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About Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892 | View Entire Issue (May 26, 1887)
PLATTSMOUTII WKliKLY IfHliALD, THURSDAY, MA V $, 16&7. V. E. G. DOVEY & SON. "We waiit to call your attention to the fact that we can bIiow you in our new stock for A superb line of everything carried in a first class line of Notions, Boots, Shoes, Queensware and Groceries. We have the handsomest Line of Embroideries, both in .Narrow and wide, ever brought to the City. Our Stock of Dress Goods, both in Wool and Wash Goods; also in White Goods is UNSURPASSED BY ANY OTHER LINE IN THE CO. Our line ot Tallo Linens, Napkins, Crashes, Towels, Prints, Gingliani9 and Muslin is well worth looking over. Especial attention is called to our CARPET STOCK-:- Which 18 fuller and more complete than usual, at prices-that will satisfy you. In our Booti Slioe Department "We have Good Valuesto offer and want to keep up our rep utation by selling none but Good Goods. We take consider able pride in our -:-QUEENSWARE -:- DEPARTMENT -:- And can show the finest line of this Class of Goods handled by any firm in the city. We invite inspection ot our differ ent Departments, assuring all that we offer our Goods AT LOWEST PIUCES. E.G. DOVEY & SON. MIXED - E GUARANTEE our Mixed Taints to do Letter work and give better satisfaction than the best Lead and Oil, and will forfeit the value of the paint and cost of applying if not found as represented. Can you ask any better Guar antee? We have sold these paints for two years, and every one who has used them pronounce them TO -:- BE -:- TtE -:- BEST. They will cover one-third more surface than Lead and Oil and will wear longer and look better. Don't buy paints until yoa see our samples. Will J. Wcii'i'icl8. N. B.: We make bottom prices on Lead, Oil, Wall Paper, Varnish, lvalsomine, Brushes, &c. J. F. BAUMEISTER, niiiwnra 4 n m a 14 HEADQUARTERS FOR FEED, FLOUR AND PROVISIONS Highest Cash Price Paid For 'IB-cutter e,rx3. lEg-gs. ' i'uncxcelbed line of FLOUR always in . 3 NoticotoTax Payers. Tho Mimic mminissioners of Cass rcuntv commissioners ot u . j I Smntv. Nebraska, -will sit as a board of equalization commencing June 7th, 1887 -' and be in session from three to twenty ;larnnd all persons having any com lnits to make as to assessment must do c t that time as no corrections will be i Hft adjourrment of said board. Ola m at W ArJ " county commissioners, al i Robissos. County Clerk. YA 1 : ha Void. Warrick MTixed Paint nd. . ! 1 . P&IJSTTS ! stock. Neville Block ; North 6th St Lessons In German. All persons desiring to take German Lessons, will be enabled to do so, as eiDect to have a class in the German Methodist Church on South 6th street, during the summer months. Hours from 9 a m. to 12 o'clock. Private lessons given in Greek and Latin also. For information concerning tuition, apply at the office of Mr. R. B. Wind ham or G. G. Grasm ukck, 34 Teacher. Head Warrick's Mixed Paint ad. MERCHANT L1XJA L Legal Notice. In tlio District Court of Cutt County, Ne braska. Lwsik II ( NT, I'lalu 1 1 tr. J NoIIch of ser Hkuiskkt Hunt, lcfeulatit. vice. Herbert Hunt tlio defendant in tJi$ above cauMQ v III take nolieo that on the 11 Ii day of .May. A. I. ISxt. I.ffle Hunt, Manila. Iierelu lilel her ix-tiliou in the UNtrict Court of Cm cmnuy. .MMii.ifKa. aK 'Hn-i i-a.nj iieicnuaiir, me ohji-el and prayer of wliieli I to ol)!:ilil ii (11 voitm from ileft-ndant on tlie erouiil of willful aleciH'e of for iiioti-than two vstr and for failure to support plamtilT and alno inaylu for Ilie cart-, i-untoilay and control of tin two elilldif n of I'lalutlif and defendant. Vou are riMiiir'd to ai.NWt-r said pftitii'ii nu or bffoie ttie jTtii day of .lime, A. I)., 1 KM7, or delaiill will lie entered against you and Judge ment rendered sit prayed. riatlrinoutii, May, lxtli, A. 1). 17, u-4 I.I'smk Hunt. ly S. 1. V a n a t r a . her Atty. GhoriPTs Sale. l'y virtue of an execution Issued bv W. C,. ShawaltiT, Clerk of ilie liistrlet Court within and for Cans county. Nebraska, and to me di re ted, I will on the 'J71 Ii day of .June, A l. 1.17. at 10 o'eleek H m , of aid day at tlie soutli door of (;oui t House in said eonnty. t-ell at pul die auction, t lie following real estate to-wit : The east half !) of the northeast quarter of sect P. n eleven ( 1 1 1 in townjlilp ten (10) ranee eleven (11) eas of the th I". M. in Cass county. iseluaskrt, w it n ;l ne privileges and apperien anees tlieieunlo heloniiiti'.'. '1 he same lie in;.; l -vied upon ami taken an the property of .John M . Caller deleinlant ; to sat isfy a judgement o' paid Court recovered by Chillies Kenning itilininii-trator of tlieestateof Mary Splioers, deceated plaint ilf, against said deleuuaiit. riattsmuuth. Neb., this May l.Uli A. IJ..1887. J. C. 1- I K EMMIAltV, l.)-5 Shei ill' CiiH County, Neb. Sheriff's Sale. I5v virtue of an o- der of sale issued by W. C Shawalter, Cleik of the District Court within and lorCass county, ebr.iska, aii'l to me di rected. I will on the 27th dav of June. A. 1) 1SS7. at II o'clock a. in., of said day at the suuth door of the Court House in i-aid county, sell at nubile auction, the following real estate to- wit : All "f t lie north half of the southeast quarter (n'tofse'i) and tlie soutiiwei-i quarter ol the southeast quarter (vl.4 of se1) and the south east quarter of the southwest quarter (sc'.. of sw ?4 ) of neer ion number two -) in township number te'i (10) north of range number ei-ven ( 1 1 ) east of t he btli 1". M. in Cass county. Ne braska, with the privileges and apperteiiaiices thereunto luloiigiiig. Ttie same being levied upon and taken a' the property of .John M. carter and i-.nza t arter. defendants ; to satisfy a judgement of said Court recovered by rean'sly, Clark & ompany planum aaint sum iteienuan's. liattsmauth, Neb., this May liitn A. I). Iss7. J. C. Kl KI.N f. 11V, 10-5 r-liciilt C'a-s County, Ntb. Legal Hotice. In the D'.btiict Court in Cass county, Nebras ka. Sl.MO.V I.KKSKH. 1 J lamlifl, v. BAKr.iA Lkkskk. Defendant. Notice to take tioiis. Deposl- The defendant will take notice that on the i!2nu day of July. ist7, between the hours of 10 ii. in. and 6 p in., at the ollice of a Notary rub lie. In t lie county of stark and siate of Ohio, the plaint Iff above named will take testimony of t r Marciiand and Mary Man-hand, witness es in till" action to be used as evidence on tlio trial of tlie above entitled cause, with authori ty to adjourn from day to day Until such depo sition Mian nave uecu iaiien. Hmo.m, 1 'hunt in, C. A. Wooslkv, Atty. 10-4 Plattsmoutii is still in the notion of having a gass well. If they can't strike it any other way we would suggest that they cage the editor of tlie Journal and set him going, and if he don't furnish enough 'siazz' for the whole town the mule is yours. Louisville Observer. Safe, permanent and complete are the cures of bilious and intermittcn diseases, made by Prickly Ash Bitters. Dyspep sia, general debility, habitual constipa tion, liver and kidney complaints are soeedilv eradicated from the system. It disinfects, cleanses and eliminates all niAlaria. Health and vigor are obtained more rapidly and permanently by the use of this great natural antidote than by any other remedy heretofore known. As a blood purifier and tonic it brings health, renewed energy and vitality to a worn and diseased body. 7-ml "Do not forget," says the Boston Hcr- a?(i(mugwump),"that the surplus reyenue this year, after paying the full require ment of the sinking fund, will be 100,- 000.000." It would be well to bear in mind, also, the significant fact that but for the sagacious und economical way in which the republican party managed the affairs of the government! for so many years, we should not have any surplus, but, on the contrary, should bo paying out over $100,000,000 more in interest on the public debt than we have to pay under the present conditions. i. s)i30ia Honoo- Fnrvstmlle of Paten Chess and Checkerboard, ad- rertisinu the celebrated Svnvita Block Remedies nd a KF.WAItl) OF Sl.."iOO. If you fail to tlnd it on this email board call on your drugjrlst for full-Mze. Handsomely LitnoKrapaeu Doaru, itcc; cr semi v cuuis iur posture to us. COUGH BLOCKS. From Mason Lorn;, the Converted Gambler. Fout Wayne. Ind., April 5, lSSl. I have Riven tho Pynvita Couch Blocks a thorough trial. They cured my little trirl (3 years' old) of Croup. My wife and mother-in-law were troubled with coujihs of lung (tandinir. One package of the Blocks has cured them bo the; can talk as onlv women do.' MASOX LiONO. WORM BLOCKS. T tv k . o.. Jan. 25. l-7. The Srnvita Worm Blocks acted like a charm in expelling worms from my lit tle child. The child is now well anu nearly, lnsteaa of puny ana sicKiy as oeiore. JOHTT G. ROBBLN'SOX. BLACKBERRY BLOCKS. The Great Diarrhoea and Dysentery Checker. Tii-t itti-i ci.. Jnlv 7th. V.. Our six-months old child had a severe attack of Summer Complaint. physicians cou ui uo nominfr. in uespair we ineu krnwitu Rlwkberrv Blocks recommended by rirui nnd m. fpw doses effected a comDlete cure. Accent our heartfelt indorsement of your Black berry Blocks. Ms. A-NTD Miu. J. BAhZHAir. The Svnvlta Block Remedies are The neatest thing out, by far. rieasant. Cheap, Convenient, Sure. Handy, Reliable, Harmless and Pure. VniniT! nntMsaoonor Btiekv bottle. Pnt m up in mitont nnrkMiL 22 DOSEd 85 CENTS. V War- ranted to cure or money refunded. Ask your drutf gisu If you fail to get them send price to THE SYNVITA CO., Delphos, Ohio, A XD RECrVB THKK POSTPAID. 3rCIlECKERBQAIiD FREE with each OBDER p. jMiir&;Y.;i3fc'M fc&gs t jjfegqgjqiillbii tihS f- COUNTY LOCALS. WKKri.Vl WATlilU From the Uepubllcan. W. Epperson talks of building on tho soutli tide. James Kennedy lias sold his residence to S. V. Gerard. If I'luttsrnouth don't pave it will not be the fault of lier imptrs. Oeo. A. Ashinun und family left Mon day morning for a few tlnya yisit to Ulysses und Lincoln. Sylvester Mathews last week Bold his residence property on the outh side to C. II. Breaks. Consideration M30.00. Mrs. Will Marshall and mother left last Thrsday for the latters home in Ham ilton county. Willis I inch i n"; it. ami says there is no lun in it at all. Lust week one day Jno. Davis and another young man killed an enormous sized badger on the farm of W. A. Davis south of town a mile and a half. The animal fought like a "badger" for his life, but A'ith a pitchfork, spade and a hatchet the fates were against him und he had to succumb. LOUISVIM.E. From the Observer. Strawberries are ripening on the bot tom near the river. Our city board did a noble act by pur chasing lots for a uemetury adjacent to the city. Jno. Shelhorn of Mauley, who by the way is one of the best farmers in Cass county, was in town yesterday. D. AV. Greenslate and A. U. Mayfield, of Klin wood, passed through town Tues day evening on their way home from Omaha. Mr. Jno. liringman lias purchased a lot on Main street and will soon erect a neut little building on it, which lie will tife as a shoe shop. Mrs. C. Schlater returned Monday from (ilenwood, Iowa, where she was summoned to attend the funeral of her cousin, Dr. Douelin. WATlASlf. From the Item. George lieichart and Lucy Johnson of Louisville were the guests ot Mr. anil Mrs. Lehman Sunday. Several roofs have been painted in laden with town and the eveninir air is the perfume of coal tar. One day list week Tay llichnids ploughed up a wolf's den und killed one old ami live young wolves The farmers have been very busy this week nlantinsr corn, and a great deal of grain has been put in the ground. Last Saturday a little son of Paul Mar shal, who lives near Elmwood, tell from a horse and fractured a linger bone. EI.MWOOD. From the Echo. John Elltott lias moved his family into his line house that has just been complted over on West hill. Miss MaUe Mayfield, of Omaha, was visiting the Echo family this week, re turning home yesterday, accompanied by the editor's wife, who will visit there a few days. II. P. Willcockson's little son Tom fell from a fence last Sunday and dislocated hi shoulder aud broke some of the ten dons that support the shoulder. Dr. Hobbs was called and replaced the shoul der. LYXN. Lynn buys corn and has 20,000 bu. now bought. We expect the cars to run into our town by the 1st, of June. Small grain looks very well as we are having plenty of rain now. If this don't find the waste basket, I will try my hand at writing again. Farmers are nearly all through plant ing corn, and it is coming up good since our fine rain. Lynn needs a post offie, which we expect to get, in time. e have to get our man at Factory ville. G. N. Larue will build a large black smith shop; and Bowers will build a shoe shop and store. G. A. Base & Co. have a new store here, and part of their goods are now in, and other stores to be built. There is a great many neonla in the count v: who do not know there is such a nlaee as Lvnn: but there is. It is lo cated on the Weeping Water on the M P. It. It. now being built about thirteen miles north west of Nebraska City, and we expect to make a fine town. Lynn, May 1G, 1887. Jake TnilEE onovEs. The farmers are generally getting fair stand of corn the first planting. Miss Erne Worley has charge of athrfee month's school out in tlie Center Valley- precinct. The fruit bloon has blasted to a great extent and is falling off, caused probably by the late f reszes. Miss Belle Fitch who has a school down on the Weeping Water was up to Kock Bluffs Sunday visiting her folks. Byron E. Young went west one day last week to look after his land interest situated in Key-a-Pakee county. John Correll (better known as "Little John Correll) lias built a house on the southeast side of his fataerV, place, this spring. - Rev. Branston has been holding a pro tracted meeting down at Rock Bluffs the last week. With what success he is meet ing with we have not been informed. Mrn. Kdward Wiley h is been quite ill the List fivu or six weeks, having been confined "to her bed most of thut time. She is now beginning to improve a little, so we hear. The Ilock Creek folks say they have t flourishing Sunday school ut their church on Kock creek with Mr. Curtis as Supt. aud Miss lhowusoit Bec'y. Tho hour of meeting is 10 a. ni. A nhort visit to Mr. Shrader's fish ponds last week revealed the fact that Mr. Shrader has a very large number of fish in his ponds and is tilling orders con tinually to those who are stocking ponds. It is very seldom we meddle with oth er people's business through the prcss.but sunn of these days in writing up items wo tire going to mention something about the bridges between hero and ltock lilulTs being so holy if the supervisor down don't stop them. lucrum kh. Three Groves, May 22, '7. ML'ltlUY. The farmers are ubout done planting corn in this locality. Cut worms are doing considerable dam age in thi- part of the county to corn aud garden vegetables. Small grain is not doing very well for some cause. Oats especially seems to be short. A fishing party went up to the mouth of Four Mile creek, on the Platte, last Saturday. Those from this place were J. W. Berger, Andrew Johnson and Von Bogardus. We also had the pleasure of seeing Win. Murray and Silas Long and family there. Mr. Long caught a very nice cat-fish, about lb or 20 inches long. Vou Bogardus caught one that weighed six and a half pounds dressed and two smaller ones. J hn Ber ger caught n craw-fish two and a half inches long, but Andrew Johnson came out with li.iliernian's luck. Sitting on the end of :i log watching a young lady rid ing across a bridge lie got excited and fell off into the river. When he got out after looking all around and not seeing anything of the young lady who cause ! him so much trouble, he said "By gosh it is a hard thing to be baptised be for. i man has received the faith; still, h'' su:d I believe." 1 asked him what he did lieve. He said "that she was the pr. ;t:i -t girl in the county." John Berger said o far as he was concerned he did net c i e anything for lish, but he hated t go home with nothing and tell them thai l.e only caught a erawtish. Rovino Bov. (Jlt'iiKNWODl). John Cagney is on the sick list. Ben Gardner has purchased J. S Cnm-H' dray. Will Holland visited Omaha last wveif, presumably on business. Mrs. J. E. Railesback, of Ashland, vis ited Mis. E. Howell one day last week, MeMahonv's best girl was visiting lrtn the past week. She lives in Louisville, we are informed. J. S. Carues and Isaac Jenkins will eave tor nroKeu uuw, v usier county, tins week and will engage in ths 11 very business there. J. V. Carnes has purchased the interest of Dick Bowman, his former partner, in the livery business and has added seven new rigs to his livery the past week. There was a large drove of Oregon horses here the past week and the farmers availed themselves of the opportunity of getting a good pony for a little money. The board of trustees of the village of Greenwood have purchased the Green wood ccuietary of E. A. Ryder for $500 and will at once proceed to fence and or nament the same. Dick Bowman, formerly of this place but now of Custer County, has been in town the past two weeks looking after unsettled business affairs. He will re turn home Tuesday. The middle nged business man who has combination post box No. 37, who advertised in the Ilatrkeye of last week for some lady who is his equal to engage as his partner in life, is a man of sterling qualities, that is to say a man of function and we presuma wants the party answer ing his communication to possess the same qualities. Two lively runaways occured on Mon day of this week, onu resulted in mashed lingers for 11. W. Cunningham, and when the pony and sulky were found they were seven miles north of town but not much of the sulky was left. The other was II. Perry's dray team which was brought to a stand-still on Second street by the wagon tongue running into a mud hole. Died: Thursday the 19th. davofMav, 1SS7, promptly at 20 minutes past 3 o'clock in the afternoon in tha second story of tho building known as the Swan back building on Second street, in tlie town of Greenwood, Neb., of softening of th brain and spinal meningetis with inflammatory rheumatism attachment, brought on by exposure in the night air and strain on the financial nerve center of the brain, after a lingering illness of two long months, during which time all medical skill available was tried besides gargling oil. railroad remedies, Ayer's cherry pectoral and cod liver oil was free ly applied and partaken of, all to no avail, the disease was too deeply seated: The Greenicood Hairkeye. The funeral will tukc place sometime the present week but we have not as yet been in formed of the exact elate. Faxxv. AVOCA. Much sickness prevails but few deaths. Win. Kear and family are on a visit to Sterling. J. II. Hale has gone to Wyoming to look for laud. Mr. and Mrs. O. Teff t have gone on a visit to Potter. Dr. Packard wrtake his family on a vkit to Iowa andTcnnsylrama soon. H. K. Sliver and (J. M. Malcolm Lav gone to put up buildings in Nchawka. Jacob Opp is proud of a fine new loy. und a tine colt und calf at the same time. W. If. Hitt has Iwon to Seward Co. to look after his furin, and; reports every thing booming. Wilkinson & Oruhnm are shipping two curs of hogs and some cattle almost daily to Kansas City and Ouiuliu. Mike Wi ir had his collar bono broken last week, but had it promptly attended to by Dr. l'ackitrd ami iii doing well. Mrs. I'. ISetitty has woven nearly 2ft0 yards of rag carpet this spring, from all parts of Cass and Ofoe t'o's., and doc excellent work. W. A. Conley 1 at opcnol a harneHS shop complete with a ni-:e stock of good. . (. hapiii is employed on the custom work and is a (irsti lu-s workman. May 2:5, !Ws7. (Ji.kankh. FLOWERS AND FLACS. Tho Sun Building Carlonded and Festooned in Honor of its Natal Day. 1 K('piiitel tor tlio ll.iltlnioie S in The Sun Iron Building is decorated in honor of the tilth th anniversary of the founding of Tlie Sun. Tin: building had been previously painted in three tints of yellow drab, an entirely new shade, in imitation of w bite terra cot ta. Tho high est relievos were given the lightest color except on the lower stories, where a!l llie relief castings of the awning frame and corner lamp were-cut with gold. The new incandescent lamp at tin; corner. with five large burners, the who.; giving a light equal to 500 :ai.dle power, was lit at night and shed a clear radiance over the beautiful decorations, while the green festoons and variegated natural llowcrs harmonized perfectly with the scini-iieu- trtil tint of the building. The decorations themselves, placed un der the directions of Enitnai I fc (Jtiai tley, who also did the painting, are extremely artistic. The most prominent position, at the corner of Baltimore and South streets, is given to a rounded design symbolic of The f-uu and its present anniversary. This is hung at tho third lloor, and represents a golden sun burst surrounding a shield of bluo ground, upon which in gold letters is tho date "May 17." From the two sides of this shield are llouting ribbons of hilver, with the inscriptions "1h:57" and "17" in scarlot letters, marking red-letter day a in the history of this journal. Long fea toons of cedar and laurel evergreen aru draped gracefully from the center of each third-story windowjto the awning bar belov,-forniing a canopy over the en tire pavemetit on the two streets. From the origin of each festoon at the third floor, bunting United States flags are giv en to the breeze, each of the twenty-ono depending from a staff of crimson tipped with gold, and "ornamented at the ball with a white silk ribbon, while below each staff hangs a wreath of evergreen. In each of the windows of tlie second floor is a large pot with a growing paliu, palmetto or japonica plant, twenty-ono being used in all. Beneath these and depeuding over the windows und door ways of the first lloor are baskets of blooming petunias, nutmeg and ivy ger aniums, verbenas, lobelias and trailing vines. Between each of the four awning posia are garlands of evergreen, festooned with wreaths of the same, within each of which is a mat composed of lilies, Moie chal Neil and pearl roses. In each loop of tlie garlands at the curb, are three bas kets of flowering shrubs, vines and moss es, the center one being hung lower than those on either side. Thee baskets aro sixty in number, and at the corner they are massed, the rod leading from the cor ner post to the first floor cornice being decorated with four of them. At the corners of the fourth floor evergreen is again looped over the third floor win dows, and the highest cornice at the cor ner of Bdtimore and South streets, largo flags of the nation are draped in easy folds. The whole building presents the most chaste and graceful appearance, and is a worthy emblem of the day commemorut- etl. Samuel J. kasdall has just told a re porter that the low duty on pig iron is leting in so much of the foreign product that the domestic industry suffers. This indicates that Mr. P.andall is not going to be less hostile to the schemes of the free traders in the next Congress than he was in the proceeding Congress. And that makes the prospect of harmony for the Democracy on thi3 question additionally omnious is the fact, as mentioned by Mr, Randall himself, that the protection strength in the Democratic party in the coming Confess will be fully as great as it was in the last one. Globe Vera. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. 'I he Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruise?, Sores, ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, ChilbLiins, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded. Price, 25 cents per box. For sale by - , . COly F. G. Fkicke & Co. Read Warrick's Mixed Paint ad. : 1 : r ' TOOOSLSlf, At, ..iTSM.f - t: