Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, July 28, 1887, Page 8, Image 8

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gltc Qhtttenwuth IVccliln lmhl
JAS. E. KNOTTS, Reporter.
Miss Kate Hcmplc who was ill last
Week is quite recovered.
The fanners Hay the dry weather is
beginning to tell on the torn.
Mr. A Becson and son returned
Tuesday morning from the cast.
On Tuesday the Plattsmouth Can
ning Company began canning corn.
The finest line of Birthday Cards in
the city at Will J. Warrick's Drug Store.
Hugh E. Smith of Council Bluffs
visited with the IIekald editor over
Mrs. Richmond of Council Bluffs is
visiting friends about four miles in tho
I. II. Warren, manager of the city
book store, is about to take his departure
from I'lattamouth.
S. P. Rounds ir.. representing the
Omaha branch of the Union type foundry
was in this city Monday.
Oulgon Houses Fifty Head for sale
Enmiirc of Win. Gilmour three miles
south of Plattsmouth. 17-4t
C. E. Wescott left Monday evening
for Narragansett Pier where lie will en
joy a short summer vacation.
Will J. Warrick has just received 1,500
rolls of the latest designs in wall paper.
Don't buy until you see his stock. 10-4.
Messrs. Ilardman, Maulove and
Floyd, employees of a leading Omaha
dry goods house. Spent Sunday in Platts-
rick out the piece of Ileal Estate you
want and then call for price and terms
mmn Windham & Davies. Over Bank
of Cass Co. IStf.
Mis3 Sue Sampson, one of our city
school ma'ams, left Monday for Ashland
where she will spend a week or so visit
ing friends.
Plattsmouth is advertising for bids
to erect a brick addition to the west 4th
ward school building, the addition to be
24x30 feet and the same height as the old
Dr. Scheldknecht started on a visit
ing tour, Monday, for points in Canada
and the eastern states. lie will be gone
some time and hopes to benefit his health
by the trip.
To New Subsci'.iijeks: Those desiring
to subscribe for the IIekald can, by pay
ing in advance, secure it from now till
Jan. 1st 'iS for 50c., or from now till
Jan. 1st '69 for $1.75.
We wish to call the attention of our
readers to our serial entitled "Allen Qua
tcrmain," the introductory of which we
publish on the 0th page. The first chap
tcr will appear next week.
Remember wc don't . compete with
cheap mixed Paint but guarantee our
Paint to give better satisfaction, price
and quality considered, than any paint
in the market.
17-4t W. J. Wakiuck.
Thursday afternoon a man with to
much "democratic enthusiasm" onboard,
amused the bystanders by showing them
his agility in falling down on a slippery
side walk in front of Shcrwoods'.
Saturday evening Miss Laura Rich
cy charmingly entertained a few of her j
friends in honor of an old college friend ,
Miss Nellie Smith of Council Bluffs, who
visited with her from Saturday till Mon
day evening.
C. F. Cor win, who has been tempor
arially working insurance for the Mutual
Life, of X. Y., has returned to Omaha to
take charge of the city business for a
wholesale spice houie. His many newly
made friends wish him success.
During the circus parade some slick
thief got in by the back door and robbed
Will Warrick's safe of all its cash con
tents. It was quite a loss to Will. These
are a hard daring set that follow circuses
and extra precaution is needed.
Frank Rezabeck, the Bohemian who
was injured trying to board a moving
freighttrain nearly two weeks ago, and
who was thought to be recovering when
we went to press last week, took a sudden
turn worse and died last Thursday.
Mrs. Rendolph, the famous fortune
teller, has just arrived here. She tells
the present, past and future. Her charges
arc low, being only from twenty-five up
to fifty cents. Residence on Elm street
between Tenth and Eleventh. No for
tunes told Sundays. 19-tf
From Rev. John Mathews, Pastor M.
E. Church, South, at Montgomery, Ala.:
"Darbys Prophylactic Fluid is the only
medicine kept in my family. We can
use it for almost everything burns,
bruises, cuts, stings, car-ache, tooth-ache,
sour stomach, etc., etc. My children,
when hurt or bruised, always call at onco
for Darbys Fluid. We cannot get along
well without it. It is so valuable tor its
prompt relief of pain from all kinds of
injuries, and also is a powerful Antisep
tic and Disinfectant."
.Judge Chapman went to Lincoln
Monday eve and returned Tuesday.
One fight was reported at the circus.
We could not learn the particulars.
The best ICalsominc Manfg'd, for
sale by Warrick ut He a II). 17-4t
The city was full to overllowiug
with visitors circus day. It is needless
to say the circus was crowded.
Alice Wilson took her departure hist
Saturday for Atchison where she will
visit a few weeks with Mrs. F. II. Wil
Ringling's circus lost their clown
trick dog soon after arrival. It was re
turned later in the day, and a reward of
ten dollars paid.
Mr. G. W. Garrison of Union was in
the city a few days ago. They are ex
pecting to have a depot down there soon.
Mr. G. reported crops looking well but
needing rain.
A team going out to the picnic at
Rural Park Sunday afternoon,got fright
ened and ran away. A colored boy nam
ed Wesley Baker jumped from the wagon
and the fall broke his leg.
W. D. Jones thanks his patrons for
their former patronage, he is better pre
pared than ever before, he has several
new horses and carriages. Terms: Cash
preferable, but .all bills must be paul in
60 days. ! 182
A quorum of the city fathers could
not be gotten together Monday evening
so the meeting was adjourned till Wed
nesday evening, as we go to press the
same evening we cannot report proceed
ings until next week.
Bert Sage, who is employed in the
boiler department at the sliops, was
struck Monday by a piece of steel,
small particle of which remained in the
eye-ball, giving him much pain until it
was extracted by Dr. Livingston. lie
was unable to return to work again till
The B. & M. had another big wreck
at Bellvue Saturday. An unlocked switch
allowed the switch to fly open after part
of a heavy freight train had passed over.
The train was running at lull speed and
19 cars were ditched and badly demoral
i.ed. One tramp was killed and another
hurt by iumping from the train into the
tender bosom of a barb wire fence.
The Journal understands that
Knotts Bros, propose to begin the publi
cation of a Daily Herald about August
1st. AVcll, there are no ropes tied to
them, and the Journal welcomes them.
Journal. Thanks, we haven't 3"et fully
decided to start a daily, but the knowl
edge that there are no ropes tied to us
will doubtless help us arrive at a definite
conclusion very early.
A few days ago we had a call from
Thomas Williams whose name was last
week connected with the disappearance
of the body of the dead infant found at
Cedar Creek. From Mr. William's state
ment it appears he was not present at Ce
dar Creek at the time and could in no
way have been connected with the crime
alleged. He seems to be an honest
man and we are glad he is able to clear
himself of the crime imnlied.
Auction Sale: Monday, Augnst 1, at
10 a. m, AtJMark White's, three miles,
south of Rock Bluff. One span of mules
weighing about 1,300 each; 15 head of
cows and calves; 2 dry cows; 4 two-year-old
steers; 8 yearlings and two-year-olds,
heifers and steers; wagons, buggies
and harness. Also 10 head Oreyon hor
ses. Terms, 9 months at 10 interest.
Five per cent discount for cash. lS-2t
The exhibition of trained dogs in
Rrngling Bros.' circus was a very pleasing
feature, and excited much more admiring
comment than any other part of the enter
tainment. . It also infused into many dog
owners a desire to have theirs traind up
into ways that are wise and tricks that
are cute. Among others, on the day fol
lowing the show's visit, Sheriff Eikenbary
might have been observed giving his hand
some clog its hrst lessons in picking up
and bringing to him silver dollars. Eik
enbary says the dog will learn, so we shan't
leave any dollars we get in on subsription
around loose.
The K. C. train leaving here Sunday
evening run into a fellow named George
Schmoterer. a Bohemian from Cedar
Creek, near the Rural Park station' and
knocked him from the track, his left le
was badly fractured and besides other in
iuries he is thought to be injured inter
nally. He was brought back to this city
and cared for by Dr. Livingston till Mon
day evening, when he was at the request
of his friends sent to Cedar Ceek. The
accident was caused by two much picnic,
lie being badly intoxicated staggered
in front of the train just in time to be
struck by the side of the pilot. A IIek
ald reporter was on the train and saw the
man a moment after as he lay unconcious
on the adjoining track. IIU brother,
half sobered by the accident was incon
solable in his half muddled grief. It
was a pretty sad affair.
For Sale.
750 cords of wood and 7,000 posts. A
bargain. Apply to It B. Windham, oyer
Bank Cass Co., Plattsmouth, "tb. 10-4
M. B. Murphy ia seriously sick with
malarial fever.
A. N. Sullivan starts for a visit to
Witchita, Kansas, to-morrow.
If realty is what you want examine
the (;th column on page 2 of the Hkkald.
Mr. S. W. Dutton, time-keeper ut
the shops, has been confined to bin home
for the ast week with malarial fever.
The largest stock of Hair Brushes,
Tooth Brushes, and Paint Brushes in the
city at-Warrick's. 17-lt
Several carloads of the wreck which
occurred at Riverton a few days before
the oe at Belvue, arrived at the shops
this week.
Miss Lilian Pollock leaves to-day
for an extended eastern trip. She will
visit in Pennsylvania, West Verginia, at
Washington and other places and will be
gone for some time.
W. J. Warrick guarantees his mixed
paints to do more work, look better and
last longer than white lead and oil, and
if you arc not satisfied after using his
paint he will repaint the building with
any material you may select, free of
charge to you. 10-4t
Chas. Pettee, a former forman of the
Hkkald, but who has spent the last four
years in the mining business near Frisco,
Utah, returned to Plattsmouth this week
for a visit with his parents and friends.
He says he is doing very well. The
Herald wishes him continued success.
Marriage licenses were issued during
the past week, by Judge Russell, to the
following persons: Frank Keniston and
Ida Hoffman, Taply W. Faught and Miss
Nellie G. Root, Frank N. Bouen and
Bridget Doyle, P. J. Shannon and
Bridget O'Donnell, John W. Ferguson
and Emma Parkin.
Jacob Sehwandeu, a young man who
came here recently from Creston, Iewa,
and obtained work in 'the shops, was
helping several other shop hands take a
drive wheel from a locomotive, Monday
afternoon. When the wheel came loose
it proved too much for them, and
Sehwanden in attempting to get out of
its way fell, the wheel falling on his
right leg breaking the thigh bone, also
the bone between the knee and ankle and
bruising his entire limb badlv. lie was
immediately put under the care of Dr
Livingstone, who said yesterday that the
man had a poor show for recovery.
The lawn social given Tuesday
evening by the ladies of the M. E. Church.
at the residence of A. N. Sullivan, was
success in every particular. The evening
chosen could not have been fairer. The
beautiful grounds of Mr. Sullivan's were
lighted with Chinese lanterns, and with
the light of the pale moon, presented a
pleasing appearance. There was singing
going on almost the entire evening. It
was participated in by a great number
whic h made it more enjoyable to all. The
refreshments were ice-cream and cake, of
which there seemed to be a plentiful
Tho dance given at Rural Park Tucs.
day evening was largely attended by the
young people or I'lattsmoutn. iney
were taken to the grounds partly in pri
vate carriages and partly in hacks. Ex
cellent music was furnished by the Bo
hemian band. Refreshments were served
by Turner & Threilkild. All report
they had s gay lime, The following is a
list of those present : Misses Georgie
Oliver, Emma McCoy, Grace Anderson,
Josephine Morrissey, Maggie Oliver,
Anna Morrissey, Alice Herrmann, Kate
Vallery, Laura Eeiahackle, Kate Oliver,
Mary Lathrop, Myrtle Lathrop, Lizzie
Herrmann, Lilian Pollock, Mrs. Fred.
Herrmann, Miss Crabin and Mrs. Sam.
Ilinkle, Messrs. John Hartigan, Fred.
Murphy, Frank Coursey, James Patterson,
jr., O. Haschcll, George Lenhoff, John
Hays, August Reinhackle, Clele Morgan,
Sam. Ilinkle, J. H. Warren, Bert. Pollock,
Henry Ilerold, Dr. E. W. Cook, John
Vallery, Cliff. Sheperd, James Donnelly
and Fred. Cox.
List of Letters
Remaining unclaimed, in the Postoftice
at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, July 27, 1887
for the week ending July 16.
Becker, Tyler.
Cosgrove, Miss Mary.
Earing, Mrs. II. 15.
Hopkins. 'William,
KuDzmaD. Mrs. Ida,
Lewis, Mrs. Sarali M.
Miller. W. M.
Moriarty, Fatrick.
Marshall, Miss Mary.
O'Leary.Mjas Hannah
Parsons, L. B.
Sanuou, Thomas,
Sharp, John.
Tenipell, Harry li.
Worth, Willie.
Waller, Win.
Weikel, Relouzo.
Uook, William A.
Euglenian, Peter.
Fry .(or Jey) Miss Alice.
Hanson, A. N.
Koritky, Mrs. Kate.
Moore, Harry.
McMullea, William.
Miner, Leon A.
Kelson, Lave.
Peeffenbarger, T. J. J.
Richardson, M. E.
Smith, Will.
Todd, Alotijo.
Tschirrpn, Kosina.
Wagner. Win.
Worth, Miss Mary.
Worrel, J. M.
Persons calling for any of the above
letters will please say "advertised."
J. N. Wise. P. M.
Last Tuesday were laid away the
mains of little Bertie, youngest son of Mr.
any Mrs. D. B. Smith. One of the most
bright and promising, the idol of parent's,
brothers and sisters, ypt he was snatched
away in the sweetest bloom of his youth.
Almot to young to understand the real
meaning of such words, yet, he alwayg
called himself alittle"Band of Hope"boy,
and could sing all their little temperance
songs. Perhaps the Good Father had
some wise purpose in view, when he took
him home. But we know he is for
ever safe from the temptations of this
"There are tiny wound where the hopes of
An? laid neuth tin tear-wet mold ;
Hut the li'lit that paled at the stricken hearth.
Was joy to tho uppor fold.
Kor an anj;el IinUletli tin? Hook of Life,
And lo ! on it.s patens enrolled ;
Are the sweet child na'iies, tliat have passed
from strifo
To the joy of the upper fold."
A Question?
And one the Hkkald would like answer
ed by the proper authorities is wether this
ofliee, after h;iving been awarded the con
tract for tho city printing by making the
lowest bill for it, is etitilled to receive it
or not? Tiie Hkkald wus duly given the
contract to do the city printing, but some
one without any warrant of authority had
the printing of the tickets for the late
bond election done at another office. The
value of the work is a mere nothing but
we deny that any person whatever had
the right to tike it anywhere except to
this oflice, and having done so the city
is not liable for a'cent and should not al
low the bill, wc ask the council to throw it
out when presented and to censure tho of
ficial or'pcrson who has been guilty of this
breech of contract with the Hkkald.
Plattsmouth Markets.
Wednesday, July 27, 1887.
Wheat No. 2, 4o.
" 3 37&-10.
Corn, shelled 222:5.
ear 22
Oats, new 1G
Hogs, $4.70&4.Jsr
cattle, :j.00(&:J.S0.
Bailey 25(:35
Chicago, July 2h Cattle Trade was
brisk all along the line with the demand
centering mainly on good natives that
are usually wanted for shipping and ex
port trade. As to prices, there was little
or no change when compared with yester
day, but the advance since the recent de
pression is equal to oOc.and in some cases
40c. There were at least 4, .100 Texans
among the fresh receipts today, aed they
were selling equally as high as yesterday
for tho best. Native butchers' stock re
mains dull at the former low range of
prices. Shipping steers, l:."0to 1500 s.
.s.".7rf4..-,0; 1200 to l:!.-)0 lbs, $:?.i0("j.
4.20; 'JIG to 1200 lbs. $:.25&D.70; stock
crs and feeders. $1. 3.00: cows, bulls
and mixed, s;1.40('2.7-); Texas cows,
2.00(&2.50; steers, $2.(0eii:j.40; Indians,
Hogs Today trade ruled dull with a
down turn of oOjJlOc at the opening. A
few lots were worked off on speculators
at high prices, hut at the close the gener
al market was dull and 5(hlQe. lower,
with a large number left unsold. The
bulk of the best sold around about $o.4,
a few at $."3.."50"i.(iO, and good to choice
mi xcd at & 5. 2 "... :."; light sorts and
butcher weights, .".:5.Cr5. 13.
The O, s?. T.
Sunday afternoon J. E. Morris, L. E.
Karnes, R. W. Clement, H. M. Swartz, F.
M. Keman, J. C. Johnson, C. 13. Roder
and W. D. Rose, telegrugh operators,
went over to Pacific Junction to attend a
meeting of the O. R. T., and report hav
ing had a good time, there being about
forty in attendants, representing the C.&
N. W., C. R. I. & 1'., C.B. & K. C, Mo.
Pac., Wabash, C. B. & Q., B. & M. and
U. P. The meeting was held In the Odd
Fi How's hall.
This order is known as "Order Railway
Telegraphers" and is one year old and
numbers over 3.000 members, but expects
to increase to 10,000 by the time of the
next annual meeting (June 18S7) to be
held at Indianapolis, Ind.
Their objects are meeting together to
establish a brotherly feeling toward each
other, to debate the different questions
upon the service most beneficial to
themselves and the company which they
represent. Opposing the use of strong
drink. No man can become a member
who makes nse of it either while on or off
duty. They oppose a strike r using in
fluence in aiding one, also obligating
themselves to not teach the art of teleg
raphy,and with a decrease each year from
the ranks by death and disability oth
ers engaging in merehaufile pcrsv.its
ladies retiring to care for household or
shop, new roads being'. r.ew of. ices
being opened, and no students bing
manufactured to fill the daces, it will, in
the course of a short time, make a de
mand for the man to fill the places in
stead of tramping in search or a job from
the Atlantic to the Pacific.
With these principles in view they
hope to increase the wages paid at the
present time.
At present there are too many students
turned out who are mere school boys and
are willing to work for board and clothes
in order to be telegraph operators; not
thinking or caring for the lives or thous
ands of dollars worth of property trusted
to their keeping.
With all these principles combined
they mean to give their employers a man
that can give close sober end
industrious, and one that can. take an in
terest in their work and try to be a cred
it to all that they claim.
Last Sunday the Swedish church iu
this city entertained about 200 of their
brethern from Omaha. They first met in
the church building, but finding that too
small they adjourned to tho court house
tquaro where they passed the day in wor
ship und social conversation. Near 3."u
were gathered in the square. Those of
this city providing lunc h and lemonade
for the Omaha guests. The vi.-itorsreturn-ed
to Omaha on the : 1 0 train in the even
ing having had a real day of rest and re
creation. At the depot some of the sing
ers among the visitors sang a selection or
two that showed they had some fine voices
uiuong their number.
Card of Thanks.
We wish to express our sincere thanks
to our many friends for their kindly sym
pathy in our sorrow, and also for the
man' beautiful floral tributes that were
brought as a last offering to little Bertie.
Mk. and Mi:. I). B. Smith.
Tho Bond Election.
The paving nnd sewerage bond elec
tion passed off very quietly Monday.
The vote cast was light but was a fair in
dex of the feeling of the people. Out of
a total vote of 4 07 there wero but "C
against, being twelve in favor to each
one against. Bywaidsthe vote was as
follows :
KOI l.
First Ward,
Second Ward,
Third Ward,
Fourth Ward,
Totals, 431 30
Nov.' we want to see how soon the
the bonds can be negotiated and the
work begun.
Words of Cood Cheer.
It is always agreeable to find ourselves
well spoken of by those whose esteem we
prize, nnd the Hkkai.d proprietors in ac
knowledging the grateful compliments
aid them and the Hkhald by two of the
county papers last week, confess them
selves subject to a feeling of flattered
The editor of the Weeping Water
IZayle made this oflice a pleasant call a
shoit time ago, which we mentioned in
our last issue, and going home says in
his paper: "Not being able to stay with
the people of the city of great expecta
tions any longer, we took our departure,
but not before wo called upon the Knotts
Bros., of the Herald, who are still stran
gers in the city, and who will, when
they become better known, be valued for
their true worth." Thanks, brother Race,
come again when you can remain longer,
and we hope to be in the next time you
The Louisville Observer has these
words of good cheer which we will
strive to continue to deserve, for which
we also return our thanks; "The Platts
mouth Hekald has improved each week
under its new managers, the Knotts Bros.
It is one of the best family newspapers
published in the state."
The Rural Park Plcnic(?)
The Rural Park picnic Sunday was an
affair all good citizens must feel was
most disgraceful. The amount of beer
swilled was something marvellous. The
lowest statement we have heard is that
ninety kegs were drank, tuj highest, that
there were one hundred tnd seventy,
with the probabilities that the actual
number is somewhere between. Fights
were frequent enough to afford oppor
tunities for all who felt any desire to
participate, while late in the afternoon
coarse profanity could be heard on all
sides almost continuously.
A large part of the crowd came down
from Omaha, it was swelled and made
worse by all the iGiifeia Plattsmouth can
boast of, cither resident or vi.-iting, and
it made an inharmonious whole after be
ing well soaked in beer, hence the fights.
Oh, it was hilarious if not joyful, and
boozy if not restful and refreh:):g.
The picnic had bees extensively ad
vertised, zXid the people of Plattsmouth
felt such an interest in the successful
opening of what we had hoped and do
hone would prove a popular pleasure
resort that a largo number of our most
respectable citizens went out, many of
them accompanied by tlnir families.
Their presence lent respectability to the
crowd for a time, and in a measure kept
it toned down or there is no telling to
what degree the revelry would have ex
tended. It is safe to say another such
affair will end their patronage.
We want to see Rural Park lecome a
popular resort for recreation. It is a
lovely place naturally, and a small
amount of money judiciously expended
will greatly improve it, but humbly en
ter our protest against any point in this
vicinity being made a Sunday beer gar
den of the lowest order for all southeast
ern Nebraska.
HebrasV.a Stats Prohibition Con
vention. We have rcceiyed from C. F. S. Temp
lin, chairman of the prohibition party of
Nebraska, a call for the staie convention
which meets in the city of Lincoln, Tues
day and Wednesday, August loth and
17th, 187, foi the purpose of placing in
nomination candidates for state officers.
The convention will convene Tuesday
August Kith at 10 o'clock, A. M., and
will continue in hi ssion through tho whole
of Wednesday, August 17th.
Preparatory to the convention a grand
prohibition rally will be held on Monday
evening, Augu.-t loth, conducted by
some of the most eminent prohibition
workers of the nation.
Reduced railroad fare for delegates
will be secured i f possible and announced
Secretaries of county conventions aro
requested to forward promptly to C, F.
S. Templin, NebraskaSOity, a list of tho
delegates elected to the state convention,
with their post-ofiice address.
Upon the bassis of representation Cass
county will be allowed fifteen delegates.
It is recommended that no proxies be
given to persons not residents of t'.
county from which the person issuing
"the same was elected.
Your Best Opportunity
To subscribe for tho Hkkald has come.
The proprietors have gone on a bum and
left the ofiice in charge of the "devil."
He, desiring to see the subscription list
increase more rapidly offers the Hkkald
to every new subscriber from now till
Jan. 1st SS for o0!', or from now till Jan.
1st 'SO for if 1. 7". Sulmcriho now while
the opportunity is open to you. 10-tf
Bkatkick ICxpnss: Will democratic
papers ever get through explaining the
president's battle flag order t When tho
order was first issued a protest indignant
and loud went up from the patriotic peo
ple, and expressions of disgust were heart!
on every hand. The inginuity of tho
democratic organs was brought intopluy,
and column after column was written
to explain, modi fy and deny statements
made Concerning it. They had taken a
heavy contract and the zeal with whicb
they work nt it clearly demonstrates that
they regard it as such. Having said all
that could be said in defense of the exec
utive they saw what a miserable failure
they had made and are now trying to
patch the matter up. The present tactics
is to raise a huge cry against Fairchild,
Tuttle and others, and let loose tho cry
of the bloody shirt, iu the hope that iu
all the dust that will be raised, the orig
inal point of controversy will le lost
sight of. The indignation of the obi
soldiers was not aroused simply because
the president had violated the law in is-,
suing the order, but because we ha u
chief executive that would, undp.r any
circumstances surrender thut which
through bravery and sufTerir.rr our sol
diers had won. When tho forced back
down came, the reasons usbigned by the
president never absolved him from any
motive behind the order, but based it
wholly on tho ground of illegality. The
inference is irresistible that if there were
any legal waj open, the president would
yet order Vue flags returned. The mud
throwing at Fairchild and Tuttle can not
dace the president or his defenders in
any position other than of cringing for
southern popularity.
Prohibition in Iowa.
The Des Moines llcyisttr comes to the
defense of prohibition in Iowa, and tells
what it has accomplished. It docs not
claim that the law is Pterally enforced,
but it is, it says, being enforced as much
as any other law in Iowa, and in due time
it will be enforced even better than the
other laws of the moral and criminaS
code. Meantime
It has dosed 2,o00 of the places of
murder in which every day old men used
to be let down a step nearer the druuk
ark's grave, nnd eyery night ' youg men
trapped into the footsteps toward pollu
tion and destruction. It has diminished
the number of criminals in the peniten
tiary, and made fifty-two jails empty. It
has made tens of thousands of Iowa
homes happy with a joy anil alight which
tho saloons would never allow in them
so 1 ong as it was allowed to exist. It has
helped tens of thousands of men, once
weak, to hold up their heads and look
Gon and man in the face. It ha taken
tens of thousands of poor women who
used to be more afraid of the. coming;
home of their husbands at night than the
coming of any wild beast, poor, pitifnl
helpless women who used to have no pro
tection under heaven cr before nipii bat
their faith in Ood and prayer, and givt-a
to their faces the light of returner joy
and permanent peace. It has taken tens
of thousands of children who never knew
of their fathers only to fear them, and
who used to go hungry, ill-clad and out
of school, and given them children'
places on their fathers' knec-s, and faled
their mouths with daily food, put; iloth
ing on their backs, and book a their
hands, and sent them sinuig to school,
drunkards' children x-o, longer. It lias
taken squalor, ft-tr, hopelessness and star
vation out of uiuny thousands of homes,
E.ud put in their places, comfort, inde
pendence, happiness and confidence. It
has given fair warning to all the world,
that, let other States do as they will,
Iowa is no longer iu partnership with the
rum power, or v. itn the murderers of men
and bys, and the robbers of women and..'
children. Oihaha Rtp u Mica n.
For Sale.
A farm containing G40 acres e,f mrnf",
well improved, timber and tr.. Best
stack farm in Cas county. For terms,
apply to 14tf Bkk-jox & Slllivax.