Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, May 12, 1887, Page 2, Image 2

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Working suits, $3 5
JIDiBsliiess suite, - 8 SO
(Cheviot suits, - 1
Corkscrew worsted, Q dD
Impt'd worsted suits, .i
(R.A.IE. suits complete,
7f UhlttemOllth Qfcchht jfipald.
" Publishers & Proprietors.
nr. IT- KlsTOTTS, Eaitor.
A. B. KKOTTS, Business Manager.
Is published every Thursday morning. Otnce,
turner ol Vine ana Finn streets.
WEEKLY, by mail.
One oopy one year $2 00
tint' ennv one vear (in advance) 1 Ml
DuecoDvili months " 75
Keirlstred at the Post Office. Plattsmouth, as
second class matter.
As indicated by her name Plattsmouth
is situated at the- mouth of the Platte riv
cr. It i3 the couaty seat of Cass County,
one of the richest agricultural counties in
the state. It is also one of the oldest and
best fruit producing counties. Besides
its agricultural and horticultural pro
ducts a lage portion of the county is un
derlaid with a strata of fine building and
paving stone, much of which is easily
burned into good lime or ground into an
excellent cement. "With these resources
it is no wonder that Cass county and
Plattsmouth are noted for their immense
wealth. The City of Plattsmouth is one
of the oldest in the state and is beautiful
ly located at the mouth of the Platte on
the west bank of the great Missouri river.
On the 11th day of March, 1886, aeon
tract was closed with the firm of George
B. Inman & Bros, of New York, for the
construction of a system of water works
by stand pipe and direct pressure, the
completion of which was duly celebrated.
on the 5th day of May, 1887.
The Plattsmouth water works system,
for the completion of which a special day
was set apart to celebrate, were erected
under a contract and are owned by
Messrs. Turner, Clark &Rawson, of Bos
ton, the. city paying a yearly rental for
the use of hydrants for fire protection at
the rate of $80 a year for each of the first
fifty hydrants, and at $50 a year for each
additional hydrant. Four miles of cast
iron mains and fifty hydrants, the mains
ranging from six to twelve inches in di
ameter. The mains are supplied with
Missouri river water ordinarily by pres
ure from a steel standpipe twenty-five
feet in diameter and eighty feet high.sit
uated on the highest point in the city, of
a capacity of over 330,000 gallons. The
presure from this standpipe is ninety
pounds at the corner of Main and Sixth
streets. In cage of fire water can also
be forced into the mains by direct pres
sure. Water is supplied to the standpipe
from the settling basins situated near the
Missouri riyer, of a capacity of 1,700,000
gallons. The pumping station is a neat,
substantial, brick structure 55x30 feet.sit
uated a mile north of the center of town.
The motive power is supplied by two
of George F. Blake's boilers of 150 horse
power. The pumps are of George F.
Blake's manufacture, of a capacity of 2,
500,000 gallons for each twenty-four
hours. One is a high pressure duplex the
other is a compound non-condensing
pump, and both are magnificent pieces of
workmanship. The design of the citizens
and the company has been, so far as prac
ticable, to supply the city with Missouri
river water, which has been found by
chemical analysis to be the purest run
ning water in the world, and is so known
to be far and wide by experts in the con
struction of water works.
Early in the morning teams from the
surrounding country began to' arrive,
bringing hundreds of neighboring far
mers to the city to witness the grand dis
play. The early trains were loaded with
invited guests from many cities of the
state. Members of the fire department
and of the city council of several cities,
both in Necraska and Iowa, were upon
these trains. Every town and village in
Cass county was represented.
The city was decorated with flags and
bunting from one end to the other. Bands
of music began playing upon the arrival
of the first train and the reception com
mittee were on hand to escort guests to
Every carriage in the city was pressed
into service and the visitors were driven
over tSie city to all point'.of .interest and
r rices of pronunent citizens pointed
1 .
n. The 1: t train arrived at 10
10:Z0 V-3 opera house doors
Tt:d the body of the
i'3 limit of comfort
r.ith distinguished
'-After all were
gramme, the first item being music from
liiu me 11. ix. iii. umi nit; .uuueiiuuu uuu.
After this a song by the Plattsmouth glee
delivered the address of welcome in one
of those humorous strains for which he is
famous. He said he was there to extend
the welcome of 9,000 people to their
guests. He desired that the visitors pre
sent should consider Plattsmouth and all
it contained their's for the day. If they
were hungry they should knock at any
door and meat would be tzivsn them.
If they desired to take a ride they should
step into the first carriage they saw on
the street. If they desired to embrace a
pretty lady they would find hundreds of
them who would submit on this particu
lar occasion. Nothing was reserved,noth-
ing too sacred to be tendered to their vis
iting friends, not even a corner lot in Dr
Mercer's addition. Speaking seriously he
referred to the great financial panic of
1877, when everything wore a gloomy as
pect. Looking for a new field he glanc
ed over one of Colton's maps, and seeing
a spot where two great rivers formed
junction he concluded that no financial
panic could prevent the land atthisjunc
tion from becoming a good city. Bcliev
ing this he stuck his pefj at Plattsmouth
and believed that his faith had been wel
founded. Plattsmouth had grown and
would continue to grow. At this point
the Liedcrkranz favored the audience
with a couple of songs in the German
language, after which
of Omaha responded to the welcome of
the previous speaker. After thanking the
citizens of Plattsmouth for their invitation
and welcome he said that the inaugura
tion of a system of public improvements
was the first step toward greater prosper
ity. He said that Omaha never amounted
to much until she commenced to pave
her streets, put in gas and water works
and make general improvements. He
thought Plattsmouth was on the eve of
greater prosperity than ever before. He
said that the ctizens of Cass county must
bear in mind that the two great elements
of prosperity were agriculture and' com
merce, and that they must go hand in
hand. That the business men must en
courage the farmers, and the farmer in
turn must second the efforts of the mer
chant and business man.
of Omaha, believed, with the other speak
ers, that there was a bright future before
Plattsmouth. He related the difficulty
of getting from Omaha to Plattsmouth
in the early days when it was necessary
to cross the river to Council Bluffs and
recross at Plattsmouth. He considered
internal improvements as the foundation
for prosperity. He suggested that more
close and friendly relations with Omaha
would be beneficial to both cities. He
thought this could and should be accom
plished by bridging the Platte river.
said that Plattsmouth had been out of
water for twenty years, and he was glad
to be present at the celebration of the ac
quirement of the long felt want, ne had
been acquainted with Plattsmouth for
twenty years, and coming here this morn
ing and seeing so many new faces and s
many new business signs, he could read
renewed prosperity upon every one of
them. He seconded the bridge sugges
tion. HOX. T. A. GALVIN
of Omaha, was pleased to note the growth
of Plattsmouth during the last ten years
and hoped and expected to see its contin
ued prosperity.
of Weeping Water, was glad to be pres
ent and witness the celebration of a system
of water worka for Plattsmouth. He said
that while the city he was visiting and
the one he represented were sometimes
rivals on the county seat question, they
were not rivals upon the question of
growth and prosperity. Each was glad
to see the other grow and prosper.
of Omaha, paid a very flattering tribute
to the B. & M. shops as a foundation for
prosperity and said the people of Platts
mouth need have no fear of their beiag
removed. ne said railroad companies
were not in the habit of putting their
great machine shops upon wheels, to be
moved from town to town. The shops
are a permanent fixture where they are.
He also favored the bridge project He
predicted that the time would soon come
when Omaha would have a population of
250,000 and when that the arrived 10,
000 of them would JJ,1 '1 aTpTaTtSuiouth
and do business
"?tr, ate
lattsmouth in time to receive his share
of those 9,000 embraces. Weeping Wa
ter congratulates Plattsmouth upon this
new evidence of her prosperity.
Rev. Larkiu, of Cherry Dale, Kas., said
ie represented a water state except the
drug stores. His earliest recollection of
water works was a spring at the foot of a
hill or mountain. He spoke of the sub
ject of water works from a scientific stand
Hon. J. B. Strode said that Tor many
years .Nebraska City had been tailed a
sleepy town, but coming down town at
an early hour this morninc amonj: the
first persons he saw were Dr. N. B. Larsh
and the city council standing in front of
a grocery store eating oranges.
After the rendition of a fine peice of
music by the B. & M. Band the audience
was invited over to the Rockwood hall,
where a sumptuous dinner had been pro
vided by the ladies of the M. E. church.
At 2 p. m. the grand parade took place.
The various organizations in the city as
sembled on Chicago Avenue with the fire
department and were formed in line un
der the leadership of Marshal J. W.John
son, in the following order:
B. & M. Band. 13 pieces.
F. E. White Hose Co. No. 1. 20 men.
A. O. U. W. 45 men.
Bohemian band 7 pieces.
F. M. Richey Hose Co. No, 213 men.
Uniform K. of P. 20 men.
Murray band 10 pieces.
Rescue Hose Co. No. 3 19 men.
Bohemian society 23 men.
Running Hose Cart 14 men.
Hook and Ladder Co. 19 men.
Military band 6 pieces.
Liederkranz society 35 men.
The line of march was from Chicago
Avenue up Seventh St to Main, down
Main to Second, counter-marched back to
Fourth, thence north to Vine, west oa
Vine to Sixth, down Sixth to Main and
down Main to Fourth, where it broke
ranks and dispersed.
Immediately after the parade Main St,
was cleared for the race of the three hose
companies and ropes were stretched to
confine the multitude of people who as
sembled to witness it from " encroach
ments upon the track, which extended
from Fifth street to the court house. The
accessible portions of the street were
crowded with spectators, and the win
dows and roofs of buildings along the
course were filled with eager people. The
race was 100 yards to a hydrant, to get
first water through 100 feet of hose, mak
ing a total run of 400 feet. Mr Thomp
son, of the Fremont Clelands; Chief Baur,
of the Nebraska City fire departmcnt,and
ex-Chief Butler, of the Omaha depart
ment were chosen forjudges, CILSmith,
representative of the firm from which the
boys bought their out fits, acted as starter,
and Ray Nye, of Fremont, was the judge
appointed to see that the companies did
not unroll their hose until within the re
quired distance from the hydrant.
The first company to run was the F. M
Richey Hose Co. No. 2, of the 4th. ward,
which, on account of a miscoupling con
sumed 45i seconds. The next run was
by the 5nd ward hose company, time 2Ji
The third run was made by the 3rd. ward
company, time, 23.
The broom was awarded to the victor
ious company in a pleasing Manner by
Chief Butler, of Omaha, who congratu
lated the city on the efficiency of her fire
men and warned her not to be parsimon
ious in her dealings with them, and not
to deny their wants on the plea of pov
erty. Then came the hook and ladder dis
play. The company took a run up Main
street and gave a fine exhibition of their
skill, hoisting a ladder and holding it
perpendicular while a couple of men as
cended and descended. Their next per
formance caused considerable meriment.
The company started down the street as
if going to a fire but suddenly halting
they raised two ladders, one to a window
and the other to the top of a brick block
and soon had men v ' ' f lr'
ing from whence t"
down rag children, i
would do if they cot.
Next came th .
which was entirely s,
Four streams, each thro ,
hose with a one-inch noz1,
over 100 feet in the air. ii-L
made from six and eight hyC
time and there was scarcely a r..
difference in the height of tLe t
whether thrown from one or eiLi I
drants. That Plattsmouth has tL2 r
efficient system of wf -r p- . :
stit there ca-oe ur6 Lw - L ' '
During the afternoon four train loads
of people were carried to the engine house
by special traius, and Foreman Frank
Stever and his attendants were kept busy
in managing and explaining its workings
to the visitors in the most courteous man
ner. The machinery is painted in rich
coloring, with heavy gold striping and
bright floral decorations, the steel is as
bright as polished silver and the brass
arings are as bright as work can make
them. The house is a model of neatness
and is as cozy, clean and comfortable as
a parlor. The grounds have been graded
and are being made ready for lawns and
Hie day s doings were wound up liy a
masrnincent ball at the opera house in
the evening which was the most numer
ously attended and most pleasant affair
of the sort ever held in Plattsmouth. Ov
er one hundred couples participated, and
the efficient manner in which all were en
tertaincd reflects credit upon the commit
tees who were in charge. The Bohemian
band furnished the music and the Y. L.
R. R. A. furnished the supper. Dancing
continued until almost morning.
Special to the Globe-Democrat.
City or Mexico, via Ei.Paso Tex
May 5. The day which celebrates the
defeat of the French at Puebla just twen
ty-five years ago, opened with a peculiar
salute to the national colors. As the flag
was hoisted on the palace every bell in
the city rang in honor of the emblem
Earley as it was 5 o'clock in the morn
ing the plaza was full of people. There
was a gathering of the survivors of the
battle and of distinguished officials at
the Pantheon of San Fernandez to hold
the memorial services of the day at the
tomb of Gen. Zaraosa, who commanded
the lorces on that memorable day in
Mexican history, May 5, 1862.
The French were under command of
Gen. Laurenze, and were acting under
orders of Napoleon III. The intention
was to establish an empire in Mexico,
At that time the United States was too
busily engaged with its own civil war to
do more than protest. The French land
ed at Vera Cruz and marched inland to
ward Puebla, where Zaragosa determined
to make the first stand against the invas
ion. Early in the morning the Mexican
forces, numbering about 4000 infantry
and 500 cavalry, were drawn up in battle
array and the French attacked them
The first encounter took place on the hil
of Guadalupe, and after three fearful
charges made by the invaders, they were
finally repulsed.
On another part of the field the forces
under command of Gen. (now president)
Diaz, likewise met a terrible charge from
the enemy, but gallantly drove it back to
the Hacienda de San Jose, to which the
troops which made the attsack on Gauda
lupe Hill had retreated. During the
evening the French decamped and the
victois buried the dead and took many
prisoners and munitions of war. The
rout was quite thorough, and the French
forces were so demoralized that they con
tinued their retreat to Orizaba. They
would have undoubtedly been utterly
demolished if it had not been that Gen.
Zaragosa lacked sufficient cavilry for
their pursuit. The Generals who distin
guished themselyes most in that victory
were Zaragosa, Porfiro, Diaz, Beriozabal
and Negrete. These facts were dwelt
upon in the panegyric pronounced by
Senor Jose Maria Gamboa.
The next event of the day was a hand
some recognition of the labor organiza
tions. From the National Palace down
San Francisco street to the center of the
Alamenda, three-quarters of a mile, were
arranged two solid ranks of infantry
standing against the curb and forming
an avenue of bayonets. Overhead waved
the red, white and green, making almost
a canopy of the thoroughfare. The can
non thundered on the plaza, the bugles
sounded, and from end to end of the
long rows of troops arms were presented.
Down the center of this street came to
' "ost of honor- the laborers on the
f works, clad in their white gar
: f manta and wearing their high-;
1 straw hats.
made a picturesque appearance,
n carried either a pick or a shov
i shoulder. Nextsawe the trades
'ions, each T!t;h its banner and
-d j """ in holiday dress.
yls played and' a
time. Features of
parties of husband
, trms fruits, grain,
re-"cimens of their
" , president
: 1 rni.
Immediately after tho labor organiza
tions marched the officials of the Govern
ment, many of them in full evening dress,
and all in black, except the officers of the
army and navy, who wore their uniforms,
and last, walked President Diaz, and all
the members of his Cabinet.
Such is Mexican democracy, Let
Americans try to imagine Mr. Cleveland
and his councilors going on foot in a
procession along Pennsylvania ayenue,
from the White House to the Capitol,
about the same distance that the Diaz
Cabinet covered to-day.
the military.
At noon the military moved, under
command of. Gen. Barrizabal, one of the
four Mexican Generals who won honor
on the field at Puebla. Zaragosa, at
whoso grave the commemorative services
were held, was the ranking officer in the
batle. President Diaz, before whom the
troops passed in review, was another of
the quartet. But what of tho fourth
Negrette? Some months ago he issued a
pronunciamento declaring the time was
ripe for revolution. For this he was ar
rested, and has been in close confinement
awaiting trial by courtmartial for treason.
Thus the famous Cinco de Mayo anniver
sary found Negrette, one of the four he
roes of the, day in deep disgrace, occupy
ing a cell, and with only executive clem
ency between him and death.
The republic would indeed have been
ungrateful had no thought uone out for
the unfortunate Negrette on this holiday.
President Diaz evidently thought so, for
the first public act performed by him this
morning was the issue of a full pardon
to Negrette, who walked out of prison
to witness, if he could not participate in,
the pageant. At the head of the troops
rode the provost guard of the Mexican
army, a battalion of picked men, mount
ed on black horses. From the glistening
patent-leather caps to the polished spurs,
and Irom the arched necks to the wavy
tails of the horses, there was evidence of
extreme care and elaborate grooming. A
regiment of boys, with their own brass
band, in the full uniform of the regular
array, followed, and then a mounted
battery. The howitzers were drawn by
single mules and the ammunition chests
were carried in packs.
a pretty feature.
The battalion of cadets, 300 strong,
from the military school at Chapultepec,
made a pretty feature of the parade with
their dark-blue suits and bright buttons.
A regiment of sappers and miners, in hea
vy marching order, knapsacks, canteens,
blankets and well-filled catridge-boxes
moved along solidly. Then came batter
ies, cavalry, squadrons and regiments of
infantry all equipped for service, even to
the supply of ammunition. A novelty
was the ambulance corps, with the medi
cal start leadine: the array or litter car
riages, with springs and white canopies,
which told of the completeness of the
preparations of the Mexicans
for any emergencies of war.
With each battery was a lull equipped
blacksmith shop on wheels, the usual ex
tra wheels, and at least one carriage
without a gun.
The cannon were without exception
breech-loading and the equipment was
very complete. All of the artillerymen,
except the riders, carried short rifles with
sword bayonets for close work. The
cavalrymen bore off the palm for general
appearance. They were, as a rule, well
mounted and fairly drilled. The equip
ment consisted of carbines slung over the
shoulders, sabers and large revolvers.
But the rurals that was the sensation
of the day. The rurals are the soldiers
of the mountains and the plains. They
are almost unknown to the average trav
eler in Mexico. They will be the sur
prise should ever this country get into
trouble with another. They are more
than Cossacks. Their only types the
States have ever known were the Texas
rangers of the olden time. The rurals
are the flower of this republic, yeomanry
brought under organization and discip
lined, and then armed with the best and
latest of weapons.
This review with which the parade
closed was another of the striking fea
tures of the day. - The regiments went
by the palace in fronts of full companies,
the batteries doubled up and galloped
past and tl2 crTj swung along on a
trot in Cc3
consumed c:
, yet the review
' ever an hour.
Wednc: .!
north c '
day t
f I'
cf -
i CIITIrr.
10) ijw
Absolutely Pure.
This oowilcr never varies. A marvel or our-
ity, strength and wholesoineiH'ss, More en
nomical than the ordinary kinds, :md ciinnot If
sold in competition with the inultil nde of low
tent, short weight alum or phosphate powders.
Hold only In c ii, s. ItorAi. 1!akin: 1'owOka
Co.,106Wall Ht. New York. 3!U8
Sheriffs Sale-
By virtue of an ordr of sale issued by Wlllltt
for C'ai coucty. Nebraska, and to me directed J
I will on the 23rd day of Mav A. D. ltH7, at
o'clock p. m.. of sild day at the soutn doer ci
the Court Jlnute in bl.hI county, sell at publy
a.uctiriii.tha follrwinir rxraiiHl rirnrwrt twart
une carpenter s tool cui ana contents c(
sistlBK of carpenter s too1 a &c. TLe fame be
: : " r .r . . - - , j ,
levieo upon ana lanen x the property or U.
Tayler. whose given name is unknown, Dil
cov.f-i by James ii. Woodson, plaintia.ajaf
s j-jeieuaat.
-riattsmouth. Neb. May 7th A. D . J'
J.C. EIKE!" 3AKV. r
fc b-iriiT Cass i
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