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About Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892 | View Entire Issue (July 7, 1887)
t) PLATTSMOUTII WEEKLY HERALD, TI1QKSDAY, JULY 7, 1887. PAUL IN THE BASKET. REV. DR. TALMAGE PREACHES AT MARTHA'S VINEYARD. Great Kesult Hang on Apparently Slen der Circumstance The Ciimial, the Accidental Are I'arts of a Great Plan. Au Island Itetiveuu Two Eternities. Maktiia's Vineyakd, Mass., July 3.-. Many hundreds of Brooklyn Tabernacle people and their friends have made a pil grimage to this place. It Is one point in an excursion of six days, taking in New port, Nantucket and this island. The Hev. T. DeWitt Talmage, D.D., preached here tliia morning in tlie great camp meet ing tabernacle. Thousands of people were present from all parts of New Knglaad. The music was conducted by a band. Dr. Talmago's text waa: "Through a window in a basement was I let down by tho wall." II Cor. xi, 33. lie said: Sermons on Paul In jail, Paul on Mara Hill, Paul In the shipwreck, Paid before the Sanhedrim, Paul lefore Felix are plentiful, but in my text we have Paul in a basket. Damascus Is a city of white and glistening architecture, sometimes called "the eye of the East," sometimes called "a pearl surrounded by emeralds," at one time distinguished for swords of the best material called Damascus blades, and upholstery of richest fabric called damasks. A horseman by the name of Saul, riding towards this city, had been thrown from the saddle. The horse had dropped under a flash from the sky, which at the same time was so bright it blinded tho rider for many days, and, I think, so permanently injured his eyesight that this defect of vision became the thorn in the flesh he afterward speaks of. He started for Damascus to butcher Christians, but nfter that hard fall from hia horse he waa a changed man and preached Christ in Damascus till the city was shaken to Its foundation. The mayor gives authority for his ar rest, and the popular cry is "Kill him! kill himl" The city is surrounded by a high wall and the gates are watched by the police lest the Cicilian preacher escape. Many of the houses are built on the wall, and their balconies projected clear over and hovered above the gardens outside. It was customary to lower baskets oat of these balconies and pull up fruits and flowers from the gardens. To this day visitors at the monastery at Mount Sinai are lifted and let down in baskets. De tectives prowled around from house to house looking for Paul, but his friends hid htm, now in one place, now in another. He is no coward, as fifty incidents in his life demonstrates. But he feels his work is not done yet, and so he evades assassi nation. "Ia that preacher here!"' the foaming mob shout at one house door. "Is that fanatic here?" the police shout at an other house door. Sometimes on the street incognito he passes through a crowd of clenched fists and sometimes he secretes himself on the housetops. At last the in furiated populace get on sure track of him. They have positive evidence that he is in the house of one of the Christians, the balcony of whose home reaches over the wall. "Here he is! Here he is!" The vociferation and blasphemy and howling of the pursuers are at the front door. They break in. "Fetch out that gospel izer, and let us hang his head on the city gate. Where is he?" The emergency was terrible. Providentially there was a good stout basket in the house. Paul's friends fasten a rope to the basket. Paul steps into it. The basket is lifted to the edge of the balcony on the wall, and then while Paul holds on to the rope with both hands his f rieuda lower away, carefully and cau tiously, slowly but surely, further down and further down, until the basket strikes the earth and the apostle steps out and afoot, and alone starts on that famous missionary tour, the story of which has astonished earth and heaven. Appropri ate entry in Paul's diary of travels: 4 'Through a window in a basket was I let down by the wall." Observe, first, on what a slender tenure great results hang. The ropemaker who twisted that cord fastened to that lower ing basket never knew how much would depend upon the strength of it. How if it had been broken and the apostle's life had been dashed out? What would have become of the Christian church? All that magnificent missionary work in Para philia, Cappadocia, Galatia, Macedonia would never have been accomplished. All his writings that make up so indispensable and enchanting a part of the New Testa ment would never have been written. The story of resurrection would never have been so gloriously told as he told it. That example of heroic and triumphant endurance at Phih' the Mediterranean Euroclydon, under flagellation and at his beheading would not have kindled the courage of ten thousand martyrdoms. But that rope holding that basket, how 'much depended on it! So, again and again, great results have hung on what seemed slender circumstances. Did ever ship of many thousand tons crossing the sea have such important pas senger as had Jonce a boat of leaves from taffrail to stern, only three or four feet, the vessel made waterproof by a coat of bitumen, and floating on the Nile with the infant lawgiver of the Jews on board? What if some crocodile should crunch it? Wht if some of the cattle wading in for a drink should sink it? Vessels of war sometimes carry forty guns looking through the port holes, ready to open battle. But that tiny craft on the Nile seems to be armed with all the guns of thunder that bombarded Sinai at the law giving. On how fragile craft sailed how much historical importance! The parsonage at Epworth, England, is on fire in the night, and the father rushed through the hallway for the rescue of his children. Seven children are out and safe on the ground, but one remains in the consuming building. That one wakes, and finding his bed on fire and the build ing crumbling, comes to the window, and two peasants make a ladder of their bod ies, one peasant standing on the shoulder of the other, and down the human ladder the boy descends John Wesley. If you would know how much depended on that ladder of peasants, ask the millions of Methodists on both sides of the sea. Ask their mission stations all around the world. Ask their hundreds of thousands already ascended to join their founder who would have perished but for the liv ing stairs of peasants' shoulders. An English ship stopped at Pitcairn Island, and right in the midst of sur rounding cannibalism and squalor the passengers discovered a Christian colony of churches and schools and beautiful homes and highest style of religion and civilization. For fifty years no mission ary and no Christian influence had landed there. Why this oasis of light amid a desert of heathendom? Sixty years be fore ship had met disaster and one of the sailors, enable to save anything else, went to his trvi-X and took out a Bible which his inothe.' had placed there, and swam ashore, tho Libia held in bis teeth. The ltook was read on all sides until the rough and vicious population were evangelized, and a churcli was started and an enlight ened commonwealth established, and tne world's history has no more brilliant pa?e than that which tells of the transforma tion of a natiou by one Ikx k. It did not seem of mucli importance whether the sailor continued to hold the book in hia teeth or let it fall in the breakers, but upon what small circumstance depended what mighty results! Practical inference: There are no m eigniilcancea in our lives. The minutest thing is part of a magnitude. Infinity ia made up of infinitesimals. Great things an aggregation of small things. Bethle hem manger pulling on a star in the east ern sky. One book in a drenched sailor'a mouth the evangelization of a multitude. One boat of papyrus on the Nile freighted with events for all ages. The fate of Christendom in a basket let down from a window on the wall. What you do, do well. If you make a rope make it strong and true, for you know not how much may depend on your workmanship. If you fashion a boat let it be waterproof, for you know not who may sail in it. If you put a Bible in the trunk of your boy as he goes from home, let it be heard in your prayers, for it may have a mission as far reaching as the book which the sailor carried in hia teeth to the Pitcairn beach. The plainest man's life is an island between two eternities eternity past rippling against his shoulders, eter nity to come touching his brow. The cas ual, the accidental, that which merely happened so, are parts of a great plan, and the rope that lets the fugitive apostle from the Damascus wall ia the cable that holds to its mooring the ship of the church in the northeast storm of the centuries. Again, notice unrecognized and un recorded services. Who spun that rope? Who tied it to the basket? Who steadied the illustrious preacher as he stepped into it? Who relaxed not a muscle of the arm or dismissed an anxious look from his face until the basket touched the ground and discharged its magnificent cargo? Not one of their names has come to us, but there was no work done that day in Da mascus or in all the earth compared with the importance of their work. What if they had in the agitation tied a knot that could slip? What if the sound of the mob at the door had led them to say: "Paul must take care of himself, and we will take care of ourselves?" No, no! They held the rope, and in doing so did more for the Christian church than any thous and of us will ever accomplish. But God knows and has made eternal record of their undertaking. And they know. How exultant they must have felt when they read his letters to the Romans, to the Corinthians, to the Galatians, to the Ephesians, to the Philippians, to the Colos sians, to the Thessalonians, to Timothy, to Titus, to Philemon, to the Hebrews, and when they heard how he walked out of prison with the earthquake unlocking the door for him, and took command of the Alexandrian corn ship when the sailors were nearly scared to death, and preached a sermon that nearly shook Felix off hia judgment seat. I hear the men and women who helped him down through the window and over the wall talking in pri vate over the matter, and saying: "How glad I am that we effected that rescue! In coming times others may get the glory of Paul's work, but no one shall rob us of the satisfaction of knowing that we held the rope." Once for thirty-six hours we expected every moment to go to the bottom of the ocean. The waves struck through the skylights and rushed down into the hold of the ship and hissed against the boilers. It was an awful time; but, by the blessing of God and the faithfulness of the men in charge, we came out of the cyclone and we arrived at home. Each one before leaving the ship thanked Capt. Andrews. I do not think there was a man or woman that went off that ship without thanking Capt. Andrews, and when years after I heard of his death I was impelled to write a letter of con dolence to his family in Liverpool. Ev erybody recognized the goodness, the cour age, the kindness of Capt. Andrews; but it occurs to me now that we never thanked the engineer. He stood away down in the darkness amid the hissing furnaces doing his whole duty. Nobody thanked the en gineer, but God recognized his heroism and his continuance and his fidelity, and there will be just as high reward for the engineer who worked out of sight as for the captain who stood on the bridge of the ship in the midst of the howling tempest. There are said to be about 69,000 minis ters of religion in this country. About 50,000 I warrant came from early homes which had to struggle for the necessaries of life. The sons of rich bankers and merchants generally become bankers and merchants. The most of those who be come ministers are the sons of those who had terrific struggle to get their everyday bread. The collegiate and theological ed ucation of that son took every luxury from the parental table for eight years. The other children were more scantily appareled. The son at college every little while got a bundle from home. In it were the socks that mother had knit, sit ting up late at night, her sight not as good as once it was. And there also were some delicacies from the sister's hand for the voracious appetite of a hungry stu dent. The father swung the heavy cradle through the wheat, the sweat rolling from his chin bedewing every step of the way, and then sitting down tinder the cherry tree at noon thinking to himself: "I am fearfully tired, but it will pay if I can once see that boy through college, and if I can know that he will be preaching the Gospel after I am dead." The younger children want to know why they can't have this and that as others do, and the mother says: "Be patient, my children, until your brother graduates, and then you shall have more luxuries; but we must see that boy through." The years go by, and the son has been ordained and is preaching the glorious Gospel, and a great revival comes, and souls by scores and hundreds accept the Gospel from the- lips of that young preacher, and father and mother, quite old now, are visiting the son at the vil lage parsonage, and at the close of a Sab bath of mighty blessing father and mother retire to their room, th son lighting the way and asking them if he can do any thing to make them more comfortable, saying if they want anything in the night Just to knock on the wall And then, all alone, father and mother talk over the gracious influences of the day and say: "Well, it was worth all we went through to educate that boy. It was a hard pull, but we held on till the work was done. The world may not know it, but, mother, we held the rope, didn't we?" And the voice, tremulous with joyful emotion, re sponds: "Yes, father, we held the rope. I feel my work is done. Now, Lord, let test thou thy servant depart in peace, for mine eyes have 6een . thy salvation." "Pshaw!" says the father,- "I never felt so much like living in my life as now. I want to see what that fellow Is going on to do, he has begun so well." Something occurs to me quite personal I was the youngest of a large family of children. My parents were neither rich nor poor; four of the sons wanted collegi ate education, and four obtained it, but not without great home struggle. We never heard tho old people say once that they were denying themselves to effect this, but I remember now that my parents always looked tired. I dou't think they ever got rested until they lay down in the Sornerville cemetery. Mother would sit down in the evening and say: "Well, I don't know what makes me feel so tired!" Father would fall immediately to sleep, seated by tho evening stand, overcome with the day'a fatigues. One of the four brothers, after preaching the gospel for about fifty years, entered upon his heavenly rest. . Another of the four is on the other side of the earth, a mission ary of the cross. Two of us are in this land in the holy ministry, and I think all of us are willing to acknowlekge our ob ligation to the old folks at home. About twenty-one years ago the one, and about twenty-three years ago the other, put down the burdens of this life, but they still hold the rope. O, men and women here assembled, you brag sometimes how you have fought your way in the world, but I think there have been helpful influences that you have never fully acknowledged. Has there not been some influence in your early or present home that the world cannot see? Does there not reach to you from among the New England hills, or from western prairie, or from southern plantation, or from English or Scottish or Irish home a cord of influence that has kept you right when you would have gone astray, and which, after you had made a crooked track, recalled you? The rope may be as long as thirty years, or five hundred miles long, or three thousand miles long, but hands that went out of mortal sight long ago still hold the rope. You want a very swift horse, and you need to rowel him with sharpest spurs, and to let the reins lie loose upon the neck, and to give a shout to the racer, if you are going to ride out of reach of your mother's pray ers. Why, a ship crossing the Atlantic in six days can't sail away from that. A sailor finds' them on the lookout as he takes his place, and finds them on the mast as he climbs the ratlines to disen tangle a rope in the tempest, and finds them swinging on the hammock when he turns in. Why not be frank and ac knowledge it the most of us would long ago have been dashed to pieces had not gracious and loving hands steadily, lov ingly and mightily held the rope. But there must come a time when we shall find out who these Damascenes were who lowered Paul in the basket, and greet them and all those who have rendered to God and the world unrecognized and un recorded services. That is going to be one of the glad excitements of heaven, the hunting up and picking out of those who did great good on earth and got no credit for it. Here the church has been going on for nineteen centuries, and yet the world has not recognized the services of the people in that Damascus balcony. Charles G. Finney said to a dying Chris tian: "Give my love to St. Paul when you meet him." When you and I meet him, as we will, I shall ask him to intro duce me to those people who got him out of the Damascene peril. We go into long sermons to prove that we will be able to recognize people In heaven, when there is one reason we fail to present, and that is better than all God will introduce us. We shall have them all pointed out. You would not be guilty of the impoliteness of having friends in your parlor not introduced, and celestial politeness will demand that we be made acquainted with all the heavenly household. What rehearsal of old times and recital of stirring reminiscences ! If others fail to give introdtiction, God will take us through, and before our first twenty-four hours in heaven if it were calculated by earthly timepieces have passed, we shall meet and talk with more heavenly celebrities than in our entire mortal state we met with earthly celebri ties. Many who made great noise of use fulness will sit on the last seat by the front door of the heavenly temple, while right up within arm's reach of the heav enly throne will be many who, though they could not preach themselves or do great exploits for God, nevertheless held the rope. Come, let us go right up and accost those on this circle of heavenly thrones. Surely they must have killed in battle a million men. Surely they must have been buried with all the cathedrals sound ing a dirge and all the towers of all the cities tolling the national grief. Who art thou, mighty one of heaven? "I lived by choice the unmarried daughter in an hum ble home that I might take care of my parents in their old age, and I endured without complaint all their querulousness and administered to all their wants for twenty years." Let us pass on round the circle of thrones. Who art thou, mighty one of heaven? "I was for thirty years a Chris tian Invalid, and suffered all the while, occasionally writing a note of sympathy for those worse off than I, and was gen eral confident of all those who had trou ble, and once in a while I was strong enough to make a garment for that poor family in the back lane." Pass on to another throne. Who art thou, mighty one of herven? "I was the mother who raised a whole family of children for God, and they are out in the world Christian merchants, Christian mechanics, Chris tian wives, and I have had full reward of all my toil." Let us pass on in the circle of thrones. "I had a Sabbath school class, and they were always on my heart, and they all entered the kingdom of God, and I am waiting for their arrival." But who art thou, the mighty one of heaven on this other throne? "In time of bitter persecution I owned a house in Da mascus, a house on the wall. A man who preached Christ was hounded from street to street and I hid him from the assassins, and when I found them breaking in my house and I could no longer keep him safely, I advised him to flee for his life, and a bas ket waa let down over the wall with the maltreated man in it and I was one who helped hold the rope." And I said: "Is that all?" And he answered: "That is alL" And while I was lost in amaze ment I heard a strong voice that sounded as though it might once have been hoarse from many exposures and triumphant as though it might have belonged to one of the martyrs, and it said: "Not many mighty, not many noble are called, but God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty, and base things of the world and things which are despised hath God chosen, yea, and things which are not to bring to naught things which are, that no flesh should glory in His presence." And I looked to see from whence the voice come, and lo! it was the very one who had said: "Through a window in a basket was I let down by the wall." Henceforth think of nothing as insignif icant. A little thing may decide your alL A Cunarder put - out from England for New York. It was well equipped, but in putting ud a stove in the pilot box a nail was driven too near the compass. You know how that nail would affect the com pass. The ship's officer, deceived by fchat distracted tompass, put the ship 200 miles off her right course, and suddenly the man on the look out cried: "Ijand ho!" and the ship wan halted within a few yards of her demolition on Nantucket shoals. A sixpenny nail came near wrecking a Cunarder. Small ropes hold mighty destinies. A minister seated in Boston at his table, lacking a word puts his hand behind his head and tilts back his chair to think, and the ceiling falls and crushes the table and would have crushed him. A minister in Jamaica, at night by the light of an in sect, called the candle fly, is kept from stepping over a precipice a hundred feet. F. W. Robertson, the celebrated English clergyman, said that he entered the min istry from a train of circumstances started by the barking of a dog. Had the wind blown one way on a certain day, the Spanish Inquisition would have been es tablished in England; but it blew the other way, and that dropped tho accursed institution with 75,000 tons of shipping to the bottom of the sea, or flung the splin tered logs on the rocks. Nothing unimportant in your life or mine. Three noughts placed on the right Side of the figure one make a thousand, and six noughts on the right side of the figure one a million, and our nothingness placed on the right side may be augmenta tion illimitable. All the ages of time and eternity affected by the basket let down from a Damascus balcony. VARIOUS PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. What the Newspapers Say of People Whom the World Knows. Joaquin Miller has sold his log cabin in Washington for 5,100, and its new owner has rented it to Mr. Adee, assistant secre tary of state. Mrs. Cleveland's shoes worn In tho Adi rondacks were a pair of No. 5s, for which she paid $5. At least such is the exceed ingly important statement made by a Washington shoe dealer. Sitting Bull ia in mourning for the death of his eldest daughter. He is at Standing Rock agency, D. T., and endeav ored to show his great grief by slaughter ing all his old enemies. A score of them were obliged to flee the camp for safety. Mr. Alma-Tadema has designed a piano of ebony and oak for a citizen of New York, with decorative details of cedar, boxwood and ivy, and with a long, low picture of Mr. Poynter, R. A., over the keyboard. The cost is said to be $35,000. Anna Dickinson is slowly recovering from a dangerous illness caused by over work and worry. She has had a narrow escape from death. A long rest and change of scene are needed to restore her to her old time vigor and energy. She is now at Scranton, Pa. The czar will soon take a Journey Into the Don Cossack country, during which he will present the czarowitz to the Cos sacks. It is a ride of over 1,200 miles and a journey surrounded with considera ble danger, notwithstanding the fact that the route is well guarded by the Russian police. Col. Fred Grant, the eldest son of the late general, is said to be developing into a man very much like his father, and in proof of this, it is told that he is never seen without a cigar in his mouth. He is a dull looking young man. His eyes have no brightness, his features no character istics, ids complexion no color, and he seems to be simply fat and dull. It Is said that it was due directly to Mrs. Grant that the peculations of Charles L. Webster & Co.'s bookkeeper were dis covered. Mps. Grant has an eye, nay, two eyes, to "the main chance," and her contract with the publisher stipulated that at any time she could send an expert to examine the books. This she did from time to time, and it was her expert who discovered the discrepancy during one of his periodic examinations. Tbe Snake Understood English. It is related that some Americans re cently going through the Jardin des Plantes of Paris stopped to look at a big rattlesnake in a cage. It lay motionless, apparently asleep, but when two of the party who lingered behind began to speak English, it inoved, lifted its head and gave every sign of interest. They told their companions that the snake under stood English. The whole party then re turned to the cage. The snake was ap parently asleep again. They conversed in French, but the snake made no move ment; then the ladies began to speak in English. The Bnake started, lifted its head, and showed the same alertness as before at the sounds. The rattlesnake proved, on inquiry, to have come from Virginia. New York Sun. An Unsuccessful Attempt. It is "so English, you know;" but still the attempt of the dudes to introduce the style of wearing white cuffs and collars with colored shirts has not been success ful. One shirt with broad scarlet bands and another with bright blue polka dots have been worn on the avenue with white collars, presumedly to advertise the style; but the repeated inquiry: "Why don't you get collars to match your shirt?" and the undisguised suspicion that old white col lars were being utilized by the wearers proved fatal to the innovation. A style more likely to be adopted Is that displayed by Fred May, who has shirt, collars, cuffs and waistcoats of the same patterns of heavy linen or marseilles. This is expen sive, looks cool and is vastly becoming. New York World. Present for the Twelfth Child. Some years ago a wealthy citizen of Bahrenfeld, in the duchy of Holsteln, promised a worthy married man of that town that he would give a house to the man's twelfth child, if he should have that many. In due time No. 12 arrived, and the proud father asked the wealthy citizen to make good his promise. Thi3 he refused to do, saying that the whole thing was a joke. The father then went to law about it, and although the promise was only a verbal one, the court not only decided in favor of No. 12, but author ized the plaintiff to choose whichever one of the defendant's houses he liked best. New- York Tribune. For a Wedding: Present. The London society papers are Just now overflowing with enthusiasm over the cleverness of somebody original enough to give a bride a side saddle for a wed ding present, a thing which, as she was an excellent horsewoman, pleased her STeatly, besides having no duplicate in all her arrays of gifts. Similar presents were often given to royal and noble brides in the day when riding waa a necessity, and not an amusement; but of late years they do not suggest themselves when kinsfolk and friends are puzzling over the awful question, "What Bhall we give her?" The Argonaut. HAKES BOTX SUAKKR HOY is a Dark Buy pacer, 15 hands high, weighing 1,200 pounds. His close, compact form and noted reputation for endurance make him one of the best horses of the day. He has a record of 2:2'), and paced the fifth licat of a race at Columbus, Ohio, in 2:25. He was Lied in Kentucky, sired by Gen'l Ringgold, and his dam was Tctumseh. lie lias already got one colt in the 2:30 list a marvelous showing for a horse with his chances and stumps him aa one of the foremost horses in the land. The old pacing Pilot Mood is what made Maud H., Jay Eye Sec, and others of lesser note trot. The pneer Blue Bull sired more trotters in the 2:0 list than any other horse in the world, and their net value far exceeds all horses in Cass county. Speed and bottom in horses, if not wanted for fporting purposes, nre still of im mense benefit in saving time and labor in every occupation in which the horse is employed. It is an old saying that "ho who causes two blades of grass to grow where only one grew before is a public benefactor;" why less a benefactor he who produces a horse, which, with same care and expense, will with case travel double the distance, or do twne the work of an ordinary horse. It costs no more to feed and enre to raise a good horse than a poor one. The good are always in demand, and if sold bring double or treble the price of the common horse. SHAKER BOY will stand the coming season in Cass county, at the following places and times: W. M. Loughridge's stable at Murray, Monday and Tuesday of each week. Owner's stable, one mile east of Ei;ht Mile Grove, Wednesday and Thursday. Louis Korrell's, at the foot of Main street, Phittsmouth, who has a splendid and convenient stable fitted up for the occasion, Friday and Saturday. To insure marc with foal, $10.00, if paid for beforo foaling, and if not, $12.00. Care will be taken to prevent accidents, but will not be responsible, if any occur. Any one selling mare will be held responsible for fees of service. JOHN CI TTTTTTTTrTrTT.Tgaf FOBHlfflBB! r i ri w u u OF ALL BOOMS After Diligent Search has fit last been Located, and the Public will not he greatly surprised to know that it was found at the Lar&e OUT" Where courteous treatment, square dealing and a MagnifiV cent Stock of Goods to select from are responsible for my Rapidly Increasing Trade. IT WILL BE MONEY IN TOUR POCKET To Consult me before Buying. UNDERTAKING AND EMBALMING A SPECIALTY. CORNER MAIN AND SIXTII, HAVING HAPPILY GOT MD OF OTTR. Old, Shop Worn Goods, WE CAN NOW OFFElt SOME FKESH AND SUPERIOR GOODS IN 111 Mill At Greatly IReducod Prices. Ladies' Kid Button Suoes, formerly 3.00. now $2.00. Ladies' Kid .Butloa Shoes, iormei ly now M.25. Ladies' Peb. Goat Shoes, formerly &2.7o. row $.1.75. Ladies' A C1" Shoes, formerly $2.j5, row ?2.00. Ladies' Kid Opera Slippers, formerly 5?!.. GO. now 75c. .Men's "Working Shoes, formerly 1.75, now $1.10. Choice Box of few old Goods left at less than half Cos.! Manufacturing and Repairing Keatly and Promptly done. 0-A.T-.Ij THE OX-ID ST-A.XvTXD OF PETER m F. G. FRiCKE&CO., (SUCCESSOR TO J. M. EOBEKTS.) Wi "ceep constantly on hand a full and complete etock of pure Drugs and Medicines, Paints, Wall Paper and a Full tine of P U RE LI Q UORS; Moras. PLATTSMOUTII, NEBRASKA H ft 0 ES Oils, is i o - j i i ; f. : f I. I ' i it