Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, July 07, 1887, Image 1
v i mm i w m i r a ik. - a i.i a i m tiM ST $2.00 VFAl ANNU; PLATTSMOUTir, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY. JULY 7 ,1887. VOLUMK XXIII. NUMHKK 1C. How's Your Liver? Irt the Oriental salutation, knowing tlmt good health cunnot exist without a iicultliy Liver. When the Liver in torpid the IJowela are nl uyiah and constipated, t lie food lies in the utomach undiluted, poisoning the Mood; frequent hoadache tiwues; a feeling of lassi tude, denpondency and ner vousness indicate how the whole system is deranged. Himmons Liver Regulator lias been the means of restor ing more people to health and happiness by giving them a healthy Liver than any agency known on earth. It acts with extraordinary power and efficacy. MFVFR RFFN niSAPPOINTFD As a general family rerudy lor lype.sia. Torpid Liver. Cousliuatiou, esc, I hardly ever use anytliliiji eu and nave ueier been uisap pointnd in Hie eUect produced ; it ueeiiiM to be alinntt a perfect cure for all diseased of the Stoniseh and Bowel. V. J. McRLROT. Macon. Oa Treasurer, eputy Treasurer, - Clerk. leputy Clerk, tUerk of District Cojrt, SIierilT, - Deputy Sheriff, hurveyor. - Attorney, Supt. of Pub School, County J uilne. Hi) a it i OK BUT I.ouis, Ch'in , A. H. Torn. A. It. Dl.'KHON, 1). A. CAMI'DELL TllOS. l'OI.I.OC'K J. M, KuniNHoK C, C Md'lIKKSON W. O. KlIOWALTKR J. C. ElKKNHAKY 11. V. V KOMAMI A. Maooi.k Al.I.KN JlKKHIN MavnahdSunk C. ltUHHKLL E11VISOR9. Weeping Water I'llLttSIIlOUtll Kunwood GIVIG S9GI1VPIIIS. rilHIO I.OIMSK NO. M. A. O. U. W. itfeeT) A every alternate Friday evening at K. of J, hall. Transient brother are respectfully iu vited to attend. 1'. 1. White, Master Workman ; K. A, ' aitc, Foreman ; F. J. Alorgau, Overseer ; J. K. Morris. Kecorder. C1AS3 CAMP NO. 332. MODKUN WOODMEN of America Meets second and fourth Mod dayevenini? at K. of P. hall. All transient brother are requested to meet with us. L. A. Nowcoaier, Veuerable Consul ; W.C, WUletts, Worthy Adviser ; V, Merges, Ex-Hanker ; J. E. Jffcrris, Clerk. IiLAxrsMOu rri lodge no. 8. a. o. u. w. Meet every alternate Friday evening at Kockwood hall at 8 o'clock. All transient broth ers aru respectfully invited 10 attend. J. A. (iutsche, M. W. ; S. C, Green, Foreman : S. C. Wilde. ICecorder ; St. A. Newcomer. Overseer. McCONIHIE POST 43 C. A. R. KOHTKlt. Ham. M. Chapman Commander, C. S. Twiiw Senior Vice " F. a. 15atm.s Junior " John W. Woods Adjutant. Al.'Ol'ST TAUTStll ..(J. M. liK.NJ. IIK.MI'I.K John cokiikiax,.. h. p. iiollowav... It. K. Livingston,. .Olllcerof the Day. " Ouard Kergt Major. , Post rturireon AI.I'IIA WllldHT, Pout Chaplain Keiiular meet inirs. 3nl and 4th Thurdy of eacl) month at Post Headquarter In Hock wood Block. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. ATTOUNEYS AT LAW. BEKSON & SULLIVAN, Attorneys at Law. Will give prompt attention to all buninesu Intrusted to them. Onice In Union Block, East side. Plattsinouth, Neb. J AS. S. MA.THKWS, Attorney at Law. Office over M. 11. Murnliv Co's store, south nlde of Main between Mb and 6th street. 21tf KOBEHT B. WINDHAM. Notary Public and Attorney at Law. Office over Bai k of Casa County. Plattsinouth, Neb. Ofllce tele phone No. ; residence, N. 6. JOHN A. DA VIES. A ttornny at Law. Office with It. B. Windham, over Bank of Cass Co. PLAttsaiol'tii, JanTlyi Nebraska. !tf A. II A ItTIGAN. Lawyer, Fitzgerald's X1jL uiocli. Plattsinouth, Neb. l'rompt and aareful atteution to a general lw practice. PHYSICIANS AND SUltQEOXS. I,i W. COOK, M. D.. Phyician and Surgeon. Offic- at Fisher's Drug Store, Platts inouth. Nebraska. EL. SIGGINS, M. D., rhyslcian and Sur- geon. One door went of Bennett's store. Office hours from le to 12 a. m. aud from 3 to 5 and 7 to 9 p. m. Kesidence. corner Ninth and Elm street Mrs. Leviugs' house. Telephone at office and house. ALFUED SIIIPMAN. M. D.. Physician and Surgeon. Office In Union block. Residence corner Locust and Fourteenth streets. Office hours 9 a. in. to 11 a. in . j.nd from 2 to 4 p.m. Telephones No. 11 aud 12. LEGAL. V ShorifTs Sale. By virtue of an O; der of sale issued by W. C. Showalter, Clerk of the District Court within aud for Cass county. Nebraska, and to me di rected I will on the 30th dav of July. A. D. 1SS7. at 11 o'clock A. M., of said dav at the South door of Court House in said countv. Sell at Public Auction, the following real estate to-wit : Lots one (1). two f2). three (3) and ten 10 eleven II and twelve (12) in Block Eighteen (IS) in Dukes addition to the City of Platu moutn.i ass county. Nebra-ka, witii the Priv ileges and appert:nau'es thereunto belou iii U or in any wise anpt rtaning. The same being levied upon and taken as the property of Era G. Karuhoff aud L. Farn lioll Defendants ; tJ saMsfy a judgment of said Couit recovered by David G Babbington Plaintiff, against said defendants. Platumouth, Neb.. Jane 24th A. D. 187. J. C. ElKKNBARY, ' 15-5 Sheriff Cass County, Neb. Sheriffs Sale. By virtue of an execution issued by W. C. Rhowalter, Clerk of the District Court within and for Cass county, Nebraska, and to me dt-re-ted.l will on the 12th day of August. A D. 1887. at it o'clock a m , of said day at the south door of the Court House in said connty. sell at public auction, the following real estate to-wit : Ixitsone (1) two '21 and three (3) la block sev en (7) in Duke's addition to the city of Platts moutb, Cass couutv, Nebraska. The same being levied uhq and taken as the prperty of George W. Fairfield, defendant ; to satisfy a Judgment of said Court recovered by Solomon & Nathan, plaintiffs, agaiast said de fendant. Plattsinouth, Neb.. July 2nd A. D..l87. J. O. El K RMK DAHV, 16-5 Sheriff Casa County, Neb. THE LATEST NEWS. 8KVBVTY-OSE ROUNDS klOUT. Wilkesbarre, I'a., Julj 5. Oue of the uiOHt brutal prize fights that ever occur red in this couuty took place ycHtarduy near Nanticoke. The contestants were Thomas Hoar, of thin city, and IVtcr Hurley, of Nanticoke. The fight was to a finish. "When time was called for the serenty-second round Hoar claimed he could not see, said ho " had enough " and the fight was awarded to Hurley. ORKAT UACINU AT WAUOO. Wahoo, Nth., July 5. The following is the result of to-day's races, the second day of the finest races in the history of the connty : a:4j trot, purse f 1UU: frank v won first mney, Betsy Baker Hecond, Lumber Hoy third. Time 2:88, 2:40, 2:42. In the county trot, purse $125: Letta took first money, "Wahoo Maid second. Broncho Dan third. Time -2:34, 2:57, 8:00. In tha three-fourths mile dash running race, purse flOO: Kosalind took first money, Joe Howard Becond, Bay Dick third. Time 1:20. The attendance was fully as good as yesterday, and to-morrow prom ises to be the best of the three days1 races. MUBDEB IN TUB ARMY. San Francisco, July 5. Private Thomas N. Bateman. troop A. Second United States Cavalry, shot and killed First Sergeant Saiauel M. Sopher, of the same troop, at Presidio barracks this morning. Both men paraded in this city with their troops yesterday. The ser geant reprimanded Bateman, whom he found intoxicated in a liquor store at night. When the sergeant went into the soldiers' barracks to awaken some delin quents who failed to report for reveille roll call, Bateman stood behind him and deliberately shot him in the head. Sopher fell and Bateman cooly reloaded the carbine and shot the sergeant a se cond time. UTAH 8 COXYENTION AGAINST POLYGAMY. Salt Lake, July 5. In tho Utali con stitutional convention to-day the com mittee reported a new section stating that bigamy and polygamy being considered incompatible with a republican form of government, each of them is hereby for bidden and declared a misdemeanor; the punishment for violation a fine not ex- $1,000, and imprisonment not less than six months and not more than thiee years. The section shall be construed as opera ivc without legislation and the offenses prohibited not to be barred by any statute of limitation; nor shall the power of pardon extend thereto until such par don be approved by the president of the United States. Any amendment, pro vision or change to the foregoing section 6hall not become a law until ratified by congress and the president of the United States. These sections have been agreed to in committee and caucus, and it is thought will undoubtedly be passed by the convention. The Mormon leaders think they will prove the settlement of the vexatious Mormen problem. A LiqUOR MAX ARRESTED FOR BURNING UP A TOWN. Erie, Pa., July 5. About 9:30 last night two fires broke oat almost simul taneously in the hotel and a saw mill at Clarendon, seven miles east of "Warren, and a brisk wind swept the flames over the frame buildings of the village like a whirlwind. Aid was procured from Warren as soon as possible, but it was too late to stay the progress of the tire, and about all that was saved of the town was the railroad depot The area burned over is about twenty acres and the value of the buildings is estimated at $330,000, exclusive of contents. The insurance is insignificant. Eleven hundred people are homelaes to-night and camping in the woods. Lumber in large quantities is being shipped in and preparations are being made as rapidly as possible to pro vide shelter for the unfortunate inhabi tants who have lost their all. It is be lieved that the fire wasof incendiary origin and the trouble is alleged to have grown out of the refusal of the county authorities to give liquor licenses. The proprietor of tho hotel where the fire was first discovered is charged with having; uttered (hreats to burn the town and this morningjie fled to the woods. He was soon captured, however, and placed in jail. Threats of lynehing are freely made. DAMAGK BT HAIL. Oakland, July 5. A severe hail storm occurred here this afternoon, the largest hail measuring six and a half inches. But little damage was clone in town. A few window panes were broken. The sky light on the photograph building was de molished. All garden truck was grently damaged as was small grain, ea'ly corn and nlso tlie apple crop. CLKVKI.AM) A CANDIDATE. Washington, July 5. Cleveland is throwing off all disguise as to his can didacy for rcnomination. He does not talk generally upon the subject, but ho is making his plans openly, and they indi cate that he is actively in the field for a rcnomination. lie no longer has nny fears that the Xew York delegation will be devided. He has definitely agreed to go south in October, and told Senator Colquitt, of Georgia, to-day, that he thought he would start lor Georgia about October 15th. Frequent visits of Col quitt to the White House give color to reports that are credited by persons very near tlie I'resiuent, mat iamar 19 to ie- coine justice ot the huprcmc Court, nni that Colquitt is to succeed him as Sec retary of the Interior. TIIK DAY AT CRETE. Crete, Neb., July 5.-To-day at the Chautauqua assembly has been a working one, the full programme being carried out as though the day before had not been enthusiastic enough to weary any one. 1 lie work nas progresses, excellent ly and the class badges flutter on every hand that the enthusiastic workers were. In the afternoon the first lecture by Colonel Homer B. Sprague, of California, was given at the pavillion, his subject being " Shakespeare s louth." The Twenty-first infantry band gave an early evening concert on the grounds that was greatly enjoyed. P. S. Henson, I). I)., of Chicago, arrived on tlie grounds yes terday and will remain through the rest of the assembly. In the evening he lec tured to a very large audience on the topic "Gunnery," and Thursday evening he will again lecture upon ' Our Govern- . w 1 IT . 11 ors, or me I'copie wno doss us. Wednesday is lawyers' day and lion. J. M. Woolworth, ol Omaha, lectures to to them at 2 p. m. Thursday is editors' day on the crounds. and .Tungc C. C Goodwin, editor of the Salt Lake Tribune, will ar rive Wednesday, and at 3:30 Thursday will address the editors of the state and the assembly upon the topic, "Journalists and Journalism." There are a great many newspaper men in tne state who en- joy a personal acquaintance viin tins eminent jorualist, and tlie state press as sociation desires a large representation of newspaper men, whether members of the association or not, that Jur. uoottwin may be royally received. In the evening the members of the association will hold a business and social meeting at the new press association building, and the Twenty-first infantry band will tender Judge Goodwin a serenade at the same place. A PANIC ON A STREET RAILWAY RESULTS FATALLY. Fitchburg, Mass., July 5. A terrible accident occurred yesterday afternoon on the Fitchburg horse railroad in which one woman was killed and two passen gers received injuries which will prob ably prove fatal, while several others were badly hurt. The car iett t itciirmrg soon after noon for the fair grounds and had ninety people on board on their way to see a ball game. Many persons were hanging to the front and rear platforms and sides of the car. When a short dis tance out of the city the horses became frightened and the driver lost control of the animals. They ran along at a rapid pace and some one shouted form the rear platform: "Jump for your life." In an instant the passengers who v.'tre crowded together and conld not see the horses over the driver, became panic stricken. They rose from their sent3, forcing those who were standing in the aisles between the seats and the platforms. These were already full and the sudden rush pushed off seyeral of them. A tew umped from the car ana escaped un hurt. The casualty list is as lollows: Marion O'Brien was pushed from a plat form and fell head foremost upon the rocks alongside the track. Her neck was broken and her skull fractured. Mary O'Hara, who was sitting near the side of the car, was forced out of her seat and fell from the car, striking on her head. She remained unconscious for some hours. Mr. Cahill leaped off and fell to the ground, breaking his leg at the thigh. Bridget Dunne wvs pushed irom tne platform and dragged along, scraping her face, injuring one eye anct uauiy bruising her body. Allen McCarthy leaped and fell, breaking his collar bone and both ankles. Robert Maitland was forced over the dashboard of the rear platform aud was cut and bruised and sustained probably fatal injuries. Thos. Conroy fell off the car and was thrown nto an alley. Several were more or less njured, but were able to go home with out assistance. CELEBRATED IN A FOREIGN LAND. Julv 5. Two hundred Amer ican Czhects on their way to their native and celebrated the 4th of July uy a ban quet in this city. Consul Jones proposed the welfare of America. Lifka oltered a toast to president Cleveland, ana Lro buck, of Milwaukee, toasted the Emper or of Austria. The company telegraphed greetings to Cleveland aud the emperor. DYNAMITE EXri.OSIOX IN FRANCE. T,ri9 Julv 5th. A bomb which had been secretly placed outside the premises of a property owner at Mont Murtre ex ploded today, doing considerable damage. All Ihe windows in the vicinity wire .siim.-lied, mid a great hole made in tlie. wall suiroundiiig the property. An Ital ian tenant was sentenced to four months' imprisonment lately for assaulting hind lords, and suspicion rc sis upon the man's comrades. Three members of the anarch ist nnti-lnndlord league have been urrett-cd. THE GOVERNMENT DEFEATED. London, .July 5. In tlie commons to night Campbell Bamieriiiiin, formerly chief secretary for Ireland, guve notice that lie would introduce on the second reading of the Irish land bill a motion that no bind measure be satisfactory which lacked such revision of judicial rents as would meet tliensuits of the fall in irices. An animated discussion took place over the conduct of the politic in arresting a young woman named Cass, who is of pure repute, as an improper haraeter. The debate resulted in tho defeat of the government by a vote of 153 to 148. The criticisms of the mem bers were directed less against the peace authorities than against .Mathews, homo secretary, who was accused of shielding the ofiieinls. A number of liberal union ists voted with the majority. It is ex pected that the defeat of the government wiil lead to the resignation of Matthews. IT CAUSED A SENSATION. London, July 5. Great has been the jubilation in tlie common lobby and li beral clubs over the distinct defeat of tlie government. It comes strongly after the recent defeat at thenolU. Oddly cnouirh. tlie new Gladstone members' first ote was against the cabinet. Home Secretary Mathews must resign. 1 lis defeat is not only severe, per se, but it distinctly im peaches his candor and his want of man liness, necessarily also that of the govern ment which stood by his blunder with tory obstinacy, even the attorney general backing up tlie home secretary. Lord Bandolph Churchill, his political god father, had the good sense to keep out of the division. The morning papers are unanimously savage on him. The Tele graph, hitherto friendly to the govern ment, using such strong language as that "the vote was a deserved rebuke to Math ews," and characterized what the attor ney general urged as a general special pleading. The liberal unionists deserted the government. The cheer which went up from the home rule benches on the re sult was said, by the Irish members, to be the overture to tho coming opera of Irish success. GOVERNOR GORJXN S MESSAGE. Atlanta, July 5. There are several features of the message which Governor Gordon will send to the legislature on Wednesday likely to attract national at tention, and none more so than the atti tude which he proposes to take in regard to the Atlanta university. This institu tion is for colored students, but is taught by white professors who mix in their own children with the negroes. Governor Gordon's idea is to give state aid of $8, 000 per annum to a purely negro univer sity taught by negro professors, thus cut ting off the offending whites. The gov ernor renews his plea that convict leases be abolished and that convicts be worked on public works. He declares the agita tion for the payment of repudiated bonds to be mischievous in that the barriers in tlie way of payment are insurmountable. He will call attention to the barbarous condition of prisons throughout the state, and urge more humane treatment of pris oners. Upon the question of prohibition which now supplants democracy, he will be strangely silent. There is a strong ef fort being made today to get him to in sert a recommendation for more extended annuities to ex-cen federate soldiers under the guis of artificial limbs, the idea be ing to give commutation for such arti cles to the soldiers direct. THE EMPEROU AT EMS. Ems, July 5. I stood within a few feet of the emperor as he stepped from the sleeping car of his special train this morning. He looked weak from past illness and exhausted by the journey, but still had strength enough to respond re peatedly to the cheering. He stood sev eral minutes Rowing to the crowd which waited patiently below Kurham's window at the depot. The crowd willingly drop ped back out of sight of the platform at an officer's suggestion that it wounded the emperor's pride to have his subjects see he had been helped out of the rail way car. As the kaiser stepped on the crimson footcloth a brilliant officer advanced and almost knelt as lie kissed his hand. Within the station the emper or received a few intimates. They went out to the carriage to drive under the shad ow of hundreds of flags to Kurharas. Most of the distance till poles covered with evergreens were erected every few feet on both sides of the street. Between the poles youngsters six to ten years- old from the Ems school were stationed each with a boquet to throw at the emperor as he passed. All the way including even the bridge over the Lohn was lined with a dense crowd. Finally the tired emper or came to the -window, Four times he acknowledged the greeting ot the people outside. The people of E1113 who had not seen the emperor since his recent ill ness were a good deal shocked at his ap pearance but have entire faith that he only needs Ems to ensure absolute recov ery. I am told the kaiser decided, con trary to the advise of his physicians, to leave Ems on the 11th for Coblenetz, Baden-Baden, Constance and Gastein. stopping one or more days at each inter mediate point His general health will decide this matter, Neur York Herald. V 'r:h)jid For a short time SPECIAL : Ijxdlm Linens, Piques, Fancy Nainsook AX,!, TIIK JDATESO NOVELTIES. Swiss and Hamburg Embroideries and Flouncing. e3 Ccmpleto Xi:io of Hobos, in WliitG and Colors, of th.o Xiatost :-OUR GOODS And yon are $ h - 1 H' I JuotrKI . WtUKBAUH JL i i Announcement ! We arc now prepared to show to the citizens of Cass County tlie most Superb Selec tion of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS ever Selected for the Trade, Embracing 8 Swiss, Pique3, Lawns, Jaconetts, Charnbrays, Mulls, Bard L. Indes, Crinkled Sursncke, Laces, Embroideries, Flouncings, Carpets, Matting, Kugs, Hosiery, Gloves, Corsets, Parasols, Sunshades, Fans, Mitts, Picnickers' Notions. Black and Colored G G Silks, Dress- Good Novelties, Table Linen Toweling, Napkins, Lace Curtains, Curtain Damasks, Curtain Poles, etc., Spring Wraps, Jerseys, Bonda Jackets. Is Most Elegant Lias of S?Do not fail to call and inspect our stock when in the city. ,0M0N& NATHAN, MAIN STREET, - THIS I only ive will oiler BARGAINS ijxt iJosisrns. ARE ALL, NEW-: - invited to call. UMMSE eg SS GOODS, Millinery Goofls In 1 State. Ida White Front Palace Dry Goods House, PLATTSMOUTH, NEB.