Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, June 16, 1887, Page 4, Image 4

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Publishers & Proprietors.
English Funerals.
Directly after the breath leaves the
bod? the window blinds, usuully inside
Venetian hhuttcrs, arc pulled down, the
windows of the room where the death
occurred being left Hlightly open, howev
er, from the top to permit the spirit to
take its celestial iliylit. This latter is an
old superstition, a very poetic one. In
the country the house door is left ajar on
the day of the funeral until after the
mourners' return. "JJecause," they say,
"to shut the door would be to shut out
the corps. To leave it open is to show a
welcome to the spirit's return." In the
country, notably in Hampshire and Hom
ersethires, the usual shrowd of the simp
ler village folk is composed of white
cotton wadding, shaped about the body
dressed in ordinary undergarmets. The
coffin is borne on tlie shoulders of friends
to the ccmetary, the other mourners fol
lowing on foot to the grav.
Naturally such customs are impractica
blc iu a city like London. Only itimate
friends, but not the more immediate fam
family, accompany the body to its burial
place. The leave taking of the family is
private. Other friends assemble in the
drawing rooms. There is no cervice
until reaching the chapel in the cemetery
whore one takes place, if at all, as suple
mentary to a final one at the grave its-elf.
Only when the deceased has been a great
public man is there service in the church
lie attended in lite, or in St. Paul's, the
Abbey, or other noted sacred edifice
This service is called a "mourning func
tiou." Memorial services, on the other
hand, for a noted man or woman may
occur simultaneously in many churches.
There are no crape- streamers on the
door knocker or bell handle, as in Phila
delphia or other cities in America. The
blinds are down, the knocker mullled,
and frequently straw is placed in the
street for half a block to deaden the
sound of vehicles. It is also an unwritten
courtesy of the neighbors to draw their
blinds on the day of the death and on
that of the funeral. Thus we know the
"King of Terrors" holds his grim, dumb
court within the house withd rawublimls
and mullled knocker.
Even in the last four years changes in
the funeral customs have taken place
Some people still rigidly keep to the old
ways. Therefore, if we should not at
first be sure of death, the presence on the
doorsteps or. two lugubrious persons
would prove it. These, relieved with
otner two at certain intervals, stami one
on each side of the door to weep until
the period shall be ended between the
death and the removal to the cemetery
These paid mourners are "mutes." Their
business is to weep, and they perform it
faithfully In solmn black garments,
hands in black gloves, broad streamers
of crane, called "weepers," about their
hats, they ply handkerchiefs to their eyes,
black-bordered and eloomy. "When there
are no passers by they discuss the local
politics or their own affairs. Directly
some one heaves in sight, up go the
handkerchiefs. The ends of their noses
are suspiciously red. One feels that gin
is the cause of such a perpetual flow of
salt water from their weak reddish eyes.
It is, despite the solemn cause of their
employment, exceedingly droll. They
look like pen and ink sketches, and their
warionet woe is ghastly in its grotesque
ncss. Strange that this custom of the
early Romans should be survived until
the nineteenth century. Many of the
Roman rites have lingered on these isles
of Great Britain, once so extensively used
as Roman encampments. "The funeral
baked meats" of sacred as well as profane
history these are still prepared. Poor,
indeed, the London family which fails
to have a banquet provided on the funer
al day for the assembled friends.
So wides-pread is the horror concerning
being burricd alive that bodies are kept
here longer than in America. It is re
garded as barbarious to keep a body less
than a week, and ten days is more fre
quently the time. Of course in cases of
contagious diseases the authorities enforce
speedy and private burial. Perhaps the
humid atmosphere is not conductive to
mortification. Certain it is that less ice
is used here, if used at all, than in Amer
ica on these melancholy occasions.
The funeral flowers are even more ex
travagantly used than in America, and
not alone white flowers, but all the deli
cate hued blossoms pertaining to the
season. Besides natural flowers quantities
of a species of everlasting white pinks
are used. These flowers come from Africa
and are called "Cape flowers, "also" wraith
flowers." They resemble in shape a
double carnation pink, and are graceful,
ghost-like blossoms. They are regarded
as lucky emblems, messages from the
spirits, and are rather a joyous garniture
than otherwise, since they are symbolic
of hope. Another floral extravagance is
in the form of composition China flow
ers made up into wreaths, crosses, anchors,
etc, whirJi arc preserved under raised
glass cr : sand are placed on the mound
in the L Vy This mound is raised
up squarely like a low bed, with a head
stone or monument at the head of the
The funeral hearse is either open at the
sides and ends or it iu closed in nuito
dark. Duriuir the last var or two a few
hearses have made their appearance with
glass sides. These are called "American
funeral carriages, "but are not popular.
flic hearse is ornamented with huge wav
ing plumes of toal black. The horses
are jet black and have tails sweeping
nearly to the ground. They also have
long, full manes which the passing breeze
during their slow measured stepping
blows lightly about. The largest and
handsomest horses are devoted to funeral
travel, both for hearses and mourners'
carriages and liverymen there are who
keep nothing else in readiness. These
horses have to be broken and trained as
laborously as though for ring riding in a
circus. Ihcir uirvers sit very hi irh un
with a black velvet pall acrons their
throne like perches. Their crape weepers
llodowu their backs from oue to two
yards from their hats. The horse' heads
are decorated with nodding plumes. The
mutes" walk behind the hearse. Lon
don Cor. Philadelphia litx onl.
Through the Suez Canal.
A writer in the Sat unlay lleciew de
scribes how the trafic along the Suez ca
ual is directed and controlled from the
office at TcrreplcLn, near Suez. The
number of ships in the canal at the same
time is sometimes very great. ' On the
Sth of December last, for example, fifteen
steamers cleared tha canal, of which seven
were outward-bound. On the previous
day nine ships cleared, and on the follow
ing day seven, so that during the 8th
some thirty ships were probably in the
canal. Sometimes there are as many as
forty, and all are completely under the
control of the French gentleman at his
desk in an upper chamber of Terreplein
The method of work is exceedingly sim
ple. Against the wall at one tide of the
room is a narrow shelf or platform, along
Inch runs a groove. At intervals this
trough or groove has deep recesses, am
at two places these recesses are of a larger
size. This trough or groove represents
the canal. The recesses are the sidings.
The larger intervals arc the Great Bitter
lake, and Timosh. "When a vessel has
been signalled and is about to enter the
canal at, saj', the Suez end, a small toy
boat or model, three or four inches long
is chosen to represent her. A group of
these model ships stands ready beside
the model canal, each furnished with
Hag. About forty haye the English flag.
ten or a dozed the French flag, and so on
with other nationalities. As the steame
comes up and her name is known
it is written on paper and placed
on the toy boat. The whole
number of ships thus actually in
the canal at any moment can be seen
at a jrlance. and as telegraphic sicual
give notice the toy boats are moved
along, or placed in a siding, or shown
traversing "one of the lakes at full speed.
Signals are sent from the office to var
ious "gares" prescribing the siding at
which each 6hip must stop to let another
meet and pass it, The official who is on
duty keeps the models moving as he re
ceives notice, taking care when perhaps
two ships going in opposite directions
are both nearing the same siding to give
timely warning to the pilots in charge
by means of the signal balls and flags at
each station under his control from the
office, and to direct which of the two is
to lie up and which to proceed. Barring
accidents, the whole arrangement goes
like clockwork; the clerk can read off in
a moment the name, tonnage, nationality,
draft and actual situation of every steam
er; he can tell what pilot she has on board,
what is her breadth of beam, what rate
she is moving at, and everytheng else
which had to be known about her, and
he is able without an effort to govern all
her movements, to prescribe the place
where she is to pass the night, and the
hour she is to get under headway in the
morning, although he does not see her
and probably never saw her in his life.
The fees which vessels pay for passing
through the canal arc often enormous.
Some of the large liners of the P. & O. of
the Orient service pay as much as 1,800
in making a single transit. For every
passenger half a napoleon, or S shillings
4 pence, is charged. Three-fourths of
the ships that go through the canal are
Shooting at Movable Targets.
There is a good deal of talk of rifle
shooting at movable targets these days.
Most people imagine that in order to hit
anything with a rifle a man must have a
solid rest and take a long aim. Such is
not the fact. The bet rifle shots at game
seldom take a rest, except at long distan
ces. After n little practice it is as easy
to hit a slowly moving object with a rifle
as a still one. The secret of all shooting
is to get your gun in the right place and
then let her go in a flash. It is quite as
easy to kill a running rabit with a rifle
as with a shotgun, but so few persons
have tried it that it is not widely known.
There are several gentlemen in this city
who'are experts with the rifle, but not
cood hunters. They shoot altogether at
targets. Lincoln Democrat.
Germany's Prince
Conflicting reports about the health of
Sermany's Crown Prince arc afloat, but it
can be surmised from them that he is in
danger. Were he to die, it would be a
misfortune. The destiny or well-being
of no people nor nation is dependent up
on a sengle man, but, for all that, tho
Crown Prince's death would create con
ditions that would lie unhappy for Ger
many and for Continental Europe. He is
a man of character and of experience
and imbued with modern ideas, more or
ess, great expectations are entertained of
lis rule, which, in the natural order of
things, were it not imperiled by disease,
should begin soon. As great as his vet
eran father has made Germany, by the
fortunate assistance of Bismarck and
Von Moltke, there is need of improve
ment. Reform in Germany could be ex
pected with the incoming of a new ad
ministration. Not wholly foreign to the
Bismarck idea, the hope in the Prince has
been that he would modify where Bis
marck has been unrelenting; that he
would mitigate where the old regime has
been typically the martinet in character
and policy. Comparatively well-ad
vanced in years, it can be individually
written iu the sense of sympathy for tho
Prince, that it would be altogether bad
for him were hejtodienow, just as his foot
is at the base to ascend a throne which
has been made so prrand and 6trong as
Germany's, Omaha Herald.
The Daughter's Room.
The cares of the sitting-rooms and
kitchens comes under the management of
the grownup portion of the family, but
every little girl from 10 years old and
upwards loves to think that her bed-room
is her very own, her special domain
where she may reisn absolutely, with
none to dispute her right. Here, then,
is tho mother s chance, if she is only ju
diciously enough to turn it to account
Encourage the little one by all means in
the belief that the room is hers hers to
beautify and adorn in any way which
her fertile little brain may advise;
hers to retire to when she wishes to be
alone, either to do stern battle with her
lessons, for, girl-like, to dream her won
derful day dreams, and hers above all to
keep in perfect order and neatness. This
knowledge will go a long way towrards
fortcrinir in the child all those elements
of character so essential in the woman,
and will be the means of making her
gradually exercise her individual tastes
and ideas, and thus acquire an interest in
domestic concerns which, under other
circumstances, he might never obtain.
Country Gentleman.
The probability that Mr. Cleveland
will make the proposed trip to Alaska
this summer . is, of course, very faint
But even if lie should go the clanger to
the country's finances would scarcely be
so great as some conspicuous journals
fear. During such a trip it is supposed
he would be out of telegraphic commun
ication for about three weeks, and during
that time the alarmists dread that "locking
up of currency" iu the treasury vaults
may produce a contraction at a time when
the president may be powerless to relieve
it. There are two ways, under present
laws, of nrevent'nsr any dangerous con
traction f the currency. One is by buy
ing bonds in the open market, and the
other is by paying interest on the bonds
before it is due. The secretary is as well
aware of the existence of these laws as he
is of the fact that the last of the 3-percent
bonds are called. He also knows
that he has power to adopt either of
these methods, whenever he chooses
without the president's direction, or even
without his knowledge. The country
has no good reason to fear that the secre
tary of the treasury lacks the judgement
and courage enough to successfully meet
all the financial perils which the country
is likely to encounter until congress meets
even though the president should be out
of telegraphic communication with
Washington for the next six months.
Globe Dem.
Some of our esteemed democratic
ccntemporaries arc trying to work up
steam against John Sherman by noting
the fact that the boys in blue and the
boys in gray that fought out the late war
are friends now and respect and love each
other very much. But John hasn't said
anything against the "boys in gray" nor
attempted to stir up "the boys in blue"
against them. Only one "boy in gray"
figures as a democratic leader, and he has
just been elected by a scratch down in
Florida to the United States senate and
will probably turn out a good fellow.
The brigadiers in gray were not "boys" in
the popular acceptation of the terra.
The balance of the democratic leaders
for the most part were careful not to
wear any uniforms of either shade during
the late upleasantness. It may be said
that Sherman is in the same category. But
then it must be remembered that John
did rcaly set out to be a soldier when the
war broke out, and was dissuaded from
the enterprise by Mr. Lincoln, whoVant
ed a good man or two in congress to
back.him there. His big brother, Tecum
seh, however, did enough fighting for the
family, and so Shhewnan is acquitted of
mugwumpery during the war. State
had a friend, but In the heat of r:t,
When iaion killed Lis nobler see of mind,
11c smote me, aud Iu tileuca worse than words
we parted.
A weary round of year went by, when came,
Like Hood tide on th angry deep, gi uat waves
Of trouble rolling onward lu our paths ;
Alike the sklea were dark fur both.
Alike the Kontle, smiling sun beamed forth.
Tkeii, after we had felt the fire of life,
Fate, chance, or God, or what you will, took up
The raveled ends of our remaining dayn.
And brought us face to face.
I met hiiu In the early dawn when mora,
Gray hooded aud with somber mien,
Looked o'er the hills upon a drowsy world.
Pale was bis face, and In LU eyes 1 saw
Few were the moments till his race was run.
He turned upon his couch, his dying couch.
ALd bade me hear the last words of his life.
Vet ere he spake bis breath forsook his lipn,
And with a gentle, winning smile, he passe d
"Int( the confines of another world"
And I rejoice he rpake not, for his smile
Was better far than idle werds.
H'lVf 11. Dickmm in Knnnas City Journal.
Faults of digestion cause disorders
of the liver, and the whole system be
comes deranged. Dr. J. II. McLean's
Strengthening Cordial and Blood Purifier
perfects the process of digestion and as
simulation, and thus makes pure blood.
In his address to the law students the
other day Ben Butler gave the coming
petty forgers an abundance of sound ad
vice from his own budget of experiences.
xVmong other things Ben told them nev
er to defend a criminal until he had
made a clean and full confession of his
guilt to his lawyer. Then he would
know how to go about the defense and
would not be liable to surprise when the
testimony came in and he should find to
his cost that his client had lied to him.
The old lawyer does not seem to grasp
fairly the idea that a man arrainged for a
crime is or may theoretically be held ie
nocent by his lawyer. If an innocent
man is indicted ho evidently considers it
a hopeless task for any lawyer to take his
case. He ouiht to have had better
Probably Ben's experience in criminal
practice has taught him that there is no
such thing in fact as the arraigmnemt of
an innocent man. The duty of the crim
inal lawyer thcreforo consists in getting
off a guilty person. This theory of But
ler's sounds brutal enough, but doubtless
it is held by most successful practitioners
in the criminal line. The prisoner, must
tell his lawyer the plain truth. State
English Spavin Liniment removes all
Hard, Soft, or Calloused Lumps and
blemishes from horses, Blood Spavin,
Curbs, Splints, Sweeney, Stifles, Sprains,
Sore and Swollen Throat, Coughs, etc.
Save $50 by use of one bottle. "War
ranted by Fricke & Co. druggists, Platts
mouth. 34-1 yr
The judicial election in Chicago re
sulted in the complete defeat of the
democratic end of the compromise ticket.
The citizens' convention, engineered by
the bar association, endorsed the republi
can nominations, bnt repudiated the
democratic candidates on the ground that
they had paid $5,000 each to the demo
cratic bosses for their nominations, and
put up three candidates in their places.
The republican candidates were elected
w ithout opposition and the citizens' can
didates were elected by a majority of
more than two to one over the democratic
nominees. The socialists and anarchists
worked for the election of the democratic
nominees, but though there was a very
light vote their support was of no avail.
The anarchist leaders have lost their grip
on chieago, and Carter Ilarrisonism is
deader than a door nail. Lincoln Jour
nal. Enjoy Life.
What a truly beautiful world we live
in! Nature gives us grandeur of mount
ains, glens and oceans, and thousands of
means of enjoyment. We can desire no
better when in perfect health; but how
often do the majority of people feel like
giving it up disheartened, discouraged
and worn out with disease, when there is
no occasion for this feeling, as every suf
ferer can easily obtain satisfactory proof,
that Green's August Flower will make
them free from disease as when born.
Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint are the
direct causes of seventy-five per cent, of
such maladies as Billiousness, Indigest
tion, Sick-headache, Costivencss, Ner
vous Prostration, Dizziness of the Head,
Palpitation of the Heart, and other dis
tressing symptoms. Three doses of August
Flower will prove its wonderful effect.
Sample bottles 10 cents. Try it. (1)
It may seem a little queer but Kapo
lani, the dusky queen of the Sandwich
islands, knows more about the United
States than our own President Cleveland.
She has traveled the continent from ocean
to ocean, visited all of its principal cities
talked with many of its representative men
and has much better idea of the greatness
of the country than the fat man who, .by
the grace of St. John and the mug
wumps, sits in the executive chair. Ga
zette Journal.
If you suffer pricking pains on mov
ing the eyes, or cannot bear bright light,
and find your sight weak and failing,
you should promptly use Dr. J. IL Mc
Lean's Strengthening Eye Salve. 25 cents
a box. 8-m3
Mi V
After Diligent Search lias at last heeii Treated, and tho
Public will not be greatly (surprised to know that
it was found at the Larye K
AVhere courteous treatment, square dealing and a Magnifi
cent Stock of Goods to select from are
responsible for my
T? n I rt i -XT' T-r rrr' c? T r rr HP r ft rj
To Consult me before Buying.
. . 1 r w . . . . . . v . - - -
Ild5 Shoporn Goods,
;k c an now offkk some
J.i Greatly Hoducod iFrices.
Ladies' Kid Button Shoes, formerly S3. 00, now $2.00.
Ladies' Kid Button Shoes, formerly $2.2o, now SI. 25.
Ladies' i'eb. Goat Shoes, formerly $2.75, now $1.75.
Ladies' A Calf Shoes, formerly $2.25, now $2.00.
Ladies' Kid Opera Slippers, formerly $1.00, now 75c.
Men's Working Shoes, formerly 1.75, now $1.10.
Choice Box of few old Goods left at less than half Cos t
Manufacturing and Repairing Neatly and
Promptly done.
It is a good while sencc the Anieri;
can eagle took such a flight as he did at
a democratic convention the other day in
Lee county Ky. It appears that one Sa
bastian, was before the convention for
nomination for the state senate, and it
was the following speech that swept the
convention like a tornado and secured
his success:
Place our banner in the hands of J. M.
Sebastian, and the future will show the
correctness of uy assertion, that high over
the thunder-riven eraigs of politics it will
float through the dark hours of strife;
and when the struggle shall have ended,
aloft over the thirty-fourth district will
its ample folds spread forth, and with
wild acclaim of joy will we see blazoned
thereon in burning letters of light the
legend of glorious triumph "Victory."
Sioux City Journal.
The quality of the blood depends
much upon gooel or bad digestion and
assimulation; to make the blood rich in
life anel strength giving constituents, use
Dr. J. II. McLean's Strengthening Cordial
and Blood Purifier; it will nourish the
properties of the blood from which the
elements of vitality are drawn. 8-m3
Plymouth Rocks,
Silver Penciled Hambnrgs,
B, B. Red Game Bantum,
S. C. Brown Leghorns,
Langshaws, .
Pekin Ducks.
Write for Prices.
Poultry Yards
- emporium
fisksii and fcui'i:iuon voovh in
11 II
UW n t
The best and unrest Bemedy for Care of
oil diseases caused by any derangement of
the Liver, Kldaeyg, Stomach jid Bowbj.
Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Conntlpatlon,
Bilious Complaints and Malaria of all kind
yield readily to tho beneficent Influence of
It is pleasant to the taste, tones np th
system, restores and preserves health. 3
It is purely Vegetable, and cannot fall to
prove beneficial, both to old and young.
As a Blood Purifier it is scperior to all
others. Sold everywhere at SI. CO a bottle.
$25,000.00 :
. 1 Premium,
2 Premiums,
6 Premiums,
25 Premiums,
100 Premiums,
200 Premiums,
1,000 Premiums,
S500.00 each
." conn n r
i, 820.OO
Tor full particulars and directions eoo Ctrc
lar In every pound of' Corrao.
l f " B can live t home and make more
if I I 1 I nioney at work for uh than at any
Villi thing ln ,his world. Capital
Villi not ' effled ; yu aro started free.
I I II I ,iotl1 sexes : all aes. Any one can
I J J do th work. Larue earnfiiKs ure
from first start. Costly outfits an
terms free. Better not delay. Cots you noth
ing to eend us your address and find out ; and
it you are wise you w ill do so at once. Address
II. Hal. lett & co., Tortland, Maine. 3clv
1 , r-