Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, May 12, 1887, Page 5, Image 5

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The milk of the mother, drawn from
tlie mlder ly the calf, in the best and
mont du tu nil food that a calf can have,
but economical and other conuideration
come in to prevent this natural method
of 1iin-ino- up calveH, although it may
he practiced iy breeders of pure blood
Btock. Anion;; dairymen the cream or a
considerable port of the milk may be de
hired, and ho natural methods must h
supplanted by Bome acceptable artificial
one. It is better, if a calf is to be raised,
to learn it to drink, and to do this as soon
as possible after it is dropped; then, after
it Us a start ly the use of full new milk,
its feed "may le gradually changed by
sitituting skim milk and linseed or flax
seed gruel, or it may also be fed with oat
meal, ground reasonable line, with the
hulls bolted or sifted out. The only point
to be considered is., to secure a ration that
is as rich as the new milk of the cow.
lloil a pint of llax seed or oil meal in ten
or twelve quarts of water, and thi with
skim milk in the proportion of about one
part to three, feeding blood warm. Use
occasionally a little oat-meal; if their is
a tendency to sour for two or three meals,
give in the milk a quart of common wheat
flour, i'ea meal is good with skim milk.
In this way the richness of milk removed
by skimming is restored, and even ita
value increased if desired.- The Ameri
Observing dairymen have noticed that
the quantity of milk a cow yields depends
very much on the quantity of water she
drinks. Almost invariably a good milker
is a free drinker. M. Doncel reported to
the French Academy of Science that he
found by a series of experiments that the
quantity of water habitually drank by
each cow during twenty-four hours was
a criterion to judge of the quantity of
milk she would yield' a day. And a cow
that docs not drink as much as twenty
seven quarts of water daily must be a
poor milker, giving only from five and
a half to seven quarts per day. But all
cows which consumed as much as fifty
quarts of water daily were excellent, giv
ing from eighteen to twenty three quarts
of milk per day. He gives a confident
opinion that the quantity of water drank
by a cow is an important factor of her
value as a milker. Prof. Horsefall found
I'tat a cow giving only twenty pounds of
mi V' a day drank forty pounds more of
water than fattening cattle of the same
weight. Here is a clue to the excellent
effect noticed by those who have warmed
.the water for their cows. The cows very
liaturally drank nearly the usual quantity,
and the result, as Mr. John Boyd reported,
was an increase of twenty-five per cent,
more milk of equal by good quality.
Hoard's Dairyman.
It is estimated that one-half the pop
ulation of the world follow farming as a
business, and yet how few of these can
be called progressive farmers. "What a
very small number of them are enthusias
tic in their business and consequently on
the watch to see how they can learn more
and attain greater skill in their work.
The proportion of farmers who subscribe
for and read papers devoted to their call
ing, is very small, indeed estimated to
be not over one iu seven. Nor do they
take an interest in the formation of clubs
where, by an interchange of ideas, much
could be learned. The most intelligent
farmers are those who read and try to
learn all they can, but how very few,
comparatively, there are of this claes. It
should be remembered that in fanning, as
in other pursuits, those who, by study
aud painstaking application, increase their
knowledge of the business, are the most
successful. Education is the great need
of the farming community. Live Stock
The following list of varieties .for the
garded will be found desirable, if not
the best: Asparagus The Colossal,
.J'bore's cross breed, so-called, is spoken
1 JiJily of, but we are quite satisfied with
' - "V A I 1.1
the former. IJeanes valentine, crystal
"White "Wax, Golden "Wax, and the old
fashioned .Lima are nnsurpassed by any
ii.rlo Twt r.nssno for earlT
and Long Red for late. Henderson's
I VEarly Summer is an excellent kind, "Win-
ningstadt and "Wakefield for later, and
Drumhead and Savoy for latest. Cauli
lower Henderson's Snowball is certain-
the finest; Algiers is the best late kind.
lcnderson'8 "White Plume is a
yte, Belf-blnching sort, and
Carrots Half-long and
' ' '-ItureLong
1 Ev-
" v
oiis Phinney's has aot been surpassed
by any of the vaunted new kinds. On
ions Kurly Dan vers, a good yellow kind
and yields largely. Pens Little Oem,
Stratagem, grown ou flat, low trellises to
keep tho pods off the ground, and Cham
pion of England, Alpha and Lax ton's
Early are good early kinds. These bhould
all be sown at once and in succt-ksion
every 10 days. Itadih Early Erfurt
and French Breakfast; Long IJnl is as
good as ever. Tomatoes - Cardinal, Ar
lington, Conqueror, and Perfection.
Weeping Water Items
Weeplutc Water Republican.
Mrs. J. N. Black and daughter spent
a part of last week in Plattsmouth.
Justice Barr has removed his olllec
over the Vf. W. C. store.
S. K. Stucker is plastering "Webster's
new store room.
Mr. Maxwell gave his horse with a
broken leg to Geo. Hunt and lie will try
to save the animal.
"Wess Pepple has moyed into a neat lit
tle house of his own, just built on the
south side.
Miss Anna Calking, of Louisville,spent
Saturday and Sunday in "Weeping "Water,
the guest of Mrs. J. S. Tewksbury.
Everybody seams to be of the opinion
that developements will soon be made
for Weeping Water's unbounded success.
From the Ragle.
Mrs. Ruben Hyers of Ilyereville Neb.,
has been appointed post mistress for that
burg. The name of Noblesvillehas gone
Nicholas Cox met with an accident
last Saturday, that called for a needle
and thread to be used in sewing up a
large cut in his face, caused by coming
into to close contact with the heals of a
wild colt. Doc. Thomas was called in to
do the needlework, he reports Mr. Cox
getting along all right.
Two grey-beards amused themselves
and a large numbw of spectators, one
day last week with a foot race, C. II.
King and grandpa Clapp the contest
ants, both of them seemingly had learned
the side track dodge, consequently the
straight heat was limited, and the race
run to a finish on a tangent. It was a
draw game.
County Surveyor Modole intends re
moving to Plattsmouth, just as soon as
he can secure a suitable place of resi
dence, his recent appointment as city en
gineer for Plattsmouth makes the change
necessary. He will leave a host of friends
in this neck of woods who would rather
take a ducking than to see him go.
From the Ilawkeye.
Mr. Gillette, of Cdar Creek will be
our station agent at this place.
Miss Norma McDonald of Louisville
is visiting with friends in Greenwood.
Miss Rosa Ridpath began a two month
term at the Hedge-corner school house
Mr. and Mrs. Henry "Waterman of
O'Neill, Neb. were the guests of Rev. II.
A. French and family Thursday last.
H. E. Newton severs his connection
with the railroad company, as agent at
this place. He has been here for about
two years, and in that time has made
many warm friends who are sorry to see
him go. "We hope his farming experience
will be pleasant and profitable.
From the Item.
Dan Hay is quite ill. Fears are enter
tained that he is taking brain fever.
A new pair of cymbals have been ad
ded to the band instrumentation which
makes a great improvement in the music.
Miss Luna Cassel, of Nebraska City,
niece of "W. H. II. Cassei, will make her
home with him this summer and teach
music. Mr. and Mrs. Thaler of Palmyra,
parents of Mrs. Ira Gordon, are also vis
iting Mr. Cassel.
Harmon Cannon returned from the
west Saturday to look after his interests
here. He is well pleased with his new
home and has one of the best homesteads
in Dundy county. Such men as Mr. C.
will always prosper.
They Should Understand.
Cedar Rapids Republican, 3: At a
negro wedding in Griffin, Georgia, when
the words "love, honor and obey" were
reached the groom interrupted the preach
er and said : Read that again, sir; read
it wunce mo', so's de lady kin ketch the
full solemnity ob de meanin'. I'se leen
married befo.' Since the president has
concluded to try it again, the greatly
tried and much bewildered civil service
reformers who still think they want more
of Cleveland should urge their organs
to read over again to him his pre-election
promises to reform, so's the president kin
ketch the full solemnity of the meaning;
for they're been through the campaign
and part of one administration with him
and, like the - twice-married man, can
speak feelingly.
" T I", . . t. 1 1 . i
TTe have 75 pounds cf goor-urgeois
, " 'eh we will r '1 f bents per
.riel type,
7D pounds
County Proceedings.
Wednesday May 4. 1887. Board nu t
persuant to adjournment, member nil
The committee Avcnt out and took a
look at some bridges, after returning the
following claims were allowed:
J. C. Eikenbarry bailifT, $
J. M. Robinson, salary fcc
J. ( '. Eikenbarry, guarding coun
ty prisoners
S. 1. Hollo way, boarding pris
oners E. G. Dovcy fc Son, goods to
Johnson Bros., hardware
S. P. Holloway, boarding city
134 00
45 W
!7 50
8tf 00
OO l't
G 45 I
20 50
20 00
11 05
4 00
125 00
3G 40 ;
(U) 85 j
54 85 i
McConhie Post No. 45, G. A. R.
room for Jury
J. V. Weckbach, goods to pau
pers S P. Holloway, guarding crazy
J. B. Strode, two state cases. ... 1
Insane case ('has. Hilhart. . .
" Mrs. A. Cable. .
" William Broat.
David Miller, repairing jail 2 00
Skinner fc Ritchie, work on
memerical index ?."
State vs (.'has. Wright 4'i
" " N. Wagner & Hawley.
" " N. Wagner
" " Chas. Jones
" " James Adam a
" " David Swanbock
200 53
23 13
19 43
Grand Jury 09 00
154 90
Petit Jury 505 40
Clerk dist. court 59 10
Board adjourned to meet to-morrow
Thursday May 5th 1887. Boaru' met
persuent to adjournment, members all
present aud allowed the following bills:
Reed Bros., goods to Mrs. M.
Neally $
Reed Bros., goods to Mrs. Clark
Newman & Clark, goods to pau
pers E. W. Cook, salery and careing
for F. Johnson
L. Foltz. salery and com. work,
March and April
A. B. Todd, salery and commit
tee work
A. B. Dickson committee work
and salery
12 50
17 40
47 92
78 50
51 80
Board adjourned to meet June 7th
1887. L. Foltz
J. M. Robinson Clerk.
In the decline of life, infirmities be
set us to which our youth and maturity
were strangers, our kidneys and liver are
subject to derangement, but nothing
equals Dr. J. II. McLean's Liver and Kid
ney Balm as a regulator of these organs.
April Weather Report.
For April 1887:
Mean temperature, 52.G.
Highest temperature, 92 on the 30th.
Lowest temperature, 23 on the 1st.
Precipitation, 1-J-.
No. times over 85 1.
" " below 32, fi.
" frost, G.
" cloudy days, G.
" clear days, 9.
thunder storms, 3.
days on which rain fell, 12.
Direction of wind, from S. W.
For April 188G:
Mean temperature, 49. 0.
Highest temperature, 85.
Precipitations, 24.
Plums and Peaches in bloom 23d.
Cherries in bloom 27th.
It has been said by one "that the
coming season will be cold" and unfa
vorable to the growth of vegetation.
Why? "Because the Sun did not cross the
equinoctial line right." Query? Did he
see the Sun cross the line? "What is the
line made of; of what material &c, are
questions that he might tell, or answer.
Safe, permanent and complete are the
cures of biliou3 and intermitten diseases,
made by Prickly Ash Bitters. Dyspep
sia, general debility, habitual constipa
tion, liver and kidney complaints are
speedily eradicated from the system. It
disinfects, cleanses and eliminates all
malaria. Health and vigor are obtained
more rapidly and permanently hy the use
of this great natural antidote than by any
other remedy heretofore known. As a
blood purifier and tonic it brings health,
renewed energy and vitality to a worn
and diseased body. . 7-ml
Thursday, June 9, 18S7, is the day
fixed by the Short-Horn breeders, C. C.
Platter and John Hayes, to hold their
7th Public Sale at Red Oak, Iowa. The
marked features of their sales are:
1st. Good Animals.
2d. Recorded Pedigrees.
3d. No by-bidding.
4th. Reasonable prices.
5th. Favorable terms of payn:
See advertisement.
The quality of the blood c
much upon good or bad digest
assimulation; to make the bloc
life and strength giving const;!
Dr. J. II. McLean's Strengthe-
and Blood Purifier; it .
properties of the bloc1
elements of vit"'1 '
Bowaro of Ointments for aCtarrh
that Contain Mercury,
as mercury will surely destroy tin sens-
j of smell mid completely derange tin
j whole system when entering it through
; the mucus surfaces. Such articles should
j never be used except on prescriptions
I from reputable physicians, as the danuige
! thev will do are ten fold to the good you
j can possibly derive from them. Hall's
Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J.
Cheney & Co.. Toledo, Ohio, contains
' Tim liwiv-nri' .kitil tu f.iL-Mi, i ittni-n.l I otwl
icts directly upon the blood and mucus
mrfuccs of the system. In buying Hall's
Catarrh Cure be sure that you get the
genuine, it is taken internally and mad?
in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co.
H3?Sold by Druggist.", price 75 cents per
bottle. T-ii 1
Tho Verdict Unanimous.
W. 1). Suit, Druggist, Bippus, Intl..
testifies: "I can recommend Electric Bit
ters as the very best remedy. Every bot
tle sold has given relief in every case.
One man took six bottles, nnd wiu cured
of Rheumatism of 10 years' standing".
Abraham Hare, druggist, Bellville, Ohio,
afiirnis: "The best selling medicine I have
ever handled in my 20 years' experience,
is Fleet rio Bitters". Thousands of other
have added their testimony, so that the
verdict is unanimous that Electric Bitters
do cure nil diseases of the Liver, Kidneys
or Blood. One half dollar a bottle at F.
(i. Fricke fc Co., drug store. (2)
One of the leading Canadian jour
nals urges the Dominion to settle the fish
ery question with the United States, even
if that course; should "still further alter
the relations of Canada with Up mother
country." This, coupled with the intro
duction of a bill to permit Nova Seolia
to secede so as to ultimately come into
the Ameii.?an Republic, is an evidence of
the growth of the annexation sentiment
on the other side of the border. The ad
vantages of such a union to the Can uli.ui
confederation would be immense. The
United States, eventually, would gain by
it, but the people of this country, novel
theless, are not anxious for any such ar
rangement just now. However, when the
sentiment in favor of annexation gets
strong enough to mould the policy of tho
Dominion the United Stntes will probab
ly not refuse the Canadians admittance.
Globe Democrat.
Astonishing Success.
It is the duty ofvery person who has
used lioschee's German Syriijt to let its
wonderful qualities be known to their
friends in curing Consumption, severe
Coughs, Croup, Asthma, Pneumonia, and
in fact all throat and lung diseases. No
person can use it without immediate re
lief. Three, doses will relieve any case,
and we consider it the duty of all Drug
gists to recommend it to the poor, dyiHg
consumptive, at least to try one bottle, as
80,000 dozen bottles were sold last year,
and no one case where it failed was re
ported. Such a medicine as the German
syrup cannot be too widely known.
Ask your druggist about it. Sample bot
tles to try, sold at 10 cents. Regular
size, 75 cents. Sold by all Druggists and
Dealers, in the United States and Canada.
Faults of digestion cause disorders
of the liver, and the whole system be
comes deranged. Dr. J. II. McLean's
Strengthening Cordial and Blood Purifier
perfects the process of digestion and as
simulation, and thus makes pure blood.
JOHN A. DA VIES. A ttorn v at Law. Office
with li'. 15. Windham, over hank of Cass Co.
.PLATTsStOUTil, Jail 71y -N ItllitASK A.
lEKSOX & SULLIVAN, Attorneys at Law.
1 . Will give pro:::it attention to all business
Intrusted to them. Ofliee iu Union lilock. East
side, riaUsmouth, Neb.
JAft. S. MVTHK AS, Attorney r.t Law.
over M. 15. Murphy Co 's store, south :
ide of
M tin betwe n fth aud 6th streets.
21 a
KOBEUX 15. WINDHAM. Notary Public and
Attorney at La -v. Office over ra k ct
Cass County, I'l.ittsmoutli. .Neb. Ofliee tele
phone No. 7 ; residence. No 6.
A. HAKTIGAN. Lawyer, Fitzgerald's
Block. Plattsmo'ith. Neb. l'rompt and
lareful attentioa to a general I iW practice.
EW. COOK, M. D., Phylciin and Surgeon.
ofllc at Fisher's Drug store, I'latts
moutli. Nebraska.
If you are afflicted with rheumatism, neural
gia, nervous ex haus: ion, dyspepsia, or with dis
eases of the liver, Vioueyg, headache or cold
feet, swollen or weak ankles, or swollen feet, an
Abdominal iielt and a pair of Magnetic Toot
Batte: ics have no superior in the relief and cure
of all these eo::;liut!. They crry a powerful
uiHcnetio ture to" tlii! seat of the t!ise;u-.e.
l ,n- hi.i - e;ikne of the spine, falling
. l:te.a, chronic iitilaiumutiou
o womb, incidental hem or
gainful, suppressed and ir
ii, barrenne'is and chaise of
-t Appliance and Curative
rier with Magnetic Foot Bat
t by expres C. O. IX, and ex
wed, or by mail on receipt of
not found satisfactory even after
ii i;il they can b i returned and in-'ii-d.
Id orderiiig.seu measure of waitt
nf shoe.
:iie wore over th underclothing. They
i ..eif yxnrtr furecer.
1 tduint for the "New Departure in Mel
i lreatnient Without Medicine." with thou
is of testimonials. Send for elrcuiam.
rite u full particuliirs aa regard your difli
. tie order direct.
4 ,-ly IS Dearborn St., lhlcj(ro,lll.
Fur Ochlltty, 1 yair iIm,
Wpuknrai, Kian tr"", I in ov
4rlahrl nnd Hluulih 1 mi In
I Ion of the 11IomI0 lo f A
1-tle, lrrttirrmriil r the
drr, frvmnnrii, I'wtnltit
lion r the HrnrC, oIt f-t,
N tamtnaa Ftmnle Wruk
lira. In fuet nil dUontrri
Mrlalntf frum 11 Low Mtt of
lh llool nnd n IHaordr retl
i on til I luu of the JHtfratl ve
lis otTiTt on ttirt htinmn system 1b
Ht exrltintt thu tmach to p or foot
tliuwttioii of tootl, it onrW'ht'B am)
HtrtMitftiiriH the IjIimkI. trivlritf tone
uikI vmor to thu u hiiltt y!luii, the
iilow at ticttllh. ' hi mi to Mtrt, arid
huorant hpiritM, iriviritf tiinilu evi
len at it tM'iM'tlcittl PtTrin.
If corint united 1 1(Htlrnth'B
f ;l:itine-C(irin Itlood mid Ijvi
I'll I h. They cmt no more ttmn other
xnllvo nil If. hiuI htm crenlly
superior. Ak your lniK't for 1 (rtHlrith Swh1
Hh WtiM'ot Iron tPrir f 1 t Mottle; mx hott !,;',
Hiid nM'lrilir Itlood and l.iver Fillrt (li'x.. pur
tox ; five Lioxl'n t), or ttend tlirct t to
L iWULU'E IIESSIXCOTII. 107 Chirac Ave-CliiraKO.
't FIT
For ii ft ii yc:.i s, ihcy have steadily Elinor
in f:ivir, and v.iih f:il-s constantly iin'1 casii'i
have l'l-cnni.' I 'it- must popular coit-et thio"uli
out t In- l liitf d Males.
I he If 1 1 1 ; 1 1 1 1 v is warranted 1 trior tirirea:
hi,i 1 s ordinary 'ds tit. We have lately iut 10
line d the ami ! jsrades with l.itni l.nii,
H'tti-t. ami we ca-i furnish Ihcni when prefer
Highest awards from all the Y rld great
Fairs. I he la' medal received i for l-'irxl Iti -
(in 11 Mi 1 it. f rum the late c posit ion held at
.i'W irlf.llis.
While score oT patents have been fonni'
ucrl hies. 1 he principles of the i loye-Fittinj.
have prove il invaluable.
Uetaiieis are authorized to refund liu ncv, if
on cc.i inntioii t hese ( 'orsets do not prove
represented. Tor Salo everywhere
Catalogue free on Application,
Clieapesfc Eatisg 021 Sartb
itOSIClMAL and
no other Brand.
W.Q 02S7
v" t 7. .J
Wagon, Buggy, ZlatJiine and Plow i
pairing, and general jobbing
a now prepared to Co nil kinds of repalrlht;
of fas ni and other machinery, tvs there
Is a i;ood lathe in my shop.
TIis old Reliable Wagon Makei
h i3t?.!cf-n cliaie o! the wagoa sncp
Ho is well known aa a
lew Vciroi:8 aud Kucuiea made 1
'TU niahe assuraHi e douhly sure and take a
Miiianft Gaaraitcc ni Trust CoiiiD'y.
CAPIT'AL. :j00,(00.
Incorporated mirier the Laws of Nebraska, and
author'ed ! act J"1S''AI. una
aud i.s Tni'lP'-s for Estates. Corporations, Mu
cii ipalilies and Individuals,
flllS Company will furnish A TSSTHAlTS OF
I ITI. K of loif-la-. Cass. Washiiifrton and
Snrpv ('Miiiit'es from i u;l and correct .si-t i I Ab
stract Hooks of its own. and tiirotijih an oran-iz-Ml
svste.n. eopyriiited J. will ieifect and
C l : Alt 'tkk Tli'ilFh to l:eal Kstate.
Nathan Siiki.tox, (Jko. I. Gii.r.F.BT.
I'resident. Vice I'l est
A. C. 1'oWKi L, Sec. and Tic; s.
' J. M. ROBINSON, Agent,
214 7'7& ;:ocT:.r, 1 tf Ji-rz.' ?.-. iv-s.
W., CHASE'S te receipt SSS5 "S"
IatandcrowninK urk ofiuo life, over TOO padres
Just out. F. B. Ltc-KER.sfN & Co., Detroit, Iich.
Big Zcrms to Amenta, mestkw xnist-apee
1 f to tie made. Cut this ou
an. I return to tin and we
win st-nti you iree some
trsii!ir f (ireat value and
imron tance to yen. that
will otart von In busints
which ill brim.' you more
money mht ?fcvay th in finythinfr ele in thu
voi!'L Anvc::! can fli the wok and live at
liomc Either ; all Somethinir new,
that just eoii"i iConev for all workers. We wdl
start you ; caiitl not needed. This is one of
the genuine, irtant ehnioes of a lifetime.
Tlhoe wljoii-.-hitiiiuii and enterprising will
not delay. Cram 'ft free. Addre-s True
13 CO., Autitju ? v. stiiy
1 ukvWw Safes fr-
1 Mlp I
l . --ra Cor. ISihSTRfer utid CAHI I0L AVE.
hilt I UK TIIKATMKNT ! Al l,
We hare the titcllltlcs, nipitrHttin mihI reuii'ilie f.r
tli Htici-cH4l 11I tr'ittinent nf evrv luriu tt IImciihi
rft'jntrtiii ellhT ineillritl or Mirilrul trt'iilmriit, mii1
Invjiif all tu I'litnii hiuI InveHlliriitH for IIiimiiih'Iv' or
ci'rresiHiiiit with int. Jutir iuri'iM-o In lr'utiriif
CHH-n tiy letti-r i-iiMltcn tin In trcui iimny chkcm
m-iciitmcnlly wilhiiiit Hcctni tlicin.
WKIl'K Hill riliri'l.Alt on iti'forinltlcii unit
Bnii-i-s, 'In 1j Foot, Ciirvnliiru of tho isplm-, ls
KASKS OF WOMKN, I'llen, '1'liiiii.rH. I'unmt,
Kiili'isr, Ki.lni'V. Kyu, Kur, t-k 111. HJdo.I Hint nil
HtirUll'tll I lHTHt ll HIS .
iii n i:nii:s, ixii . 1. 1' its. me ter.
I'ruNMfN, unit 11II klmlH 01 Mcilicnl anil uiiral
Aiiliuiici's, iiiuniif:ii'tnrel iiml fur hl).
The only reliable Medical Institute making
Private, Special " Nervous Diseases
' A Nl :'!. 11'.
whatever cuimw prniliiceil, Hiii'r.ff ully trcaltil.
Ww can ri'iimvi) SjhlllUc polnon Irom the nyntcui
without mercury.
New r'tnriitiv tri'iitnient fur Imbh of vital power.
A I.I. COM M I'M (.'AT H )NS CONHIiKN'I'l A I.. Cull
unit consult uh or stMiil mime hiuI poHtHittlrH iithlriif
1 ltt 1 ii 1 y written end use plump, uud we will numl
you. in plain wrapper, our
KASKS, S H ! I N A f j WKAKNKSS, SI'KltM A Mil'..
Kill KA, IMIOI'KNV. SYI'IIII.I4, coNOK It 1 1. i:.V.
lil.KKT, VAKiro-'KI.F. S'rutC'l'I'KK. AND ,l.f,
or snil hiHtory of your can for an oiilnlou.
IVrson unutilH to visit uii iiiiiv ht treiiti'il at thi'lt
houien, tv I'orrespoiiilence. Meilicincn unit linrri.
nii'iits ncnt liv mitll or cxprenH tiKCl UKLV I'ACK
Kll FKO.M OHSKltVATION. no iimrks to Inill. .11..
(-ontentH or hi'iiiler. One tMrsonal Interview prelwi-i-a
it convi'iiient. l-'il ty rooum lor tho ui.-i-omuiiMliittoii
of putieiits. Itoaril and liUciulunco lit ruuHoiiulilO
price. Adilreaa nil Letters to
Omaha Medical & Surgical Institute,
Cor. 13th St., and Capi'olAve., Omaha, Neb.
1-J C.'l T" 1
This lie-mt ii.I three stun hrUk ntrnrtuie. n
ower Maid street. hv just h-ei, finished hiuI
ltted up for the accommodation of
(Inn! 'Q'iTt In couuei'tlon with the
UUC.U J.L Houhh.
ritKIXiOOS. Trop.
We are now rre
laicil to furiii-li all classes with employment
it home, the whole of the time, or for I heir
pare mome'its. J'.ii'iness new, licht and prot
tahii! retsons of either sex easily earn from
)ii cents to ( o per e eiiiii-. and a propol I ioli
il Mini lV devot ipk all their time to the IiuhI
icss. Hoys and uu ls earn nearly as much as.
nen. 'Ilia! all lio i-ee th's nay send their
il- l i ss and tet the luisincsH. we ..oike this
ll'er. To such sf are not well satii-!ied we will
'end one dollar lo pay for 1 he t rouble of writ-n-X,
1 till p"i t iculars and out lit n ce. Address
iKnKi'.K Stins.i.n . Co.. I'ort land, Maine.
33 J. 1ST I
CAPITAL, - $75,000.
l'i esident. V i e- I'l esideu t .
V. 11. CUSIIINO. Canhier.
frank , J. A. Connor. V. II. Cul linaiiii,
J. V. John oii, 1! thi y I'o el , .lolm ( I'Keeie,
W. I). M ri iaiii, Win. We! ei ( amp, W.
II. Ct.s! in.;.
rrHiisacte a (ienc-r;.! l'at.kiiij.' liupiness. All
who have any P.ankii'jr business to transact
arc niict to oil. No i ii sit t r how
lai'.-e or siiiali the t ran.-ncl ton, it
will receive our careful tit tentiou,
ami we t.rmntse a! v. i-.ys cour
tacuis treatmeiit.
Isaties Certifieatcs of Iy; o.sits bearing Interest
liuyt-and selii. Foreign F.xchatiKe. County
autlCitv scciiiitict.
Bank Cass County
iilo'otcei hls.Ui and Sixth 8treets.
1 J
C. H. PAK7IFLK. 1'resi lent, I
I. I'ATlKJUsON. Ca.-;hier. 1
Transacts a General Eaii!ii. Business
maiiEST cash piucr
Paid tor County and City Warrants.
nd prcnij'tly remitted for.
.'. II. 1'arrr ele, J. M. lattt lfon,
'ted (ior.ler, A. K. Sn iili.
.. E. Wli-dham. M. Moiriscy, rttcrsou. Jr.
!OBS KIlZOltltALI), S. Wjll'tlll
President. Cachier
j3 Jk. IsT 3Z l
Offers tho very best tacliitiirs for the pron
transaction of legitimate
Stocks,' Honds. Cold. 'ovpri r-.eiit and lot
Securities F.oui;ht and Seld.liejiOftitsrecelv--ed
acd intere'-t allowed on time t'ertia
caten. Draft-- drawi;. available In any
part of the I'-iited Sta't r r.ud all
tbe prlncipa'. town ot
Collections made & promptly rtir. .", ' '
High eat market prices v ii 1 f
- State aid C'c
.luhE Filzcr-M.i
.lohu H. ( hirK,
woilii Classes