Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, July 28, 1887, Page 5, Image 5

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    PiATTBMOtmi WEEKLY iiEI.ALtt, THURSDAY, JULY 28, 1887.
Interesting War Rollcs.
Ono of the most famous re-lion of the
war of the reln-lliou was until recently ii
the possession of it lady of thin city, i
lcinjj the) identical taMc upon whirl
(Jens. inint and Leo sirrtied that famous
and historical paper at Appomattox
Court House, which hui rendered Lee's
entire urmy and virtually ended the
great civil war.
This raro article of furniture, which,
ly the way, is nvcry ordinary specimen
of cabinet work and of the cheapest ma
terial, was, and is undoulit' dly, the par
ticular tahle used tm that memoraldo oc
casion, as the lady who owned it has in
her possession an autograph h tt -r from
(Jen U. S. li-:int to that effect. Tlu lady
referred to is -Mrs. Ord, wid.r.v ot .Maj.
ien. Ord, of the Union army. This olli
cer was jnesent at the surrender under
the Appomattox apple tree, and was
hhrcwd enough to capture the taMo used
on that occasion, wilt knowing that its
Xuture historic value v.'ould he great.
.Mrs. Ord has had many overtures from
prominent people since her hushand's
death to transfer to them this relic.
Among others. Col. F. D. !rant desired
to become its possessor, !ut until recently
alio has declined all offers. She has,
however, sold it to Mr. (lunt'ier, of Chi
cago, who at this time is in posses-iion of
it. The price paid was 1,000, which
was oidy about one third of what Mrs.
Ord had previously asked. This lady
tstill has in her possession many valuable
inementos of the great struggle, which
were gathered !y her hushaud. Among
these are several handsome Hags, former
ly the colors of volunteer rcgiiiK-uts from
Pennsylvania and other states, and in
several instances they are dotted with the
nigni .'leant little holes that were made ly
lhe dangerous miuie rille hall. One pe
culiar flag in her possession is of histor
ical value as well as of unique design. It
. is a tingle large white star upon a field
composed of equal parts of ml andhluc.
This flag is the somewhat celebrated corps
ihig which ,was used Iy (Jen. Benjamin
liutler, and which floated over his head
quarters at New Oilcans and other places
during the war. It is now somewhat
tattered, but still in a fair state of preser
vation, and the redoubtable Butler would
probably be quite anxious to secure it
again did he know where it is to be
Mrs. Ord is the mother of sixteen chil
dren. Ilecently sir told the writer lint she
thought herself worthy of a pension from
the government aside from that she re
ceives on account of her husband's ser
vices. She is very fond of the many relics
in her possession, and is always pleased
to be able to show them to her visitors.
Hho has taken up her risidenee here bo
cause Lieut. Mason, her son-in law, is the
oflicer in charge of the army post at this
jioint. Correspondent in Xew York
A Triumph for Pasteur.
The Philadelphia Medial News, in its
iasue of last week, contains a long ab
stract of the report presented to parlia
ment last week by the British commis
sion appointed last year to inquire into
Pasteur's treatment of hydrophobia.
From this abstract these following para
graphs are taken:
"It may hence be deemed certain that
M. Pasteur has discovered a method of
protection from rabies comparable with
that which vaccination affords against
infection from small-pox. It would be
difficult to overestimate the importance
of the discovery, whether for its practi
cal utility, or for it- application in gen
eral pathology. It shows a new method
of inoculation, or, as M. P;.steur some
times calls it, of vaccination, the like of
which it may become possible to employ
for protection of both men and domestic
animals against others of the most intense
kinds of viris. The duration of the im
munity conferred by inoculation is not
yet determined, but during the two years
that have passed since it was first proved
there have been no indications of its be
ing limited.
"The committee think it, thcrefore,cer
tain that the inoculations practiced by
31. Pasteur have prevented the occurrence
of hydrophobia in a large portion of
those who, if they had not been inoculat
ed, would have died of that disease, an el
Lis discovery shows that it may become
possible to arrest by inoculation, even af
ter infection, other dis.-ascs besides hy
drophobia. His resenrch.'s have also :ul
deel very largely to the knowledge of tee
pathology of hydrophobia, and supplied
a sure means of determining whether an
animal which has died under suspicion
of rabies was really affected with that
disease or not."
The Jfedtral News says editori illy:
"The report of the British hydrophobia
commission constitutes the ablest elefense
of M. Pasteur's method which lias yet
been made, and it is a caus for congrat
ulation that men so competent to observe
facts anel weigh evidence have be-cn able,
after full investigitious, to reach a unan
imous conclusion a to the prophylactic
value of the inoculations of Pasteur."
Faults of eligestion cause elisorelers
of the liver, and the whole system be
comes deranged. Dr. J. II. McLean's
Strengthening Cordial and Blood Purifier
perfects the process of eligestion anel as
feimulation, and thus makes pure blood.
8-ru3 i
Four Kings.
The King of Greece is very tall and 6lim
with a dull, heavy face, sleepy blue eyes,
thick, fitraihgt nosoauda drooping brown
The King of Belgium is tall, straight,
with a full chest aud broad shoulders,
His hair is a elark brown black, and is
parted exactly in the inidello. His eyes
are elark, set deeply under very straight
eyebrows. His noso is straight; full.
sweeping brown mustache anel very full
brown beard.
The King of Denmark is tall, "with a
broad compact figure. He has the face
of a sea captain; his complextion is red,
his face has not much expression and his
features are irregular. He wears a mus
tache and side whiskers, which arc of an
iron-gray color. His shaved chin is srpiare
and positive in its lines.
The King of Saxony is a very ordinary
looking man. He has the appearance of
a retired merchant with a small income
who lives a peaceful, narrow life. He is
of nieelium height, with sloping, rounel
shoulders. I lis hair ianray; his complex
ion sallow; his e'yes a cold gray-blue; his
lose large and straight; a snowy white
mustache anel white whiskers conceal in
a measure the weak character of the low
er part of his face. Omaha Herald.
A Good Education.
It is elesirablc that many young men
of Nebraska should be thoroughly edu
cated in the branches of lcarninc: which
ire relateel to agriculture. ine Estate
University endeavors to meet this want
by placing before the young men of the
state a four years course, the agricul
tural course, the eejual in every respect
)f the other courses. All the laborato-
ies, libraries aud other facilities of the
university are open to stuelents in this
ourse. They attend lectures and engage
n labratory practice with the other uni
versity students, and have every advan-
tnirc'afforded by contact with those study
ng in other departments and the instruc
tion of experienced university professors.
For those not able to enter the freshman
class, there is a preparatory department
n which the best preliminary training
may be obtained.
tuition is free to all.
Arrangements have recently been com-
plete'el wherehy fctuelents in tno agricul
tural course may obtain remunerative
inploynicnt at rates ranging from 15 to
2") cents per hour, dependent upon the
quality of the work. Board at $2.75 per
week upon the experimental farm. Cost
n town is usually a little more. Fbrcat-
dogues address CnAKLES E BE3SBy,Dean,
or J. S., Stevard, Lincoln, Neb.
Her Presence of Mind.
From the Chicago Journal.
I have often admired the presence of
mind elisplayeel by women under almost
ill ciscumstances, more especially when
the derangement of any part of the mys
terious intricacies of their apparel, is con-
crneel. I was walking along Washing
ton street during the hottest part of the
lay last Saturday, when a stylisly dressed
ady, who leaneel upon the arm of gentle
, 1. . . . . -i t?
man, succumueu to me neat ana sanK in
to the ready arms of her escort, who seat
ed her upon a door-step and an old lady
commenceil to fan her. Her hat fell off
ind was pickeel up by a bystander. Af-
er a few a few minutes the fair dame re-
viveel partially, but there were indica-
ions of a relapse. The old lady seizing
the opportunity replaced the hat on her
iead, but unfortunately it must have
teen put on crookedly or hind side in
front. Instantly all signs of fainting dis-
ppeared. The lady, as if by magic, re
ived, took off her hat, drew out the pin
rimpeel up her hair with her fingers in
rue feminine fashion, deftly reassumed
ler headgear and taking her escort's arm
tottered off with feeble steps. I advise
,-oung men the next time a lady faints
while uneler their charge to try the ex
periment of putting on her hat wrong
ide in front, anel I will guarantee instan-
aueous recovery.
The Sandwich Islands.
"rom tlie Interior.
About a quarter of a century ago the
iVnierican board maele the mistake oi
withdrawing its missionaries from the
Sandwich Islands, anel of leaying a peo-
le recently converteel from heathenism
o take care of themselves through
churches organized on the Congregation
al plan of inelivielual inelependency.
Since that time the moral, social and po
litical conditions of the islands have been
"rowing worse and worse. While the
forty-five native churches have continu
ed t(f exist, andjhave not proyed altogeth
er unfaithful, they have lacked the ener-
y to meet the evils incielent to a great
nflux of foreigner?, and to a government
controlled by a weak, dissolute and
pcnel thrift king, who ha3 countenanced,
f not elirectcel, a revival of heathenish
dances and other forms of licentiousness
and all kinds of official corruption, in
order to neutralize the influence of -what
is known as the missionary party. The
result of reckless extravagance of the
government has been high taxes, discon
tent and threatened revolution. Almost
anyting likely to turn up would be an
mprovement upon affairs controlled by
King Kalakaua. The change from a
quarter of a century ago ia certainlj a
sael one. Our hope ia that Ood may avert
a sadeler one from a people so simple
hearted, energetic and greatly reeluced in
number, yet faithful to Christ. The
American board, we understanel, hus de
termined to send back its missionaries to
more important points on the islands, but
we fear that this movement is too late to
be of any very efficient service.
Decline of Counterfeiting.
From tho New York Commercial Ad vet User.
Au industry which was formerly of
great importance, but which has elwin
dleel into comparitive insignificance, is
the manufactnro of counterfeit money.
It had many able exponents, but, like
many more exalted occupations, it has
suffered from the want of a proper system
of apprenticeship. The great masters of
a generation ago have disappeared, eith
er through death or enforced retirement
and no one has been traint el to take their
places. The chief cause of this, in the
opinion of a national bank oflicer, who
was discussing the question recently, is
the incrcascel vigilance anel actively of
the government.
"The task of the goycrnmcnt,however,
has been very much easier," said he, "by
reson of the fact that since the war there
has been no state banks to issue currency.
Under the old system there were so many
styles of bills it was almost impossible to
keep track of them all, so as to distin
guish the counterfeit from the genuine.
The difficulty was all the greate rbecauso
the bank bills frequently were of 60 low
a grade of workniauship that it was very
easy to counterfeit them. Consequently,
counterfeiting was a regular business.
During the war, when the government
had its hands full of other matters, the
business flourisheel. For some time after
the war, also, counterfeiting was very com
mon." "What else has hurt the business?"
"Well, the processes of manufacturing
both specie and bills are constantly becom
ing more delicate and cosdy. To turn
out an absolutely perfect bill or coin now
reepjires very expensive and bulky ma
chinery. No counterfeiter has the money
to buy such machinery, and no place to
put it up in if he hael it. Consequently,
his goods are inferior and easily detected.
In former times a skillful workman conld
turn out 'cueer' money just as good-looking
as the genuine. Processes of manu
facture w:ere simple. Then it was imposs
ible to crush the business even with a
liberal use of death penalty. Now a
couterfeit note or coin is seldom seen in
a bank. Genteel crooks have turned from
counterfeiting to the 'sawdust' game. It
is safer anel more profitable."
A Oanerous Yaasar Studaat.
Speaking of Vassar, one of the. students
there is daughter of President Kocka
feller, of the Standard Oil company. She
Is nob robust, and ia afflicted -with u ten
derness of Tision which has caused tho
doctors to prohibit her from reading.
Undeterred by this misfortune, and per
haps stimulated by it, she pursues her
studies with the help of an attendant who
reads to her. Miss Rockafcller'a dimness
of vision has not rendered her indifferent
or unsympathetic to tho hardships of
others. Soma time ago she noticed that
two of the college messengers, who per
formed in her division services analogous
to those of bell boys in a hotl, wero
bright, Intelligent girls. She thought it
a pity that such deserving fellow crea
tures should be In a great Institution of
learning without an opportunity to avail
themselvee of 1U advantages, like Tan
talus, lip deep in water, yet unable to
assuage his burning thirst. She appealed
to her father in their behalf, and he in
generous furtherance of fcer kindliness
made arrangements to pay for the tuition
of hia daughter's proteges throughout the
full college course. It is not such a big
thing, perhaps, as the endowment of a
church or the contribution of a large sum
to some popular movement, but it is an
act of quiet, unostentatious kindness that
derives much of 1U merit from the motive
and circumstances accompanying it.
New York Graphic
Ant graph en Brick.
Half a centnry ago there was a brirk
yard on the north side of the road at the
foot of the Ames hill, so called, near what
Is now the Messrs. Briggs' tannery. One
day Capt. T. V. Stewart, then 30 years of
age, was la that yard, and while walking
around among the unburaed brick which
were scattered about he picked p a sharp
tick and eareleaaly wrote the following
upon one of them: 4T. T. Stewart, 1836."
This brick, with others, wenltfato the kiln,
was burned, and afterward was laid into
the walls of the Old South church (erected
that year). Nothing more wae thought of
the matter till a short time ago, when, as
workmen were cleaning the brick from
the walls of the church barned In the
great fire, the identical brick was brought
to light as perfect in shape as when laid,
and with the inscription upon it as plain
as print. This valuable relic was care
fully preserved by Mrs. J. P. Thwing till
Mr. Stewart's return from Boston, when
she presented it to him. Mr. Stewart is
now 80 years of age, and he says it will
take a big sum of money to get that brick
away from him. Farrington CUe.) Chron
icle. Tna Ranfmu of Cologne
The death of Herr Lersch, the Jack
Ketch of Cologne, Is reported. lie would
seem, from his obituary, to have been a
grim eccentric. For many years past he
has kept his coffin in his bedroom, as some
more eminent men have done. But
Lersch utilized the coffin as a wardrobe,
in which he kept his "Dienst uniform," a
suit of black clothes worn by him when
ever he was called upon to dispatch a
Rhenish criminal out of the world. In
his last will he charged his executors to
take care that he was buried In his uni
form. As the executioner of Cologne and
the Rhine provinces, he did not use the
rope or the ax, like bis colleagues In other
states aud provinces of the German em
pire, lie was obliged to finish the course
of justice with tho guillotine, after the
old French code, which came into use in
the Rhineland during the French occupa
tion, and which has survived the warn of
liberation. Pail Mall Budget.
Note and Comments of tho Proaa Con
cerning Various Panplo of Koto.
John Donaghuo, tho Boston sculptor, is
making a life sized statue of John L. Sul
livan, Queen Victoria is In ecstasies over a
new parasol which has Just been mada
for her by a noted London establishment.
It is made of croam colored satin, covered
with fine Brussels loots, with a carved
Ivory handle.
Bishop Emery, of the Methodist Epis
copal church, wants some colored angels
painted in pictures. Ho says the angels
have been painted white long enough.
But how does ho know that colored peo
ple are not whito when they get to be
Senator Stanford has bought for f 1,
400,000 the San Joaquin ranch, near Lo
Angeles, which contains 108,000 acres and
runs along tho coast for twenty miles.
He is now negotiating for another tract
near Pomona, containing 45.000 aerea,
which will cost him about $2,000,000.
Justice Field, of the United States su
preme court, who is now in San Fran
cisco, startled the railroad men by refus
ing to sign'his ticket to Portland, and the
document was finally issued to him minus
his signature. In this case the people
havo secured a decision of some slgnifl
canco without litigation.
"Blinky" Morgan, the western robbor
and murderer, was asked tho other Any
how he camo to "enter upon a life of
crime." "I was born In Philadelphia,"
ho said. "Whan I was very young I com
menced reading dime novels, and read
them until my mind woe thoroughly poi
soned. I thought of all sorts of wild
schemes, and when I was 16 I ran away
from homo and went to Texas."
"Ex-Senator Mahone is like an ani
mated toothpick," says The New York
Tribune "His sloneler limbs are Incased
in tight fltfelng tapering troupers. Him
boots have heels of the French pattern
and fit like kid gloves. Ho wears a
Princo Albert broadcloth coat with skirts
of exaggerated length. His crowning bit
of apparel is a broad brimmed exceedingly
6oit reit tlie sort of Gainsborough
Misa Adelaide Johnson, a Chicago girl,
has a modeling studio in the billiard room
at Calnmet place, Mrs. Logan's homo,
and is at w ork on a herol bust of Gen.
Logan. The younpr artist Is a modest.
studious girl, but she has a romantic his
tory. Several years ago she fell four sto
ries down the elevator shaft In Musie hall,
Chicago, and was taken up for dead.
Citizens made up a puree for her, and
wnen sue recovered see had a few hun
drcd dollars loft. With this she went to
Rome, and for two years worked hard.
Sho now intends to take hr bust of Gen.
Logan there next winter and carve It in
W. W. Story, the sculptor, writes from
Rome stating that his design for the Grant
monument has been misrepresented. His
idea Is a mausoleum resembling the tomb
of Hadrian, one. of tho most imposing
monuments ot Rome, but necessarily
mailer; a massive circular tower, sur
mounted by a colonnade), above which rise
steps crowned by an equestrian figure of
Grant; around whose base he would placo
"a funeral procession In which all the
states, north and south, east and west,
might join, and thus make the monument
national and not sectional, and within to
have a vast sepulchral chamber, in the
center of which should be a recumbent
figure of Grant, illuminated from above."
Mrs. EUa Wheeler Wilcox's husband, a
stockholder of and traveling salesman for
the Moriden Britannia company. Is en the
road a great portion of the time, and slnea
his mother, Mxs. Wilcox, and other mem
bers of the family left the city the resi
dence on Colony street has been a lonely
residence for the woman made famous by
the "Poems of Passion." Beside Marl
den has furnished very little for her social
amusement, as all her distinguished liter
ary friends came from abroad, and the
only wonder Is that a woman of such
poetic nature and as refilled suseeptfbilitiea
could hare contented herself In sueh a eoM,
unappreclative place as Meridea so long as
she has. Her health la still much im
paired, and though it has been deeided te
vacate the preaeat rtalAance the first of
next month, the definite plans for the
future have sot yet beea determined. It
Is quite probable, however, that when Mr.
Wilcox returns from his western trip ar
rangements will be made to spend the
summer at eome favorite watering resort.
One thing is certain, that tlie fair poetess
will most likely leave Meriden for good
and go back to her old Wisoontia home.
If Mr. Gould had only his owa tertes to
provide for, according to hie son, tie jLta
lacta would never have any wises or
liquors on hoard, except what might be
included in the medicine chest; tieithcr
would there be a eigar. Consideration
for his guests and the members of hie
family who indulge in theee luxuries leads
to the stocking of the refrigerator with
choice liquors and wines of the finest vint
age; but Mr. Gould himself does not
touch them. It is not becauae ha is a
temperance man on principle, but because
ho does net like them. He tried to karn
to smoke once, on the advice of a physi
cian, but gave it up after three cigarettes.
He is fond of music, and the evening
aboard the yacht are devoted largely to
musical entertainment in the dining
saloon. Thi is large enough to accommo
date thirty-two persona comfortably at
the tablet, and is readily transformed into
a parlor by foldinf the tables together
In one end of the saloon Is a piano, built
expressly for his yacht. Mr. Gould him
self does not perform in any branch of
music, but he ia a good listener, fids
applies also to his conversation. Although
he Is a fluent and interesting talker, he is
surpassed by none In the sympathetic at
tention which he gives to other people's
utterances. He never ceases to take
pleasure in the subject of his boat.
Trying; to Break the BaaK.
Two men who have Just been arrested
by the Paris police had worked out a
system with a view to breaking the bank
at Monte Carlo. They published a pamph
let, in which they demonstrated to their
own satisfaction, and it appears to that of
a very large number of dupes, that, If ap
plied, lOO.OOO.OOOf. could b made at rou
lette in a very short time with a capital of
24,000f. Being circulated all over Europe,
this pamphlet resulted in its authors re
ceiving thousands of letters, many of which
contained money for a trial of the system.
Before long they found themselves la
possession of CO.OOOf,, and proceeded to
Monte Carlo to break the bank. Un
fortunately for them, their first day's
gambling did not end as they had antici
pated, for Instead of having won 1,000, OOOf.
they had lost 24,0001 After that ex
perience their faith in the infallibility of
their system appears to have been wrecked,
for they returned to Paris with the re
maining 30,000 f, and were arrested a
irninon rwryndlCT5.IloaCqu Irstnsctfyt:
Wc want to call your attention to the fact that we ca
show you in our new ttock for
A superb lino of everything carried in a first
class line of
Notions, Boots, Shoes,
ueensware and Groceries.
Wc have tlie hnmlaiomciit Line of imbro"nlcrien, botli
in Narrow and wide, ever brought to the City.
Our Stock of Dress Goons, both in
Wool and Wash Goods; also
in Whito Goods in
Our line of TuLlo Linens, Napkin, Crashes, Towels, Trine,
Ginghams and Muslin is well worth looking over.
Especial attention is called to our
Which is fuller and more complete than usual, at prices that tritf
panel y tou. Jn
We have Good Valuesto offer and -want to keep up our rep
ntation hy selling none but Good Good?. We take consider
able pride in our
And can show tlie finest lin of this Class of Goods handled br
any firm in the city. W invite itiepection ot our differ
ent Departments, assuring all that we offer our Geoda
Authorized Capital, 9100,000.
President. VUe-Preilde at.
W. 11. CU8U1XO. Cahi6l.
Pank Carrutb, J. A. Connor. F. K. Quthmaaa,
J. W. Jubneou, Henry Bcfcck, JoL 0'ea,
V, D. JJerriam, Wra. Weteiifcarnu, Yf.
11. CushiLg.
Transact a Oe-neral Kaukiu Builaeaa. All
Tr ho huvr auy lianklug bisiues lt trac tat
iiivitou to c-Jl. Nu matter Low
targe or Fundi the trii.:icUn. it
Will receive our careful :tUniiou,
aud we iruiiiiHe always coi;
teous treatnieDt.
Issues Certificates of Deposits bearing LuVrt
iiujrs and sells Foreign Excliang. Ctuuty
mid Cltv securiiie'''.
Bank Cass County
Cotter Jtain aud S?xtli Streaw.
r i . .
1 J. H. PATIKKSOS. Caaiilar.
Transacts a Sencral Baiting BuiieK1
Pmid for Count y and City Warsattb$,
A promptly remitted fer.
loiaacciOKS t
O. H. Pannele, i. M. Patteraaa,
Frd Grdr, A. B. mlth.
H. B, Windham. M. MorrLsej.
James Patterson. Jr.
President. CasbUs
OCarstba very best laellltU. lor Ilia pript
transaction of leltliaata
HockB, Bonds. Gold. Government and Loot
eeeuritiee koukij t ana boia, uepositi receir
d and Interest allowed on time Certlfl
cate. Draft drawn, available in any
part of the United Statec and all
the principal tow im ot
Collections made & promptly retr.itttd
Highest market prices paid fcr Couaty War
State and County Bocda.
John FltirorJild
Ua R. Cleric,
J lltwiiMiif
jr. u. titer
Poultry Yards.
Plymouth Rtcks,
Silver Penciled HoibTirgc,
B, B. Red Gam Bantum,
B. C. Brown Le&horne.
PekJn Duk8.
WWrita fcr Pries.
o urn Troon, BBiuaA,
Sheriff Bale.
Br virtue af an execution Lmed l . w
KLuwalier, Clerk af the tUtiict Caari. wiib'
audiwxCitatt ctaty, atiaMkft, aud la m ai
rectU. I wlU u UiQ WtU t st ! Jly a
li7. at 1 a'ciack T. !.. Utl( d? aj tata
000th do'r af tita Caun l!ou. to
atllat pnalia auctlau. kfca foUawlag mtTa
Wfttaalf (sar tntBatti wat uaarlattV)
at tvnetlua Six ( Tawnttila rn . lai ku.. (Ti
braokit, wi:b tna aririwa ujl apaa taiaaaa
tberfunta blotjUig ar la tiy wlaa .iitnus.
lozihfreta. ru,
ibe aama feeing 1t14 upaa at takaa aa
tba property af Wllliaia Clu-k Jefadabl t
tt!efy a lu4itei af title: eeurt iMvrV
Lrory 6 feeble flalnUff, aaJbalaaid Xw'
Plattsnieutb. Rab.. this Juaa acta a D Via 7
H-6 J.C. Iiiimar.
PUana" af Caa Cvauly. 3fe.
SharlfTa Bala.
By rtrtae af aa erderof aala bwned by W e
Bbewfcltttr. Clark at the IMrlet Cauri wn'kLa
aad tarCaiM county. Nebraska, it no it m at,
rected. I Y, ill aa te Utb day f July. a. it
IbaT. .Ill A. M.. 4 mi a Ui
Souia dar af Court Jieab in salt aauaiv
ell at PubUa Aaetlea, the fullewiag real aetata
tus jprouerty af v U. Karuboff aud I., if.
has UoUuiunU ; tv satisfy a Judgir ent of said
i.!"1. X Uavid i JJijbbluKa
Pliluti. ab-alvst said defendant.
riatWuietUb, Keb.. Jane 441U A. 1. 187.
, J. ( BlKI.VBlItr,
la-a fcberia a. Cstutv, att.
I Praailim, - v
AfcCe.B aaah "j
Prenle, f
3 Praaalaan, 4
100 Talant, ---S00
100O Pfatuait,
Tar fail Ufa si hare asssl atr awa t-v.
Kate one (1). twa (J), tkr-e aad tea rial
''"-i") aad twelve (lii 1 ,k BUbu
(UjlaDukRs add.'Uea la tke t'lty ,fTlaw
rvakitk, i ae eauuty, 'eaia.ka. with tka JTrlv
lieffi aad apperuaaacee tkaieauto eeiaa.
ww arlu nj wise auaerualag.
Tea saaia batne lavlaJ uA . l -n ...