V FLATTSMOUTIY "WEEKLY TfEKALP, THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 1887. o I ( r 1! i' 2 I I t i ,r . A Chapter on Cum-ChewlDg I From tbe Chicago Journal. Said a young man: "I vrafi n a North Side car todny when a peculiar accident occurcd. A b j of young girU from 10 to 20 years of ago boarded the car at CliLBiiut place evidently school girl. They were all richly attired, evidently daughter of wealthy parents, all laugh ing and chattering and, I am ashamed to say, all chewing gum. Suddenly one choked and gueped, rolled her eyes, and was frantically alappcd on the back by her companions. I, in common with the ret of the panscngers, Hupponcd the poor creature was buffering from a fit of some kind. Suddenly she coughed violently and dislodged te difficulty. She had gotten her gum lodged in her throat, and caiiie near choking to death. Why will girls and women persist in indulging in such a filthy habit in public? If they must chew, why not confine the operation to the privacy of their own domains? Is there a more disgusting sight than to see a woman chewing gum on the street or in any public place! I have neon old women who might be grandmother wag ging their almost toothless jaw on a piece of black-jack or taffy tolu, or some other equally obnoxious brand. If our young men would baycott the gum chewcri, it would be a good thing. It is not quite ns bad as chewing tobacco, but very nearly so. Drunkenness, or Iicuor Habit, oan ba Cured Hy Adminitriny Dr. Hainan' Golden Specific It can be giveu in a cup of coffeo or tea without the knowledge of the person taking it, effecting a speedy and perman ent cure, whether the patient is a moder ate drinker or an alcoholic wreck. Thous ands of drunkards have been made temperate men who have taken the Gold en Specific in their coffee without their knowledge, nnd to-day believe they quit drinking of their own free will. No harmful effects result from its adminis tration. Cures guaranteed. Send for cirular and full particulars. Address in confidence Golden Specific Co., 185 Race street, Cincinnati. Ohio. 33-ly Sir Charles Dilke has started a pro found sensation in England by'publishing an elaborate article, in which he shows that the great ports of England are prac tically defenseless, and that England could be invaded by such a fleet as any first class power could send against her. As Sir Charles Dilke is one of the best posted authorities in England on the sub ject of Arliich he writes, and as he adduces a most formidable array in support of j these and other startling propositions re garding the vulnerability of England, his showing produces no little alarm and excitment. Souix City Journal. Ask your druggist for Electricty in a bottle. The greatest catarrh and head ache remedy known. 11-4 Those who declare that there is no principle just now which is distinctive in either of the two big parties will learn that this reproach can not do duty more than a few months longer. The tariff agitation which is sure to begin when Congress meets will drive all of the free traders out of the Republican party and all the protectionists out of the Democ racy. Already many of the Southern Democratic protectionists are packing their grips and starting for the Repub lican camp. Globe Bern. 'When Bbr wm alca, we gave her Caatoria, 'When ah. waa a Child, she oried for Gastoria, When she became Hut, ahe clang to Caatoria, When ahe had Children, ahe gara them Caatoria, A fire at the Hamburg docks des troyed a great deal of shiping and other property. SLEEPLESS NIGHTS, made misera ble by that terrible cough. Shiloh's Cure is the remedy for you. Sold by Smith & Black Bros. Republic County, Kan., defeated the Rock Island bonds proposition on Tues dav. For lame back, side or chest, use Shiloh's Porous Plaster. Price 25 cents Sold by Smith & Black Bros. A passenger rate war between the Alton and Wabash is predicted in Chicago. CROUP, WHOOPING COUGH and Bronchitis immediately relieved by Shil loh's cure. Sold by Smith & Black Bros Intcscsted roads are calculating upon hauling 2,000,000 tons of iron ore out of the Gogebic section this season. SniLOIFS VITALIZER is what you need for Consumption, loss of Appetite Dizziness and all symptoms of Dyspepsia Price 10 to 73 cents per bottle. Sold by Smith & Black Bros. The music fight has finally ended in the United Presbyterin assembly at Phil abelphia. ' Electricity in a bottle will cure ner vous headache in from 3 to 10 minutes. .For sale by all druggist, 11-4 FARM COLUMN. KEEP OXE KIM) No one but a fancier should keep sev eral breeds of fowls. Let the farmer choose that breed which gives him the most pleasure to cars for and, u a rule, the money received goes far towards that end. The breeds that are exhibited in the largest numders and in accordance with the popular demands are the Light lirah mas, Wyandottcu and Plymouth Rocks, with an increasing interest for Dark Brah inas and White Plymouth Rocks. A far mer makes no mistake if his taste leads him to select cither of the tine kinds named; all lay dark, desireable eggs for the market, and all are good, genuine poultry. Remember, in these days, the specialists are the ones that get a reputa tion and make money; but, in this case, the grand secret is that with one kind the breeder finds out the po-s.bilities of the breed, soon learns it thoroughly, the breed improves in his lunula, his strain becomes noted, he derives an added pleusuJe in handliug and his pocket-book grows fat Exchange. A night pasture is the thing for the cows. Have ono handy and keep it for years. The cows will make it rich, and seed scattered over it early in the spring will renew the sward. The seed might be covered witli a harrow arid this would be good for the grass. A good scratch ing of the surface would spread the ma nure and start up things afresh. New idea, but a good one. Our Country Hume. A pig should never be allowed to stup growing; in fact, that rule holds good during its entire life. A poor, mangy pig is of no value; close confininent in filth and dirt will check the growth, how ever generous the feed; but, if 'starved at the same time, it would be a mercy to both pigs and owner to send them to the manure pile. If your hogs begin to cough, look out for malignant lung troub les. If they mope and lie about their beds, intestinal difficulties may be suspect ed. Plenty of pure air, pure water and varied food will help scare away malig nant disease. Our Country Home. SALT IX THE GARDEN. Thirty years' successful use of salt up on all kinds of crops has proved its value to me. It should not be used on cold, heavy or moist soils, and, if anyone does, he will be disappointed in the result, as its tendency is to keep the ground cool and moist. It will do such soil more harm than good. It should not be cast upon very young and tender plants of any kind, as it will be very sure to kill them. Judgment should be employed in using so strong an agent. I had a friend who heard me recommend salt on onion beds, when I strictly urged that it should be dragged or worked in before the seed was sown; but, forgetting what I said, he did not salt until the onions were about two inches high, and it killed them all; but sowing another crop properly it turn ed out splendidly. Had he waited until the tops were as big as a large pipe stem, he might have covered the ground an inch deep and his onions would have done finely. Onions should be sown on the same ground year after year, as they con tinue to improve. There are yards a hundred years old, and their yield would astonish the common grower. The tops when cut off should be scattered over the ground (do not leave them in lumps), as they make the best food for the growing onions; then sow salt, and then put on a coat of manure. Salt is hot much of a fertilizer in itself, though plants take it up, as you can tell by tasting and by the stiffening and glazing of straw of a plant grown in salted ground. I think it acts upon and assimilates the gross matter in the soil, so as to make it available food. It should be in every garden. C. Ilrwitt, in IlorVl Times England.) CROSS-BItEEDING HOGS. Many farmers get the idea that they can raise better hogs by combining the good qualities of two or more breeds. In accordance with this view they one year use a poland boar, the next a'Berk- shire, and the next, perhaps, a Jersey red. Some even go as far as to have a rotation of the hog crop by beginning with the first and going through the series again. Little, if anything, is gained and much is lost by this practice. The hogs are not uniform in size, form, color, appearance, or in ability to fatten. When a man comes to sell them he cannot offer an even lot of hogs, cimilarly fine in all re spects. The buyer is not so well pleased when he sees them as he is by an even lot of any one bred. Another important point is developed whenthe farmer comes to pick out young sows for the next year's breeding. If he has bred evenly he tan get an even lot of sows the best suited to his idea of a type of that breed, and a boar can be chosen that will suit alL Where mixing has been indulged in tbe sows chosen will represent several types and the boar can be well adapted to only a few of the sows. A man gets some inspiration for better breeding, if h has bred to a "type always carried in his mind," and annually rejroduccd in the pcu with increasing accuracy. 1 here is, of course, something to be said on the other side breeding too line, or breeding in and in to establish or pre serve a type. For the practical produc lion oi none mere is no neeu ot doing fancy breeding. So many raisirs of the standard breeds can be found within short journey of almost any farmer that he need not lack for a boar mike similar to his "type," without breeding to ouo closely related. Prairie Farmer. The Cheyene Tribune tell.- of a Texas paper which offers a horned frog to each subscriber who pays in advance, but be lieves the offer to be misleading, as the toad does not comu to lucky parties in the form of a toad. The deceiving pa per sillily forwards four lingers of the lipuid conflagration consumed in Texas, an I in the subsequent menagerie the sub scriber must take his chances of finding a horned toad in the cage with the sn ike. Such double dealing is unworthy the press of even the extreme frontier. B(.OOM!XOTOV, Il.F.S., SiCPT. 18. IsS'i. M.ssrs F. J.Cheney fc Co., Toledo, ().: Have taken Hull's Catarrh Cure. Had catarrh all my life; am 48 years old. Had asthma 11) years and a dreadful cough for ti ye years. Have taken everything; went to the hot springs; I have done nothing but take medicine for li) years. When I commenced using Hall's Catarrh Cure I was almost dead. I sent for the doctor the day I jot Hall's Catarrh Cure, and I told him that I would die any way and that I would try your medicine. I was very bad. How I suffered for U years! I could hardly breathe at times. I saw Hall's Catarrh Cure advertised in the pa pers and commenced taking it. I would have been under the ground today if it had not been for that. I have not had one bad spell of colling since. In breath ing my head feels well and I am well. It has done me a thousand dollars worth of good. Then ten of my friend, s on see ing what it has done for me, taking it, and it is helpiog thorn. I onlT wish that every one who has catarrh, asthma and a bad cough could see mo, so that I could tell them all to take it. All that know me here know how I have suffered. (I have been here since 1858,) Lindsay to me that "I am so glad that you found some thing that could cure you." Everybody ys, "how much better you look." The doctors say they are glad I found Hall's Catarrh Cure as they could not cure me. I cannot express my gratitude to you for the good Hall's Catarrh Cure has done me. ion can use as mucn ot tins letter as will do the afllicted good. Publish it to the whole world it is all true and they should know it. Josevu Chkisuax, 11 ml 400 East North street. The Emperor of Brazil is still in feeble health, although the contrary is asserted by the court physicians. A young lady fourteen years old, six and one-half feet high and weighing 2S0 pounds, is a regular visitor to Modale. Mexican uslang Linimenf CUBES Sciatica, Lumbago, kheumatism. Barns, Scolds, Stings, Eite3, Bruises, Enniona, Corns, Scratches, Sprains, Strains, Stitches, Stiff Joints, Backache, Galls, Sores, Spavin Cracks. Contracted Muscles, Eruptions, Hoof Ail, Screw Worms, Swinney, Saddle Galls, Files. THIS COOD OLD STAND-BY accomplishes for everybody exactlyjrtiat la claimed for It One of the reasons for the great popularity of the Hustnng Liniment Is found in Its universal applicability. Everybody needs such a medicine. The Lumberman needs It In case of accident. The Housewife needs it for general family use. Th e Cannier needs it for his teams and his men. The Mechanic needs it always on his work bench. The Miner needs It in case of emergency. The Pioneer needs It can't get along without It. The Farmer needs It in his house, his stable, and hi stock yard. The Steamboat man or the Boatman needs It In liberal supply afloat and ashore. The Horse-fancier needs it It is his beet friend and safest reliance. The Stock-grower needs It it will save him thousands of dollars and a world of trouble. The Railroad man needs It and will need It so long as his life Is a round of accidents and dangers. The Backwoodsman needs It. There Is noth ing Uko it as an antidote for the dangers to Ule, limb and comfort which surround the pioneer. The Merchant needs it about his store among his employees. Accidents will happen, and when these come the Mustang liniment is wanted at once. K.ee Bottle la the House. Tls tho best of economy. Keep a Bottle In the Factory I U Immediate use in case of accident saves pain and loss of wages. Keep Bottle Always la tho Stable for sae when wanted. . cEijEBRAraVTScvy T HE superiority of Corallno over horn or whalebone has 'now been dem onstrated by over eix yoara exper ience. It is more durable, more pliable, more comfortable, and NEVER BREAKS. Tbe immense sale of these Corsets 13 now over 7000 daily. Beware of worthless imitations boned with various kinds of cord. None are genuine unless "Dr. War ner's Coralino" is printed on Inside ot the steel cover. T03 SALS BY ALL LEADING MERCHANTS. . 259 Etato Strest, CAGO, ILL. ROBERT DONNELLY1 "W-A.O-02ST AND BLACKSMITH 4&r c-c3rr--7 -J l ' L- , Wagon, Buggy, MacJUne and Plow re pairing, and general jobbing 8v now prepared to rto all kinds of repalrinc oi farm and other machinery, as there is a good lathe In my shop. PETEli IiAUEN. The old Reliable Wagon Maker has taken charge oi the waon stjcp He Is well known as a NO. 1 WORKMAN. 8ATI8KAOTION fJUARVT "I'll make assurance douWy nuro and take a uonu. Miliaiiii Guarantee and Trust Coiru'y, CAPITAL, $300,000. Incorporated under the Laws r.f Nebraska, and auuiorizeti i at:r a r I A I. ana Tl! AN J: tl Alt KNTSS, and as Trustees for Kstates, Corporations, Mil nicipiilitiee and Individuals, -THIS Cnrvpaiy will furnish AliSTKACTS OF irn.K ill Doiijja. Cass, Washington and Sarin' Counties from lull ai:d correct set i,f Ab stract Hooks of its own, and tlirou.u'li an organ ized system, feopvrilited , will perfect and IjUauaM'K TliLts to Ileal Kstale. Nathan Shf.ltov, OlOO. I. OlI.l'.KKT. Y:ce I'rt st. l'resiilent A. O. I'owkm,, See, ind Tre;. J. M. ROBINSON, Agent, m COLD FEET! Send one dollar in currency, with size of shoe usually worn and try a pair of out Masrnetie Indoles for rheumatic r, cold feet and bad cir culation. 'Ihey are the most powerful made in the world. '1 he wearer feels the warmth, life and r- vitalization in three intimites after put ting them ou. Sent by return mail upon receipt of pi ice. Send your address for the "New De parture in Medieal Treatment without Medi cine." yith thousands of tcHtinion als. "Write us full particulars of ddhculti.-s. Our .M: enetie Kidney Hells for gentlemen will posi: iveiy cure the following i!i-c:ses wit h oui medicine: Pain in the back, head or limbs. nervous debili'v. iumb;i''. ireneird debility. rheumatism, paralysis. iienr;ilt:ia, sciatica., dis eases of the Kidneys, torpid liver. seminal emis sion, in. potency, heart disease, dyspepsia, in - difrestion, herLia or rupture, piles, etc. Con sultation free. 1'rice of l'eli. wiih Magnetic Insoles. SiO. Sent by express C. . l. or br re turn mail upon receipt of price. Send m easure of waist and size of shoe worn. Send forcircu -lars. Ord r direct. Xotk. The above described Holt wi'h In o!os is warranted to positively cure chronic cases of seminal emissions and" impoteiicy or money refunded, even after one yearV trial. THK 3I.4(iXETIC A PHI.IAX E CO-, 17 ly 131 Hearborn St.. Chicago. 111. Sit. CHASS'S M USE? SSSS "S? Lastandcrownini? work ot his life, over 7J paea Just out. F. B. I;ickersos & CO., Detroit, Jlich. Bis Ternv to Agents, mention TiiisAPEal which will bnr.i; vou more money rk-ht away than anything ebe in this world. Anyone can do the work aid live a' home. Kither sex ; all '-'es Something new. that just coins n.oney for all workers. We w;l! st irt you ; capital not needed. This is one of thetienuine. important chances of a lifetime. Those who are ambit ions and enterr-r'sin will not delay. Grand outfit free. Address Tuvk Co., Augusta, Maine. sciy To Newspaper Publishers. "Te Lave 73 pounds of good bourgeois type, which we will sell for 20 cents per pound, also 230 pounds nonparicl type, for 23 cents per pound, and 50 pounds long primer, for 30 cents per pourd. Itch, Prairie Mange, and Scratches of eyery kiDd cured in 30 minutes, by Wool ford's Sanitary Lotion. Use no other. This never fails. Warranted by, F. G. Fricke & Co., druggists, Plattsmouth, Nebraska. " 34-lyr H fi ft B I 1 f to he made. Cut this ou li fi I I M2 1 if an return to us and we III! I I v 8 U will send you free soine l"'S I I ivi I I thint; of great value and Iiilljlsi f imnortanee to yu. that will ftiiitvoii in busines- 32; for Bnfants "Caatoria is bo well adapted to chtl Jrcn tlj.it ( reeoaimei:d it as superior to any prescription knows to me." II. A. A ncnca. M. D HI So. Oiford U, UrooUj-a, N. Y. Down With High Prices 1 30 TO 70 PERCENT. OFF A 0KE THOUSAND DIFFERENT ARTICLES ooia uirect to Consumers. Tho "Lifllo Detective.- $3.00 I D. Postal (elves routiiBo In CENTJV Weighs from oz. to '3 lb. FAMILY SCALES, 240 lbs., $5. j Platform Scales, $l l to 920. ! Fones and BlacMfts' Tools. Farmer' Forge, BIO. I Forirn nnd K.u r Tools, k;.-. i l iinni.Ts can do nM Julm, hiivIiih tliua OUJ moucy. Auviii. VIbub. ic, Occ WAGON SCALES. )nly niriniifncliircrs In America T.OIll noIlilnK l"lt tin- dent uf tinjllaU Sto I fur Iimui lini-io! an Healer: 2-Ton (Rxl2S40. 3-Ton 7x1 3) 930. f ' VVK '-i V'onm ""'I iiraKrf lleitiu wIlU rr VW-4- l ' 1 '''u',' wi"l''.:i'lotln rvarlc-iii . A1hc, - rm-kM, Wlieclhnrrou-H, '.,rn Slu ll SSKZ 7 ''rs- '! MillH. '. iy 1'ren.sen. M,,n " ." " Iniwei, (Mm Urtt i liife-crd und li'.i ji;u dwaru im-'IiiKIi:m. SAFES CFTLL SIZES. Ko. 4, wcjKiit i.n) Hjs.. tra. SEWING MACHINES, PRICES REDUCCJ FirJ.M frl."S TO J.-. CI 111? '.rr- ''i 1 v liiilfln-.l.i-iiiTuvf.!. -VH L'W.-ji !' X 1' I I I II 1 1 till", I .'..-: ArSiA p '- ' r, n ( . - . r- - - V"l FRANK DHESSLEB. inlimii Toil mi Mm IQiiOl. llonms over Uut li s Grocery Store, .Main Stkki.t, - Plattsmouth, Ki:n. SaHsf.',-' limi Guara it ln-il in All Work. 1 '1' 7-. itZi.-.&',-ZF V?. : '. i". it--. ,i ... .., ...jj.,,..,,.. . ... . .vFCRTLIiE 20UO- At the t'rfrit St.T.m;i:! Fair. l,'.hc;Hlcd V'jin'l.'N'iJ 200, by Sir Kkli tr 1 2n.1. SI 'I LVLM.VNb :0, by I.i.r.1 V."::t'.n. CUiiVE 4t'.i r:,T-S, ly Tho tirovo 'rl. ij::VBm'i 2nd l'.irr, by DoIIey, bnlf brother to Archibald. Herd numbers 2Tj bead. Send for j.ricer und cutaloijue. J. li. II.VV.T.S, Colony, Andrwu Co., li.un.-i-f. -4 lias attained a ntanflard of exccllcnco whica admit3 of io fu'.icrior. It contain s every iuiprovementthatinventive tjeiiius, bkiil uud iiiouey can produce. ous ATM 13 rro EVEBY OEGAN WAE- FOB 11 VU TEAS3 These pxreKent Org'ir.s arc cf:i-bratwl f"r vol ume, tj'.iuiity of tone. ,uick rt'Jiionp--, itrn.ty of con; biuatiuii. artistic !eii.'ii, b'-auty in l'iii-b, pel feet construction, n:HkIn! tLi-:n the ino.-t attractive, oraa meutal and UehiruMe ortiuis for bouva, eelioobs, cburchua, lodges, hocietio-i, etc. ESTARLiSIIZD HEPrTATIOS. CSEUvAirD FACII.ITir.3, tiiii.2.r:r wii?.K!iES, JIT.'iT 3IATEKIAI-, COirBIXED. HAS TTH3 THE POPULAR QBQAH Instruc'clon B00K.3 and Fiaco Stoola. Catalogues tnl Price Uit3,on tpplicajion, ruMA, CHICAGO CDTTASE ORGAN CO. 831 BLUE ISLAND AVE., CHICAGO, ILL. y l, for any lirx.k e -T jir.lilishivi rontalninf; pv, tLi. r,ii il't-.-!. Never thvre so mu- h inform l;V.n B'.'t'i rr-d in cni: vyiume for live time the price oi tii, i.ik , hi'm thi-re is cu trouble in pvllir.p it. It oa'.tmt I p 5 pai-'ea 4 'ixf;, 30 iii u. -Orations, and JO f--!l iS'"co!ored diagrame. Bound in ciia iu-. t i ;i:-.i' C f-r 95 Cir-.tS. Ori suft.t orrf. ru l.iO for '.' ijiy., another f jr 5 tl&i. another m fur 8 days, itiiuthi r K'j fo:- if. oeks: one Ut-ay Y-m koU 700 in a very sh. rt i'l-i St;nd for terms ttui circuiar Hiving tatila s rr Sm HUGKERSON & CO. ih fc .i,. itil.in.tRl'iitl Ifir in W .11- Kcnln tbl i ppcc DETROIT, MICH. 1 A 4 Moi Mui mmmm HfOBLD-QF WISDOM VrVr V7o will giro $150.00 htji V i Vi IU v- Io sy .ViY.-..-.v-.v--irt pnd Children. CatorI crtrrs Colic. Const lpatln. Hour Stom.'icli, luarrho-ii, Uructiuion, KilLa WoM.ia, civc4 ble-ji, ud prouiotoo !! peM ion, VrilLuLt mjurloujj medication. Tua CcsxAL'tt CuiifiKT, 133 rulton Street. N. V. 3 I q 5 no "v RUTCKEFTOY BLOCKS. BWWt F KHO-Hlmilo of PBtont Chen nnd CiiftRknrhnnrd. ad. ' TcrLiHli'ir 1 hf ei'lehrale'l hvrtvllH Hlnc-k Itmijii'lit; mill n ItKWAltlt 4F il,.1M. lr you lull v It 1 1 I It on this xiiihII Ik. aril cull on your ilritnyl-i r-ir full-hii'. lliinilHoiui'ly I .ii lnniplieil Ooiird, iltlili; or bund a ctuts lor ihimDiuo to us. COUGH BLOCKS. j From Ma.ion Ixmi;, tlio Converl;il Caitmbler. 1 Fokt Wa vnp. Ind.. A prll S, lsf . I have Klven tlin Pynvlta (,'oipl'Ii Itlix kH u ttioronuli t mil. They eiirnl ' my little iirl iM yeHTB' old) ir'ioiip. My wife and uintliiT-iii-lii w wero troubled with rouuhi o Ion- Htiui'liriK. (mo pmkHo of tho lllorkH has curi 'l .Uicui u they can talk "as only women do." , MAHO.V I WORM BLOCKS. ITVA, O.. Jan. ', 1W7. The Kynvlta Worm TllooV acted liku li cl in rm In oxpellniif wormn from my lit tle child. The child W rmw well und hourly, iiiBteu'i of puny unci hickly an before. Jon.v (i. RoiiuiNtiuy. ' CLAQKOERRY BLOCKS. Tho ii( ut Iliarrliira anil I)'ttentcry i hcrkcr. IiKl.l'luirt, ).. July 7th, 'W'.. Our slx-montlm old child hud h severe iiltai-k of Hummer ( 'ouiihiliit. I'liysiriltiiH cnuld ilo linthin. In ili'Siair wo tried Hynvitii Hlaeklierry llliick rerrommeiHled by ih friend mid a few loh; idleotud a complete cure. Accept our heartfelt Indorsement of your Hlack berry lilocks. Mil. AM AlKS. J. iJA.NZIiAi'. , Tin Pynvitn T'Ntr-k lifmtip uro 'I'hf! iM-ulft Lliiiitf out, by v J'l a-Jiiit. nn , 'on v n h 'lit, Snro, Jlurnly, Jkfliullo, JiaiinioHS ami J'uro. Noimiv; no t'iipaori or Micky trttl. Put "P In put-rit iutkiitc.'. i5 Oosks l&m O.ntm. War rantj(1 to curi or uiorii y r-i uiiI. Ank your drui ty.il. 1 f you luil to u-t tln.ia iscuti price to THE SYNVITA CO., Dolphos, Ohio, AM) UK('i:lVK THtH I'MSTl'A 1 1. srircui:vKJ:i:iiuAiu t ni:u with each uituEit. JULIUS FEPPERBERG, MA I'FACTU !! I .It OF AND , WHOLESALE h RETAIL DKAI.KK IN 1 1IK Choicest Brands of Cigars, including our Flcr do Pepperbergo'; and 'Duds- FULL LINK OF TOI5ACC O AND SMOKERS' ARTICLES always in stock. Nov. 20, 188o. if The 5th St. Merchant Tailor Keeps a Full Line of foreign & Domestic Goods. Jonsult Your Interest by Giving Him a Cal SHERWOOD BLOCK - - : .... ic. .la :',: !i 'vicf fetm . ''. Mr : i I i it I. . JUK, - r--" i- . . . 1 i-.r i C'jr.lE '-j'jZ.- . 1 f.o-t fr.-i itrei. :;!(:$ V r- ( . lj I I-1 1 I k i !l! Is. A i' ' l ii rl tfi'1 rr.y'i fst nii ice. futtiA. l i "j !2Ti t ":: rr.cel timcieU work N rT js-irK;! J li-li-.l. r-.-ml I-ifti-en IS' - t 5 t -rit in Mj.iiim I'T ruri.e i-oiv, u:ho i.nr j.rii to at'enix. Atrenis wii Hi il tvenrwli'tt. Ad. f SES.Cftrt Po3. C3. 17 Kclh Ver.th rtreet, f hifi. Pa. nml?2 SINGER "V-i T-ri?y F. c. now E & CO., S'biii., V u H ! d N B M H THE OLD RELIABLE. I A. WATERMAN & SOff "Wholesale and Ketail Dealer in PINE Shingles, Latli, Sussb, oorssBiitids. Can supply every dem.mil of the trad Call and get terns. Fourth street lu Rear of Opera IIousc. Mtu Kfliv i iii tarn l-l. a m DRESSLER, C47 fiOrt P DATS' TltlAL. i'J?- fit)-? ft Hi A 'ull tiet of I :' 4 ilfey AUnvUmentm. V-iJ vr'- WA!t;i.n:i LUMBER ft