Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, May 19, 1887, Page 5, Image 5
5 FARM COLUMN. 1LAX KKKD. It will be R long while, in the West, before furiners will bo induced generally to purcliHHe oil meal for their stock, Uut reully there ix no reason why they should. The oil which is in llax Heed i about all there is in the meal which is valuable for stock. And it looks like folly for farm ers who can cheaply raic the seed, to buy the meal when nearly all of the oil is pressed out of it. And now is the time for farmers to bow a small quantity of llax for use among their stock. It is all of inestimable value on the farm. Flax (straw is far superior to anything else for bedding for hogs. When they sleep in this, they have no skin diseases, such as mange, scurvy, etc. And with the new practice of raising calyes without running to the cow, it is almost impossible to get nlong safely without the use of llax seed, in order to keep the bowels of calves in a safe condition. Skim milk and llax seed or oil meal gruel cm easily make calf food as rich and nourishing as new milk. And for this one quart of pure llax seed is worth five quarts, of dry pressed oil meal. Besides grinding a small quantity of llax seed with oata, corn or barley, for all classes of stock, is a grand appetizer and promoter of health. And now is the time for farmers to pre pare to raise flaxseed for their own use. Joiva Register. EAItLV POTATOES. It is a luxury to have early fresh grown vegetables, provision must be made for their early growth. Early potatoes sure ly cannot be grown if they are not plant ed, and in order to aid their earliness of maturity they should be brought into a Condition to be strong and vigorous to hasten their growth as soon as placed in the ground. To do this bring some seed into the light and in a warm room; they will soon begin to develop sprouts which will increase- in vigor if the tubers arc kept properly moistioned; let the sprouts grow to some length as soon as the soil is suitable plant in the ground. The advance thus made will be surpris ing. The American. STARTING PLANTS. If no hot bed is made and there is no green-house in which to do it, plants for early setting should be started in the Lvouse. Tomatoes, lettuce, cabbages, peters and cucumbers can be started in thisTay and if properly attended to will give quick returns for au early crop. Plants in good soil well enriched in box es over which glass may be placed to prevent a too rapid evaporation of mois ture. Do not plant until the soil is warm and then give proper attention; as the plants gain in size transplant into other boxes or pots so as to give more room, and to induce a vigorous growth. Transplant t the open soil as soon as practicable . Ex. TrEES IX NEBRASKA. Atlanta, Ga., Constitution: Fifteen years ago it was thought that trees would not grow in Nebraska. The experiment was made and it has succeeded splendidly. Nebraska originated Arbor day and no other state in the union has reaped such benefits from this institution. It is esti mated that 12,000,000 trees were planted on the first Arbor day in Nebraska. Millions more have been added on each seeding anniversary of this tree feast. Georgia will celebrate her second Arbor day next November. She ought to catch the spirit of this important occasion as Nebraska has done. Agricultural Items. The average tiller of the soil lacks faith in Providence, the season, and his farm. Who takes care of the Kausas baby while ma. pa, and the hired girl are at the poljp. The elephant always travels with a trunk; the cow gets along nicely with only a bag. "Scratch a Russian, you find aTartar." Scratch Hatch, you unmgsk a bulk iPreeders' Gazette. It is considered an unsafe policy for a farmer to stake every interest of his farm on one single crop. G. W. Wood, of Monono county, has eown this spring 2,000 acres to grass, us ing $1,500 worth of grass seed. April was a good month for farmin, More corn was planted in April thi3 year than had been done for many years. If you suffer pricking pains on mov- or cannot bear bright light, sight weak and failing. 'Mtly use Dr. J. n. He Eye Salve. 25 cents 8-m3 rty of Washington Letter. From Our Regular Correspondent. Washington, May 12thr 18S7. Secretary Lamar did not attend the State dinner given in honor of the (Jut-on o' the Sandwich Iblands at the White House on Friday evening, and gossips were ready with an explanation. They saiil it was on account of the complexion of the dusky sovereign. This accusitiou made it necessary, of course, for the sec retary to come forward with his own ex planation. He said the true instigation of his non-appearance was neuralgia, from which he has suffered ever since that memorable oration at the unveiling of the Calhoun statute in Charleston. He further vouchsafed the information that he ver3' much regretted his inability to sit at dinner with Hawaii's queen, which he felt would have been a very high honor. Kapiolani could not but be pleased with her reception at the United States capital if distinguished attentions were what she most desired. Victoria could scarcely have had more honors done her iu the same length of time than did the queen of the little kingdom in the Pa cific. The president's wife returned her call at the White House in less than two hours the limit allowed by the royal eti- quette in returning visits. The ladies of the cabinet and the mem- bers of tho cabinet called on the queen at her hotel. An entertainment was jriven in her honor at the Hawaiian legation ae I well as at the White House, and a review Miss Nellie IJeardsley was'agreeably of troops was made for her benefit. She surprised last Monday evening by a num was taken around to the sights of the city ber of her friends dropping in upon her by a committee of reception. The Unit- ed States steamer. Desnateh. carried her to Mount Vernon where she was the re- cipient of various other attentions from private organizations and from private but distinguished individuals. The royal visitor attended two Ameri can amusements whila here the races and the circus. At the latter place there was nothing to distinguish her majesty's seat from those around her, not even a 'cush ion. She had to sit on the hard board bench just like her common neighbors. There was nothing official connected with her visit there, which was made at her own suggestion, and of course she took her lot with the common herd. It was not even known that her royalty was pre sent, and she was permitted to walk through the three inch-deep dust in pass ing in and out of the grounds as entirely free from any pressure of public atten tion as if she had been nobody in partic ular. The queen scarry spoke to her com panions during the performance, and the noisy racket of the clowns seemed to have no satisfaction for her, but when the ele phant tossed the clown about the ring it made her laugh, and when the clown's j turn came to batter the gigantic beast out I of breath and finally lay him prostrate in the arena, (the elephant having been trained to lie down)her majesty guffawed outright. On the queen's trip to Mount Vernon, "nice customs courtesy to kino-s," was rigidly observed. She was escorted to I tha steamer past a line made up of of- j ficers of the navy yard gathered to do j her homage, while a royal salvo of twen- J ty-one guns was fired. Inside the cabin J Kapiolani found herself the center of a distinguished company. The diplomatic j corps was generously represented by the I ministers from Chili, Venezuela, the Neth erlands, Austria, Japan Turkey Switzer- and, the Russian "Charge d' affaires1', and the Chinese secretary of legation. Our own government was represented by officials of the war, state and navy de- mrtnients, members of the Supreme Court J and by members of the senate and house committeef on foreign relations, besides I pledge ourselves to do our utmost to se sixty or seventy other persons of recog- J cure prohibition in both state and nation. nized importance in politics and society. I The commander of the Dispatch made j a little speech of welcome to the queen, I in which he informed her that by order J of the secretary of the navy who deligth- 3. That we extend our thanks to the ed in doing any service to a beautiful pastor, Rev. J. T. Minehart, to the mem woman, he would place her in command bers of the Grace M. E.. church, and to of the vessel. Queen Kalioni was evi- the Woman's Foreign Missionary society dently unprepared for a speech. She Gf St. Paul's church for their cordial hos seemcd slightly embarrassed, fidgeted pitality. with her fan a moment, hesitated, and spoke slowly, expressing her regrets that her limited command of English would only allow her to say that she was de- lighted with the hospitality of the Amer - ican people. When they arrived at Mount Vernon the commanding officer besought the queen's gracious permission to cast an- I place for the next session of the associa chor. At this point she depricated too I tion a year hence. much attention and said "Please do whatever is customary or required by the occassion." But he was not to be baffled in regard to the dues of royalty, and whenever he wanted to fire a salute,start the vessel or run up a flag, he followed royal ceremonies to the letter. Faults of digestion cause disorders of the liver, and the whole system be comes deranged. Dr. J. II. McLean's Strengthening Cordial and Blood Purifier cp the process or digestion ana as n, ana tuus mates pure diooo. 8-in3 trade dollar -quite Weeping Water Items Weeping Water Republican. Mrs Tliorngate is remodeling her resi dence on the corner of "I" and CVmmor cial street. J. K. Kennedy is building a dwelling on his lots jut east of Mrs. Shelton's. IX T. Dudley is building a freezing room on the corner of his lot, next to the alley. IJokx, to Mr. and Mrs. Mathey Spader, residing six miles northeast of Weeping Water, on Tuesday morning, a ten pound girl. The sidewalk at the postoffice has been raised ami the steps in the walk dispensed with, an improvement that will be appre ciated by the public. Mr. Metcalf, teamster, had the misfor tune to have one of his horses laid up Monday with a broken leg. He was go ing down a hill with a load, when the neck-yoke broke and let the loaded wag on run onto the horse, causing the break as mentioned above. Mel Swearengcn, Mr. Hoot, the night operator, and Fred Micklcvtait went to Hiawatha, Kansas, on Saturday, to attend the Masonic lodge, and see Micklewait take a tlegree. J. M. Conner, a stone mason from Eagle, moved his family to Weeping Water, Monday. They live in the Coon property on the south side. Mr. Conner will work on the church as soon as he tfets Norton's side walk done which he '3 now laying. nu epenuing several hours in enjoying themselves with music, games, &C. Miss Nellie received several nice preseits and er sixteenth birthday will long be re- niembered as a bright spot in the lives of all present. From the Eagle. James Kenedey has commenced the erection of a dwelling house, on his nice lots on Eldora Avenue size 24x28. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Rockwell of Manly spent a part of last week in this city. They were the guests of S. W. Orton. An additional side track has been put in at the Stone works, capable of hold ing a whole train of crushed stone. Conductors Micklewait and Bakea took a short lay off last week, they im proved their time in visiting f reud3. Mrs. Amelia Sayles of Yankton Dako ta, was here last .week, attending the marriage of her son Eugene. Jhe return ed to her northern home Friday. Close of the Ministerial Associa tion A Very Profitable Gathering. From the Lincoln Journal of May 13th. The District Ministerial association of the Methodist preachers of Lincoln dis- trict resumed its session in the Grace church vesterdav mornini?. j - C3- After the opening devotional exercises by Rev. J. D. M. Buckner and the appro val of the minutes of yesterday's session, the programme as published was taken up. "The Four Points of Methodism: Heart Conversion, Assurance, Christian exper ience an(j Sanctiffication," were fully and ably treated by E. J. Bird, of Palmyra, anci j. j). j Buckner, of Roca. These papers were discussed at length by the association. The discussion of the sub- jcct consumed most of the session. Ths committee on resolutions, consist ing of E. J. Bird and J. T. Roberts, pre sented the following report which was unanimously adopted: 1. That we rejoice in the rapidly spreading prohibition sentiment in our country, reaffirm our conviction that tL,e regulation of the liquor trafic by li- cense, high or low, is morally wrong,and 2. That we heartilly endorse the Wom- ans christian Temperance Union, and w;n co-operate with it to the best of . our ability. j 4. That we express our appreciation J of the urbanity and impartiality with I which our presiding elder, Rev. William J G. Miller, D. D., has presided over our 1 deliberations. I The presiding elder and the Lincoln I pastors' were constituted a emmittec to I arrange the programme and select the I After providing for the expenses of I the session the association adjourned, all I reioicin" over the very enjoyable time that had been spent together. The quality of the blood depends much upon good or bad digestion and assimulation; to make the blood rich, in I life and strength giving constituents, use - 1 Dr. J. II. McLean's Strengthening Cordial I and Blood Purifier; it will nourish the I properties of the blood iom which the - 1 eiemcnt9 of vitality are drawn. - 8-mi 1 . . I .The Bombay ttuzeir e ,ce u as I girls as com-- Beware of Ointments for aCtarrh that Contain Mercury, as mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell and completely derange the whole system when entering it through the mucus surfaces. Such articles should never be used except on prescriptions from reputable physicians, as the damage they will do are ten fold to the good you can possibly derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney fc Co., Toledo, Ohio, contains no mercury, and is taken internnlly, and acts directly upon the blood and mucus surfaces of the system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure that you get tne genuine, it is taken internally and mads in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney &. Co. C2?Sold by Druggist, price 75 cents per bottle. 7-ml The prohibition campaign in Texas is evidently destined to be far more closely contested and exciting than any of those in which tho Republicans and Democrats, as such, confronted each oth er. In the present canvass party lines are broken, and the Prohibitionists are displaying a strength which the Republi cans in recent years have never been able to show. As Reagan, Maxey and many of the prominent Democrats of the State are enthusiastic Prohibitionists, who will take an active part in the campaign, the contest will be the most doubtful up to the close of the polls on election day of any which has been waged in the Lone Star State since the close of the recon struction period. Globe Dt-m. Their Business Booming. Probably no one thing has caused suc h a general revival of trade at F. G. Fricke & Co.'s drug store as their giving away of so many free trial bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. Their trade is simply enormous in this very valuable article from the fact that it al wnjrs cures and never disappoints. Coughs, Colds Asthma, Bronchitis. Croup and all throat and lung diseases quickly cured. You can test it before buying by getting a trial bottle free, large size $1. Every bottle warranted. (3) The cowboys have a language of their own .uhich no "tenderfoot" may attain unto until he has served his novi tiate. They call a horse herder a "horse wrangler" and a horse breaker a "bronco buster." Their steed is often a "cayuse," and to dress well is to "rag proper." When a cowboy goes out on the prairie he "hits the flat." Whisky is "family disturbance," and to eat is to "chew." His hat is a "cady," his whip a "quirt,"! his rubber coat a "slicker," his leather overalls are "chaps" or "chapperals," and I . I his revolver is a "45." Bacon is "over-1 land trout" and unbranded cattle "mavericks." are Enjoy Life. What a truly beautiful world we live in! Nature gives us grandeur of mount ains, glens and oceans, and thousands of means of enjoyment. We can desire no better when in perfect health; but how often do the majority of people feel like giving it up disheartened, discouraged and worn out with disease, when there is Tin nri9:!nn fnr tills fflplinor na fiV'Prv Sllf- , . , , . , ferer can easily obtain satisfactory prooi, I .. . . . -i. v I tWBlUreens AtigilSl cower will rnaKC t!le world. '1 he wearer feels the warmth, life thom fmn from diyeatie nj vh n linrn I and Totalization iii three minutes after put them tree Irom disease as wuui uorn. tinir them 0I, gent by return mail upon receipt Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint are the of pi ice Send your address for the i-New De J 1 1 r , I parture in Medical Treatment without Medi direct causes of seventy-five per cent, of such maladies as Billiousness, Indigest tion. Sick-headache, Costiveness, Ner vous Prostration, Dizziness of the Head. Palpitation of the Heart, and other dis tressing symptoms. Three doses of August Flower will prove its wonderful effect. Sample bottles 10 cents. Try it. (1) Lightning is going to strike in Du buque and Davenport, and it will hit the saloons. They don't think so. They never do until they are hit. But they are going to be hit now very shortly. Lincoln Jounal. ci . i. nMA 1 . DAr, permanent uu wuipicio cures of bilious and intermitten diseases, mads by Prickly Ash Bitters. "Dyspep sia, general debility, habitual constipa tion, liver and kidney complaints are speedily eradicated from the system. It disinfects, cleanses and eliminates all malaria. Health and vigor are obtained more rapidly and permanently by the use of this great natural antidote than by any other remedy heretofore known. As a blood purifier and tonic it brings health, rpnPffPfl pnprirv and vitality to a worn renewed energy ana yiiaiity 10 a orn and diseased body. -ml The Connecticut House of Represen tatives has passsed a bill making women eligible to election on district school boards. In the decline of life, infirmities be- j set Us to which our youth and maturity were strangers, our kidneys and liver are subject to derangement, bat nothing equals Dr. J. II. McLean's Liver and Kid ney Balm as a regulator of these organs. 8-m3 "We are agents for the Iowa State I o 1 "emitter, and we will furnish it with the w T 'HE superiority of Corallne over horn or whalebone has now been dem onstrated by over six years exper ience. It ia more durable, more pliablo. more comfortable, and NEVER BREAKS. The immense sale of these Corsets Is now over 7000 daily. Beware of worthless imitations boned with various kinds of cord. None are genuine unless "Dr. War ner'a Coraline"ia printed on Inside of tne stoel covor. T0B 8 ALE BY ALL LEADING MERCHANTS. WArIErBPvO,; 257 & 259 Btats Stmt, CHICAOO, ILL. ROBERT DONNELLY' "wAG-o:Lr AND BLACKSMITH SHOP, Wagon, Buggy, Machine and Plow re pairing, and general jobbing av now prepared to do all kinds of repairing of farm and other machinery, as there is a good lathe in my shoj . PETER RAUEN, The old Reliable Wagon Make! has taken charge ot the wagon Biiop He is well known as a NO. 1 WORKMAN. New W futons and Bneciei made i and Hngcles wraer SATISFACTION OUABANT "I'll make assurance doubly sure and take a bond." Midland Guarantee and Trust Coip'y. CAPITAL, $:;00,000. Incorporated under the Laws of Nebraska, and luthoricd to act as FISCAL ana TKAXKEtt AGENTS, and as Tiustees for Estates, Corporations, Ma uicipalittes and Individuals, THIS Company will furnish ABSTRACTS OF '1 1TLE of Dougla. Cass, Washington and Sarpv Counties from full and correct set of Ab stract Books of its own, and through an organ ized system, copyrighted, will perfect ami Ui'AiusiKE Titi.hs to lieal Estate. Nathan Shkltox, Ceo. I. Gilp.ebt. President. Vice Prest. A. C. Powell, Sec. and Treas. J. M. ROBINSON, Agent, -L?17-2S.yrOUTJT, 1-tf JESJiHSITH. W COLD FEET! Send one dollar in currency, with size of shoe usually worn, and try a pair of our Magnetic insoles for rheumatism, cold feet and bad clr- :n, and try a pair oi our Magnetic rheumatism, cold feet and bad clr Ihey are the most powerful made in filiation. Thev are the most powerful 11 cine." with thousands of testimonials, write us full particulars ot difficulties. Our Magnetic Kidney Belts for gentlemen will positively cure the following dieeases with out medieino : rain 111 tne oacK, iieau or uuius, nervous debility, lumbago, general debility, rheumatism, pwralvsis. neuralgia, sciatica, dis eases of the kiduev. torpid liver.seminal emis- s'onc, iinnotency. heart disease, .dyspepMa. in digestion, hernia or rupture, pnes. eic uou sanation free. Price of Belt, with Magnetic Insoles, $in. Sent by express C. O. I. or by re turn mail upon receipt 01 price. Seud measure of wait and ize of tdioe worn. Send for circu lar". Ord-r direct. Notk. The above described Belt wili In solos is warranted to positively cure chronic cines of seminal emissions and imfoteiicy or money refunded, even after one year's trial. THE MAGNETIC APPLIAXCE CO., 47 ly 134 Dearborn St.. Chicago, III. lPnr Kmr, W "KTVCSIAi U&t WilASii d ft2Sii.ffi XIXIBW." L&8tanacrowninKorituiuio iw Just out. F. B. iJicKKRSON v., ueiron, auisa. HlZ Term to aentt. imestion roust-.u'juii t y which will bring you more money right away than anything else in thi I world. Anyone can do the work and live at , ome Either sex ; all es Something new. that iust eoins monev for all workers. We will .-tart you ; capital not needed. This is one of l ne genuine, important cuances ui i luctiure. Those who are ambitious and enterprising will not delav. Grand outfit free. Address 1 rue a Co., Austista. Maine. 3dy To Newspaper Publishers. We have 75 pounds of good bourgeois J type, which we will sell for 20 cents per J pOUnd, also 250 pounds nonpariel type, j for 25 cents per pound, and 50 pounds iong primer, for 30 cents per pound- Itch', Prairie Mange, and Scratches of eycry kind cured m 30 minutes, by Wool ford's Sanitary Lotion. Use no other. isp--er fails. "Warranted by, F. O, B nnSI Iftobemade. Cut this on Ml I I HI If and return to us and we III I I Itl m V w"l send you free some Ill Ilia I thing of great value and IV III! I importance to you. that I I w I 1 La I will rtart you in busines Fr " . cm f gists, fiat: SHORE m Cheapest Eating on Eartli i ASKY0UR OK0CEE, FOB THJUC TRASK'S JARE THE ORIGINAL and UnLT UKNWIN1I Taka nu wtrr Brand. HESSELROTH'S SWEDISH WINE OF IRON. THEC&EiTCOISTITCTlOIlL KEIEAT. For Debility, DitMpils, Wmkitn, l.Hyfaor, 1mov rrl.bil snd MlHtfiil.h t'li-.ul lion uf thn ItiooJ, lose of At frtlte, lkmn(Bfal mf th .Ur, Narrouiarii, Pwlpltt llun oflbc llmrt, Cld Pert. umbnrii, Pvatale Wemfcu ne. Mod la run mil disorder Hrlilng from at Law Mtato ( (he blood, and m Disordered Condition or the Dl(stlv Oriitnl. lu effect on the human sritetn la MARVELOU8. Rr exiMtlnu tha utomach to perfect oiKomion or 1000. 11 Tiricn etui atrwiiKthena tbe blood, Klvlnc too and viuor to tne wnoie annum, tne ifluw or bealtb, elastic atopa, aul buoyaut niirlu. glvtnv ample evi dence of its beneficial effucta. If constipated use liewnlr'ith'a Gelatine-Coated Blood and Llrer Pills. They com no niorettian other Ak rour Uruuslst for Hesselroth's 8wei laxative pins, ana are superior. A ifii wtneor anil llennelrotb's Mood and l.lvrr fills (Xic. ron (i'nee si per Momn; oix itoiuvs.soi. pei box; live boxes, (l), or aeua direct to LAVYHLYCE ULSSELILOTII. 107 Chicago AicCkleaxo. CITY HOTEL. This beautiful three story brick structure. on tower Maid Htreet. has Junt been finished and dtted up for the accommodation of TRANSIENT CUSTOMER REGULAR BOARDERS. EVERY THING NE AND CLEAN C-oed Bar In connection with the a llouHe. FRED GOO., rrop. WiD Glasses, A; ATTENTION. e are now prt. pined to furuinh all classed with employ men t tt home, the whom oi the time, or lor tneir spare moments. Uufiuess new, light aud proi- ;tnble. l'crsoiis of either sex easily earn irom VI cent" to $5 on oer evening, and a proportlon- 11 wuiii iiy tievotniK an ineir nine iv mo uu.i less. Hoys and jjirla earn nearly as luucli as ncii. ThiituU who ee th's may eud their I'li'.iess and n-t the btisinexH. we make tliU tier. To such a are not well satisfied we wlU end one dollar to pay for the trouble of wrlt iiK, Kull pni ticulars and outfit free. Addrew ;kihhk St in son & Co., l'oitland, Maine. THE CITIZENS PLATTSMOUTII. - NEBRASKA. CAPITAL, - S75.000; 0FFICKU8 'RANK CAUKUTli. JOS. A. CONNOR. President. Vite-Presldent. W. H. CUSniNQ. Caehier. DIKKCTOKB Frank Carrutb, J. A. Connor. F. R. Gutl rrann, J. W. Johueou. Henry Bo-clf , John O'Keefe, W. D. M rriaui. Win. Weteucamp, W, n. dishing. transacts a General Banking Buijiness. All Who have any Banking business to transact are invited to call. No matter hew lart-'e or t!iiall the tranractiou, it will receive our careful attention, and we promise always cour teous treatment. Indues Certificates of Deposits bearing interest ' Buys and sells Foreign Exchange, County and Citv securities. Bank Cass County LUCotner Mala and Sixth Streets. X.ATTSMOTJTH 2STDB3S , C. H. 1 J M. PA KM E I.E. President. I PATTKKSON. Cashier, f rransacts a General Banting Business HiailEST CASH. PRICII Paid for County and City Warrant COLLECTION MADS and promptly remitted for. (OIBXOCTOBa H.P&rmele, J. M. Patterson. Fred Gerder, A. B. Smith. it. B. Windham. M. Morrisey, James Patterson. Jr. ony kitzokbald, s. Wacom. President. C&abier FIRST NATIONAL OF PLATTSMOUTH. NKBRA8KA. 2erstne very best facilities for the prompt transaction of legitimate BANKING BUSINESS, f Hocks, Bonds. Gold, (rovernrnent and Loa Securitie Bought and Sold, Deposits recelr ed and interest allowed on time Crtitt- cates. L'rart drawn, available lu any part of the r ntted Htate and all the principal towns ot Europe. Collections made & promptly remit' Highest market prices paid for Cour' State sxd County Bod ' DIRECTORS' SELECTED I famuBa "raid r. proof-f - year for $2,25.