Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, July 28, 1887, Page 4, Image 4

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    RAiAidtJTii. iyiiEkLi1 iiijiiALi), tfiilfi:siAY; JULY us, isst
Wk &httr.moiith Ufechh JjcrnUl
Publishers & Proprietors.
Prohibition In K ansas.
Let us Jut upon tho btand John Wal
ruff, thonotcd brewer, who defied the
law from its pasHiiga until recently, when
lie gave up the fight. Under date of
March 25, 1887, he wrote to Richard Kat
zenmayer, secretary of the United StaetH
Hi-ewers' association:
In Kansas the outlook is very
7duc, and I will he compelled to give up
the fight. First, on account of my health
find my age, I cannot Htand the constant
annoyanco any longer; second, it doen
not pay to keep up the fight any longer.
I will Btato to you my experience during
the last four months. In November last
wo had a grand jury and from the make
up of it, it was certain they would find
indictments against me. I, my Bon and
my sen-in-law left the Btate until after the
adjournment of the court, when we re
turned and had to enter into a bond
amounting to $9,000 for our appearance
at tho February term of court.
The court convened on tho 7th of Feb
ruary, and again we had to leave the
state, and our bonds were forfeited. It
was found out that we were in Missouri,
and the governor of Kansas made a re
quisition upou tho governor of Missouri
for our delivery. I went with the sheriff
from our county to tho governor of Mis
souri in order to resist the granting of
the requisition, a3 theie was no necessity
for it, because we were under $9,000
bonds. I had the influence and assistance
of two senators from Missouri, who acted
as my attorneys, but of no avail. The
governor granted the requisition and the
sheriff brought ma back to Lawrence,
Kansas. My son and son-indaw, mean
while had gone to Nebraska.
After coming home the judge raised
my individual bond to $5,000 to appear
from day to day. This was on Tuesday
and my trial was set for Thursday follow
ing. If I had gone to trial, conviction
would have been sure, and the least fine
the court would have inflicted would
have been $1,500 and fifteen months' im
prisonment in the county jail. This I
would not do, and I left the state again.
"When court was called and I did not ap
pear, tho judge raised my bond to 25,
000, my son's to $9,000, and my son-in-law's
to the same amount 43,000 in all.
Since February 7, with the exception
of tho one day that the sheriff brought
mo back, we have been wandering over
the country, from one state to another,
and so do not feel safe anywhere. We
were in Missouri, Iowa, Illinois and Mis
souri again. "We cannot stay in one
place any length of time, as we are
hounded worse than murderers or horse
thieves. "What the end will be I cannot
foretell. Under the circumstances, can
anybody wonder that I would throw up
the sponge? I haye fought the fanat
ics for 6ix long years. Since Jan
uary I have quit selling in Kansas, and
opened up a depot in Kansas City, Mo.,
where I 6hip my beer, and have to find a
sale from there. Our last legislature has
made the law much stricter, and it will
be very hard to sell any beer hereafter in
Kansas. From th Toledo Blade.
The Royal Caste.
An occasion like the jubilee brings out
very sharply the singular social position
of the royal caste of Europe. That caste
which consists essentially of two families,
or clans, all the Catholic and Protestant
royalties being more or less closely relat
ed either by marriage or by blood, is
growing numerous, is more prominent
because of intercommunication, and
tends to become a minute but closely
knit aristocracy, claiming, and in certain
ways securing, a position greatly above
that of European nobility. The prece
dence of its members, besides being un
contested, as that of nobility is, is Euro
pean instead of locahandis accompanied,
and, as it were, marked by a deferential
and even slavish respect, which was once
paid also to the nobles, but is now in
their cases 6lowly but perceptibly dying
away. No noble is now beyond the law,
as some of the princes at least e. g., the
heads of the mediatized families un
doubtedly are, a point only tested recent
ly, when the eldest Fugger, a Jesuit
priest, as a prince of the empire defied
the law decreeing the expulsion of his
order. It is a curious mark of grade,
but it is a very real one, that on the con
tinent' of Europe a prince is the only
man, except a priest, who cannot be com
pelled to accept a challenge. lie has,
theoretically, no equal, except in his own
caste, and even imperious military opin
acknowledge his exemption. Certain
forces, too, are observed in receiving and
addressing royalties which are not main
tained for any other human beings, and
they are waited on even by nobles a3
gentlemen would be ashamed to wait on
the members of any other class. Though,
aa a rule, not wealthy, and undistinguish
ed either by intellectual ability or service
to the state to which they belong, they
are everywhere treated as "the first," and
maintain, without exciting envy, an ex
clusiyeness as rigid as that of Indian
Hrahmins or pious Jews. They marry
only anion themselves; they claim and
enforce a special murriago privilege,
which is, in fact, a right edged by socie
ty; and though the fortunes some of
them possess are distributed with a
strange inequality, and they begin to bo
solicitous for wealth, yet they resist with
immovable tenacity what must bo the se
vere temptation to absorb the great heir
esses of European society. A Colonna
may marry the daughter of the greatest
of American money-makers, and tho de
rogation is forgiven for the gain, but the
poorest Ilohenzollern or Uourbon may
not stoop to marry the most beautiful or
accomplished lady of many millions.
They begin more and more to associate
only with each other, roaming over Eu
rope to avoid the tedium of a too con
tracted social circle; and in all ceremonial
functions they supersede'alike the nobles
and the statesmen. In the arrangements
for this jubilee, for example, "the prin
ces," known and unknown, illustrious
and obscure, arc all alike in front, and
the great nobles and high-placed person
ages of the realm, soldiers or statesmen
or diplomatists, are all relegated to the
crowd. No neble except Lord Lome ap
peared in the procession as an invited
guest, and the exception only made the
rule more conspicuous. Loudon Spectator.
A Midnight Spree at Vassar.
Dearer to the hearts of all college stu
dents than all public occasions of social
life are the cosy private spreads. Only a
college girl knows the meaning of a col
lege spread. It is a proof of the deprav
ity of human nature, says a writer in
LippincotVs Jifajazine, that no spread
is perfect unless held after 10 o'clock,
when in the midst of the hilarity each
feels the influence of a prospective sum
mons from her corridor teacher to receive
a sermon on the value of law and order.
Try to imagine yourself an unseen spec
tator at a mysterious midnight spread.
Yon see a large room all ablaze with
light, lut with the blinds shut and the
curtains drawn, and a gossamer water
proof draped carefully over the transom
lest the rays should annoy some outsider.
Within is a medly. Books are out of the
way for once, and the table is covered
with a miscellaneous collection of plates,
saucers, glasses, and a cup or two, a few
spoons, rarely a knife and fork. Among
these are scattered a loaf of bread, a bag
of crackers, pots of deviled ham, bottled
olives, a pitcher of milk and another of
oysters. Half a dozen girls are in the
room, one of them anxiously inspecting
the water in a tin basin that she is care
fully holding over the flame of a drop
light. The rest are scattered about the
room in attitudes more or less graceful.
The bed, the chairs, and the rugs on the
floor are equally patronized. All the
girls are making frantic endeavors to
evolve a theory ns to the making of oys
ter soup, and as the theories gradually
take a definite shape they are hurled at
the martyr of the tin basin.
"You must heat the water first, then
the milk, and put in the oysters just be
fore it is done," remarks one sage cook
from the depths of an easy chair.
"No you don't. You don't want any
water just the milk and oysters boiled
together," sa-s No. 2, coiled like a kitten
on a rug.
"You must heat the oysters separately,"
calls the grave, oratorical voice from
among the pillows.
"Girls, "says the martyr, looking around
with a heroic air, "you don't one of you
know the first thing about it. I'm mak
ing this soup, and if you don't like it
when it's done you can come and make
some for yourselves. Just at the present
time I have the floor." Ex.
Expensive Fans.
A dealer in tans ot the more expensive
as well as cheaper sort told me that he
sold about $000 worth for the last Har
vard class day, the finest being of white
lace'and worth from $40 to $60, and the
least expensive bringing from $1 upward.
The June weddings caused a good de
mand for the higher-priced article. m The
gauze fans, which are now in such favor,
6eem to me very appropriate for the sea
on and much more in keeping with warm
weather than the showy fans made of os
trich feathers, which have a certain heat
ed look. It has always seemed to me
that the Japanese excel in the pictur
esqueness of their fans, and how they can
be afforded at such low prices is one of
the wonders of the day. A few of these
brilliantly . colored fans placed upon the
walls of a room light it up finely, and
for a country house I know of no more
appropriate decoration. For actual fan
ning, however, the old-fashioned palm
leaf is the most effective in raising the
wind. Boston Pout.
The Traveler's Tree.
A European traveler, on his way from
the coast of Madagascar to the capital,
Tananarivo, in the interior, had emptied
his water-flask, and was suffering from
thirst. He asked one of the natives of
his party where ho should be able to ob
tain water.
"Any time you like," said the native,
The European saw no signs of springs
of water, but the native conducted him
to a group of tall palm-like trees, stand
ing in a cluster on the edge of the forest
with straight trunks, and bright green,
broad leaves growing from the opposite
sides of the stalk, and shaking the tree
appear like a great fan. The white man
gazed adntiriuL'h- at the tree.
"You think it is a tine tree," said tho
native, "but I will show you what it is
good for."
He pierced the root of one of the leaf-
stenis,at the point where it joined the
tree, with his spear, whereupon a stream
of clear water spurted out, which the
European caught in his water can, and
found cool, fresh and excellent to drink
The party having satisfied their thirt
and taken a supply, the native, who had
spoken, went on:
"This tree, which is good for us in
more ways than one, we call the traveler's
"But where docs the water come from
that the tree contains?" asked the white
man. "Is it taken up from the soil?"
"Oh, no," said tho native, "the leaves
drink in tha rain that falls on them, and
when it has passed all through them, it
becomes very pure and sweet."
The quality of tho blood depends
much upon good or bad digestion and
assimulation; to make the blood rich in
life and strength giving constituents, use
Dr. J. II. McLean's Strengthening Cordial
and Blood Purifier; it will nourish tho
properties of the blood from which the
elements of vitality are drawn. 8-m3
He Was an American.
From the Ilochestcr Democrat.
A thin, delicate looking woman sat in
a Broadway (New York) horse car one
evening last week, and next her sat a
native of the queen's realm. The window
behind the Britisher was open, and the
wind blew in on the woman, making her
shi ver. At last she said in a lady-like way:
"Won't you be kind enough to close the
window behind you, as it makes mo very
cold?" It would hardly have caused the
man any inconvenience to grant this re
quest, but he replied harshly: "T prefer
it open; you Americans can't stand any
thing; you all seem to have the consump
tion." The other passengers in the car
were astounded at theincivilty, and their
were many angry glances at the royal sub
ject. Finally a gentleman arose on the
opposite side of the car, and approaching
the Englishman with about 220 pounds
avoirdupois, leaned over him and grasp
ing the window, slammed it down with
nearly enough force to break the glass;
then he remarked in a positive tone:
"Now my friend, if you think all Ameri
cans are afflicted with consumption, you
just raise that window again. I am an
American." The little woman blushed,
the other passangers smiled, tho American
returned to his seat, and the Briton look
ed out of the window and thought and
Bucklen's Arnica Salve
The Best Salve in the world for Cuts,
Bruises, Sores, ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever
Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains,
Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi
tively cures Piles, or no pay required.
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion, or money refunded. Price, 25 cents
per box. For sale by
301 y F. G. Fiucke & Co.
Bishop Hurst furnishes one of the at
tractive papers in the August Harper's
upon "A Native Publishing House in
India." This is a result of the Bishop's
recent visit to India, and gives a surpris
ing revelation of the Mohammedan energy
of a certain typical pu blisher of Luck
now named Kishore. This native, al
though a Moslem, issues hundreds of
Hindu books, as well as apologies in be
half of Islam, from his enormous estab
lishment of low buildings, where twelve
hundred men print from lithographs and
type, and illustrate by hand books in
Sanscrit, Persian, Arabic, English, and
many Indian dialects. A daily newspa
per and numerous pamphlets are added
to the products, and all the possible ma
terial, even type and paper, are made
under Kishore's charge. The immense
editions of his literature are sold by col
porteurs, who circulate through the coun
try very industriously and obtain a gi
gantic patronage, from Cario and Con
stantinople to the Northern Himalayas.
CJyeThem A Chance!
That is to say, your lungs. Also all
your breathing machinery. Very wond
erful machinery it is. Not only the lar
ger air-passages, but the thousands of
little tubes and cavities leadidg from
When these are clogged and choked
with matter which ought not to be there
your lungs cannot do half their work.
And what they do they cannot do well.
Call it cold, cough, croup, pneumonia,
catarrh, consumption or any of the fam
ily of throat and Lose and head and lung
obstructions, all are bad. And all ought
to be got rid of. There is just one sure
way to get rid of them. That is to take
Boscheeks German Syrup, which any
druggist will sell you at 75 cents a boj
tle. Even if everything else has failed
you, you may depend upon this for cer
tain. (1)
English Spavin Liniment removes all
Hard, Soft, or Calloused Lumps and
blemishes from horses, Blood Spavin,
Curbs, Splints, Sweeney, Stifles, Sprains,
Sore and Swollen Throat, Coughs, etc.
Save $50 by use of one bottle. War
ranted by Fiicke fc Co. druggists, Piatt s
mouth. :M-lyr
Too Much Enthusla sm.
Cliarlc Httn News ami Courier.
"Teaching to me," said an enthusiastic
young schoolma'am, "is a holy calling.
To sow in the young mind the seeds of
future knowledge and watch them as
they grow and develope is a pleasure
greater than I can tt ll. I never weary
of my work. I think only of "
"I am very sorry," interrupted the
young man to whom she was talking,
"that you are so devoted to your profes
sion, Miss Clara. I had hoped that some
day I might ask you in fact, I called
tonight but I hardly dure go on in the.
light;of what you "
"You may go on, Mr. Smith," said the
young lady softly. "I am a little too en
thusiastic, at times, perhaps."
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward
for any case of Catarrh that can not be
cured by taking Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHENEY & Co., Prop' rs, Toledo,
P. S. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in
ternally, acting directly upon the blood
and mucus surfaces of the system. Price,
75 cts. per bottle. Sold by all Druggists.
Changed His Wind.
New York Sun,
"I hope, my dear," said a newly made
Benedict, "if I should happen to be out
nights occasionally you won,t be lonely."
"Oh, no, dear," she replied sweetly.
"If you should find it necessary to be out
I'll send for ma to keep me company."
lL:'s homo early every night.
In the decline of life, infirmities be
set us to which our youth and maturity
were strangers, our kidneys and liver are
subject to derangement, but nothing
equals Dr. J. II. McLean's Liver and Kid
ney Balm as a regulator of these organs.
A Georgia M issi'-'Icks a Hit.
Niislivi lo Union.
A young lady said fit the recent meet
ing of tho Woman's Christian Temperance
Union in Savannah. "Chivalry, which has
fled from all other quarters, lias taken
refuge in the newspaper offices. " It is
unnecessary to state that this young lady
is the prettiest and brightest of her sex in
- If you suifer pricking pains on mov
ing tho eyes, or cannot bear bright light,
and find your sight weak and failing,
you should promptly use Dr. J. II. Mc
Lean's Strengthening Eye Salve. 25 cents
a box. 8-m3
"Backward, turn backward, O time
in thy flight, giye us a frost again just
for tonight; I um so weary of weather so
hot, the sweat it produces would fill a
big pot; weary of collars that wilt like a
rag, weary of toiling away for the swag.
A snow storm or blizzard would go very
nice, put me on ice, mother, put me on
ice." Atchison Globe.
The best and surest Remedy for Care of!
all diseases caused by any derangement of
the Liver, Kidneys, Stomach and Bovels.
Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Constipation,
Bilious Complaints and Malaria of all Llcds
yield readily to the beneficent influence of
1 e jc r jr
It Is pleasant to the taste, tones op the
system, restores and preserves health.
It is purely Vegetable, and cannot fail to
prove beneficial, both to cd and young.
CAs a Blood Purifier it is e nperlor to all
others. Sold everywhere at i 1.00 abotth?
can live et home and make more
money at worK ior us tnan any
thing else In Ihis world. Cauital
not peeded ; vou are started tree.
lioth sexes : jUI aus, Anvoneean
do the work. Lame Pftrninca sure
fntii first start. Cosily outfits ar j
terms free. Better not delay. Costs you w til
ing: to end u your address and flud out anj
if you are wise you will do so at ouee. Address
H. 1IALL.KTT Si M., Fortland, MiU-. 36ly
Jonathan ITatt
the bi:st the market affords always on hand.
Sugar Cured Meals, Hams, Bacon, Lard, &c, &a
of our own make. The best brands of OYSTKRS, in cans and bulk, at
Corner 1'earl and Seventh Streets.
Lumber, Lath, Sash, Blinds,
Ha west Bates, Terms GasSn
TtE :-:
We are leu el
kinds of S"S BPraiSfWSIff
sis1 tAST Aiansr
LxG(Gif t Gc els,
Visi'l'ing Cqi'ds,
oi ciy oicclqs3 of piiiv(Iig.
The Plattsmouth "WecMy Herald Las tlio largest ci rcalation C
any -paper in Cass County. Ilepuulican in politic?. Advertise in it
avid if von have 2iot already, snhscribe for it.
J Makthis.
l - jElULD
IStisiqcss Gqi'ds,
els dalsiciJO