Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, June 16, 1887, Page 3, Image 3

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p ghtisuwulh Wtthlff $tnld.
Publishers & Proprietors.
, . . .
Dun Hut hv Pnnr Bacs. I
"The iUya of the market baskets are
numbered," Huid a basket deuler to a re-
"i i... . ....... r I. w mi. niiK if ,ut I
for ,rllod. Tliere uacd to be a time when
v,.r market basket.lwhkh
was carried out whenever Bupplics were to
J " I
l.,,-l,.LK..l. Wheiraman true to market
I "
now he dosr-n t take a basket alon.'. At
th first stall where he makes a purchase
11 I
Hie llWIKCUimu usm, '""S" ""n vl " I
"if the man is on a re-ular marketing
tour lie says, 'Largo bag. I lie dealer
puts the purchase in a handsome mauilla
bag three or four feet long, which will
hold as much as any ordinary market bas
ket. The bag is made of exceptionally
strong paper, and will hold the weight
of any thing you can put into it, includ
ing a half a peck of potatoes. When the
but purchase has been deposited in it the
buyer asks the dealer to tie it up. This
is quickly done, and in such a manner
that a nice cord handle'is furnished, and
no one would ever guess that the bag con
tains marketing. It looks more like a
bundle of dry goods. Every Saturday
evening you can see men going home on
the cars with these nice bundles who
would never dream of carrying a market
baskets." New York Sun.
Drunkenness, or Liquor Hbit, can
ho Cured y Administering Dr
Haines Golden Specific.
It can be given in a cup of coffee or
tea without the knowledge of the person
taking it, effecting a speedy and pcrtnan-
ent cure whether the patient is a mocV'.r-
ate drinker or an alcoholic wreck. Thous-
auds of drunkards have been made
temperate men who have taken the Gold-
en Specific in their coffee without their
knowledge, and to-day believe they quit large prices offered for birds out of wm
drinkin" of their own freewill. No ning coops, but this is not the motiye of
harmful effects rcsulU from iU adininis-
tration. Cures guaranteed. Send for
cirular and full particulars. Address in exchanges feathers and eggs; and cock
contidence Oolden Specific Co., 185 Race, erels, perhaps, aiming to graft on a good
street Cincinnati. Ohio. 33-1 y
Patents Cranted
To citizens of Nebraska during the
past week, reported expressly for The
Herald by C. A. Snow & Co., patent
lawyers, opposite U. S.
patent office,
Washington, D. C.
M. W, Leonard, Utica, Check-rower; I
C. w. Sherwood, Ulysses. Bridge; E. I
Oehrle, Omaha, Gate.
-Ask your druggist for Electricty in
a bottle. The greatest catarrh and head-
acho remedy known. 11-4
Love Triumphant. i
Omaha Girl Pa, Mr. De Sweet has
asked me to share his lot. I
Omaha Pa Where is it? J
" Within the two mile limit, fifty foot
cast front."
"Bless you, my children." Omaha
World. I
WILL YOU SUFFER with ftyspep-
sia and Liver Complaint?
Shiloh's Vi- I
talizer is guaranteed to cure you.
by Smith & Black Bros.
Miss Minna It. Pollock, of New York,
transactor and typewriter, has been ap
pointed by the board of aldermen as com
missioncr of deeds.
TThen Bab? wmm 1cV we gave ter Caitortm,
W hon h w s Child, sbe cried for Gaatoria,
W hen the boeame Miaa, ah dang to Caatoria,
TVTien a lie had Children, aha gave them Caatoria,
Dr. Martha G. Ripley is the only J
woman among the faculty of the Homoeo-I
pathic College of Minnesota at Minueapo-
so quickly cured by Mnlo s cure, we
guarantee it. Sold by Smith & Black
Bros., Plattsmouth. Neb.
Mr fliirhM received nearlv five
hundred letters about her book "Boots
and Saddles," and has answered them all.
SHILOH'S COUGH and consump-
tion Cure is sold bv us on caurantee. It
ures Consumption. For sale by
Smith & Black Bros.
It is said that Miss Courtney Barnes,
widow of John T. Raymond, will go on
the stage again. Rich as Mr. Raymond
was at one time, his widow is now with-
out funds.
sweet breath secured, by Shiloh's Catarrh
Kn,P,l. PrieenO rent- W1 TnW.
tor free. Sold bv Smith & Black Bros.
A western man took a large piece of
bad meat to an objectionable play, and
critics who saw the representation say
that the piece was strongly cast.
-r.iecmcuy in a Dottle will cure ner-
vous headache in from 3 to 10 minutes.
" or sale by all druggists.
People raine and breed chickens from
a variety of motives. There is the nor
did motive of gtiin, which divides itself
iiiiij . 1 1 & 1 1 v uiiiv.1 villi n-aa ' J (i ii. ii
money can be made by raising fowls on
tuc one nana, ami breeding tliem on tlie
other. i nc lowl raiser wlio i-cards tlic
simjly aH an eg laving machine,
I. . . - a .
"t so managed as an incubator
1 x- I !
nu ounS more ocsku, eeKsine most
1 r. . .1 II t
'ij-r, rca lUr uit-m lun
S l. I
-'r iJiS u every ay ne iiu,
"! measures their beauty and value by
the number of cr"9 they will lay. The
raisers of broilers is of his ilk and so is
. . -
tl,c fat toiler of table fowls and capons.
TheA work for the shekels and is an hon
orable business. AVc wish there were a
great deal more of it done. Then there
are fowl breeders w ho raise fow ls of pure
hrcd, and whose motive is to sell.
They have a sort of enthusiasm for their
beautiful and varied breeds, but for one
as much as the other. They go from
yard to yard and point out the fine points
of one with the same zest that they do
those of others. They breed true to
points and the standard that they may be
more or lens sure to win prizes at the
poultry shows, for the reputation of the
establishment, and the better sale of their
chickens at fancy prices. Breeders of
game fow ls breed to win. There is noth
ing sordid about their breeding. They
sell nothing; all not fully up to their
standard of excellence are killed and eat
en, though they might be sold at high
prices. The t( st is the pit, and on this
ind its influences we will not dwell.
Now there is another class of breeders,
truly called "fanciers," who have an en
thusiasm for a certain breed or group of
breeds, ami these they raise and study
and try to perfect in every way in their
power. They do not breed for money,
but for love; as an acidental reward they
may get plenty of eggs, lliey may have
the fancier. He breeds for the perfection
of his pets, corresponds, dlscusres points,
point here or eliminate a false color there,
and he rejoices in success. American
American Agriculturost: We are so
generally asked about "the cut-worm"
that it is evidently the popular idea that
there is but one insect deserving that
name, while in fact there arc halt a dozen
or more, all larvae of different species of
moth. Practically they might be regard-
ed a3 d;d nofc gome Qf them agccnd
rono o1rl , a rl .tW -i. :n th:P
Btructive work, while most of them con-
I , t j a n . r .1
nne tneir operations io tue sunace, anu
work their mischief by cutting off young
and tender plants even with the ground.
Their work is done at night, and as day-
light approaches they hide themselves in
holes in the around. Cabbaire. when
first set outj antx lettuce and other plants
of the crarden. uu to sauashes and other
Plauta of thc farm' are attacked by them.
Growing muskmelons and watermelons
for northern markets is now an important
industry in the southern states, especially
within easy reach of the shipping ports,
some hundreds of acres being occupied
bv watermeloms alone. The crrower of
melons, as well as of cabbages, etc., finds
that his ereatest obstacle to success is in
the attach of cut-worms. Various de
vices have been proposed to ward off
their attacks, but among these none ap
pear to bo so sensible or so effective as
that devised by Dr. A. Oemler, author of
"Truck Farming for the South." - Dr,
Oemler kills off the cut-worms before the
plants appear. Upon his watermelon
fields he sets poison traps at about fifteen
feet apart each way. These "traps" are
cabbage or turnip leaves, w hich have
been moistened on the concave side and
then dusted with a mixture of Paris green
with twenty parts of flour. These leaves
are piacca over the field, poisoned side
down, at the distance above stated, be-
fore tlie piant3 appear. What follows?
The joct0r facetiously says: "Two such
aPl,uc,lwuus' F"""""
i. - . I. i r J
er' ,mcrvsi" ol ",ree ur luur u;,Js'
will sumce to allow the cut-worms to
make away with themselves, which they
J generally do with perfect success."
One of the surest means of obtaining
fair prices for produce is by packing it
in clean and attractive boxes, baskets, or
Especially is this true of fruit.
Strawberries, raspberries, blackberries
ctc- packed in dirty, stained and broken
crates, are 6ure to net you very little. No
matter ho!? attractive, fresh and palata
ble fru tbe SO? r
couumon ox iue pacKage wmcu contains
I Avill add or detract from its value, a.
I XT 1 i- 1 , 1
luc case may oe, rrooaoiy poorpacKing
I in unattractiye boxes etc., has had more
I to do with the low prices of produce than
I any other cause, except poor fruit and
I vegetables. Try our plan of using clean
crates and packinz the best fiuit attract
ively. and see if vonr net srain is not suf-
firiont tn 11 rowarrl von for ih t;n..
I spent Our Country Home.
Dr. A. G. Chase, of Leavenworth coun
ty, Kansas, who has all his life been a
close observer of all matters immediately
connected with the rearing of swine, is
persuaded that it is bad policy to have
them pastured in orchards, and says:
"Fifteen years ago this was taught and
practiced by many, and as a result I can
show you some of the worst wrecks iu
what were fine orchards. Last fall I saw
Mie boys digging out some large dead
trees at one I have in mind, where the
trees were about twenty-five years old.
The father while lie lived (and the prac
tice began with him) was a very careful
and enthusiastic hoiticulturiit. For three
or four years the boys followed his ex
ample, turning fifty to seventy-five hogs
in to keep the clover down and pick up
the windfalls. The hogs were probably
lousy (as is very common here), and with
many trees the bark was rubbed through
to the wood. A few were nearly girdled
by this rubbing. A short time since I
asked an intelligent German if he pastured
hogs in his orchard of 1,000 trees. 'No.
sir; I would soi n have no orchard, if I
did,' was his reply, and this fairly repre
sents the sentiment of our orchardists."
Our Country Home.
I am aware that the Bronze turkey is
recommended on account of its being bu g
cr than the common herd, but are these
larger ones more profitable to thej feeders
of them? Will they take on more llesh
in a given time with the same amount of
feed? We do know that it requires care
and plenty of feed to fatten young "Toms"
for Thanksgiving, and even at Christmas
we see more half-fat th .n fat ones, and
the extra large Toms that wo see at New
Year's are generally those that have seen
several winters. Would it not prove
more profitable to improve the common
herd and have them well fattened, even
sooner than Thanksgiving, when they sell
for a good price, thus saving feed and
the risk of losing them? C. W. J. in
Our Country Home.
Bloom ixgton. Ills., Sept. 18, 1S8?.
Messrs F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. :
Have taken Hall's Catarrh Cure. Had
catarrh all my life; am 48 years old. Had
asthma 19 years and a dreadful cough
for five years. Have taken everything;
went to the hot springs; I have done
nothing but take medicine for 19 years.
When I commenced using Hall's Catarrh
Cure I was almost dead. I sent for the
doctor the day I jot Hall's Catarrh Cure,
and I told him that I would die any way
and that I would try your medioine. I
was very bad. How I suffered for 9 years!
I could hardly breathe at times. I saw
Hall's Catarrh Cure advertised in the pa
pers and commenced taking it. I would
have been under the ground today if it
had not been for that. I have not had
one bad spell of coffing since. In breath
ing my head feels well and I am well. It
has done me a thousand dollars worth of
good. Then ten of my friend, s on see
ing what it has done for me, taking it,
and it is helpiog them. I only wish that
every one who has catarrh, asthma and a
bad cough could see me, so that I could
tell them all to take it. All that know
me here know how I have suffered. (I
have been here since 1858,) and say to me
that "I am so glad that you found some
thing that could cure you." Everybody
says, "how much better you look." The
doctors say they are glad I found Hall's
Catarrh Cure as they could not cure me.
1 cannot express my gratitude to you
for the good Hall's Catarrh Cure has done
me. Yon can use as much of this letter
as will do the afflicted good. Publish it
to the whole world it ia all true and
they should know it.
Joseph Christian,
11 ml 406 East North street.
Adviceto a Young Man.
Burdette: My son, you must overcome
a difficulty as you would spilt a gnarled
piece of wood; strike square at the knot
It looks to be the harder way to get at it,
but it is the easier and shorter way. It
will take you all day to split a tough old
knot, and then after you have wasted the
day and wrenched the ax-handle and
sprained your wrist and have twisted and
turned and pounded and chipped away
all the rest of the chunk, there will the
knot be still, hard and sound and tough
as ever it was, and eyer so much harder
to handle, because you have no way of
getting at it. You will never split it now.
It will take you a lifetime to overcome a
bad habit if you go at it by degrees and
just try to chip away the easy edges of it.
The chilly water in the ford will not
grow the warmer because you stand on
the bank and shiver, unless you are going
to stand there until next summer, and by
that time you won t care to cross. You'll
never be an early riser if you roll over
lor just one more catnap after the alarm
calls you. You'll never quit lying
by "pruning" your extravagance of
speech. And I don't know, but I am
pretty certain that you won't quit drink
ing by shutting off one drink every week
You are so apt to lose your count, don't
you see? In fact, the only way to do
anything is to do it, and you neve'r knew
a man who accomplished a thing by not
doing it. There is only one thing, my
boy, that a man can successfully accom
plish by general evasiveness and lazy
negleet. He can go to the devil: he can do
this with greater ease and less exertion
than he can do anything else iu the world,
and he can do it a-whooping, too. If
that is all you want to do you might lie
down and go to sleep again; you'll "get
there, Eli."
Itch, Prairie Mange, and Scratches of
eycrykind cured in 'M) minutes, by Wool
ford's Sanitary Lotion. Use no other.
This never fails. Warranted by. F. G.
Frickc Si Co., druggists, Plattsmouth,
Nebraska. lil-lyr
THE superiority of Corallne over horn
or whalebone has mow been dem
onstrated by over elx years experience-
It la more durable, more
pliable, more comfortable, and NEVER
The immense sale of these Corsets la
now over 70OO dally.
Beware of worthless imitations boned
with various kinds of cord.
None are genuine unless Dr. War
ner's Coralino is printed on inside ol
the steel cover.
257 & 259 State BtrMt,
4 XV
Wagon, Buggy, MaclUns and Plow re
pairing, and general jobbing
fv now prepared to do all kinds of repairing
of farm and other machinery, as there
Is a good lathe in my shop.
The old Reliable Wagon Maker
has taken charge ot the wagon snop
He Is well known as a
New Wagons and HussIas made t
"I'll make assurance doubly sure and take a
Mifliaiiu Guarantee anil Trust Comn'y.
CAPITAL, ?300,000.
Incorporated under the Laws of Nebraska, and
authorized t act as r i ;A l. ana
and as Trustees for Estates, Corporations, Mu
nicipalitiea and individuals,
THIS Company will furnish ABSTRACTS OF
I ITLH of IlonubiB. C:ixs. Washington and
Sarnv Counties from lull and correct set i.f Ab
stract ISooks of its own. and ttiraui;!! an organ
ized system, icopyriiMited . win perlect una
(iUAluMKKTlTLK.t to lieal Kstate.
Nathan Shki.tov, Cko. I. Cii.heht,
President. Vice Prest.
A. C. PowKi.L, See. and Tre;:s.
J. M. ROBINSON, Agent,
SntTJSMOUTJf, 1-tf .-'E7Jli?i6K?l.
Send one dollar in currency, with siz of sloe
usually worn ai.d try a p:iir of our Magnetic
IiihoIcs for eolil feet, and bud cir
culation They are the inot powerful made in
the world. '! he wearer feels t'.ie warmth, life
and rr-vitalization in three minutes alter put
ting them on. Sent by return mail upon receil.t
ofjiiico. Send your i-ddress for the "New De
parture in Medi.;al Treatment wi;hoiit Mcdi
cillP." with thousands of tei-tiniou als. Write
us full particulars of dilliculties.
Our Magnetic Kidney I'.elts for gentlemen
will positively cure the following diseases with
out luedieiim": Pain in the back, heiid or limbs,
nervous debility, lumbago, general debility,
rheumatism, paralysis, lieumluia, sciatica, dis
ease of the kidneyx. torpid liver, seminal einis
slone. iaipoteney. heart disease, dyspepsia, in
digestion, hernia or rupture, pile's, etc. Con
sultation free. Price of Celt, wi.h Magnetic
Insoles. Sio. Sent by expre C. . 1). or by re
turn mail upon receipt of price. Send measure
of waist and izo of shoe worn. Send forcircu -lars.
Order direct.
Note. Tin above described Kelt wih In
sole is warranted to positively cure chronic
cases of seminal emissious and impoteney or
money refunded, even after one yearV trial.
47 ly 131 Dearborn S.t.. Chicago. i:i.
Last and crowning work o Ins life, over 7uO pages
Just out. F. B. Ijickeesos & Co., Detroit, Jlich.
Bis Terms to Agents, vestios TmspAFsal
wllicll U'ili lirinir vnn mnra
monpy riuht away than anything eUe in thu
world. Anvone can do the woik and live at
I'.ome. L'ilfier sex ; all i?et Something new.
that just coins n.obey for all workers. We wdl
start you ; capital not needed. This Is one of
the genuine, important chances of a lifetime.
Those who are ambitious aud enterprising will
Dot delay. tJrand outfit free. Address Tkub
& Co,, Augueta, Maiue. soly
f S JX
I I 1 f to be made. Cut this r.u
I I Rl I If and return to u and we
I I III I" V? wil1 s?n1 vou free some
I 1 I vl I I tiling of great value and
I I I B I I importance to you. that
1 Km B Will .tiil-t vnn ffl hlUin.ff.
for Infants gnd Children.
Castorla is no well adapted to children that I Cantor! cur Colic, Cowrttpfitlon,
I recommend it as superior to any prescription I Pour Ktomach. Diarrhea, ILrueUtlon.
laiowu to me." II. A. Aimuer, M. I)., I ,0' K'VU Blecp' "umoU
111 So. Oxford L, Urookljra, N. V. Without injurious medication.
Tux CzNiMua Compact, 1S2 Fulton Street. N. Y.
Down With High Prices!!
Sold Direct to Consumers. ,
Tho "little Detective," $3.00
lu D. Postal irlvoa Postage In CENT
Weighs from M oz. to 23 ltja.
FAMILY SCALES, 240 lbs., $5.'
Platform Scales, $11 to $20,
Forges and BiacFsmiths' Tools.
I'nrmrra' I'orife, !.
Form und Kit of Tool. 823.
Knner enn lo odd tubs, navlni? UiuQ
UU niuuey. AuvlU. VInea. to.. Jcc.
Onlr mniinf'ifOiropa In A n.u.fn.
T;8tn,' liolliln-lint the Lent of JlukIIoU
Ki.o1 for luurliiKS of u!l Nculeg:
2-Ton (Ox I 2) S40.
3-Ton 7x1 3) S50.
a llonm TSo mill llrnnn Bourn with
1- i iii li tM iilc.'Hjoi lo r VHrli'tlei. Also,
- Triii'kN, VVIn-i lliurroWH, Corn SIikII
r its, Kreil MIIIh. .iy ITi-m.vh. Moll
. ey I ru we? b. ( lo( Ih h W'rluyurs and
till Hardware fci iaulllcn.
Ku. 4, weight l.HXJ lbs., 50.
ncost tfO.1 TO SI 8.
A liouitlful Machine, per
fTtly llniKhi-d. Improvi-im-nt
onthii bluei r imtteni, llln. t
Walnut. I'u nil I lire, coniHiii
Iiik a full K l of laical lin
iin.vcd Attui Itinrntt. War
ranted perfeet. Save money.
KoikI lor CirculnrH.
Chicago Scale Co.,
151 SJiJFcr8tm St..(lt icrn r-
Ilooins over Bach s Grocery Store,
Mais Stiu;kt, - Plattsmouth, Nki:.
Satisfaction Guaranteed in All Work.
Apr. 22, 180.
At the preat Ft.Tiuia Falr.l-'S.'i.lioa.led by FOKTCSE
it!, by t?ir liichard 2nd. PI It KVELTS 0 0, by I.or.1
Vilton. GltoVB 4th l.i.Vi, by Tbe Grove 3rd.
DEWSBTJUV 2nd Ls.'.CT. by Iiollcy, half brother to
Archibald. Herd numbers 2T5 bead. Fend for prlcer
and catalogue. .J. N. IJAWI'S,
Coluuy, Andcmou Co., OjjLtxasuu
Has attained n standard of excellence which
Udmita of no nuperior.
Itcontains every Improvement that lnventlvo
genius, h if i l l tuid money cuu produce.
These excellent Orsana are celebrated for vol
ume, quality of tone, cjnick response, ariety of com
bination, anii-tic Oe?iT!, beauty in liniiib, perfect
conetruction, n-.akiriij them the inoet attractive, orna
mental and deeirubie organs for homes, school),
Churchea, lodges, societies, etc.
Instruction Books and Piano Stools.
Catalogues and Price Lasts, on application,
We will give $100.00
for any book erer published containing
the valuable information, for the mon-
er, this one does. Never there so much tnfoi ma
tlon (fathered in one volume for five times the price ot
this one. hence thore la no trouble in Mllliur It.
It contains 185 pareM4- 3 O illustrations, and
16 full paere colored diagrams. Bound in tbe
best Ensrlish Cloth, for 95 Cents. One aennt order
IjO for V days, anot her 80 lur 5 .anotiwr 6 for S days,
another 400 lor 6 wtrki ; one lady has sold 700 in a very
short Una. Bend tor terms and circular giving tahla
Keattoh tldj popec
mmm Mil.
r- ! r - : . .
r . , . -. : .. - - -...
''''"''"i. FORTUNE 2080-1
sxcrer WvMmi YEABS
h&i&r s5T3ona H9nOO "EtL4
4SM30"ia H9nOO
Kao-fdmllo of Patont ChPos ftn1 Checkorboard. ad.
TtrtiHlii' lh reh'hrutcd riynvlta Uloek ltunnll
and a Kt:V.ltl OK Hl.ftOO. If you fail to
Und It on this ninull board eall on your driiKKInl for
full-Hiici). llandHoiiiuly LltlmxrHpliud Uoard, t' UHlifi
VI uenU O cents lor oHtuue to us.
From MnHon Iajiik, tho Converted ;aaiblor.
Fht Wayne, I rid.. April 5, 1W-4. I havo xivon thn
Byovita Couuli liloeksu tliorouxli trial. '1'lier cured
my little (orl (: yi-ars' old) it (,'rotiu. My wife and
mother-in-law were trfiutded with couK'is of lontf
stiindiiiK. Ono puckno of the ltloeks tins curuu
tneui bo tliuy can talk
' rmoiiIv women do."
I,IfA,().,Jiin., 1SH7- The Hynvlta Worm Tilock
acted like a harm In crpellini worms from my lit
tle chilil. Thu ehild Is now well aud hearty, luntoaJ
of puny aud sickly as before. -A
JonN G. Robbinbon. A
The Great Dlarrhma and DjrHcntery Vherker.
IiKi.riioH, O., July 7th, "W,. Our slz-nionths old
child hud a Hevere attack of Hummer Complain!.
I'hyHirluiiH eonld do nothing. In dusualr wo trlod
Hynvitu Uluekberry Hloeks reoommeiidel by a
friend arul a few doses effected a complete euro.
Ai-ci.nt our lo'iirt fult IndorHement of vour Hlaeko
berry lllocka. Mil. AM) Mud. J. UAaitLXr.
The Synrlta Hlock Itemedles are
The neateHt thlnif out, by far.
IMi'HHant, Cheap, Convenient, Sure,
Handy, Heliuble, iiaruilens and Pure.
No box: no tPBHpoon or sticky bottle. Put op Im
patent packings. A Iomkh ICO Cbntm. War
rantud to cure or money refunded. Ask your drun
giat. If you lail to Ket them send price to 1
THE SYN VITA CO., Delphos, OhloJ
Choicest Brands of Cigars,
including our
Flor do Pepporbergo': and 'Buds.
always in stock. Nov. 20, 1885.
The 5th St. Merchant Tailor
Kcctis a Full Line of
foreign 4 Domestic Goods.
Consult Vour Intercut by Giving Him a Cai
Jt gives the LM6UUt
and (istlsitst Cwv
Flowtr ass Ikrsk, 30U4I
tliiU-rent kinds. Alto aA
the Ksovs Rsltisl FllrU.
Iloa wuli Clsvt, Psratol.
Hasdkercsltl s Ft. U
ih the sim I cesipltts work
of tbe kind tvt-r pub
lished. . Keud Flfteea
Oata In lUuiit tut
a nauiple copy, also our
prt to atrents. Age-uU)
waiu-d vcrvvhsr. Ad.
Tests StrMt.Psilst'a.P.
M r- DAYS, TKlAJu.
A Fall Het of
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E. C. HOWE fc COT .
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Can supply every tlemaml of the trad
Call and get terma. Fourth street
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