Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, June 30, 1887, Image 1
1 id i-v i-. on ' s a in mm m h h. 3 M H fl PLATTSMOUTH. NEBRASKA. THURSDAY. .11 INK :(,! 887. VOLUMK XXIII. MJMItKK 15. if -J.OD I'Kit ANNITM. 5 ti 4a a la k i . i i - i j mi . c -- c ' i r 4-A 1 I? i ' On 1 1 v-. .-. "2 Unfailing Specific for Liver Disease. M ml 1 UmU. month ; l..iifciio caW-l white it 'vrr. ,1 v.lili :i 'touii fur ; ialn m tin; 1 ;ick, ciili-s, tir j.n n !---(! I i-u nil -'taken tor Itln-ii-liiailfiu: sour i-tiiiuafli : Ins if al-t lie ; H oiin-ti s n:iis.-;i iiliii ln:t .li, or liicliui'S-; li.ilu!.'l:i-y ami lU'i'l enirt al iiait liuv.tlx alli'i n itcl v iivi; ;i ml I. ix ; lic.ulai Im ; lussnf liicmxi y. uit li :i i -: t itl senval inn if having 1 :n it'll I ii li.i sum. I l:inu utili'h 4UI;;lil tn liavr Imrii il mc ; ili'lulily : hnv siiirits ; :t tlik'k, ! Jo apjirai im ! Hi" ' kiii ami i-j es : :i dry cnu -li : fi-viT ; r --l h-ini --i ; I lie in im- is mmii (y a,.id lii';h ciilnii d, and. if allowed to stand, lM"siIs a sediment . SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR (PURELY VEGETABLE) I: i;enei ally lis.'d in I lie Sontll to arouse t!ie Tnl'lil'l l.ivertojl In-itltliy uetnm. It aets with etiaoidinary i-Uieuey on tin: BVESi, KIDNEYS and BOWELS. a n n:;ni. spwific kok laiai'ia, ltowl 'nn ;l:ia! ! .(; -.ia. hii-U HI! iul:-ho, t!cm 4li;i:t(ion. i;iUioii!iiN, Iki tne.v A(!Vriin:iN, .Jiuiiu'.hm', Mentul l-:rrsiui, .'oli. Kndoibeii t'e ? Million:' f Hot ties, 3ET F AM ELY KEDICIITE lor t'liild rt'ii, f"T Adults, :'.!id for the A-ed. Treasurer. Iiej uty lie isart r, - Clerk. HepiliV '!"!k. ( ... K of I)i-tl let Co ir , Mierill. -I )epu! V Sin l ill. .Sin v or. Ilornev. isuut. oi I'n'i M-hoolf, County J ii' I .:. 1). A. t'.wrr.K.i.i. TlliM. 1'iil.l.iM'K .1. M. Ilor.txsi ix ( .Mcfn kksi'.v W. '. Sll IW A I TKIi .J. KlKKNf.AKV '. C. V I M A.NS A. M A HOI.K Al.I.I'.X lll-'.KS IX May x a i:i Si-ixii C KL'.ssb i.i. i;;iAlt: '!' SL'ri'"-KVISii;S. I.ouis 1'i'i.r., li'ui., A. r. I'lUMi, A. 1$. 1)1' KsoX, NVeepiim' Wnler i'lat isniout li K in wood rVuaV)TiVniYK nd. si. a. o. v. w.-Me. ts V"- evei-v aiiernal - Friday evening at W- or I . leil! iraiisiei.t lirotiier-t are resjieetiituj 111 viicdtoaitend. 1". i:. S liile,.M:iter Workman ; K. A. 1 aite, K.H't'taau ; K. J. Morgan, Over-eer ; I l'Nl..:-rl 1: .'I'tH'li.T- lSS CAM!" Ml,:u.', MODKUN VO()i)Mi:N V of Ai'ieriea Meets second and fourth Mon ,1 ay eveni:;-,' at K. of 1'. hall- All transient iirothel'S nie li inesteil to meet, with I'- A. fio'.veoM-r. Vener.U.le Consul ; W.C. UHlelt-. Worthy Adviser ; 1", Meres, tx Hanker ; J. li. .Morris. Clerk . TI.TTSM.)UTII I.ODliK NO. S, A. O. I'. W. JSL M..,.t I'Wi'v alternate 1'ri lay evening :-t tiockwooil hall at s i-loon. Ail transient luoth -'is are respeet fully invited 10 attend. . A. ;utse!ie, M. W. ; rt. C, ;reeii, i:oremau : S. C. WiUte. lO'Corder ; S. A. Neweouier. Overseer. McSONIHlE POST 45 C. A. R kostki:. S AM. ?!. ("II VI M AN Commander, C S. T iss '. A. i'.Al'KS John W. Wooiis Aloi st Takis. ii.. 1;kn.i. Mkmi-i.i: .Unix Coi:::ii: vx,... is. T. in u'a v.... M. II. Li I m;s 1 1 x,. ...Senior Vice. ...Junior " " Adjutant, v.. Uliieerof the Pay. " ;uard fcernt Major. Tost Suri;eini Ai.l-HA W r To-t i lu.tihiiii ie'll,ai tiH'ri o u, vioi n.iii -T-.i - - p-Ach" month at Host Headquarters m liocK wooii liljek. , , ; :...) .in.l 1 i t!iiri ' or prOF''S3IONAL CARDS. ATTOKNKY8 AT LAW. BFKSON SIM.L1V AN, Attorneys at Haw. Will i;ive prompt .ittention to ail easiness intrust .'d'to them. t;ucj in L;uiou Block, Kast side, l'lalt-uoutii. Neb. vs. S. Miili:-VR. Attcruey at Haw. OiVioe W 'over M. .i. Murphy Co's store, eouilil'.it; of I im bet.vo i Mh and tit i streets. Zltl 1OBFi:r !'.. WIN 1)11 AM. Notary 1'uhlie and i- Atloi-uey at Law. O.Ti.'o over r.a k of Cas County, i'lattsmouth. Neb. Olace tele jiiiom; N J. 7 ; residence. No. 0. fOHN A. IAVIFS. Attoru-y at Law. (Mlice with H. 1'- W;nUh:i!ii. over Hank of Cass Co. PlAl'llMi'l TM, L-LlUTlVl N Kl'.KASKA. i5 V. 11 A KT Hi AN, Lawer, KitZLteral Is i-i ituninMth N'eh. Hroitilst ana J.I Lireful r.tleiitiou to a general lw praclice. PHYSICIANS AND SUltGLONS. V. CO' HC, M. P., lhyician aud Suruenn. 0!li."- :.t fisher's Dru Store, i'latts mouth, Nv'oraska. 7i x. suit; INS, M. I., l'hyieian a-d Sur .r.'.,.n. Cue door west of Helmet. 's s:ore. Oll'ic" hours from 10 to 12-a. m. ai'd from :t to 5 and 7 I''!' P- '" i-eskience. comer Ninth and Kim stie' ts Mrs. Leviiigs' house. Telephone at office an,! house. A IVIU'I) Sini'MAN. M. IV. Hhysieian and (J. Siiieoa. Otlioe in I'liion Mock. H-'sienee 'corner Lji-ust ami Fourteenth streets. Oiiiee hours )a. m. to 11 a. in.. muI from a to 4 p. in. Telephc -.'sNo. 11 aud 12. Sheriff's Sale. T.v virtue of an execution i-sued by V. C. ShnV ;:lier. Cierk of the District Court, w ithin and forCa- county. ;. ehraska, and to me di rected. 1 will on the il:iv of duly A. I. IssT. at 1 o'clock 1". M-. of said day as the tiouth ilmrol tin? Court i!ou-e in cad county, s- It at puDiic a'lcliou, the following real estate ti-wil : Vest h.ilf (' i' of the SnUi west- ijuartor (U of S-ctioa n- Town-hip ten il'J) lJatnre lea 10 F..u-t of tli' h i iu Casi county, Ne braska, ilV rivile ;e and appurtenances tiiereuuto b. j or in any wis'. aprertain jni; sliereto. - . , , l he same bene levied upon ana taken as the propertv of William ("1. irk Defendant ; t batify a judgment of abl court recovered by Jinny & lVeidc ' l iintitf, agaiustsaid Defetid- lrVatt-nioutl, Neb., this .Innn 20th A. D. lSsT. 14-5 J. C. KlKEM'.AKY. Sheriff of Oais County. Neb. Fifteen miners are imprisoned by fire at Virginia City, Xev. in different levels of the Gould fc Curry and Best & Bel cher mines. But little hope is entertain ed of saving them, though the engines are busy pumping air into the levels where they are cod lined. THE LATEST NEWS. M tritUKKKUS KSCAl'i;. Sitiii-;lo 1.1, Mo., .lime L'O.C. l. Car ter, 'i'om M. Killon ttiul three oilier pris oners, killeil tin: (leiiity sheriff ami escap ed from jail ut Mt. Vernon yesterday. Curler was to lie lianed next Friday for Hie murder of lioocrt Crockett. :ind Killon was awaiting trial for coiuplicily in the same crime. Carter and Killon were .sa loon keeper and druist respectively, and ('rocket t had reported them for vio lation of the liijiior laws. Si KVK Pl.KK, 'I'll H .N I .Vi AHA llorKVVAI.KKlt Kll.l.KI UY A F.U.I,. Niij.iiit Falls, June .V2. Steve IVcr, Hi" local cclelirity, who out-did lilondin in daring feats around Niagara and rc cetitly crossed on a fi vo-cip;hth inch cahle is dead, lver since he did tin; daring act he has Keen drinking very heavily. This evening ahout 7::'0 Peer vvent out tinoliservcd, with John (Jillcspie and a stranger, and later was seen ia the same company near his rope. As ho did not show up ly !S::(l, and no trace of him could lie discovered elsewhere, it was conc luded he must have got on his rope and fallen from it, or tumbled over the hank", and ropes and lanterns were pro cured and Peer's hrotlu-r, with another man, were lowered down, and near the bottom of the incline found his lifeless body badly cut around the head. The body was raised to the top of the preci pice by means of the ropes. The gener al bclcif is that he attempted to walk out on the cable and lost his footing and fell into the abyss below. THi: A. O. H. lMiiladelphia, June G. Members of Division Xo. 7, Ancient Order of Hibern ians, yesterday attended the funeral of Jeremiah Twohig at St. Mary's Catholic church", this city. Twohig was a liquor dealer, a member in good standing in St. Mary's church and was also connected with Division No. 7. Father McDcrmott sent notice of his objections to the widow of the deceased to allowing members of the order to attend. However, a goodly representation from Division Xo, 7 was in front of the church when Father Me Dermott entered to solemnize mass for the dead, and he sent word to the under taker to request the men to leave. But the Hibernians remained in their seats. Father McDcrmott, having removed his vestments, advanced without the chancel rail and stated-that members of the so ciety must withdraw, and that mass for the dead would not be said until this was done. The Hibernians then left the church. "I did not intend to be drawn into a tacit recognition, much less ap proval, of the order," said Father Mc Dcrmott this evening. "My acquaintance with them is very thorough. I was spir itual adviser, while stationed in Fottsville .'i 1S7.- and 170, to sixteen of their number who were sentenced to be hanged for murder. I have papers in my posses sion which, should I give them to the press, would take the roof off the order. I have written confessions from many members of the order who saw death on the gallows staring them in the face. They are all alike in purpose whether they call themselves Hibernians, M?41ie Maguires, Whiteboys, Buckshots, or what not." MATTERS ASSUMING A SKULKS ASPECT IN" NEW MEXICO. Baton, X. M., June 2'J. Special Tele gram to the Bee. There is trouble among the settlers on the Maxwell land grant in the northern part of the territory and the bitter feeling toward its claimants is growing stronger daily. Threats are heard on every hand and several rows have occurred. The following is a copy of the call which has been issued for a meeting at this place August 1. It needs no comment: Shoulder arms, forward march. Set tiers, the so-called Maxwell grant is pub lic domain. It was thrown open to set tlement and entry as public land in 1874 by tite final authoritative judgment of the secretary of the interior. This final judgment, settlers, has never been fe vers ed. For several years it has been treated with contempt by speculators and corrupt officials, but it lias never been rcyersed. Commissioner Williamson, after the sec retary had pronounced the judgment of the land department final could not re verse that judgment. The supreme court did not dare to say in its printed decis ions, although the matter was brought to its attention, that Commissioner W illiam son could arbitrarily reverse the final de cision of the secretary of the interior. The nine supreme court corruptionists dodged that point in the interest of the public land thieves. In pretending to arbitrari ly reverse the final and vested judgment of the secretary of the interior, Commis sioner Williamson committed an infa moins crime in the interest of these high toned public land thieves. ''lea -l T. B. C'ATKON. Settlers, you are now asked to submit to this outrageous crime. Don't you do it. Only contemptible cowards would tamely submit to be knocked olf from public laud by an ollicial gang of public land thieves. Settlers, you are not cow ards. You obeyed our summons once; obey it again. Come to Baton in force by the first d.iy of next August and if we cannot in mass meeting assembled with out a rumpus get the attention of the na tion to the ci ime committed by William son in arbitrarily surveying public land in Maxwell grant, then by all means, let us have a rumpus. Signed. Com.mittkk of tiiu Sktti.eks. tiii: i:gi.i: will I'Kotect hawail Xew York, June 2S. Special to the .'-. The Washington correspondent of the lh nilil says that it is understood that when the troubles in Hawaii inyolve for eign interests, our government will insist that Only American authority shall be re cognized in the Hawaiian country. In what form this will be established has not been considered, but no foreign gov ernment, will be permitted under plea of setting up a protectorate to establish it self in that country. ALLISON AS A CANDIDATE. Chicago, June 28. Special to the ;;- .:. United States Senator W. B. Alli son, of Iowa, has been in the city for several days, and the report is that he is looking after his fences in Illinois, with a view of the presidential nomination. While the senator was at home to every politician who called, he was invariably engaged when a reporter desired an audi ence, and evaded an interview with the ease and courtesy which distinguishes the astute politician. Congressman D.B. Henderson of Iowa, however, who ac companied the senator, was more easy of access, and did the talking for both. Henderson said there was no doubt about Senator Allison being a candidate for the presidential nomination, and he would be unanimously supported by the state of Iowa. He believed Allison was a strong man before the people and he thought his chances as good as any man thus far mentioned on cither side of the house. He did not want to pose as a prophet, but he would not be at all sur prised if the senator was selected as the standard bearer in 185?$. CONDENSATIONS. THURSDAY. It is rumored that King Milan of Servia will abdicate. It is said the liabilities of the broken Fidelity bank of Cincinnsti will re;:ch $0,000,0000.00. Some districts in Asia Minor are threat ened with famine because of crop failures. Great distress prevails. Forty thousand children assembled in Hyde Park in honor of the Queen's jubi lee. They were visited by the Price of Wales and mauy other visiting royalties. The sheriff of Rowan Co. Kentucky with a posse of 200 men surrounded the town of Moorehead and after a hard fight broke up the famous Tollivcr gaug of desperadoes by killing four of them and capturing others. FRIDAY. King Olto of Bavaria is officially de clared insane. It is said the czar of Russia is arrang ing to meet the emperors of Germany and Austria. Several parties supposed to be impli cated in the recent Texas train robberies, have been arrested. Dom Pedro, emperor of Brazil, has been given permission by his parliament to leave for Europe on the 30th iust. E. L. Harper and B. F. Hopkins cf the broken Fidelity Bank of Cincinnati have gone to jail for want cf bondsmen Frank Hugh O'Donuell a former mem ber of parliament and ex-vice-president of the home rule confederation, has brought suit against the London 2'ii.izs for libel, SATURDAY. Dick Klock of Nebraska City is held iu the sum of $7,000 bail on the charge of having released Quinu Bohannan from jaiL The Agricultural and Mechanical col lege of Auburn, Ala., Teas destroyed by fire. The loss of cabinets of rare speci mens, of aparatus etc., is placed at over $100,000, and the buildings destroyed were also valued at over $100,000. Gov. Hill if New York has approved the bill pa-sed by the legislature which extends local option throughout lhe state to the extent of permiting communities which have prohibited retail liquor sel ling to also prohibit its sale tit wholesale. During the big Wall street llury the stock board was full of wild rumors. Among others it was said Ives, who has figured so prominently of lato in large deals, had failed, another rumor said he had absconded, both reports were denied. There was a heavy break in Wall street in stocks and bonds yeste rday. Stocks and securities fell from .1 to 0 per cent, but rallied before the close of the day. The break in prices begun on a rumor that the great capitalists; Gould, Sage and Field hail fallen out, which rumor wtis followed by one of Gould's death. Both reports proved untrue. Xo failures were reported and it is said that this fr.ct is due to Messrs Gould, Yanderbilt and Field who are credited with relieving weak parties of their holdings. HUN DAY. Gov. Hill of Xew York has vetoed the bill imposing a tax on bucket shops. Gen. James Speed who was attorney general under President Lincoln died at Louisville. He was 70 years old. Blaine visited the American exhibition in London. After the performance he held an informal reception and was loud ly cheered. The Dover Sentinel states the estimates of the Delaware peach crop have dwindl ed away from 8.000,000 baskets to not more than 1, ",00,000. Secretary Fairchild has ordered the payment of July interest checks and cou pons upon presentation. This is done to release money from the treasury that it may aid in relieving the money market. Cablegrams from London still claim Pai nell is very ill, that . his unknown malady is very dangerous. He himself, however, still persists he will soon be better and able to lead his party in the house. Queen Victoria has written a letter ex pressing her appreciation and thanks for the loyalty shown herself and family by the British people on the occasion of the jubilee, and says it will encourage her, in her often difficult and arduous task, dur ing the remainder of her life. All efforts to relieve the miners entomb ed in the Gould & Curry mines at Virgin ia City have so far proved unavailing. Five men are known to have lost their lives and six are thought to be still liviug. The fire is extinguished and they are tun neling through from the Consolidated Virginia mine to try and reach the place where the miners arc imprisoned. MONDAY. It is denied that King Milan, of Servia, intends to abdicate. France and Russia have each notified Turkey and the powers that they will not accept the situation that would result from the ratification of the convention between England and Turkey regarding Egypt. The alarmists talk of the possi bility of war. A dispatch from Xew Orleans says that Jeff Davis in a letter to a local paper de nies the authenticity of the letter sent out early in the week from Danville, 111. He claims it is a bare-faced forgery and de nies the views attributed to him on the subject of the rebel flags. President Cleveland is reported to have said in conversation with a friend that he had about given up the idea of being present at St. Louis during the encamp ment of the G. A. R. He understands the weather is very hot there during Sep tember, and he thinks of deferring his visit until October. TUESDAY. The band of hostile Apaches that have been raiding in Arizona have been so hard pressed they have returned to the reservation, thus ending the present dis turbances. The Harvard-Columbia boat race was won by Harvard. Time: Harvard, 20: 20; Columbia, 20:29. Both crews beat the best previous four mile record ever made. The town of Marsh Geld, "Wis., was al most swept out of existence by fire San day afternoon. Two thousand people are homeless and tli3 financial loss is not less than $1,000,000. It is stated the Rev. Dr. McGlynn in tends to become a Knight of Labor and work hereafter in the interest of that or ganization, part of the time at least, with i Continued on th page, 3:EDXD For ;i short time ft t-i U 8! u & SPECIAL : L23 if in r fj y y u u y India Linens, Piques, ivr ALIv THE IvATEST NO V iv L T I K $ Swiss and Hamburg Embroideries and Flouncing Complete .1210 of 2rLc"bo3f in Tliit and Colors, of tb.0 Latest iDesigns. -:-OUR GOODS ARE ALL NEW-: And you are invited to call. :"l !4! 17 m Announcement I We are now prepared to show to the citizens of Cass County the most Superb Selec tion of SPR1XG AXD SUMMER GOODS ever Selected for the Trade, Embracing Swiss, 1'iquos, Lawns, Jaconet!.-, Cham brays, Mull?, Bard L. Indes, Crinkled Sursucks, Laces, Embroideries, Flouncings, Carpets, Matting, Hugs, Hosiery, Gloves, Corsets, Parasols, Sunshades, Fans, Mitts, Pic-nickers' Notions. Black and Colored G G Silks, Dress Good Novelties, Tahle Linen Toweling, Napkins, Lace Curtains, Curtain Damasks, Curtain Poles, etc., Spring Wraps, Jerseys, Bonda Jackets. TIib Most ElBpnt Lms of Hilary Goofls ;in 1 state.. 2Do not fail to call and inspect our stock; when in the city. L0M0N& NATHAN, . "White Front Palace Dry Goods House, MAIN STREET, PLATTSMOUTH. NEB. 233 V7 - THIS ! only wo will oJIVr ARGAINS 19. S2M rail? GOODS,