Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, June 23, 1887, Page 3, Image 3

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DrunkannoHi ortha Liquor Habit Posi
tively Cured by Administering
Dr. Hwinai' Golden
Speci fic.
It run l given in a rup of eoffco or
tea without the knowledge of the person
taking it; in nlmoluttly luirinlcs mid will
effect ii icnniui(jht uml Hpeedy cure,
whether the patient is a nwnl'-nitc drink
er or un alcoholic wreck. Thousands of
drunkards have been made temperate
men who have taken Oolden Specific in
their coffee without their knowledge, und
to-day believe they quit drinking of their
own free will. IT NKVEK FAILS. The
nyhtein once impregnated with the Speci
fic it becomes an utter impossibility for
the liquor appetite to cxit. For full
particulars, address (JOI.DKN SPECIFIC
CO., 185 Kaco st., Cincinnati, O. 153-ly
A'Noyel Way of Popping the Ques
tion. A young Aberdonian, bashful, but des
perately in love, fouling that no notice
wax taken of his visits to the house of his
sweetheart, summoned up sullicient cour
age to address the fair one thus:
"Jean, I was here on Monday nicht."
Ay, ye were that," replied ie.
An' I was here on Tuesday nicht."
"So ye were."
"And I was here on Wednesday," con
tinued the ardent youth.
"Ay, an ye was here on Thursday night
ami a'."
"An' I was here last nicht."
"Wecl," she says, "what if yc were?"
"An' I am here again the nich again."
"And what about it, even if ye came
every nicht "
"What about it, did ye say? Div ye no
bemi to smell a rat?" New York Sun.
Ask your druggist for Klectricty in
a bottle. The greatest catarrh and head
ache remedy known. 11-4
Mist M imasa. didn't see you at the
performance of "The Blonde Brigand,"
last night.
J)e Jones. I was there, but I only
staid through the first act.
Miss Minos a. Why, didn't you like
the play? The scenery was good.
De Jonei.l daresay it was, your hat
filled the stage w hile I was in the theatre.
ble by that terrible cough. Shiloh's
Cure ii the remedy for you. Sold by
Smith & Black Bros.
Just Like the Men.
Pretty Kansas Wife Yes, I voted at
the late election, but I shall never do so
-i again. Tho men crowded around me
when I went to vote, and nearly smoth
ered me.
Kansas Old Maid- Law sakes. They
all left the polls when I went to vote.
Newman Independent.
For lame back, side or chest, use
Shiloh's Porous Plaster. Prico 25 cents
Sold by Smith & Black Bros.
"Papa," said a little five-year-old,
pointing to a turkey gobbler strutting
around in a neighbor's yard, "aint that
red-nosed chicken got an awful big bus
tle?" Ch icagn Jia nib lev.
Bronchitis immediately relieved by Shil
loh's cure. Sold by Smith & Black Bros
It is said that Patti's first "farewell
appearance" in this country took place in
1S00. Patti has been faring well since
: - SHILOH'S VITALIZED is what you
need for Consumption, losa of Appetite
Dizziness and all symptoms of Dyspepsia
Price 10 to 75 eeuU per bottle. Sold by
Smith & Black Bros.
A western man took a large piece of
bad meat to an objectionable play, and
critics who saw the representation say
that the piece was strongly cast.
IfTssn Babr vu lick, we care lier Caatorla,
When ah wm Child, ah cried for Gaatoria,
When abe became Miaa, ahe clang to Caatoria,
'When abe bad Children, sue gars them Cos tori.
A good motto for a young man just
starting a mustuch down in front.
if Itch, Prairie Mange, and Scratches of
eyery kind cured in 30 minutes, by Wool-
ford's Sanitary Lotion. Uso no other.
This never fails. Warranted by, F. G.
Fricke & Co., druggists, Plattsmouth,
Nebraska. 34-lyr
Tho world is a comedy to those who
think; a tragdy to those who feel.
Electricity in a bottle will cure ner
vous headache in from 3 to 10 minutes.
For sale by all druggists. 11-4
Every man has a thousand vicious
thoughts which arise without his power
to suppress.
Our actions must clothe us with an
immortality, loathsome or glorious.
Man must sometime in his life recog
nize his nothingness.
Trifles make perfection but perfec
tion is no trifle.
An animal on a sustenance diet neither
working no increasing is supposed to re
quire un albuminoid rutin of 1-12 (that is
food containing 1 lt. of nitrogenous mat
ter to 12 ItiH. of non-nitrogenous hub
stanco), or very nearly the composition
of ineudow hay. Iu my own practice of
feeding I have never troubled myself
very much about the nutritive ratio of
the foods I employ; nor do I think that
those who work upon some fixed formula
in regard to the nutritive ratio they use
can feed bo economically us those who
pay more regard to the varying price of
the food. There ure c ertain broad lines
which every feeder should recognize.
For instance, it itf quite evident that
mangels, with un albuminoid ratio of
l-2, cunnot be a suitable food to be used
in any quantity for a ewe in lamb, and
yet we constantly hear of abortions while
the ewe are fed on roots. A cow which
yields a very large amount of milk ccr
taiuly require a diet with a higher al
buminoid ratio thau a fattening animal
Still it is the cost of tho foods, ami not
their albuminoid ratio, which would
mainly guide my selection. What can be
more different than cotton cake and corn?
Still I bhould not hesitate for a moment
as to which I should employ in my fat
tening stalh, if ono was dear and the oth
er cheap.
Tho idea which prevailed so long that
fat was formed from albuminoids, un
idea which was uppo.s"d to be establish
ed by experiments carried out in Ger
many, gave a fictitious value to these
substances, aud even to this day we are
sometimes told that the more tho oil is
removed from the linseed cake tho great
er becomes its value as a food. I am not
one of those who subscribe to this doc- j
trine, nor do I consider that a practical
farmer is bound to feed his stock with a
diet made upon a scientifically arranged
nutritive ratio.
In tho year 1852, at tho conclusion of
a long series of feeding experiments, 1
read a paper before the British Associa
tion iu which I pointed out that the nut
ritive ratio in the cereal grains appeared
to make them specially suitable for food
purposes, and I should consider this to
Ihj as true now as it was then. But in the
economic feeding of stock I certainly
should not be guided by any established
formula, but rather by the relativo prices
of tho various food- in tho markets. If
we sell our barley at tho same pricej per
ton as we purchase our cotton cake it is
not for the difference in their nutritive
ratio, but because the latter posesses a
much higher manuro value. I can re
member the time when each crop was
prescribed for in a formula made up of
artificial compounds in accordance with
the composition of the ask of tho plant.
A nutritive ratio is very good in theory,
but in practice wo have to consider ques
tions of economy which are often greatly
at variance with theory. At tho present
time I am not acquainted with any relia
ble feeding experiments which establish
us a fact that food of one special nutri
tive ratio can be used with greater econo
my than another. J. B. Laioes, in Ag
ricultural Science for May.
Cleveland Leader: The cry has gone
up from sensational labor agitators that
tho farm lands of this country are becom
ing the property of a few rich men, and
Mr. Powderly has so far yielded to the
nonsense to proclaim a Knight of Labor
bull against an "incipient land-holding
aristocracy." The absolute absurdity of
such assertions is evidenced by the fol
lowing statistics of sale of farms aver
ages: 1880. 1870. 1S60.
Alabama ..1G9 225 364
Arkansas 128 154 245
Florida 141 232 444
Kentucky 129 158 211
Louisiana 171 247 530
Maryland 120 107 190
Mississippi 15P 183 370
Missouri 129 140 215
North Carolina 112 212 31G
South Carolina 143 233 448
Tennessee 1 25 100 251
Texas 208 301 591
Virginia 1C3 240 324
Connecticut 78 93 ..
Massachusetts 87 102 ..
New York 08 102 ..
Pennsylvania...,, 93 99 ..
Ohio 99 111 ..
Illinois 124 127 ..
Minnesota 144 140 ..
Kansas 150 143 ..
California. 4C3 480 ..
United St tea total 134 153 199
Thus it will be seen that in all the new
er states, where settlers began by pre
empting eighty acres, and later on added
another eighty, the acreage of farms has
steadily decreased. In the country as a
whole tho decrease is very marked.
From these statistics thero can be no
doubt of the gratifying fact that the land
is being divided up into smaller parcels,
and that the agricultural class is not like
ly to become a class of renters, but will
continue to own as well as farm the land.
It is a matter for congatulation that it is
ho, and that tho grow th and prosperity
of the country has not militated ugainst
this fundamental principle of our land
In this, as in most of their talks, these
agitators have taken a few individual in
stances instead of the grand average. If
they knew more about the subjects they
discuss they would talk less. It is iio
ticeublc that it is not renters or little farm
owners who worry about the land. They
ure not troubled in the least. It is the
idle, thriftless classes of city laborers
who could not be induced to live on and
work a farm; it is from them that the
cry of land monopoly mainly arises. As
long as carefully prepared statistics show
the gratifying result exhibited above the
sensible people of the United States will
not be greatly alarmed. If such dema
gogues would confine themselves strictly
to facts their profession would be uonc.
The Home Fire Insurance Company of
Omaha Insures against nil loss or dam- !
ages by Fire, Lightning, Winds, Cyclones
and Tornadoes, and makes the insurance of
Dwelling and Farm Property a special
ity. Its policies are short and easily un
derstood, and free from technicalities.
Its officers, directors and stockholders,
are well-known citizens of Nebraska, and
among the most prominent and reliable
business men of the State. It prints per
mission in its policy to repair dwellings
without notice the Company, regard-
loss of the length of time used in making
the repairs, and the insurance remains
rood dining that time.
This Company insures the Farmers
teams against FIRE in any plicate
bam, nt able or sli d, on his farm or
within twenty -foe miles of his J arm, or
against Lightning where ever they may
be. This is a great advantage to tho
farmer, as his teams are covered by the
policy against Fire as well as Lightning
in his neighbors' farm buildings and in
private barns in towns, the same as in his
own. No Eastern Company insures your
teams against Fire while off your own
The Dwelling and Farm Policies of
this Company are very liberal losses be
ing due and payable immediately on re
ceipt of proper proofs, and it does not
keep you waiting sixty days after your
loss before making payment, and docs
not discount interest for paying at once.
Tho following appears a3 a true story
iu a recent issue of the New York Mail
and Express: "The son of a well known
New Yorker left the city last summer to
make his home with an uncle who had
grown rich in tho orient. Several months
ago the family received a letter from the
uncle saying that the nephew was dead
and that tho body had been embalmed
and sent home in a sailing ship. Last
week the vessel arrived here, and the
young man's parents, attired in deep
mourning, went to receive tho remains.
A peculiarly shaped, box was delivered
to them and was removed to their home.
When the undertaker opened the chest
to give the parents a last look at the
body, it was found to contain a large
Bengal tiger. The surprised father at
once cabled to his brother in India: 'Some
mistake, Geore's body not arrived. Cof
fin contained Bcmgal tiger.' Last night
the answer was received: ,No mistake.
George inside tiger.' "
The $100,000 high school at Syracuse,
N. Y., has been condemned by the board
of health on account of defective plumb
Bi.ooiiixgton, Ills., Seit. 18, 1882.
Messrs F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O.:
Have taken Hall's Catarrh Cure. Had
catarrh all my life; am 48 years old. Had
asthma 19 years and a dreadful cough
for liye years. Have taken everything;
went to the hot springs; I have done
nothing but take medicine for 19 years.
When I commenced using Hall's Catarrh
Cure I was almost dead. I sent for the
doctor the day I got Hall's Catarrh Cure,
and I told him that I would die any way
and that I would try your medicine. I
was very bad. How I suffered for 9 years!
I could hardly breathe at times. I saw
Hall's Catarrh Cure advertised in the pa
pers and commenced taking it. I would
have been under the ground today if it
had not been for that. I have not had
one bad spell of cofiing since. Iu breath
ing my head feels well and I am well. It
has done me a thousand dollars worth of
good. Then ten of my friend, s on see
ing what it has done for me, taking it,
and it is helpiog them. I only wish that
every one who has catarrh, asthma and a
bad cough could see me, so that I could
tell them all to take it. All that know
me here know how I have suffered. (I
have been here since 1858,) and say to me
that "I am so glad that you found some
thing that could cure you." Everybody
says, "how much better you look." The
doctors say they are glad I found Hall's
Catarrh Cure as they could not cure me.
I cannot express my gratitude to you
tor the good Hall's Catarrh Cure has done
me. Yon can use as much of this letter
as will do the afflicted good. Publish it
to the whole world it is all true and
they should know it.
Joseph Chrism an,
11 ml 400 East North street.
-Silence is the sacntuary of prudence,
Kao-lml!e of Patent Ohesn and Checkerboard, ad.
TerlisInK tho rcli-hratntl hvnvltit Bloc-It Koumilu-a.
and h UKWAItlt OP fttl.AOO. If you fail t.
nixl it un tliis iiihII board call on your druKKNt foa
f IIundHotuuly Ijllhok'rapliud lnjurd, i'KKlii'
tr stud O cuii la lor pustuue to um.
From Mason Ixinn, the Convert! Gambler.
Four W A Y v R, Ind.. April 6, Is."!. I have Klven th
Syiivlm ('oiivh Block u thorough trial. Tliey euro J
my little irlrl (.1 yearn' old) of Croup. My wife and
niothe Mil-law wern troubled with roughs of Ion
RtunUiiiK-. Ono paekiiKO of tho Mocks bus curel
Uiuui nu lliey can talk "as only woiimn do." .
J.TMA. .. Jan. "i'l. 1HS7. Tho Svnvita Worm TdnxV.
nctcd liko a charm in exptilliiiK worms from my liu
tie child. Tho child l now well and hearty, Instead
ot juny und titkly us bulore.
Tho Great Kiarrhu a and Dysentery Checker.
IiKI.I'lloH. O.. July 7th. '811. Our aix-nionthu nl.t
child had u M:vero attack of hummer Coiuulaiiil.
Physicians could d.i nothing. In despair wo tried
Pynvitu It luck berry Blocks recommended by a
friend and a lew donea effected a complete cum.
Accept our heartfelt Indorsement of your l!lark
wij J.M'itn. aitt. Ji2lJ J. UAriiA
The Synvlta ltlock Remedies are)
The neatest tiling out, by far.
pleasant, 'beap Convenient, Sure,
Handy, Reliable, Harmless and l'uro.
No box: no teaspoon or sticky bottle. Put un lr
patent packages. J4. Ixisks Cents, witr-
ranted to cure or money refunded. Ask vour ilrn.r.
gist. 1 f you fail to Ket them send price to
THE SYN VITA CO., Delphos, Ohio,
tSrvUECKEIlUvAJill FltLKwitltwch OHOEIt.
' V y AND
V agon. Buggy, Mat-June and Plow i
pairing, ana general jobbing
nv now prp;irefl to do all kinds of repulrlnfi
01 X:i.nii ami oilier machinery, as thero
Is a t?"od lathe in my shop.
The old Reliable Waq;on Maker
hastaknn cHarge ot the waon snop
He Is woll known as a
Vew Waironii and Huftgrie mnde
"I'll make assuranro doubly sure and take a
Midland Gnarantee and Trust Conip'y,
CAPITAL, $300,000.
Incorporated under the Laws r.f Nebraska, and
iuiiaorii'ii in jict an j i.sitai, ana
and as Trustees for Estates, Corporations, Mu
nicipaiiiies ana individuals.
THIS Company will furnish ABSTRACTS OF
'I ITLli of Douglas. Cass, Washington and
Sarpy Counties from lull and correct set of Ab
stract ltoolis of its own. and tliiouh an organ
ized system, (copyrighted J, win perlect and
Ci LTAUAM IKK Titlks to Heal Estate.
Nathan Siifltov, Gko. I. Oiuiert,
1 resident. ico I rest.
A. C. I'owki.l, See. and
J. M. ROBINSON, Agent,
!P!L?1T2 S.70 UTJZ, 1-tf JVE7'ftslSAl.
If you are afflicted with rheumatism, neural
gia, nervous exhaustion, dyspepsia, or with dis-ea-es
of the liver, kidneyf, headache or cold
feet, swollen or weak ankles, or swollen feef, n
Abdominal Kelt and a pair of Magnetic Foot
battel ies have no Hiiperior in the relict and cure
of all these complaint. Theycarry a powerful
magnetic force to the seat I rlie disease.
For lame back, weakness of the spine, fallins
of the womb, leucoirhea, chronic inllauimatiou
and ulceration ot the womb, incidental hemor
rheRe or Hooding, painful, suppressed and ir
regular ineiisti uat ion, barrenness and chantre of
life, this Is ilio 11 est Appliance aud Curative
Apent Known.
J'rice of Supporter with Magnetic Foot ISat
terien.$io. Sent by expre- C. O, I)., and ex
amination allowed, or by mail on receipt of
price, and if not found satisfactory even after
six inont lis trial they can b, returned and mon
ey refunded. In ordering, sen i measure of wai-t
ind si.r of shoe.
They are worn over the underclothmj'. They
hold their ir, fnrevt'i:
Send ptaiuo for tho ".New Departure in Med
icai Treatment Wit liou t Medicine." with thou
sands of testimonials. Send for circulars.
Write uh full particulars aB reuarda your dilii-
culties order direct.
H'-ly 131 Dearborn St., ( hlcairo, III.
Vti CHASE'S M Rmt B2S5 7$
Ljistand crowning work of liu life, over Vuo pages
Just out. F. 11. Iiickerson & Co., Detroit, 5Iu;h.
Big Terms to Accnt. I mention this pa peri
U to be made. Cut this ou
and return to us and we
win send you iree some
thins of great value and
importance to you, that
t ill fctart you in busiues-
which will brui you more
money ribt away thau anythiiur ele in this
world. Anyone can do the wink and live at
home. Either sox ; all anes Somethinii new.
that just coins money for all workers. We will
start you ; capital not needed. This is one of
trie genuine, important chances of a lifetime.
Those who are ambitious and enterprising will
not delay. (Jraud outfit free.
Address Trlk
& Co., Augusta, Maine.
Worlii Glasses, J
e are now pre
pared to furni-h all classes with employment
at home, the whole of the time, or for their
SDare moments. I'.ii'iness new. liu'htand prof
itable. Fersons of either sex easily earn from
50 cents to $5.00 per evening, aud a proportion
al sum by devotniir all their time to the busi
ness. Hoys and girls earn nearly as nuicli as
men. Tliat all who tee thru may vend their
address and test the business, we make this
otter. To such as are not well satisfied we will
eeud one dollar to pay for the t rouble of writ
ing, h nil particulars and otiliit free. Address
Gkoizi-.k bxiNsoN & Co., forllaiid, Maine.
for infants
"Cftatoi-1 Is to well adapted to chlldrrn that
I recommend it umsuperior to any prcscriuUon
known to me." 1L A. Archer. M. V.,
111 So. Oxford 8L, llrooklyn, N. Y.
uown wiinmsn rricesi
R(i Tft 1f TTT nvnT n w m .
The "lililo Detective," $3.00
X. J. Postal tdvca Poatutro In CZNT21
Weighs from i oz. to 2510a.
rAMILY SCALES, 240 lbs., $5.'
Platform Scales, $11 to S20.
Forircs anil Biiclomltlis1 Tools."
Farmera Forirc, HIO,
Forno und lilt r Tool. MttS.
Famiura cun do odd lohg, davlni? tltno
ud moucy. Auvila. Vlaea. c. kc
Only mnnuf net ore In America
tiBlUs' Iiotlilnir tint the heat of tlliillaU
bbtiel forbwurliitftiof all Scale i
2-Ton (6x I 2) 840.
3-Ton 7x l 3) $50.
4-Ton (8x 14) tOO.
d Henm Hot niul Hrnsn Benin wit a
t ClUlll Scjlle 'do nl li..r vnr(..Mi.u I I...
aJ' TriickH, Wheellinrrou n, ;rn Sliell-
y Drawers. Clotiiea Wringers aud
all Hardware peeliiltlva. I
I B. I II.-.I .MlllM. 1 II1IV I rfMMfM Mlin.
No. 4, weight 1.HJ0 Iba., tW.
1 l-i
F1SOSI l."i TO IH.
A ln :iiitltiil !nclilne, pei
''"! 1 V llnUln d. I:iiiiiiveiiii-iit
on tin; Miii.'it inn lent. I'.link
Walnut l' ut-iiit ure. eonnilii.
int; i full hi-i of liil.eul lit.
pnived AlliK tfiwrm. War
riilileil perfect. Kit u money.
Soinl f'oi .'iionlrti-M.
Chicago Scale Co.,
15 S'..7.3: wn .s..f7 ;. . 7
iFctal Tain.
liooms over Uncli s Grocery Store,
Main Strkkt, - Iattsmoutii, Is'i:r.
Satisfaction Guaranteed in All Work.
Apr. 22, 1880.
At the creat StXouis Fulr. IRyi.he.idcd by FOKTUNE
2(M), l.y fc!ir Iliclmrd L'nd. PI It KVKLYN J0, by J.i.r.l
Wilton. UltOVK 4th l.;,7!, by The Grove Srd.
DEWSBCUV 2nd Is.'JTT, by Dolley, half brother to
Archibald. Herd numbers 275 bead. Send for prictr
Biid cuUIoeue. J. N. HAWKS,
Colony, AniI:rott Co.i Kaniuii.
Ras attained ft standard of cxccllcnco which
aulmits of no superior.
It contains ovcry improvement that lnventlvo
gtinlud, BkOLl uuj moucy can produce.
Thc20 excellent Organs are celebrated for vol
ume, quality of lone, quick reuj.oiibe, variety of com
binmi'm. altislic design, iKauty in llnitiL, perfect
coni-tructiou, making tutin tiieniobt attractive, orna
mental and d-jiraWe organs for hoiuca, BchooU,
churches, lodges, Bocietiuo, etc.
Instruction Books and Piano Stools.
Cvtlogaca and Prica lists, on applle&tloin.
V7o will
ti M for any
anr book ever uuhlUh-! coittitiein; ti
. .ii i... .1... .......
y, this one doea. Never there um. h lnrorma
tion p-athered in one Tulume for live tini.i the iriee ol
Una one, hence there ia no trouble In aclling it.
It contAina 185 paa 4?xSi. SO iliustrutionn, and
I6f'ill itaxe colored diagrams. Bound In tha
Wat Enrllfli Clotii. fur 95 Cents, one atr nt order.
loi for 9 day a, another 80 for & djiya,another6? fur S !&.,
anitlwr 400 for weeks ; one huly haa aold 7ua In a very
abort timet. Send for terina ana circular giving tuiia
if oo&taotaw
T.luaim, ln lvi i!'a-
afenQon thX patxc
1 3
pnd Children.
I Cutorta enrea Oolle, Conirtlpatlon,
1 Hour Htomuch. Diiirrhcua., JiiuctaUon,
I KU,'0"S' ivtl romoU
Without Injurious medication.
Tax Cx.vr.ica Comfaut, 1S2 Fulton Street, N. I
THE superiority of Corallno over horn
or whalebone has mow boen dem
onstrated by over six years exper
ience. It In more durable, more
pliable, more comfortable, and NEVER
Tho immense Bale of these Coroeta la
now over 7000 daily.
Beware of worthless Imitations boned
with, various kinds of cord.
None are eonulno unless "Dr. War
ner's Coralino" is printed on InaldooX
tho Btool cover.
Choicest Brands of Cigars,
including our
Flor do Popperbergo; and 'Buds.
always in stock. Nov. 20, 1885.
The 5th St. Merchant Tailor
Keeps a Full Line of
Foreign & Domestic Goods.
Consult Your Interest by Giving Uim a Cat
a COPT l TH t
ltKAiTT in I. iiook
it tri ve tb iBboawL
and llaiaat at Evan
Floartf u liraa.
diflt-reut Iclnda. A I no a,aV
the Kaawa Ralatal rilr1.
Iloa wlili Slav. Pariaal.
MaadktrckM aaaFta. It
latlieaiDil caaiflttl work
or tbe kind over puO
llhed. , fsud Flfter
Ceati In stauitia tot
a HBinpla copy, alao our
prlc to atcents. Anut
wantril tvarr'- tJ
Ttatk Itraat.Pallaa'a. Pi.
IklCRICAH PUB. CO., 17 Harth
I A Full Set f
I JI AttMbmfnta.
Circular. Q
122 N. 6 tb S U. FUll., Pa7 '
a i s
Wholesale and Hetall Dealer tn
Sliinglcs, Llath, Safli,
Can supply every demand of the trad
Call and get terms. Fourth street
In Rear of Opera House
.- - -