Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, June 30, 1887, Page 2, Image 2

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jT .Tr;-FST a g-BrTT THE OXJg.ST'SS OP .iriTTir w"r
si becoming inanncr
by calling ut Our Store and fceleeLing an outlit of Clothing lur Yourselves and l'oys. It is COXCKDKD by E V Kit Y IM) 1)
that OUK CLOTHING is tlm
Our Prices aro BELOW any of Our Competitors and th.o amount of Goods sold ovor our Counters is PI1002T tnat
Ovci'qlls qiul ljtMts WilWIjXTKW jXOT TO llt.0 P f AI"iWl7P 1T ri .i-
Publishers & Proprietors.
T. II. 1" NOTTS, Editor.
A. 15. KNOTTS, Uusinexs Manager.
Is published i-vtTV Thursday morning. Office,
turner ol Vhu: and Fiftli .streets.
WEEKLY, by mail.
One copy one year f 0
One copy o:ie year (In advance) 1 r'
One copy Bix months " 15
KeKlstereU at the Tost Office. Plattemouth, as
second olasa matter.
Ciiadkok, Nebraska, had a great jubi
lee last -week. The county is to have a
new court house.
Col. Fked Gkant is talked of as the
republican candidate this fall for secre
tary of state of New York.
Jekf Davis has given his party their
cue. lie says it wasn't right to return
the Hags. It's a plain case of sour
Omaha talks of making an effort to
secure the national republican conven
tion. It would be an excellent place to
hold it.
The papers are freely predicting the
failure of De Lesscps' Panama canal
scheme. It may temporarily but ultimate
ly it will be finished.
A good deal is being said now in favor
of burned brick as a paving material. It
might be well for our business men to
investigate it.
Quin Boiiaxan, the Nebraska City
murderer is at liberty. He is one of the
Nebraska murderers who will go down
to his grave unhonorcd, unwept and un
hung. Gazette Journal.
The Hastings papers were full of the
glory of their base ball club a short time
ago, and Denver was very quiet. Now
the Omaha papers are talking base ball,
and Hastings papers are mum.
Senator YV. ,IJ. Allison of Iowa is
coming into prominence as a candidate
for the Presidential nomination. He
would make a popular one, and we would
like a western man for president.
Queen Victoria thinks that the en
couragement offered her by the jubilee
celebration will enable her to endure the
arduous tasks of her position during the
remainder of her life. A present of
75.000 from 300,000 women is doubtless
ouite encouraging. It would be so from
almost any source.
President Cleveland is doubtless
right. It would probably prove warm,
very warm, for him, in St. Louis in Sep
tember, while the G. A. It. are there.
October is by all odds a much nicer
month for him to visit St. Louis in. The
G. A. R. with the naughty Gen'l Tuttle
find the bad Gen'l Fairchild will have
gone home and wont be there to say un
pleasant truths.
The "War is Over."
It is more than passing strange, and
comes to us with startling suddenness
this wonderful unanimity of discovery
among democratic editors and politicians
that the "war is oyer," and that the
white winged dove of peace and brother
ly love with its sweet influences of har
mony and good fellowship is tenderly
nesting in the hearts of all good demo
crats, south and north. No wicked mem
ories of a bad war are allowed to linger
in this new found heaven of gentle peace
and rest. Such vile thoughts arc harbor
ed only in the breasts of men who arc so
lost to all sense of propriety that they
wish to keep sacred those trophies of the
valor, blood and sacrifices of friends,
comrades, and ofttimes of themselves, and
are not willing to hear of giving back to
thrt rebel brigadiers their loved battle
flags. Did we say "rebel brigadiers," we
beg pardon, it was but a slip of the pen,
they are no longer so, they are loyal citi
zens who walk the halls of congress and
love only the stars and stripes. They
want those other lost banners only that
they may bury them with the lost cause,
and with tears and cursings on the day
that saw them lost.
Yes, the "war is over" Fitz Hugh Lee
has said it, and has felt pained that
Foraker, Sherman, Larabee, Manderson,
Tuttle and other bad republicans havn't
forgotten there ever was one. By the way
this is the same Fitz Hugh Lee who, not
so long ago but what we can remember
rode through the state of Virginia at the
head of a troop of his old rebel comrades.
His mission was stumping the state as the
democratic candidate for governor, and
the papers blazed forth with the an
nouncement that the "confederacy is in
the saddle ugain" and we heard that
"these are the principles Lee and Jack
son fought for for four years." Fitz
Hugh Lee whom the democratic papers
uuw ppeak of as "our Fitz' did not then
remember the "war is over." Nor did
the democratic press call him to task for
arousing and keeping alive sectional hate
and discord. They had to keep all their
matter of this sort in reserve for the bad
republicans who would keep the Hags.
Ys, our democratic friends are right,
the "war is over," but its lessons and
tcachkigs will not be forgotten in this
generation or the next.
Burlixoton llawkeye: The rebel flags
were not captured from the southern
".states" as such but from bodies of arm
ed men conducting hostilities against the
national forces. The southern "states"
as audi have no more right to or jurisdic
tion over the captured flags than has
Canada or Mexico or any other state,
province or nation. Our government
tok the stand that states could not
secede; secession wag never recognized
and when the war was over the old state
boundaries were preserved and the citi
zens, with certain notable exceptions,
were called upon to reconstruct the ttate
governments. - But Mr. Cleveland and
his advisors set out deliberately some
time ago to prepare the flags and hand
them over to the "sovereign states," of
which Mr. Calhoun used to speak so
eloquently and for whose statemanship
Mr. Cleveland recently proclaimed his
great admiration. The move to return
the flags was the logical sequence of the
states rights doctrine.
Afaer thirty days of idleness the
strikers in the buildiqg industry of Chi
cago have concluded to go to work again.
Thera were thirty thousand of them, mak
ing an aggregate loss of say $73,000 per
day to their families, while the contrac
tors and property holders may possibly
have lost nearly as much by the delays
and vexations caused by the almost total
suspension of building during the busy
month of June and the inability that will
follow in many instances to make the
improvements this year that had been
The strike was inaugurated by the
bricklayers because the contractors would
not make Saturday in place of Monday
the pay-day. Of course the reason for
paying Monday instead of Saturday was
to lessen the losses and annoyances that
grow out of the habit of so many work
men who have a pocket full of money
Saturday night to get on a drunk on
Sunday, that unfited them for work on
Monday miorning. And it was to fight
against this wholesome precaution that
the labor unions of the city have impov
erished themselves. -Lincoln Journal
The cruelty of the betrayal of trust by
the managers of the gutted Fidelity Na
tional bank of Cincinnati is startlingly
shown by many incidents which might
pass as of minor importance. Hundreds
of poor depositors stood around the bank
the day after the failure, gazing vacantly
and hopelessly into its windows. Once
in a while some man, with agony depict
ed in his countenance, would come rush
ing up the street and vainly struggle to
rain admission within the closed doors
of the bank. One man from Kansas had
three drafts for $900, all that he had in
the world. Prly dressed, and a strang
er, he rusted aloiag in front of the bank
as if his reason .had left him. Another
left his home in Hot Springs, bringing a
draft for o00 on the bank, and carrying
only enough money for his expenses. He
was coming north to visit relatives and
had brought his family. He arrived on
the morning of the failure. A poor wo
man had depositsd $o.0 on Thursday.
Her husband was a railroad man and was
lying sick in another stite. She had aris
en from a sick bed, and said most piteous
ly as she applied at the door for admis
sion: "It's all the money I have, and I
don't know what to do." Sioux City
The Plattsmouth Journal hopes that
senator Paddock "will make a better re
cord than the senior senator." No need
for alarm. Senator Paddock will make
so goa a recora tnat every democratic
sheet will be throwing mud at him before
the end of his term, just as they are now
doing with senator Manderson, who is
one of the brightest, cleanest and ablest
members of the senate. Sioux City
Journal. '
The most popular man in England to
Ixy is James G. Blaine. BuChid popu
larity is net in England. IXtlls City
The Prohibition party in Kentucky is
in a fair way to defeat the democratic
party of that state. Is it possible so
many old bourbons are changing drinks
at this critical timet Lincoln Journal.
Mu. Pasco, the new U. S. Senator of
Florida, went to the the confederate
army a private and came out a private.
He will be a very lonesome man in
Washington. Johnson (Jaunty Journal.
Mr. Powuerly saj's that "with education
free to all, as it is in this country, igno
rance is unpardonable." In other words,
tncre is no excuse for voting the demo
cratic ticket when it is so easy to learn
how to do better. Globe Dcu.
For some reason the democratic press
never could get along comfortably with
the Grand Army of the Republic, and
lately it has been attacking that organiza
tion with fresh bitterness. The Dubuque
Herald charges that "it is a republican
machine in all but the name, devoting the
memory of a worthy cause to party pur
poses." The Herald practically calls on
the democrats to withdraw from the
Grand Army of the Republic. Sioux
City Journal.
n- m .
During a spasm of political sagacity
the Lincoln Democrat says:
When the saloons of Omaha arc in dan
ger every cussed democrat in the city
goes to the polls and works till the sweat
rolls down off him in streams big enough
to irrigate a ciop. But when the control
of the public schools is the stake a piti
ful thousand of them creep haltingly to
the ballot boxes. There are some things
about democrats that make us tired and
this is one of them.
Mlrat Halsted dances on the presi
dent's cadaver to the following music:
"The fraudulent President of the United
States has taken the back scat on the re
bel flag question. He has. as the Indian
said, vamoosed, absquatuated puccagced,
retired in a word, he has heard from
the country and has heeded. Public
opinion has penetrated tho hide of the
executive rhinocerous. The gigantic
neck that is the boast of the democracy
has been bowed in stolid submission. The
prestige of Mr. Cleveland, built upon a
series of fictions, and assumptions, 1ms
suffered irreparable damage. He has
been knocked down and dragged out,
This is the slashing beginning of the
speedy end of him." Ex.
Comment in a great many solid south
papers on the subject of the captured
rebel Hags indicate a disposition with re
gard to President Cleveland to accept
the will for the deed, and so far as he is
concerned, to accept as done the surren
der which he wanted to make, but which
ne was prevented irom making by cir
cumstances over which he had no control.
A leading southern paper, which glorifi
ed Cleveland for ordering the surrender,
says: "Although it is indubitable that
the president's order is reciuded for the
reason that he gives, and for no other
reason, plenty of persons will believe
that the Ohio and Iowa protests caused
the change of front. This is unjust
Anu mere is corroboration tor tins con
clusion. The significant terms in which
the order of countermand was couched
as wen as tne elaborate statement given
out from the white house, clearly show,
and by studied implication discloses, that
the President's heart was behind the
original surrender, or that he desires it to
be so understood at least in the south
And the staff correspondent of the New
York Herald, a paper Jwhich has been
the especial champion of the administra
tion, and by it accorded extraordinary
access to official information retrardins:
its sentiment, reports thus: "The reason
the president gave for revoking his con known to everybody; buttuepres
dent. it can be said, has not changed his
sentiment a particle." A.nd then this
positive statement is made; "l it were
something that could be done at will he
would renew his ajproval of the sugges"
tion t morrow." That, in all probabili
ty, is just about the truth of the whole
business. Sioux City Journal.
Their Business Booming.
Probably no one thing has caused such
a general revival of trade at F. G. Fricke
fc Co.'s drug store as their jrivincr away
of so many free trial bottles of Dr. King's
New Discovery for Consumption. Their
trade is simply enormous in this very
valuable article from the fact that it al
ways cures and never disappoints.
Cough?, Colds Asthma, Bronchitis. Croup
and all throat and lung diseases quickly
cured. You can test it before buying by
getting a trial boftle free, large sjze $1.
Every bottle warranted. (3)
Alien Laws
The alien land law recently enacted by
the Illinois Legislature is the most sweep
ing in its provision of that of any of tlje
States. It prohibits any non-resident
alien, firm or corporation from taking
land by devise, descent or purchase, pro
vided that in the care of heirs of aliens
now owning land in the State they may
take by devise and hold the same three
years if of age, and live years if not, and
if at the expiration of cither such periods,
as the case may be, they do not become
citizens, their lands shall csch;at to the
State. Aliens may acquire title to real es
tate by declaring intention to become
citizens according to the laws of the
United States, and on such declaration
may hold title for six years, but if at the
end of such period they have not become
citizens, then their lands escheat to the
State. A law of Congress prohibits alien
ownership of real estate, but this only af
fects territories. The Illinois law permits
non-resident aliens to own personal prop
erty, loan money, take mortgages, ami
acquire title to real estate by foreclosure
and sale, but they must dispose of such
title within three years or the property
escheats to the State.
In Nebraska a non-resident alien may
acquire title and hold it under no other
restrictions than apply to citizens of the
country. He nuiy acqure title to all
valuable lands ef a county, or of
State, if he has the money to pay
them, and may hold the same so lon
he chooses for speculative purposes, and
there is no power on earth to prevent
him. Nebraska needs a law similar to
that of Illinois. No argument except
that based on sentiment can be advanced
for permitting foreigners, who refuse to
become citizens of this country, all the
advantages with none of the penalties of
citizenship. An Englishman may own
thousands or millions of acres of land in
Nebraska, and by his ownership may re
tard the progress of communities, but
shielded behind his British citizenship he
may avoid jury or military duty, or any
seryice of any kind for the State or Na
tion. His property can be taxed, the
same as that of a citizen, but that is all.
This is all wrong, and Nebraska should
follow the example of Illinois and apply
a remedy. Omaha llepubUean.
mrs. wrunay says tnero are too many people
in society of the class who do not hesitate to
ask to be hecd a second tinio to soup at even
the most formal dinner parties.
Tho Arabs claim that Eve was created
twenty-two years before Adam was, and that
Adam was created simply because sho was
lonesome for some one to talk to.
A wealthy merchant in San;Franeisco, Cal.,
has sent a request to an agent in Yokohama
to engage four gardeners in order to lay out
his garden in Japanese style. Tho term of
service is for two years, the annual salary be
ing $000.
A bear was found with his tongue frozen to
a monkey wrench near Durfee's mill, Mon
tana, one day recently.
Tho Original "Coal OH .Tolinny."
Tho Franklin News, of Pennsylvania, says
that John V. Steele, tho original and only
genuine ;Coal Oil Johnny," is not a tramp in
tho depth of poverty, as frequent newspaper
paragraphs would havo him, Lut is a re
spectable, solid citizen of Kearney, where ho
lives with his wife and family. He was
young when ho got his sudden wealth, but
after a period of high living ho saw his mis
take, and settled down like a man. Kew
York Sun.
Kuylng: a ZSnrial tot.
An agricultural paper figures it that "when
land is worth ?20 an aero, one glass of beer at
five cents would represent a piece of land nine
feet wide and twelve feet long. liooni enough
to bury tho whole family in."
Thero aro two married and settled men in
tho freshman class of Georgia univerity.
Their families are in Athens with them.
?fot the Man,
Traveler Beg pardon, but do you play
whist, sir?
Stranger I should whisper. I'm an auc
tioneer at the horso bazar. Burdette.
Avoid all inquisitive ieople and snub thosa
who do not mind theii- own affairs. The
world noeds a wholesome snubbing. New
York Star.
A deposit of "black mud" recently dis.
covered in Garland count-, Arkansas, is
said to yield $40 in silver to the ten.
American literary women are flocking ta
A Genercna Landlord.
An old man has just died ia Berlin wlin
had occupied the position of Landlord to a
large number of tenants for fif tv-seven rears
and during all that time he never warned out
or raised the rent on a tenant. ISor had he
ever given a written lease to any of his ten
ants. New York Tribune.
Advice to the Obese.
Thosa who suffer from obesitv almost inva
riably complain of shortness of breath. Such
people should maka it a practice each day of
walking on rising ground or nlimbling gentle
hills by easy stages. The exercise should bo
graduated and rests taken whea the heart
begins to beat rapidly.
Ben. Fkaxki.ix thought the vice prc-s-
dent should be called "His Superfluous
Hone of Kxtinet Animals I'onnd
"'asliintii Territory A THonHtcr.
W. JM. L the well known fruit ltouvi
Tneoma,;jjivfs the particulars of a wonderful
discovery of loin s (if extinct animals in
AVnhInglo!i territory which will attract tho
attention of students of natural history an 1
aivha'ojogy all over tho world. In u 1 tter to
The Jjcilger from Spokane Fails lie says:
"Tho lace of the whole territory shows un
mistakalile evidence of great volcanic up
heavals. On my trip through Kpokano
county I stopped at batah, and in conversa
tion with Mr. Coplcii, of that pla'v, regarding
the volcanic formation of that section, he in
formed me that he had examined s.nne largo
bones of great antiquity. Accompanied by
Mr. Coplen 1 went to tho spring when; tho
relies were dug out. It is located on a low
strip of springy prairie. The excavation
around the spring is twelve to fifteen feet
deep and thirty or forty across. Tin; bones
were covered by several distinct laj-crs.
"The first layer was ancient peat; then
gravel, then volcanic ushes, then a layer of
coarse peat. From this spring were tuken no
less than nine mammoths, or elephants, of
different sizes; tho remains of a cave bear,
and hyenas, extinct birds, and a sea turtle.
Tho dimensions of some of the bones of tho
larger mammoth were wonderful to look at.
Tho horns were a sort of tusk and protruded
from tho head just below tho eyes, extending
downward below tho jaws, then upward
over the head. By dropping the dead in
tho act of feeding, tho circles of the horns
that extended below tho jaws partially
rested on tho ground, giving support to
the head, which is estimated to have weighed
a ton.
"The horns were worn away several inches
deep at tho bottom of tho turn, or half circle,
indicating constant use by rubbing on tho
ground or rocks. One of these horns was ten
feet and one inch long, and twenty-four
inches in circumference. It weighed 1 it
pounds. One of the tusks measured twelvo
feet and nine inches in length and twenty
seveu inches around. It weighed pounds.
The jaw weighed sixty-threo pounds. The
molar teeth weighed eighteen pounds each.
Somejof thtjribs wereeight feet long. The pel
vic arch was six feet across, anil an ordinary
man could walk civet through this opening.
This huge and antique monster was eighteen
feet and six inches high and was estimated to
weigh twenty tons." Taeoina Ledger.
Lessons In Dramatic Aef.ion.
Jlr. and Mrs. Edmund Russell gave an
amusing as well as instructive discourse and
demonstration of dramatic action here somo
months ag). Sje remarked very truly on
tho manner in which children ure usual -
reprimanded for what they do badly :,r
gracefully, but aro rarely ever own, with
care and kindness, tho right Wav of accom
plishing it mora desirably; as she said, "it re
sembles tho way most dramatio critics tender
liieir opinions.
She gave an illustration of tho method to
us selected by those desirous of developing
their muscles in a moderate degree by treat
ma iuu uuuu, or nana and arm, as a sort of
pendulum, moving them with gradual rapid
ity, and allowing thorn to b; perfectly nerve
less and without any actual force of their
own. buo alio indicated the different ways
oi yeaneuiaung wuu me lingers; each pos
sessing its characteristic signili-aneo; point
ing iulu uio luuKiu denoting force; with tho
first finger, tho mind; with tho second, inde-
eisiou una ignorance; with tho third, usoless
ness and tenderness; with tho fourth, sanci
niisji. Lo-on Cor. d i-iouaui -crjiici-j.
a I'remstorlc Citizen.
A curious relic was discovered a few days
ago near Phcen;::, A. T., by a farmer while
digging a well :: L:s ranch. At a! "ut nine
feet below the ?;i:rface he upon tho skel
eton of a man, tho bons of winch, however
fell to pieces when he -it tempted to move
them. He has yo doubt that this prehistoric
citizen was a giant, aa the thigh hones wero
nearly four feet long u:id tho feel, were more
extensive than those of the proverbial St.
Louis girl. Under the body we : a large and
heavy war club, made from mes quote or iron
wood, and this was in a state of perfect pres
ervation. It is now on exhibition. Chieo"o
Thought It a Crcat Joke.
A party of excursionists from an eastern
city recently visited the town of El Taso del
Norte, in Mexico. -'They came into the shop,"
said a merchant of tho town, "but that was
all right. Then tha first thing I knew they
walked back into our living part of the houso
and went to pulling over things and looking
into drawers just as if they wero at 1101710
My wife had to ask them to go out. and h;i
to push them so she could shut the door. They
only laughed and thought it was a great joko
that Mexicans should havo ciiy feelings.". .
ew lorK inuune.
A Curious i:xpp:ience
A Buffalo lady l:u j a curious t.xr,ricn0
travelms c .... -t-..i. i.
t ... ioj. i;u.;jy. il was a
sto;my night, and a high wind wu blowiu
... t-,-. aji jia..sjujj irom one car to
another a sudden blast w ranged her skirts
arounu tne brake, and m freeing he relf t'-c
cloth was badly rent. Tho pocket of the
tirerswas lorn cit, and her pocketbook, con-
iuuiivi, ucxets, keys and checks
sailed off into the black m"-ht.
A Lady Editor's Salary.
is reported that the largest sain-re
ceived by any woman in this country for edi
torial work is that paid by HarjK-r Brothers
to Missu.ary L. Booth. She is the editor of
Harper's Bazar. Ihr salary is said to be
SS.OoO, and she a!so receives a percentage on
the profits of the publication. Mi-s Booth is
in England on a six months' vacation, fhe
has been the leading spirit of The Bazar for
nearly twenty years. New York Ti-:i..i.,
Two Million Circulation.
"The Publishers' Bulletin," a new weekly
just started in this city, says that Br. Tahnage
will soon begin to write a weekly syndicate
letter for a number cf newspapers. His ser
mons are already published by a largo syndi
cate of newspapers, and are sid to have a
circulation of ',WX),0'X) a week.
One Meal per Day.
An inventor in Aubuin, Mo., who arys that
he has worked 7G0 days of ten hours each in
the last two yeais, and very few of them on
Sundays, attributes h's endurance largely to
the fact that he eats but 02; meal in twenty- 1
four Lours, and that very sump hs.
AfosoStsiely Pure.
This powder never varies. A marvel 1pnt
ity, hf rciijrih nnd holesonieiiess. More ti:u
iioriiieal I hail t Ik; ok Unary k i lids. a nd can not In
fold in ceiii el it inn with the multitude of lw
fef t. short vei;.'ht alum or phosphate powdcro.
Sold o';lv in c u.s. IJipvai, Jakin'i I'owHu,
Co.,l)GV'aU St.Xew York. J'.;tls
TOR SALE, or exchange for Cass county
I Land, desirable City Property or Live
Stock. AVc have selected tho:- Lands in
person. They, arc located in Nthraska-
along- the line of the 15. Sz M li 1? fmm
four to six miles from railroad stations:
and 111 well settled conmiunit:
are level or undid
itiuir Lands, with fine
rich soil.
Depth of wells on adjoining
Lands, from 20 to 100 feet.
13-4 "Weeping "Water, Neb.
The Pall Mall Gazette of London de
clares the Queens jubilee was not an ova
tion but a farce, and asserts the day of
such pomp and display hitherto tolerated
13 rapidly drawing to a close. The arti
cle created a sensation ia London and
aroused much indiguant comment muon