Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, June 23, 1887, Page 8, Image 8

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7f UhittnmontUetMtj'QtrM.
JAS. E. KNOTTS, Reporter.
Subscribe for The Hkhald.
The canning factories r.rc starting
W. II. Miller still enjoys single bles
scdncsg. Coucli 79 urrived from Aurora shops
a nd went west.
"Curley" Miller is the inventor of a
powerful base violin.
Cliff Shcpard is developing into an
expert "Lawn-mower."
Correspondents will please write on
but one side of the pajcr.
Rev. G. Shuman will preach next
Sunday at Nchawka, at 3 i m.
Pritchard now operates the wires at
the B. & M. telegraph office.
T. "Wilkinson of dramatic strain
went to Chicago on business.
Miss Bcrnice Kerney has returned
from her visit at "Weeping Water.
M. Maguire has gone to Akron to
look up his land interest out there.
Miss Hattic Kcrncy, of Omaha ia a
guest or her sister, Miss Gertie Kerney.
A lawn social will be given Friday
evening at the residence of F. D. Lehn
hof. D. B. Smith has a good force of
men at work painting the Mo. River
John A. Davies is in Mount Vernon,
Iowa, attending the college commence
ment and alumni reunion.
Crops all around Plattsmouth arc
promising finely. There will be no fail
ure of crops in Cass Co.
Kittie Russel who has been visiting
in Lincoln for a week or ten days return
ed home Tuesday evening.
Mrs. Barwick and three children ar
rived from England last Friday and
joined the husband and father.
"We wish all our subscribers would
call and see us when they can, we should
like to get personally acepjainted.
J. W. Barwick rejoices in the safe
arrival of his family from Europe; they
report a rough and stormy voyage.
M. A. Dickinson, of Knoxville,Iowa,
who has been visiting Mr. F. M. Richey,
returned home lost Thursday evening.
Dr. and Mrs. John Black left last
week for a visit in Chicago and Indiana.
They expect to be gone about ten days.
Mr John II. Becker living near Eight
Mile Grove was in the city Thursday and
made the Herald office a'pleasant call.
Mr. Butler thinks that the Jersey
cow f urnishos a good bone of contention
to the Pickens Robinson combination.
"We still want additional correspon
dents throughout the county. Can't you
suggest a good one from your neighbor
hood? Mr. J. D. Burwell, who taught school
in the Becker district for three years very
successfully, has moved with his family
to this city.
Henry Schulhof left last Monday
evening for Hayes Center on a visit to
hi3 daughter. He will be gone two or
three months.
Three plain drunks appeared before
Judge Mathews last Tuesday, two were
fined $5 each and costs and the other
one $10 and costs.
Two street railway companies are
making it lively, in Hastings, in their ef
forts to get control of the streets. "We
are having no such trouble here.
The Herald acknowledges an invi
tation to attend the Wahoo Trotting asso
ciation, which will be given at "Wahoo,
July 4, 5 and 6. Purses aggregating $1,
500 areoffered.
The festival given by the ladies of
the German 31? E. church at Rockwood
nail on Tuesday evening was a decided
success. A large nunber were present
and all appeared to have a thoroughly
good time, as well as to heartily enjoy
the good things provided.
"We are in receipt of an invitation to
attend the closing exercises of "Weeping
"Water Academy to be held June 23 and
24. The program is gotten up in a neat,
attractive style and we judge will prove
more than ordinarily interesting. "We
wish the Academy continued prosperity.
Died George Keil, the son of Mr. and
Mrs. Peter Keil died-last Sunday morn
ing at 2:30 o'clock, and was hurried on
Monday at 1 o'clock p. in., the services
were conducted by Rev: G. G. Grass
muick at their home west of the city near
the Poor farm. George was a member
of the German 31. E. Sunday school.
The first of the week we were out by
Mr. E. Sage's place in the western out
skirts of the city, when he invited us to
! stop and inspect his raspberries. "We
liaye a weakness for raspberries as well
as other good things and we relished the
"inspection." 3Ir. Sage estimates that
from his nine acres of ripening berries he
will gather a crop of 14,000 quarts, which
it will probably take 20 hands three
weeks to gather.
3Iiss Alico Wilson is improving in
Del Jones has gono to Omaha to
learn telegraphing again.
Councilman Dutton'saldermanic star
shines forth in resplendent brilliancy.
The fool that is playing in the Lou
isana Lottery is quite numerous in this
3Irs. L. D. Bennett returned last
evening from her two weeks visit at
Atchison, Kansas.
3Ir. and Mrs. Edwin Davis left last
Tuesday for a visit at Burlington, Iowa,
and places in Ohio.
T.M.and James Patterson left Monday
for Ncaly Neb. to play a game of base
ball there Tuesday.
J. C. Fisher and Sam Patterson have
been working in the Clerks office on the
assessors books the past week.
The ladies of the W. R. C. will give
a raspberry, cake and ice cream social
this evening at Rockwood hall.
3Ir. and 3Irs. Thomas 3Iuthews, of
Des 3Ioines, Iowa, arc visiting 3Ir. and
3Irs. Thos. Pollock, of this city.
O. C. Smith is now happy. lie has
6truck it rich; it was in the way of
having the water turned on his lawn
last Tuesday.
The Y's had a picnic yesterday at
Fitzgerald's forty south of town, for the
Band of Hope, and a good time was hud
the little folks enjoying themselyes.
Charles L. Coleman and 3Iiss Annie
Russel and 3Iiss Oliic 3Iathews, visited
at the home of Mr. Holmes about seven
miles south of the city, last Tuesday af
ternoon. Weckbach has a complete line of
midsumer millinery. 11-4
Fank Krowlcck an apprentice in
the B. & 31. boiler shops got struck in
the eye by the head of a rivet last Friday
and it is feaied that he will loose the
sight of his eye.
3Iisses laced serge shoes 35 and
foxed 50 cents only, at 3Ierges. 15tf
Samuel Chambers, a carpenter, while
in the planing mill at the B. & 31. shops
last Friday, had a very narrow escape.
The knife in one of the planers, while
running at full speed, flew out and hit
his left side and broke his watch. He
only laid off a couple of days. The
watch saved him from receiving severe
Western lands fo trade for
desirable IMattsmoutli proper
13-1 . Weeping Water.
Will J. Warrick handed us a letter
to read, last week, that he had just re
ceived from his father in Washington,
Penn. His father stated that they were
having a well bored there for $1.40 per
foot, and the contractors were furnishing
everything, the derrick used cost $500,
the boiler, $500, and the engine, $200;
all of which the contractors f urnished.
The casing for the well cost about $1,400.
This gives our gas company a basis upon
which they can figure as to what it will
cost to sink a well here in Plattsmouth.
3Iisses laced serge shoes 35 and
foxed 50 cents only, at 3Ierges. 14tf
The Journal in its issue of June 16th
in making mention of a marriage on the
previous day, near Cedar Creek, insinuat
ed that the minister who performed the
ceremony traveled from Plattsmouth over
muddy roads in a livery rig, and after
performing the ceremony received the
meager amount of two dollars, leaving
him the liyery bill to pay. This is not true,
the expense of the carriage out and
back was paid by the groom, extra of
the fee and it is a pleasure to the Herald
to correct the false and undeserved re
flections cast upon him in the Journal
3Iisses laced serge shoes 35 and
foxed 50 cents only, at 3Ierges. 14tf
Tuesday afternoon by invitation we
visited the fruit farm of 3Ir. W. J.IIesser
some five miles southwest of the city.
3Ir. Hcsser kindly took us out among
his raspberries where we ate to our fill of
the delicious fruit, while we 6tained our
fincers and our faces to our hearts content.
We were shown through the green house
and laden with choice flowers, and then
we were not permitted to leave until we
had partaken of a bountiful supper pro
vided by the kind hospitality of Mrs. and
3Iiss Hesser. As we drove away we left
our good wishes and quietly took note of
the coming crop of blackberries and shall
watch the almanac to see when they will
be ripe.
List of Letters
Remaining unclaimed, in the Postoffice
at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, June 22 1887
for the week ending June 11th.
Benson, MUj Alice, Brown. J. S.
Bucy, James, Bohem, J.
Carper, John Greenwood, J. F.
Janes. Thos. Lewis, P. N.
Middlemass, Kobert Trook, James
Tolin, Miss Sadie Youtz. P, A.
Persons calling for any of the above
letters will please say "advertised."
J. 3L Wise, P. 3L
Wanted immediately a good exper
ienced solicitor to travel on the road.
Enquire of C. W. Spence, Dovey Block,
City Council.
The city council held a regular adjourn
ed session last Wednesday evening. All
members were present.
A petition from the property owners on
Main St., between Second and Sxith,
asking for the paying of Main from 2nd.
to Cth street, and the calling of a special
election to vote bonds to pay for the pav
ing of intersections, was read. The pe
tition was changed by inserting the west
side of 7th in the place of Cth street. A
motion from 3Ir. 3Iurphy to grant the
prayer of the petiouers carried.
A petition from the fire department
asking for more hose and 24 water-proof
coat9, for the use of the firemen, was read.
The coats were ordered bought, but the
adviaibility of getting the hose was left
to the committee on fire and water.
William Osborn, of the fire department,
asked the council to designate a location
for the new hose cart.
3Ir. White moved the cart be located
in the 2nd ward. 3Ir Greusel amended
by making the the location Wintersteen
hill. The motion passed as amended.
The long-delayed "cow-ordinance" was
then called up. It provides for the ap
pointing of a pound-master whose duty
it shall be to arrest any live stock, what
ever, found running at large in the city
limits and a fine for each head of stock
arrested, also, after due notice, for the
selling of the stock at public auction.
The ordinance was put on the 1st read
ing when a remonstrance signed by 84
petitioners was read. The remonstrance
had no effect and the ordinance was read
by title the second and third times and
adopted under a suspension of the rules.
An ordinance establishing grading and
paving district No. 1 was read and
amended, making the 1st district extend
from the west side of 2nd St. to the west
side of 7th, and leaving the payment of
the pavement occupied by the Platts
mouth St. R. R. Co. also 18 inches on
each side of its track. 3Ir. 3Iurphy mov
ed the ordinance be read the second and
third times and adopted under a suspen
sion of the rules. The motion was sec
onded but questions arose and 3Ir. 3Iur
phy withdrew his motion and the ordi
nance was laid over till the next meeting.
An ordinance requiring the streets and
alleys of all additions to the city to con
form with those of the city, was read.
On motion of 3Ir. 3Iurphy the ordinance
was read as usual and adopted under a
suspension of the rules.
An ordinance to prevent the discharge
of explosives in the city limits, and also
to prevent the selling of fire crackers etc.
to boys under 12 years of age, was laid
over for amendments.
The mayor then appointed an appro
priation committee for 1887 consisting of
3Iessrs. Greusel, Weckbach and Jones.
3Ir. Weber moved that the committee
on streets alleys and bridges be instructed
to repair or remove the bridge on the
corner of 8th St. and Washington Ave.
3Iotion carried.
3Ir. White moved that the chairman of
the committe on streets alleys and bridges
be instructed to do away with a pool of
water on the cornes of Vine and 6th St.
The chairman, 3Ir. Dutton, said he would
attend to it.
The mayor suggested that the city buy
four more balls and chains, and get "a
stone pile and put the tramps to work.
On motion of 3Ir. Dutton the balls and
chains were ordered bought.
On Motion of 3Ir. 3IcCalIen the mayor
was instructed to appoint a "crack-shot"
to do away with the surplus canine.
Council then adjourned to meet the
following Friday evening.
Council met last Friday evening per
suant to adjournment, with all members
The ordinance pertaining to the dis
charge of explosives in the city limits,
continued from the previous meeting, was
fiist called up. After being revised sev
eral times it was read the second and
third times. Jlr. 3Iurphy then objected
to the territory covered by the ordinance.
He said the city limits extended into the
country and covered several farms and it
would be preposterous and absurd to see
the city marshall going out through the
woods and on to a farm to arrest a boy
for shooting fire-crackers where there
was no possible danger to property.
3Ir. White replied that the ordinance
was intended to protect the people from
bodily danger as well as property from fire,
aud as proof of the danger related the
killing of a young lady at Crete, Neb.,
by the mismanagement of a roman candle,
and said that today fire works could not
be bought there, and just such an acci
dent was liable to occur in Plattsmouth.
It was then decided to let the ordinance
rest till the next meeting, by referring it
to the judiciary committee.
The ordinance creating paving district
No. 1, continued from the previous meet
ing, was produced, read three times and
adopted under a suspension of the rules.
The district takes in 3Iain St from the
west side of 2nd to the west side of 7th-
An ordinance ordering the paving of
district No. 1, and giving the business men
till Augest 1st to select the material with
which to pave it, was read three times
and adopted under a suspension of the
A resolution was introduced and adop
ted, authorizing the board of public
works to advertise for paving and ma
terial. An ordinance was then introduced call
ing for a special election for the voting
of bonds to the- amount of $10,000 said
election to be held July 25th. To bear
not over 5 per cent interest, due in twen
ty years but redeemable five years from
date. The ordinance was read the second
and third times and passed under a sus
pension of the rules.
Another ordinance was introduced
calling for a special election for the vot
ing of bonds for storm water sewerage
to the amount of $30,000 said election to
be held July 25th. The ordinance was
read the usual number of times and pass
ed under a suspension of the rules.
On motion the committee on fire and
water was instructed to ascertain the cost
of good iron water basins for the public
3Ir. Dutton moved that the city attor
ney be instructed to look after the city's
interest before the board of equalization.
The motion passed.
On motion the city attorney was in
structed to see that the recent additons
were put on the tax list. 3rr. Creusel
moved that the citv attorney tile com
plaint against the assessment on the Fitz
gerald block. 3lr. Todd, who was present
said the board of equalization had al
ready acted on the Fitzgerald block by
adding $1,000 to the original assessment
which was $9,000.
3Ir. 3Iurphy moved that a committee
of the council be appointed to confer
with the people whose property would
be benefited by the sewering of the
creeks, to see what they would do to
wards bearing the expense thereof. The
motion passed and the mayor appointed
as members of that committee, 3Iessrs
3Iurphy, Weckbach and Dutton.
3Ir. Bach presented a petition asking
permission to close the rear of his build
ing, which he is repairing, with corrugat
ed iron.
The petition was granted with the un
derstanding that the wall should be
lined inside and outside with that ma
The mayor then appointed the follow
ing judges and clerks for the bond elec
tion of July 25th:
First ward Judges, Fred Goos, Fred
Goder. 31. O'Rourk: clerks, L. C. Stiles
and Conrad Seidcnstrcker.
Second ward Judges, P. D. Bates,
Conrad Heisel, Henry 3Iiller; clerks, Ben
ton Kiukead and Frank Becson.
Third ward Judges, J. G. Richey, A.
G. Hatt, I. Failing; clerks, David 3Iiller
and 31. O'Donahoe.
Fourth ward Judges. William Win
tersteen, Ben Hempel, W. W. Hull; clerks
C. 31. Butler and William Stitzer. -
For Sale.
A farm containing 640 acres of land,
well improved, timber and water. Best
stack farm in Cass county. For terms
apply to 14tf Beeson & SuXlivax.
Two million acres of agriculturral
land have just been thrown open to set
tlement in Colorado.
For cleansing and healing foul and
indolent ulcers, sores and abscesses and
removing the bad oders arising therefrom,
and for sloughing contused and lacerated
wounds, Darby's Prophylactic Fluid is
"I have used Darby's Prophylactic
Fluid in hospital and private practice for
ten years and know of nothing better for
sloushinjr contused and lacarated wounds
foul and indolent ulcers and as a disin
fectant." J. F. Heustis, Professor 3Io-
bile 3Ied. College.
Clark & Howard, of Weeping Water,
Mill trade westeru laud tor live stock,
cattle or horses. 134
A dynamite plot to be carried out dur
ing the celebration of the queens jubilee
has been discovered.
Every person is interested in their
own affairs and if this meets the eye of
any one who is suffering from the effects
of a torpid liver, we will admit that he
is interested in getting well. Get a bot
tle of Prickly Ash Bitters, use it as di
rected, and you will always be glad you
read this item. 11-ml
Ladies' hats in white, black and all col
ors; patern bonnets, hats and togas a
specialty at Weckbach's 11-4
The Iowa democratic convention meets
Sept. 1st at Des 3Ioiues.
Western land to trade for
Cass Co. farms.
13-4 WcephigWater.
Sheriffs Sale.
By virtue of an order of sale issued by W. C.
Shawalter. Clerk of the District Court witnin
and for Cass county. Nebraska, and to me di
rected. I will on the 27th day of June. A. D.
1887, at 11 o'clock a. ni.. of said day at the south
door of the Court House ia said county, sell at
public auction, the following real tstate to-wit :
All f the north half of the southeast quarter
(nViof se1) and the southwest quarter of the
southeast quarter of sH and the south
east quarter of the southwest quartr (sehi of
iw H) of section number two (2) in township
number tea (10) north of range nureber eleven
(11) east of the Cth P. M. in Cass county. Ne
braska, with the privileges and appertenances
thereunto belonging.
The same being levied upon and taken as the
property of John M. Carter and Eliza Carter,
defendants ; to satisfy a judgement of said
Court recovered by Beardsly, Clark & Company
plaintiff's, anainnt said defendants.
riattsmautu, Nab., this May 19th A. D. 1887.
10-6 Sheriff Cass County. Neb.
County Legislation.
County commissioners met in session
June 7th and continued in session till
June 14th 1887, and made the following
reductions in the asscments of Platts
mouth :
Assessed at iuidlted to
Lota 1 &2 block SG $1200 $3 500
" nll & 12 blk30 1 100 800
" 811 " 12 " 850 550
" 11 " 12 " 43 450 400
" 1011 " 12 " 39 850 700
" 10 11 " 12 " 1 350 200
" 5 " 6 " 27 1 000 900
"nJ10 " " :S0 1 500 1 225
A. Salisbury pcr'l 110 GO
Fred Gorder " 1 000 800
C. Sherman " 100 50
Lots 1,2,3,4,5 blk 80 40 25
" 1,2,3,4,0 " 87 40 25
" 3,4,5,0, " 90 50 35
L. A. Dorrington assessed for piano
request $50, but only asked for $25, and
assessment of 31. C. Dorrington stricken
out from the list as it was errorously as
sessed, $120 reduced and $50 added.
S. F. White assessed at 1,000 reduced to
S. 3Iayer $6,000 reduced to $5,000,
E. G. Dovey & Son $G,000 reduced to
ASSESSED at kfdcced to
Lot 3 block 27
" eJ2 " 23
" 1) " 18
!4 lo
block 13
1 750
" 5,G "
" 1,2,3"
" 8 "
" 10 "
29 1
40 1
1 o
Peter 3Ierges per'l 2000
Lotll block 18 750 TO
" 3 " 19 450 "
Solomon & Nathan per'l 5 000 "
Lots 10,11 12 blk. 74 400
" 1, 2, 3 wi " 18 1 750
" G block 18 500
" 4,5,6 " 17 900
" 1
Commissioners requested 3Ir. Van Tuyi
to furnish sworn statement of inventory
of the B. & 31. road at the first of 3Iarch
but he failed to do so, therefore the asses-
ment is left as returned by assessor. B.
& 3f. bonds, principle, interest, 3 mills
$13929.90, Gen. 5 J mills $25538.15
bridge 4 mills $18573.20, road 21 mills
$11008.25, insane- i mills $2321. GO mak
ing a total assement of $71,971.10 the to
tal valuation $4,043,300. Louisville City
levy 10 mills.
Clerk was instructed to carry on the
school and city taxes, on the tax list.
The following claims were allowed
T. W.Fauht assessing R. It. Pr. $84.75
L. C. Eickhof f
Louisville 9G.80
3It. Pleasant 97.40
F. 31. 3Iassin
A. Sheldon
G. 31. Dukl
G. W. Pitman
Jacob Fritsch
A. 31. Jones
G. W. Flower
I. N. Wolf
W. D. Hill
31. 31aguire
W. S. Purdy
A. U. Pinner
Allen Stultz
Jacob Valley
Wm. 3IcCraig
S. S. Saunders
Avoca 84.20
Stove Cr. 135.50
Liberty 81.80
8 3IileGrove9G.40
2dW'd 95.50
Center 104.
Greenwood 106.
South Bend 5G.60
1st W'd 108.50
4th W'd 90.
Tiplcr 116.
3d W'd 78.
Platts. 138.80
WeeepingW. 190.00
Salt Creek 128.40
Clerk instructed to deduct the amount
for time in fixing books from the bill al
lowed for assessing.
The following bills were allowed;
John 3Iorris goods $6.50
Platts. Gas Co. .9
sxeo. leiepnone uo. a
John Bobbins 1.00
Lizzie Copeland attending the sick 8.00
T. S. White Lumber 50.65
B. Anderson 3.00
31. A. Hartigan fees 20.00
F. E. White Ins. 16.00
C. E. Wescott, goods to paupers 1.2.r
Harvey Holloway guarding insane man
10.00 ;
J. P. Young pencils &c. 2.50
E. O'Neal work on jail 3.00
Knotts Bros, note heads 8.20
F. S. White goods to paupers 18.00
Henry Boeck burying A. Schuman 16.50
Oliver &Ramages meat to paupers 1.00
Newman & Holland goods to paupers 6.72
David 3Iiller jail cots 22.00
31. B. 3Iurphy & Co. goods to jail 43.00
John Leach painting roof of court house
Poisell & Spencer goods to paupers 5.70
W. II. Malick boarding prisoners 23. 2o
C. S. Sparks working at jail 24.25
S. P. Holloway boarding prisoners 22.50
James N. Baker lumber 6.40
ilaynard Spink salary & expenses 105.00
J. C. Eikenbary guarding prisoners 64.50
Omaha Republican 22.00
Richey Bros, lumber 35.64
Neb. Telephone Co. June 11.85
Geo. 3Iayfield tax notice 2.10
Platts. Gas Co. .95
A. 3Iadole surveying 9.00
Carrole Walton white-washing 24.10
L. A. Dorrington eroneous taxes 11.78
C. Russel expenses 5.00
II. A. Waterman and Son lumler 4.48
C. S. Twiss work on poor farm 20.00
A. W. 3Iay field tax-notice 2.00
Frank Watson building sidewalk 10.00
J. A. Cook work on jail 10.75
J.3I. Robins'bn assesser's books &c 159.30
H. A. Waterman & Son lnmber 14.31
J. B. Duff If. D. attendance on Chas.
Johnson 25.00
II. Boeck burying soldier 35. 0q
S. P. Holloway work on jail 12.80
B. C. Yeomans 3.50
G. II. La Rue work on bridges 19.50
Skime & Ritche work on tax list 100.00
J. F. Hobock overseer 42.00
Henry Stole " 15.00
Dr. Robinson appointed county pnysician
for Louisville and within one mile at the
rate of $50 per year.
Costs in Stateicase va Jones Hall et al 39.91
" " " James IL Ash 4.20
Claim of A. B. Dickson 49.00
" " Louis Foltz 62.00
" " A. B. Todd 45.70
B. & 31. R. R. Co. lumber 21.12
Board adjourned to meet next week.
Ho n
SOUTH PARK is situ
ated immediately ad
joining the city of
Plattsmouth on the
south between the two main
thoroughfares into the city,
Lincoln and Chicago Avenues,
and on the line of the li. & M.
railroad extending south from
the company's machine shops.
The proprietors of this val
uable addition propose to
spare neither pains nor reas
onable expense to make it not
only pleasant but profitable
to all persons purchasing lots.
In the center ot this hand
some addition a
of magnificent forest trees lias
been reserved for the use and
pleasure of the city. Chicago
and Lincoln avenues furnish
the only circuitous drive out
and into the city which avoids
hills, and the level grade sug
gests the early construction
of our street railway to this
locality, and to this end lib
eral inducements will be offer
ed. South Park is less than
nine blocks from the business
center of the city, and but a
few rods from the great man
ufacturing interests of the 11.
6c M. railroad, thus making it
a desirable residence locality.
The proprietors of this ad
dition propose to re-invest the
proceeds of the sale of the lirst
100 lots, in choice residences,
which will be offered for sale
on monthly payments. This
will enhance the value of the
lots purchased.
IS'ow is the time to invest,
for permanent use or specula
tion. Without exaggeration
or fictitious booming, Platts
mouth realty is growing more
firm in value each day, advanc
ing on the basis of a permu
nent business foundation.
For particulars as to
property in South Park
Apply to
Jolin IL Defies,
0 ei l'iqil of Gqss Go.
1 i P TV?