Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, June 30, 1887, Page 3, Image 3

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i TTWll ill l,MM.KSS6yjaUXMW.JXlJaMCigJ 3CMTS
The IiiliiU"iiil Il;itt-r riTiMumcnds tho
ihi" of glycvriiHj fr thin purpose, The
silk, woolen, or oilier fubrie is paintiil
over with gl ycrriiio, then washed with a
clean linen iml; (lippcil in lukewarm rain
water, until clean. It in after wards
ire.H.sril on Hi-; wroii;; shle with a moder
utely w.irm iron as l"ii;jas it heeiiiH damp.
Tin; nio.-it th lieute colors ure unaflYcted
by this treatment.
Tli;: skin is the principal outlet of tlic
Judy, Four times more m.-itler is carried
otit of tho body by the etilaneous .surface
every day than by the idiini iitrry canal.
It is a complete web of nerves and
blood vessels; its ihiekly studded pores
constitute the vastest nystein of corporeal
dniiiiiifje twenty-eiijht miles of tubing,
seven million pores. If these become par
tially closed disease is certain. Dr.F. G.
Welsh, in I all's Journal of Health.
When a horse loses appetite there is
certainly something wron and the
tiliould bo searched for. Tho mouth
should be examined first; if this is till
rilit, nnd the horse has not been over
fed, and the breathing is not disturbed,
the probability is that tho digesti ve organs
nre out of order. (live the horse a pint
of raw linseed oil nnd repeat the second
day after; then give two drains of pow
dered Peruvian bark with a dram of
sulphate of iron daily in a mash of bran
and crushed oats. Give no corn for
Home time, as continuous corn feeding is
Very apt to stall the appetite for grain.
Light feeding, with some straw instead
of hn3T, will be helpful.
The neighborhoods where Granges
and farmers1 clubs flourish are character
ized by better farming as well as a more
friendly and social spirit among the peo
ple. No man does or can know every
thing about farming any more than
about other things. Each member con
tributes his ideas and the stock of infor
mation about tho best farm methods is
largely increased. Even those who hold
aloof arc brought in, however unwilling
ly. Keen observers note the improve
ment they are secretly making, or if their
farming shows none of these they point
to it as a horrible example, and a3 a warn
ing of the bad effects of neither learning
themselves nor imparting their informa
tion to others. Some farmers who have
enjoyed the benefits of the Grange for
many years say they would not live in a
neighborhood or town where no Grange
exists. A mtrican CuUicator.
Through the efforts of the agricultural
and horticultural press, the people are
being roused to the fact that the culture
of edible nuts is a paying industry and
will soon become a leading work. Tho
question is, Are tho nurserymen of this
country ready to meet the demand for
trees which will surely come before many
A month since, the editor of O. C. II.
tried to obtain a limited number of Shag
bark hickory trees, but was unable to
find trees above one foot in height; and
that result after an extended correspond
ence. Jinny other kinds are probably as
limited as the hickory. Take the hint,
nurserymen, and grow a stock of nut
trees; it will pay you well. Our Country
There is no time when good manage
ment of the grass lands tells more strong
ly than in n period of drouth. If the
land is in good heart and condition the
roots penetrate to a greater depth than
a poverty sticken, shallow soils which
have little plant food near the surface
and less below. With a good depth of
well-prepared soil the roots arc encour
aged to go down, and of course in pro
portion as the roots penetrate the soil the
grass above can support the trials of a
dry season. Good drainage is another
means of encouraging grasses to take a
deeper root, for if an excess of moisture
(is kept away from the surface the roots
of plants are made to reach the deeper
for it, and to a measurable extent to reach
the plants independent of the vicissitudes
of drouth or flood at the surface. Con
sidering the inequality of the seasons
there is nothing to which attention can
be more profitably given than to estab
lishing tiic grasses under all the condi
tions most favorable to the strongest,
thriftiest growth. lit teller's Gazette.
A Maine woman, Mrs. HcKeen, tells,
in the Jlirror, how she makes butter.
The article is right to the point: "The
milk is strained through a wire strainer,
with two thicknesses of cloth fastened
over the bottom, into a large can; then
covered up and brought into the bouse
and strained through two more thick
nesses of cloth into a Wooster Perfection
creamery, and allowed to stand twenty
four hours at a temperature of 50 de
grees. The cream is kept in a cool place
until there is enough for churning; it is
btirred twice a day. The day before it is
churned it is set in a warm room, stirring
frequently, so it will ripen as evenly a
possible. It is tin n churned at
about Hi degree in a barrel churn.
When it looks like grains of wheat, slop
churning, pour in a pail of cold water,
then draw off the b; tterniilk. Wash un
til the water runs clear; then lit it drain
well and salt with Eureka salt in the
churn at the rale of one ounce to the
pound. Take a small sieve and sift the
salt over the butter, then mover the churn
hack and forth, tift over more salt, and
ho on, until it is all used. Let it stand
one or two hour;;, thai work it jut
enough to press it together, then place in
a form that holds ten pounds and stamp
with initial; Cut in cakes and sell at
once to regular customers."
Tho Emprsss Augusta.
Ilerlin Letter.
The empress has aged conidi rably
within the last frw years. Indeed, you
would call her venerable were it not for
the fact that she is fourteen years youti
er than her husband, who is ninety. Still
she continues assiduously to repair by
tli.; aid of art the irrcpairable ravages of
time. It is that which makes her appear
upon occasions, almost hideous. Imag
ine a face wrinkled and pinched, topped
by an enormous black wig, the sunken
cheeks irlowiu with unnuturul color, a
pair of dark, lustrous eyes staring into
vacancy, tho scrawny neck, once the ad
miration nnd envy of the court, now a
mass of cords and sinews, a figure bent
with ago and infirmities, supported by a
stout walking stick, or leaning upon the
arm of an attendant -and you have the
picture of Use empress as she appears in
public or court festivals. Upon the occa
sion of the anniversary of the emperor's
birthday in JIarch she was rolled into the
audience chamber seated upon a chair,
and she remained in that position through
out the proceedings, while the emperor
himself remained standing. Her carriages
are so constructed that the chair can be
rolled between them, and a staircase was
recently built in the palace which will
admit of her being conveyed to the up
per flours of the building in the same
easy manner. Ccnfirmed invalid though
she be, she is as exacting and punctilious
in her demands upon others, as regards
court ceremonial and etiquette, as if she
were a royalty of yesterday's creation and
feared her reign might come to a sudden
and abrupt termination tomorrow. Her
toilet and 2'trsonal adornments occupy
her time as much as they did fifty years
ago and I fear more so. She then had
youth and beauty, of which not a trace
remains today. IL-r 2'icturcs of . the
period, which by the way she still con
tinues to distribute with a lavish hand
among the loyal and devoted followers
of her court, shows her to have been of
commanding presence with an intclectual
cast of feature of the English type, and
a finely shaped head, balanced with roy
al self-possession upon a magnificent
pair of shoulders. You could not obtain
in Berlin today a print, photo or picture
of more recent date than say twenty or
twenty-five years ago. The contrast
would be too startling were her present
appearance compared with what it was
then. And so the old lady goes on, de
ceiving on one but herself, still clutching
to the outward trappings of royalty, stiil
waging war upon time with powder, wig
and paint. Oh. vnnitas, vanitatum!
Where is the German artist bold enough
to draw the cartoon. Imperatrix Au
gusta Augusta Imperatrix?
sia awd Liver Complaint? Shiloh's Yi-
talizer is guaranteed to cure you. Sold
by Smith & Black Bros.
Eight Nebraska newspapers have turn
ed, up their toes during two months past
and several others are on the ragged
so quickly cured by Shilo's Cure. We
guarantee it. Sold by Smith & Black
Bros., Plattsmouth. Neb.
About the next break by the adminis
tration will be an attempt to return to
the south thanks for allowing the north
to stay in the country. Lincoln Journal.
Itch, Prairie Mange, and Scratches of
every kiod cured in 30 minutes, by Wool-
ford's Sanitary Lotion. Use no other.
This never fails. Warranted by, F. G.
Fricke & Co., druggists, Plattsmouth,
Nebraska. 04-1 yr
Cleveland got in by a scratch and he
seems likely to go out by a scratch.
Sioux City Journal.
SHILOITS COUGI1 and consump
tion Cure is sold by us on gaurautce. It
ures Consumption. For sale by
Smitii & Black Buos.
In the decline of life, infirmities be
set us to which our youth and maturity
were strangers, our kidneys and liver are
subject to derangement, "but nothing
equals Dr. J. II. McLean's Liver and Kid
ney Balm as a regulator of these organs.
If any one speaks evil of you, let yovr
life be so that none will believe him.
Drunken new or th Liquor llubit Pol
lively Curd by A 1 m i n iti 1 nj
Dr. Hniti.' CoI'Idii
Spoc.-i fi o .
It can b: given in a cup of coffee or
tea without tie: know b- Ige of the person
taking it; is absolutely harmless and will
effect a permanent and speedy cure,
whether i he patient is a moderate drink
er or an alcoholic wreck. Thousands of
drunkards have been made temperate
men who have taken Golden Specific in
their coffee without their knowledge,and
to-day believe they piit drinking of their
own free will. IT NEVE 1 1 FAILS. The
system once impregnated with tin; Speci
fic it becomes tin utter impossibility for
the liquor appetite to exist. For full j
particulars, address GOLDEN SPECIFIC
CO., !. Kace st., Cincinnati, O. iJ i3 1 y
A Georgia Fish Story.
from tin; HitilUuii t(J;i.) SiulnM.
While pienieing at Hays' mill this
spring a certain young lady lot her neck
wear, consisting of about l yards of
ribbon and a pretty Utile breastpin which
was highly prized, being a present from
a deceased aunt. All search for the little
keepsake was in vain, and it was givi n up
as lo; t for good. Not so, however. The
same young lady, while li.-hing in the
same pond a few days since, caught a
large perch. Imagine the surprise of her
escort when, upon taking the hook from
the fish's mouth, he found it entangled
in a mesh of red ribbon. When the rib
bon was drawn from its strange receptacle
the young lady at once recognized it as
her lost neckwear. It was. of course,
soiled, find had the appearance of being
moth-eaten. The fish being cut open,
the nnu li-pri.ed brestpin was also found.
It is supposed that tho ribbon and pin
fell in the pond when lost, and the pin
which was securely fastened in tho ribbon
was seized by the fish as a rare morsel
of bait, and it and the ribbon had re
mained in the bowels of the fish until so
strangely restored to the rightful owner.
"XfTian Babr itm tslcV, tre gave lirr Castorla,
TVaeii sho was a Child, sLo criod for Castoria,
Tvfaon ho bocame Miss, ulio clung to CiMtoria,
TVLea she had Children, she gave tho.u Ciistcria,
The royal family of England is an ex
pensive luxury, but for dress parade pur
poses it is quite a success. Sioux City
CATA1UUI CURED, health and
sweet breath secured, by Shiloh's Catarrh
Itemed y. Price 50 cents. Nasal Injec
tor free. Sold by Smith & Black Bros.
It has beeu observed that banqueting
is becoming more and more a feature
of social life in this country.
Amanda Eubanks, of Georgia, contin
ues to be the richest colored woman in
America, the Supreme Court of that State
having just deeded the will valid which
gave her half a million dollars. As the
white relatives of the testator were
against the negress, the deccsion of the
Georgia court showS progress.
Boston Common Council ran up a
bill against ihe city of 18,000 for enter
taining her dusky maji sty. Queen Kapio
lani. One of the items was for 100 gall
ons of liquors. There was, besides, a
little bill to a ilorist of 4,500, and the
Parker House bill for refreshments of $ 2
000, though the Statues f the State ex
pressely forbid any city paying ail official
more than a dollar a day for refreshments,
and nothing for liquors, wines, and cigars.
Yet the Council is not willing to pay rea
sonable salaries to police matrons.
Blooiiington, Ills., SiirT. 18, 1SS2.
Messrs F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O.:
Have taken Hall's Catarrh Cure. Had
catarrh ail my life; am 4S years old. Had
asthma 10 years and a dreadful cough
for liye years. Have taken everything;
went to the hot springs; I have clone
nothing but take medicine for 19 years.
When I commenced using Hall's Catarrh
Cure I was almost dead. I sent for the
doctor the day I g-ot Hall's Catarrh Cure,
and I told him that I would die any way
and that I would try your medicine. I
was very bad. How I suffered for 0 years!
I could hardly breathe at times. I saw
Hall's Catarrh Cure advertised in the pa
pers and commenced taking it. I would
have been under the ground today if it
had not been for that. I have not had
one bad spell of coffing since. In breath
ing my head feels well and I am well. It
has done mc a thousand dollars worth of
good. Then ten of my friend, s on see
ing what it has done for me, taking it,
and it is hclpiog them. I only wish that
every one who has catarrh, asthma and a
bad cough could see me, so that I could
tell them all to take it. All that know
me here know how I have suffered. (I
have been here since 1853,) and say to me
that "I am so glad that you found some
thing that could cure you." Everybody
says, "how much better you look." The
doctors say they are glad I found Hall's
Catarrh Cure as they could not cure me.
I cannot express my gratitude- to you
for the good Hall's Catarrh Cure has done
me. Yon can use as much of this letter
as will do the afflicted good. Publish it
to the whole world it is all true and
they should know it.
Joseph: Cxtrisman,
11 ml 403 East North street.
Kiio-Hlmile or rntent Chom and Cliirkorbonril, art.
Vcrtlina I !io rolel.rattul Svnvtt Mlix'k KcimMi.
Hid ii ItKU'.tltlt OF Hi. SOU. If you lull t.
llinl I! en tin miimII bean mil on your driiKKtat fop
tiill-Mzit. llnniiioiinily LlthotrrnphuU IkiiwO, i liUJir
or bcuU O cuius lor iiosIuko to ua.
From MiiHon ljiik'. tho Converted liamblor.
FoitT WAYNB.Inrt.. April S. 1SS4.-1 havo gi ven tho
Pynvlta I.wibIi lilockHit tlionmuli triul. 'l'lu-y i-ure.l
my littlf Kirl Ci ypnrii' old) of c'ronj). My ulruKiirt
iiiothiT-in-lnw worn troulilod with .h .r i
MHiidiiiK. one pio kat'O of tlio itlocki' liaa cured
tuuiu bo they can Utik "us ouly women do."
T.TVA. O..Jin. 1S7. Tim Kynvlta Worm Rlorlts
nct.-d like n chnrin in oxn-illni; worm from my lit.
tic; fluid. Tim child 1m now well and huarty, limicii't
of I'Uny unU eickly us before.
Jurrv o. TtoiiiiixHox.
Tho (.'r?:it I)lurrhia anj Ilyscntcry MiCrJiPr.
DEl.Piitis. O.. July 7th. 'S';.-Our nix-niorithn old
child l;:id ii herons at tuck of Hummer Complaint.
1'h) d-'iam could do not'iitm. In despair we tried
Kynviui llhic khcrry itlockit rccommendt d by a
friend and a few dohes Klleoted it eompleto euro.
Accept our hourtfelt indorsement or your Ml-u i
berry mocks. Jilt. ANU Mad. J. Ban-eii , y.
Tho Pynvitn Ttlock Kmedlc" aro
The neatest t hint; out, by f ar.
I'leii.-ant, ("heap, Convenient, Sure,
J landy, Keliuble, JIuruiluss and Iuro.
Nobojt; no teaspoon or sticky bottle., l'ut tin In
patent pnck'i;es. S. los::s S.I Cknth. Viir
raiaud lo cure or money refunded. Ask your Uruif
Kist. 11 you fail to (ict tueiu send price to
THE SYN VITA CO., Delphos, Ohio,
SSCUijCJCLlllJUJJilJ Vim 11 with eoti (jKDKli.
: , -v ; v.
i C
-C - -
k't u-u vis rti a i ;
'a:r"n, liwjgyt Machine ami Plow t
pairing, and jiiu:raljbbi7ig
ivv prt-;wc! to do ;;!! kinds of
of lann and other machinery. a3 there
U li ood ;vthe in my .shop.
The old Roliabls Wagon Maker
bast.-.icen charge ol ttia wagon ancp
lie is well known ss a
'I'll makej ussuraiic doubly suro and take :t
itfjautf Goarantce and tet CoEip'y,
Incorporated under tin' Laws of Nebraska, and
authorized tu act as FiSCAL aim
TliA NSKK ii Ati KM S,
aud ae Trustees for Estates, Corporations, Mu
liicipaUtiL-f a:iu Individual.
TlITs Company will furnish AT5STHACTHOF
1 1 ILK or JiiMii;lai. Cass. Wash iiijjtoii and
Sarpy Counties lroml "nil and correct set i f Ab
stract Hooks of its own. ;u:d t lifting It an organ
ized system, copyrighted , wi!l perfect and
(iUAiii.NTEE IiiLss to Ktal Estate.
Natnax Shf.i.tox, Geo. I. fJii.iiKiiT,
President Yteo l'rest.
A. 0. I'uv, r::.i., Sec. and Treas.
J'jM". ROBINSON, Agent,
Send one dollar in currency, with size of shoe
usually worn, ai.d try a pair of our Magnetic
Indoles for rlit'iiniaiifin. cold feet and bad tir
etilatioii. They are tile inot powerful made in
the woii.i. 'I he v, ei er lccl the warmth, life
and r-vita.;iza!i:iii , three minutes after pti?
tiaK l!iei.a oil. Sent by return mail upon receipt
of pi ice. He-::d vonr address for the "New De
parture in Medleal Treatment without Medi
cine." witii thousands of testimonials. Write
us full iiarlicii'ars of di!!'.ctilties.
Our M:.e;netk- Kidnev Belts for frenUenien
will positively c:;re the lollowir ilii-case with
out liicuH-iuu : Puin in the biick, head or limbs,
nervous debility, iuiuhatfo, general debiiitv,
rheuniHti-iu. paralysis, nouralnia, sciatica, dis
eases of the kidneys, toruid liver, seminal emis
sion?, ioipoti'iicy. heart diseso, d vspep.-ia, in
digestion, hernia or rupture, piles, etc. Con
sultation five. I'lice of Lett, wilh Maciietie
Insoles. .?lo. Sent bv express C. O. I), or br re
turn mail upon receipt of price. Send m easure
of wai-t ;iod ?i.: ol .-hoe worn. Send foreirou -lars.
Order direct.
Noth.-IIw above described licit v.i'h In
soles is warranted to positively ctirt chronic
cases of seminal emissions anil" ir.irotcncv or
money refunded, even after one year's trial.
L7 ly lyt Dearborn St., Chicago, 111.
S? CHASE'S HE RpsSssi "35g
Iastand crowning work of ia lifo, over TOO pages
Just out. F. B. Dicker-soh & Co., Detroit, Mich,
illg xrzas to Amenta, kextiox thi3Pape&
B to lie made. Cut this ou
5 :i n li i t in n t o us fsTii I
-? - :ii .... j ...i.. r .........
m scnu jiu nee oonic-
tiiinof rrcat value and
Importance to you, that
will start you in' business
v Inch will bruii; you more
money ri-ht away than anything eH-e in this
world. Anyone ran do the weik and lire al
home. Either sex ; all a ;'i'i Something new,
that just Coi'.i iiMiney for nil workers. We will
start you ; capital not needed. This is one of
the genuine, important chances of a lifetime.
Those who are ambitious and enterprising will
not delay. Grand outfit free. Address True
Si Co., Augusta, Maine. 3Cly
3 UlUUUUUi "e are now pre
pared to furnish all classes witli 'employment
at home, the whole of the time, or for their
spare moments, liuuiness new, lisht and prof
itable. Persons of either sex easily earn from
50 cents to S5.00 per evening, and a proportion
al sum hy devotinjr all their time to the busi
ness. Hoys and irirls earn nearly as nincli as
men. That all who gee th!a may seud their
address and test the. business, we make this
oner, lo sucti as are not well saui-uea we win
fend one dollar to pay f.r the trouble of writ
ing, Full r lrticulats and outfit free. Address
Geouge Stijso & Co., Portland, Maine.
in r
mu l
CJuoio V.' im.'VmifititiaifsSsiSli
for !nfants nd
'Ctorfal3Be well adapted to children that I
I rooiriuicnd it aj uupcriortonnyprcocriptioa I
ti-wu to me." II. a. Aarnca. II. D..
W Co. CoXjri L, Lraidj-o, N. Y. I
Down With High Prices!
30 TO 70 PER CENT. OFF .
Bold Direct to Consumers. ,
Tlie "Lilfle Meti'm," .$3.00
X D. Postal elves TobUiro la CEHT
VciKUa from Jf oz. U2SUia.
FAMILY SCALES, 240 lbs., $1
Platform Scalos, Sll to $2X
Forges and Elactonitlis' Tools.
F-mcri Forer, HIO.
Tnmo nnd Ivlt nf 'I'ooU, 9?3.
V arincrH enn ilo n.l.l John, imvliiir Uata
ana uiouuy. AuvllH, VIsun, dc. JtS.
'Mly nimiufiictiircrs In .Amorlca
tifi!n uotliliii; lint the Lent of iiuthVU
fciO. 1 forlnriui?riof ull ijcalum
-Ton (6x I 2) 840.
--" f l'niwcr. loiln m Wrliim.ia uud
r-;i" i
1 -T l'"o- 1. wclk'ht J.llXJ 11,8.. tW.
v;' Tinm to sin.
- " ! lid! :.; I-. 1 HI,, t.
'?;' . AV.-iluut I-iiivii: me, cmiu'u-
1: 1? lu:l ol" 1'iu-al
pi-.,.-. A'.lurhiiientn. War-
l::i.' . tit i-li-i't. K -i i. l.i. .i . . -j
k Afe! "t' -r'n'' l" 'ireul:ii.
A 151 Z.J.JiifKir'l..r! : . -
Kciotiis over liacli s Grocery Store,
Main Stk::i;t, - Plattsmol'tn, Xktt.
Satisfaction Guaranteed in, All Work.
Ar. 22, 18G.
At t"ic fc-rc-u ?t.T;uin I'air. lAhcniied hr FGIiTUVJI
'. 17 Sir l;ich.-tr.1 2ad. S I It KVELTN i -C, hy Lor 1
V."i!ton. iKOVT3 l7 Tho Crovc
OKWSUniV 2icl 1 ;r7, by L'cllcy, half brother to
Arch!ba!-j. Herd niUiibors 275 lica.-l. S'ond f ',r price
and catalogue. .J. fi. 1!AV, i:m,
Colony, Ati(ltriott Co., iL:'-ii,ruu
L 4
ITnS nttained a standard of caccllenco whlcb
udinitg of no euyt-rior.
Itcontuiiii cvory improvement that lnvcntlv
ffomui,! ouJ money etui I'roUuuc.
Those excellent OrL-ans arc cc.cbratod for vol
ninc, quality of tonr:. clixit rcspoiiuc, ariLty of com
biiiaiion. arliatic ties-n, beauty ::i, jierfcct
construction, cwkiritf them attractive, orua
jueutal and cltoi.-kbli? organ for hoiut.a, stuoois,
churchui, lodw, Eocifctie;-, ttc.
Instruction Ctcks tnJ Tuns St;s!s.
Catalcca aai Price ZJiU, oa tprlicjitian, nan,
n-, C.
tine i
l.-iLV :
- t
16 ;;;
l;.:;ii. liv' .!. . ii 5 C.'f.JS. . ' V' ri.-i -: t-r-n :
tinr 'ii.r t J t-r ! .. ; i-.-i y 1.' :--:d V-' ir. .t vrjr
U'X'v'AVn 3-Ton '7x1 3) 3S0.
K flt: L 4-Tcn (3x 14) S30.
Vi.i4-'-rtli'- :i,:"f; :ile.:eM,th..rvnrl. tlcB. Aln.i,
W)l-:r - 1 ruckH. V. li.-i iliRi roM. Corn Sliell.
CIS. I' ceil M ills. ( 'oiiv I'renMia klun.
Ifflii Tailor.
- hzrvzrzh -
f-3&n-3 FOB
3 ST.Ana
-n i In i mm fc ill
Ontnrla euros Co1!, Conpn,
Ktfta TTomta, giro airp, ud ruoWa tli-
rtnmach, rirrh-n.
T?Hbrit tojnriotta modlmUoo.
CkarracK Ooxrawr, IS rmltad h w. X. T
wmmmmmm -
THE euporiority of OoraUn ott horm
or whalebone ham now bo a ln
onBtratod by over six yoara exper
ience Ic U mora durabla. mora
pliablo. mort comfortublo, aud WkVCR
Ho lruinons sale of theea CotmtM la
bow over 7000 daily.
BE-are or lraltaUona bocuiKl
witii various k.Uida of cord.
None are genuine unla "Dr. War
ner's Coralin"laprintod on Uibddoo
tho Btoel covor.
Choicest Brands of Cigars,
including our
Flor do Peppcrborgo" and 'Duds.
always in stock. Nov. 2(5, lbHU.
The 5th St. Merchant Tailor
Keeps a Full Line of
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Consult Your Iutferewt by Giving Illm a Cfcl
T1 t tTi3 CDTJLtll. - TToTta
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'Ct lu k'.kli l' i'.t
5 ill Ik' UtAU
A ttrlUtV i lilt
ier lara.
Wholesale and Ketall Dealer la
Sbinglc-s, Latb, Bath,
Can supply every demand of the trad
Call and get terms. Fourth true
la Rear of Opera House.
meet a coon.ici'gwB j