Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, April 07, 1887, Page 2, Image 2

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ght Qhltsnwuth r rald.
Publishers Proprietors.
T. II. K3STOTTS, ICclitox'-
A. It. K NOTTS, Humiich Manautr,
WEEKLY, by mall.
One copy tlx months .' l 00
tlun epy ouu yar 2 oo
KKlsturd m the I'ont Ofice, FUtUmoutu, m
second olaAH matter.
It published f very Thursday morning. Office,
lonifruf Vine unci fifth streets.
KfcOTra kk'ih . Publishers, and Propr'a.
Good Bye.
The Pi.attsmoctu IIkhau has la-en
sold to Knotts Bros. We take thin op
portunity of expreKsln our appreciation
of the hearty support accorded us by the
business men of this coiumunity and
herewith return our thanks; nln to cor
respondents, whose letters have added
mntemlly to the.charucter of the Herald
n a tjjewspuper, and to nil friends whose
kindly criticism has encouraged us in our
work. To your favorable notice we com
mend the new proprietors, who are younj;
men of practical experience, fully equip
ped to make the Herald a first-class pa
per in nil respects.
lu tuking charge of the Herald we
have only to any, that we are Republican
from the core. The IIkrald will be de
voted to the best interests of the county,
city and ourselves, and we will do our
best to give general satisfaction. We ask
nil correspondents to continue just as
they have been. We also want h corres
pondent in every precinct that there is
not one jfrendy. As we are strangers
umong you, we ask you to give us your
assistance and bear witli us for a little
Knotts Bnos.
IJi.aine contemplates a trip to Europe
in June.
The defence in the Arensdorf trial at
Sioux City is endeavoring to show that
Leavitt fired the fatal shot, but the wit
nesses for Arensdorf are somewhat mixed.
Public sentiment in Plattsrnouth was
never so favorably inclined towards the
building of public improvements as at
the present. There are few grumblers,
and their complaints are of little force.
With Blaine as the Republican candi
date and David Hill as the Democratic
candidate for the presidency in 1888,
what will become of the mugwumps?
asks an inquisitive exchange. Ask some
thing easy.
We commend the action of the Repub
licans of the New York legislature in
their strong fight for High License..
High license is not so good as a complete
wiping out of all saloons, but it is much
better than free rum or low license. If
we can not knock out all the saloons
then the next best thing is to knock out
as many as possible.
IT.U.IAN immigrants are seldom capi
talists, and arc but too often paupers.
The condition of the 519 steerage pas
singers who came over on the Scotia is a
striking instance of the latter fact. Ow
iug to the stranding of the ship and sub
sequent delay in .landing they were
turned loose at C.jff Garden in the con
dition of wolves after a long and severe
winter. A raid on the lunch counters
satisfied their immediate cravings, but
many of the unfortunate creatures are
still without food and almost without
clothes. The wholesale shipping of pau
pers and tramps rrom ono country to an
other ought to be regarded as an offense
against international law, and dealt w ith
accordingly. St. Louis Globe-Democrat.
Babyhood for April is particularly
interesting and valuable to young
mothers and to parents generally. Its
leading article, on "Habitual Constipa
tion and its Domestic Management," bv
Louis Starr, Professor of the diseases of
Children in the Hospital of the Univer
sity of Pennsylvania, is a practical dis
course on the causes, relief and preven
tion of this distressing condition so com
mon among children. It contains several
lists of diet adapted to the powers of di
gestion of different ages of babies, the
peculiar value of each article of food
being pointed out. "Sore Throats" is
discussed by Dr. Jerome Walker, who
gives the methods of examining the
throat, and its appearance in the several
disases affecting it, as well as the course
of treatment to be pursued. Dr. Charles
II. May tells graphically all about "Cross
Eyes or Squint" in young children. In
the department of "Nursery Problems,"
careful advice is given upon "Late Teeth
ing" "Excessive Nose-Bleeding," "Colic
Accompanying Nursing," "Grinding the
Teeth," etc; and in "The Mothers' Parlia
ment," such matters as "Circumcision,"
"Temper in Babies," "Caring for the Fin-ger-Nails,"
"Arsenic in Wall-Paper,"
"Flour Balls," etc., are discussed by the
mothers themselves. 15 cen s a number;
$1.50. ayear. Babyhood Publishing Co.,
5 Beekman Strett, New York.
Gen. Dudley, of Indiana, former U.
S. Commissioner of Patents and a gen
tleman thoroughly posted on politics,
thus comments on the next election:
"Indiana will be solid for any Repub
lican for President in 1888. We can
carry it next year with Lieutenant
Governor Robinson as a candidate for
governor by .'10,000 mnjority. As far
as Presidential candidates are concerned,
it is not to be forgotten that we also have
a young man who is to be considered in
the list. We think 'Ben' Harrison can
make a run equal to the best. If the
Republicans in the country had under
stood and appreciated the situation in
Indiana last fall and had given us the
help we needed for our campaign, we
Mould have re-elected Harrison to the
Senate. As it was we lost the trick."
There is now and has been for a long
time, a tendency on the part of enthusi
astic partisans to select some one man as
the only jerson qualified to lead the party
to success. Certain statesmen achieve re
nown by reason of their brilliant parts
and upon assuming the leadership are
too often recognized as the only individ
ual competent to lead their party to suc
cess. Even today many people in discuss
ing tins and that candidate for the presi
dency in the (inn belief that their favor
ite ami not the favorite of somebody
else, is just the man to bring success to
the party. But we have no apprehension
that sucli fears are well founded. The
Republican party is fortunate in haying
such men as Blaine, Sherman, Hawley
and there is no probability that the choice,
fall upon whom it may, will fall upon
unworthy shouldeis.
It was a difficult matter to secure inter
State commerce legislation, and now that
such a 1111 has become a law it will still
be a difficult matter to enforce all its pro
vision. But it is a difficult matter to
enforce all the provisions of any law of
such wide scope and upon which there is
so great a variety of opinions, and the
new law should be judged not so much
by the number of failures it experiences
as the degree of success it attains in en
forcing anv of the provisions of the new
bill. The law is generally acknowledged
to be a crude one, but it is something in
the direction of federal control over the
great monopolies of the country, and
however crude it may be, the people are
satisfied with the beginning; it is a con
siderable better than no beginning at
all. Some of the perplexities which
will come up for solution and the em
barrassments which will crowd them
selves upon the commission, may be Ac
quired from a glance at the vast interests
which this law endeavors to regulate.
There are now in operation over 125,0&0
miles of road, representing seven billion
five hundred million dollars, and giving
employment to over half a million per
sons. The members of the commission,
however, are recognized as competent
and honest, and with their qualifications
on their part and patience on the part of
the people, it is probable that much good
will yet come out of this attempt to reg
ulate inter-State commerce.
The tyranny of the majority has often
been shown the equal of the most des
potic rulers, and in this country where
we pride ourselves that the majority rules,
there are instances of oppression that are
more like the governments of the old
world than the new. Labor organiza
tions not only have absolute control of
individual members, but they attempt to
dictate to prevent men outside their or
ders from enjoying their personal liberty.
These men w ho will not join their secret
labor organizations are called "scabs,"
and are subject to much ridicule and in
convenience. But George William Cur
tis stands up for the privileges and rights
of this class of laborers in the following
strong language:
And why is an honest, hard working
laborer derided as a "scab?" What of
fense has he eomiritted? What wrong
has he done' Whom has he injured?
He has a wife and family to support by
his daily toil, and he has undertaken
honest work at wages which he chooses
to accept. How long since that has been
an offence in America? An offence! It
is that very thing which has made Ameri
ca. That is essential Americanism. It
is the personal liberty, the right of the
individual, which governments are justly
constituted to protect. It is consonant
with the most complete and effective or
ganization for securing just objects in
ways that respect perfectly the rights of
individuals. This government is a gov
ernment of party. But political parties
become mere despotisms nnd tyrannies to
be resisted and overthrown when they at
tack that individual independence.
There is no blinder or more stupid tyran
ny than a majority may be. Within its
proper range its authority is fair and le
gitimate. But because it is expedient
that the majority of voices shall decide
whether a necessary tax shall le one per
cent, or one-and-a-half per cent., it does
not follow that the cry, "Crucify him!
crucify him!" was a wise cry, or a cry to
be obeyed, because it was the cry of a
How Working Men Live.
One of the most interesting questions
now being discussed by social reformers
is that of the cost af living, especially
as applied to the workingmen of this
and other countries. It is a question
which in importance is, commensurate
w ith the matter of wages, for the trdth is
generally recognized that economy in liv
ing is money saved, as extravagance in
dress is money wasted. It was for. the
purpose of ascertaining how working
men lived in Italy that a writer in 4Iar
per's donned the blouse and assumdtthe
occupation of a day laborer. His obT'T
vations are thus related in his own vaLs:
"The cost of living is greater in A Ulr
ica than in any state in Europe. It is ten
to twenty per cent, higher than in Engi
land; It is twice as high as in France; it
is three times as in Italy. Is this differ
ence in the cost of living commensurate
with the difference in wagts? Possibly
in England; on the Continent, I should
say, decidedly, the low cost of living
does not fully' compensate for the fow
wages received. The European Jwork-ing-man
manages to exist by reduciug the
standard of living, and buying only such
articles as are absolutely necessary. There
are men in Italy who earn but seven cents
for a day's work of fourteen hours one
half a cent an hour. Vcrj' few skilled
mechanics earn as much as a dollar a day;
the average does not exceed fifty cents.
The Italian mechanic manages to set
through on this sum, partly because of
the cheapness of living, but principally
because of his wonderful economy, nnd
happy disposition, that enables him to be
satisfied and contented with conditions at
which even an American beggar would
"There is no waste in Italian kitchens,
not even in kitchens of the rich. The
refuse of the rich man's kitchen is care
fully stored by the cook, nnd sold to deal
ers in 'second hand' food, who in turn
retail it to the poor. The average rent
paid by the Italian working-man for his
room, his home and workshop combined,
is twelve to fifteen dollars a year.
"In the large American cities, as New
York, Philadelphia, St. Louis, etc., wages
appear to be slightly higher than in the
small towns, though not sufficiently so to
compensate for the greatly increased cost
of living. In New York it is simply
impossible for the average working man
to live in anything like comfort. Rents
are high, provisions are high, everything
is high. Few workingmen' get off with
less than ten dollars a month rent, and it
may safely be said that any habitation in
New York Citv would be at that figure of
ii. : . t l i . t! .1 - ,i ; M
uie muM imseruuic uui squuuu touui
tion." What They Say of Us.
Mr. A. B. Knotts, who has been con
nected with the Herald during the past
three years, succeeded in getting his bus
iness entirely settled up and severed all
relations wi h the paper on Saturday, De
cember 4th He immediately left for his
home in the Bluffs, from which he goes
to Dallas, Texas, where he will probably
remain during the winter. For Mr.
Knotts we can only speak in words of
highest recommendation. The better we
became acquainted with hiin the more we
were impressed with his many good qual
ities of head and heart. Honorable and
industrious we predict for him a success
ful future. We regret to lose such young
men fiom our town. Abbie wi 1 always
be a welcome visitor to Indianola. Iudi-
; anola Herald.
A.B. Knotts, formerly of the Herald,
and who made a host of warm friends
during his three years' residence among
us, has severed all his business relations
here and has gone to Dallas, Texas, to nt
least spend the winter. He was not alto
gether decided when he left here as t
where he would locate, but we can assure
him that wherever his lot may be cast he
has the well wishes of his many, friends
here. We have been quite itmately
associated with him in the last year or
two. in business matters especially, and
we found him to be thoroughly honest
and fair in all his dealings, and a true
gentleman. The News will be interested
in learning of his success wherever he
may go. Warren Co. (Iowa) News.
Dramatic Notes.
Mrs. James Brown Potter, whose recipfa
of 'Ostler Joe so shocked the modesty of
Washington society, made her debut
upon the stage in London a few nights
since. The audience contained more of
the rank and nobil'ty of fashionable so
ciety than is usually seen in a theatre.
The Prince of Wales, the Rothchilds,
Ellen Terry, the U. S. Charge d'Affaires,
innumerable Dukes and writers were out
in full array, and quite generous in their
Omaha congratulates herself upon
the speedy construction of a grand Union
depot. This is the same depot, we be
lieve, which was used to boom real estate
a year or more ago, and is again brought
to the front as a relief to the coal dis
covery. Frikxds of the Herald, we ask vou
to send ns items of all social aatherino-s
in our immediate neighborhood.
Absolutely Pure.
Tins powder i-ever varies. A marvel of pur
ity, trMin'li ami wlinlesonteuess. More eeo
n than the ordinary kinds, and ennnot be
old In with the multitude of low
tfot. short uflijht alum or iihnsnliutr Powders
Soldo lylilC'ls liOYAL 15AKINO rOWDKH
Co..imJv,tll St. yew York. 3t4H
For Debility. Dytpeptla,
Mnknn, l.nnffnor, I m paf.
erlshed and Xluuulsh t'lrali
(ln of the lilooil, lass of A )
Eetlte, Derunr'ment of tlia)
iver, Nervousness. Pulpltav
tlsa ef lh Hrsrt, Cold Feet.
Numbness, IVnsIc Weak
ess. and la fuct all disorder
nrlilny from a .otv ststs of
the blood, and a Disordered
Condition of the Dla;estlT
lw effect on the human system Is
Br exciting the stomach to perfect
digestion of food, it enriches sod
strengthens the blood, giving tone
and Tixor to the whole system, the
(i low of health, elastic steps, and
buoyant spirit, piving ample evi
dence of its beneficial effects.
If constipated use IIosHelroth'i
Gelatine-Coated Blood and Liver
I'll l. They cost no more than other
laxative Dills, and are rreatir
Less atJvB
uperlor. AhIc your Druggist for Honselroth's Swed
ish winoof Iron (Price l per Dottle; ilx bottles, BM.
and Hessclrotb's Blood and Liver fills (20c. per
box; five boxes, CO, or Bend direct to
LiWROCEIIESSEIMIQ, 107 Chicago IvcChieago.
1 Premium,
2 Premiums,
6 Premiums,
25 Premiums,
100 Premiums,
200 Premiums,
1,000 Premiums,
$500.00 each
8250.00 "
einn nn M
Tor full particulars and directions see Circu
lar in every pound of Arbuckles' Coffee.
Your indebtedness to the Herald ag
gregates over Two Ti.onsand Dollars.
While to each of you it is a small matter,
to the IIekald it is one of importance.
In response to our last call many settled
their subscriptions. We wish to impress
delinquents that they should do likewise.
We urge this matter more particularly,
for the reason that we contemplate im
provements that will be of benefit to the
city and county as well as to you indi
vidually, among them the starting of a
Daily and the substitution of steam for
hand power in the running of the office.
Wiil you kindly aid us in this matter.
Stray Cnips.
An editor never finds out just how lit
tle he knows until he sells out his pap.-r
and goes to farming.
Rolls were called frequently in the ar
my during the war, but har 1 tack was
usually served.
"You are growing old, I see a gray hair
in your head." "Pull it out, please.
Thanks; I am young again."
"Who. Pays Our Taxes?" excitedly asks
the New -York Times. The question sur
prises .ns. Don't you pay them yourself.
"Welt,' but if you can't bear her, what
ever made you propose?" "Well, we had
danced three dances, and I couldn't think
of anything else to say."
Way out in Kans is they say there is a
travelling dramatic company playing a
local sketch entitled "Ten Nights in a
Drug Store."
He (a Boston musicale) "What a glo
rious interpretation!" She fa Chicago
young woman) "Yes, Mr. Waldo, I call
that good fiddling."
Miss De Collette "Do you approve of
the nude in art, Mr. Fitz-Jones?" Mr.
Fitz-Jones "Well, I don't know. I
think it better there than in society."
A western man, after losing all his
money, put up his wife as a stake in a
game of poker. But his run of bad luck
continued. lie failed to lose her.
The following correspondence be
tween a Harlau county threshing machine
man and an agricultural implement deal
er has ft und its way into print:
"Dear Sur, I broke a kog wheel in my
threshin masheeu, and I wont another
won sent immejetly atwunst." The deal
er wrote back: "Which wheel do you
wantf" The farmer replied: "The
wheel on the north side of the masheen.
Enny durn fool orter no that much.
Se d it quick."
For a short time
India Ljinems, Piques,
Fancy Nainsooks
Swiss and Hamburg Embroideries and Floiincin
A Ccmplsto of riobos, in
" and Colors, of tho
Latest Designs.
And you are invited to call.
Blew SLrooisIs;!
lew Stock-of
Dry Goods and Ladies' Furnishings.
Xo Shelf-worn Goods Kept in Stock.
The best Values ever offered here before in
At 90c, l.OO, 1.40, 1.50, 8.00, 3.50, 3.00, 4.00 each.
At prices that will Surprise you
Fred Herrmann & Co.
One Door East First National Bank, Ma;n Street.
only we will oiler
' X3NT
Blew oodLsI
g Goods,