.... a. J'I.a'itsmoiitii Avici.icr.y heuald, tiiiiiisday, mav si;, isst. M si r 0 Drunkennogs, op Linuor Matit, can bo Curod iy Aclininiwlerini) Dr, Hatine' Golden Spo'-ifi'. It can Id given in 11 cnj of coflcir or ta without tliu k novli-lg; of th; person taking it, t IT tuj :i sj.--ly ami pi-nii.ui- Ollt CUIV, uln'tllir plltiellt i U. UK) 1' T- utc drinker or im :ile oliol'ic wrrrk. Thous and of (liui)kariU hive l-cn ninth' temporal, iin-ii who li.iv' l.tkcit tlic (Siill n Specific: in their -o!Tee. witliout tlieir knowli'lg tt ii' I to il.iy lli-v' tin y i u i t drinking of llu-ir own free will. N harmful c fleets results from iti iiliuinis trution. (hi ret gu inuiteeil. N-inl fur cirulur and full p.u to ul.ws. Aihl.vs.s in coiifidoiice Goldun Specific, (.'o., l u c Htrect, Cincinnati. Ohio. '.'' ly Mrs. Logan and tho Soldier3 in Hospital. J When the regiment was :it Cairo livr hundred nun had tho meii-len, und them were no con veiiicncrs for giving rare to sucli a nuuilx.r. Mrs. Logan, grieving to see the men suffering for tho want of hospital supplies, wont to Carhoiulnle, and in thirty-six hours returned with homc-uiado blankets, comforters, pillows, and a cargo of fruits, jollies and other delicacies. lief ore this, a doz.-n nun or more had died, but not a case was lost thereafter. It is no wonder the boys of this "titriped hospital" remombercil the Colonel's wife. From a Hki-lclt of M is. Logan by Harriet Taylor Uplon, in The American Magazine. Every man ought to have an ambition some definite object in view. Towards this he ought to work, and in this work he will find himself accumulating strength und enlarging his powers and plans. A good starting point for every man is an ambition to own a home, or a place where he can make a honi. If it is necessary to come west to gratify this ambition, it is worth while to come west. To own a piece of real property in one's own right opens a door to a more contented and useful life. To succeed in this stimulates confidence and vastly improves tho ease of the next undertaking. It is wholesome counsel fwr the individual and for society this counsel in behalf of personal homo ownership. Bjc. yrhm Ba.hr wm ick, pve lier Caatorio, When h wm ChUd. sbe criod for Castoria, Whn she became Miss, she clang to Castoria, Whan abe bad Children, she gave them Castoria, A party of workmen in making an ex cavation near Cedar Springs, north of Dallas, Texas, a few days ago, at several feet below the surface found a medal with the following inscription upon it: "Confradia de Nuestra Senora del Car men de Valencia." This being interpre ted means: "Society of our Lady of Car men of Valencia." This is a medal worn hj a society organized in the city of Val encia, Spain, in honor of Count Carmen. From tho position i:i which the medal was found it had evidently been there for a great number of years. It was proba bly worn by some of the early Spanish invaders, and may have been in the pres ent place since the days of Cortez. Ex. Miss Proctor, of Oregon, who is only ecventeen, has killed seven bears this winter, and sold their pelts for the bene fit of the missionaries in Africa. Seven American girls are studying at Cambridge University, England, at Kewnham College. Four arc gaduates of Vassar, Smith, and Vv'ellesley. m m SIIILOH'S VITALIZEIl is what you eed for Consumption, loss of Appetite Dizziness and all symptoms of Dyspepsia .Price 10 to 75 cents per bottle. Sold by Smith & Black Bros. - Eighty young women at "NYellcsley, a hundred at Obcrlia, and more than two hundred in other colleges, are said to bo preparing to go as missionaries. SLEEPLESS NIGHTS, made misera le by that terrible cough. S'niloh"s Cure is the remedy for you. Sold by Smith & Black Bros. Money not only makes the mare go, bt it also makes the socially famious private residence go, too, for "business purposes." -Door knob lanterns on which is the number of your house are new, but must be intended for the localities frequented by goats. f -V For lame back, side or chest, use V . X , - Shiloh's Porous Plaster. Price 23 cents Y - Y " Sold by Smith & Black Bros. ' '. ' Some new kind of tennis nets are f V T'fown, with expensive poles, from which 1 ? i i 6i up thin rods for flags and streamers. -CROUP, WHOOPING COUGH and a ynchitis immediately relieved by Shil- t3 cure. Sold by Smith & Black Bros i - VCabinsts on top of the upright piano e pretty enough, and effective, too, 1 T "ey ruin the tone of the instrument. is said that 1,000 women own and FARM COLUMN. 'MIK M'lMNC l-n.s I'i(t.--I!irg Htot kiiKin; It soim tii-r :j happens that tho sow's mil I; d' not i! . freely at ,lu:: after farrowing; but v. it'i pioi. r care of h r in three nr four 1 1 . y tin- How f mil!; w !1 be Mil'.iein.t l r t!i ib-mand of the litter. lint v. I : i I tlu su;. ply i-i short it will - iit to give iii pigs bed by hand. "Ki h mi!!. t ed v i;h ical.-i- sugar and fed v.ilh a spoon" will make a safe ration. Whin sucking pi'fi have had tlor m ouis au i tli - di-'i-as.- i.4 In d it ill i .- j 1 1" r much cari- to pi'.-velit a rocum-nr." of tli' trouble. They inusl have a dry b:-d,ain! when tiny return to their f-i d c:aitinn milt be IH(-:l that they do lint n vcrf i ' 1. I f slops be ti-'ed it mil t be in fj.aril':, ipla'tities and without any acidity; and to absorb tho acidity I t he ! i .:: km !.. it would b-- well to have ."nine !l '.if i i inid.liings where they can g. t it. ll lie llour bo browned r s on -h'-d it will i.e all the better. Tho voting pigs w il us ually take their lil'.-t tai: of i'oikI !';o::, the trough with their mother. Yv'h n it is noticed that they arc beginning to cat it is time to li x a feeding pi. ice for them, a small pi ice clo-o to the bed part it io!i--u off urraiigi'd so that they can pa s into tho inelo-ur;: at will. And it woidd be well to place thi.-r inclosiiro in a spo! that the- pigs freipunt each 1 1 . i y , so that they will go into it more readily. In tie inclosiue should be placed a small trough with a little sweet milk i:i it. Tho trough should be very shallow. An old pieco of tin spouting answers the purpose first late. It should bo nailed to tin; (loor to prevent upsetting, or if no plank floor, it could be nailed to a broad plank. It would bo well to keep a little milk in the trough all the time for a few days, until the pigs learn to drink it and know where to go to get it; but the trough must be; cleaned often that tin; milk does not become stale or sour. Af ter the pigs have become well accustom ed to drinking the milk, shut off tho reg ular supply that is, cease keeping mi!!: in the trough all tho time. But feed them at stated intervals, in such amount? as will be eaten up clean. And thi point should not bo forgotten, for noth ing tends to tho thrift of a pig so much as to have him relish his feed all the time. Most farmers will find it necessary to substitute other slops instead of milk as soon r.s possible, for their dairies will not meet the wants of the g; owing herd for any geat lenght of time. MANAGING MANUK!:. Among some farmers Micro is a com plaint that their horse manure "lire fangs" or passes through the heating proee which is so intense that the manure is well burned up. This in exceedingly in jurious to the manure, and can. and should le prevented. It occurs, or is liable to occur, when tho manure is thrown loosely in a pile, and without be ing disturbed, will commence to gener ate heat. Horse manure has a stronger tendency in that direction than that of njost any other animal, and this can be prevented, anil the value of tho manure maintained, i f attended to as it should be. There is no trouble -where, as is sometimes the case, horse manure is cast into the liog pen, as it is then workeJ over with tho hog manure, whereby both are improved. Another method winch is equally as effectual in preventing heat ing, is to cart tho same under a shed, where cattle are accustomed to tread ot to lie; when packed thus closely, and wet, as it occasionally must be, by the urine of animals, it i kept moist until wanted for use. Tho same practice in connection with sheo would bo valu able, and equally as effec tual. "Wo have always found that any manure left to it self, thrown loosely in a pile, was liable to become heated, when paaked tightly under the tread of animals, would be preserved with all its mauural value re tained. Sheep manure, while thus kept closely packed, excluding the air, will not heat, but when loosely pitched into a pile will soon heat and expel the value elements of fertilitv. The American. Tho Shaker Dance. The expression on the faces of the men and womon was not solemn, but preoccu pied, religious and absorbed. It was evident that this dancing and palm ges turing is subordinate to a general system of suiting the action to the word, which is destined to emphasize the poetry of sentiment by adding to it the poetry of motion. Hence, when the visiting El deress from Mt. Lebanon told the congre gation that her associate Elderess was de tained and could not come, but sent her love to them, Elder Avery remarked: "Let us all gather-in our sister's love." Thereupon the entire congregation threw out their palms and returned them with a waving motion toward their hearts, each one whispering, "We gather in our sis ter's love." repeating this gesture seyer al times, but all in unison. , The combined dancing, bow ing, ges turing and palni-waving does succeed in absorbing more of the attention of those who participate in it, and is more of a drill in social unity, than mere singing. It adds to the unitizing power of singing something of the good-fellowship which ia encouraged and created by military drill. Van liurtn Dtnxlow, in The American Magazine. FROM LirF. TO TJIATH i s but a lnOMi' i;t i I i lajino '-.i-in -r nenral suites tiej heart, 'i li--o (lipases arts I :io (!'.. I t mil ;I eull;e- i,,i 1 !-t!('crotl:i of any to 'it! !l I 'l: ;.i'i l.ii'ii is lia'ilo. Ti.-y .!y fr-na ono p irl to at:-:!ier witlont a CM. j, ei. i s w.i; fun mi 1 liniients anJ ct !e r li.var 1 :pp;ieali-,w are in them s. ! v. ,s '.l:t:ig to i i j -e . e tii'-yae liahlo to drive ih j !: -e '. -o t sohi ; vital crvau and c.c.-e i'i.-,:.iUt iIj.Llh. J:l:e:ai.iti ,:n and te-,ir:di:t are !' i s i .f t ii Mo- I, ici'lcan :.')' bo re.i -he.l by a r.-;::-i!y which will drive frofi th; Moo 1 i'io d:ui;;er'.:s acids. S.K-ii a ivmo-iy is A :hl -; !i-to i It has been th'Touvl.ly t . le i and is a safe, sine cure. Jo'-rgo S.-!n.(-,d- r, cr:i,!.ye-l at tho sa.di f ictory of Jlut'.ig i'vos. Mannf -.curing Co., M .i-. aline, i'c.va, s ys: Iio-iL ;t yearai'D n:v v.-if.j va.5 a;.h . -. 1 v.ii.Ii I..,. !i i Iiomiiati.-ia and nciralgia. had 1 miiiorous lerii' di- s wiiii ni a ppai-i.-nl relief. I laving . ar.!ed o! some ot the curej c!ie-:'-.l bv Ai hlo;horo!i 1 bo'ciit t.i.ine; for her. 1 'phoroa 1 bo'c-iit wiiii'! for her. iLndv it was four or l;,.e ' '". i she u 1. slll'i- which j has he ii en: in Well of both rhc!!:;:ai-in and ieural:;ia. As she a very j.re:i. filiivr I c-oiisidor A I ii e e.l.oros :i ve'-y ciicjeut rencdy in curing i ach a i i ;'" V. C. M ' 'coii, ! r'- for H:r.ith. Bono-Ht-'-l, !-".- i ' -, '.!!-.. a;-, I on-.i, rays- "I ii i-.:ti !!( . iy ; '' ;.i - i i.i.cw ol'.'or my rheu-ciati..-', ie.t i : .. iii.!.; !M i.. j any ;; d until 1 Used A'N'o;. It -. ::s i . 1 J III, 1 -) S t. 1 v;is-i':ii!i!' -.1 to Choi-.-..! o f. .rover a month, .in 1 was i)''ii.:-.-l l'. 11 -2 vr.lteln s. I suilered with this ih n i'or about a year, riuai;. 1 (! ;.' d to rd-ve AthIopi,.)r(;s a trial, t iiiiil.in il v.-ooll ie no !..-(; r than the in, ' iieinc ; I iiad t t !. ! a cinin g a.t -r I had used n bottle. 1 continued ie in-- ;t, and have not, l:;vi ::;y !. u:i;-:t!-;;u i,tr.-..o." J-!vc'-- dni--.i: t. ':'.d I:o.-j Atidophoros and Ath!p!:oi-os I';;!--,!,.itw !..!-,; they can not bo boiieht of the d;u -. t t!.e ,"tLl-)-phorws Co., 112 V, ad S-:.. :V.v York, will seii-1 cither ('-arri.-o-o paid) on rcct q-t of regular price, which is .V'j.vO per i.ottle lor Alii! iphoy.t- and .'Or. ff,r pi;':-.. (or liver ana kidney lii-cax . lv- i.i--s:n. 5n- :'.y.-':-a, . . ;!:! .: ... neroLi.; i. ti : v, !:M-ittes ?'' --.aca, :;. 'i-.:en. icen. l-:c'a'., iiui-uro 61:.'od, vve., Aliot-i-iiii.fe 1'iiJs ure iun-aiuieU. U pi I FP tT-- '3fT- Jit gi I i. i 3 t 2 S J 1 otet: Sciatica, ( Scratches, Contracted Lumbago, Sprains, Muscles, Rheumatism, drains, Eruptions, Burnsj Etitchos, Hoof Ail, Scalds, Stilt' Joints, Screw Sting?, Eackacfce, Worms, Eite3, Galls, Swinney, Eruise3, Eorc?, Saddle Galls, Bunicn3, Epnvia Piles. Corns, Craoks. T.M33 GOOD OLD STAND-BY accomplishes for everybody exactly what is claimed for It. One of the reasons for the preat popularity of tho Slustans Liniment is found In Its universal applicability. Everybody needs such a medicine. The Lumberman needs It lu case of accident. The Iiouscvrlfe needs it for generalfamlly use. The Cannier needs it for ills teams aaa Ll3 men. Tho Mechanic needs it alwaj-3 on tla vorH bench. Tho r.Iiner needs it incase of emergency. The l'ionccr ncodslt can't fret along without It. The Farmer needs it iu Iila.hou3e, his stable, end his stock yard. The Steamboat man or the Boatman needs it in liberal supply afloat and r.3hore. Tho Ilorse-fancicr needs it it is his best friend and safest reliance. The Stock -grower needs it it will sava htm thousands of dollars and a world of trouble. Tho Railroad man needs it and will need It so Ions as his life is a round of accidents and dangers. The Backwoodsman needs it. There ia noth ing liko it as an antidote for the dangers to life, limb and comfort which surround the pioneer. Tho Merchant needs It about his store amona his employees. Accidents will happen, and whea theso como the JIustang Liniment is wanted at once. Keep a Bottle iu the House. 'lis the bestot economy. KeepaBottloin the Factory. Its Immediate. Cse in case of accident saves palu and loss of wages. Keep n. liottlo Always in the Stable for use when wanted. . &a Tint r.t".-r1 a Ftantf-.ird of cxetilcnco which uJ-nits. .r' ! f-.n-ei-icr. It coiuainss every ;-.::T-rovomcr:tttintinvontiVO cxrr. IS 'TO I : T.. CSOAN f3 T7AU- res m-'cl These s---i"'-r.t e! are ciebrited for vol cm;', tjaaa.y : ; ..oil re.-pc.i.j.-.-. variety of com- biuutiea. : '-..-a, b -i::iy iu s:uisb, perfect contraction, ir.uki-hi ;a - n the i iost c tractive, oma msnuil ai.:l c;.r.s for Louies, eckoob), ciiurche?, iousr--;, s.-t-Ictk-e, ttc. ESS r 2i-iXXHIAJL, coimxsEo, 7n Kr. Tina THE FOFULAH OHGAH Insiruci'on Dcoks and Plana Steels. Catalogues tntl Price lists, ca, tn"ss-tIon, ms, CHICAGO COTTAGE GE3!i CD. 831 CLUE ISLAND AVE., CHICAGO, ILL. W- i- vvA vir h V n r. si 7 y ft SM "SWF lHE superiority of Corallne over horn or -vc-halebone has mow boon dem onstrated by over six yeara exper ience. It 13 more durable, more pllabio, more comfortable, and NEVER BREAKS. Tho immenso sale of these Corseta 13 now over 7000 daily. Eoware of worthless lmitatlona boned with various kinds of cord. Nono are genuine unleB "Dr. War rior's Coralino"i3 printed on inside of tho steel cover. 103 SALS BY ALL LEADING MERCHANTS. 257 & 259 Etata Strest, CHiCACO, ILL. AlrD SHOP, V,' agm, pwjqy, ZJachlns and PlowrB' pairing, and general jobbing -vi-.v prepp.red to do all kinrts or rep?.irtnK I uiriii and other mueliii.t'ry, as there is a iod I..U10 in my shop. r.vi, ; , . -t rT iliG old Reliable Wagon Maker i i uk. 11 Cll.trO Of tllO WAfOU 3IICp :i i.i W-'l ;. ;3 .tis;w !t;t.;n u;ak. vt "I'll niaUi - sm ui:i' 1 - mi ! y !..:. il." ami lake iiiiJliu U ii-lalilu-j iiili lilt.-l bUliiil I CAPITAL, s:lO',000. InM)ri"r:if-.! nii?iT 1 w Laws ;vf N'chi .--ka, an! ;'.iH'.i.i! in :n-t l-'i S; :. I. aim i i:ANrr K I AiiK.N i S, ami as Tnil.--cs f-'f Ki,-i!is, f'on.i.i-.-iiions. Mil i . i 1 i 1 i S J . - ; ami 1 1 1 ; i i ! i : ; i ! s , fill:- r-liip:iliv v.-ill furnish I'.STilACr.S OI-- I i 1. 1 )ic!a-. i.'jisi, V.'a ;l. iimt.ni :;n.i S-i',!-. i::u:i-s I'loi.: iuil a; ti con '-i I .! f .1--l-a I I'.'inl.s i f i; s i iv. n. ai''i 1 'lit.iili i-ii oruali ! s',!.-;-i. I ! riu hi.-. 1 !. i -i ri i-1 ami ilf.!i iv ki: TitiIx.- t. iaai lis! 'tV. NAI iTAN SllKl.TflV, ;k. I. (ill HKIIT. i'rcsal.-ct . a-c I'ri'si , A. ('. I'uv.'i.i l. i-'ve. ar.'l Tic,.:'. J. M. KOBIXSON, A'ont, y'W''y.y..'ori'.', ;i trj .v;7'y.w.s.w. Soa : i;;o '. '!'.:'-" in f':iri c!!(-,-, itli sif o s' l.t-isu- i'v u-iini ami try a pair c.i' m;r i:am-ti-hi-'ies i'or i-U.'!:.nati- . coPl i'-t nnil b ul -ir- ii'atmii '1 ii.y ii' t iiv i c:-.v. ri'ul ;n (! in tu v.-.irl 1. 1 iv -.v;-:i! cr fi-v's ;.c -.v-.i-'-.ilh 'i : -:il r -vita'h: iti-n ii ;..icv n.ia .'c- -,:;.-r pus- !l Oil. i:i' Vi :s,-;.t .'V ."' ':! a v . ai vivi l il y-.-ir '.'i! i i ': '-Niv.- !;- ; i T: i-.-.i.i.v: " u i:i, .;; M Ii- ;!!! .!! " , v i t :..-is ' - r ! -. . l .a vi -. . u:-. i:-: r : ' '. .rt iv: ';!!-.' of !;:;'.!!! . iva- Xii.-tic Kiilrv;. ! r jri-iil'i-ii'ifli i . i vo -; i . i: 1 .i v : .li '.-. i a u i - ease.- with -mil in.' i! : i'a:.: ia !) -' ... ' il "I" i':i:ls, :-i v.iu - v !.:. i:y -Pi.-i" . '.v-ral -'iii-'v. vaiav i i; i p.-r.-.Tya's, ia"i:-ai:;i.i. scialiv i, ilis- asv - k i ! :u ; : t aj.t . i . v, .-v.-ainal eviis- .-!i -. i !'':. i-y. !: c;a t -!:sc..-'. . i! . ;a p-ia. in l : ;:! a iii . 1: i i; ' ia , ; . I ' , pi., s. '; t'vl:- a;a'iua t:-;-.?. i'r; -a ('!' i'- i', i i) .a -;,': - I v 1 isaa-. -'. S-nr !-v ''- -('. . t nr !'T - t '.it. Tii -til upon rvevipf of pt.ivc. Scud in oasure ; v.-.ii-t van .! vi' -ii'.v '.v-iia. r-.-inl l.;v.l'ia.-iar-. Ord-!' ciir -cl. .-iTt;.!',: - iihnv? (li-scriln-ii I'cll wi'li ln o!.f is -,v:-.i rani c-! t- pv-i:ia-'y r:ir-' i hrcair i- .f-.-; r-f -i;-:aa! iMa'-sioas a'al ia; Mt-;:i-v ol money r-'i.smP-i!. ov.-n afit-r iv a-ar'.- trial. iiii: 21 iiiKE'lif A !!'!. ASCII CO., i iy I ivariiarii t., ( iiiv o. r.i. 1 astami ci owning wuikoi tus life, over VuO pans ,Tn-;t out. F. 13. LiCK.En.os & Co., Detroit, Mich. HlZ 'Xorms to Agents, hentiox xaisPAPEal Cue tins in' H M i 'n ? aril r-turn fo ''-- awl wf ktii $ S 'i-i a '3 i;i s-i.! yiv.i lr.-c- svii.v- jBft g 5-i S W tl.liijrof yvi-.it value and I ft I t 9. H innort.iia-e t j u. ti.-t 1 3 t i ii tsas will Ptalt vnn ill litlin-s which will l.-nntr you oicrv raoncy rinlit away tli-ia anytiiiair el -v in thic world. Aiiyciiv lain ;i the work ami live at imnu'. Either sex ; ail a-e-i Koiaetliiivi new. that just coins n ivn-y f .r all workers. We w !i riiart you ; eapita! not n.''lcd. Xiiis is one ol the K 'niiiiie, iii,por!;ii! chabt-es of a lii-time. Tl'ioie - ho an aiat-ition." mid ei.tcrprism wili not ilehiv. Gian'I oiitfit five. Adure-s Tpce id Co., Augtieta, '.aine. SCIy To Newspaper Publishers. We have 73 pounds of good bourgeois type, vliicli we will sell for 20 cents per pound, also 2o0 pounds nonparicl t3-pe, for 2-j cents jcr pound, and 50 pounds long primer, for 30 cents per pound. Itch, Prairio Mange, and Scratches of every kiDd cured in 30 minutes, by Wool ford's Sanitary Lotion. Use no other. This never fails. Warranted by, F. G. Frickc & Co., druggists, Plattsmoutli, Nebraska. 34-1 jr A WW rv A W ft n r 7 n for fnfnnts nncj Children. "Ca.ftorl.ai3Bowollfti5r.ptiltocLilJrcalhrit I Cantor!. rarrn Colic. Cor.fiflpntinn, I ri-i Miriiavrul itast,upi-r;ortoai:' piViiciuiUou Hour Stoai u ii, lian ho-a, iaim t.ition, k'iawu to roc- II. a. ABciitn, 51. D.. I K-m-,.,';'r,;",, W" "a luuU- 111 Bo. OiwrJ UL, ii.woUyu, N. Y. WiLLout i:ijurioua modioftlion. Tuk CitNTALii Coia-A-sY, l&i Pultou Btrr'ct, N. Y. The Importing Draft Norsk Oo. LINCOLN, IMroltTEIlS I. a. . . .-b-M . "I: ''a.;-; Liu.a ..9il4tfiS-- . , i i V - " a. - - - -i . ml . r-- -.1. fevU .IfeW Pure-bred French Draft (Percheron or Norman) AND ENCLISM SHiRE HORSES. O )?Ci 40 head Imported iu June. laifO. Visitors always welcouiu. Cull and tvo uur horHc-a or end fvr caiaiuyuo. Down With High Prices 1 : 30 TO 70 PEE CENT. OFF , CHE THOUSAND DIFFERENT ARTiC!f.5 ; Sold Direct to Conaumcr; ji The "Liiilo Drlective," n L. D. Postal KivoaPostajro In CT.J ; J, AVtlKlis from H oz. to 'A U. PAMILT SCALES, 240 lis., Z '. Piatform Scales, 31 1 to Forces ami Elacksmiilis' Toc-l3. Farmer' Foruri-, Sio, Forit mill lilt or Tool. ';. Kunners cum ilo mill lul.s, kiviii li.nt aua mouuy. Auvils Vises, ice, t":c. V7ACOH SCALZS. i")!!' i:ia:i-jfactiiri-rn In Aiai-rti-.a I.Rla u of ii i n hut tln-l.i-.r nf i;n,;ll.-,U Kiii 1 forbi-ui-ihiis.cf ail bciiii : lli:-''!! S.-TOI1 (.-3x12) ZiO. -A"! : '-T1 3-Ton7xl3)SSO. .'- l.-'-l l I i-.T n iP.Miflin I . t,-ri- ' -"tic j ' . ?' r.vnm T- ami V.n:-- i.-;:i.i wlih iWs V lV-a-H ! i-in-;iSt.i!i-..'ii-)ot!iTarli-tii-s. Al-a, .Uii-ViTl -J - Tna la . W!:i-cih-irriv. m. ( ura Hn-ll-gif..vj.---5 - C v: s. K. i-1 M ;.:. ..py I'riwi, Mi,n- ' i ' ! i v. i r-. I 'l': !,i h "Wrluia h uihI iai Ila.-iiv. iti'c SiM'r'i.ILlt.'.'i. te55fe SAFES OF ALL SIZES. !:r!.t ,; Hjs., ?.-'. ? Emm Z liEDUCED . I rr-iiai! ?.T-i-h!n:-. r- ..-iu 'l. la-;-;-.-, "'ai at, r n r lo.urr:!. i;.:n ! a: .a la :a :: ii it'. i..ia.ii:i i : - rial - t.f -..3t t..l- 1 ;..V I -il :,!: t. :-.r. U0t: .': -.:Vr--v,;aa .ii1: .'..?: l-'cn.l J j Cii-calai-H. ?1 1 PI'PPIII lip1 iilljlbliillll ifilllJl, ittK.ais over Iacli s Grocery Fturc. U.mn St:;:;.':t. - I'i.att ::.: vti:, Nri:. ufii,eaclon 0t"mil-nl iu All Work. Apr. .', 1 SEViHG EMQH1HE with S-slf-iireiJiaj (iiai No. 3. The ELD HEDGE " B " is sold with the guarantee cf being the 3EST that can be HADE. AGENTS WANTED. ELOREDGE MANUFACTURING CO, 363 and 365 WABASH AVE., CHICAGO. ILIi 4 I. FRED SHI I'M AX. M. I. . Fliypirian ni l:I;t.o!l. (jfiice in t"n 'on block . iif gi'lf-nce corpt-r I.'jcuh'.'ucI rourteenth streets. OSice lu.uri s a. in. tl 4. -. m- nd from 2 to 4 p.m. r & a J- I , . I EI" V':V--V;.'C'.-5ii i I,.!f THE tially ?KsisS?"- ------ j r: ;ira S V ..-f T'Pfef-i 5. I M 1 mm wis omsl t??t . -.-j. i NEBRASKA. 3 oi"- roRTbN soao a-""-'-1'' FJRST PRIZE HEREFORD HERD t t!io (,-n-at St.TxmlH Fair. lftS.'.hPailia! by FOIi.TT.NE Ei;-.'), liy Mr Kicliar l 2ini. Ilt KVELYS 'JiCO, hy U.rA V. l't.ia. CUDVIO 'Ih l::,? -.' by Tho i.rovn ."..-a. IimValsruV 2ml l",!r7, by Ilolley, half brother to A rchlbaM. Ifurd nuuibcrs 2Tj hoail. Sunil for j)rlcc- bud t-atulogiic. .J. H. JIAIVEM, Colony, Aiidurtun Co., Kumiaiit JULIUS PEPPERBERG, MANFFACTFltKH OK ANI WHOLESALE k RETAIL DKAI.ICU IN Tin: Choicest Brands of Cigars, including our Flcr tic Pepperbergo'. and 'Duds. ri I.I. 1.1 NIC OF TOIIACCO AND SMOKKIIS' AltTIGLKS iihv:iyjs in Flock. Nov. 2, K. DRESSLER. The 5th St. Merchant Tailor Keeps a Full IIue of Fcrei?n & Domestic Goods. o Con.suU Your Iutereet by Giving Him a Cal SHERVOOD BLOCK BOi F08 rAMPLC &PYcf TKLS liKAl 1 JFt'l. ll"OK. It vt-x UD- LAfiCU&CC ainl Sei'Imtnl rt Cvtry Flower and bnik. 30UU uili. ri-ul klii'ln. A I -a all tin; Kaowi Roltiol rilrli lion uith Clove. PariMl, HaodkerckW aatfTaa. it. iHtlii-mo! comoltta worlc of the kind -v-r pul-ll-licl. Send Fifl-a ( rnm 'In Hkiuju lor price to ur-iii. Asn!i Mbiit-i1 ewinrwhera. AL HXERICftit PU3. GO.. 17 Worth Yeatfc lret. Plla'a. Pa. SIWCER Zi7 STYLE Vi i m DAYS' TKIAL. A roil Set r AtlKi'htnpnta. WARKASTEtt Ji "Voarsi (ua for cJ Circular. Q I E. C. HOWE A CO." Lumber Yard. OLD RELIABLE. ATERMAN & SON il r. Wtolezale and Eetail Dealer la ? S LUMBER Sliinglcs, Lath, Sash, iinds. -' CaD supply every demand of the trad Call and get terms. Fourth street Ia Rear of Opera House. t ? U:v" ...,.'1 -.-X -r--J tJfw-'i ) t.'- ay:v. 41JTt It I , f j t ( . h-i 1 farms in Iowa. i . . Wf . J, - ! 7