreeing tne title or lot 4.
block 4r,, iu the city of rlattsmontli, te the
pliiintitf. which title is now in defendant's
name. You are required to answer Said peti
tion on or before Monday, the oth day of bep
tember.188". Maht IUins, Plaintiff
by Willet roTTEGKR, her Attorney,
19 It.
Legal Notice.
Cass County. I
In Coui.ty Court.
To all persons interested in the estate of Ja
cob K. Vox. deceased.
Notice is hereby given that on the 20th day
of AuRiiPt. A.D.. lM? the hour of ten o'clock
n. 111.. at the County Judge's office, in IMatts
nioutu. in said County, the petition akifi; for
the appointment of William . Vox as admin
istrator of said estate, will be heard and con
side ed ; at which time and place a'l persons
interested may appear and show cause, if any
thev have, why lie should cot bo appointed M
such administrator.
Dated this 1st day of Aucnst. A. D., 18PT.
S-3t C. Kusskll, County Judjje.
Legal Notice
In District Court of Cass County, Nebraska j
The above nun ed non-resident. Defendant,
will take notice that on the 1st day of April, A.
D., lSH'.Plalntiff herein tiled his petition in the
District Court of Cass County, Nebrarka.
HKainst aiit Defendant, the object and prayer
of which are to foreclose a cert nn mortgage
executed by the Defendant to the plaintiff up
on lots 422. 423 and 424. In the villain: of Louis
ville. Cass County, Nebraska, to secure the
payment of one promW.ry rote dated January
i:ith. 18S6. fi.r the sum of fifty dollars (SSJ.CO).
due and payable fix moth from the date there
of, that there is now due upon said not- and
mortgage the snm of flfty-eluht dollars (?m w )
for which sum, with interest from it date.
Klaintilf prays for a decree that Defendant be
required to pay the or that paid premise
may be sold to satisfy amount foimd due.
Y ou are required to answer said petition on
or before Monday, the l-th day of September,
A. D., 18S7. Chakles Bof.dp.kbr,
20-4 By Bkeson & StLi-ivAjr, Attorneys.
Legal Notice.
In the District Court of Cass County, Nebraska
Catherine Burger and George Hardlck the
above named nou-residents Defendants, will
take noilce that on the 3rd day of Juue, A. D.
Plaintiff herein Cled his petition in the
District Court of Cass County, Nebraska,
against said Defendants, the object and prayer
of which are to set apide a pretended and forg
ed deed from John C. Hex to Joseph K. Young
of the north west quarter of eectiun no. six in
township no. ten north of ranee no. fourteen
eat of tue 6th P. M. in Cas County, n tbraska.
And to rorrect the uame of the grauiee in a cer
tain deed made & executed by tteorce Ilardick
AiiRUst 20th. 1&57. conveying said landto Platn
titl under and by the name of John C. Rex, so
th- t the name of said grantee shall be John C.
R .kes. And to set aside and annul a certain
fraudulent uiertgaire executed bv the said Jos
eph R Young to Catherine Burger on the 90th
day of May A, D. 1877, en said land and that
the title to said land may be quitted to Plaintiff.
Y'ou are required to answer said petition on
or before Monday, 12th day of September A. D.
1887. Johx C. Rakrs,
20-4 Attorneys.
We want to call your Attention to tho fact that tt toa
show you in our now utock for
A superb lino of everything carried in a first
class line of
1 ,,-..i'. . - . .,- - ... . ,ju g-.-j
" ' -- m- wimmJ
Notions, Boots, Shoes,
Wc have the handsomest Line of JCnibroideriea, b&
in Narrow and wide, ever brought to the City.
Our Stock of Dress Good, both in
Wool and Wash Goods; aUo
in White Goods i
Onr line of Tablo Linens, Napkin?, Crashes, Towels, Tiikfe
Ginghams and Mii6lin is well worth looking orer.
Especial attention is called t our
Which is fuller nnd more complete thn nsu&l, at pric that vSt
fatielr you.
"We have Good Valnesto offer and irant to keep np onr rep
utation by selling none but Good (iode. We take eoaid
able pride in our
And can show the finest line of this Class of Goods handled b
any firm in the city. We invite inspection ot our differ
ent Departments, assuring all that wo offer our Go4
fljr W . A
3 5 aLfti t,f
Plymouth Rocks,
Silver Penciled Hambirgs,
B, B. Red Game Bantun,
S. C. Brown Legherna,
Pekin Dutki.
EST Write for Prices."
oheeswood, : : KuxJiaKX.
Dr'C.A- Marshall.
Preservation of natural teeth a peclalty.
Teeth txtracted u-ithout pain by use of L,aM3hino
All work warranted. Prices reasonable.
Fitzgerald Block, Plattsmovth,Nb.
For Debility. Iyaaljk.
Weakness, Lanpisri I bv
erlshed and (sluggish Ctrealsv
tlon of the Ii loori, or Ap.
Letlte, Dcraareasil of tho
ilver, KcrTogitsii, JfaJplsak.
tlon of the Ilrart, Cols roots
Numbness, Female Woaks
ness. and la fact all dlsorsloro
arlslns; from a Low Htaso sat
the blood, and a Iflsordorost
Condition of tha XlsstlT
lu effect on the human jf Vam to
Br exciting the stomach to aarfaef
dieeBiion of lood. Uanrtab
strengthens tho blood, giving to
s ana
Slow of bealtb, elnstie stops, aad
uorant spirits. (riTinar am vie T
dence of its beneficial effects.
If constipated nse Heaselroth'a
Gelatine-Coated Blood and Lint
Fills. Ttaeycost no more than otbsr
laxative Dills, and are arreatir
superior. Ark yonr urupKisi ror uesseiroto a weo
lsh wineof Iron (Price H per Bottle; six bottles, tel.
and Uesselrotb's Blood and Liver Fill Cue- W
box: five boxes, tl), or send direct to
UW&DCE EESSHtOTfl. 107 ChiccgoATeoCikegt.
can live at home and make more
money at work lor 119 than at any
thing else ia this world. Capital
not needed ; you are started free.
Both sexes : a'H aes. Any one can
do the work. Larpe earning eure
from tlrst start. cotiy oumts ana
terms free. Better not delay. Costs you noth
ing to snd U your address and find out ; and
If you are wise you will do so at once. Addrea
II. Hallkit r; 1. o. . FortlUiUu, Maine. 3lv
jr-v mm wm
ana tsrocenea
3 1ST I
Authorized Capital, $100,060..
President. Vlsa-rr14a..
W. H. CUBHIjra. Cm hies.
Frank Carrutb, J. A. Conner. If. H. Guttata,
J. W. Johnson, Henry Be-ck, Joaa &
ST. D. Utmam, Wm. WetecoauD, W.
U. Cueblng.
Twnaaeta a General Hanking Uurtats. aU
wne hare any Wanking- business ta uua4
are Invited to call. Ma roatiar haw
larire or small the tianaaatUa, U
rill receive our eareful at tea tie a.
and we promise, always aoa-.
tsous treatment.
Ihom Certificates of Deposits bearing tuterajrl
aiufi and aellf Foreign Ezckang. Caaaftr
and CltT securities.
Sank Cass Count"
Catnar Mala aad Sixth gtrao.
1 J. U. PATTaBSOX. Caafcler. t
Trtmcti a General Bantisi Julius
P mid for County and City Wwrtimk
aa rKptly reinlttaa far.
i)iswnjw 1
O. M. Parraele. J. M. ratte
rr4 ttarder. A. . Sb'VA.
K. B. Wlodh.m. U. KerrUar.
Jamea raltt'i-n. Jr.
Jill riTCjaALl, . yiAVUHf
President. CaiUUr
13 InT IRS i
V FLArmtfOUXM. VaKaUaiU,.
Offaaattia ery bnt faeUltlM fors&a atx(.t
Vract&ctitm of Irgltbuat
atoeka, Bocda. GoUI. (-,'Terr n er.t aud Loca
Securities IIou,-tit(inJ old, Deposit receiv
es' and interest H.lowed on t'u.e ru.
catee. Dr&Xt?dr().u'D,".raOMl)e lu ary
part of the I'nKed ritntes enU aJJ
the prlrcipa! twui ot
Celhotioiis made & promptly rerr.ittf-d
Ulfbe st market prlcee paid for County War
KtateaLd County Bondr.
Jnhn Flt7?or.ld
JHa C. Car.
S. VYauKb.
9. K. WiiAe,